COURSE LISTING For the most up-to-date course listings, visit: CATALOG.SKIDMORE.EDU. AMERICAN STUDIES Sports Cinema Introduction to Fiber Arts Introduction to American Studies American Material Culture Textile Structures Issues in American Culture American Autobiography Textile Surface Design American Identities: Pre-1870s Women in American Culture Advanced Fiber Arts American Identities: Post-1870s American Cultural Periods Jewelry and Metals I, II American Studies: Methods and Approaches 1920s Introduction to Printmaking Ethnic and Immigrant Experience 1950s Printmaking: Intaglio New England Begins 1960s Printmaking: Lithography Representations of the American Past in Film Independent Study Metalsmithing American Sports/American Culture Senior Seminar Other media Jazz: A Multicultural Expression Honors Thesis Communication Design I, II Mark Twain’s America Professional Internship in American Studies Advanced Communication Design Regional Culture Digital Foundations The Hudson River ART (STUDIO) 3D Modeling and Animation The West Visual Concepts Computer Imaging The South Form and Space Introduction to Electronic Time-Based Media New England Drawing Digital Sketchbook Themes in American Culture Intermediate Drawing Motion Graphics and Animation Civil Rights in Twentieth-Century United States Advanced Drawing Advanced Studio Problems The Machine in the Garden Figure Drawing Independent Study The African-American Experience Introduction to Painting Professional Internship in Studio Art Popular Culture Intermediate Painting Diversity in the United States Advanced Painting ART HISTORY American Bestsellers and Popular Culture Figure Painting Introduction to Art Professional Internship in American Studies Watercolor Survey of Western Art Critical Whiteness in the U.S. Elementary Sculpture The Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas Global Perspectives of the United States Advanced Sculpture Survey of Asian Art Women and Work in America Life Modeling: Sculptural Study of the Human Form Survey of South and Southeast Asian and Black Feminist Thoughts Carving Processes in Wood Himalayan Art Disorderly Women Beginning Photography The Domestic Interior Topics in American Culture Advanced Photography Imag(in)ing the Modern World City Basic Ceramics Special Topics in Art History Religion Intermediate Ceramics Asian Places and Spaces Magazines and Modernity Advanced Ceramics Native American Art - 3 - The Arts of South Asia 15th- to 18th-Century Art in the West Queer Cultures: Sexual and Gender Identities in a African Art Modern and Contemporary Art in the West Globalizing World Art and the Environment in Ancient Mesoamerica Arts of Africa and the Americas Mexican Cultures and South America Asian Art Indigenous Cultures of Latin America Islamic Art Special Comparative Topics Themes in Anthropology American Art Contemporary Art Non-Western Themes in Anthropology Writing in Art History Independent Study History of Anthropological Thought Practices of Art History The Art History Major and Beyond Ethnographic Research Methods Greek Art and Archaeology Senior Thesis in Art History Built Environments: Archaeology of Architecture Roman Art and Archaeology Professional Internship in Art History Imaging and Imagining the Past: Visual Late Antique, Early Medieval, and Byzantine Art The Artist Interview Representation in Archaeology Romanesque and Gothic Art Art and Society Ritual and Religion Renaissance Europe Current Issues in Art Anthropology and Environmental Health Seventeenth-Century European Art Ecological Anthropology Eighteenth-Century European Art ARTS ADMINISTRATION Rethinking Materiality: The Anthropology of Stuff Nineteenth-Century European Art Foundations of Arts Administration Medical Anthropology Twentieth-Century Art Philanthropy and the Arts: Relationships and Topics in Cultural or Biological Anthropology History of Modern Design Revenue Topics in Archaeology Ad/dressing the Body: European Fashion, Topics in Arts Administration Applying Anthropology Renaissance to the Present Professional Internship in Arts Administration Senior Seminar Professional Internship in Art History Structured Field Experience in Arts Administration Preparation for Senior Thesis in Anthropology The Arts of Nigeria Advanced Topics in Arts Administration Independent Study or Field Research Image and Narrative in Asian Art Independent Study in Arts Administration Senior Thesis in Anthropology Contemporary African Art Entertainment Law and Business Professional Internships in Anthropology Asian Pop! History of Photography ANTHROPOLOGY ASIAN STUDIES Inside the Museum Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Intro to Asian Studies Late Gothic Sculpture and Painting Anthropology of the Human Past Elementary Sanskrit I, II Art of Early Renaissance Italy Introduction to Archaeological Research Intermediate Sanskrit I, II Rococo Art and Design Archaeological Field Methods The Himalayas: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Northern Renaissance Painting Mesoamerican Archaeology “Roof of the World” Topics in Art History North American Archaeology Special Topics in Asian Studies Visual Culture of the French Revolution Sub-Saharan Africa from a Cultural Perspective Independent Study Ancient and Medieval Art in the West - 4 - Approaches to Asian Studies Microbiology: Diversity, Disease, and the Senior Seminar Series in Biology Asian Studies Senior Seminar Environment Advanced Research in Biology Professional Internship in Asian Studies Cell Biology Senior Thesis in Biology Topics in Biology Senior Capstone in Biology BIOLOGY Introduction to Biological Research Research Methods in Biology Biological Sciences II: Diversity of Life Professional Internship in Biology Professional Internship in Biology Molecular and Cellular Foundations of Life Behavioral Ecology Organismal Biology Mammalian Physiology CHEMISTRY Biology of the Mind Ornithology Chemistry of Foods and Flavors with Lab Straw into Gold: Science in the Fiber Arts Microbial Genetics Environmental Chemistry Ecology of Food Biological Electron Microscopy Fundamentals of Chemistry with Lab Human Biology and Medical Decisions: Food, Animal Behavior Principles of Chemistry Disease, Sex, Sleep Evolution Introduction to Chemical Research Environmental Science Tropical Ecology Intermediate Topics in Chemistry Ecology of the Adirondacks Conservation Ecology Inorganic Compounds and Materials Marine Biology Global Change Biology Organic Chemistry I, II Understanding Biotechnology: Recombinant DNA Plant Physiology Analytical Methods in Chemistry and Ethical Issues Plant Biotechnology Topics in Chemistry The Birds and the Bees: the Biology of Sex Plant-Animal Interactions Intermediate Chemical Research Biology: The Scientific Study of Life Neurodevelopment Professional Internship in Chemistry Topics in Biology Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience Polymer Chemistry Evolutionary Biology Endocrinology Inorganic Chemistry Conservation Biology Biological Clocks Advanced Organic Chemistry Microbes and Society Topics in Biology Physical Chemistry I, II Human Genetics Genome Biology: Chromatin Structure, Function Biochemistry: Macromolecular Structure and Economic Botany and Epigenetic Regulation Function Inside Equus: Biology of the Horse Biology of Viruses Biochemistry: Intermediary Metabolism Biostatistics Bacterial Pathogenesis: A Molecular Approach Experimental Biochemistry Laboratory Parasitology, , and Public Health RNA Metabolism Special Topics in Chemistry Environmental Biology Advanced Light Microscopy Special Topics in Biochemistry Ecology Computer Modeling of Biological Systems Topics in Environmental Chemistry Molecular Cell Biology Independent Study Peer-Tutoring in Chemistry Laboratory Comparative Vertebrate Physiology Junior Seminar Biology Capstone in Chemistry: Student-Faculty Principles of Genetics Collaborative Research - 5 - Literature Investigation in Chemistry COMPUTER SCIENCE Dance and Society: 1600–1920 Senior Seminar in Chemistry and Biochemistry Computing in Context Dance & Society II: 1920–Present Research Methods in Chemistry Introduction to Computer Science I, II Special Studies in Dance Theory and Appreciation Professional Internship in Chemistry An Introduction to Computer Science with Dance Production Animations and 2D Games Performance Elements CLASSICAL STUDIES Programming Languages Dance for the Child Elementary Latin Introduction to Research in Computer Science Music for Dancers/Choreographers Intermediate Latin Selected Topics in Computer Science Ballet Theory and Pedagogy Seminar in Latin Poetry Topics in Computer Science with Lab Independent Study Seminar in Latin Prose Literature Design and Analysis of Algorithms Senior Dance Capstone I, II Elementary Greek Computability, Complexity, and Heuristics Professional Internship in Dance Intermediate Greek Introduction to Computer Organization Ballet I: Elementary Seminar in Greek Poetry Artificial Intelligence Ballet II: Low Intermediate Seminar in Greek Prose Literature Software Design Ballet III: High Intermediate English Vocabulary From Greek and Latin Concurrent Programming Intermediate Pointe The Classical World Computer Graphics Contemporary Ballet III Classical Mythology Independent Study Ballet IV: Advanced Greek Tragedy Advanced Topics in Computer Science Men’s Ballet Technique: Advanced/Intermediate Society on the Stage: Greek and Roman Comedy Senior Thesis Classical Pas De Deux: Advanced/Intermediate The Hero(ine)’s Tale: Traditions of Greek and Internship in Computer Science Contemporary Ballet Performance Workshop Roman Epic Ballet Performance Workshop The Ancient Novel DANCE Modern I: Elementary Greek and Roman Historians The Dance Experience Modern II: Low Intermediate Race and Ethnicity in Ancient Greece and Beyond Dance Conditioning Modern Dance Partnering Topics in Classical Civilization Anatomy and Kinesiology for Dancers Modern III: High Intermediate Writing in Classics Jazz Dance I, II Modern IV: Advanced Semester Project in Classics Tap I, II Modern Performance Workshop Advanced Topics in Classical Civilization Classical Dance of India I, II Modern Reconstruction Workshop Independent Study Character Dance I, II Modern Guest Artists Workshop Thesis Dance Special I, II The Classics Major and Beyond Pilates I, II Professional Internship in Classics Improvisation I, II Choreography I, II

- 6 - DOCUMENTARY STUDIES Economics of Development Multicultural Education Introduction to Media Studies International Economics The Young Child and the Educational Process Video The Economics of European Integration Adolescent Development Audio Economics of Income Distribution and Poverty Children’s Literature Photography Labor Economics Emergent Literacy Interviewing The Economics of Sports Themes in Education Exhibition International Political Economy Professional Internship in Education Web Design Advanced Macroeconomic Theory and Policy Educational Assessment and the Exceptional Child Principles of Documentary Industrial Organization and Public Policy Learning in Early Childhood Settings Documentary Studies Workshop Applied Econometrics Education Policy, Politics, and Law in the U.S. Introduction to Audio Documentary Public Finance Practicum in Integrated Curriculum and Instruction Film Truth Monetary Theory and Policy Teaching Reading in the Elementary School Topics in Documentary Studies International Trade Teaching Elementary Mathematics Special Topics in Media and Film Studies International Finance Advanced Child Development: Theory and Practice Professional Internship in Media and Film Studies Gender in the Economy Teaching Elementary Science Advanced Documentary Studies Workshop History of Economic Thought Elementary Education Student Teaching Advanced Topics in Documentary Studies Advanced Topics in Economics Advanced Topics in Education Advanced Topics in Media and Film Studies Independent Study Independent Study in the Foundations of Education Independent Study in Documentary Studies Senior Seminar in Economics Senior Thesis in Education Studies: Advanced Independent Studies in Media and Film Studies Internship in Economics Topics and Research in Education Skidmore-Saratoga Memory Project Practicum Professional Internship in Documentary Studies EDUCATION STUDIES ENGLISH Professional Internship in Media and Film Studies Foundations of Early Childhood Education and Intensive English for Academic Purposes Classroom Teaching English Language Skills ECONOMICS Writing Seminar I, II Introduction to Macroeconomics Human Intelligence(s) and Learning Environments Introduction to Literary Studies Macroeconomic Theory School and Society Literary and Cultural Theory Introduction to Microeconomics Alternative Education: the Quest for a Different Fiction Microeconomic Theory School Experience Poetry Statistical Methods Child Development and Learning Drama Environmental and Resource Economics The Exceptional Child in the Elementary School Film Intermediate Topics in Economics Schooling the Masses from Colonial Times to Nonfiction The Economics of Health and Healthcare Present Studies in Asian American Literature

- 7 - Women and Literature Special Studies in Seventeenth-Century Poetry and Environmental Engineering and the Science of Literature and the Environment Prose Sustainability Introduction to Shakespeare Milton Sustainable Development Introduction to American Literature Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature Energy Systems and Sustainable Solutions Introduction to African-American Literature English Romanticism Political Ecology Special Studies: Form Victorian Literature and Culture Adirondack Wilderness Experience Special Studies: Texts in Context Modern Drama Independent Study in Environmental Studies and The Bible as Literature Women Writers Sciences Introduction to Nonfiction Writing Theories of Literary Criticism Disease and the Environment Introduction to Fiction Writing Special Studies in Literary History (Pre-1800) Professional Internship in Environmental Studies Introduction to Poetry Writing Special Studies in Literary History and Sciences Peer Tutoring Project in Expository Writing Advanced Special Studies in Literature and Environment and Development in the Middle East Recent Fiction Language The Politics of Food, Agriculture, and Social Justice Modern British Novel Special Studies in Jewish Literature Environmental Education Modernist Poetry: 1890–1940 Independent Study U.S. Public Lands and Oceans: Policy, Law, Contemporary Poetry Senior Seminar in Literary Studies Management, and Current Events Eighteenth-Century Novel Senior Projects Global Environmental Governance Nineteenth-Century British Novel Reading for Writers Soil and Watershed Science for a Crowded Planet Special Studies in Nineteenth-Century American Nonfiction Workshop Advanced Topics in Environmental Studies and Literature Poetry Workshop Sciences American Literary Realisms Fiction Workshop Independent Study in Environmental Studies and American Fictions Advanced Projects in Writing Sciences American Modernisms Preparation for the Senior Thesis ESS Research Capstone: Design and Methods Special Studies in African-American Literature Senior Thesis ESS Research Capstone: Data Collection, Analysis, The Continental Novel Professional Internship in English and Communication Queer Fictions Senior Thesis Special Studies in Medieval Literature ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES AND SCIENCES Professional Internship in Environmental Studies Special Studies in Chaucer Environmental Concerns in Perspective and Sciences Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama Field Studies in Environmental Science Special Studies in Sixteenth-Century Poetry and Social Science Research Design and Methods for ES Prose Ecosystem Science and the Analysis of Forested Shakespeare Landscapes Special Studies in Early Modern Drama

- 8 - GENDER STUDIES Field Techniques Chronic Disease Epidemiology Introduction to Gender Studies Paleobiology Cellular Aspects of Skeletal Muscle Physiology and Feminist Theories and Methodologies Paleoclimatology Metabolism Ecofeminism, Women, and the Environment Stratigraphy Independent Study Women in Italian Society: Yesterday, Today, and Global Biogeochemical Cycles Senior Research in Exercise Science Tomorrow Advanced Topics in Geosciences Seminar Too Fat? Too Thin? Women and Eating Disorders Independent Study Health Profession Experience The Social Skin: Gender, Beauty, and Body Senior Research in Geosciences Professional Internship in Health and Exercise Modification Senior Seminar in Geosciences Science Holding up Half the Sky: Gender, Writing, and Professional Internship in Geology Nationhood in China Introduction to Geophysics HISTORY Sexuality in Japan Medieval Europe Special Topics in Gender Studies HEALTH AND EXERCISE SCIENCES Early Modern European History Queer Theory Introduction to Exercise Science Nineteenth-Century Europe: Ideology and Independent Study Kinetic Anatomy: The Moving Body Revolution Senior Thesis Sport and Social Issues Twentieth-Century Europe: Age of Conflict Professional Internship in Gender Studies Human Anatomy and Physiology I, II Writing about History Introduction to Public Health The British Empire: An Introduction GEOSCIENCES Introduction to Sports Medicine and Athletic Latin American History: An Introduction Earth Systems Science Training Sea Changes: A History of the World’s Oceans The History of Earth, Life, and Global Change Exercise Testing and Prescription American History Since the Civil War Oceanography: Introduction to the Marine Principles of Nutrition for Health and Performance American Colonial History Environment Health Profession Experience From Revolution to Civil War Environmental Geology Professional Internship in Exercise Science Introduction to Modern China Origin and Distribution of Natural Resources Physiology of Exercise East Asian Civilization (to 1300) Earth Materials Integrative Physiology of Adipose Tissue Topics in History Climatology Research Design Rise of Athens Sedimentology Nutrition and Bioenergetics Athens, Alexander the Great, and Cleopatra Special Topics in Geoscience Cardiorespiratory Aspects of Human Performance Rise of Rome Introductory Research in Geosciences Applied Anatomy and Kinesiology Fall of Rome Hydrogeologic Systems Advanced Sports Medicine and Athletic Training The Four Kingdoms Geomorphology Neuromuscular Aspects of Human Performance Deconstructing Britain Remote Sensing of the Earth and Environment Body Composition U.S. Foreign Policy, 1790 to the Present

- 9 - The Enlightenment Empires in India INTERDISCIPLINARY AND GENERAL STUDIES Thinking about Race and Ethnicity: “Race” in British Legal History: From Magna Carta to Colonial Exploration Internship America, 1776 to the Present Conquest Electronic Information Resources Race, Class, and Gender in Latin America The British Class System Mediation Training War and Peace in Twentieth-Century Latin America Religion in Early America Scribner Colloquia History Through Travel: Latin America 1500–1900 Rise of American Democracy Special Topics Perceptions of Medieval and Early Modern Women American Radicalism Interdisciplinary Independent Study Introduction to Imperial China Civil War and Reconstruction Presenting the Brand Called Me China in War and Revolution Manhood in America Peer Mentoring Seminar History of Modern Japan The Progressive Era FYE Peer Mentoring Experience The Vietnam War Depression and War Introduction to GIS Topics in History U.S. Since 1945 Introduction to Communications and Media Studies Intellectual History Modern Europe Mexico Multicultural Flare-Ups: Explosive Identity Conflicts European Fascism Central America in the U.S.A. Communism and Anticommunism in America Southern Cone Emergency Medical Technician-Basic African-American History The Andes Social Entrepreneurship Practicum History of the American West The Caribbean Teaching English in China Class in the United States, 1776 to present German History Since 1918 Global Media American Environmental History The Chinese Revolution Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies American Indian History China’s Last Empire: The Glorious Qing (1644–1911) Introduction to the History Major Japan’s Modernizers: Samurai, Weavers, Writers, INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Science and Nature in the Renaissance and Prostitutes Introduction to International Affairs History Workshop Topics in History Research Methods Professional Internship in History Independent Study Topics in International Affairs Early Medieval Civilization Thesis Preparation Foundational Topics in International Affairs The High Middle Ages Thesis Writing Special Topics in International Affairs Intellectual History Medieval and Renaissance Colloquium in History Independent Study Science and the Church: Europe from Luther to History Workshop Senior Seminar Voltaire Professional Internship in History The French Revolution INTERGROUP RELATIONS Industry, Empire, and the Environment People of Color/White People Crime and Punishment in Early Modern Europe Multiracial Identity (1400–1800) White Racial Identity

- 10 - People of Color Intragroup Organizational Theory Probability and Statistics Special Topics in Intergroup Relations Dynamics of Leadership Statistical Methods Advanced Special Topics in Intergroup Relations Marketing Research Data Visualization Theory and Praxis E-Commerce and Management Information Systems Theory of Numbers Racial Identities: Theory and Praxis Business Law I, II Mathematical Reasoning and Discrete Structures Practicum in Facilitating Diversity and Discrimination in the American Applied Regression Analysis Dialogue Facilitation Workplace: Is the Melting Pot Boiling Over? Differential Equations Independent Study Advertising and Promotion Research Topics in Mathematics Foundations of Finance Selected Topics in Mathematics LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES Investments Topics in Statistics Latinidades: Reconfiguring Identities in the U.S. Intellectual Property in the Global Economy Graph Theory Topics in Latin American Studies International Marketing Introduction to Analysis Advanced Topics in Latin American Studies Global Financial Management Theory of Computation Independent Study Comparative Management Elements of Modern Geometry Colloquium in Latin American Studies Business Strategy History of Mathematics Professional Internship in Latin American Studies Entrepreneurship and Small Business Differential Geometry Special Topics in Business and Management Introduction to Topology MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS Business, Ethics, and Society Numerical Algorithms Business and Organization Management Human Resource Management Abstract Algebra I, II Foundations of Marketing Consulting: Practice, Process, and Problem Solving Linear Algebra Foundations of Organizational Behavior Independent Study Real Analysis Foundations of Financial Accounting Thesis Seminar A, B Complex Analysis Foundations of Managerial Accounting Professional Internship in Business Dynamical Systems Coaching, Mentoring, and Teamwork Independent Study Service-Learning Experience MATHEMATICS Seminar Professional Internship in Business Quantitative Reasoning Senior Thesis Cost Accounting for Management Decisions Mathematical Models in the Social and Management Internship in Mathematics Foundations of Business in the International Sciences Environment Introduction to Statistics Financial Accounting I, II Concepts of Mathematics Banking and Financial Services Management Calculus with Algebra I, II Social Identity in the Workplace Calculus I, II, III Consumer Behavior Problem Solving in Mathematics

- 11 - MUSIC Skidmore Guitar Ensemble Senior Composition Project Introduction to Music Skidmore Chorus Senior Recital Rudiments of Music Skidmore Orchestra Senior Project in Music Technology The Symphony Skidmore Jazz Ensemble Private Musical Instruction Great Composers Skidmore Concert Band Conducting Aural Skills Chamber Music Professional Internship in Music Global Hip Hop Professional Internship in Music World Music Ensembles American Music NEUROSCIENCE Class Study of Voice History of Jazz in America Neuroscience: Mind and Behavior Class Study of Piano I, II Music and Society Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience Class Study of Guitar Music in South Asia Topics in Neuroscience Class Study of Jazz Piano Music and Culture of East Asia Introduction to Neuroscience Research Keyboard Skills Music in the Middle Ages and Renaissance Integrative Seminar in Neuroscience Research Class Study of Instrumental Performance Music in the Baroque and Pre-Classical Eras Advanced Topics in Neuroscience West African Drumming Music in the Classical and Romantic Eras Mapping the Cerebellum: Structure, Connectivity, Foundations of Theory and Musicianship Music in the Twentieth Century and Bioinformatics Special Studies in Music Literature Topics in Musicology Mechanisms of Alzheimer’s Disease Music and Culture Popular Music in the Age of Rock and Roll Research Experience in Neuroscience British Rock and Popular Music in the 1960s Seminar in Avant-Garde Jazz and American Postwar Senior Research Project I, II The Fortepiano Racial Politics Writing about Music Topics Seminar OFF-CAMPUS STUDY AND EXCHANGES Materials and Structures I, II, III Film Scoring Travel Seminar Music Technology I: Introduction to Electronic Music, Analysis of Tonal Music Tropical Field Ecology and Conservation Composition, and Recording Studio Techniques Orchestration Music Technology II: Advanced Electronic Music, Tonal Counterpoint OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM Composition, and Recording Studio Techniques Composition Academic Writing Music Outreach: Performance Advanced Composition Basic Mathematics Music Outreach: Organization Topics in Recording Engineering and Computer Language Skills Opera/Musical Workshop Music Technology Personal Development and Exploration Workshop Small Jazz Ensemble Jazz Theory Study Skills Vocal Chamber Ensemble Senior Seminar Pre-Scribner Seminar/Study Skills Workshop West African Drum Ensemble Independent Study Private Musical Instruction Senior Thesis

- 12 - PERICLEAN HONORS FORUM Metaphysics Intermediate Racquetball Honors Forum Workshop Seminar in Kant Advanced Racquetball Great Books Workshop Advanced Topics in Philosophy Beginning Rowing Great Books Practicum Philosophy of Literature Intermediate Rowing Citizen Studentship Independent Study Softball STEM Peer Leader Training Seminar Senior Seminar Beginning Swimming Peer Health Education Senior Thesis Intermediate Swimming Honors Independent Study Swim for Fitness Sex, Gender, and Civic Engagement PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Advanced Swim for Fitness Honors Forum Seminar First Aid and CPR Lifeguard Training Advanced Peer Health Education Badminton Beginning Tennis Honors Independent Study Basketball Intermediate Tennis Beginning Golf Advanced Tennis PHILOSOPHY Intermediate Golf Volleyball Introduction to Philosophy Advanced Golf Aerobic Dance The Cave: Philosophy in the Shadows Beginning Handball Intermediate Aerobic Dance History of Philosophy: Greek Philosophy Intermediate Handball Self-Paced Fitness Modern Philosophy from Descartes to Kant Advanced Handball Self Defense Logic Jogging Judo Aesthetics Intermediate Jogging Karate Ethics Lacrosse Power and Agility Philosophy of Race and Gender Introduction to Riding I, II Intermediate Power and Agility Buddhist Philosophy Novice Equitation I, II Strength and Aerobic Fitness Environmental Philosophy Advanced Equitation I, II Stress Reduction and Mindfulness Topics in Philosophy Position and Control I, II Beginning Mountain Biking Mind, Thought, and Consciousness Intermediate Equitation I, II Intermediate Self-Paced Fitness Social-Political Philosophy Stable Management Independent Study Water Safety Instructor Nineteenth-Century Philosophy Schooling Beginning Weight Training Twentieth-Century Philosophy Applied Schooling Intermediate Weight Training American Philosophy Introduction to Teaching Power Lifting Existential Philosophy Intermediate Teaching Body Building Philosophy of Law Advanced Teaching Marathon Training Great Philosophers Beginning Racquetball

- 13 - PHYSICS POLITICAL SCIENCE The Psychology of Politics Origins of Classical Physics Introduction to American Politics Professional Internship in Political Science Breakthroughs in Physics Introduction to Political Philosophy Contemporary International Politics and Law Light and Color Introduction to Comparative and International Contemporary Political Thought Sound and Music Politics Latin America and the United States Special Topics in Physics Principles of International Politics Constitutional Law Introductory Seminar in Physics Comparative European Politics Contemporary Constitutional Problems Principles of Astronomy Classical Political Thought Civil Liberties Principles and Practice of Astronomy Modern Political Thought Immigration Politics and Policy General Physics I, II They Might Be Giants: Global Rise of BRICS What the United States Does Wrong in the World: Modern Physics Laboratory The Latin American Puzzle Views from India and Answers from Foundations of Modern Physics Courts, Politics, and Judicial Process in the United Washington Thermal and Statistical Physics States Dissident Political Thought Optics Comparative Constitutional Systems Coasts of Bohemia: The Politics and History of the Electronics Political Economy of European Integration Czech Lands and People Physics Pedagogy State and Local Government Politics in Russia and the Soviet Successor States Galaxies and Cosmology Campaigns and Elections State and Local Economic Development Policy Special Topics in Physics Politics and News Media The American Party System Physics Seminar States, Rebels, and, Warlords American Political Research Intermediate Independent Study in Physics From Genghis Khan to Gorbachev: Power and The United States Presidency Professional Internship in Physics Politics in Russian History Election Research Mathematical and Computational Methods in United States Foreign Policy in a Changing World Voting in the US: Access, Fairness & Reform Physics International Law International Diplomatic Negotiations Mechanics Environmental Politics and Policy International Political Economy and the Environment Electricity and Magnetism Political Islam The International Human Rights Regime: Promise Quantum Mechanics American Political Thought and Peril Advanced Topics in Physics Middle Eastern Politics French Liberal Tradition Advanced Independent Study in Physics Ethnic Conflict and the Global System Politics of Modern Warfare Senior Research in Physics Liberty, Commerce, and the Moral Life Making States, Building Democracies Comparative Politics Politics of Modern South Asia International Relations States, Markets and Politics in Developing Countries American Politics Topics in Political Thought Political Theory Feminist Political Thought

- 14 - Sexing Global Politics: Gender and International Health Psychology Sleep and Dreams Relations Clinical Psychopharmacology Psychology of Religion Politics of the Congress Evolutionary Psychology Psychology of Race Special Topics in Political Science Perception Evolutionary Developmental Psychology Topics in Comparative Politics Neuropsychology Seminar in Cognitive Neuroscience: Left Brain/Right Topics in International Relations Introduction to Cognitive Science Brain Topics in American Politics Developmental Disabilities and Autism Special Advanced Seminar Series in Psychology Independent Study Special Seminar Series in Psychology Independent Study in Psychology Senior Thesis Prep Educating Parents in the Digital Age Research Independent Study in Psychology Senior Thesis Exploratory Research Experience in Psychology Senior Research Project I, II New York State Assembly Program Physiological Psychology Senior Seminar New York State Senate Program Cognitive Development Professional Internship in Psychology Professional Internship in Political Science Experimental Psychology The History and Political Thought of the American Advanced Personality RELIGIOUS STUDIES Revolution Advanced Study of Major Issues of Psychology Religion and Culture Dissident Political Thought Psychology of Gender American Gods: Religious Diversity in the US Psychology of Reading Priests, Prophets & Warriors: Introducing the PSYCHOLOGY Clinical Psychology Hebrew Bible Introduction to Psychological Science Psychological Testing Jesus Before Christianity: Introducing the New Colloquium in Psychological Science Advanced Statistics in Psychology Testament Research Methods in Psychology I, II Social Psychology Research Religious Ethics: Judeo-Christian Educational Psychology Motivation and Emotion Women, Religion, and Spirituality Social Psychology Positive Psychology Native American Religions Developmental Psychology Psycholinguistics Western Religions Introduction to Child Development Perception Research Methods Religious Traditions of India Adolescent Development Computational Methods in Psychology and Philosophies of India Adult Development Neuroscience Islam Personality Seminar in Clinical Psychology: Anxiety and Its Health and Healing in Asian Religions Applied Psychology Disorders Hindu Myth Themes in Contemporary Psychology Clinical Psychology Field Experience Encountering the Goddess in India Hormones and Behavior Research Methods in Memory Comparative Myth Abnormal Psychology Psychology of Women Religion and Ecology Cognition Seminar in Cross-Cultural Psychology Topics in Religion

- 15 - Theory and Methodology in the Study of Religion Close Relationships SCRIBNER SEMINARS Professional Internship in Religous Studies Quantifying Women American Utopias Religion in Contemporary American Society Statistics for the Social Sciences Are We in the Anthropocene? World’s End: Millennialism Social Research Methods Awake, Sleeping, or Dreaming? Poverty and Belief: Religious Views of and Visual Sociology Bad Science: Science as a Tool for Promoting Social Responses to the Poor Sociology of Conflict Resolution Justice Religion and Society in Modern India Special Topics in Sociology Buzz: The Art and Design of Caffeine Yoga: History, Theory, Practice Professional Internship in Sociology Comics, Jesters, Satirists, and Hacks: Locating Philosophy of Religion Sociology of Emotions British Humor Japanese Buddhism Sociology of Folklore Democracy Inaction Tibetan Buddhism Sociology of Religion Digital Life Advanced Topics in Religion Modern Organizations Earth Elegies Independent Study Deviance and Social Control Eating and Being: Food, Culture, and Identity Senior Seminar Work, Family, and Organizations Freedom Dreams: Black Radical Imagination in the Senior Thesis Women in Modern Society Struggle for Liberation Professional Internship in Religious Studies Femininity, Beauty, and the Black Female Body The Forest, the Garden, and the Meaning of Life American Social Changes Galaxies and the Cosmic Web SOCIOLOGY Political Sociology Genes and Generation Sociological Perspectives Classical Sociological Theory Human Dilemmas Social Issues Contemporary Social Theory Human/Machine The Individual in Society Social Theories of the Environment Humor and Laughter, Seriously Femininities and Masculinities Social Movements and Collective Action If the Elements Could Talk Introduction to Race, Class, and Gender Criminal Justice Incarceration Nation: The Twisting Tale of Crime, Social Inequality Women in Global Economy Punishment, and Prisons in Modern America Sociological Imaginations Studying Student Worlds Italian Cinema Sociology of Work and Occupations Sociology of the Body Law, Religion, and Society Crime and Victimization Advanced Special Topics in Sociology Money Matters China in Transition Racial Identities: Theory and Praxis Mother Russia’s Daughters and Sons: Gender and Families in the United States Independent Study Power in Russia’s Past and Present Race and Power Senior Seminar in Sociology The Non-Euclidean Revolution Sociology of Cities and Towns Senior Thesis in Sociology No Place to Hide: Privacy, Technology, Surveillance, Media Sociology Presenting Sociological Research and Liberty in the Twenty-First Century Environmental Sociology Professional Internship in Sociology Novels in the Grip of History

- 16 - Plagues and Their Power on Human Society Social Work Field Practicum Seminar Scenic Design Political Economy and Poverty Social Work Field Practicum Advanced Scenic Design Reading the Cosmos Advanced Explorations in Social Work Advanced Playwriting Real Democracy The Director as Collaborative Artist Sailing the Seas with Captain Cook THEATER Special Studies in Theater History and Theory Seduction of the Strange Voice and Speech in the Theater The Skidmore Theater Company The Seductive Figure: The Heroic and Grotesque as Introduction to Theater Black Theatre Symbolic Form in Art Introduction to Acting -Based Theater Serious Games: Conflict, Voting, and Power Intermediate Acting History of American Theater Sport, Self, and Society Theater Production Special Studies: Actors Sustainability and Social Justice Advanced Theater Production Special Studies: Directors We Can Work It Out: Studying Methods of Conflict Introduction to Design Independent Study Resolution Introduction to Directing Advanced Directing Practicum Intermediate Directing Senior Project SOCIAL WORK Movement for the Theater Theater Career Development Social Work Values and Populations-at-Risk Voice for the Actor Professional Internship in Theater Death and Dying Theater Design: From Page to Stage Obsessions and Addictions Introduction to Playwriting WORLD LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES Community Engagement Stage Lighting Elementary Chinese I, II Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare Advanced Lighting Intermediate Chinese Special Studies in Social Work Theater and Culture I, II Business Chinese Social Work with Children and Adolescents The Skidmore Theater Company Chinese Language and Culture Research for the Human Services Costume Design Advanced Chinese Conversation and Composition Human Behavior and the Social Environment Acting Shakespeare Introduction to Chinese Culture and Literature Explorations in Social Work Stage Lighting Practicum Language across the Curriculum Professional Internship in Social Work Production Seminar Chinese Language and Literature Discussion Advanced Special Studies in Social Work Theater Topics Modern China Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families Professional Internship in Theater Advanced Languages across the Curriculum Social Work Practice with Groups, Organizations, Acting Styles Special Studies in Chinese and Communities Special Studies in Acting Independent Study Social Policy and Social Justice Scenic Painting Elementary French I, II Field Preparation Seminar Make-up Intensive Intermediate French Independent Study Costume Design Construction French Cultural Conversations

- 17 - Writing in French Contemporary German Culture Introduction to Japanese Culture and Literature Reading in French Creative Writing in German Japanese Language and Literature Discussion Medieval and Renaissance French Literature Special Topics in German Contemporary Japan French Literature of the Seventeenth Century German Language and Literature Discussion Advanced Languages across the Curriculum French Literature of the Eighteenth Century Business German Special Studies in Japanese Literature and Culture of the Nineteenth Century Advanced German Composition and Conversation Independent Study Twentieth-Century Literature Advanced Languages across the Curriculum Mystery Fiction Around the World Introduction to Issues in the Francophone World The Age of Goethe Japanese Popular Culture French Civilization from Gaul to 1815 German Narrative Prose Pre-Modern Japanese Literature in Translation Painters and Writers Theater in the German-Speaking World Modern Japanese Literature in Translation Special Topics in French German Literature of the Twentieth Century The World of Japanese Animation French Language and Discussion Special Studies in German Viewing China: Visual Cultural and Transnational Business French Independent Study Cinema Advanced Conversation and Pronunciation Thesis China and the West: The Myth of the Other Translation and Stylistics Seminar Fictional and Factual: History and the Novel in China Fiction and Identity in Quebec Elementary Italian I, II Japanese Woman: Gender, Gender Relations, and French Poetry Intensive Elementary Italian Sexuality in Contemporary Japan French Narrative Prose Intermediate Italian Muslims in the New Europe French Dramatic Literature Italian Language and Culture Image of the Enemy in German Film 1919–1945 Surrealism Italian Conversation and Composition An Outline of German Civilization: The Eighteenth Advanced Languages across the Curriculum Special Topics in Italian Century to the Present Special Studies in French Italian Language and Literature Discussion Contemporary German Cinema Independent Study Business Italian Italian Cinema: From Fiction to Film Preparation for Senior Thesis Advanced Conversation and Composition Italian Civilization in Translation Thesis Il Rinascimento Italiano Introduction to Film Theory and Criticism Seminar Italy and Music Twenty-First Century Italian Movies Elementary German I, II Advanced Languages across the Curriculum Modern Chinese Literature in Translation Intensive Elementary German Special Studies in Italian Chinese Civilization I: Literary Culture in Classical Beginning Business German Independent Study China Intermediate German Elementary Japanese I, II Chinese Civilization II: Culture and Literature of Late German Language and Culture Intermediate Japanese Imperial China German Conversation and Composition Japanese Language and Culture There and Back Again: Intercultural Perspectives Introduction to German Literature Advanced Intermediate Japanese I, II Through Study Abroad

- 18 - Topics in Foreign Literature and Culture Spanish-American and Latino Performance Arts Latinos in the United States Spanish in the Media Images of Revolution and Social Upheaval: France Spanish-American/Latino Film 1789–1939 Spanish-American Thought Modern Japanese Culture and Society Tales of the Wondrous Lands: The Hispanic Cultural China: Trends and Themes Transatlantic World Directed Reading in World Languages The Culture of Spanish America Dante’s Divine Comedy Cervantes The Study Abroad Experience Advanced Languages across the Curriculum East Asian Cinema: History, Genres, and Waves Advanced Spanish Grammar Workshop Women in France Since the Revolution Studies in Spanish for Specific Purposes The French Film Special Studies in Spanish Independent Study Independent Study Thesis Thesis Seminar Seminar Professional Internship in World Languages Self-Instructional Basic Study Elementary Spanish I, II Self-Instructional Intermediate Study Alternative Second Semester Spanish Advanced Language across the Curriculum Intermediate Spanish Independent Study Communicating in Spanish I, II Survey of Spanish Literature Spanish American Literature and Culture Writing for Heritage Speakers Spanish for the Health Professions Word of Mouth: Literature and Food Special Topics in Spanish Spanish Language and Literature Discussion Business Spanish Advanced Conversation and Composition Literature of the Golden Age Spanish Literature of the Twentieth Century Spanish-American Fiction: One Hundred Years of Greatness

- 19 - Learn more about Skidmore’s academic offerings at SKIDMO.RE/ACADEMICS