Lht ~Ictnria Jnstitut T
JOURNAL OF THE TRANSACTIONS 011' lht ~ictnria Jnstitut t, OR EDITED BY THE HONORARY SECRETARY, CAPTAIN F. W. H. PETRIE, F:R.S.L., &c. VOL XVI. LONDON: (Wuhlisl:,tlJ fot tl:,t bstitutt) E. STANFORD, 55, CHARING CROSS, S.W. EDINBURGH: R. GRANT & SON. DUBLIN: G. HERBERT. PARIS: GALIGNANI & CO. AUSTRALIA : G. ROBERTSON. 1883. ,\ L r, RIG RTS J<E~ERYED. 132 ORDINARY MEETING, JAN. 16, 18S2. REV. PREBENDARY CURREY, D.D., MASTER OF THE CHARTER HOUSE, IN THE CHAIR. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed, and the follow ing elections were announced : - MEMBERS :-"'\V, P. James, Esq., M.A., Oxon, London; J. Scott, Es1., Galashiels. AssocIATES :-E. Chance, Esq., Cantab., London; 8. R. Pattison, Esq., F.G.S., London ; Rev. H. K. Simcox, M.A. Oxon, Devizes ; H. G. Emeric de St. Dalmct9, Esq., London. Ho~. Loe. SEc. :-Rev. W. Shaw, Keighley. Also the presentation of the f0llo;ving work3 for the library•:- " The Christian Philosophy R~view." P,1rt I. From the Institute. "American Antiquarian Journal." From the Society. "The Illustrated Apocalypie." By T. W. GreAnwell, Esq. From the Author. "Plant Life Remait1s in Coal and Anthracite.'' By Pr..ifessor Reinsch. "Unity and H,mnrmy of God's ,vork.'' By J. Co:itts. From the Author. A Small Work by the Rev. C. D. Brigstocke. The following paper was then read by the author :- BIBLICAL PROPER NA.MES, PERSONAL AND LOCAL, ILLUSTRATED PROM SOURCES EXTERNAL TO HOLY SCRIPTUBE. By the Rev. HENRY GEORGE TOMKINS, HOSE who know the kind of interest which Mr.
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