CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. MARCH 27, Executive Session the Doors Were Reopened and (At 4 O Clock and HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES
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3330 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. MARCH 27, executive session the doors were reopened and (at 4 o clock and HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 7 minutes p.m.) the Senate adjourned until Monday, March 31, 1902, at 12 o'clock meridian. THURSDAY, Jr[arch 27, 1902. The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. NOMINATIONS. HE..~RY N. COUDE...~, D. D. The Journal of yesterday s proceedings was read and approved. Executit'e nominations receit'ed by the Senate March 27, 1902. Mr. HULL obtained the floor and said: Mr. Speaker, I move POSTMASTERS. that the House resolve itself in Committee of the Whole- Melville Sheridan, to be postmaster at Osceola, in the county of PURCHASE OF DANISH WEST INDIAN ISLANDS. Clarke and State of Iowa, in place of Melville Sheridan. Incum Mr. RICHARDSON of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I rise to a ques bent's commission expired January 14, 1902. tion of privilege. I present the resolution which I hold in my Wallace M. Moore, to be postmaster at Mount Vernon, in the hand and now send to the desk, and which I ask to have read, as county of Linn and State of Iowa in place of Wallace M. Moore. it states the matter of privilege. Incumbent's commission expired March 1, 1902. The SPEAKER. The Clerk will read for the information of George L. Wilkinson, to be postmaster at Neola, in the county the House. of Pottawattamie and State of Iowa, in place of George L. Wil The Clerk read as follows: kinson. Incumbent's commission expired March 22, 1902. Whereas one Walter Christmas, a subject of Denmark, who is now and who has been for several years a diplomatic agent and representative of the William L. Buford, to be postmaster at Nicholasville, in the Government of Denmark, authorized o.nd empowered to ne~otiate with the county of Jessamine and State of Kentucky, in place of William Government of the United States for the sale of the Danish West Indian L. Buford. Incumbent's commission expires April 5, 1902. Islands to the United States, and who was also the agent of t he United States for the purchase of said islands, has submitted a secret and confidential re Nathan H. Sears, to be postmaster at Millbury, in the county of port to his own Government; and Worcester and State of Massachusetts, in place of Nathan H. Whereas the said Christmas, agent and representative as aforesaid, in his Sears. Incumbents commission expired January 19, 1902. said report to his said Government, declares and sets forth, among other things, the faet that the Government of Denmark has contracted, agreed, Charles B. Collingwood, to be postmaster at Agricultural Col and obligated iteelf to pay and turn over to him, the said Christmas, 10 per lege, in the county of Ingham and State of :Michigan, in place of cent, or about $-500,<XXJ, of the proceeds of the purchase money arising from Ira H. Butterfield. Incumbent's commission expired January 10, the sale of said islands to the United States when the same shall have been paid by the United States to Denmark, for the express purpose, as has been 1902. declared and set forth by him in his said secret report to his Government, John E. Crawford, to be postmaster at Milford, in the county of for the bribing of members of the United States Congress and other promi nent citizens of this country and for subsidizing American newspapers, to Oakland and State of Michigan, in place of John E. Crawford. the end that the pending treaty between the United States and Denmark for Incumbent's commission expired March 16, 1902. the sale of the islands by the latter to the former Government may be so con George W . Buswell, to be postmaster at Blue Earth, late Blue summated; and of Whereas it is also declared and expressly set forth in said secret report Earth City, in the county of Faribault and State Minnesota, that if said purchase money_shall be paid to Denmark by the United States in place of George W. Buswell. Incumbent's commission expired the said sum of about $500,<XXJ thereof will be immediately paid over to said January 10, 1902. Christmas, agent and representative of the aforesaid, by his Government in Samuel Y. Gordon, jr., to be postmastel' at Brown Valley, in pursuance of the agreement and contract already referred to for the corrupt obj~ts and purposes set forth; and the county of Tra-verse and State of Minnesota, in place of Sam Whereas the treaty between the two said Governments for the sale of the uel Y. Gordon, jr. Incumbent's commission expired February West Indian Islands by Denmark to the United States is now pending, a.nd its ratification has not been finally consummated by the two said Govern 16, 1902. ments, and the purchase price for the islands has not been appropriated by Lemmon G. Beebe, to be postmaster at Winnebago City, in Congress; Therefore the county of Faribault and State of Minnesota, in place of Be it resolved by the House of Representatives, That a select committee ot seven members of the House of Represen.tativesbeappointed by the Speaker.: Lemmon G. Beebe. Incumbent's commission expired January whose duty it shall be to examine into the truth of all the allegations ana 10, 1902. charges made by the said Walter Christmas, agent and representative as Jonas W. Mullen, to be postmaster at Charlotte, in the county aforesaid, in his said secret and confidential report to the Danish Govern ment as to the methods pursued ::md to be pursued by him and any of his of Mecklenburg and State of North Carolina, in place of Jonas assistants in the United States, and the contracts m! or proposed to be W. Mullen. Incumbent's commission exph-ed January 14, 1902. made by him or other persons acting in any way for him, or as assistants to Richard Daeley, to be postmaster at DevHs Lake, in the county him, for the purpose of, or which in any manner has for their object the bribery of or the attempted bribery of members of the United States Con of Ramsey and State of North Dakota, in place of Richard Daeley. gress or of the payment of any valuable consideration of any kind or charac Incumbent's commission expires March 31, 1902. ter to them or to any of them to vote for or to assist in procuring' the pro Thomas J. Davies, to be postmaster at Barberton, in the county posal, adoption~ or ratification of the said treaty of sale of the said Islands, as aforesaid. Saia committee shall have power to subprena and examine wit of Summit and State of Ohio, in place of George A. Shaw. In nesses under oath and to send for records, papers, and all other evidence cumbent's commission exprred January 31, 1902. that may be necessai"I for a full and complete investigation of the subjects Charles W. Searls, to be postmaster at Madison, in the county herein mentioned, ana it shall be author'.zed to sit durmg the sessions of the House and to have such printing and binding done as it shall deem necessary. of Lake and State of Ohio, in place of Charles W. Searls. In The committee shall make a full report to the House of the result of its in cumbent's commission expired January 31, 1902. vestigation at as early a date as is practicable. The expense of the investi David M. Graham, to be postmaster at Mahanoy City, in the gation shall,be paid out of the contingent fund of the House of Representa county of Schuylkill and State of Pennsylvania., in place of Frank tives. F . Reed. Incumbent's commission expired March 23, 1902. Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I make the point of order against Henry S. Williams, to be postmaster at Aberdeen, in the county that. The preamble recites that the information it contained in of Brown and State of South Dakota, in place of Samuel H. a secret report, or, in other words, the preamble itself recites the Jumper. Incumbent's commission exprres April 5, 1902. fact that there are no facts known to the author of it- Jo eph L. Crupper, to be postmaster at Alexandria, in the Mr. RICHARDSON of Tennessee. A little loudel'. I can not county of Alexandria and State of Virginia, in place of Joseph L. hear what the gentleman says. Crupper. Incumbent's commission expired March 4, 1902. Mr. PAYNE. The preamble recites that this is based on a John McDuffie, to be postmaster at Laurel, in the county of secret report, or, in other words, it states facts of a secret report. Jones and State of Mississippi, in place of Katie Edwards, re Now, it seems to me that contradicts itself; that there is no foun moved. dation to form a question of privilege upon such a report, and the second point ia that that matter ia not before the Honse of Herbert C. Hurd, to be postmaster at Rugby, in the county of Representatives. Pierce and State of North Dakota. Office became Presidential Mr. HULL. Mr. Speaker, I would like to add to that that it J uly 1, 1901. is not such a question of privilege that would take me off the Horatio S. Whetsell, to be postmastel' at Kingwood, in the floor for the further consideration of the Army appropriation bill. county of Preston and State of West Vrrginia. Office became The SPEAKER. Upon the latter point the Chair ia clear that Presidential January 1, 1902.