By JAMES WATERSTON, Lieut. R.A.M.C., Entomologist to the Malaria Commission, Salonika.

In the course of the operations for controlling mosquitos on the Macedonian front some time, necessarily limited, was devoted to collecting parasitic or noxious arthropods, and a list is here given, more particularly of those affecting man. One or two other noteworthy species are also recorded. ANOPLURA. Trichodectes subrostratus, N. Very plentiful on a kitten, Kalamaria, 8, xii. Pediculus capitis, De G., P. humanus, L., and Phthirus pubis, L. All occur. The last not commonly met with. Polyplax spinulosa, Burm. Several on a young rat, Kalamaria. RHYNCHOTA. Geocoris albipennis, F. Twice, at widely separated places, I was bitten by individuals of this species. Fortunately, on the second occasion the was secured without damage. Lahana, ix. Cimex lectularius, L. One of the pests of Macedonia ; only too common in wooden huts. This species drops on one's bed from roofs, unless prevented by mosquito netting. DIPTERA. Phlebotomus papatasii, Scop. Common at Kalamaria round electric lamps in huts, and also at Karasouli and Cidemli; on the Struma at Sakavca, etc. Phlebotomus perniciosus, Ann. 5 c? 14 $, Karasouli and Kalamaria, viii. Simulium sp. In hill streams near Lahana, Paprat and Oreovica larvae of one or more species of this genus were obtained, but attempts to rear the imago were unsuccessful. Pangonia marginata, F. $ (Capt. A. G. Carment). Pangonia sp. cJ, $, near variegata, F., but possibly representing two distinct species (Capt. Treadgold). Chrysops coecutiens, L. 2 $, near Salonika, vii. Chrysops italica, Mg. $, Mikra, Experimental Farm, on donkey, vii. 154 JAMES WATERSTON.

Chrysops perspicillaris, Lw. §, near Salonika, vii. Taken also by Capt. Garment. Chrysops quadrata, Mg. $, Karasouli, vii.; 2 $, Mikra, Experimental Farm, on donkey, vii. ater, Rossi. 2 $ (Capt. Treadgold). , L. $, Mikra, Experimental Farm, on donkey, vii. , L. $, near Salonika, vii-viii. Taken also by Captains Carment and Treadgold. Tabanus glaucopis, Mg. $, Karasouli, vii. ; 2 $, Lahana, viii. This species frequently sheltered on the inside of our tents during the heat of the day. Tabanus graecus, F. $ (Capt. Treadgold). Gastrophilus equi, L. 2 $ captured and others observed on pony, Lahana (Capt. Boyle). Stomoxys calcitrans, L. In latrines at Lahana and Karasouli. Also not uncommon in horse and mule lines, e.g., near the beach at Kalamaria. Morellia hortorum, Fall. 2 §, off donkey, Mikra. Mr. Collin notes that these examples differ from typical M. hortorum in having the dorso-central bristles immediately behind the thoracic suture shorter and weaker than the others. Musca sp. $$, off donkey, Mikra. This undetermined species, which comes close to M. lusoria, Wd., occurred in numbers. Like the Morellia, it fed on the 's festering sores and at wounds made by Tabanus, whenever the latter flew off. While a Tabanus was feeding the Musca would take up their position an inch or so below the puncture and drink up the blood that ran down. Musca vitripennis, Mg.

SlPHONAPTERA. Pulex irritans, L. Kalamaria, Salonika, etc., on dogs. [Xenopsylla cheopis, Rothsch. Dr. Jolly informs me that this species has been identified in Paris from examples which he has forwarded from plague-stricken rats dying in Salonika.] Ctenocephalus felis, Bouche. Kalamaria, on dogs. ACARINA. Laelaps echidninus, Berl. 9, on young rat, Kalamaria. Idponyssus saurarum, Oud. A dozen from under the throat-scales of Green Lizard, Lahana, 27.viii. For assistance in determining the above-mentioned species I am indebted to the following friends:—Messrs. J. E. Collin, S. Hirst, G. A. K. Marshall, and R. Newstead.
