PROMOTING SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT IN JERUSALEM THROUGH CIVIL SOCIETY Yaara Tsairi, Erela Ganan, Yossi Saidov, Tami Gavrieli Promoting sustainable transport in Jerusalem through civil society Background document for – the Jerusalem model Yaara Tsairi, Erela Ganan, Yossi Saidov, and Tami Gavrieli Jerusalem, 2019 The Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research | Publication no. 517 Promoting sustainable transport in Jerusalem through civil society Background document for – the Jerusalem model Yaara Tsairi, Erela Ganan, Yossi Saidov, and Tami Gavrieli © 2019, The Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research The Hay Elyachar House 20 Radak St., 9218604 Jerusalem
[email protected] Table of contents 1. Background ....................................................................................................................5 Public transport in Israel: Disparities in services .................................................................5 Public transport in Jerusalem ...............................................................................................5 Civil society and its opportunity to promote sustainable public transport in Jerusalem ....7 Document Format ..................................................................................................................8 2. International review: civic activity for advancing sustainable transport .........9 Actions by civil society organizations for better transportation throughout the world .......9 Uniqueness of the transport market as a public