COVID-19 Testing Labs
भारतीय आयु셍वज्ञि ान अनुसधं ान पररषद वा्य अनुसंधान 셍वभाग, वा्य और पररवार क쥍याण मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार Date: 24/05/2020 Total Operational (initiated independent testing) Laboratories reporting to ICMR: Government laboratories : 428 Private laboratories : 182 - Real-Time RT PCR for COVID-19 : 452 (Govt: 303 + Private: 149) - TrueNat Test for COVID-19 : 104 (Govt: 99 + Private: 05) - CBNAAT Test for COVID-19 : 54 (Govt: 26 + Private: 28) Total No. of Labs : 610 *CSIR/DBT/DST/DAE/ICAR/DRDO Laboratories. #Laboratories approved for both Real-Time RT-PCR and TrueNat/CBNAAT $Laboratories approved for both TrueNAT and CBNAAT S. Names of Test Names of Government Institutes Names of Private Institutes No. States Category 1. Andhra RT-PCR 1. Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Pradesh (52) Sciences, Tirupati 2. Sri Venkateswara Medical College, Tirupati 1 | P a g e S. Names of Test Names of Government Institutes Names of Private Institutes No. States Category 3. Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinada 4. #Sidhartha Medical College, Vijaywada 5. Govt. Medical College, Ananthpur 6. Guntur Medical College, Guntur 7. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Kadapa 8. Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam 9. Govt. Kurnool Medical College, Kurnool 10. Govt. Medical College, Srikakulam TrueNat 11. Damien TB Research Centre, Nellore 12. SVRR Govt. General Hospital, Tirupati 13. Community Health Centre, Gadi Veedhi Saluru, Vizianagaram 14. Community Health Centre, Bhimavaram, West Godavari District 15. Community Health Centre, Patapatnam 16. Community Health Center, Nandyal, Banaganapalli, Kurnool 17. GSL Medical College & General Hospital, Rajahnagram, East Godavari District 18. District Hospital, Madnapalle, Chittoor District 19.
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