
The Director, Archaeology & Museums Department,

To The Director Hospitality Department, Haryana Memo no. 12/152-2019/pura/39^4 Dated: 11.11.2020

Subject: Regarding arrangement of hospitality for the function of release ceremony of Special Cover-themed on - Rakhigarhi- The Village of Heritage, scheduled to be held on 13"^ November 2020.

This is regarding the VIP function of release ceremony of Special Cover-themed on - Rakhigarhi- The Village of Heritage, scheduled to be held on 13'^ November 2020, Friday from 11 am onwards till 12 pm at the Conference Hall of Chief Minister's Camp Office. There will be 30 guests for the said ceremony. Therefore you ai'e requested to arrange the hospitality that is of utmost importance being a VIP gathering. The menu for the occasion is as follows: 2 Sweets (Kalakand and Brownie) 2 Namkeen (Samosa and Paneer Pakoda) (if possible add Khandvi in the menu) Tea and Coffee (including water arrangement) The expenditure of hospitality will be borne by the Department of Archaeology & Museums, Haryana. Kindly make necessary arrangements at your end. You may contact Sh. Gurlabh Singh (Ph: 9416981242) who has been deputed by the Department to co-ordinate with hospitality team at venue.

Deputy Director / ' For the Director Depailment of Archaeology & Museums, Haryana naO^aii

r,'ir>j WL

mARTmMTdfAnemwimAm musewmsi mnvAm ' I ' • . ' ' ", '' ' .C¥\/ccUab^oraUofV)0(;^ , , i ' I ' ) f . V . .! .1. .' M -i, vEi>An'mBJvorposrs \ '-.\\>^ ■ ' . ^./CprdOiU^ I C^ftei'you/to-'&i^y^^I '■ • • • . j S'Ptcmic(^'R_\\ themed/OYv

'mUHKAmi'- .'•s - TiiEVILLASE OfmPITAGE N. hy smi MANiDHAn LAL HoifxHA^Chief MCvtXttor, Htuyatxci^ otv frlAay, IS'^^Wovemb^, 2020fil:d0. Office < " ^ tti/pre^eYice/of ^ SJut'^noo^bhanoi:' Miinlster ofStaterAixhcLeclogy cu^Muieiimi' (Iv\deperuie¥VtChargei)

Mandsep Ksur, IAS Dr. AsiWk Khen^foa, MS Dfractor and AdcBlonal Secrrtary to Govl of Katyana, Pilndpd Sacrataiy to Gcvt of Hvyana. Dapattmiant of Archasology and Mutaums, Departrmnt off^choadtogy and Musawns, Chandgsh. Qtandgarh. V0172-2740560 i -

PROGRAMME OF THE RELEASE OF SPECIAL COVER Themed On 'RAKHIGARHr- THE VILLAGE OF HERITAGE' Organize by Department of Archaeology and Museums, Haryana in collaboration with Department of Posts On Friday, 13 November, 2020, 11.00 am VENUE: Chief Minister's Camp Office,

10:45 A.M. Assembly of Invitees.

11:00 A.M Arrival of Shri Manohar Lai, Hon'ble Chief Minister,Haryana.

11:00 A.M Welcome to Dignitaries.

11:05 A.M Address by Principal Secretary to Government, Haryana, Department of Archaeology & Museums.

11:10 A.M Address by Shri V. K. Gupta, Chief Post Master General, UT Chandigarh.

11:15 A.M Address by Chief Secretary to Government, Haryana

11:20 A.M Address by Shri Anoop Dhanak, Hon'ble Minister of State, Archaeology 8g Museums, Haryana

11:25 A.M Address by Shri Manohar Lai, Hon'ble Chief Minister, Plaryana

11:35 A.M. Release of Special Cover

11:40 A.M Presentation of Mementoes to Dignitaries . .. ■ ■ ■ 11:45 A.M . Vote of Thanks by Directgp,. A;^ch,ae.ology;'5g-iMUseums; •Haryana. ' • ■vr-jjh-i'-.-o.ogy I!-

11:50 A.M Tea , , List of Dignitaries

Government of Haryana-

I. Shri Manohar Lai Khattar, Hon'ble Chief Minister, Haryana II. Shri Dushyant Chautala, Hon'ble Deputy Chief Ministei, Haiyana TIL Shri: Anoop Dhanak,Hon'ble Minister, Archaeology and Museums, Haryana IV. Shri Vijai Vardhan, IAS, Chief Secretai-y to Government, Haryana, V. Dr. Ashok Khemka, IAS, Principal Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Archaeology and Museums Department. Vi; Shri Venlcatesan Umashankar, IAS, Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Plaryana VIL Ms. AshimaBrar, IAS Deputy Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Haryana YIII. Ms. Mandeep Kaur, IAS, Director, Archaeology & Museums Department

Department of Post- ^ Shri V. K. Gupta, Chief Post Master General, UT Chandigarh

Following officials to be deputed from Archaeology & Museums Department- Dr. Banani Bhattachaiyya, Dy. Director Sh. Darbar Singh, Photographer Sh. Gurlabh Singh, Assistant Dr. Suruchika Chawla, Supervisor I ^ I fnr Hon^le_Mlnister.^rshagalSfl^^

:HH3hT^ ^ ^' mam^r qr HRiiftH » airawr ^^ ? w«™i,,yw5.«»3irt»n»«Wt%mq3SRaitef5(.5Hw™q»f»«^

^3PT !• 3ft ?ftiimT ^ ^^5g• HK ^ 11 - Jl' ■ Spppph fnr Hop'hl.- Chief Minister, Haryana

TR TTcf^ STTcRR ^ Pml^ ^ ^ ^ rrf?r ^rflTft it (release) ^^ tl ^ ^ ^

tl 3^^ ^ 1^ rR ^ Wlft t,^ ^ ^ ^ ^ arjfR^ 3TT ^ 11 ft ^ B* «=rtt ^ 3fR 2000 ^^ ^ ^^ sftl ^ ®^, ^

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fen^: 0 9.1 1 .20 2 0 9TET^Ut c^t^, Sfrj.U.U^ / fcT%§-m5, ^ildc^ xi-jcAJ^lcrl^ f^aTRJT gswcfj: 12/152-2020-Pura/ 30liy'l> Dated; (l )n ^ 3M-^cki ^ fSi^dfcdRjid ^sj^raraf/siry^^Tys cbl^cjl^ ^if^d %:-

1 . H "STO cidicTl H^CTcrref, 3yfci%$Ty5 i

2. ^ tiliJlcbR 1 3. ^ ^Ticrliar ^2:^1 4. <^(Hi^ -^xiTiRjcioi ^icjcni, 1

'c^: y^ldcd Ijy 1y3TRT, ?ffeTRTT, I I


Office Order Release of Special Cover, Catchet for Rakhigarhi site on 13.11.2020 at 11.00 Am Chief Minister's Camp Office, Chandigarh. The Release ceremony of Special Cover which is to be coordinated With Post Office authorities, Chandigarh Circle, is scheduled on 13"^ November, 2020, and following officials are deputed for the work to supervise and coordinate.

Sr. Work assigned Officers/Officials deputed No.

1. Co-ordination with Post Office Dr. Banani Bhattacharyya, Dy. Director, authorities, Chandigarh Circle, for Dr. Raghavendra Kumar Rai, Assistant preparations of Release of Special Director, Sh. Darbar Singh, Cover, Supervision of venue and Photographer, Dr. Sumchika Chawla, release ceremony Supervisor

2. Design of Invitation Card, Banner Sh. Yatin Singhal, Assistant Technician

3. List of Invitees, Invitation Cards and Sh. Prem Chand Sharma, Private Distribution of e-cards Secretary, Sh. Shubham Malik, Technical Assistant

4. Printing of Special Cover, Souvenir Sh. Gurlabh Singh, Assistant III, Sh. and Venue arrangements including Gurmeet Singh, Assistant IV hospitality

5. Stage co-ordination Dr. Banani Bhattacharyya, Dy. Director and Dr. Suruchika Chawla, Supervisor

Mandeep Kaur, IAS Dated: 09.11.2020 Dirctor Archaeology and Museums, Haryana, Chandigarh. Endst. No.12/152-2019-Pura/ Dated: _ A copy of the above is forwarded

rhIdjTcyra' 3rilS?T 3rf£ra51^/^I53^^ 13.1 1.20^ ^ ^ r.^ ^ 3n^ ^ ^ ^ 3Trat1%icr ^ '^'■ 1. STO 3resraFf> 3trfgl$STcJ5l 2 aft s^srn: Rre, -EsrsTrasre i 3' aft :g35TTM Rfe, ^jsra^s ^fstei 4. ^mrSt ^ncrar, ^trectT#OT?i

c^, STT^.H.U^ 09.1 1.2020 X?^ ^T^JI^TT^

. 10/1 '^noO-Piira/S^'U-l "V Dated. 11 ^ 1»\ 2--0 o.^ ^ _^ . ^iSt ^ ^ ct^l4cjl^ "^i^TcT %:- \y(^ fc. ^0

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3.o . •" ■ o



cB^: -3^1^ T3^ I


Office Order Release of Special Cover, Catchet for Rakhigarhi site on 13 11 2020 at 11.00 Am Chief Minister's Camp Office, Chandigarh. The Release ceremony of Special Cover which is to be coordinated With Post Office authorities, Chandigarh Circle, is scheduled on 13"* November 2020, and following officials are deputed for the work to supervise and coordinate.'

Sr. Work assigned Officers/Officials deputed No.

1. Co-ordination with Post Office Dr. Banani Bhattacharyya, Dy. Director, authorities, Chandigarh Circle, for Dr. Raghavendra Kumar Rai, Assistant preparations of Release of Special Director, Sh. Darbar Singh, Cover, Supervision of venue and Photographer, Dr. Suruchika Chawla, release ceremony Supervisor

2. Design of Invitation Card, Banner Sh. Yatin Singhal, Assistant Technician

3. List of Invitees, Invitation Cards and Sh. Prem Chand Shaima, Private Distribution of e-cards Secretary, Sh. Shubham Malik, Technical Assistant 4. Printing of Special Cover, Souvenir Sh. Gurlabh Singh, Assistant III, Sh. and Venue arrangements including Gurmeet Singh, Assistant IV hospitality

5. Stage co-ordination Dr. Banani Bhattacharyya, Dy. Director and Dr. Suruchika Chawla, Supervisor

Mandeep Kaur, IAS Dated: 09.11.2020 Dirctor « Archaeology and Museums, Hai-yana, Chandigarh. Endst. No.12/152-20i9-Pura/ Dated:

1.I All A 11 rAffOmcers/official concerned. forwarded to the following for information:-

Deputy Director Archaeology & Museums. Haryana, Chandigarh. Ir \ 559

Office Ordpr

..".00 A„ »« a,,.2000 with Post Office^uftoritirSS^^^^ Cover which is to be coordinated

Work assigned Officers/Officials deputed

preparations of Release of Special Direc,or""sr DaAa"'

re=ce?Zr^ " supervisor Or. St™! it' Design of Invitation Card, Banner Kh v.f c-— — ^PraWWi~"5^ Distribution of e-cards ' Secretary,c Sh.Chand ShubhamSharma, PrivateMalik, Technical Assistant Printing of Special Cover SouvemV —n—i i.. o- ——

Stage co-ordination Dr. Banani Bhattacharyya, Dy. Director and Dr. Suruchika Chawla, Supervisor

Dated; 09.11.2020 Mandeep Kaur, IAS Dirctor Archaeology and Museums Endst. No.l2/I52-2019-Pura/ "hLd: icTT. 1. Al, OfOc.,iSd°"c™eT'' "»""S for mfomra.i.n:-

/h • Deputy Director for Director Archaeology & Museums, Haryana, Chandigarh. ia S:. — 574


The Director, Department of Archaeology & Museums, Haryana, Art & Design Building, Sector - 10, Chandigarh.

To Senior Post Master, Post Office, Sector 17, Chandigarh.

Memo No. 12/152-2020-Pura/>-^\33 Date:

Subject: Request to get NOG for print of 5000 Special Covers

Dear Sir/Madam

The Department of Archaeology and Museums, Haryana, has released a Special Cover on dated 13-11-2020 at 11:00 am at CM Camp Office Haryana, Chandigarh a philatelic memorabilia with the design from World renowned archaeological site at Rakhigarhi, Haryana.

During the said release ceremony, it was decided that additional 5000 Special Cover will be printed. In this regard I am directed to request you provide an NOC for the same. This is forwarded for your kind perusal and necessary action.

With Kind Regards

Assistant Director for Director Archaeology and Museums, Haryana, Chandigarh From Q&C 2020 The Director, Department of Archaeology & Museums. I-lar>? received Alt & Design Building, Asf Offices Sector-10, Chandisarh.

To Senior Post Master,^' Post Office, Sector 17, Chandigarh.

Memo No. 12/152-2020-Pur£i/'-i)3O Date: ^

Subject: Request to get NOC for print of 5000 Special Covers

Dear Sir/Madam

The Department of Archaeology and Musei.nns, Haryana, has released a Special Cover on dated 13-11-2020 at ! 1:00 am at CM Camp Office Haryana, Chandigarh a philatelic memorabiiici with the design from World renowned archaeological site at Rakhigaihi, i laryana.

During the said release ceremony, it was decided that additional 5000 Special Cover will be printed. In this regard 1 am directed to request you provide an NOC for the same. This is forwarded Ibi- your kind perusal and necessaiy action.

With Kind Regards O

Assistant Director for Director Archaeology and Museums, Haryana. Chandigarh K'

[ miaB|@SH6aseiMS Dairy — CFMS No:- Date:- / ^

■•frra-^STTEfTK, ?Ntc . /u) ^ T%WT '


The Sr. Supdt. Of Post Offices I" ., Chandigarh Division, .-"v. Chandigarh- 160017 No: - Phii/6-2/20/2019-20 ' DafPH =.f rh w u Dated at Chandigarh, the .^'v, .GS.OOOQ. Rakhigarhi, Ha^rna°^Slndlg?h'on°i7.or^^^^^ archaeological sire at Ref No: - Your office letter no. L-2/Philately/2019-20 dated 17.03.2020.

f 9ni Qirsctsc! to vour officp lpff(=r nn i.r,^ r foi^arded a proposai for reieasinq of ^ archaeological site at Rakhigarhi Harvan"s-iaryanci, ChaChandigarh, rr'^ ^over on 17.04.2020 on world renowned •t" shortccS^gro^Sie^^'"'' foiloviing ■' istJoTeJtThelfhalfof'^hrc ^^ould be forwarded by the proponent. ' of the Special cc ver being coI=°™?rrHhr,LnES:rBl .be beelgn *Tc™X'bnbTr«g

^1^ (f^-ff)


.> / a-

JclT Archaeology Haryana

Fwd: pfa 1 message

Anupama Thakur Tub, May 12, 2020 at 4:23 PM To: [email protected]

Forwarded message From; Dop Chandigarh Date: Tue, 12 May 2020,4:22 pm Subject; Fwd: pfa To: Anupama Thakur

Forwarded message From: Dop Chandigarh Date: Tue, May 12. 2020 at 12:44 PM Subject: Fwd: pfa To: chandigarhgpo

Forwarded message From: Philately Section, Punjab Circle Date: Tue, May 12, 2020 at 11:25 AM Subject: pfa To: Chandigarh DO , chandigarh gmall


This e-mail message is intended to be received only by person entitled to receive the confidential information it may contain. E. mail messages to client of "Department Of POST" may contain information that is confidential and legally privileged. Please do not read, copy, forward, or store this message unless you are an intended recipient of it. If you have received this message in error, please forward it to the sender and delete it completely from your computer system.

with regards:-

Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Chandigarh Postal Division Sector-17 .Chandigarh-160017 Contact No. 0172-2722495

with regards:-

Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Chandigarh Postal Division Sector-17,Chandigarh-160017 Contact No. 0172-2722495

>^1 IMG.pdf 535K C^mSil ^ Principal Secretary

^.eleas^f Special Cover on Rakhigarh! message

.DG {Philately) Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 6:33 PI o: "[email protected]" '.c: "[email protected]" , "[email protected]" , CPMG Punjab :ircle , CPMG Haryana Circle , "ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR GENERAL. OSTAL DIRECTORATE" ,"DDG (Philately)" , [email protected]" , "[email protected]" , SO Philately [email protected]>

Respected Sir,

Please find attached herewith a document containing a DO letter from Add! DG (Coordination) on the aforementioned subject for your kind perusal, please.

Thank you.

With regards,

Abhas, IPoS Asst Director General (Philately) Postal Directorate Room No 108, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New -110001

This e-mail message is intended to be received only by person entitled to receive the confidential information it may contain. E-mail messages to client of "Department Of POST" may contain information that is confidential and legally privileged. Please do not read, copy, forward, or store this message unless you are an intended recipient of it. If you have received this message in error, please forward it to the sender and delete it completely from your computer system.

DO Letter from Addl DG Coord DoP.pdf 2721K vv

SiVi' Rjill'i Vishvapavan Pati ^rtiR irtR. XTTR iird — 110001 . YEARS op Addl. Director General (Coord.) eeLEERATINO THE MAHATHA Department of Posts Tel,;(0) 91-11-23096233 Ministry of Communications Fax :(O) 91-11-23096234 Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, E-mail : [email protected] NEW DELHI-110 001

D.O.No. P-04/1/2020-PhiI(Part 1) Dated: 21.07.2020

Kindly refer to your DO letter No 696/PSA&l\/l/2020 dated 21.07.2020 addressed to Secretary (Posts) regarding release of Special Cover on world renowned archaeological site at Rakhigarhi (Haryana). 2. The matter has been examined at this end. it has been decided that Punjab circle may proceed with the release of Special Cover on Rakhigarhi on 23rd July, 2020, since the venue of the release of the proposed Special Cover falls in the jurisdiction of Punjab postal circle. OOillC

Yours sincerely,

(Vishvapavan Pati)


Shri Ashok Khemka Principal Secretary to Archives, Archaeology & Museums Department Room No 403, 4th Floor, New Haryana Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh - 160017 - f Copy to:, (1) Chief PMG, Punjab Circle, Chandigarh- 160017 (2) Chief PMG. Haryana Circle, Ambala- 133001 :r-' Ranju Prasad ?(! ^«r.v-'a§r;d& Chief Postmaster General Department of Posts TO mro Vi* Ministry of Communications

•tej. yj'iil? Government of 3TRfT?n-133001 Haryana Circle Ambala - 133001

DO No. Phil/74-2/Special Covers/2018-19 Dated at Ambaia the 30/07/2020

/ r\Uiiet ■ Minister of Haryana.'"elease Ft came ol'a toSpecial my notice Cover that on Department'Rakhigarhi' of by Archives Hon'ble ArchaeiHogy and Museums, Government of Haiyana approached Punjab Circle Department of Posts, for release of a Special Cover on 'Ralchlgavhi' by Hon ble Chief: Minister, Haryana. The release got postponed as Haryana Circle laised the concern that this 'Special Cover' should have been released through Haryana Circle as the site of Rakhigarhl is in the jurisdiction of Hai^ana Circle.

on Philately'nu'^^ in such'^^^'Sling cases, practice the Special and the Covers procedure are aiTanged/releasedprescribed in 'Handbook by the Ciicles in which such sites are situated. Handbook on Philately says-"Heads of the Circles are the competent authority to sanction Special Covers commemorating any evciit/institutioiis/inaiigural flight under their c3 jurisdiction. They also co-ordinate its release." 3. My oflice has already taken up this matter with the Postal Directorate As kci w-e know that Chandigarh is the Capital of Haiyana State also and all matters of correspondence with State Government of Haiyana are taken up with laiyana Postal Circle only. If any Department of Haryana Government located at Chandigarh ha.s desired for releasing of a Special Cover, the same should have been referred to Haryana Circle as the site of Rakhigarhl on which Special Covei is to be released is in Haiyana and is sponsored by a Department of Goycnimerit of Haiyana. Moreover, the Special Cover Is to be released by Hon ble Chiel Minister off larvana.


Slip 0171-2603100 0171-2603763 e-mail: [email protected] Ph. 0171-2603100 Fax 0171-2603763 website;

India Post 4. It is, therefore, requested that the Department of Archive;■ Archaeology and Museums, Govt of Haryana should be directed to get the ipecial Cover' on the site of 'Rakhigarhi' released from Haryana Circle ■ vhenever it is released in future. Also, the directions should be given to all t e Departments of Govt of Haryana to avail the facility of getting 'Special CMvers' released through Haryana Postal Circle to commemorate the important events of their Departments.

^ .

71 Thanking You

Yours Sincerely,

(Ranju Prasad) Smt. Keshni Anand Arora (TAS) Chief Secretary, Govt of Haryana Chandigarh-160017

Copy to:- i) Sh. Rajesh IGiullar, IAS, Principal Secretary to Hon'ble CM,Govt. of Haryana for information & necessary action. 1 STpici^MIK, TJcf .YEARS OP CELEBRATING TMEMAHATMA Principal Secretary to Government of Haryana Ofh Archives, Archaeology & Museums Department ASHOK KHEMKA, IAS D.O. No. jl ^2.0 Date ^1-0-7-^0^0

Subject: - Release of Special Cover on world renowned archaeological site at Rakhigarhi fHarvana).

Dear us (rU.

The Department of Archaeology 8g Museums, Government of Haiyana wished to release a Special Cover as a philatelic memorabilia with design from the world renowned archaeological site, at Rakhigarhi (Haryana). Rakhigarhi is one of the five archaeological sites identified by the Union Ministry of Culture for development as a national iconic site and a special budget is earmarked in the Union Budget for development of the site. A programme for the release of Special Cover themed on 'Rakhigarhi - The Village of Heritage' by the Honhle Chief Minister, Haiyana is scheduled on Thursday, 23^^ July, 2020.

Unfortunately at the last minute, a dispute has arisen between the Haryana Circle and the Punjab Circle as to the jurisdiction to issue the special cover. A copy of the correspondence between the two postal circles is enclosed. The Department is located in Chandigarh city, the joint capital of Haryana and Punjab. The application for special cover was made in the Head Post Office, Chandigarh (PIN 160017).

You are requested to resolve the dispute between the two postal circles so that the Special Cover can be released by the Honhle CM, Haryana as per correct protocol of the Department of Posts.


(Ashok Khemka)

Shri Pradipta Kumar Bisoi, Secretary to Government of India, Department of Posts, O Ministry of Communications, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 110001. \n ncl. Copy of correspondence between Haiyana and Punjab Postal circles.

Room No. 403, 4th Floor, New Haryana Civil Secretariat, Sector-17, Chandigarh-160Q17 Tel. No.: 0172-2711964 r Gmail Principal Secretary

Release of Special Cover on world renowned archaeological site at Rakhlgarhl (Haryana). message

'rincipal Secretary Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 12:13 PI o: [email protected]


Please see the attachments for immediate necessary action.

2 attachments

DORakhlgarhi.pdf ^ 622K

Rakhlgarhl Annexure.pdf 2360K sri^f^WTR, ■JJlcTc^r TTcf fcTJTFT

Cfe'Lt BCATtNQ HAHATM&. Principal Secretary to Government of Haryana Archives, Archaeology & Museums Department ASHOK KHEMKA, IAS D.O, No. ^Zo Date

Subject: - Release of Special Cover on world renowned archaeologinal site at Rakhigarhi fHarvanai.

t? Dear J:>CS

The Depaitinent of Archaeology & Museums, Government of Haryana wished to release a Special Cover as a philatelic memorabilia with design from the world renowned archaeological site at Rakhigarhi ' (Haryana). Rakhigarhi is one of the five archaeological sites identified by the Union Ministry of Culture for development as a national iconic site and a special budget is earmarked in the Union Budget for development of t^e site. A programme for the release of Special Cover themed on 'Ralchigarhi - The Village of Heritage' by the Hon'ble Chief Minister, Haryana is scheduled on Thursday, 23'"^ July, 2020.

Unfortunately at the last minute, a dispute has arisen between the Haryana Circle and the Punjab Circle as to the jurisdiction to issue the special cover. A copy of the correspondence between the two postal circles is enclosed. The Department is located in Chandigarh city, the joint capital of Haiyana and Punjab. The application for special cover was made in the Head Post Office, Chandigarh (PIN 160017).

You are requested to resolve the dispute between the two postal circles so that the Special Cover can be released by the Hon'ble CM, Haiyana as per correct protocol of the Department of Posts.

^ Sincerely,

(Ashok Khemka) To. Shri Pradipta Kumar Bisoi, Secretary to Government of India, Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 110001. End Copy of correspondence between Haiyana and Punjab Postal circles.

Room No. 403. 4th Floor, New Haryana Civil Secretariat, Sector-17. Chandigarh-160017 Tel. No. ; 0172-2711964 ■ Department of Posts (India) O/o The Chief Postmaster General, Haryana Circle, Ambala-133001


Ms. Mandeep Kaur, The Director General, Department of Archaeology & Museums, l.laiuma Art & Design Building, Sector-10, ^ - Chandigarh,-Pincode-160011 . , .

No:- PHIL/74-2/Special Covers/2018-19 Dated at Ambala the 17/07/20.

Sub:- Regarding release of Special Cover on *Rakhigarhi' by Punjab Circle on 237/2020

y Respected Madam, It has come to the notice of this office that Punjab Postal Circle is going to release a Special Cover on the theme "Rakhigarhi" on 23/7/2020. As this site is within the territorial jurisdiction of District of Haryana, therefore, this Special Cover on ancient site of Rakhigarhi of Haryana State needs to be got released through Haryana Circle. 2. Therefore, it is humbly requested that this Special Cover may kindly be got released through , , 'HaryanaCircie. - - -

Yours Sincerdy

< I Assistant Director (Technical) Haryana Circle, Ambala-133001

Copy to:- Sh. Ashok iChemka, IAS, Principal Secretary to Govt. of Haryana, Department of Archaeology & Museums for information. 2) ChiefPMG, Punjab Circle - For necessary action to get this Cover released throuNi • Haryana Circle. ®

I I I i 'I >jKci

^ 5iTn:iT, WhT5-160017


The Assistant Director (Technical) Haryana Circle Ambala-133001

No:- Phil/6-2/20/2019-20 Dated at Chandigarh, the 17.07.2020

Sub: - Regarding release of Special Cover on "Rakhigarhi, Haryana" ori 23.07:2020 (Thursday) at CM Office, Haryana. Chandigarh.

\ With reference to your office letter no. PHIL/74-2/Special Covers/2018-19 dated 17.07.2020 on the subject,cited above, I am directed to inform you that:- 1 \ \ (i) As per Handbook on Philately, territorial jurisdiction in respect of release of special cover is not mentioned. (ii) Department of Archaeology & Museums, Haryanajs located in Sector-10 Chandigarh being served by Philately Bureau. Chandigarh GPO approached Chandigarh Division for release of Special Cover on "Rakhigarhi, Haryana" (iii) Since the office of Department of Archaeology & Museums, Haryana is located in Chandigarh and U.T Chandigarh comes under th'e territorial jurisdiction of CPMG Punjab & U.T Chandigarh, thereby the release of Special Cover has been approved by CPMG Punjab Circle. Moreover, the Special Cover will be released at Hon'ble Chief Minister Residence, Haryana which is located in U.T Chandigarh under Punjab Circle.

Assistant Director (Philately) Puhjab Circle, Chandigarh-160017 Copy to:-

Ci) The DDG Philately, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi for information please.

' 5 I I

; I

I . '1H


Department of Posts (India) O/o The Chief Postmaster General, Haryana Circle, Ambala-133(H)1


The Chief Postmaster General, Punjab Circle, Chandigarh -160017

No:- PHlL/74-2/SpeciaI Covers/2018-19 Dated at Arribala the 20/07/20;

'0 Sub:- Regarding release of Special Coyer on 'RakhigarhP by Punjab Circle on 23/7/2020.

Please refer to your letter no. Phil/6-2/20/2019-20 dated 17/7/2020, in this context, it Is reiterated that Chandigarh is the Capital of Haryana Slate also and all matters of correspondence with State Government of Haryana, whose most of the offices including office &. residence of hon'bic Governor of Haryana, Civil Secretariat and CM residence are located in Chandigarh, are taken up with Haryana Postal Circle only. If any Department of Haryana Government, located at Chandigarh has desired for releasing of a Special Cover, the. same should have been referred to Haryana Circle witliout any doubt as the site on which Special Cover is to be released is in Haryana and is sponsored by a Department of Government of Haryana. Moreover, the Special Cover Is to-be released by Hon'ble Chief Minister of Haryana at his residence.

2. Further, matter of territorial jurisdiction does not apply here as Chandigarh is Capital of Haiyana State also and all matters.of Government of Haryana related to Postal Department are dealt by Haryana Circle only. Also, Rakhigarhi is a prominent historical site lying in jurisdiction of Haryana state. Therefore, this matter should have been referred to Haryana Circle for release of Special Cover on Rakhigarhi irrespective ofils venue of release.

Assistant Director (Technical) Haryana Circle, AmbaIa-13300]

Copy to;-

1. The DDG (Philately), Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi- for issuing clear cut guidelines for release of Special Covers on the prominent sites/monuments located in Haryana State and to be sponsored by Government of Haryana. Ranju Prasad Chief Postmaster General -JfKd Department of Posts ^■m< ^^"11 Mild<4 lit Ministry of Communications VRH «<

I DO Nov Phil/74-2/Special Covers/2018-19 I Dated at Ambala the 20/07/2020

I ; j It has come to my notice that Department of Archaeology and Museums, I Government of Haryana has approached Punjab Circle, Department of Posts, for ! ' ' release of a Special Cover on 'Rakhigarhi' by Hon'ble Chief Minister, Haryana on ! 23/07/2020. I 2. I would like to bring to your kind notice that, as per the existing practice in such DV. f\5r\ cases, the Special Covers are arranged/released by the Circles in which such sites are situated in. Since, 'Rakhigarhi' is situated in Haryana, the responsibility and honour lies with this circle. 3. I would, therefore, request you to entrust us this task and supply us the relevant photographs and text material to expedite release of the Special Cover on 'Rakhigarhi'. Thanking You

Yours Sincerely,

(Ranju Prasad) Sh. Asliok Khemkn, IAS Principal Secretary to Government of Har>'nna, Department of Archaeology & Museums, Art & Design Building, Scctur-10, Chandigarh-160011

Copy to:-

1. Sh. Rajesh Khullar, IAS, Principal Secretary to hon'ble CM, Govt. of Haryana for information & necessary action with respect to his telephonic discussion. 2. Ms. Mandeep Kaur, Director, Department of Archaeology & Museums, Art & Design Building, Sector-10, Chandigarh-160011 for information. 3. Sh. NeeraJ Daftuar, Principal OSD to hon'ble CM, Govt. of Haryana for information & necessary action with respect to his telephonic discussion. 4. Sh. V.K.Tiwary, CPMG, Punjab Circle, Chandigarh-160017 for information & necessary action.

HITfflJT Slff 0171-2603100 0171-2603763 e-mail; [email protected] Ph. 0171-2603100 Fax 0171-2603763 website: Department of Posts (India) O/o The Chief Postmaster General, Haryana Circle, Ambala-133001


Ms. Mandeep Kaur, The Director General, Department of Archaeology & Museums, Haryana Art & Design Building, Sector-10, - , . ^ Chandigarh, Pincode-160011

No:- PHIL/74-2/SpeciaI Covers/2018-19 Dated at Ambalathe 17/07/20.

Sub:- Regarding release of Special Cover on 'Rakhigarhi' by Punjab Circle on 237/2020.

Respected Madam, It has come to the notice of this office that Punjab Postal Circle is going to release a Special Cover on the theme "Rakhigarhi" on 23/7/2020. As this site is within the territorial jurisdiction of of Haryana, therefore, this Special Cover on ancient site of Rakhigarhi of Haryana State needs to be got released through Haryana Circle. 2. Therefore, it is humbly requested that this Special Cover may kindly be got released through HaryanaCircle.

Yours Sincerely

Assistant Director (Technical) Haryana Circle, Ambala-1330Q1

Copy to:-

Sh. Ashok Khemka, IAS, Principal Secretary to Govt. of Haryana, Department of Archaeology & Museums for information. 2) ChiefPMG, Punjab Circle - For necessary action to get this Cover released through Haryana Circle. t'- ■

i%WT WriwW51TTT5X ^FRW,1"^ HflH^^'i-^'J^^lci-ieOOl?


The Assistant Director (Technical) Haryana Circle Atnbala-133001

No:- Phll/6-2/20/2019-20 Dated at Chandigarh, the 17.07.2020

Sub: - Regarding release of Special Cover on "Rakhigarhi, Haryana" on 23.07.2020 (Thursday) at CM Office, Haryana, Chandigarh.

With reference to your office letter no. PHIL/74-2/Special Covers/2018-19 \ dated 17.07.2020 on the subject cited above, I am directed to inform you that:-

\\ (i) As per Handbook on Phiiately, territorial jurisdiction in, respect of release of special cover is not mentioned. (ii) Department of Archaeology & Museums, Haryanajs located in Sector-10 Chandigarh being served by Philately Bureau, Chandigarh GPO approached Chandigarh Division for release of Special Cover on "Rakhigarhi, Haryana" (iii) Since the office of Department of Archaeology & Museums, Haryana is located in Chandigarh and U.T Chandigarh comes under the territorial jurisdiction of CPMG Punjab & U.T Chandigarh, thereby the release of Special Cover has been approved by CPMG Punjab Circle. Moreover, the Special Cover will be released at Hon'ble Chief Minister Residence. Haryana which is located in U.T Chandigarh under Punjab Circle.

Assistant Director (Philately) Punjab Circle, Chandigarh- 160017

Copy to:-

,(i) The DDG Philately, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi for information please. i

Department of Posts (India) O/o The Chief Postmaster General, Haryana Circle, AmbaIa-133001


The Chief Postmaster General, Punjab Circle; Chandigarh -160017

No:- PHIL/74-2/Special Covers/2018-19 Dated at Anibalathe 20/07/20. ^ Sub:- Regarding release of Special Cover on *Rakhigarhi' by Punjab Circle on 23/7/2020.

Please refer to your letter no. Phil/6-2/20/2019-20 dated 17/7/2020, in this context, it is reiterated that Chandigarh is the Capital of Haryana State also and all matters of correspondence with State Government of Haryana, whose most of the offices including office & residence of hon'ble Governor of Haryana, Civil Secretariat and CM residence are located in Chandigarh, are taken up with Haryana Postal Circle only. If any Department of Haryana Government, located at Chandigarh has desired for releasing of a Special Cover, the same should have been referred to Haryana Circle without any doubt as the site on which Special Cover is to be released is in Haryana and is sponsored by a Department of Government of Haryana. Moreover, the Special Cover is to be released by Hon'ble Chief Minister-of Haryana at his residence.

2. Further, matter of territorial jurisdiction does not apply here as Chandigarh is Capital of Haryana State also and all matters,of Government of Haryana related to Postal Department are dealt by Haryana Circle only. Also, Rakhigarhi is a prominent historical site lying in jurisdiction of Haryana state. Therefore, this matter should have been referred to Haryana Circle for release of Special Cover on Rakhigarhi irrespective of its venue of release.

Assistant Director (Technical) Haryana Circle, AmbaIa-133001

Copy to:-

1; The DDG (Philately), Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi- for issuing clear cut guidelines for release of Special Covers on the prominent sites/monuments located in Haryana State,and to be sponsored by Government of Haryana, Ranju Prasad Chief Postmaster General Department of Posts Ministry of Communications Government of India Haryana Circle 133001 Ambala -133001

DO No> Phil/74-2/Special Covers/2018-19 Dated at Ambala the 20/07/2020

It has come to my notice that Department ofr- Archaeology and Museums, Government of Haryana has approached Punjab Circle, Department of Posts, for release of a Special Cover on 'Rakhigarhi' by Hon'ble Chief Minister, Haryana on 23/07/2020. 2.1 would like to bring to your kind notice that, as per the existing practice in such cases, the Special Covers are arranged/released by the Circles in which such sites are situated in. Since, *Rakhigarhi' is situated in Haryana, the responsibility and honour lies with this circle. 3. I would, therefore, request you to entrust us this task and supply us the relevant photographs and text material to expedite release of the Special Cover on 'Rakhigarhi'. '

Thanking You

Yours Sincerely,

(Ranju Prasad) Sh. Ashok Khemka,IAS Principal Secretary to Government of Haryana, Department of Archaeology & Museums, Art & Design Building, Sector-10, Chandigarh-160011

Copy to:-

1. Sh. Rajesh Khullar, IAS, Principal Secretary to hon'ble CM,Govt. of Haryana for information & necessary action with respect to his telephonic discussion. 2. Ms. Mandeep Kaur, Director, Department of Archaeology & Museums, Art & Design Building, Sector-10, Chandigarh-160011 for information. 3. Sh. Neeraj Daftuar, Principal OSD to hon'ble CM, Govt. of Haryana for information & necessary action with respect to his telephonic discussion. 4. Sh. V.K.Tiwary, CPMG, Punjab Circle, Chandigarh-160017 for information & necessary action.

TOcflJrsR) 0171-2603100 0171-2603763 e-mail: [email protected] Ph. 0171-2603100 Fax 0171-2603763 website:

India Post fs .

/ special Cover 5^0

\v giBnuncBi C5r t Ao r "10-10-2019, teT?mig^2oi9 ^TJ^tn^haftdigam-ieJC 17

<^o«;ici gft 2 1 SfcRJ^, 20 19 ^W^TTIcT: 7:0 0 c1^^;in?r 6:0 0 olv^cTcp"

Onsfe-tfinGirti^jioTRTSnftTeTtBWT^^ I ' ;• '' " V ^7-5Ic15Tm^^crm^lfe#TnfeGSII^073ITiri^

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•u -' ^i^fld m mAtz# : ?f^[7 "di^fepr. ufssnprr-i^jpoi ''' ■ asitW%: C{iief9osti,mster generaf. 'hfanjam Cinfc, 'AmSafa': m'>ox-X-


> A Proposal for release of Special Cover on "ftonJfl ^ H^loHcf- W 2019" was processed by Haryana Postal Circle, The Cancellation Cachet of Har^anlfHaryana, iis locatedI in the jurisdiction.^as used of UT as Chandigarh. the office of Chief Electoral Officer, > Further two more proposals for release of Special Cover were received from proponents from outside of Punjab and UT Chandigarh which were released by GPO, Chandigarh-160017 ^

i) 110085 on theme of "A Tribute to Mahatamaf'loor. Gandhi" Pocket 22, Sector 24 Rohlnl Delhl- ii) Sh. Anil Pujara r/o D-169, Sushant Lok-ll, Sector 56, Gurugram-122011 on the theme Of Apostle of Peace . I i: '3:jlqk"i ■/ Special ,Gover

'^«v5L®t>5 It

^iln 1CC317 riiandlgarii Jj.'jMCi-J

A Tribute to Mabatma Gandhi ^eicMI 'nsft ^ 4i.g|uir^

MaluJou Oasdhi, (be Fuberof thcNadoa, «a»»bot*t5:l2pjii on3(^I-lMS ami be dieilfinrca aloutej Uict. Casdhfji IcA fall room in Cbla Ilotue for the prafn mcctlna a lew minutrf after the eoncliulon of bli uUt with Sardar VaUablibhal Patel. He paiicd ihrousb (be saiden leaning oa (he Utoalden of Ara Gandhi and Manu Ganilhl, grand daughterlln-law and grand 1baldingII hia1.1 b^y forward"F at toura dUiaoce aiqs leadingof leu tothan the two prajrr yard*, manibp, olTrred apranam. young man,Gaodhiji aged rclurned about 33,the camesaluie, before when Gandhithe young Jl, man reiur^ "Yoo are late today for ibe prayer." Candfatjl indlcd and replied, "Yea, I am"} bot Ju« at that momesl, the young tMn Natbu lum Godae ptiUrd onl his revolrcr and rang cut three ahoii from point-blank range, the bullets plerdog the body of . great leaite Jial below the heart and uonjath. tmoedlately, Candhlji ivllapsed. The last tier Gandhi Jl did was to llrt both his haoaii u a ai^ of prayer la the dlrceiion of the large gaih^g which bad aurmblcd for prayer. Tbeivafler, he waa ipeeddeo and ibelou of blood, at hli age and ao toou after hli fajt, tnade death Inealtable. 1>ihuJe to Mahatma GaadhlJl By ' . ' Friyankn Ka'tliuria, Philatelist

• «>

issued By: .j. Chief Postmaster General. Punjab Circle. Sector I'y-E, Chandigarh PB/18/2019-20, i. ■ —- ■■ -n ' d4|c(iU| / Special Cover

fA r m ^ t? T- -


w ^/ Apostle of Peace 'j Celebrating 1 SO.years of the Mahatma f t''.t;5 L- (1869.2019|

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi born on 2nd October 1869 In Porbander Gujrat needs no introduction. Apostle of peace, preacher and practitioner of non violence,shook the British Empire and got freedom to India on 15th August 1947. Tribute to Bapu on 150 years by Sh.Anil Pujara

Issued By: Chief Postmaster General, Punjab Circle. Sector 17-E, Chandigarh _ , PB/p7/20ig:20, ^ w

MR V >


Vmnm^NT Of A1lCHA€OtO0Y AW MUSEUMS, HAKYAm 1 ' ovucoUdb<>ratLon/ wCth' :' 1 \ ' , ' VEPAKTMENr or POSTS ' * * • \ \ . / ' I CorcUcJXy Kmf(te^ydwto-1^rel&

sum HAhJOHAK LAL H(>y\/lAe/chief MCv\l^tiS4^, Hctryono' on> ThMriday,;23'^Ju^, ZOZO, 11:00 am/ at ' . / ■ Chief Mi^Uster'yCamp Office/ ^ ,' / C¥\/pre^ence/of ; i - " ShrOAviot^p'Dhanak' Ha^ister ofStatef'Afchaeology oyLd/Mu&eumy Clndepende^vtCharge/}

Mandeep Kaur, IAS Dr. Ashok Khemka,IAS Director and Additional Secretary to Govt. of Haryana, Principal Secretary to Govt. of Haryana, Department of Archaeology and Museums, Department of Archaeology and Museums, CharKligarh. Chandigarh. ^0172-2740560 List of Dignitaries

From State-

1. Shri Manohar Lai, Hon'ble Chief Minister, Haryana 2. Shri Dushyant Chautala, Hon'ble Deputy Chief Minister, Haryana 3. Shri Anoop Dhanak, Hon'ble Minister, Archaeology and Museums, Haryana 4. Smt. Keshni Anand Arora, IAS, Chief Secretary to Government, Haryana, 5. Shri Vijai Vardhan, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Financial Commissioner, Revenue and Disaster Management and Consolidation Department 6. Smt. Dheera Khandelwal, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Art and Cultural Affairs Department. 7. Shri Rajesh Khullar, IAS, Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Haryana. 8. Dr. Ashok Khemka, Principal Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Archaeology and Museums Department. 9. Smt Mandeep Kaur, IAS, Director, Archaeology 85 Museums Department

From Departrrient of Posts:

1. Shri Vinay Kumar Tiwary, Chief Post Master General, Punjab Circle and UT Chandigarh 2. Shri Manoj Kumar, SSPo, Department of Posts PROGRAMME OF THE RELEASE OF SPECIAL COVER Themed On



on Thursday, 23rd July, 2020, 11:00 am

Venue- Chief Minister's Camp Office

10.45 A.M. Assembly of Invitees.

10.59 A.M. Arrival of Shri Manohar Lai, Honhle Chief Minister, Haryana.

11.00 A.M. Welcome to Dignitaries.

11.05 A.M. Address by Principal Secretary to Government, Haryana, Department of Archaeology 8e Museums.

11.10 A.M. Address by Shri Vinay Kumar Tiwary, Chief Post Master General, UT Chandigarh.

11.15 A.M. Address by Shri Anoop Dhanak, Honhle Minister of State, Archaeology & Museums, Haryana.

11.25 A.M. Address by Shri Manohar Lai, Honhle Chief Minister, Haryana.

11.35 A.M. Release of Special Cover by Honhle Chief Minister, Haryana.

11. 40 A.M. Presentation of Mementoes to Dignitaries.

11.45 A.M. Vote of Thanks by Director, Archaeology & Museums, Haryana.

11.50 A.M. Tea Speech for Hon'ble CM (Philately) TKtt aik l^PhH ^ ^arhh^ ait? ^ 11 afk STR^ 3ik f, ^ ^frrera afh? ■^TfTzr ^ lEre:^ ^ f%rf%tr f i afr? ^'ij^idij ft^fTFT sR'MI"!!, ^R-!JI"ii l^arct trf%^ ^^mrfccT^ ■^RfPi^ ftrfl^ ^ y>wi!'HcI ^ tfl% ^lY^' uTFrewT ^ W5tm afk tfTtiRci/y-HiRd 11 ^PPtt RPhH ^'ttct^ annld ft>rrtTcT, wWf afk -Hi^eY ^ dY^' ^ aik ■^5^^ ^ srnrhfvRr f i

-{KsTlJitA ^ k?hsr aiN>!U| ^ ■^5^ t ^'f^ ^ ¥^?TT "?rff^ lY^ ^ ^M^iY ^ 11 ^ TTRtfto viM*i6i"\i 'WiRy^i 11 ^ ^^tRara Tk afcRR^ TR 'ft Wtft HSetHiyl t, fftftRT afr? arjft'crPT ar^r^Rr^ ^fter ^ ^ ^ ft "Hi^e ^ arj^fRTp ^Rft an ^ I

-ildlJItA, Rf^-'tivi'Mrfl aikt vttwjdl ^ Wft ^ xfara ^R'MRII ^ 1%W? fhr^ ^ Ilk t, ^ Iftcrefl ^ eFRRT 150 [ft)el)ftlri>! W ^trr-mRiih ft' RapT 11 Tpn ^rmr t f^ ^ trrftftr -d'i'kfl iftY ^ ?nR TR RapT t, kf tpftY ^ ^faTRT ^ fNr ^?tft aft, afk 2000 qft ^ arRPTRT aft I ^^TcR^fftkf ^ ar^^, >!i'i$ny(ft 1?^ afK?f ^^RareT t, ^ wR^trit ^ ar"r? ft" ■^r>=sRTT ^ 3ik ^ ^ 3tk ^ ^ I 'iidl^icA ^ arr^JK atk RRi^ecii ^ ^ 4,>;icirtf^tjT ^ E?iFr aiittjRfd knn 11 ^ak ^ ^ arrarR ^ ft-kiK, ^ ^ ^ ?fk f^o'fto, ^ aTRpmrr f i ■iriT ^ ^ yi^lHdi ■cT'titt 5,000 -^rra f 1 w^ arargr ^ ^ McMjI 'd'Sul, \J"10 vjlel PllJl'tD ^ruilcTl, TR mf «1el ^#5?, ff^gRR yuiien, ^>iict>1|^ 'ft ^ ^ y.'iiPif^ 11 C' .T u


The Director Department of Archaeology & Museums, Haryana Art & Design Building, Sector -10, Chandigarh

To Senior Post Master Post Office Sector 17, Chandigarh

Memo No. 12/152-2019-Pura//og 0 Date: 13.03.2020

Sub: Request to get NOC for release of Special Cover

Dear Sir/Madam The Department of Archaeology and Museums, Haryana, situated at Art Design building, Sector 10, Chandigarh wishes to release a Special Cover on dt. 17-04-2020 at CM Residence, Haryana, Chandigarh, a philatelic memoralabia with the design from World renowned archaeological site at Rakliigarhi, Haryana. Rakhigarhi has always been in limelight because of the collection unearthed, its expanse as the largek Harappan site of Indian subcontinent and the rarity of findings that are seen on this site. Issuing a Special cover with design of a unique Pottery image, that is intact and unique, may create a memorable souvenir to mark significance of site in state of Haryana. The Department has already been in touch with authorities of the Post office and thus as per their rules put forth, we wish to release 1500 Special covers and one Postmark/ Catchet on 17/04/2020 at CM Residence, Haryana, Chandigarh. In this regard it is requested to provide an NOC for the same. The fee and formalities (such as drafting design, acquiring albums, letter from department, list of 15 VVIP) that were discussed with your organization will be met. The design and cachet of Special cover is attached. The cost of blank Special cover may be fixed @Rs. 10/- only.

This is forwarded for your kind perusal and necessary action.

With Kind Regards

Dy. Director

For the Director Department of Archaeology & Museums, Flaryana /

.•'•V-; '>: W-. •• .


p;-,- ;T - '

p \ Ditfisi'ohp' '^" *' NaK Ph,l/6-2/20/2DJ^^G,^' ' . " '' ' ' ' , ■ ' ' i)3;2020. ''"''iw* HSw?Si|iS

restiLd RP'® Govsr stouW b»



"• ..:^ot' ••■:■. ■ I' -•.: .•'. ^•7


The Director Department of Archaeology & Museums, Haryana Art & Design Building, Sector - 10, Chandigarh

To Senior Post Master Post Office Sector 17, Chandigarh

Memo No. 12/152-2019-Pura/ Letter No:- Phil/6-2/20/2019-20 dated 20.03.2020

Date; 01.07.2020 Sub: Regarding release of Special Cover on theme Rakhigarhi, Haryana on 23*^^ July 2020

Dear Sir/Madam The Department of Archaeology and Museums, Haryana, situated at Art Design building. Sector 10, Chandigarh wishes to release a Special Cover on dt. 23-07-2020 (Thursday), 11 am at CM Office, Haryana, Chandigarh on theme of renowned archaeological site of Rakhigarhi, Haryana.

In this regard it is necessary to mention that due to the untimely Lockdown situation, the release was not done on earlier proposed date i.e. 17.04.2020. The Department has already been in touch with authorities of the Post office and received a letter on 20.03.2020 that mentioned about some modifications in Design of Special Cover proposed earlier. Thus after doing the necessary modifications and thus as per their rules put forth, we wish to release 1500 Special covers and one Postmark/ Catchet on 23/07/2020 at CM Office, Haryana, Chandigarh .at 11 am. In this regard it is requested to provide an NOC for the same. The fee and formalities (such as drafting design, acquiring albums^ letter from department, and list of VVIP) that were discussed with your organization will be met. The modified design of Special cover is attached. The cost of blank Special cover may be fixed @Rs. 10/- only.

This is forwarded for your kind perusal and necessary action.

With Kind Regards

Dy. Director

For the Director Department of Archaeology & Museums, Haryana !■ Handbook on Philaieli;

60. Charges for Special Cancellation: One?; the proposal is approved, rhe proponent will be required to pay the Department the following fees: i) Spe(^]_ cancellation/cover to be provided on working days - Rs._^0^- per day per post office, Rs^OOO/- if it is to be provided at the premises bf the proponent,] ii) Special cancellation/coyeMo be provided on Sundays and " Rs.{^00}5^ ^'e'^ 5ay per post office and if is to be provided at the premises of ' the proponent. The cancellation/cover will be provided during the normal working hours of the post offices. However, the Head of the Circle may offer 50% concession on the rates for a special cancellation during District. State as well as Circle ?jnd©^tional level philatelic exhibition if it is not organized by the Department.

61, Guidelines for Formal Release Function of Special Cover and Cancellation:

61.1 The Department of Posts does not normally organize any formal function for release of Special Covers. The proponent or individual organizations who moot such proposals may, however, request the concerned Head of the Circle for permission to organize a function. This should be done sufficiently in advance and such a proposal should be accompanied by a draft minute-to-minute programme and dais plan of the proposed function and a draft invitation card so that appropriate protocol is maintained and there is a uniformity of approach.

61.2 Any formal release function for a Special Cover by a dignitary of the central or state government should have an appropriate representative (usually Head of the Circle/Regional PMG of the concerned Circle/Region) of the Department of Posts. Exceptions to this are made only when the President of India, the Vice-President of India, the Prime Minister of Indih or the Speaker, Lok Sabha or

34 U:.

^ t' ' Handboo/cI on Philately- Governoi^jovernor of a^^tate/Unior(jeritor^cohsents for release of special covers. On such occasions the. Minister of Communications/Minister of State for Communications normally presents the first Album containing the Cover to them for release. It is, therefore, imperative that the MOC/MOS(C)delivers his speech and introduces the special cover before its release. Regardless of the dignitary who is invited by the proponen|^to grace the occasion, it is necessary that letters of invitation issue" from the proponent to the MOC/MOS{C) and Secretary,- Department of Posts, (or the CPMG/PMG in Circle/Region level function), to ascertain their convenience. ^ 61.3 The level^fhe Department's representation at a release function is(^r^Jl>blecided keeping in view the level and status of the VIP who is to receive the first Album of the cover to mark itsJormal release.

61.4 It is the responsibility of the organizer to ensure that all the necessary arrangements for the functions including printing and issue of ■ -invitation cards, site preparation, security arrangements, liaison with press, T.V. etc. for publicity of the event etc. have been made.

61.5 If necessary, the proponent will have to arrange distribution of special covers to the ViPs attending the release function as well as material used in the presentation Albums at their own cost.

61.6 No formal release function for a special cover may be held without specific prior approval from the Department of Posts. The Department does not take any responsibility for extending the usual support as indicated above, for the release function, unless approval for the function has been obtained in advance.

35 hUps://cmai! 395282&.1/ Asia/Kolkala.

cS^ Oa'O' Wo.s 6^ Q CPWS Wo.."" Emf [email protected] FiteDy. rotdr 3^

Reg. Release a Cover on Rakhigarhi.

From : apmgtech dop Thu, Jul 30, 2020 04:31 PM ^ ^ Subject; Reg. Release of Special Cover on Rakhigarhi. ^ V \fT^ '■ KESHNI ANAND ARORA - 1 attachment Oi.|oSr]vs>o Respected Madam,

I am directed to forward a scanned copy of DO No. Phil/74-2/Special Covers/2018-19 30/07/2020 from Chief PMG, Haryana Postal Circle on the above mentioned P5 perusal please. 2s thankful Regards

f\M ' kumar Assistant Director (Technical), O/o The Chief Postmaster General, Haryana Circle, 107, The Mall, Ambala-133001 94502-81721 ^ *5 0171-2603064, 2688405 Q CO ' P

Q_ 2 o ° ,2 ■§ «» D,0 Special Covers Rakhigarhi.pdf O Q Q 356 KB G) OS,


X>\-/ 'l.l - Ranju Prasad Chief Postmaster General Department of Posts 'Jti %'\ Ministry of Communications MRcI W<.cbK m

DO No. Phil/74-2/Special Covers/2018-19 Dated at Ambaia the 30 /07/2020

This is regarding release of a Special Cover on 'Raldiigarhi' by Hon'ble Chief Minister of Haryana. It came to my notice that Department of Archives, Archaeology and Museums, Government of Haryana approached Punjab Circle, Department of Posts, for release of a Special Cover on 'Rakhigarhi' by Hon ble Chief Minister, Hai'yana. The release got postponed as Haryana Circle raised the concern that this 'Special Cover' should have been released through blaryana Circle as the site of Rakhigarhi is in the jurisdiction of Haryana Circle. 2. As per the existing practice and the procedure prescribed in 'Handbook on Philately in such cases, the Special Covers are arranged/released by the Circles in which such sites are situated. Handbook on Philately says-"Heads of the Circles are the competent authority, to sanction Special Covers commemorating any event/institutions/inaugural flight under their jurisdiction. They also co-ordinate its release." 3. My office has already taken up this matter with the Postal Directorate. As we know that Chandigarh is the Capital of Haryana State also and-all matters of correspondence^ with State Government of Haiyana are taken up with Haryana Postal Circle only. If any Department of Haryana Government, located at Chandigarh has desired for releasing of a Special Cover, the same should have been referred to Haryana Circle as the site of Rakhigarhi on which Special Cover is to be released is in Haryana and is sponsored by a Department of Government of Haryana. Moreover, the Special Cover is to be released by Hon'ble Chief Minister of Haryana.

3155 0171-2603100 0171-2603763 e-mail: [email protected] Ph. 0171-2603100 Fax 0171-2603763 website: 4. It is, therefore, requested that the Department of Archives Archaeoloev and Museums, Govt of Haiyana should be directed to get the 'Special Cover' »f Go« rfS"' r ""i,''""™ fii""'« '« He Dep„„,„„ T C""' DepiLenc " '"P"™ e"nip of ftei. iO£.U-

Thanking You

Yours Sincerely,

Smt. Kcshni Anand Arora (IAS) Chief Secretary, Govt of Haryana Chandigarh-160017 .man hUps://'?id~396027&l/.--Asia/Kolkala.

1.3 Em;^! [email protected]

Fwd: Reg. Release of Special Cover on Rakhigarhi.

From :KESHNI ANAND ARORA Sun, Aug 02, 2020 09:53 PM Subject: Fwd: Reg. Release of Special Cover on ^^2 attachments Rakhigarhi. To :psaamhry , DG IPR

Scan560.pdf 412 KB

D.O Special Covers Rakhigarhi.pdf 356 KB 8/5/2020 ^ GmatI ■ Fwd: Reg. Release of Special Cover on Rakhlgarhi.

r^Gmai! Principal Secretary

Fwd; Reg. Release of Special Cover on Rakhlgarhi, Principal Secretary Wed, Aug 5, 2020 at 11:34 AM To: KESHNIANAND ARORA

Respected Madam, On the orders of Hon'ble CM, the matter was referred to the Secretary to Government of India, Department of Posts on 21st July. 2020. A reply was received from the GOI on the same day that Punjab circle may proceed with the Special Cover on Rakhlgarhi. since the venue of the release of the Special Cover falls In the jurisdiction of Punjab postal circle. The letter is also marked to CPMG, Punjab Circle and CPMG, Haryana Circle.

A copy of the letter received is enclosed.

PS A&M 5 August 2020.

On Sun. Aug 2, 2020 at 9:53 PM KESHNI ANAND ARORA wrote:

^ DO Letter from Addl DG Coord DoP.pdf ^ 2721K 1/1 Vishvapavan Pati m ^icfj "Jrtpi, TijTf -T 11000.1 Addl. Director General (Coord.) , YBARIOF CELEBBATINa Tel. :(0) 91-11-23096233 - THIHAHATMA Department of Posts. Ministry of Communications Fax :(0) 91-11-23096234 Dak Bhawan,Sansad Marg,. E-mail: [email protected] NEW DELHl-110 001

D.O.No. P-04/1/2020-Phil(Part 1) , Dated: 21.07.2020

Kindly refer to your DO letter No 696/PSA&M/2020 dated 21.07.2020 addressed to Secretary (Posts) regarding release of Special Cover on world renowned archaeological site at Rakhigarhl (Haryana).

2. The matter has been examined at this end. It has-been decided that Punjab circle may proceed with the release of Special Cover on Rakhigarhl on 23rd July, 2020, since the venue of the release of the proposed Special Cover falls in the jurisdiction of Punjab postai;circle.' . (/O illO

'I ' 'V

Yours sincerely,

(VIshyapayan Pat!) ^


Shri Ashok Khemka" ■ ''' Principal Secretary to Government of Haryana Archives, Archaeology & Museums/Depertment Room No 403, 4th Floor, New Haryana Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh - 160017 . / . ' ■ .

Copy to: , . ■ ^ ^ ^

(1) Chief PMG, Punjab Circle, Chandigarh--160,017.

i" • ■ (2) Chief PMG, Haryana Circle, Ambala- 133001 ' ' ,_:r ' • ■ I'C' '''■ V

- ■ I -/-'I; -U ,y ;'-i'

' -< ' h'lps;/^ciuai!.i.^{jc?i(] 3y5282&lz Asia/Kolkata.

C#- 9 o :e 56 Email o [email protected] FU Dtd '-m Reg. Release Cover on Rakhigarhi.

From lapmgtech dop Thu, Jul 30, 2020 04:31 PM "Subject: Reg. Release of Special Cover on Rakhigarhi. To : KESHNI ANAND AROm\ 1 attachment j CS • oi-|o&|v»oRespected Madam, 1 am directed to forward a scanned copy of DO No. Phi!/74-2/Speci3l CovGrs/2018-l9 dated 30/07/2020 from Chief PMG, Haryana Postal Circle on the above mentioned ; P^..^FnrcViafi6\CgYsubject for your kind perusal please. 2$ thankful Regards

Ravindra kumar Assistant Director (Technical), O/o The Chief Postmaster General, Haryana Circle, 107, The Mail, Ambala-133001 94502-81721 0171-2603064, 2688405

D.O Special Covers Rakhigarhi.pdf I 356 KB 0 oSir^ hx -- < J ^13-

^ .2 to o o o Ranju Prasad Chief Postmaster General Department of Posts i-1 ii('' Ministry of Communications MRtTlR^iR Government of India Haryana Circle 371^-133001 Ambala -133001 •

DO No. Phil/74-2/Speciai Covers/2018-19 Dated at.Ambala the 30 /07/2020

I This is regarding release of a Special Cover on 'Rakhigarhi' by Hon'ble Chief Minister of Haryana. It came to my notice that Department of Archives, Archaeology and Museums, Government of Haiyana approached Punjab Circle, Department of Posts, for release of a Special Cover on 'Rakhigarhi' by Hon'ble Chief Minister, Haryana. The release got postponed as Haryana Circle raised the concern that this 'Special Cover' should have been released through Haryana Circle as the site of Rakhigarhi is in the jurisdiction .of Haryana Circle. 2. As per the existing practice and the procedure prescribed in 'I-Iandbook on Philately' in such cases, the Special Covers are arranged/released by the which such sites are situated. Handbook on Philately says-"Heads of the Circles are the competent authority to sanction Special Covers commemorating any event/institutions/inaugural flight under their jurisdiction. They also co-ordinate its release." 3. My office has already taken up this matter with the Postal Directorate. As we know that Chandigarh is the Capital of Haryana State also and-all matters of correspondence with State Government of Havana are taken up with Haryana Postal Circle only.. If any Department of Haryana Government, located at Chandigarh has dedred for releasing of a Special Cover, the same should have been referred to Haryana Circle as the site of Rakhigarhi on which Special Cover is to be released is in Haryana and is sponsored by a Department of Government of Haiyana. Moreover, the Special Cover is to be released by Hon'ble Chief Minister of Haryana.



0171-2603100 0171-2603763 e-mail: [email protected] Ph. 0171-2603100 Fax 0171-2603763 website; Indit Post r


4. It is, therefore, requested that the Department of Archives, Archaeology an Museums, Govt of Haiyana should be directed to get the 'Special Cover' on the site of 'Rakhigarhi' released from Haryana Circle whenever it is released in fiiture. Also, the directions should be given to all the Departments of Govt of Haryana to avail the facility of getting 'Special Covers' released through Haryana Postal Circle to commemorate the important events of their Depaitm.ents.

Thanking You

Yours Sincerely,

Smt. Keshni Anand Arora (IAS) (Ranju Prasad) Chief Secretary, Govt of Haryana Chandigarli-160017 Meefing Notice From Principal Secretary to Govt., Haryana,, Archaeology & Museums Department, Chandigarh. To 1. The Chief Postmaster General, Department of Posts, Punjab Circle, Chand igarh-160017.

2. The Chief Postmaster General, Department of Posts, Haryana Circle, Ambala-133001.

Memo No. 12/152-2020-Pura/ ?• Dated: l£)/o%

Subject: Release of Special Cover on Rakhigarhi, District Hisar.


With reference to a DO letter dated 30.07.2020 from the CPMG, Haryana Circle addressed to the Chief Secretary, Haryana, a meeting is convened on 14"^ August, 2020 at 4.00 p.m. under the chairpersonship of the Chief Secretary, Haryana, at the CS Committee Room, 4"' Floor, Haryana Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh regarding release of Special Cover on Rakhigarhi, District Hisar. A total amount of Rs. 36,530 is paid as follows - Rs. 7,780 to the Incharge, Philatelic Bureau, Chandigarh on 13.07.2020 and Rs. 28,750 to the Senior Postmaster, Sector 17 Chandigarh on 14.07.2020.

You are requested to kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting. ^^Dy. Director (Archaeology)

Endst. No.12/152-2020- Pura/ Dated: A copy of the above is forwarded to the Private Secretary to worthy Chief Secretary to Govt., Haryana for kind information of the Chief Secretary, Haryana.

Dy. Director (Archaeology)

End.: 1. DO letter dated 30.07.2020 from CPMG, Haryana Circle to the CS, Haryana. 2. Letter dated 21.07.2020 from ADG (Coo'dination), Department of Posts to PS, A&M. Ranju Prasad Chief Postmaster General jT^iwr Department of Posts Ministry of Communications Government of India Haryana Circle ^^l

eUnr Q 2j 's\\&> Y" / %

wC u HO V)^ DO No. Phil/74-2/Special Covers/2018-19 0«^ Hari^ Dated at Ambala the 30 /07/2020

(2j2Aj2J^-iKc( H-GC A o Hon'ble Chief Minister of Haryana. a: LO Q. Ci

o o o ■ (/- O LUllLUJ-

0171-2603100 0171-2603763 e-mail: [email protected] Ph. 0171-2603100 Fax 0171-2603763 website:

India Post m-

4. It is, therefore, requested that the Department of Archives, Archaeology and Museums, Govt of Haryana should be directed to get the 'Special Cover' on the site of 'Rakhigarhi' released from Haryana Circle whenever it is released m future. Also, the directions should be given to all the Departments of Govt of Haryana to avail the facility of getting 'Special Covers' released through Haryana Postal Circle to commemorate the important events of their Departments.

Thanking You

Yours Sincerely,

Smt.O * Keshni1. • AnandA . .Arora (IAS) (Ranju Prasad) Chief Secretary, Govt of Haryana Chandigarh-160017 75 ^Kdl^ ^Ich ^c

India Put KcaIvaj j4vAJA/f^ ^ Goy^' f-LcLH^-^su/vfl. ^XXfJU - Ib0o\l ^R1


3JTS[mr CHIEF POSTTMASTER GENERAL HARYANA CIRCLE, AMBALA- I 33 OO I ^3" v\ ^<::-Nv&-;Tv IFla'nju Prasad Chief Postmaster General letary Department of Posts "q;^ Tfi{T^ o Ministry of Communications % 111 ^THcf Government of India "^iw^n hRh^-scti ite. Haryana Circle 37RM-133001 o NO aobM■Lr Ambala- 133001 Date oa-icy WarvS^J

OloPSCM Oaie S ll&^ No.lFR) DO No. Phil/74-2/Special Covers/2018-19 M Kt '>€> V Date. Dated at Ambala the 30/07/2020

Ci 0 od 1 < CO o 0. Z Cb o ^ .S^ £CO o o o / This is regarding release oT a Special Cover on 'Rakhigarhi' by Hon'bie Chief Minister of Haryana. It came to my notice that Department of Archives, Aichaeology and Museums, Government of Haryana approached Punjab Circle, Department of Posts, for release of a Special Cover on *Rakhigarhi' by ^ Hon ble Chief Minister, Haryana. The release got postponed as Haryana Circle concern that this 'Special Cover^"^ould have been refeaseri thronph Haiya"nrn?rIs ^fhe^ site of Rakhigarhi is in the jurisdiction of Haryana Circle. 2. As per the existing practice and the procedure prescribed in 'Handhook on Philately' in such cases, the Special Covers are aiTanged/released by the Ciicles in which such sifes are situated. Handbook on Philately says~"Heads of the Circles are the competent authority to sanction Special Covers commemorating any evcnt/institutions/inaugural flight under their jurisdiction. They also co-ordinate its release." 3. My office has already taken up this matter with the Postal Directorate. As kci we know that Chandigarh is the Capital of Haiyana State also and all Wcgfs of correspondence with State Government of Haryana are taken up with Haiyana Postal Circle only. If any Department of Haryana Government, \ located at Chandigarh has desired for releasing of a Special Cover, the same ^shoLild^h^ve been referred to Haryana Circle as the site of Rakhigarhi on which Special Covei is to be released is in Hatyana and is sponsored by a Department Haiyana. Moreover, the Special Cover is to be released by —rrlHon'ble Chiel'Minister of Haiyana.

T) Contd/-


SI'S vfr. 0171-2603100 0171-2603763 e-maii ; [email protected] Ph. 017J-2603100 Fax 0171-2603763 website ;

India Post M 4. It is, therefore, requested that the Departrneh|::df'';;^ Archaeology and Museums, Govt of Haryana should be directed to get the.-;-!pecial Cover on the site of 'Rakhigarhi' released from Haryana- -CM 'Vhenever it is released in future. Also, the directions should be:;giv|h'4o^ali ^ Departments of Govt of Haryana to avail the facility of getting-'tSpeGial C.-vers' released through Haryana Postal Circle to commemorate the important events of Aeir Departments.

Thanking You

! .n Yours Sincerely, to a o o O

(Ranju Prasad) Smt. Keshni Anand Arora (TAS) Chief Secretary, Govt of Haryana Chandigarh-160017

Copy toj- ffsh. Rajesh Khullar, IAS, Principal Secretary to Hon'ble CM,Govt /y of Haryana for information & necessai^ action. "-riitb' (^Tirn Vishvapavan Pati .0®^® Mi:!. : ii'Pt, im< ^inf Ricvft — 110001 YEARS OF Addl. Director General (Coord.)' CELEBRATIMG THE HAHATMA Department of Posts Tel.:(0) 91-11-23096233 - Ministry of Communications Fax :(O) 91-11-23096234 Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, E-mail : [email protected] NEWDELHI-110 001

Dated; 21.07.2020 No. P-04/172020-Phil(Part1)

. •/ - '// fsinaiyKindly .referreTer loto youi.your DOu

If/ r.' -' Yours sincerely,


(Vishvapavan Pati) ;


■ Shrl Ashok Kliemka '' V ; Ci Principal Secretary to Governrriept of Haryana ' < 2 z-Csl ■ /Archives, Archaeology & Museums Department o & ^ 403^ ,4th Floor, NewjHaryana Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh- '1.60017 '■

CopyTo:-"" ' -v'; ^ t".' (1) Chief PMG, Punjab Circie/Chandigarb^- " ^ • I, '•' f y^hief PMG, Haryana Circle, Ambala: 13300.1 ,, . Email [email protected]

'm Re: Reg. Release of Special Cover on Rakhigarhi.

From : [email protected] Wed, Aug 05, 2020 11:39 AM Subject: Re: Reg. Release of Special Cover on Rakhigarhi. (#1 attachment To :KESHNIANAND ARORA

Respected Madam,

On the orders of Hon'ble CM, the matter was referred to the Secretary to Government of India, Department of Posts on 21st Juiy, 2020. A repiy was received from the GDI on the same day that Punjab circie may proceed with the Speciai Cover on Rakhigarhi, since the venue of the reiease of the Special Cover faiis in the jurisdiction of Punjab postai circle. The letter is also marked to CPMG, Punjab Circle and CPMG, Haryana Circle.

A copy of the letter received is enclosed.

PS A&M 5 August 2020.

On Sun, Aug 2, 2020 at 9:53 PM KESHNI ANAND ARORA wrote:

DO Letter from Addl DG Coord DoP.pdf 3 MB

OT £• O Q o 8/13/2020 ^ Email V Dairy Na:-««.S Email archaeor"'^^[email protected] ' , -CPMSJ40:-.

Fwd: Release of Special Cover onPft*^h"garfRlS^?r7cT Hisar

From :TuIsi Das Thu, Aug 13, 2020 09:24 AM Subject: Fwd; Release of Special Cover on Rakhlgarhl, District ^1 attachment Hisar To : psaamhry

From: "apmgtech dop" To: "Tulsi Das" ,"KESHNI ANAND ARORA" Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2020 5:21:10 PM Subject: Re: Fw: Release of Special Cover on Rakhigarhi, District Hisar

Respected Sir, Kindly find attached herewith scan copy of letter no. PHIL/74-2/Spl. Cover/2018-19/KW dated 12/8/2020 in r/o the subject cited above for your kind information & necessary action please.

With thankful Regards

Ravindra kumar Assistant Director (Technical), O/o The Chief Postmaster General, Haryana Circle, 107, The Mall, Ambala-133001 94502-81721 0171-2603064, 2688405

On Tue, Aug 11, 2020 at 9:27 AM CPMG Haryana Circle wrote:

Chief Postmaster General

Haryana Circle, Ambala

From: Tuisi Das Sent: lO August 2020 17:46 To: CPMG Haryana Circle Subject: Release of Special Cover on Rakhigarhi, District Hisar M'

department of Posts dndia) ^ O/o the Chief Postmaster. General Haryana Circle.Ambala-133001 To The Princigal^e^^^^ to ,^oyt.;of Hai^ana^^ Archaep]ogyi& Musehnis'D.epa^ Sector-Idi^handigar^ No:- PHffi/74-2/Spl. Covers/M8-19/KW Dated at Ambala the ;278/202.0. Sub:- Regaridihg:release of Special Cover ori'Rakhigarhi,.District Hisar., -Ref:- Your pffice.No, r2yi52r2:020-Pura/:i:996 d%

RespecTed'Sir, With^rpference to your bfflce letter h above, I am directedTp convey that due to some,exigency^ thp .Chief .PMG;.'Haryaha Circle, Ambala is unable to ^attend the said rne^ting }n CS Committee^ROpm, 4"* Floor, Haryana Civil Secretariat, Ch^digarh on Au^stj 2020 as scheduled' by -your .good-office. It is, therefore; requested' to postpphe this meeting. The inconvenience'caused "is regretted. ■

(Raivindra Kumar) Asstt. Director (Technical) CQpy Haryana Circle, Ambala-133001 1. Private-Secretary to worthy ChiefSecretary to GoVt. of Haryana for kind information to " the Chief Secretary, Haryana; ^7



The Principal Secretary to Receipt No Govt. of Haryana, Date Q Archeology and Museums Department Chandigarh

Phil/6-2/20/2019-20 Dated at Chandigarh the 14.08.2020

Sub;- Release of Special Cover on Rakhi Garhl, Distt. Hissar

With reference to your email dated 10.08.2020 addressed to Chief Postmaster General, Punjab Circle, Chandigarh to attend the meeting under the Chairmanship of Chi^ Secretary, Haryana on 14.08.2020 at lOOOhrs regarding release of Special Cover ^^rl^akhi Garhi, Distt. Hissar. Your above mentioned letter regarding the said meeting vvas submitted before the Secretary, Department of Posts for further directions. The Ar'MEi)epartment of Posts has clarified that it has been decided that Punjab Circle may /■-rjJ^^roceed for release of Special Cover on Rakhi Garhi, since the venue of release of 11 ^ proposed special cover fails in the jurisdiction of Punjab Postal Circle. The decision has I ' been taken by the Secretary, Posts and the Punjab Circle has got no mandate to further discuss this issue with the Chief Secretary. In view of the above, the Chief Postmaster General, Punjab Circle may kindly be exempted from attending meeting at 1600 hrsy dm today. Further, the necessary decision and instructions in the matter pertaining to release of special cover has already been conveyed vide Addl. Director General(Coord) rf Oo D.O. letter No.P-04/1/2020-PhiI(Part-l) dated 21.07.2020 to your goodself.. &Q oa < cn n_ (Vina^Limar Tiwary) Q Q Chief Postmaster General, Punjab Circle, Chandigarh-160017

Copy to:- P.S. to Chief Secretary, Govt. of Haryana, Haryana Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh-160001

AD —Hig"





he Principal Secretary to IM 5 Govt. of Haryana, Archeology and Museums Department Chandigarh

No:- PhiI/6-2/20/2019-20 Dated at Chandigarh the 14.08.2020 1^1*^ Special Cover on Rakhi Garhi, Distt. Hissar

^ "With"reference to "yo"ur email "dated 10.0872020""addressed to "Chiel Postmaster General, Punjab Circle, Chandigarh to attend the meeting under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary, Haryana on 14.08.2020 at 1600hrs regarding release of Special Cover on Rakhi Garhi, Distt. Hissar. Your above mentioned letter regarding the said meeting o\was submitted before the Secretary, Department of Posts for further directions. The ^ iDepartment of Posts has clarified that it has been decided that Punjab Circle may ^^proceed for release of Special Cover on Rakhi Garhi, since the venue of release of .^proposed special cover falls in the jurisdiction of Punjab Postal Circle. The decision has S^een taken by the Secretary, Posts and the Punjab Circle has got no mandate to further discuss this issue with the Chief Secretary. In view of the above, the Chief Postmaster General, Punjab Circle may kindly be exempted from attending meeting at 1600 hrs ,}Q^ay.

Further, the necessary decision and instructions in the matter pertaining to release of special cover has already been conveyed vide Addl. Director General(Coord) D.O. letter No.P-04/1/2020-Phil(Part-l) dated 21.07.2020 to your goodself.-

St (VinaylMjmar Tiwary) Chief Postmaster General, I"7/^ Punjab Circle, Chandigarh-160017

Copy to:- P.S. to Chief Secretary, Govt. of Haryana, Haryana Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh-160001

7 Meeting Notice £ ^ From Principal Secretary to Govt., Haryana; Archaeology & Museums Department, Chandigarh. To 1. The Chief Postmaster General, Department of Posts, Punjab Circle, Chandigarh-160017.

2. The Chief Postmaster General, Department of Posts, Haryana Circle, Arabala-133001.

MemoNo. 12/152-2020-Pura/^l^-^^ <5^ Dated: LOjocS

Subject: Release of Special Cover on Rakhigarhi, District Hisar.


With reference to a DO letter dated 30.07.2020 from the CPMG, Haryana Circle addressed to the Chief Secretary, Haryana, a meeting is convened on 25^ August, 2020 at 4.00 p.m. under the chairpersonship of the Chief Secretary, Haryana, at the CS Committee Room, Floor, Haryana Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh regarding release of Special Cover on Rakhigarhi, District Hisar. A total amount of Rs. 36,530 is paid as follows - Rs. 7,780 to the Incharge, Philatelic Bureau, Chandigarh on 13.07.2020 and Rs. 28,750 to the Senior Postmaster, Sector 17 Chandigarh on 14.07.2020.

You are requested to kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting.

/e,. ^y. Director (Archaeology) Endst.No.12/152-2020-Pura/ail. Dated: D.-© /o 8 A copy of the above is forwarded to the Private Secretary to worthy Chief Secretary to Govt., Haryana for kind information of the Chief Secretary, Haryana. /2). a ^y. Director (Archaeology)

End.: 1. DO letter dated 30.07.2020 from CPMG, Haryana Circle to the CS, Haiyana. 2. Letter dated 21.07.2020 from ADG (Coordination), Department of Posts to PS, A&M. -30 •lllfe. c7 ".W 5R5WT IV Ghie^ Postmaster General J4i« :IDepaiitrnent pf-Pbsts Ministry of:Gommunicatiohs Goyemrnent;of India 133001 Haryaha-Clrcle "Arih^aia^ ii33001

p.b -No, Plii,l/74-2/Special gated at Ambalaihe ■3 0/07/2020


Circle, Depanm'ent of Posts Ibr reieaTtff Une iT' Hon'ble Chief Mi,lister iarvani the by raised-.the ebric.ehT thai this 'Sptiai Covotshriffr^'^"^Hafyana.Circle Cirde,Haryaiia. Circle-as the sitestte nfof Rakhtgarh.RiiifV,' k- .s. ,p the jurisdiction Mryan, on Philately'' in such cases' tfitsp^^ Pfejcribed jn/'I-Iandbook coiumbmorafing any eyent/institutLiSglral"t ^7^^ junsd.etion. They also co-o,-di„atc,its releaS- ^ ' i.iSSi:S!^::ssssts£ TS—v "i" * Hao-anaof correspondence kstal Srdf Jhont Sti frntift 'n ^^^'«-a'sP-and,a[l"P matters -i'h located at Chandigarh has'desued-for reShtof "sntM C should havpibeen referred to Hirvann r; u • • i ^ Special. Cover, the same Special Coyerds. to be released isVn'Harv^hh Hon'bleof Cmv»nt:of ChiefMinistJofaS^ idat^an?MS^ S'SeS ' Department

0'l?1..2603l.00 "f!- 0^71-2603763 siq? Ph, 0171,2603106 ®-ina|d:,<^mg_hi7@ind^ F.ax017i-2603763 •websile-pw^/jnB!aposf;g6v^^^^

'India Pnii i'kyHW'i wfcr Vi'-ii ii/i.|3avan Pati f4l||3 Kf -Tn (^r»T'q;Q . insir 'di A"lMi DifOCtOf Gfnprai (Coord.) m'-v i YKABBCV lioofl. cvuuaATuja !0/ 'J1 12 Z-idJpj25'3 TK( HAXATMA Department of Post, (0) 11 2':JO'5G23^ Ministry of Communication, '-'i.ciil . ddgposr<>(.d;iridjapost, Dak Bhawan,5ansad Marg NEWDELHMlO 00-

D.O.No. P-04/1/2020-Phil{Part -1) Dated: 21.07.2020 ^(Ulf SSv, V-1\^iyM,cI' Kindly refer to your DO letter No 696/PSA&M/2020 dated 21.07.2020 addressed to Secretary (Posts) regarding release of Special Cover on world renowned archaeological site at Rakhigarhi (Haryana). I •"-* f- ^ matter has been examined at this-end. It has been decided thai Punjab circle may proceed with the releasetpf Special Cover on Rakhigarhi on 23rd July^ 2020. since the venue ot the release of the proposed Special Cover fails in the jufisdicLion of Punjab postal circle. i

Di(c rtu:

Yours sincerely,


(Vishvapavan Pati)


Shri Ashok Khemka Principal Secretary to Government of Hatyana v Archives. Archaeology & Museums Departmenti Room No 403, 4th Floor, New Haivana Civil

Chandigarh - 160017 'o' I • s ; Copy to; (1) Chief PMG, Punjab Circle, Chandigarh-16001?

(2) Chief PMG, Haryana Circle, Ambala- 133001 . r Department of Archives. Archaeoloev onand theMuseutus, .te, of Goyt 'Rakhigarhi' of Hatyaha.released .sMuld W be-difected'to Hatyana Lieget the 'SpecialSe^Tb Cover' rf 'off HatyanaH to avail the, facility of;getting-'Special Covers'the Departments released' DepaLfntr"' ^'''5'®' '=°'"^"®'^o'®e:the impdrtartf oftheir

l Thanhing You,

Yours- Sincerely,.

>_cxta-£x^ Smt. Keshni Anand.Arora (lASl Chief Secrctaiy, Gbvt ofHarJ'aha Cliandigarh-160017 Oc'iry No: ^CFiVlS ^ th 0(-pQj[ n ®'■ ^WcL%5ogy Haryana

Reg. proposed meeting on 01/09/2020 in context of reiease of Special Cover on 'Rakhigarhi' under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary, Haryana, at the CS Committee Room, 4th Floor, Haryana Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh at 1600 hrs. 1 message APMG TECH HARYANA Aug 31, 2020 at 5:59 PM To: [email protected], [email protected], Keshni Anand Arora

Respected Madam/Sir It is brought to your kind notice that Chief PMG, Haryana Postal Circle is on leave wef 31/08/2020 to 04/09/2020. Therefore, it is kindly requested to postpone the said meeting to any other suitable date.

Inconvenience caused is regretted.

With thankful Regards

Ravindra kumar Assistant Director (Technical)/ O/o The Chief Postmaster General, Haryana Circle, 107, The Mall, Ambala-133001 94502-81721 0171-2603064, 2688405 ->• n

Department of Posts Office of the Chief Postmaster General, Punjab Sandesh Bhawan, Sector 17 E, Chandigarh-160017

To The Principal Secretary to Govt of Haryana, ' Archeology and museums Department Chandigarh dated at Chandigarh, the, ol -OS-ZOaO No: Phil/6-2/20/2019-20 Sub: Release of Special Cover'^on Rakhigarhi, District Hissar.


PosZlslTr GenerarPunjab Circle may kindly be exempted from attending meeting at 1600 hrs today. Further the necessary decision and instructions In the matter Pf

Is on leave w.r.f 31.08.2020 to 02.09.2020.

Ends: - As above

Thrrr ^^jite-160017

Copy to: - P.S. to Chief Secretary. Govt. of Haryana. Haryana Civil Secretariat. Chandlgarh- 160001 •/-•■ '''yz-'fK---''r:.j--?:t'yj_.<^^^^ • <.-/.{i.'.^.:.:''/' ■]■ ^'u7^ t' /



To The principal SecfGiary to., Govl. of 1-laiHaryana, -. . ArcheoioyyArcheoiogy and Museums Department Chancl.iQarh

HO. Pni,f3«01S-2020i oay at cnanclloarn mo 14.00.2020 Sulx- Release of Special Cover on Rakhl Garhi, DisU. Missar

■r riratcifl 10 08 2020 aciciress'ed lo Chief Postmaster Wilh reference to your emas under the Chairmanship of General, Punjab Cirde. ,020 at 1600hrs regarding release of Special Covei Chief Secretary, Haryana on leitu,- regarding the said meeting an RaWii Gnvhi, DisU- Hissar, i''f po,,^ for direcUons. The was siibinilled bsfore Ihe ,,35 ijgen pocided that Punjab Cnclo may Department of Posis has jGaiT.:. since the venue o! reiuase J ivoceed (or release oi nfrPiinint-t Podal Circle. The decision tias proposed special cover p^,njab Circle lias got no mandate to furlhej been taken by the Secielar^A t^ qpc-ptnrv in view of tiie abovo. the Chief Poslmastci

today. . ; . - ■ 1 Further, the ^ecessaiT de^

■ ■ ■ (\/ina^/'lt f'lynnrc' 1 mI?! \'!OlV q Vi';hvapa^an Pai; "'f'j-i J riA«5 C» k.L Depprtincni rjf Poj'.v ■ i' Qu^'Clor Gp:r.vf-'i I ThL .. } ; (0; yi-U-.2^C9C.2i:) MinisUv of Comrnunicatiujis Dak Bhawan, Soiisad Marg, r., tO)9MI-2305-6Z3fl NEW DElHl-110 001 f: ?ridil: adgposf^-(

Dated- 21.07.2020 D.O.No. P-04/1/202a-Phil(Part1) ' Kindly refer lo your DO letter No 59S/PSAKM,|020 dated 21 Or addressed to Secretary (Posts) regarding release of Special Cover oi renowned archaeological site at Rakhigarhi (Haryana) 2 The matter has been examined at thi. rnd. It has decided that Punjab circle may proceed With the release Of s-, ecial Cover O" on 23id July. 2020, since the venue o( the release o! 'iie proposed Sp falls in the jurisdiction of Punjab postal Circle.

w dtV. (j

Yours sincerely.

(Vislwapavan Poti)


ShriAshokKhenika Principal Secretary to Government of Haryana Archives, Archaeology & Museums Depadreent ^ Room No 403. 4tb Floor. New Haryana Civil.Secretai,at. Chandigarh - 160017

Copy to (1) Chief PMG, Punjab Circle. Chandigarh- 160017 (2) Chief PMG, Haryana Circle, Ambala-. 133001 8/31/2020 m ^ [email protected] !*• f _____

Fwd: regarding release of special cover on World renowned archaeological site at Rakhigarhi

From : [email protected] I^on, Aug 24, 2020 03:42 PM Subject: Fwd: regarding release of special cover on World renowned archaeological site at Rakhigarhi To :Archaeology Haryana

Urgent for immediate necessary action.

Forwarded message .From: KESHNIANAND ARORA Date; Mon, Aug 24, 2020 at 2:35 PM Subject: Re: regarding release of special cover on World renowned archaeological site at Rakhigarhi To: psaamhry

The date in the trailing email, may kindly be readed as 01.09.2020 instead of 01.10.2020.

— - ' ' y From: "KESFINI ANAND ARORA" To: "psaamhry" Sent: Monday, August 24, 2020 2:12:25 PM Subject: regarding release of special cover on World renowned archaeological site at Rakhigarhi


This is to Inform you that a meeting on the subject captioned above has been scheduled for 25.08.2020 at 04:00 PM. However, due to an urgent meeting of Hon'ble CM, the said meeting has been rescheduled for 01.10.2020 at 04:00 PM at the same venue. You are requested to kindly inform all the participants and inconvenience caused is regretted. Kindly acknowledge its receipt.

Regards PS/ Chief Secretary, Government of Haryana, Chandigarh-160001 0172-2740118 (0), 2740317 (Fax) 9/1/2020 _r. Email 5^ . [email protected]

Fwd: Meeting on 25.08.2020 regarding Release of Special cover on RakhlGarhi DIstt HIsar

From :Archaeology Haryana Mon, Aug 31, 2020 04:31 PM Subject: Fwd: Meeting on 25.08.2020 regarding Release of Special cover on RakhlGarhi Distt Hisar To : psaamhry

rom: "Archaeology Haryana" To: "cpmg hry" Sent: Monday, August 24, 2020 4:47:51 PM Subject: Re: Meeting on 25.08.2020 regarding Release of Special cover on RakhiGarhi Distt Hisar


This is to inform you that a meeting on the subject captioned above has been scheduled for 25.08.2020 at 04:00 PM. However, due to an urgent meeting of Hon'ble CM, the said meeting has been rescheduled for 01.09.2020 at 04:00 PM at the same venue

From: "Tuisi Das" To: "cpmg hry" Sent: Thursday. August 20. 2020 12:07:55 PM Subject: Fwd: Meeting on 25.08.2020 regarding Release of Special cover on RakhiGarhi Distt Hisar

From: "Tulsi Das" To: "cpmg hry" Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2020 12:01:48 PM Subject: Meeting on 25.08.2020 regarding Release of Special cover on RakhiGarhi Distt Hisar

Please find enclosed.

From : Archaeology Haryana Mon, Aug 24, 2020 05:35 PM Subject: Fwd: Meeting on 25.08.2020 regarding Release of (#>3 attachments Special cover on RakhiGarhi Distt Hisar 9/1/2020 ^5^^ Email ^ To : psaamhry

From :Archaeology Haryana Mon, Aug 24, 2020 04:47 PM Subject: Re: Meeting on 25.08.2020 regarding Release of Special cover on RakhlGarhi DIstt Hisar To :cpmg hry

Sir, This is to inform you that a meeting on the subject captioned above has been scheduled for PM at the same venue

From: "Tuisi Das" To: "cpmg hry"

From: "Tuisi Das" To: "cpmg hry" Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2020 12:01:48 PM Subject: Meeting on 25.08.2020 regarding Release of Special cover on RakhlGarhi DIstt H

Please find enclosed.

► From : Tuisi Das Thu, Aug 20, 2020 12:07 PM Subject: Fwd: Meeting on 25.08.2020 regarding Release of ^1 attachment Special cover on RakhlGarhi DIstt HIsar To :cpmg hry

From: "Tulsl Das" To: "cpmg hry" Sent; Thursday, August 20, 2020 12:01:48 PM Subject: Meeting on 25.08.2020 regarding Release of Special cover on RakhiGarhi DIstt H

Please find enclosed.

{SI special cover rakhigarhi letter to CPG Haryana Circle.pdf 9/1/2020 .Email

10 MB View Download

From :Tulsi Das Thu, Aug 20, 2020 12:01 PM Subject: Meeting on 25.08.2020 regarding Release of ^1 attachment Special cover on RakhiGarhi Distt Hisar To :cpmg hry

Please find enclosed.

« special cover rakhigarhi letter to CPG Haryana Circle.pdf ■" 10 MB View Download

From : Archaeology Haryana Mon, Aug 24, 2020 04:47 PM Subject: Re: Meeting on 25.08.2020 regarding Release of Special cover on RakhiGarhi Distt Hisar To : cpmg hry


This is to inform you that a meeting on the subject captioned above has been scheduled for 25.08.2020 at 04:00 PM. However, due to an urgent meeting of Hon'ble CM, the said meeting has been rescheduled for 01.09.2020 at 04:00 PM at the same venue

From: "Tulsi Das" To: "cpmg hry" Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2020 12:07:55 PM Subject: Fwd: Meeting on 25.08.2020 regarding Release of Special cover on RakhiGarhi Distt Hisar

From; "Tulsi Das" To: "cpmg hry" Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2020 12:01:48 PM S'1'2020 0 Subject: Meeting on 25.08,2020 regarding Reiease of Speciai cover on RakhiGarhi Distt ^Hisar

Please find enclosed.

From iTuIsi Das Thu, Aug 20, 2020 12:07 PM Subject ■ Fwd. Meeting on 25.08.2020 regarding Release of attachment Special cover on RakhiGarhi Distt Hisar To :cpmg hry

From: "Tuisi Das" To: "cpmg hry" Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2020 12:01:48 PM Subject: Meeting on 25.08.2020 regarding Reiease of Special cover on RakhiGarhi Distt Hisar

Please find enclosed.

da speciai cover rakhigarhi fetter to CPG Haryana Clrcle.pdf 10 MB

From :Tuisi Das Thu, Aug 20, 2020 12:01 PM Subjoct. Moating on 25.08.2020 rsgarding Roioasa of Special attachmsnt cover on RakhiGarhi Distt Hisar To ;cpmg hry

Please find enclosed.

~ special cover rakhigarhi letter to CPG Haryana Circle.pdf 10 MB 9'*-2020 ^ Email

Email [email protected]

Fwd: Meeting on 25.08.2020 regarding Release of Special cover on RakhiGarhi Distt Hisar

From :Archaeology Haryana Men, Aug 31, 2020 04:37 PM Subject: Fwd: Meeting on 25.08.2020 regarding Release of Special cover on RakhiGarhi Distt Hisar To : psaamhry

From: "Archaeology Haryana" To:"cpmg pun" Sent: IVIonday, August 24, 2020 4:47:33 PM Subject: Re: Meeting on 25.08.2020 regarding Release of Special cover on RakhiGarhi Distt Hisar


This is to inform you that a meeting on the subject captioned above has been scheduled for 25.08.2020 at 04:00 PM. However, due to an urgent meeting of Hon'bie CM, the said meeting has been rescheduled for 01.09.2020 at 04:00 PM at the same venue

From: "Tuisi Das" To:"cpmg pun" Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2020 3:33:11 PM Subject: Fwd: Meeting on 25.08.2020 regarding Release of Special cover on RakhiGarhi Distt Hisar

Please find enclosed.

From: "Tuisi Das" To: "cpmg pun" Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2020 3:23:39 PM Subject: Meeting on 25.08.2020 regarding Release of Special cover on RakhiGarhi Distt Hisar

Please find enclosed.

From :Archaeology Haryana Mon, Aug 24, 2020 04:47 PM Subject: Re: Meeting on 25.08.2020 regarding Release of Special cover on RakhiGarhi Distt Hisar To :cpmg pun 9/1/2020 ^ Email ^Sir. This is to inform you that a meeting on the subject captioned above has been scheduled for 25.08.2020 at 04:00 PM. However, due to an urgent meeting of Hon'ble CM. the said meeting has been rescheduled for 01.09.2020 at 04:00 PM at the same venue

From: "Tulsi Das" To: "cpmg pun" Sent; Thursday, August 20, 2020 3:33:11 PM Subject: Fwd: Meeting on 25.08.2020 regarding Release of Special cover on RakhiGarhi Distt HIsar

Please find enclosed.

From; "Tulsi Das" To: "cpmg pun" Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2020 3:23:39 PM Subject; Meeting on 25.08.2020 regarding Release of Special cover on RakhiGarhi Distt Hisar

Please find enclosed.

From :Tulsi Das Thu, Aug 20, 2020 03:33 PM Subject: Fwd: Meeting on 25.08.2020 regarding Release of attachment Special cover on RakhiGarhi Distt HIsar To : cpmg pun

Please find enclosed.

From: "Tulsi Das" To: "cpmg pun" Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2020 3:23:39 PM Subject: Meeting on 25.08.2020 regarding Release of Special cover on RakhiGarhi Distt Hisar

Please find enclosed.

« cpmg punjab.pdf ^ 12 MB

From :Tulsi Das Thu, Aug 20, 2020 03:23 PM 9/1/2020 Email ■ ^^ubject: Meeting on 25.08.2020 regarding Release of Special attachment ^ cover on RakhiGarhi Distt Hisar To :cpmg pun

Please find enclosed.

— cping punjab.pdf 12 MB — E^ail [email protected],in V Meeting Notice on Release of Special Cover on Rakhigarhi, Hissar

From :Archaeology Haryana Thu, Oct 08, 2020 02:17 PM Subject: Meeting Notice on Release of Special Cover on c^l attachment Rakhigarhi, Hissar To :cpmg hry , cpmg pun , psaamhry . Chief Secretary Haryana ^

Please find the attachment. Regards

- Meetiong Notice.pdf 2 MB

a Meeting Notice


Principal Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Archaeology & Museums Department, Chandigarh. To

1. The Chief Postmaster General, Department of Posts, Punjab Circle, Chandigarh-160017

2. The Chief Postmaster General, Department of Posts, Haryana Circle, Ambala-133001.

Memo No. 12/152-2020-Pura/ Dated :

Subject: Meeting Notice- regarding Release of Special Cover on Rakhigarhi, Distt. Hisar.


It has been decided to convene a meeting on 13.10.2020 at 4.00 p.m. under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary to Govt. Haryana, at the Chief Secretaiy Committee Room, 4^'' Floor, Haryana Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh regarding release of Special Cover on Rakhigarhi, Distt. Hisar. You are therefore, requested to make it convenient to attend the

/?). Dy. Director 0I for Principal Secretary to Govt. Haryana 1^ Archaeology & Museums Department.

Endst.No.12/152-2020-Pura/__2 Dated:

A copy of the above is forwarded to the Private Secretary to Worthy Chief Secretary to Govt. of Haryana for kind information of W/Chief Secretary to Govt. Haryana.

ffor Principal SecretaryDy. Director to Govt. Haryana Archaeology & Museums Department. i.a- p.-

Departirient of Posts Office of the Chief Postmaster General, Punjab Circle, Sandesh Bhawan, Sector 17 E, Chandigarh-160017


The Principal Secretary to ■) Govt of Haryana, Archaeology and museums Department Chandigarh No; Phil/6-2/20/2019-20 dated at Chandigarh, the, [^.10.2020

Sub; Release of Special Cover on Rakhlgarhi, District Hissar.

Sir, I am directed to refer your office email, dated 13.10,2020 regarding to attend a meeting under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary, Haryana on 15.10.2020 at 3.00 p.m. regarding release of Special Cover on Rakhlgarhi. District Hissar. In this regard, kind reference is invited to this office letter of even no. dated 12.10.2020 that the Add!. Director General (Coord), Department of Posts New Delhi vide p.O. Letter No. P-G4/1/2020-Phil (Part-i) dated 21.07.2020 addressed to Sh Ashok Khemka Intimated that "The matter has been examined at this end. It has been decided that Punjab Circle may proceed with the release of Special Cover on Rakhigarhi, since the venue of the release of the proposed Special Cover falls in the jurisdiction of Punjab Postal Circle". In view of above, the Chief Postmaster General, Punjab Circle may kindly be exempted from attending meeting on 15.10.2020 at 3.00 p.m.


Copy to: - (i) The P.S. to Chief Secretary, Govt. of Haryana, Haryana Civil Secretariat Chandlgarh-160001. (ii) Office copy Email archaeology@hry>nIc.[n

Rejeaie &4;pecia] Cover on Rakhlgarhl, District Hissar

From :phi) pb Mon, Oct 12, 2020 12:58 PM Subject: Release of Special Cover on Rakhigarhi, District Hissar attachment To :Archaeology Haryana Cc:[email protected]

Respected Sir,

Kindly download attachment herewith for Information, please ^

Assistant Postmaster General Philately Section Punjab Circle Chandigarh- 160017 This e-mail message is intended to be received only by person entitled to receive the confidential information it may contain. E-mail messages to client of "Department Of POST" may contain information that is confidential and legally privileged. Please do not read, copy, forward, or store this message unless you are an intended recipient of it. If yoy have received this message in error, please forward it to the sender and delete it completely from your computer system.

~ Rakhigarhi Sp. Cover reply on 12.10.2020.pdf ■' 3 MB ■y,.. w

\ Department of Posts Office of the Chief Postmaster General, Punjab Circle, Sandesh Bhawan. Sector 17 E, Chandigarh-160017


The Principal Secretary to Govt of Haryana, Archaeology and museums Department Chandigarh No; Phll/6-2/20/2019-20 dated at Chandigarh, the, fZ.10.2020 Sub: Release of Special Cover on Rakhigarhi, District Hlssar.

Sir. I am directed to refer your office letter No. 12/152-2020-Pura/2657-58 dated 08.10.2020 addressed to Chief Postmaster General, Punjab Circle. Chandigarh to attend a meeting under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary, Haryana on 13.10.202G at 4.00 p.m. regarding release of Special Cover on Rakhigarhi, District Hissar. In this regard, Addl. Director General (Coord), Department of Posts, New Delhi vide D O Letter No. P-04/1/2Q20-Phil (Part-I) dated 21.07.2020 (copy enclosed) addressed to Sh Ashok Khemka intimated that "The matter has been examined at this end. it has been decided that Punjab Circle may proceed with the release of Special Cover on Rakhigarhi, since'the venue of the release of the proposed Special Cover fails in the jurisdiction of Punjab Postal Circle". In view of above, the Chief Postmaster General, Punjab .Circle may kindly be exempted from attending meeting on 13.10.2020 at 4.00 p.m.

^^144' (Tw€t) ' / ^ H-Jiici mRm'js*?!, ■*iy^M<{>-160017

Copy to; - (!) The Additional DG (Coord.), Dak Bhawan, New Delhi w.r.t D.O letter no. P- 8/t 04/1/2020-Phil (Part 1) dated 21.07.2020 (ii) • P.S. to Chief Secretary, Govt. of Haryana, Haryana Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh- 160001. -7^ ^7

mRi •oT«i' fpnn Vishvapavan Pali •ildW ^ KH.'I ■dM? Md-1. HiM iri.-f I • •ftl r^.ccft 110001 vJo! T''f-tior General (Coord.) b^L CtLfB^TiMC rxe mahatha Depattmenl of Poi.i-5 'd ,(Uj 01 11-23096233 Ministry of Communications .(0) 91-11-23096234 Dak Bhawan, Sansad Morg, c msil • adgpo^tcgpindiaposUgov-ln NEW DELHI-110 001

D.O.No. P-04/1/2020-Phil(Part1) Dated: 21.07.2020

Kindly refer to your DO letter No 696/PSA&M/2020 dated 21 07 2020 addressed to Secretary (Posts) regarding release of Special Cover on world renowned archaeological site at Rakhigarhh(Haryana).

2. The matter has been examined at this end. It has been decided that Punjab circle may proceed with the release of Special Cover on Rakhigarhi on 23rd July, 2020, since the venue of the release of the-proposed Special Cover falls in the jurisdiction of Punjab postal circle. (a) JC

Yours sincerely.


(Vishvapavan Pati)


Shri Ashok Khemka Principal Secretary to Government of Haryana Archives. Archaeology & Museums Departmenl, Room No 403, 4th Floor, New Haryana Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh - 160017

Copy to;

(1) Chief PMG, Punjab Circle, Chandigarh- 160017

(2) Chief PMG, Haryana Circle, Ambala- 133001 11

ATTENDANCE SHEET Meeting on 15.10.2020 at 4.00 p.m. under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary to Govt. of Haiyana, regarding release of special cover on Rakhigarhi, Distt. Hisar at CS Committee Room, Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh.

The following were present in the meeting:-

Sr. Name Designation of Email/contact Signature No. the Officer No. 1.

A 2. ir^rrjJ^r^ • 1^' f/V ' (^^"-(0 . / /f^vJATW-A ^ 7-? 7^ 3. < YvV\\v\OtA. K?P \rcj (K T 2>/ 4. A/s ■

5. Jh/T-ee^ ^ - A-^ ay

6. -71


Director, Archaeology and Museums Haryana, Chandigarh. To 1. The Chief Postmaster General, Punjab Circle, Chandigarh. 2. Sh.Nirmal Singh, Director Postal Department, Haryana Circle, Ambala. 3. Sh. Ravindra Kumar, Asstt. Director (Phil), Haryana Circle. 4. Sh. Rajesh Kumar, PRI (P), .

Memo No. 12/152-2020-Pura/

Subject: Minutes of the meeting regarding release of a special cover themed on Rakhigarhi, Hisar.

A copy of the Minutes of the meeting held on 15.10.2020 at 4.00 P.M under the Chairmanship of the Chief Secretary to Government Haryana, to discuss the issue related to release of special cover on Rakliigarhi, Hisar is sent herewith for information and necessary action.

Deputy Director Director, Archaeology «& Museums '3S~3'2-'5^^ ^ Haryana, Chandigarh. Endt. No. 12/152-2020-Pura/ Dated: |j)| "^--o

A copy of the above is forwarded to the P.S to Principal Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Archives, Archaeology & Museums for Information of worthy Principal Secretary, Archaeology & Museums, Department.

/b. Deputy Director

A meeting was held under the chairmanship of the Chief Secretary, Haryana at 4 PM on 15.10.2020 to discuss the issue related to release of special cover themed on Rakhigarhi, Hisar

The following officers were present in the meeting:

1. Dr. Ashok Khemka, IAS, Principal Secretary to Govt., Haryana, Archeology 85 Museums Department 2. Ms. Mandeep Kaur, IAS, Director, Archaeology & Museums, Haryana 3. Sh.Nirmal Singh, Director, Postal Department, Haryana Circle 4. Dr. Banani Bhattachar37ya, Dy. Director, Archaeology & Museums, Haryana 5. Sh. Ravindra Kumar, Asstt. Director (Phil), Haryana Circle 6. Dr. Raghavendra Kumar Rai, Assistant Director, Archaeology 85 Museums, Haiyana 7. Sh. Rajesh Kumar, PRI (P), Panchkula

There was no representative from the office of the Chief Postmaster General, Punjab Circle. CPMG, Punjab Circle has informed through his letter No. Phil/6- 2/20/2019-20 dated 14^ October, 2020 that he may be exempted from the meeting since the jurisdiction issue raised by the CPMG, Haryana circle is settled by the Department of Posts. The Director Posts, Haryana Circle, Ambala, agreed that the jurisdiction to release the Special Cover is with the CPMG, Punjab & UT Chandigarh Circle. After due deliberations, the following decisions were taken in the meeting: -

1. The release of Special Cover will be released by the Punjab Circle as decided by the Department of Posts, since the Government of Haryana is not competent to decide inter-jurisdictional disputes arising between different circles of the Department of Posts. 2. The total number of special covers may be increased from 1,500 to

5,000. 3. The Department may take initiative to release commemorative stamp on Rakhigarhi.

Meeting ended with vote of thanks to the chair. From The Director, Department of Archaeology & Museums, Haryana Art & Design Building, Sector-10, Chandigarh.

To Senior Post Master Post Office Sector 17, Chandigarh

MemoNo. 12/152-2019-Pura/ Dated:9^:b^ M I ]Z

Subject: Request to get NOC for release of Special Cover (Ref. No:- Phil/6-2/20/2019-20 dated 08.07.2020J

Dear Sir/Madam

The Department of Archaeology and Museums, Haryana, situated at Art Design building, Sector 10, Chandigarh wishes to release a Special Cover on dt.13-11-2020 at 11 am at CM Residence, Haryana, Chandigarh, a philatelic memoralabia with the design from world renowned archaeological site at Rakhigarhi, Haryana.

Rakhigarhi has always been in limelight because of the collection unearthed, its expanse as the largest Harappan site of Indian subcontinent and the rarity of findings that are seen on this site. Issuing a Special cover with design of a unique Pottery image, that is intact and unique, may create a memorable souvenir to mark significance of site in state of Haryana.

The Department has already been in touch with authorities of the Post office and thus as per their rules put forth, we wish to release 5000 Special covers and one Postmark/Catchet on 13/11/2020 at CM Residence, Haryana, Chandigarh. Earlier 1500 Special Covers were printed as the release got postponed, thus now as per directions of higher authorities, 3500 more covers will be printed and released in this ceremony. In this regard it is requested to provide an NOC for the same. The fee and formalities (such as drafting design, acquiring albums, letter fi-om department, list of 15 VVIP)that were discussed with your organization was met. The design of Special cover is attached. The cost of blank Special cover may be fixed @Rs. 10/- only.

This is forwarded for your kind perusal and necessary action.

With kind Regards,

Dy. Director For the Director ^ Department of Archaeology & Museums, Haryana 4^ From

The Director Archaeology and Museums Department, Haiyana Art and Design building, Sector IOC Chandigarh

To The Chief Post Master General Punjab Circle, Chandigarh

Memo no: la/iS;)-3-oao - ^^ Dated:

Subject: Regarding the release of Special Cover on Rakhigarhi, Hisar

Sir, I am directed to apprise you that the ceremony of the release of special cover on Ralchigarhi has been fixed on 13.11.2020 at 11:00 AM which will be inaugurated by the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Haryana at his residence.

g^^Deputy Director (Archaeology & Museums) -


Director, Archaeology and Museums Haryana, Chandigarh. 1^° I 1. The Chief Postmaster General, Punjab Circle, Chandigarh. 2. Sh.Nirmal Singh, Director Postal Department. Haryana Circle, Ambala. 3^Sh. Ravindra Kumar, Asstt. Director (Phil). Haryana Circle. CJ. 4. Sh. Rajesh Kumar, PRI (P), Panchkula.

Memo No. I2/152-2020-Pura/3317, —

Subject: Minutes of the meeting regarding release of a special cover themed on Rakhigarhi, Hisar.

^ A copy of the Minutes of the meeting held on 15.10.2020 at 4.00 P.M under the ^■y^ph^nnanship of the Chief Secretary to Government Haryana. to discuss the issue related to ^ release of special cover on Rakhigarhi, Hisar is sent herewith for information and necessary


- Deputy Director /fP for Director, Archaeology & Museums Haryana, Chandigarh. Endt. No. 12/152-2020-Pura/ Dated: Lf ]|;

copy of the above is forwarded to the P.S to Principal Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Archives, Archaeology & Museums for information of worthy Principal Secretary. Archaeology & Museums, Department.

Deputy Director for Director, Archaeology & Museums Haryana, Chandigarh. Subject: Minutes of the Meeting regarding release of a special cover themed on Rakhigarhi, Hisar

A meeting was held under the chairmanship of the Chief Secretary, Haiyana at 4 PM on 15.10.2020 to discuss the issue related to release of special cover themed on Rakhigarhi,- Hisar

The following officers were present in the meeting:

1. Dr. Ashok Khemka, IAS, Principal Secretary to Govt., Haiyana, Archeology & Museums Department 2. Ms. Mandeep Kaur, IAS, Director, Archaeology 85 Museums, Har3''ana 3. Sh.Nirmal Singh, Director, Postal Department, Haryana Circle 4. Dr. Banani Bhattacharyya, Dy. Director, Archaeolog)^ 8& Museums, Haryana 5. Sh. Ravindra Kumar, Asstt. Director (Phil), Haryana Circle 6. Dr. Raghavendra Kumar Rai, Assistant Director, Archaeolog}^ & Museums, Haryana 7. Sh. Rajesh Kumar, PRI (P), Panchkula

There was no representative from the office of the Chief Postmaster General. Punjab Circle. CPMG, Punjab Circle has informed through his letter No. Phil/6- 2/20/2019-20 dated 14^ October, 2020 that he may be exempted from the meeting since the jurisdiction issue raised by the CPMG, Harj^'ana circle is settled by the Department of Posts. The Director Posts, Harj^ana Circle, Ambala, agreed that the jurisdiction to release the Special Cover is with the CPMG, Punjab 85 UT Chandigarh Circle. After due deliberations, the following decisions were taken in the meeiing: -

1. The release of Special Cover will be released by the Punjab Circle as decided by the Department of Posts, since the Government of Haiyana is not competent to decide inter-jurisdictional disputes arising between different circles of the Department of Posts. 2. The total number of special covers may be increased from 1,500 to

5,000. 3. The Department may take initiative to release commeniorative stamp on Rakhigarhi.

Meeting ended with vote of thanks to the chair. From

Director, Archaeology and Museums Haryana, Chandigarh.

1. The Chief Postmaster General, Punjab Circle, Chandigarh. 2, Sh.Nirmal Singh, Director Postal Department, Haryana Circle, Ambala. imc, ^ Kumar, Asstt. Director (Phil), Haryana Circle. CX' Sh. Rajesh Kumar,PRI (P), Panchkula.

Memo No. 12/152-2020-Pura/33,-3.7, —3^ Date: L^jy

Subject: Minutes of the meeting regarding release of a special cover themed on Rakhigarhi, Hisar,

A copy of the Minutes of the meeting held on 15.10.2020 at 4.00 P.M under the 'hairmanship of the Chief Secretary to Government Haryana, to discuss the issue related to 1 Vo release of special cover on Rakhigarhi, Hisar is sent herewith for information and necessary


- V" Deputy Director for Director, Archaeology & Museums Haryana, Chandigarh. .[jjEndt. No, 12/152-2020-Pura/ ' Dated: J|; 15-0,^

copy of the above is forwarded to the P.S to Principal Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Archives, Archaeology & Museums for information of worthy Principal Secretary, Archaeology & Museums, Department. kpi Deputy Director for Director, Archaeology & Museums Haryana, Chandigarh. Subject: Minutes of the Meeting regarding release of a special cover themed on Rakhigarhi, Hisar

A meeting was held under the chairmanship of the Chief Secretary, Haryana at 4 PM on 15.10.2020 to discuss the issue related to release of special cover themed on Rakhigarhi, Hisar

The following officers were present in the meeting:

1. Dr. Ashok Khemka, IAS, Principal Secretary to Govt., Haryana, Archeology & Museums Department 2. Ms. Mandeep Kaur, IAS, Director, Archaeology & Museums, Haryana ■ '3. Sh.Nirmal Singh, Director, Postal Department, Haryana Circle 4. Dr. Banani Bhattacharyya, Dy. Director, Archaeology & Museums, Haryana 5. Sh. Ravindra Kumar, Asstt. Director (Phil), Haryana Circle ■6. Dr. Raghavendra Kumar Rai, Assistant Director,, Archaeology & Museums, Haryana 7. Sh. Rajesh Kumar, PR! (P), Panchkula

There was no representative from the orfice of the Chief Postmaster General. Punjab Circle. CPMG, Punjab Circle has informed through his letter No. Phil/b- 2/20/2019-20 dated 14^ October, 2020 that he may be exempted from the meeting since the jurisdiction issue raised by the CPMG, Haryana circle is settled by the Department of Posts. The Director Posts, Haryana Circle, Ambala, agreed that the jurisdiction to release the Special Cover is with the CPMG, Punjab & UT Chandigarh Circle. After due deliberations, the following decisions were taken in the meeting: -

1. The release of Special Cover will be released by the Punjab Circle as decided by the Department of Posts, since the Government of Haryana is not competent to decide inter-jurisdictional disputes arising between different circles of the Department of Posts. 2. The total number of special covers may be increased from 1,500 to

5,000. 3. The Department may take initiative to release coihmemorative stamp on Rakhigarhi.

Meeting ended with vote of thanks to the chair. r.\ UMQV Da^cv No |K> ' CFMSN -:v ^l'[ Date:- .■i-o

jolfil- Gavf»rnmctU of Inciio Ministry of Communications Doparimeni of Posts Office of llie Sr. Superintendent of Post Offices, Cfiandiytjrfi Division Chandip.arii 160017


The Director, Department Of Atchooology und r^usoLiins, Hiifyana Art and Design Building, Sector 10 Chandigarh -160011

No- L2/Philatelv/ Special Cover/ 2020-21 Dated; 9,11.2020

Sub.; Regarding NOC for printing of Special Covers.

Kindly refer to your office no. 12.152-2019-Pura/3178 dared 4.11.2020 on the sub/ect cited above. In this connection, the approval for printing of 5000 special covers instead of R5. ifiOO covers on "Rakhigarhi" has been conveyed by the competent authority vide letter no. Phii/6-2/20/2019-20 dated 0.11.2020 (copy enclosed). ( ,•' ] C \ Sr[ Supdt of Post Olhces CI'.andigarM Division, Chandigarli 17

Copy to: ' ,

The Sr. Postmaster, GPO Chandigarh 160017 - for information and necessary action please.

"i f V ' ' / • . i*' ; ' , , r. •

— vA w • «*• ' ' * < - "i i ,r .vi.v -j- ..

Department of Posts; 'Gffieesofthe Chief Postmaster General,^ Circle, ' Sahdesh Bhawan, Sector 17 E,:(ChandigarH-1600.17

To' Lf^m

TheSnS.updt^ Xifendigamglvi^ ■ ■ ■ ■ ^ ^ Chandigarh IBDOT? 'te - :PKi[/6^2/W-201.?-2^^^ Dated KChandigarh, the .11.2020. ,. Sub; - Regarding.rel'ease:bf:.Specia^ on -Rakhigarhl" to be released on 13:11.2020.

■Kindiy refer'tb.your'bffide'vlettef:NoViT-2/SpecialHGdver/2020r21 dated 04\i 1.2020 on the sublecf hbtediabove. In-this regard, j am direeted%"convey the'approval of the. Competent'Authority for pf release of Special Cover on ■'Rakhigarhi" to 13.1 i.2020 ahd to print 5000 humberofSpSafeovers instead of lSpO Covers on "Rakhigarhi"; /O ^ , A- / ^

Assistant Rostrhaster G^eral {Philately) O/o-Ghief Postrna'ster GenemI PunjabCirclei'Chahdlgarh-160017 £

eR-Mi^ii, xju^j|(i I #IT ^f, Capital Graphics S.CO 133-135, Sector 17-C, Chandigarh.

12/152-2019-W/ M.. an^l

STPT^ SKI T]-^ cg^^pf ^ ^ H^Niidc^ fcI'HHI, Ffermr c^^ ^ ^ Rnf^Rsjci ^frPTH cff\ ^ ^ cpT cf>T^ cp^:-

Sr. No Name Of item Particulars Jobs Qty. 1. Multicolor digital printing Printing of Special 3500 Pice of envelope (size 9"X4") Covers

FR^TFTT, ^u^JIci I Press Note

Department of Archaeology and Museums, Haryana in co-ordination with Postal authorities of Chandigarh Circle, has worked on creating a philatelic souvenir - Special Cover on Rakhigarhi archaeological site that has been declared of National importance by Government of India. Rakliigarhi for Special cover is appropriate in this regard as this site has always been in limelight because of the collection unearthed, its expanse as the largest Harappan site of Indian subcontinent and the rarity of findings that are seen on this site. Issuing a Special cover will create a memorable souvenir to mark significance of site in state of Haryana. This site as invaluable heritage of Haryana is legacy of generations. Rakhigarhi is equally significant at National and International level as various scholars have worked with its collection.

Philately has been a field of academic and cultural promotion of various organizations all over India and abroad. Various government organizations and museums create Stamps, Special covers and such memoralabia that marks special collection or events in histoiy and time. Department of Archaeology and Museums Haryana is releasing a Special Cover on World renowned archaeological site of Haryana, Rakhigarhi today. This is the first Special Cover, to be released as a Philatelic souvenir from the Department of Archaeology and Museums, Haiyana that marks the significance of the largest Harappan site, of Archaeological importance, in Haryana and the Indian sub-continent.

Rakhigarhi, the largest site of the Indus Valley Civilization in Indian sub-continent, is a village in Hisar district of Haryana, located about 150 km north-west of Delhi. It is believed to be located on the dry bed of the ancient Saraswati river, which once flowed through this place, and dried up around 2000 BCE. According to archaeologists, Rakhigarhi is an ideal archaeological site from where the Harappan I civilization began in the Ghagghar Basin of Haryana, and gradually grew from here and spread to the Indus Valley,

Construction of Site Museum & Interpretation Centre at Rakhi-Garhi, is going on. For this purpose 5 acres 2 kanal and 10 marla land has already been transferred by the village Panchayat, Rakhi-Khas (District Hisar) to the Department. The lay-out plan of Museum & Interpretation Centre done by Chief Architect Maryana. The work to construct the main Site Museum & Interpretation Centre is executed through P WD B&R, Haryana. The Administrative approval of 23.85 Crore has been issued for construction of Site Museum Interpretation Centre at Rakhigarhi, VWD B&R Haryana. The rare antiquities and the priceless artifacts of the collection revealed from excavation and exploration in this area will be displayed in this museum. The idea of establishing this Museum and Interpretation Centre at Rakhigarhi is mooted ■ to house the art & antiquities for the purpose of further study and research. Hon'ble C.M. has launched the construction of the Site Museum & Interpretation Centre on P'March, 2016. ^ /<; 9^ -9^ 57 4 (X: I ■9 /C a Ai XA Xc -C? ✓c '£ ? 9 a Z? ✓c ± J2 /zn. d: /C 4: a /Oil// — if :i:: •^3 ±3 J= •9 ± JCI 9 ^ 3 XA 73 37 r±3 Xi7 a ^3 J: Z7 ri'' JZ XA :c ±. AC yX, ± 9 X: y<- Ol /<- f£ XJl O- 9 j: 4: xc Jt3 /C e?3 CO. yX _1 i 2?^ ± yX ai 4 /oi a •ii df ± jt -9 ^ 57 a a XJl ± oi sp JZ 5 9- 5 (X: 4 ± 9 9 57 •9 yX 9^ JCL CL a 5^7 /<-| a /cn. ft A3 a f:i 3 a -01 X: d:3

^^ ^ oqiWfR ^;'■#^TrjiT WT ^ Wr 1M ^ wi T?Tt I 5 3-?R lOTT?^ J^WT Wq^, TR^T-WfT (f^ j|W) ^ 1^WT ^ ^ ^ ^ 11 oqiMFf ^ ^-■SiMc ql^JHi qit^cpK ^Riqiuil SKI I TRTfT^^ WRgTF^ ^ Mdt ^^ ^ TT^ ^ ff^fUTi, ^ Tnm1 wi ^ tl ^-S«r4-^l ^ 1^ 'JfR fftwiT, ^ Tr#ri^, ^ ^ WFM^ ^TPSTFT ^ % f^rtfoT ^ j%IT 23,85 ^5^ ^WRil^ >^<^5!^ ^ 'JTf f I ^ ^ ^

-yy^lel'^ ^lT?Mcf ^ ^ m yiftH ^>3ft ^ 3^fZFR m ^ ^ 11 TTFFfk^'STTl^l'^^1 2016^''?^Wra^-3?RoWIH^ Press Note

Department of Archaeology and Museums, Haryana in co-ordination with Postal authorities of Chandigarh Circle, has worked on creating a philatelic souvenir - Special I Cover on Rakhigarhi archaeological site that has been declared of National importance by Government of India. Rakhigarhi for Special cover is appropriate in this regard as this site has always been in limelight because of the collection unearthed, its expanse as the largest Harappan site of Indian subcontinent and the rarity of findings that are seen on this site. Issuing a Special cover will create a memorable souvenir to mark significance of site in state of Haryana. This site as invaluable heritage of Haryana is.legacy of generations. Rakhigarhi is equally significant at National and International level as various scholars have worked with its collection.

Philately has been a field of academic and cultural promotion of various organizations all over India and abroad. Various government organizations and museums create Stamps, Special covers and such inemoralabia that marks special collection or events in history and time. Department of Archaeology and Museums Haryana is releasing a Special Cover on World renowned archaeological site of Haryana, Rakhigarhi today. This is the first Special Cover, to be released as a Philatelic souvenir from the Department of Archaeology & Museums, Hai-yana that marks the significance of the largest Harappan site, of Archaeological importance, in Haryana and the Indian sub-continent.

Rakhigarhi, the largest site of the Indus Valley Civilization in Indian sub-continent, is a village in Hisar district of Haryana, located about 150 km north-west of Delhi. It is believed to be located on the dry bed of the ancient Saraswati river, which once flowed through this place, and dried up around 2000 BCE. According to archaeoiogists, Raldiigarhi is an ideal archaeological site from where the Harappan civilization began in the Ghagghar Basin of Haryana, and gradually grew from here and spread to the Indus Valley. .1 he construction work of Site Museum & Interpretation Centre at village Rakhigarhi has started, for this purpose, 5 acres 2 kanais and 10 marla land has been transferred by the village Panchayat, Rakhi-Khas to the Department of Archeology &Musums, Haryana. The lay out plan of Museum has been done by Chief Architect, Haryana. The administrative approval of Rs.23.85 crors has issued for construction of said museum to PWD (B&R), Haryana. Foundation stone has been launched by Shri Manohar Lai, Hon'ble Chiel Minister Haryana ,on March 2016 in the presence of Shri Ram Bilas Sharma, Minister (Archaeology & Museums) and , Finance Minister and other dignitaries. Speech for Hon'ble Chief Minister. Harvana (Philately)!?^ ^ ^Hwff ^ ^ 11 f^I^H WOT WWRT fcTd^ 3TTWT 1^ OTT^ t, dt lierW "WI fcTd^ WF ^ "^TOTT ^ fd%cT cT5^ 11 ^yiOTT WWW f^IWT "FT f^-ar^ y,Xl(niR^cp ■^ar^, "CR ^TTWT ^ RhI-cH ^ U'kllcJ WT t, dT 3TT^ 3TN "dd ^ war (release) ^ "W 11 ^ snwi ^ wd ^c^ctn fcRiw c^ dd uTTTOOTr ^ eitsiqi sfK" WcllRa/y^ilRa cTOTT "t 1 "^Rrtt ^ Rtf^"1 WOT 3TOTW fcTWTcT, wWf ^ "dd ^ yfl-S^ sfR ^ feT^ '^'l4cp^

^ WT 3T1CIW ^ WST ^f vdM^cW t cfdf^ W "^rI^ ^ ^ ^T5Rrt >^[^41 ^ ^ 11 w ^war^ -FrNdk wwrfiq ^f w^ ?n| ^[wr^ ^ w ^ w f^^cigRjc^ ti f!rdsr mm ^ ^R^rii wit ^ ^wa^ ^ ^ RlReci cp^i-i ^ feH?' ^TTOTT? "wRcfJl OT W^ "§ I W ^Waj^ 3fcRT^ W ^ d Wc^T^ t, fcTW ^ 3[^^TWT WWf^ ^ ^ ^ W ^ RTT^ ^ 3TT ^ 11 R^—WWfT WTcTT ^ W^ "W sR-^l^ll ^ R^R Ric^ ^ W W t, dt ^ WW 150 WddOT ^ ^ OTT^-dtOT ^T Ra^" 11 ^ "WT TWT ^ Ri W yi"41d wwft ^ cTTH ^ RaTd" %, tJTd ^ wfl aft, 3fR 2000 ^ ^ 3TRT-W ^ aft 1 ^TJW?, YT^fmfT TTcfT ^yi^ar^ t, wt ^ d^wn ^ ft wit?tt ^ afR sfR-ftR wt "ft dR Rrg "ETi^ w> ^ ^ 1 ^ dR RtRtott ft ■gRW W C^ ■gyTOTrfftftt ^icpfqcl ffti^TT % I ^ ^ STRfTR W RROT, W ^ W ftPr RjdfttOT eft W 11 % WT ^ Ul41ddl ww 5,000 WT 11 mm wf ft" w^. ott^ "oft Rcbid wioft, ^ ftnift wf ^ ftw, Woft, ftwft^ yfcT^ "OTTTOT cR^ 3fR cftftrftr engftt ft wt^w ft ft wm fftft 11 ftwft^, fttft sfR sraft^eWFT T^carft ft wftt 3Tr^^ ft wf ftt ^gw gRiRrfftft 11

RT^fPlft ^ ^ar^ ftiieieiq cf WWH "ft^, eR^Ril WiT ft f^'dR fftft ft OTW ^ W 11 ^ Riftui ft fft^TT 5 T^cf>;g 2 OTT^ sfR 10 ^fTW ^ TOT ftW?T, (Rrar ftw) ^ Rrw ftt ^ ft 11 ftrrwra sfR wtwt ft^ ftt ft—STTOT ftWT cil^epivi, bRwTT £[KT "Rr W I "W^IOT cT WTsW ft^ ft RPtW ^ Wf fto^^ofto fto 3OT0, "^RwT ft "FTWT ft RfOTfftf Rot ^ W 11 fto^^oft ft W ^ dRlJRll, ftt Wftry^, ft WT ftTTW^ WWFT ft"^ ft RptRt ft Rr 23.85 ^ift^- "ftt "dft "swtRt^ "^ftc^Ri Tmft ftt ^ ti ^ ft^ ft ^3fK ^TT^R ^3fr ^ SIKTOR ^3T^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^T^ ^ 1 Rp^, 2016 ^ ^TTmiOT sfK w^oR ^ ^ f^l Press Note

Department of Archaeology and Museums, Haryana in co-ordination with Postal authorities of Chandigarh Circle, has worked on creating a philatelic souvenir - Special Cover on Rakhigarhi archaeological site that has been declared of National importance by Government of India. Rakhigarhi for Special cover is appropriate in this regard as this site has always been in limelight because of the collection uneai'thcd, its expanse as the largest Marappan site of Indian subcontinent and the rarity of findings that are seen on this site. Issuing a Special cover will create a memorable souvenir to mark significance of site in state of Haryana. This site as invaluable heritage of Haryana is legacy of generations. Raldiigarhi is equally significant at National and International level as various scholars have worked with its collection.

Philately has been a field of academic and cultural promotion of various organizations all over India and abroad. Various government organizations and museums create Stamps, Special covers and such meraoralabia that marks special collection or events in history and time. Department of Archaeology and Museums Haryana is releasing a Special Cover on World renowned archaeological site of Plaryana, Rakliigarhi today. This is the first Special Cover, to be released as a Philatelic souvenir from ihe Department of Archaeology & Museums, Haryana that marks the significance of the largest Harappan site, of Archaeological importance, in Haryana and the

Indian sub-continent.

Rakhigarhi, the largest site of the Indus Valley Civilization in Indian sub-continent, is a village in Hisar district of Haryana, located about 150 km north-west of Delhi. It is believed to be located on the dry bed of the ancient Saraswati river, which once liowcd through this place, and dried up around 2000 BCE. According to archaeologists, Rakliigarhi is an ideal archaeological site from where the Harappan civilization began in the Ghagghar Basin of Plaryana, and gradually grew from here and spread to the Indus Valley. r



Organize by Department of Archaeology and Museums, Haryana

in collaboration with

Department of Posts


Friday, 13 November, 2020, 11.00 am

VENUE: Chief Minister's Camp Office, Chandigarh

10:45 A.M. Assembly of Invitees.

11:00 A.M Arrival of Shri Manohar Lai, Honhle Chief Minister,Haryana.

11:00 A.M Welcome to Dignitaries.

11:05 A.M Address by Principal Secretary to Government, Haryana, Department of Archaeology & Museums.

11:10 A.M Address by Chief Secretary to Government, Haryana

11:15 A.M Address by Shri Vinay Kumar, Chief Post Master General, UT Chandigarh.

11:20 A.M Address by Shri Anoop Dhanak, Honhle Minister of State, Archaeology 8& Museums, Haryana

11:25 A.M Address by Shri Manohar Lai, Honhle Chief Minister, Haryana

11:35 A.M. Release of Special Cover

11:40 A.M Presentation of Mementoes to Dignitaries.

11:45 A.M Vote of Thanks by Director, Archaeology & Museums, Haryana.

11:50 A.M Tea PRnaWAMMK OF THE RELEASE OF SPECIAL COVER Themed On 'RAKHIGARHI'- THE VILLAGE OF HERITAGE' Organize by Department of Archaeology and Museums, Haryana in collaboration with Department of Posts On Friday, 13 November, 2020, 11.00 am VENUE: Chief Minister's Camp Office, Chandigarh

10:45 A.M. Assembly of Invitees.

11:00 A.M Arrival of Shri Manohar Lai, Honhle Chief Minister,Haryana.

11:00 A.M Welcome to Dignitaries. Address by Principal Secretary to Government, Haryana, 11:05 A.M Department of Archaeology & Museums. | ' ' ' 1

11:10 A.M Address by Shri V. K. Gupta, Chief Post Master General, UT Chandigarh.

11:15 A.M Address by Chief Secretary to Government, Haryana

11:20 A.M Address by Shri Anoop Dhanak, Hon'ble Minister of State, Archaeology 85 Museums, Haryana

11:25 A.M Address by Shri Manohar Lai, Hon'ble Chief Minister, Haryana

11:35 A.M. Release of Special Cover

11:40 A.M Presentation of Mementoes to Dignitaries.

11:45 A.M Vote of Thanks by Director, Archaeology & Museums, Haryana.

11:50 A.M Tea