HMCS 335 deployment to Indo-Asia Pacific region in support of operation projection

Your deployment guidebook includes info on the following: • Benefits • Medical Information • Legal Information • Communications • PSP Programs • MFRC Checklists • Important Records ...and much more


4 About Operation Projection 5 Fleet Commander’s Message 6 Commanding Officer’s Message 8 Medical and Dental Information 10 Legal Information 13 Communication 13 Allowances and Benefits 16 Chaplains 17 Regular Mail 18 Personnel Support Programs 19 Dealing with the Media 21 Military Family Resource Centre 36 Important Phone Numbers

Views and opinions expressed in this guide are not necessarily those of the Department of National Defence. This product was produced by LOOKOUT Newspaper and Creative Services: CFB Esquimalt, PO Box Stn Forces, Victoria, B.C. V9A 7N2 Ph: 363-3372 Email: [email protected] Project Coordinator: Melissa Atkinson CFB ESQUIMALT



ABOUT OPERATION PROJECTION members are operating in maritime environments around the world during Operation PROJECTION. They are working to make the world more secure and enhance relationships with Canada’s allies and partners. During this operation, the CAF is conducting training, exercises, and engagements with foreign navies and other international security partners. The CAF also supports NATO Maritime Command, U.S. Naval Forces, and other allied operations. The deployment of sailors, ships, submarines, and maritime patrol aircraft makes the world more secure and stable. It also shows how the (RCN) is ready to defend Canada’s interests around the world. Operation PROJECTION shows Canada’s ongoing commitment to global peace.

CURRENT DEPLOYMENT ASIA-PACIFIC - HMCS VANCOUVER From April to June 2018, Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Vancouver is deployed to the Asia-Pacific region. During the deployment, the crew of HMCS Vancouver is strengthening relationships with our partners. As well as working with partners, the ship is conducting port visits. It is also improving the CAF’s ability to plan operations in the region. HMCS Vancouver visited Hong Kong Special Administrative Region from May 3 to 9, 2018. During the port visit, Canadian sailors interacted with civilians and local counterparts to promote cooperation and friendship. They participated in outreach activities such as ship tours, school visits, charity event, friendly sports competition, and wreath laying at Sai Wan War Memorial. HMCS Vancouver visited Singapore from May 16 to 23, 2018. The ship hosted members of the Singapore military and other stakeholders. It also participated in community outreach and charitable activities. On May 29, 2018 members of the Royal Canadian Navy’s Naval Security Team departed from Victoria, British Columbia. They joined HMCS Vancouver in Fiji as part of Operation PROJECTION.

MISSION CONTEXT The RCN has a long history of deploying around the world in peacetime and during conflicts. In line with “Strong, Secure, Engaged,” Canada’s Defence Policy, Canada’s naval forces work on their own and in support of allied or partner missions. They help keep regions secure and defend Allies and partners if needed.



The Royal Canadian Navy has tasked HMCS CALGARY to deploy to the Indo-Asia Pacific region of the world. This deployment will take your loved ones far from their homes where they will be working with our allies in a high profile effort to increase global security. Your loved one and the Ship they are embarked on will be doing work of utmost importance to Canada. As we are all aware, world events are unpredictable and their mission and focus may shift depending on national priorities. It will be a lengthy and demanding deployment for the crew, but one of which I know both ships will be well prepared for. However, no matter the reason for their absences, the challenge for those left behind remains the same - partners will not see each other for several months and children will not have that usual comfort provided by their deployed parent. Having said this, none of this would be possible without the support of those who stay behind. My wife Marta and I understand the challenges of being separated. No matter what the family dynamic is, whether as a single parent or as a couple, it is a tremendous challenge to keep the home going when a parent is absent. In that regard, it is important that we as a naval family look after each other. This booklet provides a wide range of information to assist families and partners of deployed personnel. Life is unpredictable, so keep this booklet handy. Additionally, the Fleet Chief and I will meet with the family network on a monthly basis to discuss the progress of the deployment and answer any questions or concerns that parents, guardians and family members may have. These Family Network Sunday sessions will take place at the Canadian Pacific Activity Centre in Colwood. Session dates will be promulgated by the ship and MFRC throughout the deployment. Commodore Jeffery (Buck) Zwick Commander Canadian Fleet Pacific



HMCS Calgary will have progressed from departing an extended refit to achieving a high state of readiness in the first half of 2018. She will then put to sea and deploy to the Pacific Ocean to operate with Canada’s allies, support the national interest and support the Government of Canada and Royal Canadian Navy’s objectives in the area. In the margins, we will have training and strive to achieve more, supported Royal Canadian Sea Cadet then I need to ensure that they are corps from across the country, hosted fully supported by the institution; so friends and family at sea, put on a they enjoy their job. If a crewmember successful “Cowboy Up!” celebration, is to remain focused, then I need to supported recruiting and namesake be confident that the member and city connections in the city of Calgary, their family are fully supported by the conducted an advanced live missile institution; so the family trusts the firing, represented the Royal Canadian institution, so that they are supportive Navy in the city of Vancouver for of the sacrifices they will be making. Canada Day celebrations and raised In this regard, none of what we have thousands of dollars for charity. None achieved could have been done of these things were achieved easily, without you, and we will not succeed and all had to be coordinated and were without your support. I am grateful supported fully by the best crew in the for your collective patience, resilience Fleet. Next, Calgary’s deployment will and support to your spouse, partner or see five months of engagements both friend. I am committed to fostering this at sea and alongside with our regional trust and ensuring that the Military partners, representing Canada’s values Family remains engaged and supported and being Canada’s expected first at home while we are away. There will response to whatever occurs whilst we be uncertainty, there will be change are on station. and there may be frustration. But I will To have succeeded in all that we have strive to ensure you have access to any accomplished this year, and to be and all tools available. fully prepared for what is to come, the These tools and options will come from crew needs to be trained and focused. the best support the RCN can muster. If a crewmember is to excel at their The focal point will be the Military


Family Resource are available to the Centre (MFRC) and crew and families. will be a critical link On the eve of between the crew, departing, I know their loved ones the crew is ready. and many resources These warriors will and experts to help need to remain trained solve a wide swath of and focused. You, their eventualities. Calgary’s families and friends will social media presence is need to support them and I need strictly tailored to celebrate the to support you to do so. I am proud to daily actions of the crew and to be a part of the Calgary family; I hope communicate any updates. This you will see that you are part of that booklet has been designed to team as well. highlight personal preparations that should be considered and where the Onward. RCN can assist. This booklet will also Commander Ryan Saltel spell out what benefits and options Commanding Officer HMCS CALGARY


MEDICAL & The amount reimbursed is subject to the provisions of the Plan and DENTAL co-payment, as applicable. PSHCP (Public Service Claims must be received by Sun Life no later than December 31 Health Care Plan) of the year following the calen- This is an Extended Health Care dar year in which the expenses benefit that provides medical were incurred. For example, if you insurance for spouses and chil- incurred expenses in July 2016, you dren of service members, designed have until December 31, 2017 to to help pay for health services and submit your claim. items that are not covered by pro- Using a Benefit Card: To obtain the vincial health insurance plans. PSHCP Benefit Card, you must com- Clarification of eligibility of plete a positive enrolment with expenses and the limits of claims PSHCP. The PSHCP Benefit Card is can be found in the PSHCP a pay-direct drug card that allows employed information booklet or claims for certain products and at Limited quanti- supplies to be processed at Cana- ties are available at the MFRC. dian pharmacies that have regis- tered with the Plan. Claims When you present the PSHCP Ben- • Submitting a paper claim: To efit Card, your pharmacy will use be reimbursed, you must send it to send the cost of your prescrip- a completed PSHCP claim form tion to Sun Life for processing. Your to Sun Life, the Plan Administra- pharmacy submits the claim to tor, along with any required sup- the Plan electronically. Once your porting documents. Claim forms claim is processed, the amount are available from Sun Life or paid by the Plan will be shown on at the MFRC. Supporting docu- your pharmacy receipt. You are still ments may include: responsible to pay the 20% co-pay- • original bills and invoices ment. • pharmacy receipts The PSHCP Benefit Card can also be used when you are admitted to • prescriptions hospital. Most hospitals are able • itemized statements from a to submit claims on your behalf physician or other medical by using the certificate number practitioner indicated on your card. Generally,


the hospital will ask you to sign an considered appropriate, the Plan authorization form and pay for the will pay for the treatment that is portion of costs not eligible under least expensive. the Plan. If the hospital does not If you choose to have the more offer such a service, you must sub- expensive treatment, the Plan mit a paper claim to Sun Life along will only reimburse you up to the with the invoice of charges from amount quoted for the less expen- the hospital. sive treatment, as long as the treat- Call Sun Life, the PSHCP admin- ment you choose is not excluded istrator, at 1-888-757-7427 if you under the Plan. have any questions or concerns. If you are covered under the Pub- lic Service Dental Care Plan, the Dental Benefits Dependants Dental Care Plan, the Dental Benefits cover family mem- CF Dependants Dental Care Plan bers of Regular Force personnel or the Pensioners’ Dental Services and Reservists on Class C service, Plan, you must submit your claims provided that they have been reg- for oral surgery to that plan first. istered and placed on the military Any amount not covered by your member’s personnel file. There dental plan may then be submitted are no monthly premiums as the to the PSHCP. employer pays for full cost of cov- erage. The Dental Plan is a very CF Medical Services comprehensive plan, and it is to The goal of your benefit to become familiar (MARPAC) and Canadian Armed and differentiate between claim- Forces Health Services Centre able and non-claimable expenses. (Pacific) is to ensure all deployed members receive exceptional The Dental Benefit provides cover- medical care and support: pre- age for certain oral surgical pro- deployment, while deployed, and cedures and courses of treatment post-deployment. following accidental injury. Eligible expenses under the Dental Benefit All members of deployed ships are the reasonable and customary undergo medical screening in order charges for these services and pro- to address any medical concerns cedures when performed by a den- prior to deployment. tist or dental surgeon. When two or Members receive appropriate vacci- more courses of treatment for oral nations and a screening social work procedure or accidental injury are interview. As well, the ship is out-


fitted with special medical equip- medical appointments, those deal- ment and supplies that might be ing with quality of life issues, or needed during this particular mis- sometimes simply provides valu- sion. able medical documentation. If you require further information or On board, the Physician Assis- clarification with respect to deploy- tant and Medical Technician are ment medical concerns, please employed to deal with most acute contact the Fleet Support Medical health problems that might arise. Office at250- 363-4948. In addition, in larger Task Groups, there may be a Medical Officer available in-theatre for consulta- tion, evaluation, and treatment LEGAL ISSUES concerns. The Task Group will What is a Power of likely have more extensive medical Attorney? When should I assets than what would be avail- able on our own respective ships. have one executed? If required, aid can also be obtained A Power of Attorney (POA) is a from a number of Allied Military legal document by which you can Facilities and civilian hospitals appoint one or more other per- ashore. sons to do any business transac- tion (bank transfers, bill payments, The Sick Bay may also consult 24/7 auto insurance renewal, even the with on-call emergency physicians purchase or sale of real estate) or the Fleet Support Medical Offi- that you could do yourself. While cer. it is now routine for many sailors As the mission nears completion to obtain a POA for any prolonged and the deployed ship begins her absence, it is not a legal require- sail back to Esquimalt, the crew ment. Although not mandatory, will undergo post deployment med- the Power of Attorney provides ical and social work screening (note that comfort that, while deployed, the social work screening is done someone you trust is taking care of three months post-deployment). your financial and administrative This screening will be to help concerns. ensure the crew is both physi- That being said, not every insti- cally and psychologically healthy tution will accept a POA (often following their long deployment. because they use their own form), This assists members who require and we advise all sailors to take


the document to every institution tions on how your personal and where it might be used to confirm financial affairs will be managed they will accept it during your after your death. A Will must be in absence. Some banks for example writing and must be signed by you are known to require that persons and, under most circumstances, a execute the Bank’s own POA form. witness. A Canadian Forces military You should also be aware that Will is a simple document that pro- there is in fact NO LEGAL OBLIGA- vides for passage of your estate to TION on ANY institution to accept one or a limited number of people. a POA at all. Some institutions are It is designed to deal with the most known to insist on dealing with basic of estates. you (the principal) directly rather While a CF Will is better than no than with your representative hold- Will at all, it is best suited for single ing the POA (the Attorney). You members who don’t have children are therefore strongly advised to or other dependants, whose prop- consult with all of your business, erty is located in only one prov- financial and insurance institutions ince, and who do not have large to see if they will accept a POA. or complex estates to pass on. A lawyer can draft a will that deals Real estate transactions (purchase with your care wishes for children or sale) are of particular concern. or other dependants, large estates, Recent developments concern- or complex requests for disposition ing real estate fraud have caused of your assets, for example, cre- lending institutions (banks, credit ating legal trusts to care for chil- unions, etc.) and land registry dren. Consultation with a civilian offices to prefer, if not require, that lawyer who drafts Wills is advised a POA used in the transaction have whenever you are considering care been executed by a lawyer actually of children, are in a second or sub- involved in the transaction. If you sequent marriage, have money in may be involved in a real estate trust funds, or contemplate divi- transaction during your absence, sion of assets in a complex manner. you are encouraged to consult with Please be advised that AJAG officers your lawyer, and confirm the pre- are not permitted to draft wills for ferred POA approach. CF personnel. Why have a will? Why now? Every person should have a Last It is commonly held that it is best Will and Testament. A Will is a doc- to write your Will before you die. ument that sets out your instruc- Similarly, the best time to sign a


Power of Attorney is before you well in advance of your deploy- need it. The purpose of both doc- ment and the children’s travel, uments is peace of mind. The consular officials from the country deployed service member need not or countries to be visited. Consular worry that things at home need his Affairs Canada’s website offers use- or her attention and can focus on ful information and a sample letter the task at hand. In other words, in this regard plan ahead. travelling/children/consent-letter Important information on traveling Other Legal Stuff with children generally, including Filing Taxes recent children’s passport require- ments can be found at http:// Another issue worth consideration is that of taxes. Although the mili- children-travel tary will request an extension of the deadline for filing taxes, Rev- SISIP, Supplementary enue Canada advises that the Death Benefits deployed sailor may complete a While it is important that all mem- form (available from their offices) bers of the CF regularly consider that will permit the filing of taxes and update important documents by the person designated in the such as wills and Powers of Attor- form. ney, an issue often forgotten is that Children’s Travel Letters of SISIP and SDB benefits. It is vital There have been incidents in the that you consider who the ben- past where immigration personnel eficiary (ies) of insurance benefits should be. The person you chose at the borders have refused travel on your enrolment date (eg. boy- into another country when only friend/girlfriend, first spouse) may one parent in present. Although not necessarily be the person you’d no guarantee, a letter from the hope to receive benefits when you deployed parent authorizing the die (eg. your current spouse)! If at other parent’s travel with the chil- any time you end a relationship dren to a named country (most with your named beneficiary, or commonly the United States) and that person dies, make sure you signed before a lawyer or notary update your beneficiary informa- may assist. If a concern, we advise tion. Contact SISIP and your ship’s you discuss this with an AJAG rep- office or the Base Orderly Room resentative prior to deployment. for more information on how to You are also advised to contact, update these important programs. 12 12 INDO- ASIA PACIFIC / OPERATION PROJECTION 2018 HMCS CALGARY

COMMUNICATION • E-mail may be sent to the ship’s crew via: Email • Their CF email account using the email address, You are encouraged to write and or send email to your spouse and significant other throughout this • A personal web mail account deployment. There are a few things accessed by the member to remember. The ship will send through Internet Explorer (Note: Some services are not autho- and receive email through a satel- rized for security concerns. It is lite system called Wideband Global recommended to test the func- Satellite (WGS). tionality of Internet email ser- The connection via the WGS is vices before the departure.) dependent on a few things. Files and emails are restricted in The position of the ship may hide size for operational purposes. Size the antennae from the satellite is limited to 1MB; any emails that and therefore no connection can be exceed this size will not be deliv- established. ered. • Equipment may have problems and sometimes it takes a few days to find the problem and ALLOWANCES fix it. If parts are required it will & BENEFITS take a few days more. The intent of the allowances and • For operational reasons, the ship benefits is to provide an incentive may be required not to use their to members to serve outside Can- radios and other communica- ada and to ensure that, insofar as it tions equipment for extended is possible, members should be nei- periods of time. ther better nor worse off than their • Depending on the situation counterparts serving in Canada. all of the satellite time will be required to send and receive In General information solely for the opera- In general, all benefits and allow- tion. ances are subject to change with- • Lastly, regardless of any difficul- out notice. Some may change on ties or delays, your email will a yearly basis, while others may sit in the mailbox until the ship change monthly. Everyone should downloads them. be cautious and prudent when


making financial plans based on on the ship`s operational sched- any foreign allowances since the ule when deployed. Based on this, allowances can and do change. Due LTA will be granted to all members to the operational nature of this of CALGARY only when allowed deployment, it may not be possible under the operational schedule of to provide all members every ben- the ship. LTA can only be used once efit. What follows is not a complete per fiscal year. Any member sailing list of benefits, but it describes the with CALGARY who resides with most common benefits. Please their dependants and are not nor- speak with your ship’s office for mally entitled, will be entitled to more details or call the Military claim LTA. Family Resource Centre for more A family member is defined as: information. • Dependant is a member’s spouse Leave Travel or common-law partner Assistance (LTA) • In respect of a member who has no dependant, a member’s child The purpose of LTA is to reim- • In respect of a member who has burse CAF members (Regular and no dependant and no child, the Reserve Force) for some expenses member’s parent paid while on leave to meet a fam- ily member. LTA can only be used • In respect of a member who has when leave is granted to a CAF no dependant, no child and no member, which is dependent parent, the member’s sibling LTA amount: CALGARY mem- bers will be travelling from outside CANUS, so the mon- etary entitlement will be the lesser of: • The actual cost of return travel by commercial carrier from the member’s place of duty to the principal residence; or • The maximum LTA entitlement of $2422.02. Please be advised that this rate fluctuates each quarter as it is based on the Ontario Low Kilometric Rate as described in the NJC 14 14 INDO- ASIA PACIFIC / OPERATION PROJECTION 2018 HMCS CALGARY

Reverse LTA: This is the entitle- it stamped at a post office, police ment for a family member, depen- station or BOR located in the town dant or other authorized LTA user or city you met your authorized to have LTA-authorized travel costs NOK in. In the case of reverse LTA paid to fly to meet CALGARY and or third location LTA, provide the the CAF member in foreign port. boarding passes for both the mem- This will be highly dependent on ber and the authorized dependant the ship’s schedule. for proof that you travelled to the authorized location. Third Location LTA: This is the entitlement that allows for a mem- Home Leave Travel ber and their authorized dependant Assistance (HLTA) to meet at a third location (other than the member’s regular place HLTA benefits use Mission Leave of duty or where the ship is). Reim- earned by the member as opposed bursement in this scenario is lim- to the Annual Leave used on LTA, consequently, HLTA benefits have ited to only one traveller, os it is in different calculations, entitlements the member’s best interest to seek and restrictions. HLTA benefits are reimbursement on the flight which authorized by a different level of cost more. Again, this is highly the chain of command and entitle- dependant on the ship’s schedule. ments for CALGARY have not yet Initiating LTA paperwork: To ini- been determined. More informa- tiate your LTA paperwork, all tion will be provided to members members require the following once HLTA is approved. documents for themselves or the dependant or other authorized per- Family Care son who is utilizing the LTA. Please Assistance (FCA) see the Pay Office staff to confirm FCA is designed to help offset child any details or authorizations: and family care costs incurred in • Authorized Leave Pass excess of those costs normally paid • Flight itinerary/quote if flying during normal working hours. Fam- ily Care Assistance is not a taxable • Verification of Entitlement by employment benefit. A member completing and signing the LTA is entitled to be reimbursed a form maximum of the daily amount for Finalizing LTA: To finialize the childcare established by Treasury LTA, bring your stamped leave pass Board in respect of the difference back to the pay Office. You can get between:


• The amount paid by the mem- member or the member’s ber for childcare or attendant spouse or common-law part- care services as a direct result ner; of their being absent from their (4) a member of the family unit family home or place of duty as defined in FSD 54; or for a period of 24 hours or more, and (5) a non-dependent child of the member or the member’s • The amount normally paid by spouse or common-law part- the member for childcare or ner. attendant care services. For this benefit to apply to service CHAPLAINS couples, both members must be SERVICES absent on deployment or on duty travel for 24 hours or more. As to CAF Members & cases differ from family to family, Dependants it is recommended that you consult There is a team of chaplains on the your administration staff to deter- base and in the fleet who are pre- mine what can be claimed. pared to assist families requiring support and assistance during the Compassionate Travel sail. They are also a good point of Compassionate Travel Assistance contact if you need to connect with is designed to compensate a mem- someone on the ships. ber at a post for transportation and travelling expenditures arising from: a. the serious illness or injury of Church Services a dependent student or infirm • St. Peter’s Naval Chapel child; or (P) in Belmont Park 10:30 b. the critical illness, critical injury a.m. Sundays or death of: • Our Lady Star of the Sea Chapel (RC) in Belmont (1) the father or the mother of Park 10:30 a.m. Sundays the member; • Christ the Redeemer (2) the father or the mother Chapel (RC) at Naden 35 of the member’s spouse or 9 a.m. on Sundays common-law partner; (3) the brother or sister of the


How to contact the and air personnel and their fami- Chaplains in Esquimalt: lies regardless of their religious faith expression. Chaplains are Main Office:250-363-4030 often deployed with our members After hours, the Duty Chaplain is wherever they go. Chaplains not contacted through the MFRC 24 hr deployed may provide a liaison number: between the families at home and the members at sea. Chaplains are 250-363-2640 (After 1600 hrs and often the first line of support for on weekends and only for emer- personnel, particularly after hours gencies) and weekends (through emergency Chaplain Services which can be Here is a summary of accessed by calling the MFRC at what the Chaplains do: 363-2640). “We minister to our own.” Chaplains help in many areas of pastoral care: counselling; compas- The chaplain performs religious sionate leave – making recommen- rites and ceremonies, in accor- dations to the chain of command dance with the tradition of their for compassionate leave in support own faith group. of family crisis; making referrals to “We facilitate worship for other reli- the mental health professionals; gions.” fostering a sense of morale for per- If a chaplain is unable to personally sonnel and their families, visiting provide specific religious support, the sick in hospitals both at home the chaplain will seek to have such and abroad. Whether you are at support provided by another chap- home or at sea the Canadian Fleet lain or, where possible, by appro- Pacific Chaplains are the first line priate civilian religious leaders. A caregivers for all CAF members and Muslim prayer room is also avail- their families able 24/7 and is located in the back REGULAR MAIL of the Interfaith Chapel at Naden in Building N 35. Regular Mail Letters and parcels may be mailed postage free by “We care for all CAF Members and dropping them off at any MFRC their families.” location. Call 250-363-2640 for In so far as is possible, we offer details. Delivery dates cannot be appropriate spiritual support guaranteed due to the operational and care to all soldiers, sailors nature of this deployment. The


MFRC also has free wrapping paper testing, an extensive sports pro- and tape if required. gram from local to international level of competition, numerous Number letters in the order they recreation activities including 16 are written - this will make the clubs. Naden Athletic Centre (NAC) reading much more interesting facility memberships are available when a stack of letters arrive on for members of the Defence Team board. For further information you and their families at a very good can call the Fleet Mail Office at rate. 250-363-2176. The PSP Recreation Program offers Packages and letters are encour- innovative leisure activities to meet aged and should be mailed to the the needs of CAF members and following address: their families, and offers a diverse Sailor’s name & mess mix of activities, all designed to HMCS CALGARY promote enjoyment and wellness. PO Box 17000 Stn. Forces Our very successful programs Victoria, B.C.V9A7N2 include fun activities at the Col- wood Pacific Activity Centre (CPAC) and a variety of supervised themed birthday party options. Check out the latest Activity Guide at http://www.lookoutnewspaper. PERSONNEL com/community-guides/ for more SUPPORT info. PROGRAMS Strengthening the Forces The Personnel Support Programs Strengthening the Forces Health (PSP) staff is committed to serving Promotion Program delivers edu- those who serve in the West Coast cation and prevention programs to Defence Team. military members, their spouses Through the provision of numerous and DND employees in four health products, services, activities, pro- priority areas: (1) Addictions Free grams and facilities, PSP can assist Living; (2) Injury Prevention and you and yours in leading a healthy Active Living; (3) Nutritional and and active lifestyle. Specifically, PSP Weight Wellness; and (4) Social Wellness. provides the following: health pro- motion information and programs, Courses are delivered free of charge comprehensive fitness training and to Defence Team members who 18 18 INDO- ASIA PACIFIC / OPERATION PROJECTION 2018 HMCS CALGARY are looking to take control of their Our Facilities health and wellness and maximize their quality of life and self aware- Naden Athletic Centre ness: The Defence Team is welcome to • Intercommunication (Dealing use the NAC, which provides a first- with conflict and improving class fitness, sports and recreation communication in personal facility to help pass the time dur- relationships) ing this deployment. To become a member you must purchase a reg- • Stress Take Charge ular family or spouse membership. • Mental Fitness & Suicide For access to the CFB Esquimalt Awareness gym and pool facilities you must • Managing Angry Moments have a NAC gym membership. For further info on gym memberships • Weight Wellness contact the NAC Kiosk at 250-363- • Top Fuel for Top Performance 5677. • Butt Out Self Help Colwood Pacific Activity Centre • Injury Reduction The CPAC is a multi purpose cen- • Health Promotion staff deliver tre located at 2610 Rosebank Road presentations and briefings to in Colwood. This facility offers a ships, units and other groups variety of recreational programs and they work hard to influence and services for the military com- and build a culture that supports munity. Call 250-363-1009 for more and promotes healthy decision info. making in the four priority areas. Health Promotion also has DEALING WITH a fantastic lending library which THE MEDIA is located just outside of the In addition to dealing with the Health Promotion reception area stress related to a deployment, in the Naden Gym. some of you may be approached The Health Promotion team is also by the media for an interview. involved in the MARPAC Health & You are free to talk to the media Wellness Strategy. The vision of at any time; however, you are the Strategy is to create a resilient not obligated to, nor should you and healthy Navy culture for the allow yourself to feel pressured. defence team: families, military If you live in Residential Housing personnel and civilian employees. Units and are being harassed by


the media please call the Military you? Recording can help to ensure Police. If you do choose to grant an your quotes are accurate. You can interview, there are some things also ask to limit the scope of an you should know that would make interview. For instance, you can say it easier for you to be well prepared. you are not prepared to speak on a subject. This is not a guarantee of Training protection but at least you tried. If Media Awareness Training is avail- he or she comes back to the same able through the Military Family topic more than once, you’ll really Resource Centre (MFRC). To register know whom you are dealing with! for this training call the MFRC at 250-363-2640 or 1-800-353-3329. Develop Messages This is the most important thing Contacts you can do! Try to think of the five The following offices can be con- best questions and five worst ques- tacted prior to the interview to pro- tions you could be asked. When- vide guidance: ever you get into trouble, you MFRC: (250) 363-2640 should be able to refer to these and Base Public Affairs: (250) 363-4006 get back on track. You’ve probably Navy Public Affairs: (250) 363-5789 heard many famous people use this technique: “I can’t tell you any- Gather Background thing about that however, I can tell Ask the reporter what is the story you that…” about exactly and what will be the angle? You might also consider ask- General Advice ing the reporter if they have any • Be polite and keep your tem- previous military experience. It per. Remember that only your will help you tailor your language answer is likely to be printed or to their level of knowledge. It also taped. If you repeat an inflam- helps to know what kind of media matory question, you’ve now outlet the reporter works for. Is it given it credibility. the Globe and Mail or Monday Mag- • Be certain of the question. azine calling? • If you don’t know an answer, say What are their so. Offer to find out. expectations? • If you can’t answer a question, You have a right to know how long say why. this will take. Will they be recording • Be truthful


• Emphasize positive points pertinent information for each of • Avoid speculation: “If/Would/ the items on the checklist, such as due dates, locations, policy or • Could/Should…?” account numbers, etc MILITARY Legal Issues FAMILY ❏❏ Will RESOURCE ❏❏ Power of Attorney CENTRE ❏❏ Next of Kin form completed Deployment can be a very emo- ❏❏ (DND 2587) tional and difficult time for many ❏❏ Life insurance families. But, by doing everything you can to get yourself and your ❏❏ List of important documents family ready, you may find that you and are better able to cope through- ❏❏ where they are located out this challenging time. Families ❏❏ Other relevant insurance should prepare as soon as possible by talking to children and extended Financial Issues family members about what will ❏❏ Create a Deployment Budget happen during deployment, adjust- ❏❏ Accounts and safety deposit ing their routines, and reviewing boxes, financial and legal details. The ❏ MFRC has a variety of resources to ❏ banking access PIN, keys assist you. Be sure to familiarize ❏❏ Investments yourself and your family with the ❏❏ Allotments wide variety of services available. ❏❏ Income tax Planning For Deployment ❏❏ Online Banking Passwords ❏❏ Payment Plan for Utilities, Pre-Deployment Checklist Phone, Cable The following is a checklist to ❏❏ Rent / Mortgage assist you in preparing for the ❏ unexpected as well as the routine ❏ Credit Cards aspects of daily life during deploy- ❏❏ Create an Emergency Fund ment. It outlines several essential Travel Issues areas you may want to consider ❏ when preparing for a deployment. ❏ Passport/Visa for all family The transition from team to solo members can be facilitated by recording all ❏❏ Immunization


Health Issues For Specific Child-Related ❏❏ Insurance claim forms and Concerns (All above plus) numbers ❏❏ Emergency Childcare Plan ❏❏ Dental plan forms and numbers ❏❏ Children’s Travel Letter ❏❏ Medical records ❏❏ Relevant school information ❏❏ Family Care plan NOTE: For parents of members and single members see the MFRC web- Home Issues site for checklists pertaining spe- ❏ ❏ Mortgage/Rent cifically to you. ❏❏ Property tax (Homeowner Grant) ❏❏ Home insurance Understanding the ❏❏ Security Emotional Cycle of ❏❏ Maintenance and warranties Deployment ❏❏ Computer Password Separation from a spouse or part- ner is hard, whether it’s for four Car Issues weeks or four months. Deployment ❏❏ Maintenance and service is a very emotional experience for records both the deploying member and ❏❏ Insurance the family and friends left behind. ❏❏ Registration and Driver’s License Many seasoned military spouses are familiar with something called ❏❏ Mechanic phone number the “emotional cycle of deploy- ❏ ❏ Roadside assistance #, warranty ment.” First identified by Navy info spouse Kathleen Vestal-Logan, the ❏❏ Storage emotional cycle of deployment Phone Numbers for identifies the seven emotional Information/Support stages military spouses experience during the pre-deployment, deploy- ❏❏ MFRC 250-363-2640 or ment and post-deployment periods. 1-800-353-3329 Understanding this phenomenon ❏❏ Get your Military Family will help you and your partner Identification Card at the MFRC identify the stages and effectively before deployment maneuver through them. Gaining ❏❏ Parents/In-Laws an understanding of the differ- ❏❏ Child’s Emergency Contact ent stages of emotion surround- ❏❏ Family Network Email ing deployment, and realizing that


those feelings are completely nor- so that they have somewhere to mal, can ease some of the concern. call if they need to reach you, or To find out more, pick up an infor- require information). mational article through the MFRC. Family Info Line is a confiden- Getting to know tial, personal and bilingual service offering information, your MFRC support, referrals, reassurance Find out what is available to sup- and crisis management to the port you and your loved ones dur- military community. Trained ing deployment. Family Information Line Coun- sellors are available 24 hours a The MFRC recognizes that fami- day, 7 days a week, by phone or lies come in all shapes and sizes; email. military families are no different. If you are the spouse/partner, child • Staying In Touch Service (let or parent of a Canadian Armed us keep your parents and other Forces member - Regular Force loved ones informed) or Reserves – or if you are a CAF • Counselling services (assistance member who is single, the Esqui- in preparing for your deploy- malt MFRC has something for you. ment, dealing with personal issues before you go) Services for Single CF • Family Navigator Program for members families with special needs and Single members encounter unique responsibilities (this includes if challenges when preparing for you are caring for an elderly or deployment. It is not uncommon adult family member) for single members to live a great • Family Networks (Anyone distance from their immediate effected by a member’s deploy- family and, as such, often have the ment can join). additional burden of finding a reli- able individual to handle personal Services affairs while they are deployed. If you think the MFRC doesn’t have MFRC Information Line anything to offer you, you may MFRC Information and Refer- want to consider the following: ral staff are ready to take your • MFRC Information Line (make call – Don’t hesitate to call us for sure you leave our contact num- information or assistance. Call 250- ber with your parents or friends 363-2640 (Toll free: 1-800-353-3329).


Family Info Line Staying in Touch Service Family Info Line is a confiden- Stay informed and get connected tial, personal and bilingual ser- through the MFRC Monthly Staying vice offering information, support, In Touch Service. MFRC staff will referrals, reassurance and crisis answer questions and keep your management to the military com- loved ones updated with impor- munity. Trained Family Informa- tant information. We will provide a tion Line Counsellors are available monthly call or email anywhere in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by Canada. Complete the Family Net- phone or email. Call 1-800-866- work Contact Form to register your 4546 or email fil@cafconnections. loved one for this valuable service. ca Collaborative Supportive Counselling Sessions This deployment if you are want- ing to address concerns and make an investment in your own per- sonal growth – put some time aside to access collaborative counselling sessions. Our professional, caring staff offers support with relationship issues, parenting challenges, the military lifestyle, coping with short-term crisis situations and various emer- gencies. We’re also your one source Deployment App for quality referrals to outside Found in both Google Play and counselling resources and special- the Apple App store checkout our ized support services. Give us a call new Deployment App. With the today to find out more information. MFRC Deployment App you can The MFRC respects your privacy. receive tips to guide you through We do not provide any informa- all stages of a military deployment, tion of a confidential nature to use checklists to keep track of your any other person or organization to-do lists, and see how far you’ve without your explicit permission – come with a customizable count- except as required by law. Our Con- down clock. fidentiality Policy is on our website

24 24 INDO- ASIA PACIFIC / OPERATION PROJECTION 2018 HMCS CALGARY If you HMCS CALGARY for free at any of need assistance, don’t hesitate to our MFRC locations. Check out the call your MFRC: 250-363-2640 (toll MFRC website www.esquimaltm- free: 1-800-353-3329) for cut off dates, parcel size and content restrictions. We also Family Navigator Program are able to assist with wrapping The Family Navigator Coordinator and addressing of parcels. at the MFRC offers one to one sup- Number letters in the order they port for Canadian Armed Forces are written – this will make the Families with a family member reading much more interesting with extra needs. The Family Navi- when a stack of letters arrive on gator Coordinator can provide sup- board. The MFRC can also assist port such as: those living outside of Greater Vic- • developing a support plan for toria with finding their nearest upcoming deployments and for drop off location. For further infor- an elderly parent living at a dis- mation you can call the Fleet Mail tance Office at250-363-2176, • navigating the education, men- Packages and letters are encour- tal health, special needs, elder- aged and should be mailed to the care or health care system and following address: local resources during a reloca- tion or new diagnosis RANK/NAME/INITIAL HMCS CALGARY, MESS # (if known) • advocating for services for your PO BOX 17000 STN FORCES family VICTORIA BC V9A 7N2 Mail Drop Off Check out www.esquimaltmfrc. You may drop off mail bound to com for care package ideas.

HMCS CALGARY PO Box 17000 Stn. Forces Victoria, B.C.V9A 7N2


Emergency Services R2MR Dealing with and MFRC Emergency Services Pro- Preparing for Deployment gram offers support and resources Workshop Series to individuals and families dur- Part 1 - ing emergencies and urgent family Adult Session situations. Let us help you make an action plan. Call 250-363-2640 Are you prepared? Are you (Toll free: 1-800-353-3329) if you informed of MFRC services? Do have an urgent family situation. you have an Emergency Child Care Plan? Would you like a chance to Stress Strategies learn more about preparing for and The Psychology Foundation of dealing with a deployment? Have Canada offers an interactive online your questions answered by those toolkit for preventing and manag- “in the know.” ing stress. Location: CPAC Programs for Adults Monday June 11 & Wednesday July 4 2018 Family Networks (for spouses/ 6:30-8:30pm partners, friends and parents Free of deployed CAF members) Part 2 - Family Networks are a great way Parenting Session to keep connected with others Do you have children at home? Are families. Get the latest information you prepared to help your children about your loved one’s deployment, deal with the challenges of hav- participate in social activities, and ing their parent away? Would you get mutual support from others like a chance to meet other par- who are “in the same boat.” Visit the Family Network webpages on ents who are also facing the same the MFRC website: www.esquimalt- challenges? Have your questions (click into ‘Deployment’). answered by those “in the know.” Contact your Family Network Rep- It is recommended that all par- resentatives via email at: calgary. ticipants take Part 1 of the Deal- [email protected] or call the MFRC: ing with Deployment series prior to 250-363-2640 (Toll free: 1-800-353- this session. 3329). Fill out the Family Network Location: CPAC Contact Sheet, then email or drop Monday June 25 & July 9 2018 it off at the MFRC. Information you 6:30-8:00pm provide is kept strictly confidential. Free


BYOB Build your own Binder opportunity for people to con- Workshop - NEW nect and share over a cup of Java! MFRC Staff and Volunteers will be I’m sure you are wondering what on hand to provide any requested this is, right? Preparing for a information. Come and learn from deployment can be overwhelming. those who have done it all before. Did you know that the MFRC has You are not alone. developed an “Everything” Binder template? (Available on our web- Location: CPAC MFRC site) This binder will contain every- Dates: July 11, Aug 8, Sept 12, thing you need in order to organize Oct 10, Nov 14, Dec 12 2018 yourself for a deployment, it’s even 6:30 – 8:30pm good to do if you are not dealing NEW SATURDAY MORNING with a deployment. This workshop AWAY CAFÉ will guide you through completing Dates: July 7, Aug 9:30-11:30am the worksheets that will contain information such as; phone num- Deployment Bingo bers, names and addresses you may Come out and meet fellow spouses need at a moment’s notice during dealing with a deployment in a an emergency. The easy to com- fun filled night of Bingo and prizes. plete worksheets will help you pre- Light refreshments will be served. pare for an upcoming deployment, Location: CPAC MFRC and can be used as a tool between Dates: Sept 26, Oct 24 and Nov 25 deployments. Like knowing who 6:30 – 8:30pm to call if the car breaks down, who fixes the washing machine, how HMCS CALGARY much you pay for each utility and Meet & Greet Session when each and every bill is due. Meet others from your ship over Location: CPAC some warm Java (or Tea). Let the Monday June 18 2018 MFRC watch the kids while you 6:30-8:30pm kick back, share some laughs and Free connect with others like yourself. Register at least a week in advance Family Network Events by calling the MFRC 24 Hour Infor- “Away Cafés” mation Line at 250-363-2640. Would you like to meet others deal- Location: MFRC – CPAC ing with the challenges military Dates: Wednesday August 8th deployments can cause? These 6:30-8:30 evenings are provided as a social Free


Father’s Day BBQ at Happy Thanksgiving Potluck Goldstream Park. or A Calgary ½ info Session Come out and celebrate this spe- Happy Thanksgiving Potluck cial day even if you have a member Even though your member is away. Watch for the Unit’s Banners, deployed, come out and share this we will tie them in the general pic- special day with your “Deployment nic area of Goldstream Park. Walk Family”. This will be a Potluck style to the Nature House or explore event with crafts on hand for the other trails with military families children. This event is sponsored from your community. The MFRC by the Family Networks. All partici- along with the CANEX provides pants must register by Oct 1, 2017 beverages, hotdogs and all the by calling the MFRC. Also email fix’ens plus s’more making sup- your Network to let them know plies. Register by June 10, 2018 by what you will be bringing. calling the MFRC 24 Hour Informa- Note this is an interactive event so tion Line at 250-363-2640. there will be no childcare available. Location: Goldstream Park Location: MFRC - CPAC Saturday June 16, 2018 Saturday Sept 29th Lunch 11:30 pm – 1:30pm 11:30-2:00pm Hike from 1:30 - 3:00pm Free


Calgary ½ Info Session Cost: $10 per family if not dealing Location: MFRC - CPAC with a deployment. Sunday Sept 30th 12:00-3:00pm Calgary Banner Making (Potluck 12-1, Info 1-2, Return and Reintegration Mindfulness 2-3) Workshop (R2MR) (Part 1 & 2) While adults are doing Mindfulness Military families have identified the kids will be entertained doing reunion as their most challenging Thanksgiving Crafts. time to manage. The MFRC invites Halloween Spaghetti Dinner you to an information session and “Scary” Movie Night designed to address your needs and concerns about family reunions. It’s the Friday before Halloween Having an understanding of the what’s there to do? Come out impact of transitioning back from and enjoy some fun with other a Deployment to everyday life is deployed families. Join us for a spa- essential for your entire family - ghetti dinner and Hallowe’en movie including your returning loved one. night at CPAC. Payment required at Discover useful techniques and tips time of registration (if applicable) to have a successful homecoming. by Oct 19tht 2018 The second hour will focus on rein- Note: this is an interactive event so tegration with children. Free child- there will be no childcare available. care is available if requested in Location: CPAC- MFRC advance. We ask that parents pro- Date: Friday Oct 26th 2018 vide a snack for their child. All par- Time: 5:30-8:30pm ticipants are asked to register by at


least 7 days in advance by calling Session 2: the MFRC at 250-363-2640. Tuesday Oct 16-Dec 11 2018 Location: CPAC Banner Making 11-12; Potluck 12-12:30; Age 5-8 years Brief 12:30-1:30; Time: 3:30-4:45pm R2MR Return Every Tuesday Part 1 adults & 2 children 1:30-3:30 Session 1: Location: CPAC Tuesday Aug 14-Oct 2 2018 Date: Sunday Dec 9 2018 Session 2: Time: 6:30-8:30pm Tuesday Oct 16-Dec 11 2018 Location: CPAC Programs for Children Age 9 - 12 years MFRC Children’s Time: 3:30-4:45pm Deployment Workshops Every Monday starting Session 1: Children’s Deployment Workshops Monday Aug 13-Oct 1 2018 help children adjust to a parent being away on deployment. Work- Session 2: shops offer an opportunity for chil- Monday Oct 15-Dec 10 2018 dren to interact with other children Location: CPAC who are going through the same Kindergarden-12 years experience. These workshops will (Evening Sessions) help validate your child’s feelings Time: 6:30-7:45pm about deployment. Programs are (Registered Drop In)* designed for Preschool (age 3-5yrs), School Age (age 5-8yrs) and Preteen Session 1: Wednesday (age 9-12yrs). If you are interested starting Aug 15-Oct 3, 2018 in registering your child up for one Session 2: Wednesday of the following workshops, call Oct 17-Dec 12 2018 250-363-2640 for information. Location: CPAC Children’s Deployment *Note: no workshops on Deploy- Workshops: ment Bingo weeks. Age 3 - 5 years You must register your child in Time: 9:30am – 10:45am advance. Space is limited. Please Every Tuesday register early. Call the MFRC at Session 1: 250-363-2640 for information (toll Tuesday Aug 14-Oct 2 2018 free: 1-800-353-3329)


Children’s Deployment Program Information Session Workbooks and Parent Guide Location: CPAC Monday July 16 2018 Having trouble finding a workshop 6:30pm-8:30pm date or time that works for you? Do you live too far away from the Pre-registration is required at least MFRC to participate in the onsite one week in advance by calling the Children’s Workshops? Would you MFRC at 250-363-2640. Free onsite like to better support your child childcare also available upon throughout their parent’s deploy- request. ment? What about doing your own Deployment Respite Children’s Deployment Workshops Childcare Program at home? We have developed Chil- Free Deployment Respite Child dren’s Deployment Workbooks for Care (for children age 6 months to children 3 to 12 years of age and kindergarten) is available through an easy to use Parent Guide for the the MFRC for one continuous 3 parent at home which includes tips hour session per week up to a and activities for the deployed par- maximum of 4 free sessions per ent. month when a military parent is Stop by any MFRC location to deployed (or away for work related pick up your copy today! Copies reasons) for 21 consecutive days or of these manuals are available to more. Punch Cards (available at the deployed members on their ships MFRC) are used to keep track for and electronically upon request. the period during which each fam- Two options will be available for ily can access the program. Parents you to learn about this wonder- must complete registration forms ful resource, in person or online. and follow established guidelines. Deployment Staff are available to This program is provided through assist you throughout the deploy- MFRC fundraising dollars. If you ment with email support. Ces have unique child care needs, call cahiers de travail pour les enfants the MFRC at 250-363-2640. et le guide d’accompagnement des Hours parents sont disponibles en fran- çais. Pre-registration is required at 6m – 18 m least one week in advance by call- Tuesdays thru Friday 9:00 a.m. to ing the MFRC at 250-363-2640. 12:00 noon Free onsite childcare also available 18m – 5 years upon request. Tuesday and Thursday


9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and this booklet a read. It is available 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the MFRC and on our website Friday 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. *** Ces res- Saturday 9:00 am to 12:00 noon sources sont également disposibles en français. ***Starting in September Friday Casual Childcare will move to the Raising your Military Child mornings from 9:00am-12:00 noon. – E Tool Call 250-363-2674 to reserve 8 Is your child struggling at school or days in advance if deployed home during a deployment? Is your teen confused about house rules *Additional Casual childcare ses- while their parent is deployed? Are sions are available at a rate of: your children going to be cared for Age 6mnth to 18mnth a friend or grandparent while you $15-3hr session (per child) are away? Check out this interac- Age 18mnth to 5 years tive e-tool available on our website $12-3hr session (per child) Ces res- sources sont également disposibles Deployment Resources: en français. Emergency Child Care Plan – Deployment Support Let Us Help You Make Handbook Your Plan This handbook contains informa- If your partner at home is car- tion to make deployment easier ing for your child and suddenly for military families. Pick up your becomes ill during the deployment, handbook, or request that we mail who will take care of your child? you one soon! Prepare your plan today. This plan Everything Binder is different from your Family Care Plan in that it describes both your The MFRC website has a tem- regular child care arrangements plate for setting up an “Everything and your emergency child care Binder” so that you have every- back up plan. The MFRC can assist thing in one place. This book will you in creating a customized plan contain all the information, every for your family. phone number, name and address you may need at a moment’s notice Parenting from Afar Booklet during a deployment or family Want to learn more about par- emergency. The easy to complete enting during Deployment? Give worksheets will help you prepare


for an upcoming deployment, and child during deployment. The link can be used as a tool between and tip sheet for teachers are avail- deployments. able on the MFRC Website (www. For example knowing who to call if the car breaks down, who fixes the Playing Together washing machine, how much you pay for each utility and when each Playing Together is a drop in pro- and every bill is due. Sometimes gram for parents and children. This we are not the one in charge of is a drop-in program for parents these jobs and rather than be frus- with their child (5 years and under) trated when something happens it where you can socialize and net- is best to be prepared with all the work with other military families. answers. The children have free play with fun activities to choose from, in an Caring for the Military Child: open-ended play experience. No For Teachers and Day Care registration required, just drop-in. Providers Call the MFRC at 250-363-2640 for Caring for the Military Child is an more information. interactive web-based tool which Location: CPAC helps teachers and child care pro- Every Wednesday viders learn about the military 9:00-10:00am lifestyle and how to support your Free


FRANCOPHONE VOLUNTEER Cours de langue seconde - PROGRAM Anglais If you are looking for ways to Le CRFM offre des cours d’anglais learn new skills, expand your à l’intention des membres des social circle, or give back to familles des militaires pour faci- the community, why not vol- liter leur intégration dans la com- munauté. Les cours sont offerts unteer at the Military Family de septembre à décembre, sont Resource Centre where the sans frais. Pour de plus amples opportunities abound! We renseignements et pour inscrip- have everything from confer- tion contactez-nous au 250-363- ence committees to child- 2640 ou par courriel à emfrc@ care. Check out our website to see which programs are cur- Second Language Training - rently seeking volunteers. Did English you know that as a volunteer Do you need to learn or improve you may qualify for free child- your English? Does your partner care? You may also be able or your spouse feel the need to to participate in free training develop their second language? opportunities such as com- The MFRC offers courses to indi- puter classes and first aid. For viduals who meet the criteria more information contact the established by the Military Fam- MFRC at [email protected]. ily Services Program. Courses run weekly from Sept to Dec. There is no charge. For information or registration, call 250-363-2640 or e-mail [email protected] Bénévolat Aimeriez-vous faire de nouvelles connaissances, avoir du plaisir tout en pratiquant votre langue seconde dans un environnement anglophone ou travailler dans votre langue maternelle? Le CRFM vous offre l’occasion de travailler

34 34 INDO- ASIA PACIFIC / OPERATION PROJECTION 2018 HMCS CALGARY comme bénévole sur un projet ou Service de renseignements une activité qui vous intéresse. en français Venez nous rencontrer! Pour obte- Vous cherchez des activités pour nir de plus amples renseigne- adultes ou enfants en français, ments, vous pouvez nous contacter comme le tourisme, par exem- au 250-363-2640 ou par courriel ple? Vous désirez socialiser avec au [email protected] d’autres francophones, participer Navigateur Familial à des activités sociales ou culturel- Restez informes et connectes! Le les en français ou simplement, par- personnel du CRFM vous appellera, ler dans votre langue maternelle? répondra à vos questions et vous Nous sommes à votre écoute. Con- tiendra au courant des informa- tactez le service d’information en tions importantes. Faites-nous français au 250-363-2640 ou par savoir combien de fois vous aim- courriel : [email protected]. eriez êtes contacte – et nous le Les ressources sur le déploie- ferons. Si vous êtes déployé, enreg- ment sont également disponibles istrez votre conjoint/partenaire, en français. Veuillez contacter le parents, frères et sœurs ou grands- CRFM pour plus de détails. parents. Nous pouvons appeler n’importe où au Canada. Pour vous MFRC Deployment Resources are abonner, contactez le 250-363- also available in French. Please 2640 (sans frais : 1-800-353-3329) contact the MFRC for details.



Military Family Resource Centre ...... 250-363-2640 or toll free ...... 1-800-353-3329 Family Information Line (24/7)...... 1-800-866-4546 Base Operator...... 250-363-2000 Base Duty Officer...... (pager) 250-389-4127 ...... (cell) 250-812-0603 Non-emergency requests for Military Police Service...... 250-363-4032 Ship’s Information...... 250-363-2121 Fleet Mail Office...... 250-363-2176 Naden Mail Room...... 250-363-4198 Base Orderly Room...... 250-363-4288 Member Assistance Program (24/7)...... 1-800-268-7708 Directorate Defence Counsel Services Arrest or interrogation ...... 1-613-292-2137 Summary Trials/Election for Trial ...... 1-888-715-9636 Free legal information (24 hour line)...... 1-800-565-5297 Law Line...... 1-866-577-2525 Personnel Support Program Information Naden Athletic Centre kiosk...... 250-363-5677 Colwood Pacific Activity Centre...... 250-363-1009 Crisis Line (24/7)...... 1-888-494-3888 Help Line for Children...... 250-310-1234 Single Parent Resource Centre...... 250-385-1114 Lookout (Base Newspaper)...... 250-363-3372 Websites Email Addresses [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

For Military Family ID cards, visit any MFRC location. Remember, the military member must be present and have a copy of their MPRR. 36 36 INDO- ASIA PACIFIC / OPERATION PROJECTION 2018 HMCS CALGARY















Email Addresses [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ______


REGISTER FOR THE PSP RECREATION Summer Camp Program CAMPS RUN JULY 3 - AUGUST 31 by contacting PSP Recreation at 250-363-1009 or by stopping into the Colwood Pacific Activity Centre (CPAC) or Naden Athletic Centre Kiosks

SAVE TIME AND MONEY BY REGISTERING ONLINE AT Read the Lookout Newspaper ONLINE Read all about what is happening in HMCS CALGARY and in the CFB Esquimalt community.

Get the ROVIDING RCN NEWS • LatestLa MLS • CELEBRATING 75 YEARS P Listings EMAILED TO YOU! Volume 63 Number 22 | June 4, 2018 ion Specialist Visit Your Brookfield Approved Relocat CONTACT ME TODAY! U-PAK! U-SAVE! 250.885.2047 and you can: CFB Esquimalt, Victoria, B.C. [email protected] 778-402-7902 MARPAC NEWS LookoutNavyNews % vyNews @Lookout_news 15 MILITARY DISCOUNT LookoutNewspaperNa WWW.UPAKSTORAGE.COM 878 VIEWFIELD RD. ESQUIMALT • Download a pdf of the Newspaper NAVY BIKE RIDE • Browse the Word Classifieds AT CFB ESQUIMALT

oyal Lloyd, Commander of the R Below: Vice-Admiral Ron rs at the registration table. • List of Local Events and more... Canadian Navy, greets sailo

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e out for the Navy Bike Ride More than 200 people cam . Riders rode one of three at CFB Esquimalt last Fridayilometres - and back to the routes - two, five or nine k . Big thanks to sponsors Naden Drill Shed for snacks d Save On Food grocery BMO, Seaspan, Babcock an and Instagram! store. Photos by LS Victoria Ioganov, MARPAC Imaging Services

ENJOY OUR MILITARY CFB ESQUIMALT 7 days a week! We proudly serve the DISCOUNTS Full details in-store! CFB ESQUIMALT Financing – WEST SHORE – Canadian Forces Community Available 975 Langford Pkwy nderstand As a military family we u 10% – SIDNEY – Military your cleaning needs during ongoing 9768 Fifth St. relocation. ca CHECK OUT OUR Discount service, deployment and www.mollymaid. – VICTORIA– 1900 Store St. CUSTOM WHEELS NEWSPAPER & CREATIVE SERVICES (250) 744-3427 105-2924 Jacklin Rd., Langford 250-478-2217 [email protected] NEWSPAPER & CREATIVE SERVICES