NORTHUMBERLAND.] • Sum of .£500 for the Education of 20 Children Free, Resident the Soil Is Strong, with Clayey Subsoil
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DIRECTORY. 59 GOSFORTH. [NORTHUMBERLAND.] • sum of .£500 for the education of 20 children free, resident The soil is strong, with clayey subsoil. The cllief crops are in the chapelry. There is also a Mechanics' Illiititute, estab- wheat and turnips. Admiral l\Iitford is lord of the manor, lished in 18-18, with a library containing 800 volumes. Fairs and J. T. Fenwick, Esq., and J. Cook:wn, Esq., are chief for sheep and cattle are held on the 2nd Tuesday in July, landowners. There are two collieries, a limestone and a free 23rd August, and the 25th October. The population, in stone quarry. 1851, was 549, and the area in acres 4,962. The principal Lo w FRAMLINGTON is a hamlet, 1 mile south, and con- mineral productions are limestone, freestone, and coal. sists of two farms. PRIVATE RESIDE~TS. GibsonAlder, Hor8e~Jockey,&;carrier Reed J olm, grocer, flour dealer & pro- Benton Andrewz esq. Framlmgt{)n VIlla Green Fraucis, farm bailiff, Canada vision merchant Burdou Rev. RIchard, ~.A Grey Ellen (Miss), straw bonnet maker Rice Charles, surgeon Clugston Rev. John [Pre~byterian] Hall Robert, farmer, Long row Richardson William, shoemaker Gladston.e .waIter, VIctorIa cottage Hedley William, farmer, Small Dean Robson James, shoemaker Rand Wdham Hilton James, draper Rutherford John, Queen's Head nice Charles, esq. M.D Hindmarsh -,farmer, Low Framlingtn Robson John, farmer Wardell John, esq Howey William, farmer, l\Ioncerstead Robson IVI:. (M-rs.), dressmaker Wardell Mrs. l\fary Lambert Joseph, farmer, Hall hill Scott Charles, shoemaker Wardell William, esq Lambert J oseph, joiner & cartwright Shotton Thomas, saddle & harness mkr COMMERCIAL. Lambert Robert, parish clerk Simpson Hugh, New inn Bewick J olm, tailor Lambert Robert, jun. butcher Snowdon Robert, blacksmith Bleake Thomas, tailor Lipton Miss, dressmaker Steele John, letter carrier Brinkburn Colliery, John Bailey, man McCall Benjamin, shoemaker Thompson Adam, farmer Carss J ames, blacksmith J\Ioffett .10hn, shopkeeper Thornpson John, farmer, Low Town Common Thos. farmer, Embleton hall Moffett Peter, shopkeeper & can-ier Tinmouth John, shoemaker Cook Bdward, farmer,. Low hall }\Torton WiIliam, Grand B Trewick John, tarmer, Embleton stead Crone & Rogerson, masons &; bricklyrs MUIlray Hans, letter receiver &agent to Walby Jane (Miss), dressmaker Grey Ellen (J\Iiss). straw bonnet maker Equitable fire office . Walby William, farmer, Middle moou Donaldson l\fary(Miss),straw bonnetma Pringle Mrs. day school Wardle John, butcher Donaldson Michael, shopkpr. & carrier Pringle George. drugg'ist "\Vharrin John, stonemason Forster Robert. joiner ll'Rand Mary (:1\1-rs.), farmer POST OFFICE.-John Moffet, sub-postmaster. Letters ar- Mechanics' Institute, Hans Murray, sec. & librarian rive from Morpeth at 11 a.m. & are dispatched at 20 min. CARRIERS TO:- to 3 p.m. The nearest money order office is at Felton ALNWICK-Michael Donaldson, Alder Gibson, Peter IN~URANCE AGE~T-Equitab7eFire, - Murray Moffett, from their houses on saturday Parochial School, Hans Murray, master MORPETH-Peter Mofi'ctt, from his house on wednesday GOSFOR.TH is a parish comprising the townships of Lord Rokeby and E. Montague, Esq. are the chieflantL NORTH GOSFORTH, SOUTH G08FORTH, EAST BRUNTON, owners. WEST BRUNTON, COXLODGE, FAWDON, EaST KENTON FAWDON is a township and village in the parish of Gos and ·WEST KENTON. The population ofthe parish is about forth, distant 4 miles north-west from Newcastle-upon 2,337. Tllere are coal mines in this parish. Tyne railway station, in the west division of Castle ward, NORTH GOSFORTH is a township in the parish of Castle ward union, south division of the shire. The popula Gosforth, and is situated 4 miles north from Newcastle. It tion, in 1851, was 254, and the acreag'e is 520. The soil is contains 1,066 acres; of land, and the population, in 1851, clayey. Matthew Bell, Esq., is chieflandowner. IIaddrick's was 123. The principal landowners are William Smith, mill is a hamlet in this township. Esq., and Messrs. Laycock. Gosforth House, the seat of SOUTH GOSFORTH is a township and village in the William Smith, Esq., is a neat stone mansion, situated in a parish of Gosforth, 2~ miles north-east from Newcastle-upon park, which is enclosed by a wall. Tyne, in the east and west division of Castle wm'd, Castle COXJ,ODGE is a townsllip and village in tIle parish of ward union, south division of th~ shire, deanery of New Gosforth, distant 2} miles north from Newcastle-upon-Tyne castle-upon-Tyne, archdeacomy of Northumberland, Dur railway station, in the west division of Castle ward, Castle ham bishopric, and York archbishopric. It is situated on ward union, south division of the shire, situated on the bhe river Ouseburn. The church of St. Nicholas is a stone Great Northern road. There is a cl'lapel for ·Wesleyal1s. tuilding in the perpeudicular style of architecture, has a The grand stand of the Newcastle race-course is in this nave, chancel, tower with 1 bell, spire, and porch. The township. Here is Coxlodge colliery, producing excellent register dates from 1669. The living is a curacy, attached coal, the property of Matthew Bell, Esq. The population, to the vicarage of Newcastle-upon-Tyne; the Rev. James in 1851, was 970, and the acreage is 800. The soil is strong Allen Charlton, M.A., is the curate. '!'here is a colliery school clay. Matthew Bell, Esq., is the chief landowner. The for boys and ~:irls, endowed with two cottages. Gosfortb chief crops are wheat and oats. Causeway End and Bulman's colliery is worked by the representatives of the late Rev. Village are hamlets in this township. R. H. Brandling·. The population, in 1851, was 246, and the EAST BRUNTON is a township in tIle parish of Gos- acreage is 420. The soil is loamy clay, the subsoil is rock. forth, 4 miles north-westft·om Newcastle-upon-Tyne railway The land is laid out chiefly in market gardens. station, in the west division of Castle ward, Castle Ward THREE MILE BRIDGE is a village, in the township union, and south division of the shire. It is situated on the of North Gosforth, 3 miles north from NewcastIe-upon west of the high road leading from Newcastle to l\forpeth. Tyne station, in the east and west division of Castle ward, The population, in 1851, was 90, and the acreage is computed Castle ward union, south dh'ision of the shire; situated on a at 900. 'fhe soil is clayey. William Smith, Esq., is the small stream. The population is included in the township chief landowner. The chief crops are oats and wheat. of North Gosforth. EAST AND WEST KENTON is a township in the parish WEST B:nUNTON is a township in the parish of Gosforth, of Gosforth, 3 miles north-west from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 4 miles north-west from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in the west and contains the hamlets of Bank Top and Blakelaw, the division ofCastle ward, Castle ward union, and south division former being 3 miles and the lastnamed place 2~ miles ft'om of the shire; it is situated to the west of the Newcastle and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in the west division of Castle ward, Morpeth high road. The population, in 1851, was 105, and Castle ward union, and south division of the shire. There the acreage is 1,3,')0. The soil is light loam. Matthew Bell, is a national school for boys and girls, endowed. Here is e3q., is the chief landowner. The cbiefcrops are wheat and an excellent quarry of freestone. The population, in 1851, oats. Sunniside, the residence of John Robson, Esq., is a was 549, and the aCI'eage is 1,340. The soil is a light loam. neat building. :North:Gosforth. Charlton Rev. James AIlen, M.A. Bul- Wilson Frederick W. N. esq. Bulman's Smith Wm. esq. High Gosforth house man's villag·e village COMMERCIAL. Davidson Andrew, esq. Causey house COMMERCIAJ.. l.Iagnay John, blacksmith, Three Mile Finch George, esq. Gosforth villas Armstrong George, builder, Eden cot bridge Hackworth Cuthbert, esq. Rose villas, tage, Bulman's villa~e OliveI' Robert, joiner & wheelwrig'ht, Bulman's village Armstrong ·William, shoemaker, Bul Three Mile bridge Main J\-fr. Edward, Gosfurth ,-illas1 man's vina~e Letters throug·h Newcastle, which is Robinson John, ('sq. Roseworth cottage Bell Jaeob, Tur:f hotel, Bulmau's viII the nearest money order office Rogerson John, esq. Rose villas Bell Matthew & Co. colliery owners, Coxlodge. Russel Robert Cullen, esq. Roseworth Coxlodg-e colliery PRIVATE RESIDENTS. villa Crozier WiIliam, cattle dealer Anderson Miss: the Hall Scott John, esq. Eden cottages Dickinson Joseph, butcher Carr John, esq. Roseworth WiIey ~Irs. Bulman's village Duxfield J obn & Thomas, farmer5.