CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1766 HON
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E1766 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 14, 2009 damage reduction and deficiency correction pose of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineers. Approximately $40,000 will be project conducted by the U.S. Army Corps of MR&T Construction Account. used to dredge the harbor. This request is Engineers. Approximately, $400,000 to award Project Name: Clearwater Lake, Missouri consistent with the intended and authorized a contract for the Missouri Chute pump sta- Bill Number: H.R. 3183 purpose of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, tion; $420,000 to complete exploration and de- Account: Operations and Maintenance Operations and Maintenance Account. sign of relief wells; $1,176,000 to construct 25 Legal Name of Requesting Entity: City of Project Name: Little River Diversion, additional relief wells; and $1,777,000 to com- Piedmont, Missouri Dutchtown, Missouri plete design and begin contracting for the Address of Requesting Entity: 115 West Bill Number: H.R. 3183 completion of the remaining two pump sta- Green Street, Piedmont, MO 63957 Account: Section 205 tions. This request is consistent with the in- Description of Request: Provide an earmark Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Little tended and authorized purpose of the U.S. of $2,933,000 for Operation and Maintenance River Drainage District Army Corps of Engineers, Construction Gen- of Clearwater Lake. This request is consistent Address of Requesting Entity: P.O. Box 159 eral Account. with the intended and authorized purpose of Cape Girardeau, MO 63702 Project Name: Cape Girardeau (Floodwall), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Operations Description of Request: The Little River Di- MO and Maintenance Account. version project will be funded at the discretion Bill Number: H.R. 3183 Project Name: St. Francis Basin, AR & MO of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, through Account: Construction Bill Number: H.R. 3183 Section 205 funds. This request is consistent Legal Name of Requesting Entity: City of Account: MRT—Operations and Mainte- with the intended and authorized purpose of Cape Girardeau nance the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Section Address of Requesting Entity: 401 Inde- Legal Name of Requesting Entity: The Little 205 account. pendence Street, Cape Girardeau, MO 63703 River Drainage District Project Name: Mississippi River Levees, Description of Request: Provide an earmark Address of Requesting Entity: 1440 Kurre AR, IL, KY, LA, MS, MO & TN of $183,000 to continue work on a flood dam- Lane, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 Bill Number: H.R. 3183 age reduction project conducted by the U.S. Description of Request: Provide an earmark Account: MRT-Operations and Maintenance Army Corps of Engineers. The $183,000 will of $6,243,000 for St. Francis River and Tribu- Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Bootheel be used to complete the rehabilitation of the taries, AR & MO Maintenance. This funding Regional Planning and Economic Develop- floodwall. This request is consistent with the will be used for land and damages, cultural re- ment Commission intended and authorized purpose of the U.S. sources, engineering, design, construction Address of Requesting Entity: 105 E. North Army Corps of Engineers, Construction Gen- management and operate and maintain two Main Street, Dexter, MO 63841 eral Account. pumping stations. This request is consistent Description of Request: Provide an earmark Project Name: Clearwater Lake, MO (Seep- with the intended and authorized purpose of of $8,011,000 for Mississippi River Levees age Control) the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, MR&T (MR&T) to continue work on flood protection Bill Number: H.R. 3183 Maintenance Account. projects conducted by the U.S. Army Corps of Account: Operations & Maintenance Project Name: Caruthersville Harbor, Mis- Engineers. This request is consistent with the Legal Name of Requesting Entity: City of souri intended and authorized purpose of the U.S. Piedmont Bill Number: H.R. 3183 Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi River Address of Requesting Entity: 115 West Account: Operations and Maintenance and Tributaries, Operations and Maintenance Green Street, Piedmont, MO 63957 Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Pemiscot Account. Description of Request: Provide an earmark County Port Authority f of $40,000,000 for Clearwater Major Rehabili- Address of Requesting Entity: 619 Ward Av- tation Project to continue work on a flood con- enue, Caruthersville, MO 63830 IN RECOGNITION OF MICHAEL G. trol project conducted by the U.S. Army Corps Description of Request: Provide an earmark ANDERSON of Engineers. The $40,000,000 will be used to of $40,000 for Caruthersville Harbor for annual complete Phase I(b) construction and continue maintenance of the navigation channel con- HON. DON YOUNG Phase II to construct a cutoff wall. This re- ducted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. OF ALASKA quest is consistent with the intended and au- Approximately $40,000 is for dredging the har- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES thorized purpose of the U.S. Army Corps of bor to authorized levels. This request is con- Tuesday, July 14, 2009 Engineers, Construction General Account. sistent with the intended and authorized pur- Project Name: Mississippi River Levees, pose of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Madam Speaker, AR, IL, KY, LA, MS, MO & TN Operations and Maintenance Account. today I wish to honor Michael G. Anderson— Bill Number: H.R. 3183 Project Name: New Madrid Harbor, Missouri a great American. Mike has devoted his life to Account: MRT—Construction Bill Number: H.R. 3183 the service of our country for the past 38 Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Bootheel Account: Operations and Maintenance years. For the first 32 years, Mike served in Regional Planning and Economic Develop- Legal Name of Requesting Entity: New Ma- our United States Air Force. Most recently, ment Commission drid County Port Authority Mike was the Chief of Staff of my congres- Address of Requesting Entity: 105 E. North Address of Requesting Entity: 435 Main sional office, where he dedicated himself to Main Street, Dexter, MO 63841 Street, New Madrid, MO 63869 working for the people of Alaska. After 6 years Description of Request: Provide an earmark Description of Request: Provide an earmark as my Chief, Mike retired and moved into the of $28,874,000 for Mississippi River Levees of $90,000 for the New Madrid County Harbor private sector where he serves Alaska Natives (MR&T) to continue work on flood protection for annual maintenance of the navigation in his new capacity as President of Wolf Creek projects conducted by the U.S. Army Corps of channel conducted by the U.S. Army Corps of Fabrication Services, a subsidiary of Chugach Engineers. This request is consistent with the Engineers. Approximately $90,000 is for Alaska Corporation. intended and authorized purpose of the U.S. dredging the harbor. This request is consistent Born in Maui, Hawaii, Mike was appointed in Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi River with the intended and authorized purpose of July 1971 to the United States Air Force Acad- and Tributaries, Construction Account. the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Operations emy by Senator Hiram L. Fong. After grad- Project Name: St. John’s Bayou and New and Maintenance Account. uating from the Academy in June 1975, he Madrid Floodway, Missouri Project Name: New Madrid Harbor (Mile launched a distinguished military career that Bill Number: H.R. 3183 889), Missouri began as a combat aircrew member and in- Account: MRT—Construction Bill Number: H.R. 3183 cluded operational and staff assignments in Legal Name of Requesting Entity: St. John’s Account: Operations and Maintenance the B–52 and B–1B bombers. Additionally, Levee and Drainage District of Missouri Legal Name of Requesting Entity: City of Mike served as an acquisition program man- Address of Requesting Entity: P.O. Box 40, New Madrid, Missouri ager and commanded two aircraft mainte- New Madrid, MO 63869 Address of Requesting Entity: P.O. Box 96, nance squadrons as well as a logistics group. Description of Request: Provide an earmark New Madrid, MO 63869 Mike concluded his military service at the Pen- of $200,000 for the St. John’s Bayou and New Description of Request: Provide an earmark tagon, where he was assigned to the Sec- Madrid Floodway. This funding will be used to of $40,000 for the New Madrid Harbor Mile retary of the Air Force’s Legislative Liaison Of- conduct NEPA activities. This request is con- 889 for annual maintenance of the navigation fice. Notably, Mike set benchmarks and was sistent with the intended and authorized pur- channel conducted by the U.S. Army Corps of recognized for high standards of performance VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:54 Sep 28, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD09\RECFILES\E14JY9.REC E14JY9 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE July 14, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1767 and achievement at each of his assignments. through the use of multimedia materials at the Account: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers He retired from the Air Force in January 2003 Multi-media Center at the Livingston Campus. Legal Name of Requesting Entity: County of finishing his military career at the rank of Colo- The center is designed to support self-directed Ventura nel. learning outside the classroom. The develop- Address of Requesting Entity: 800 So. Vic- I handpicked Mike as my Chief of Staff after ment of a multi-media center will help create toria Avenue, Ventura, CA 93009 meeting and working with him on several con- jobs in Michigan and provide the state with a Description of Request: This request of gressional delegation (CODEL) trips to inter- better educated workforce. Approximately $2,000,000 will be used by the U.S.