Hit- Alyse Galvin has taken fourteen-thousand dollars in campaign contributions from and her Leadership PAC, even after Galvin promised Alaskans she would not support Pelosi as Speaker.


In 2018, Galvin Promised Not To Support Pelosi For Speaker:

• During The 2018 Campaign, Galvin Said She Would Not Support Pelosi For Speaker And Said She Wanted “New Leadership.” “Galvin won the Democratic primary for the right to face off against the 23-term incumbent but identifies as an independent. Should she win and come to Washington, Galvin says she will caucus with Democrats, much like Sens. Bernie Sanders of and Angus King of Maine, but will remain unaffiliated. Her campaign made clear she will not be supporting House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) for speaker and instead wants ‘new leadership.’” (Margaret Kriz Hobson, “Political Novice Has Sights On Don Young,” E&E News, 10/5/18) However, During The 2020 Campaign Cycle, Galvin Has Since Received $14,000 In Contributions From Pelosi:

Editor’s Note: PAC To The Future is Nancy Pelosi’s Leadership PAC, according to the Center For Responsive Politics.

• On June 26, 2020, Nancy Pelosi For Congress Contributed $4,000 To Galvin’s Campaign. (Alyse For Congress, Federal Election Commission, Accessed 09/10/20)

• On June 26, 2020, Nancy Pelosi’s PAC, PAC To The Future Contributed $10,000 To Galvin’s Campaign. (Alyse For Congress, Federal Election Commission, Accessed 09/10/20)

• PAC To The Future is Nancy Pelosi’s Leadership PAC, according to Citizens For Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

(Full PAC List, Citizens For Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, Accessed 09/10/20)