Turkana Boy KNM WT - 15000 Lower Koobi Fora Tu

Brown, F., et al., 1985 al., et F., Brown, Lower Nachukui strata, West Turkana Basin 500 Thickness is from HBL, 1988 (except Lonyumun). Sections measured by Nutz et al., 2017, 2020 and others show variations as expected in a fault-controlled lake margin setting.


Kaitio Lacustrine Lorenyang Lake KS4 Acheulian Near shore Nutz et al., 2017, gs 3A, 4A,B, 5H; 2020, g 12A 400

Fig 9 of HBL 1988 Fig ooding surface 1.76my per Nutz et al., 2017 Fluvial Nutz et al., 2020 section 13 2020 al., et Nutz Volcanics KBS = H-2, 1.87my

Nutz et al., 2017, g 4D Tu

350 Nutz et al., 2020, g 11 F stromatolites Nutz et al., 2017 g 3B; 2020, sect. 12 2020, 3B; g 2017 al., et Nutz ooding surface 2.04my from Shungura D diatomite

LA1, LA2c archeological sites Nutz et al., 2020 section 10 2020 al., et Nutz


300 Nutz et al., 2020, g 11 E Lepre et al., 2011, g 2 g 2011, al., et Lepre

Fig 8 of HBL 1988 HBL of 8 Fig Ekalalei = F-1 Kalochoro = F

Strata that occur in Lomekwi drainage Kokiselei = E, DSDP core 231


Tiercelin et al., 2010, g 13 g 2010, al., et Tiercelin 250 Lokalalei = D, 2.53my notebook p. 16-21 Black skull KNM WT 17000 (Walker et al., 1986) paleocurrents to east

Emekwi = C-9

200 Nutz et al., 2020, g 11 D

Nutz et al., 2020, g 11 C


Fig 7 of HBLFig 1988


LOM-3 (Harmand et al., 2015) beach notebook p. 9, 10

Nutz et al., 2020 section 8 2020 al., et Nutz Lokochot Lake 100 Toroto 3.31

NutzD et al., 2020, g 11 B Tulu Bor alpha = B 3.44my Harmand et al., 2015 g 3a g 2015 al., et Harmand Burrowed bed, lag of sh teeth ooding surface 3.53my per Leakey et al., 2001 notebook p. 8 p. KNM WT 40000 Nutz et al., 2020, g 10, 11 A

Leakey et al., 2001, Fig 4 Fig 2001, al., et Leakey Leakey et al., 2001

Nutz et al., 2020 section 6 2020 al., et Nutz Lokochot = A 3.60my, DSDP core 232

Kataboi Fig 6 of HBL 1988 HBL of 6 Fig 50 Moiti 3.97my, DSDP core 241 Topernawi

D D Lonyumun Lake Nutz et al., 2020 section 3, 5 section 3, 2020 al., et Nutz notebook p. 23

Lonyumun Nutz et al., 2020 section 1 2020 al., et Nutz 0 volcanics ca. 4.2my meters

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