The Deceit of Islam : the FAKE Quran of Al-Ilah!

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The Deceit of Islam : the FAKE Quran of Al-Ilah! The Deceit of Islam : The FAKE Quran of al-Ilah! Lennard James “Religion is an illusion and it derives its strength from the fact that it falls in with our instinctual desires. ” — Sigmund Freud But what is religion? The question is not easy to answer. As St. Augustine said ‘ of time, most of us know perfectly well what religion is — until someone asks us to define it ‘. The groups, practices and systems that we identify as “religion” are so diverse-e.g., not all religions refer to God or gods, not all religions are concerned with morals, not all religions have beliefs about the afterlife…-that it is no easy task to bring them all under one simple definition. Of course, this difficulty has not stopped people from attempting to define religion. The definitions are quite wide-ranging: some emphasize the personal, others the social; some the beliefs, others the uses; some the structures, others the functions; some the private, others the public; some the mundane, others the transcendent; some the truth, others the illusions. In many cases, a person’s definition of religion is actually a definition of his or her own thinking of his or her religion. While no one definition of religion can completely sum up what religion is, they all tell us something about religion, and, perhaps, bring us closer to an understanding of what we mean when we talk about “religion.” Thus a selection of definitions and quotes addressing the question “What is religion?” and we take a look into the Religion of Islam, these thoughts/facts are provided below as a backdrop to the countless suspicions that we gather and understand and question…??? Human beings are born free : free to talk, free to choose our friends, and free to do whatever we THINK we want to do. Our laws are enshrined with all these cardinal points of various individual freedoms, especially in non-Muslim nations. And above all, the greatest freedom we have is the freedom of thought. Absolute followers cannot and will never be freethinkers. Just like sheep, they need only brainlessly follow like morons. The choices rational human beings make are based on their individual capacity to THINK for themselves. Freedom to believe in anything we want is our greatest asset! If we think something is not to our needs, we can rethink and are free to change our minds. It is up to individuals to THINK and to come to a conclusion and act as accordingly… From the creation of man, we humans have developed our brains to THINK critically and consciously held ourselves responsible for all our actions, deeds and subversive activities-’good’ or ‘bad’, ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, ‘true’ or ‘false’. If the human race, with its natural ability to think, believes that there is a genuine God, Who demands and expects to worship, adore, kill, maraud, love and obey to all his/her commands, has NO rational thinking of its own… In Islam, al-Ilah (the Muslim God) demands believers to surrender to him completely and to obey to his every command given in their Holy Book, the Quran, in its totality. Al-Ilah states that everything recorded in the Quran is his own words. Al- Ilah’s unconditional demand to his followers to follow the Quran is absolute. Muslim scholars of more than 200 Islamic sects agree, confirm and believe this is absolutely true that it is mandatory to obey al-Ilah’s commands in the Quran with no reservation of any kind by every believing Muslim. (No ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ are allowed). The Quran, in reality, is a book of an imperfect scripture, allegedly sayings of God, filled with errors, contradictions, stupidities, historical inaccuracies. The contents of the Quran are also not arranged according to importance, continuity, sacredness, biography, chronology, significance or sequence of any sorts, but simply by length: the longest chapter, followed by the next longest. The Verses are disorderly arranged and jumbled up in unrelated subjects/topics. The Quran has no prophecy, no chronology, no geography, no biography of anybody (except bits & pieces of Muhammad’s), no ministry, no history, no proverbs, no parables, no miracles, no psalms, no sequence of any sort. It’s generally a manual of dos and don’ts, like an instruction manual of a vacuum cleaner, with punitive punishments, reprisals and rewards specified in it. The Quran is, undoubtedly, not a book created by an intelligent being, and is unfit for the intelligent and rational thinking persons. This book fraught with lack of fraud, stupidity and logic and reason (discussed below), which makes it a complete lie. In demanding absolute and unconditional obedience from his believers, al-Ilah categorically states (Surah 33.36): “And it becometh not a believing man or a believing woman, when al-Ilah and his messenger have decided an affair (for them), that they should (after that) claim any say in their affair(s); and who so is rebellious to al-Ilah and his messenger, he verily go astray in error manifest.” So as believers, Muslims have no right to think independently about their own affairs, because al-Ilah and his messenger have already done the thinking for them. All that Muslims are required to do is just to obey (like sheep) to al-Ilah’s words as in the Quran, and becoming totally obedient morons. If these Muslims do not obey and follow all the commands, they will be considered by al-Ilah as “rebellious” and face consequences. In the same verse, al-Ilah also demands Muslims to obey his human messenger, Muhammad (giving equal status with al-Ilah???). No other religion on earth demands from its followers such absolute and unconditional obedience to a human messenger and his puppet god. This defies all logic. Why shouldn’t Muslims use their God-given brains for independent, rational thinking into their own affairs? Islam is like a magician: once he put an illusory spell over his audience, he has complete control of everything he wants people to believe and do! By taking control of Muslims mind, and making them force Islam on those not in controls, Islam deprives Muslims from questioning and leaving Islam, even if one wishes so? Either you believe and behave, or you will be forced by true believers to conform; thus Islam keeps an absolute grip on the community. Almost everything in Islamic community is forced upon against the will and rational thinking of the individual: there’s no choice of one’s own. And, exceptional rewards are promised to believers: al-Ilah attempts to sell them a fake death insurance policy to reward them with eternal paradise filled with wine, honey, and angelic virgins… Al-Ilah also attempts to shame, threaten, and bribe Muslims into leaving their worldly life and sign up for jihad, with the promise of gaining entry into paradise. Islam is sure a trap with no way out. If a Muslim tries to get out, he/she will be killed as an apostate (Surah 4:89). This is why Muslims dare not criticize Muslims, who commit violence, murder, bombings, etc? With no rational thinking allowed, Islam has proved itself to be a bloody murderous trap! Is this from God? Will God(s) ever be so merciless and have narcissist thinking? Or this may be just a plain fake religion? Once an ideology gets control of its believers, it will only work its way up, just like communism that got control of half the world in the twentieth century! However, people, at least from the outside, were able to criticize communism and its propaganda, leading its eventual fall to obscurity… Truth always finds a way to emerge victorious in the end; truth always sets you FREE!!! Jewish Prophets were Muslims? In the same light, al-Ilah claims in numerous verses that all Jewish prophets are believers in Islam and demands that those Jewish prophets were ‘Muslims’. But the problem here is that, al-Ilah did not specify who those Jewish prophets were, leaving his believers in darkness forever. There is no complete list of these Jewish prophets in the Quran, let alone the proof of their ever being ‘Muslim’-that too, before the Quran was revealed or invented? Are those Jewish prophets, not mentioned in the Quran (but mentioned in the Jewish/Christian scriptures), were ever a part of al-Ilah’s Scripture or were they just figment of Muhammads’ imaginations or just hoax? How did those Jewish prophets ever know about al-Ilah or Muhammad or Islam as a religion, which would later on come to the world. (Indeed, the Quran did not exist until 786 CE, 154 years after Muhammad’s death in 632, when the Quran was complied as a religious book. see “ The Invention of Islam “). Moses and Jesus was recorded by their followers/Apostles, who lived with them (and the Quran/al-Ilah have the cheeks to claim the Bible is all corrupted!!!); and there is not a single acceptable historical record of any Jewish Prophet(s) of ever having been a Muslim. Just a claim that they were ‘Muslim’ does not necessarily make them ‘Muslim’, does it? It’s a silly, laughable claims at best; the world must be wondering why Islam makes such hideous and preposterous claim on Jewish Prophets like Abraham, Noah, Moses, etc. These stupid assumptions even astound the Christians as well. Jews are so passionate of their Jewishness that the majority of them don’t even accept Jesus as a Jew. This is just because, Jesus tried to reform Judaism by shedding some of the barbaric Jewish beliefs of the previous era, such as stoning for adultery, which Islam has blindly copied and Muslims are following till today.
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