Lorel'o . AVSTRALIA /
·. I ( LOREl'O . AVSTRALIA / .. / . / ,,./ Loreto Jubilee Magazine 1875-1925 L ( \ Special Apostolic Blessing. Letter of His Eminence Cardinal van Rossum lo His Lordship Dr. Foley, Bishop of Ballarat, conveying the message of a special Apostolic Ble<sing granted on the occasion of the Celebration of the Golden Jubilee of the foundation of the I.B.Y.M. in Australia. Sacra Congregatio De Propaganda Fide. Romae, 21 , J ulii, 1925. Illme et Revme Domine, Redittae mihi su1~t litterae Amplitudinis T uae, quibus petis ut "specialis Apostolica Benedictio imperti atur Sororibus Instituti B. V. Mariae in Australia, quae die 24ta Septembris anni currentis quinquagesimum annum a cor;dita Congregatione in urbe Ballaratensi solemni ratione celebrant." Et cum rem SSmo Domino Nostro Pio, Div Prov. Papae XI retulissem. in Audientia diei 9. Junii, Sanctitas Sua libentissime :'.:ororibus ex lnstituto . B. Virginls Mariae, occaswne antedicta, Benedictionem Apostolica:n, coelestium charismatum auspicem peramanter impertitur. Interim Tibi a Dea. O.M. faustissima quaeque ex corde adprecor. Amplitudinis T uae addictissimus servus G. M. Card. van Rossum Praef. Franciscus Marchetti Seliggiani Archiep. Seleucien. Secret. Sacred Congregation TRANSLATION. of the Propaganda. Rome, 21st July, 1925. Most Rev. Lord Bishop, I have received your Lordship"s letter, in which you ask that a special Apostolic Blessing be sent to the Sisters of the Institute of the B.V. Mary in Australia, who, on the 24th September of the present year, solemnly celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the foundation of their Congregation in the Cit y of Ballarat. When I submitted your request to our Most Holy Father Pius XI, by Divine Providence Pope, in an audience given to me on the 9th June, His Holinsss, very willingly and very lovingly, granted for the occasion above mentioned, to the Institute of the B.V.
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