2004-05 Yearbook-091
SPRINGWOOD CRICKET CLUB ESTABLISHED 1894 2004-2005 END OF SEASON REPORTS AND RECORDS (RECORDS SINCE 1989-1990 SEASON) SENIORS and JUNIORS 1 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 2004-2005 ESTABLISHED 1894 SPRINGWOOD CRICKET CLUB COMMITTEE 2004-05 President Peter Filmer Treasurer Matt Bryant Vice President Seniors Paul Hameister Secretary Tony Rowe Vice President Juniors Craig Maloney Comp Secretary Shane Randall Registrar Tim Dixon Minutes Secretary David Moss Publicity-Social Sec. Scott Warren Sponsor Liaison Tony Rowe Equipment Officer Craig Maloney Senior Team Select. Adam Thomas Senior Team Select. Brad Filmer LIFE MEMBERS Andy Adamson, Ron Adamson, Jack Curry, Wally Phillips, Roger Stone, Joe Stratton, Harold Went, Pat Yates, Peter Jenkins, Graeme Lewis, Barry Hopper, David Stanford, Karen Gross, Ray Bancroft. CLUB SPONSORS Dextralog Computers Martin and Luscombe Accountants Royal Hotel Springwood Newsagency Rivercorp Springwood Cricket Club would like to thank the following for their support during the season: Blue Mountains Gazette Adamson Family Clr Daniel Myles of BMCC Revision 0.91 2 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com PRESIDENT’S REPORT It is my pleasure to present this report for our club for season 2004-05. By any measure the season past was a great success. On the field we captured two premierships in the juniors and a further three teams made the semi-finals whilst in the seniors we also made it to the semis in two grades. After some 11 seasons in the wilderness our first grade team finally made the semis and although beaten, gave a great account of themselves in a tight match.
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