The Early History of Catalysis
The Early History of Catalysis By Professor A. J. B. Robertson Department of Chemistry, King’s College, London One hundred and forty years ago it was Berzelius proceeded to propose the exist- possible for one man to prepare an annual ence of a new force which he called the report on the progress of the whole of “catalytic force” and he called “catalysis” the chemistry, and for many years this task was decomposition of bodies by this force. This undertaken by the noted Swedish chemist is probably the first recognition of catalysis J. J. Berzelius for the Stockholm Academy of as a wide-ranging natural phenomenon. Sciences. In his report submitted in 1835 and Metallic catalysts had in fact been used in published in 1836 Berzelius reviewed a num- the laboratory before 1800 by Joseph Priestley, ber of earlier findings on chemical change in the discoverer of oxygen, and by the Dutch both homogeneous and heterogeneous sys- chemist Martinus van Marum, both of whom tems, and showed that these findings could be made observations on the dehydrogenation of rationally co-ordinated by the introduction alcohol on metal catalysts. However, it seems of the concept of catalysis. In a short paper likely that these investigators regarded the summarising his ideas on catalysis as a new metal merely as a source of heat. In 1813, force, he wrote (I): Louis Jacques Thenard discovered that ammonia is decomposed into nitrogen and “It is, then, proved that several simple or compound bodies, soluble and insoluble, have hydrogen when passed over various red-hot the property of exercising on other bodies an metals, and ten years later, with Pierre action very different from chemical affinity.
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