December 2019 Totals for 40837 399.00
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3frdtl01.p WIMBERLEY ISD 3:50 PM 01/09/20 Board - Vendor Check History Report (Dates: 12/01/19 - 12/31/19) PAGE: 1 CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE NUMBER DATE NUMBER VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 0 11/01/2019 199 E 41 6394 00 701 0 99 000 Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Illustrator Subscription - November 2019 34.09 0 11/01/2019 493 E 11 6399 00 001 0 11 G05 Amazon Capital Services ******WEF****** Graphing Calculators 1,040.26 0 11/01/2019 199 E 11 6394 00 001 0 11 MTH Amazon Capital Services ******WEF****** Graphing Calculators 54.64 0 11/01/2019 493 E 11 6399 00 001 0 11 G05 Amazon Capital Services ******WEF****** Graphing Calculators 1,149.37 0 11/01/2019 493 E 11 6399 00 001 0 22 G03 Amazon Capital Services ******WEF****** Materials For Computer Science Reboot 4,232.13 0 11/01/2019 493 E 11 6399 00 001 0 11 G05 Amazon Capital Services ******WEF****** Graphing Calculators 810.37 0 11/01/2019 195 E 11 6395 00 001 0 11 000 Amazon Capital Services Tech supplies for WHS 182.80 0 11/01/2019 199 E 41 6399 00 701 0 99 000 Amazon Capital Services supplies for Superintendent office 35.04 0 11/01/2019 199 E 52 6399 00 810 0 99 000 Amazon Capital Services Books 53.99 0 11/01/2019 199 E 41 6394 00 701 0 99 000 Amazon Capital Services supplies for Superintendent office 230.00 0 11/01/2019 199 E 52 6399 00 810 0 99 000 Amazon Capital Services Books 39.99 0 11/01/2019 199 E 31 6339 00 041 0 99 000 Apperson Testing Materials 331.35 0 11/01/2019 199 E 11 6399 00 001 0 22 AGR Atlas Manufacturing, Inc. Replacement Shutter Motor 194.22 0 11/01/2019 240 E 35 6499 00 999 0 99 000 Brookshire Brothers Supplies for Child Nutrition Meeting 24.19 0 11/01/2019 199 E 51 6499 00 101 0 99 000 Brookshire Brothers Water for JWE during outage 75.00 0 11/01/2019 199 E 23 6411 ME 001 0 99 000 Chili's Lunch for J. Valentine at XC State Championship 21.06 0 11/01/2019 865 L 10 2190 A3 001 0 00 000 Dollar General Supplies for Varsity Football Team 22.10 0 11/01/2019 199 E 13 6411 ME 001 0 22 EGN Education Service Center, Region 13 Lunch for Engineering 8.00 0 11/01/2019 161 E 36 6239 00 999 0 91 000 Education Service Center, Region 20 Bus Driver Recertification for B. Nute 45.00 0 11/01/2019 199 E 11 6394 00 041 0 11 SCI Flocabulary, LLC. Flocabulary Lite Access Annual Plan 120.00 0 11/01/2019 199 E 34 6249 00 805 0 99 000 Hays County Tax Assessor Vehicle Registration for TS-56 10.50 0 11/01/2019 865 L 10 2190 A3 001 0 00 000 HEB Credit Receivables Drinks for Varsity Football Team at Playoff Game 59.37 0 11/01/2019 199 E 13 6411 00 001 0 99 ART HEB Credit Receivables Supplies for Art 5.69 0 11/01/2019 199 E 11 6399 00 102 0 11 GEN HEB Credit Receivables Lexia Reward Supplies 25.68 0 11/01/2019 199 E 36 6412 00 001 0 99 SPC HEB Credit Receivables Gas for WHS Speech/Debate Team 40.00 0 11/01/2019 199 E 41 6499 00 750 0 99 HRS HEB Credit Receivables Supplies for November Birthday Celebration 46.46 0 11/01/2019 865 L 10 2190 A3 001 0 00 000 HEB Credit Receivables Drinks for Varsity Football Team during Llano Game on 55.33 11/01/2019 0 11/01/2019 865 L 10 2190 15 001 0 00 000 HEB Credit Receivables Supplies for Senior Night - Cheer 16.62 0 11/01/2019 199 E 34 6499 00 805 0 99 000 HEB Credit Receivables November Safety Meeting Supplies 28.86 0 11/01/2019 199 E 11 6399 00 102 0 11 GEN HEB Credit Receivables HEB open receivables 26.18 0 11/01/2019 865 L 10 2190 CA 001 0 00 000 HEB Credit Receivables donuts JH FCA 9.72 0 11/01/2019 865 L 10 2190 A3 001 0 00 000 HEB Credit Receivables Drinks for Football Team during Cuero Game 63.27 0 11/01/2019 199 E 41 6499 00 701 0 99 DST HEB Credit Receivables Supplies for Veterans Day 300.00 0 11/01/2019 199 E 51 6499 00 101 0 99 000 HEB Credit Receivables Water for JWE due to water outage 76.65 0 11/01/2019 865 L 10 2190 A3 001 0 00 000 HEB Credit Receivables Drinks for Varsity Football Team during Bi-District Game on 59.60 11/15/2019 0 11/01/2019 199 E 41 6411 00 701 0 99 000 Horseshoe Bay Resort Destinations L Hotels Stay for D. York at Superintendents Conference 234.00 10/29/2019 - 10/31/2019 3frdtl01.p WIMBERLEY ISD 3:50 PM 01/09/20 Board - Vendor Check History Report (Dates: 12/01/19 - 12/31/19) PAGE: 2 CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE NUMBER DATE NUMBER VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 0 11/01/2019 865 L 10 2190 A3 001 0 00 000 Jason's Deli Meal for Varsity Football Team at Bi-District Game on 781.72 11/15/2019 0 11/01/2019 865 L 10 2190 A4 001 0 00 000 Jason's Deli Lunch for Volleyball Team before 2nd Playoff Game 229.70 0 11/01/2019 199 E 41 6499 00 750 0 99 HRS Jason's Deli Snacks for New Hire Orientation 92.09 0 11/01/2019 199 E 36 6494 00 001 0 91 CHR Jason's Deli Lunch for Cheer 30.48 0 11/01/2019 199 E 41 6399 00 701 0 99 000 King Feed & Hardware, Inc Flower Pot for Office 31.49 0 11/01/2019 199 E 52 6499 00 810 0 99 000 Leaning Pear LLC Lunch for Safety and Student Support Meeting - D. Howard, 35.48 A. Lyles, R. Simmons 0 11/01/2019 199 E 36 6399 00 001 0 99 NHS NASSP/NHS/NJHS NHS Contemporary Certificates 60.00 0 11/01/2019 865 L 10 2190 40 041 0 00 000 NASSP/NHS/NJHS NJHS Certificates & Candles 163.20 0 11/01/2019 865 L 10 2190 41 001 0 00 000 Pizza Hut - Wimberley Pizza for Press Night 91.91 0 11/01/2019 199 E 11 6499 00 001 0 25 ESL Pizza Hut - Wimberley Reward for ESL 50.54 0 11/01/2019 199 E 31 6399 00 102 0 99 000 Postmaster Postage for GT Testing 4.31 0 11/01/2019 199 E 36 6268 00 001 0 99 000 Right Space Storage WHS Theatre Storage Unit - November 2019 350.00 0 11/01/2019 199 E 36 6329 00 001 0 99 UIL Samuel French, Inc. Theater Scripts 164.45 0 11/01/2019 199 E 36 6299 00 001 0 99 DRA Samuel French, Inc. Theater Licenses 125.00 0 11/01/2019 199 E 13 6411 00 041 0 99 SCI Schlotzsky's Lunch for CAST Conference 5.16 0 11/01/2019 161 E 36 6412 ME 001 0 91 DCO Schlotzsky's Meal for XC State Championship Meet 20.06 0 11/01/2019 865 L 10 2190 A4 001 0 00 000 Schlotzsky's Meal for Volleyball Team before Playoff Game 195.29 0 11/01/2019 161 E 36 6411 ME 001 0 91 000 Schlotzsky's Meal for Coaches before Playoff Game in San Antonio 48.87 0 11/01/2019 199 E 13 6411 00 041 0 99 SCI Schlotzsky's Meal for CAST Conference 47.38 0 11/01/2019 199 E 11 6394 00 001 0 22 TEC Scirra Limited CREDIT -359.99 0 11/01/2019 161 E 36 6412 00 999 0 91 DCO Shell Gas for Bus at Playoff Game 37.00 0 11/01/2019 199 E 13 6411 00 041 0 99 SCI STAT CREDIT - STAT Conference for C. McCollum -155.00 0 11/01/2019 199 E 11 6399 00 041 0 23 000 TeachersPayTeachers Instructional Materials for Danforth Resource English Class 18.49 0 11/01/2019 199 E 23 6411 ME 001 0 99 000 Whataburger, Inc. Meal for J. Valentine at Volleyball Playoff Game 8.32 0 11/01/2019 161 E 36 6411 ME 001 0 91 000 Whataburger, Inc. Meal for Coaches after Varsity Football Game 16.08 0 11/01/2019 865 L 10 2190 A4 001 0 00 000 Whataburger, Inc. Dinner for Volleyball Team after Playoff Game on 11/12/2019 157.44 0 11/01/2019 865 L 10 2190 A4 001 0 00 000 Whataburger, Inc. Dinner for Volleyball Team after 2nd Round of Playoffs 149.34 0 11/01/2019 199 E 13 6411 00 101 0 24 SPE Wilson Language Training Corporatio Wilson Reading System Course for M. Evers 225.00 0 11/01/2019 492 E 13 6411 00 833 0 24 G03 Wilson Language Training Corporatio Wilson Reading System Course for M. Evers 424.00 0 11/01/2019 199 E 36 6399 00 001 0 91 CHR Wimberley Ace Hardware Hand Warmers for Cheer 19.39 0 11/01/2019 199 E 36 6399 00 001 0 91 DAN Wimberley Ace Hardware Hand Warmers for Dance Team 23.98 0 11/01/2019 865 L 10 2190 15 001 0 00 000 Wimberley Ace Hardware Hand Warmers for Cheer 47.96 0 11/01/2019 199 E 41 6499 00 701 0 99 DST Wimberley Ace Hardware Supplies for Veterans Day 39.00 0 11/01/2019 865 L 10 2190 A5 001 0 00 000 Wimberley Ace Hardware Gift for XC Coaches 36.98 0 11/01/2019 865 L 10 2190 AG 001 0 00 000 Wimberley Ace Hardware Paint and Supplies for Softball Bleachers 58.00 0 11/01/2019 865 L 10 2190 00 041 0 00 000 Wimberley Ace Hardware Insect Spray 53.00 0 11/01/2019 199 E 34 6499 00 805 0 99 000 Wimberley Shamrock November Safety Meeting Supplies 75.00 3frdtl01.p WIMBERLEY ISD 3:50 PM 01/09/20 Board - Vendor Check History Report (Dates: 12/01/19 - 12/31/19) PAGE: 3 CHECK CHECK ACCOUNT INVOICE NUMBER DATE NUMBER VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Totals for 0 13,162.65 40809 12/05/2019 240 E 35 6399 00 999 0 99 000 A to Z Copy & Print, LLC Envelopes 111.50 Totals for 40809 111.50 40810 12/05/2019 199 E 34 6249 00 805 0 99 000 Aguirrie Paint & Body Inc.