FIG Working Week 2011 & 6Th National Congress of ONIGT – Bridging the Gap Between Cultures

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FIG Working Week 2011 & 6Th National Congress of ONIGT – Bridging the Gap Between Cultures Under patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI FIG Working Week 2011 & 6th National Congress of ONIGT – Bridging the Gap Between Cultures Marrakech, Morocco May 18–22, 2011 Programme BOOK organised by: platinum Sponsors: InternatIonal ordre natIonal FederatIon oF deS InGénIeurS SurveyorS GéomètreS topoGrapheS FIG_Ad_A4.indd 1 5/4/11 9:23 AM FIG Working Week 2011 – Bridging the Gap Between Cultures organised under the patronage of his majesty King mohammed vI Contents Welcoming Message Welcoming messages ............................................................. 3 Dear Guests, On behalf of the Ordre National – Mr. hilali aziz, onIGt president des Ingénieurs Géomètres topog- – Mr. Cheehai teo, FIG president raphes (ONIGT), the Moroccan – Prof. mohamed ettarid, Chair of the organising order of surveyors, I welcome Committee you to Marrakech, Morocco. organisers ...................................................................................5 I strongly appreciate that the th organising Committee ...........................................................6 FIG Working Week and the 6 ONIGT Congress are organized FIG Working Week 2011 events ............................................. 7 under the patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI Social events .............................................................................11 of Morocco. programme at a Glance ........................................................ 12 One of the cornerstones of ONIGT is that we must technical programme look after the principles of ethics, raising the level of the and administrative meetings ............................................. 13 profession, share experiences and burnish on all levels. exhibition ..................................................................................14 Over many years, those are the principle guiding the en- tire action of ONIGT to contribute in the creation of sev- technical tours ........................................................................16 eral international bodies operating as partners of the FIG Social tours ...............................................................................19 at regional level. Sponsors and partners ..........................................................20 Today, we are facing a huge challenge that can be venue Floor plans ...................................................................22 summarized in how could we gather our efforts to pro- Corporate members ..............................................................23 mote our profession and contribute to the bridging be- tween societies and cultures? Contacts .....................................................................................24 I am gladly certain and believe that the working week in Marrakech will be for an interesting model to exchange dialogue between cultures. It is a great response that we shall provide to opposite all appearances of intolerance. I wish that the hundreds of lectures that will be pre- sented during this week will bring into being a reference document, for all surveyors in the world, that shall con- tribute in building a harmonious society based on knowl- edge of others, tolerance, mutual understanding, respect of human rights and dignity. Mr. Hilali Aziz ONIGT President Congress Director 3 Welcome to FIG Working Week 2011 Dear Friends, It gives me great pleasure to Union of Surveyors and UMG (Mediterranean Union of welcome you to our 2011 Work- Surveyors), and with their active participation in FIG, will ing Week jointly organized by prove to be a worthy local host. FIG and Ordre National des I welcome representatives of our partner organiza- Ingénieurs Géomètres Topogra- tions from United Nations, UN-HABITAT, GLTN and phes (ONIGT), the Moroccan FAO, our sister organizations as well as every participant Order of Surveyors, in Marra- to this main FIG conference this year. We will have more kech, Morocco. This Working than 1,000 participants from all continents at the biggest Week, under the patronage of FIG Working Week in history. In technical programme His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco is the first we have more than 500 presentations in more than 90 Working Week of the current Council that began its term technical sessions and forums. The programme should be of office this January. of interest to participants from the world over. The exhibi- “Bridging the Gaps between Cultures” is an appropriate tion at the Palais des Congrès is the biggest as any FIG an- theme, not only is Marrakech the meeting point for the nual conference. We can also look forward to outstanding Arab, African and European cultures, the Working Week social events at this year’s Working Week. will bring together people of different cultures, diverse Welcome to Marrakech and FIG Working Week 2011. surveying traditions and varying professional experiences. As ONIGT continues to be active regionally, within the Mr. CheeHai Teo FGF (Francophone Federation of Surveyors), AUS (Arab FIG President Welcome to FIG Working Week 2011 On behalf of the organizing kech very pleasant on the cultural and touristic levels and committee of the FIG Work- scientifically very enriching. ing Week 2011, it is our pleasure to welcome you to Marrakech, Prof. Mohamed Ettarid Morocco from 18th to 22nd May Chair of the Organising Committee 2011. This event is hosted by FIG and the National Board of Moroccan Surveyors (ONIGT) and is to be held at the Palais des Congrès in Marrakech, under the patronage of His Maj- esty King Mohammed VI of Morocco. The working week organised under the theme “Bridg- ing the Gap between Cultures”, will gather professionals and academia members from various field connected to land surveying, GIS, spatial planning and management, and civil engineering. The organising committee has been working very hard for long months so as to make your stay in Marra- 4 Organisers The International Federation of Surveyors, FIG The International Federation of Surveyors is • ACCO Representative: Dr. Michael Sutherland an international, non-government organisa- (Canada / Trinidad & Tobago) tion whose purpose is to support internation- FIG’s technical work is led by ten Commissions al collaboration for the progress of surveying (Commission Chairs 2011–2014): in all fields and applications. FIG is the premier interna- • Commission 1 – Professional Standards and Practice – tional organization representing the interests of surveyors Ms. Leonie Newsham (Australia) worldwide. It is a federation of the national member as- • Commission 2 – Professional Education – Prof. sociations and covers the whole range of professional fields Steven Frank (USA) within the global surveying community. It provides an in- • Commission 3 – Spatial Information Management – ternational forum for discussion and development aiming Prof. Yerach Doytsher (Israel) to promote professional practice and standards. FIG was • Commission 4 – Hydrography – Dr. Michael founded in 1878 in Paris and was known as the Fédération Sutherland (Canada / Trinidad & Tobago) Internationale des Géomètres. This has become anglicized • Commission 5 – Positioning and Measurement – Mr. to the International Federation of Surveyors. It is a UN- Mikael Lilje (Sweden recognised non-government organization (NGO), repre- • Commission 6 – Engineering Surveys – Prof. Gethin senting more than 120 countries throughout the world, W. Roberts (United Kingdom) and its aim is to ensure that the disciplines of surveying • Commission 7 – Cadastre and Land Management – and all who practise them meet the needs of the markets Mr. Daniel Roberge (Canada) and communities that they serve. • Commission 8 – Spatial Planning and Development FIG Council members (2011–2014): – Mr. Wafula Nabutola (Kenya) • President: Mr. CheeHai Teo (Malaysia) • Commission 9 – Valuation and the Management of • Vice-Presidents: Prof. Dalal S. Alnaggar (Egypt), Mr. Real Estate – Dr. France Plimmer (United Kingdom) Iain Greenway (United Kingdom), Prof. Chryssy • Commission 10 – Construction Economics and Potsiou (Greece), Prof. Rudolf Staiger (Germany) Management – Mr. Robert Sinkner (Czech Republic) Ordre National des Ingenieurs Géomètres Topographes, ONIGT ONIGT Congress is organized as part of the FIG Working Ordre National des Ingenieurs Géomètres Week 2011. Topographes (National Order of Surveyors The areas of interest to ONIGT include: and Surveying Engineers) ONIGT has • surveyor and his role to serve the development needs of been constituted in 1994 and has more the rural world; than 600 members. During the almost • regional development and partnership schemes; twenty years of its existence, through its • engineer in the service of local communities; dynamism and the serious work of its • geographical Information systems and their role in members, ONIGT has acquired full recognition by the land-use planning; authorities and by the various other national partners. The • training/ job balance; dedication of the council members of the ONIGT and • fight against substandard housing; their commitment to develop and enhance the level of to- • development of land law and land registration; pographers takes various forms and multiple actions aim- • inter-dependence between urban and rural areas for ing to maintain an adequate training level for its members achieving sustainable environment; and ensuring better organization of the profession. • land for the service of development. On a regular annual basis, ONIGT takes care of or- In addition to organizing scientific events, the ONIGT ganizing
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