91 韓國應急救助學會誌 第 16 券 第 3 號, 91 ~ 102 (2012. 12) Korean J Emerg Med Ser Vol. 16, No. 3, 91 ~ 102 (2012. 12) The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services 응급구조과 학생의 자아존중감과 대학생활적응이 진로준비행동에 미치는 영향 최길순1*·이창희2 1동강대학교 응급구조과 조교수, 2남서울대학교 응급구조학과 조교수 Effects of self-esteem and adjustment to college life on career preparation behavior of paramedic students Gil-Soon Choi1*·Chang-Hee Lee2 1Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medical Technology, Dong Kang College University 2Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medical Technology, Namseoul University =Abstract = Purpose : This study was designed to examine the effects of self-esteem and adjustment to college life on career preparation behavior in 209 paramedic students attending two colleges in G Metropolitan City and provide the basic materials of career development program. Methods : Data were collected from Sep. 7 to 12, 2011 and SEI Form B made by Coopersmith, adjustment to college life by Baker and Siryk, and career preparation behavior by Kim were adopted and revised. Results : There was significant difference in self-esteem and adjustment to college life between gender, but there was no difference in career preparation behavior. Self-esteem and career preparation behavior were graders difference, but there was no in adjustment to college life. There were positive correlations between self-esteem and adjustment to college life. The most significant influence on career preparation behavior of paramedic students was academic adjustment, followed the social and emotional adjustment. Conclusion : For the effective career preparation behaviors, career guidance methods and programs that 접수일 : 2012년 10월 30일 수정일 : 2012년 11월 28일 게재확정일 : 2012년 12월 10일 *Corresponding Author : Gil-Soon Choi Department of Emergency Medical Technology, Dong Kang College University, 160 Dongmun-ro, Bukgu, Gwangju 500-714, Republic of Korea Tel : +82-62-520-2295 Fax : +82-62-520-2527 E-mail:
[email protected] 92 induce academic, social and emotional adjustment to be available in adjustment to college life of gender and grade.