2020 Annual Fund Supporters January 1 and December 31, 2020
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GIFTS RECEIVED BETWEEN 2020 ANNUAL FUND SUPPORTERS JANUARY 1 AND DECEMBER 31, 2020 Thank you to everyone who gave so generously to support the ongoing services and operations of Plymouth Housing in 2020. This list reflects tax-deductible gifts for ongoing operations and services received by Plymouth Housing. Donors to our PROOF Campaign are listed separately. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy. If you have any questions or concerns, please email Shoko Toyama, Chief Development Officer, at [email protected]. GIFTS FROM $1 TO $24,999 501 Commons Janet Andrews Pauline Bariola Pavan Bhatraju Martha Abts Claire Angel Kay Barksdale and Michael Romine Luann Bice and Dylan Holmes Mitch Acevedo Robert Angel Dan Barr Tom Biehl and Libby Hill Janet Acker Sylvia Angel Amanda Barrell Stella Biehl Simon Acker Annette Hayes and Beth Ginsberg James Barry Michael Biesheuvel Rebecca Adams Sarah Antoncich Christine Bartlett Cortney Bigelow Joel Adamson Carole Antoncich Mark Bartlett Elizabeth Billington Liza and Dave Addison Lillian Aoyama Tabitha and Tyler Bartlett Denman Bird David Addison Apple Inc. Sarah and Rich Barton Sarah Bird Shawna Ader Lyle Appleford Roger Bass Beth Birnbaum Michelle Adler Andrea Araiza Shane and Rebekah Bastian Laura Birzell Adobe Systems Matching Gifts Sarah Argudo Bradford Battiste Ashanti Bitar Program Edward Arildson Nona Battistella Jinann Bitar Kaci Aguilar Michele Armstrong Kate Battuello and Larry Engel Stacy and Greg Bjarnason Michael Ahearn Scott and Sarah Armstrong Brenda Baxter Deirdre and Fraser Black Daniel Ahlstrom and Roxane Neal Judge Sharon Armstrong Julie Beall and Linda Marzano Mindy Black Zahoor Ahmed Arup Amanda Beane Mike Blackbourn Airbnb Larry Asher JoAnn Beard Evan Blake Mohamed Ait Alloua Katherine Ashley Pamela Becker Rebecca and Stephen Blanchard Marcy Akiyama Stephen Ashmore Susie Beckett Bill Blanchard Lynne Akiyama Sandra and Joel Aslanian Scott and Sarah Bednar David Blandford Alaska Airlines AT&T Sabina Beg Dana and Eric Blazevic Tom Alberg and Judi Beck Peter and Sandy Atkins Lynn Behar Darren Bloch Maria Alberto Melanie Audette Rena and Dana Behar Paul and Leora Bloom Mark Aldham Leslie Aungst Dominique Behr BNBuilders Malcolm Alexander Marybeth Austin Quentin Behr Carol Bobo Sam Alhadeff Christian and Lois Austin Jean Bell John Bodoia Brian Alkire AvalonBay Communities, Inc. Janet Bell Boeing Company Jim and Catherine Allchin Andrea and Brad Axel Bellwether Amy Boes Bobbi Allen David Aynardi Andy and Teryn Bench Rachelle Boire Bradley Allen David and Lynne Baab Hubbard Benedict and Elaine and Mark Bolger Brian Allen Laura Baca Karen Hartfield Kathryn Bolles Patricia Allen Mary Bacarella Michael Beneke Marcia Bollo Annette and James Alling Laura Bachman Benevity Community Impact Fund Andrea and Russ Borgmann Andrew Allison Sarah Bachman Amanda Bengtson John Borland Marcia Almquist Genevieve Backman Andrew Bennett Betsy Borrow Jocelyne Alva Deborah Baden Linda Bennett Frank Bosl Ryan Ames Bader Martin, P.S. Lora Bennett and Gregory Anacker Marilyn Boss Joanna Ames Badgley Phelps Marcia Bennison The Boston Consulting Group Anne Anderson Bradley and Sally Bagshaw Christine Benson Alex Boverman Carly Anderson Julia Baker Bentley Systems Inc Taylor Bowie Christine Anderson Julia and Kevin Baker Louis Berg Courtney Bowling Howard Anderson Sonia and Kendall Baker Heather Berger Susan Boyd Julie Anderson and Noelia Baldazo Marc Berger Stephanie Boyer Robert York Anderson Anne Baldwin Robert Bergman Liam Boyle and Tara Connor Katherine Anderson Erin Baldwin Rupert Berk Jane Ann Bradbury Lisa Anderson Marc Bale and Jan Roddy Patrick Berkeley and Deirdre Doyle John Braden and Kristin Johnson Mark Anderson and Deborah Smith Matthew Balkman Donna Bernard Chris and Scott Bradley Meghan Anderson Bank of America Merrill Lynch Sherie Bernardez Tony and Becky Brady Molly Anderson Banner Bank Gerald Bernhoft Molly Braeunig Patricia Anderson Nicolle Barbee Kevin Berry Koni Braman Robert Anderson and Marilyn Heiman Leslie Barber Jean Berry David Braman Suzanne Anderson Mark and Heather Barbieri Debbie Bertlin Reena Bramblett Virginia Anderson Mary Kaye Bardue Colonel Betz Susan and Mike Brandeberry Bob Anderton and Karan Barich Sophia Betz Kalman Brauner and Amy Carlson Wendy Woldenberg Katie Barich Sarah and Christopher Beza Stephanie and Rene Bravmann Randi Brazen Matthew Cazier and Jennifer Sargent Deirdre Cowden-Templeton Charley and Sheila Dickey Margaret Breen and Edward Cazier Sallie Cowgill Tess Dickman Stewart Landefeld CBRE Kate Coxon Tyler Dierdorff Robert Breidenthal and Susan Crane Leonard Cereghino Ann and Jim Crabtree Barbara Dingfield Sean and Gretchen Brennan Kerstin Cerf Judy Craig Michael Diodato Elizabeth Brennan Glo Ceteznik Beatrice Crane Karen Dion Dori Brewer Malek Chalabi Emily Crawford The Distillery, Inc. Dave Brewer Bobbi Chamberlin Felicia Crawford Jennifer Divine Kristin-Leigh Brezinski Zachary Chambers Mary-Carter Creech Thomas Dixon Bright Funds Foundation Gerry Chambers Javila Creer Eric and Tracy Dobmeier Brighton Jones LLC Deborah Champion Janie Crist Sydney Dobson Madeleine Brindle Karen Chang and Chuck Sloane Francesco Crocenzi and David Doerksen Marilyn Brink Frances Chapman Amy Bohuntinsky Paul Dolan Siri Brinkman and Peter Stroeve Edsonya Charles Cooper Crosby John Dolin Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Pamela Charles Matt and Lisa Crosby Nancy Dombrowski and Bryan and Christi Bristow Charlie’s Produce Brad and Hillary Crowe Gerard Sidorowicz Jeannie Brooks Angie Chatalas Sarah Crowe Laura and James Donald Aaron Brooks Joe and Linda Chauncey Colleen Crowley Julia Donk Susan Brooks Storck and Sara Chenetz Stephen Crutcher Mike and Julia Donnelly Michael Storck Sapna Cheryan Tova Cubert Laurel Doody Laura Brosten Leslie and Dale Chihuly Mawell Cummings David Doody Deryl Brown-Archie Stacy and Marty Chilberg Amy Cunningham Erik Doran Adriane Brown M. Patrick Chinn Carin Cunningham Nancy Dorn and Carol Verga Darin Brown Hannah Chiodo Clifton Curry and Ann Allen Dorsey & Whitney Foundation David Brown and Christina Rockrise Ramses Chmait Richard Cuthbert Diane Douglas and Steve Perlmutter Kelle Brown Benjamin Chotzen Dave and Marikay Cuthill Kathleen and Daniel Dow Lester Brown Lulu Chou Joyce Cutler Deirdre Doyle Elizabeth Bruder Sarah Christensen Garrick Dabbs Olivia Doyle Cath Brunner Leslie Christian James R Dahl Carol J. Doyle Brenda Bruns Ann Christiansen Maureen Dahlstrom Daniel Drais Gregory Bryan Laura Christofferson James Dailey Kris Draper Caryn Buck Lisa Christofferson and Jeffrey Weber Christopher and Kenneth Drechsel Peter Buck City of Seattle Combined Charities Stephanie Daley-Watson Phillip and Katie Dreher Fred and Jane Buckner The Clarius Group Tim and Kelli Daniels Phil Drew Victoria Buker Christi Clark Barbara and Ted Daniels Mike Droke Clare Buntrock Douglas Clark Ali Daniels Lynn Du Bey Danae and Jeremy Burger Edward A Clark Edmund Darcher Midori Duarte White Joleen and Tim Burgess Lacey CLark Donna Darm Deborah Dubrow and Susan Burgess Lisa Clark McKenzie Darr Peyman Oreizy Deborah Burkart Meara Clark Dauby O’Connor & Zaleski, LLC Michael and Hannah Ducey Carol Burkhart Michael Clark Marc and Maud Daudon Dayna Ducey David and Deeann Burman Clark Construction Mariah David Barbara Duffy David Burman Clear Risk Solutions J Thomas Davidson Susan Duffy Teri Burnett Judith Clegg and Lynn Davison Michael Davidson Donna Dughi Andrea Burnham Chris Clements and Rebecca Rose Davidson Elizabeth Duke Michelle Burns DeLozier Clements Sari Davidson Brent C Duncan Jim and Elizabeth Burns Michael Clevenger Caitlyn Davis Francine Dunnigan Carese Busby and Roberto Rosales Erica Clibborn Cecily Davis Lorri Dunsmore Alan and Kristin Bushley John Clifford Michael Davis Lauren and Greg Duplantier Tom and Margo Bykonen Andy and Kristen Cline Nicole Davis Virginia Duppenthaler Brad Cahill Clise Properties Inc. Robert M and Mary Louisa Davis Jeff Duppenthaler Joan Caine Leonard and Else Cobb Davis Wright Tremaine LLP Yarrow Durbin Cairncross & Hempelmann, P.S. Jaclyn Cochran Marilyn and Michael de Guzman Susan Duren Lonna Calas Chris Cody Leona De Rocco and Gary Fallon Ryan Durkan Karen Calby Carrie Cohen Kelly Dearey Marvin and Jean Cressey Durning John Calcagno Cheryl Cohen Emily Deasy Jennifer Durrie and Craig Vierling Pat Callahan Jordan Cohen Matt and Jill Deasy Susan Durtsche Debbie Callas Ruth Cohen Adi Debiche and John Raynolds Peggy Duxbury and Stephen Metruck Rich Camacho Steven Cohn Beverly DeCook Mitchell and Mark Dyce-Ryan Cambia Health Solutions Matching Jocelyn Coit-Durland Erika DeFazio Michael Dyen Gifts Sharon Coleman Curtis DeGasperi and Sara Waterman Sean Dyers Diane Camenisch Debra Coleman Steve Degermark Kenneth and Pamela Eakes Karen Cameron Colliers International Bill DeJarlais Aaron Easterly Christine and William Campbell Leah Colson Eric DeJong Keith Eaton Lygia Campbell Ms. Shanti Colwell Anton Dekom Georg Eberhardt Mara Campbell The Columbus Foundation John D Delafield Betty Eberharter Georgina Campelia Comcast Deloitte Consulting LLP Ecotope Sonya and Tom Campion Community Foundation for Marie and Birney Dempcy Julie Edsforth Capital One Greater Buffalo Cathy Dempsey Gail Efroymson Peter Carbon Compass Construction Charlie and Bobbie Denison Bobbie Egan Cardinal Health Foundation Compass Group Steve Denison Oda Egeland Mr. Paul Carlson Ruth Conn Susan Derrick Mitch and Lisa Eggers Wendy Carmikle Kim Connell Michele Despreaux Scott Ehnert Aaron and Andrea Carnes Seattle 2 Branch Consolidated Jeff and Stacy Deuel David