B4 | Friday, February 14,2020 |yourconroenews.com |The Courier 855-722-3900 Call Mon-Fri between 8:00 am -5:00 pm •southeasttexas.com FOR SALE LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS HOMES N/NE/NW LEGALNOTICES LEGALNOTICES LEGALNOTICES LEGALNOTICES LEGALNOTICES Public Notice for Station KTBU CITY OF MONTGOMERY Brand New Homes Conroe, TX NOTICE OF ZONING PUBLIC HEARINGS Startinginthe $190’s. On January 28, 2020, KTBU Licensing, Inc. filed an application with the Teresa Martinez 832-883-9320 Federal Communications Commission requesting consent to assign the The Montgomery Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct Two Public Hearings at 6:00 p.m. on the 24th license of Station KTBU, Conroe, Texas, Channel 33 to KHOU-TV, Inc. of February, 2020 and the 3rd of March, 2020 regarding the following item: KTBU Licensing, Inc. is awholly-owned subsidiary of Mega Media Hold- 1. Rezoning the following properties from R1-Single-Family to B-Commercial: ings, Inc, which is awholly-owned subsidiary of Spanish Broadcasting For Lot 16, Area D, Montgomery Townsite Section Four as submitted by Cheatham Management. System, Inc. The following are officers, directors or interest holders in A0.576-acretract of land adjacent to 21123 Eva Street, Montgomery, Texas. RENTALS KTBU Licensing, Inc. or its parent entities: Raul Alarcon, Jr., Richard Lara, Jose Molina, Joseph Garcia, Mitchell Yelen, Alberto Rodriguez, Jason Please direct any questions to the Dave McCorquodale at
[email protected] or Shrinsky, Manuel Machado, Jose Villamil, (936) 597-3235 or at City Hall. APARTMENTS N KHOU-TV, Inc. and the following individuals and entities are aparty to this /s/ Susan Hensley, City Secretary application: Belo Corp., David Lougee, Lynn Beall, Robert Springer, Akin City of Montgomery, Texas Wilson Park Apts: 2Bedroom Harrison, John Janedis, Cam McClelland, TEGNA, Inc., Victoria Harker, femncedback yard covered deck Ed Busby, Tom Cox, Julie Heskett, Adam Ostrow, Jeffrey Newman, Kurt Dates of Publications: Thursday, February 7, 2020, and Thursday, February 14, 2020 $875.