Perpetual adoration anniversary

newsletter St. Church, Clark, New Jersey December 8th 2020 – Celebrating our 24th Year!  

While the Perpetual Chapel is located at St. John the Apostle, the Chapel, in truth, belongs to our – which is composed of six parishes: St. Agnes, Divine Mercy, St. Elizabeth, St. Theresa, Holy Family and St. John’s. Each Deanery is permitted only one Perpetual Adoration Chapel - so we thank all hourly adorers from these parishes!

HOW THE PERPETUAL of the Church: paragraph 1374. In ADORATION CHAPEL GOT Other words..…By His Real Presence in the STARTED? When Msgr. , Christ fulfils His promise to be with us Richard McGuiness was the "always, until the end of the age" (Mt 28:20). As St. wrote, "…Christ has not left us Rector at Mt. St. Mary’s without his bodily presence in this our pilgrimage, Seminary in Maryland, but he joins us to Himself in this in the of Calcutta came for a visit. She told reality of His body and blood". (St. Thomas, Summa Msgr. that when he should become Pastor of a Theologiae) In the Eucharist the Church both Church he should start a Perpetual receives the gift of Christ and gives grateful Adoration Chapel. And so he did! On December 8th, thanks to for such a blessing. 1996, our Chapel was opened. We believe that at every , bread and wine become Jesus — His body, blood, soul and divinity — even though we can’t fully understand how it The reality of happens. The miracle of the Eucharist is a mystery, His Love for us. something that human reason and intelligence can never fully grasp. Transubstantiation is a Scholastic We believe, as the term that attempts to explain how bread and wine Church teaches, can become the body and blood of the Lord without Christ’s presence in losing their exterior appearance. the Eucharistic is unique. It raises the While the word was first used in the 11th century by Eucharist above all Hildebert of Lavardin, the of Tours, it the as was at the Council of Trent (1545–1563) that it "the of became authoritative church teaching.” (CCC 1376) the spiritual life and Like the apostles, we have faith in the Lord’s the end to which all words, that he meant what he said; but, also like the sacraments tend." In apostles, we will never fully understand those words the most Blessed in this life, but we most certainly will in the Sacrament of the next. Eucharist "the body and blood, together with the soul and “Be still and know that I AM God” Ps 46 divinity, of our Lord Jesus Christ and, therefore, the whole Christ is truly, really, and substantially contained." - The Eucharistic Adoration - Anchored to Jesus in the and Mary, Help of Christians

St. John Bosco – The Dream of Two Columns

St. John Bosco, was an Italian Priest, educator and writer born in 1815 in Castelnuovo, . He dedicated his life to the betterment and education of street children He founded the Salesians of Don Bosco, the Salesian and Sisters of Don Bosco. From the age of 9, he had a series of prophetic dreams, that would shape his life and spirituality. One of his most famous dreams spoke of future troubles the Church would endure. It is often referred to as the prophecy of the Two Columns. These are his own words, shortened here due to space:

"Try to picture yourselves with me on the seashore, or, better still, on an outlying cliff with no other land in sight. The vast expanse of water is covered with a formidable array of ships in battle formation, prows fitted with sharp spear-like beaks capable of breaking through any defense. All are heavily armed with cannons, incendiary bombs, and firearms of all sorts - even books - and are heading toward one stately ship, mightier than them all. As they try to close in, they try to ram it, set it afire, and cripple it as much as possible.

"This stately vessel is shielded by a flotilla escort. Winds and waves are with the enemy. In this midst of this endless sea, two solid columns, a short distance apart, soar high into the sky: one is surmounted by a statue of the Immaculate Virgin at whose feet a large inscription reads: Help of Christians; the other, far loftier and sturdier, supports a [] Host of proportionate size and bears beneath it the inscription of believers.

"The flagship commander - the Roman Pontiff- seeing the enemy's fury and his auxiliary ships very grave predicament, summons his captains to a conference. However, as they discuss their strategy, a furious storm breaks out...Standing at the helm, the strains every muscle to steer his ship between the two columns…

"The entire enemy fleet closes in to intercept and sink the flagship at all costs. They bombard it with everything they have:… firearms, cannons. The battle rages… At times a formidable ram splinters a gaping hole into its hull, but, immediately, a breeze from the two columns instantly seals the gash..."Breaking through all resistance, the new Pope steers his ship safely between the two columns and moors it to the two columns; first to the one surmounted by the Host, and then to the other, topped by the statue of the Virgin. At this point something unexpected happens. The enemy ships panic and disperse, colliding with and scuttling each other. Some auxiliary ships which had gallantly fought alongside their flagship are the first to tie up at the two columns…"Many others, which had fearfully kept far away… head for the two columns… safe and tranquil beside their flagship. A great calm now covers the sea."

St. John Bosco reflects the following: "Very grave trials await the Church. What we have suffered so far is almost nothing compared to what is going to happen. The enemies of the Church are symbolized by the ships which strive their utmost to sink the flagship. Only two things can save us in such a grave hour: devotion to Mary and frequent Communion. Let us do our very best to use these two means and have others use them everywhere."

For more information about St. John’s Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel or to sign up as an hourly adorer TEXT 908-247-6998 or email [email protected] Eucharistic Adoration - Anchored to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and Mary, Help of Christians

WHY LOVE IS STRONGER THAN DEATH ADORATION? (Song of Songs 8:6) Love is also Stronger than Covid! The Eucharist,” the The Adoration Chapel was closed in March and Catechism says, “is the source and summit reopened on August 22nd, the Feast of the of Christian life.” And rightfully so! For in Queenship of Mary! (Our Lady is an advocate of the Blessed Sacrament, we encounter Eucharistic Adoration!) Christ Himself. ‘Through transubstantiation, the risen Masks are worn and anti-bacterial wipes are Jesus becomes truly present in the provided for every adorer and visitor to wipe down Eucharist. The substance of the bread and their seat when leaving. To satisfy 6 foot spacing, wine changes into the body and blood of there is a temporary 6 person limit and we ask Jesus Christ. The appearance of bread visitors to defer a seat to hourly adorers should we and wine, their taste, smell, and go over 6 appearance, remain the same, but deep people. down the bread and wine no longer exist. They are completely Jesus Christ! This is The Perpetual what Catholics have always believed and Adoration always will. This is a core belief, called a Chapel is open of the faith that be accepted 24 hours a day, to be truly Catholic’. 7 days a week. Mark Bumley, President of Ignatius press, Apologist Jesus is there for us, any time we need Him, This is the such as a time wonderful of crisis or if we truth, my dear just want to stop in to say, “Hello”. friends: the Word, which WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE AN “HOURLY became flesh two thousand years ago is present ADORER”? today in the Eucharist. St. John Paul II An hourly adorer is someone who

comes for one hour When you look at the same time at the crucifix, every week. you We have 1-3 adorers understand currently assigned for every hour. The hourly how much adorers are Guardians of the most Blessed Jesus loved Sacrament without whom we could not keep the you then. When you look at the Sacred chapel open. Signing up for an hour, also makes a prayer time a Host, you understand how much Jesus consistent part of a person’s life. It becomes a loves you now. St. Teresa of Calcutta strong support to a person’s prayer life, as well as their family life and our entire community.

For more information about St. John’s Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel or to sign up as an hourly adorer TEXT 908-247-6998 or email [email protected] Eucharistic Adoration - Anchored to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and Mary, Help of Christians

The Sacrament of : A wonderful gift you can give to Jesus for His birthday! If you haven’t been to Confession in a while, the wants to welcome you back, and invites you to participate in this beautiful sacrament of healing. Take a step in faith. You’ll be surprised about how free you feel after taking part in the Sacrament of St. John Paul II on Mary: Reconciliation. So many Catholics It is the Virgin describe incredible feelings of peace, joy, Mary who relief, and love that invites us to they never expected. consider Jesus is calling you to history as an experience His mercy adventure of in this way too. love in which God keeps his promises and Local Confession Schedules: triumphs with his fidelity. St. John the Apostle, Saturdays 1-2 pm Linden/Clark After all 7:00 pm Masses Divine Mercy, Weekdays 12:30 For More Information on the Perpetual Rahway Saturdays 3:00 pm Eucharistic Adoration Chapel located at St. John the Apostle or to sign up as an St. Agnes, Clark Saturdays 4:30 or hourly adorer: call for Appt. Please contact Anne at 908-247-6998 St. Elizabeth, Linden Mon-Sat. 12:30-1:00 Espanol: Carolyn 908-347-1009 pm St. Theresa, Linden Mon-Sat 7:25 am Visit: (Chapel) Saturdays 4:00 – adoration to sign up on line. 4:45 (Church) Holy Family, 210 Call: 908-862-1060 Monroe St., Linden

Rejoice O hearts that seek the Lord!

For more information about St. John’s Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel or to sign up as an hourly adorer TEXT 908-247-6998 or email [email protected]