Process Modeling in Impression-Die Forging Using Finite-Element Analysis
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© 2005 ASM International. All Rights Reserved. Cold and Hot Forging: Fundamentals and Applications (#05104G) CHAPTER 16 Process Modeling in Impression-Die Forging Using Finite-Element Analysis Manas Shirgaokar Gracious Ngaile Gangshu Shen 16.1 Introduction c. Reducing rejects and improving material yield Development of finite-element (FE) process ● Predict forging load and energy as well as simulation in forging started in the late 1970s. tool stresses and temperatures so that: At that time, automatic remeshing was not avail- a. Premature tool failure can be avoided. able, and therefore, a considerable amount of b. The appropriate forging machines can be time was needed to complete a simple FE simu- selected for a given application. lation [Ngaile et al., 2002]. However, the devel- Process modeling of closed-die forging using opment of remeshing methods and the advances finite-element modeling (FEM) has been applied in computational technology have made the in- in aerospace forging for a couple of decades dustrial application of FE simulation practical. [Howson et al., 1989, and Oh, 1982]. The goal Commercial FE simulation software is gaining of using computer modeling in closed-die forg- wide acceptance in the forging industry and is ing is rapid development of right-the-first-time fast becoming an integral part of the forging de- processes and to enhance the performance of sign and development process. components through better process understand- The main objectives of the numerical process ing and control. In its earlier application, process design in forging are to [Vasquez et al., 1999]: modeling helped die design engineers to pre- view the metal flow and possible defect forma- ● Develop adequate die design and establish tion in a forging. After the forging simulation is process parameters by: done, the contours of state variables, such as ef- a. Process simulation to assure die fill fective strain, effective strain rate, and tempera- b. Preventing flow-induced defects such as ture at any instant of time during a forging, can laps and cold shuts be generated. The thermomechanical histories of c. Predicting processing limits that should selected individual locations within a forging not be exceeded so that internal and sur- can also be tracked [Shen et al., 1993]. These face defects are avoided functions of process modeling provided an in- d. Predicting temperatures so that part prop- sight into the forging process that was not avail- erties, friction conditions, and die wear able in the old days. Integrated with the process can be controlled modeling, microstructure modeling is a new area ● Improve part quality and complexity while that has a bright future [Sellars, 1990, and Shen reducing manufacturing costs by: et al., 2000]. Microstructure modeling allows the a. Predicting and improving grain flow and right-the-first-time optimum metallurgical fea- microstructure tures of the forging to be previewed on the com- b. Reducing die tryouts and lead times puter. Metallurgical aspects of forging, such as © 2005 ASM International. All Rights Reserved. Cold and Hot Forging: Fundamentals and Applications (#05104G) 194 / Cold and Hot Forging: Fundamentals and Applications grain size and precipitation, can be predicted Hopefully, at this stage little or no modification with reasonable accuracy using computational will be necessary, since process modeling is ex- tools prior to committing the forging to shop tri- pected to be accurate and sufficient to make all als. Some of the proven practical applications of the necessary changes before manufacturing the process simulation in closed-die forging include: dies. Information flow in process modeling is ● Design of forging sequences in cold, warm, shown schematically in Fig. 16.1 [Shen et al., and hot forging, including the prediction of 2001]. The input of the geometric parameters, forming forces, die stresses, and preform process parameters, and material parameters sets shapes up a unique case of a closed-die forging. The ● Prediction and optimization of flash dimen- modeling is then performed to provide infor- sions in hot forging from billet or powder mation on the metal flow and thermomechanical metallurgy preforms history of the forging, the distribution of the ● Prediction of die stresses, fracture, and die state variables at any stage of the forging, and wear; improvement in process variables and the equipment response during forging. The his- die design to reduce die failure tories of the state variables, such as strain, strain ● Prediction and elimination of failures, sur- rate, temperature, etc., are then input to the mi- face folds, or fractures as well as internal crostructure model for microstructural feature fractures prediction. All of the information generated is ● Investigation of the effect of friction on used for judging the closed-die forging case. The metal flow nonsatisfaction in any of these areas will require ● Prediction of microstructure and properties, a new model with a set of modified process pa- elastic recovery, and residual stresses rameters until the satisfied results are obtained. Then, the optimum process is selected for shop practice. 16.2 Information Flow in Process Modeling 16.3 Process Modeling Input It is a well-known fact that product design Preparing correct input for process modeling activity represents only a small portion, 5 to is very important. There is a saying in computer 15%, of the total production costs of a part. modeling: garbage in and garbage out. Some- However, decisions made at the design stage de- times, a time-consuming process modeling is termine the overall manufacturing, maintenance, useless because of a small error in input prepa- and support costs associated with the specific ration. Process modeling input is discussed in product. Once the part is designed for a specific terms of geometric parameters, process param- process, the following steps lead to a rational eters, and material parameters [SFTC, 2002]. process design: 1. Establish a preliminary die design and select 16.3.1 Geometric Parameters process parameters by using experience- The starting workpiece geometry and the die based knowledge. geometry need to be defined in a closed-die forg- 2. Verify the initial design and process condi- ing modeling. Depending on its geometrical tions using process modeling. For this pur- complexity, a forging process can be simulated pose it is appropriate to use well-established either as a two-dimensional, axisymmetric or commercially available computer codes. plane-strain, or a three-dimensional problem. If 3. Modify die design and initial selection of the process involves multiple stations, the die process variables, as needed, based on the re- geometry of each station needs to be provided. sults of process simulation. A typical starting workpiece geometry for a 4. Complete the die design phase and manufac- closed-die forging is a cylinder with or without ture the dies. chamfers. The diameter and the height of the 5. Conduct die tryouts on production equip- cylinder are defined in the preprocessing stage. ment. A lot of closed-die forgings are axisymmetric, 6. Modify die design and process conditions, if which need a two-dimensional geometry han- necessary, to produce quality parts. dling. Boundary conditions on specific segments © 2005 ASM International. All Rights Reserved. Cold and Hot Forging: Fundamentals and Applications (#05104G) Process Modeling in Impression-Die Forging Using Finite-Element Analysis / 195 of the workpiece and dies that relate to defor- ● The workpiece and die interface heat-trans- mation and heat transfer need to be defined. For fer coefficient during deformation example, for an axisymmetric cylinder to be ● The workpiece and die interface friction, etc. forged in a pair of axisymmetric dies, the nodal The die velocity is a very important parameter velocity in the direction perpendicular to the to be defined in the modeling of a closed-die centerline should be defined as zero, and the heat forging. If a hydraulic press is used, depending flux in that direction should also be defined as on the actual die speed profiles, the die velocity zero. can be defined as a constant or series of veloc- ities that decrease during deformation. The ac- 16.3.2 Process Parameters tual die speed recorded from the forging can also The typical process parameters to be consid- be used to define the die velocity profile. If a ered in a closed-die forging include [SFTC, mechanical press is used, the rpm of the fly- 2002]: wheel, the press stroke, and the distance from the bottom dead center when the upper die ● The environment temperature touches the part need to be defined. If a screw ● The workpiece temperature press is used, the total energy, the efficiency, and ● The die temperatures the ram displacement need to be defined. If a ● The coefficients of heat transfer between the hammer is used, the blow energy, the blow ef- dies and the billet and the billet and the at- ficiency, the mass of the moving ram and die, mosphere the number of blows, and the time interval be- ● The time used to transfer the workpiece from tween blows must be defined. Forgings per- the furnace to the dies formed in different machines, with unique ve- ● The time needed to have the workpiece rest- locity versus stroke characteristics, have been ing on the bottom die simulated successfully using the commercial FE ● The workpiece and die interface heat-trans- software DEFORM (Scientific Forming Tech- fer coefficient during free resting nologies Corp.) [SFTC, 2002]. Fig. 16.1 Flow chart of modeling of closed-die forging [Shen et al., 2001] © 2005 ASM International. All Rights Reserved. Cold and Hot Forging: Fundamentals and Applications (#05104G) 196 / Cold and Hot Forging: Fundamentals and Applications 16.3.3 Tool and Workpiece Material parameters that relate to both heat Material Properties transfer and deformation need to be defined.