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The Sea of Dread

Colin Wilson

Table of Contents

Introduction ...... 3 What Everyone Knows About the Sea of Dread ...... 5 History as the Immortals Know It ...... 6 Isles of the Open Sea ...... 12 The Thanegioth Archipelago ...... 19 Emoren ...... 19 Arachne ...... 20 Utsiwano ...... 20 ...... 21 Bararna ...... 21 Therian ...... 22 Sekorvia ...... 22 Phema ...... 23 Teki-Lo-Kia ...... 24 Teki-Moa-Ha ...... 24 Roatana ...... 25 Islands of Interest ...... 26 The Isle of Dread...... 31 The Empire of Twaelar...... 36 Monsters ...... 43 Magic Items ...... 46 Adventures ...... 47

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS and D&D are registered Credits: trademarks owned by , a subsidiary of Design: Colin Wilson Hasbro, Inc. Editing: Colin Wilson Content Contributors: Geoff Gander, James This book is a work of fan contributions and does not possess official recognition by Wizards of the Coast. The editor and Mishler, Sean Meaney, Colin Davidson, contributors make no representations to imply otherwise. Eldersphinx, Jesper Andersen, Håvard Faanes and Donald Eric Kesler This work may not be sold commercial in the United States of Special Thanks: JTR America or abroad. It may be electronically replicated (“downloaded”) in its entirety for personal use. Cover Artist: Colin Wilson Typography: Colin Wilson The contributors retain copyright to their individual contributions with a fair-use understanding of citation in subsequent works. The cover artist and cartographer retain all rights to their works as typically construed for art. © 2017 Colin Wilson The editor retains all rights to the product “The Sea of Dread”



Foreword surface, but these have never been monster hunts at various levels of Welcome to The Sea of Dread, a fan- accurately mapped and they change over character experience and adventures in made gazetteer describing part of the time due to vulcanism, storms and the region should stand alone with no world of – the only game world erosion. The northern part of the Sea trouble. Even the smallest atoll can be designed for the classic box-set series of also lies over an exceptionally deep used for a quick adventure while sailing, Dungeons & Dragons™ by trench which prevents any islands and if a party is shipwrecked on TSR/Wizards of the Coast™. forming above it. This area is truly a Thanegioth simply finding a way of This module details the ocean region blue desert, containing almost no getting home could provide a number of between the continents of Brun and surface life whatsoever. interesting opportunities. Davania including the Thanegioth Roughly halfway between Brun and As the focus of a campaign, the Sea can Archipelago. The region was first Davania lie a series of large islands, be used in several ways. A campaign of described in X1 The Isle of Dread, but known as the Thanegioth Archipelago. exploration and mapping would perhaps that module only detailed the largest These islands, ranging from a few be the simplest. The ancient ruins and island on the Archipelago. X7 Rafts square miles to several hundred, are treasures would provide a party with of Kron and X8 Drums on Fire host to a series of little known cultures plenty of reward if they went under their Mountain added some new locations, both human and humanoid. They are own auspices, and scholars and generals and XSOLO Lathan’s Gold outlined also home to some of the more feared from the mainland would pay good some of the smaller islands. Beyond pirates of the region. money for information on the islands. that, the Sea of Dread remained an Despite lying off the coast of several Such an approach could lead to a unknown quantity (barring a passing sea-faring nations, the Sea of Dread has political or military campaign for mention of an undersea kingdom in PC3 a dark reputation due to its control of the Sea of Dread. This would ). unpredictable weather, dangerous necessarily centre on the Thanegioth The thematic link between these wildlife and shifting terrain. Sailors Archipelago as control of those islands modules was the pulp adventure stories avoid its interior and prefer to sail the essentially grants control of the shipping of the late 19th and early 20th Century; coastal routes, despite the long travel lanes between Brun, Davania and specifically The Lost World by Arthur times this imposes. Consequently, the Ochalea – a hugely influential position. Conan Doyle, the film King Kong, and islands of the Sea, and particularly those Several countries, most notably Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the of the Archipelago, are barely known. and Minrothad, would support such an Sea by Jules Verne. The adventures They appear on a few maps and endeavour and would need adventurers contained all the famous tropes of the sometimes sailors claim to have visited to get the process going and found the genre, including dinosaurs, giant them, but few pay much attention to first dominions. A particularly confident creatures, restless natives and merman these stories. It is a region of legend and party could even try it themselves, civilisations. rumour, where the truth is often stranger carving a new country out of the This module is based on the four still, and a truly dedicated adventurer mysterious islands. In either case, the primary modules and then expanded to could make their fortune there, or perish challenge would be enormous. Among include much of material suggested by in the attempt. the obstacles standing in their way are the Mystara community. It also contains The only true culture in the Sea of undying princesses, half-real fiends, some ideas generated specifically for the Dread is found under its surface. The planar gates, Immortal magic and the Gazetteer, and much of the information merrow kingdom of Twaelar occupies greatest gathering of pirates outside of from the version of the Isle almost all the shallows surrounding the Hollow World. The local of Dread published in several issues of Thanegioth. It is known about by the population, human and humanoid, Dungeon magazine. To maintain the merrow of Undersea and by a few land- would have to be co-opted, driven out or thematic integrity of the module, we dwellers, but most inhabitants of enslaved, and even then, the merrow of have used those ideas most compatible Mystara are unaware of its very Twaelar would take a very dim view of with the pulp adventure literature that existence. This is probably for the best, any attempt to colonise the islands. inspired the original works. as the Empire is paranoid to a fault and We hope you enjoy the final product. is likely to respond poorly to any Who Should Play attempt at communication. Any combination of races and classes The Sea of Dread can play on the Sea of Dread. Its nature The Sea of Dread is an enormous The Final Goal of the as a drop-in adventure location makes it expanse of ocean stretching between the Campaign appropriate for almost anyone who south coast of Brun and the north coast The Sea of Dread is most easily used as enjoys the backdrop of steaming of Davania. It reaches west to the an exotic location for parties to jungles, hidden coves and ancient ruins. Serpent Peninsula and east to the island occasionally visit, either through choice, For those seeking a more unusual of Ochalea. For the most part, it is open shipwreck or kidnap. The individual approach, the rules from PC3 The Sea water with little of interest to see or do. islands lend themselves to traditional People could be used to generate There are many tiny islands dotting its dungeon crawls, wilderness treks or Twaelar PCs to either defend Twaelar


from its enemies (an espionage are taken from PC3 The Sea People by (for Ruhaladero) and Jesper Andersen campaign could work well) or to topple Jim Bambra. There is a disagreement on (for parts of Kron). Thanks also go to its corrupt government. Equally DMs the status of Suthus between X7 and the contributors to the fan-made Poor could create kara-kara PCs (Polynesian PC3. In this case we have taken X7 as Wizard’s Almanacs who provided parts humanoids) using the rules from the basis to allow that adventure to be of Twaelar, to Håvard Faanes for the GAZ10. They could try and take over played in full. translation of NM2 Treasure of the Archipelago themselves or simply Further details of the Isle of Dread and Crocodile Isle, and to Donald Eric travel around causing trouble. the city of Scuttlecove are based on Kesler (for the Clerics of Protius). Torrents of Dread by Greg A. Vaughan Literary inspiration was varied but Kudos and Corrections (Dungeon #114), Tides of Dread by included, in addition to the books The Isle of Dread and the surrounding Stephen S. Greer & Gary Holian mentioned earlier, She by H. Rider sea was first introduced in X1 The Isle (Dungeon #143), Serpents of Haggard, The Island of Doctor Moreau of Dread by David ‘Zeb’ Cook and Tom Scuttlecove by Richard Pett (Dungeon by H.G. Wells, Heart of Darkness by Moldvay. The smaller islands were #146) and Scuttlecove: City of Chaos by Joseph Conrad, Treasure Island by covered in XSOLO Lathan’s Gold by James Jacobs (Dungeon #146). All of Robert Louis Stevenson, Mysterious Merle M. Rassmussen, while Kron, these are published by Publishing. Island by Jules Verne, Doctor Syn by Suthus and Colhador are taken from X7 Some extra flourishes were provided by Russell Thorndike, The Ruby in the War Rafts of Kron by . Attack of the Tyrantclaw by Greg Smoke by Phillip Pullman, Stingray, Teki-Nura-Ria and the kara-kara culture Bilsland and Matt James. War Gods of the Deep, Pirates of the are from X8 Drums on Fire Mountain Particular thanks go to Geoff Gander Carribbean, and Raiders of the Lost by Graeme Morris and Tom Kirby, and (for Bararna, Teki-Nura-Ria and Ark. the island of Phema is based on “Island Colhador), James Mishler (for what Finally special thanks to JTR for of the Storm Giant” from AC10 Bestiary eventually became Teki-Moa-Ha), Sean creating the Gaz F line upon which this of Dragons and Giants (Deborah Meaney (for Ilsa Miena), Colin product is based. Christian, editor). Twaelar and the abyss Davidson (for Arachne), Eldersphinx



“Storms, monsters, pirates and more them. That’s why they’re so grim the our shelters and destroying what storms. That’s what you can expect whole time. remained of the ship. On the tenth day from the Sea of Dread. I’ve sailed the the green-skins arrived and after that northern islands for my whole life, but “They claim to hold sway under all the things got really bad… you won’t catch me heading south no waters beyond the Abyss, but who Marcus Declan, Thyatian Colonist matter how much the cargo was worth. knows what’s true. All I know is that rescued from a slave ship they swim up every few years, share a “From here the Sea of Dread stretches feast with the Queen, then swim away “No place like the Sea o’ Dread. Rich right the way to Davania. It’s cold, blue again, looking no happier than when pickins for the brave and death for the and lifeless, without so much as islet to they arrived. They’re always surrounded foolish. If ye think the shore is full o’ break the surface. If you don’t drown or by guards too. Odd that.” rogues, it just gets worse further on in. die of thirst there are darker things Skyrovia, Merrow of Undersea In fact these days you’re more likely to that’ll get you. The monsters are bigger, meet another pirate ship than a the squalls are fiercer and the pirates “Travelling down to Raven Scarp we merchantman. more vicious than anything you’ll meet were, in the Hinterlands. It’s a long trip hereabouts. Some talk of the red sails if you’re to avoid the deep regions, but “In my time, I’ve toiled under more that strike terror into the hearts of any the Captain said it was better than the Cap’ns than you’ve got fingers. I’ve who see them. alternative. A week out from Ochalea sailed from here all the way to Davania we were blown off course by a storm and back again – the straight way mind, “There’s even supposed to be land in that came from nowhere. Clear sky it none of this shore-huggin’. I’ve even the middle somewhere. Cursed islands was just before, I swear it. stopped off at the pirate port once or filled with savages so the old salts say. twice, and I’ll tell you somethin’ for Might be true. I don’t much care, cos “The ship was practically wrecked off nothin’. A brave man’ll do well. A I’m not going near them.” the coast of some island. Looked proper coward? Not a prayer. Carys Cardiel, Minroth Trader lovely it did when we first arrived. We Kenny Skulls, Retired Pirate even sang round the camp fire that first “I’ve met one or two of our cousins to night. But after six days with no sign of Awwk!! Wind in your sails! Wind in the south. Dour lot. I think they must a ship the food started running out. Then your sails! live too deep for the sunshine to get to the storms started up again tearing apart Paco, Parrot



The Lost World north of Davania and continued lizards slowly recovered the Olman In the dawn of history many races onwards towards and built magical obelisks in their flowered on Mystara and then faded into the ’s Head Peninsula, where they settlements which their druids used to nothingness. Even in these ancient founded Herath. keep the creatures away. times, the Immortal Ka the Preserver Despite this, a large group chose to stay During this time, an Olman Princess collected the last of these races and on their islands where they built named Asha became ruler of the city of placed them in the Hollow World, Aglamoth, an extensive civilisation Olmoran, some distance west of making a living museum of Mystara’s based on magic. They created huge Thanaxiotl. While exploring her domain history. By the time of the earliest cities spun entirely from silk and she discovered a series of tunnels which civilisations on the surface, the Hollow designed a mass teleportation system to led into an underground complex left World was inhabited by giant reptiles, take them from island to island. They over from the aranea’s days. There she primitive creatures and the Brute Men, controlled the weather and seas and found a magical flame which had all extinct on the outer world. At this Aglamoth was, without doubt, one of originally been created by the aranea for time, a group of Entropic Immortals the most powerful empires Mystara had rejuvenation. She worked out some of corrupted the Hollow World causing ever seen. Within the region of their its properties and stepped through, so devastation on a massive scale. Ka, control was Ka’s lost world. They becoming forever young. However, the seeking to counter the effect, resolved to quickly discovered its strange properties flame affected Asha’s mind as well as cast a Spell of Preservation which and made efforts to avoid it, but her body and over the years she became would prevent further corruption and eventually some aranea stayed too long ever more paranoid and unstable. ensure the residents of the Hollow and so were added to its growing list of Eventually she cut off Olmoran from the World never died out. permanent species. rest of the Olman culture by blocking Before carrying out his plan, Ka decided The spiders ruled for a thousand years the only entrance to the valley where the that the spell needed to be tested since before the civilisation of city lay. the consequences of failure would be brought about their destruction. The The Olman culture continued for several catastrophic. He chose a highland region shifting of the planet’s axis in the Great centuries before it was quietly on a huge island north of Davania and Rain of Fire led to earthquakes, rising subsumed into the kopru empire of transported some of the flora and fauna sea levels and a catastrophic change in Adhuza. This loose collection of linked of the Hollow World along with a tribe climate. The aranea could not cope and states was ruled by the kopru through of Brute Men to the area. Once they much of Aglamoth sank beneath the sea their fearsome ability to control the were in place, he cast the first Spell of as the planet heaved. Eventually all that minds of others. Having been forced to Preservation around them. As Ka was left were some stone monuments move away from their Vulcanian expected, in the region of the Spell, the and a few scattered tribes of aranea, homeland by climatic changes, the transported species could not be made eking out an existence as nomads. kopru had come north and they took extinct nor could their culture change. over the Olman culture by controlling The species in its area also lost any The Olman People their leaders. These local kopru rulers desire to leave, thus keeping them One of the human cultures decimated by established themselves in hot springs protected. However, the expected the fall of Blackmoor was the Oltecs, a beneath Thanaclan, which became the limitations on spell use in the area did civilisation who had risen to local capital of Adhuza. not occur. Learning the lessons from prominence on the southern coast of The Adhuzan kopru also took control of this, Ka created the true Spell of Brun. Many small groups made efforts the large merrow nation on the Preservation in the Hollow World and to escape the carnage by heading south Davanian coast and brought a small left his little experiment to its own to warmer climates and one such group number of merrow and tritons north to devices. Over the following centuries eventually arrived on the island Thanaxiotl and further still to the coast other species occasionally entered the containing Ka’s experiment long after of Brun. There the controlled tritons region and, due to the Spell’s effect, the aranea had disappeared. They named founded the underwater city of Suthus they never left and so added to the the island Thanaxiotl and called as the northernmost outpost of the area’s diversity. themselves the Olman people. Their Adhuzan realm. culture was not too far removed from Around this time the Meditor and The Spider Kingdom their Oltec ancestors and they built Verdier elves left Ilsundal’s migration Some centuries later a rebellion broke many temples and cities joined by long, and settled on the coast of Brun. They out among the aranea of the Isle of paved roads. The change in climate had founded a new city, Colhador, on an Dawn. The rebels had turned away from decimated the population of Ka’s lost island near the sea and began trading the rulership of the Night Spider, but world leaving only tiny groups of the with the local humans. This continued were driven out the island and ran creatures who lived there, so the Olman for many centuries until the city was westward, taking their phanaton considered it safe and constructed their eventually conquered by a tribe of servants with them. The bulk of this magnificent capital, Thanaclan, atop the wandering humans, who took it for their exodus crossed through the islands plateau. As the population of giant own.


Hundreds of years later a series of towns and temples using stone taken two sides were evenly matched but earthquakes and volcanoes all but from the Olman ruins. On the largest peace was eventually established. By destroyed the region. Thanaxiotl was island, the Nithians attempted to remove the end of the war, the Roa still held badly hit and the island split apart, the giant reptiles, Brute Men and all the sway in the west, but the eastern islands forming the archipelago as it is today. other strange inhabitants of Ka’s Lost were exclusively the domain of the Thanaclan was almost totally destroyed World but, due to the influence of the kara-kara. and the Olman culture disappeared, Spell of Preservation, they failed. They In Colhador, the latest in the line of leaving only scattered tribes who came also discovered the kopru in the ruins of Kings was young man called Hadric. He to call themselves the Roa, from an Thanaclan, now evil, twisted versions of feared death above all things and, after Olman word meaning ‘survivor’. their former selves. A conflict ensued as years of planning, enacted his mad plan Although Olmoran was all but levelled, the kopru attempted to take control of to attain immortality. He turned himself Asha survived and led her remaining the Nithians, however they were into a water vampire: a velya, and people to rebuild the city in their hidden defeated and confined once again to disappeared into the waters around the fastness. their highland prison. To protect city, leaving his brother Meric to rule. The kopru were similarly affected and themselves from further attempts, the Meric, distraught over the fate of his retreated south, leaving their subjects to Nithians walled off the entire central brother, determined to kill him but fend for themselves. However, the few region of the island and, taking the Hadric sank the city rather than face remaining in Thanaclan chose not to name from the elves, called the land the him, killing all its occupants. leave due to the effects of Ka’s spell. Isle of Dread. Meanwhile, far to the north, a group of Far away from their homeland and The Nithians continued to rule over the kara-kara blown far from their normal denied subjects to control, these kopru Roa through the following centuries, routes discovered a colony of twisted adopted the worship of . even as their own culture was corrupted psionics, descended from a group of The earthquakes also affected the by Entropic Immortals. One result of Blackmoorian exiles. They killed them Davanian coast where the large merrow this corruption involved the increasing and took over their caverns. As the civilisation was also set free. Their use of the undead as servants, a practice years passed, they became increasingly culture collapsed and the survivors which spread to the Roa. Finally, the confused as to their own origin and migrated north where they settled Immortals decided that Nithia’s finally ended up believing that they around Thanegioth, as it had become corruption posed a threat to the were themselves descended from the known, in small communities, farming wellbeing of all other peoples. Nithia island’s original inhabitants. the shallow seas. was systematically destroyed and all memory of it was removed from the Shezzeth Nithia’s Colonies world. The Roa were left with confused Long after the arrival of the kara-kara, a The effect of the earthquakes on the memories of their vanished gods, while group of Roa encountered the kopru in region went beyond cultural destruction; the Cult of the Undead quietly the ruins on the Isle of Dread. They the sea floor dropped away, opening a continued among them. Left to their were swiftly enslaved and, without the huge abyss between Thanegioth and own devices, the remaining troglodyte Nithians to keep them at bay, the kopru Brun. Suthus was almost completely and lizard-men slaves went native and controlled the whole Isle of Dread destroyed and the northern tritons were retreated into the wilds. within a few years and finally began to wiped out. The currents and weather Meanwhile, in northern Davania, a increase their numbers. It took only a changed forever, leading to massive group of of the kara-kara tribe few more decades for all the islands of storms which made the sea all but overturned their cultural taboo and the archipelago to fall under their impossible to cross. During this time the began interbreeding with their human influence (though they never discovered Meditor elves finally gave the waters slaves. It took many generations but Olmoran). Using their armies of the name it still carries: the Sea of eventually a new race was created. enslaved humans and kara-kara, the Dread. These part-orcs were green-skinned but kopru then attacked the merrow, who Meanwhile, in the east, the Nithian bigger and more human than other orcs. were still quietly farming kelp, and civilisation was fast becoming the most They were also brighter and resistant to brought the underwater realm under powerful human culture that would ever sunlight. Many true orc tribes nearby their control. Only the aquarendi elves, be seen on Mystara. From their river took exception to their green cousins, who lived among the merrow, managed cities, the Nithians spread in all regarding them as abominations. The to resist the mental onslaught, but they directions colonizing the Isle of Dawn kara-kara were attacked on all sides and, were too few. The kopru turned their in the east and the Savage Coast in the lacking any other route of escape, they whole army against them and the west. In the south they reached the took to their sea-going canoes and aquarendi were all but wiped out. Davanian coast and founded several headed into the Sea of Dread. Over the Thus the empire of Shezzeth was cities, although their foothold was following centuries they spread from founded, dedicated to the dark worship tenuous. They also colonised the island to island until kara-kara orcs of Demogorgon. The kopru reigned for Thanegioth Archipelago and enslaved could be found on islands almost nearly five hundred years, controlling the Roa. The Nithians began to mine the anywhere in the tropics. Early on in this all who came under their baleful islands and imported trogolodytes and migration the kara-kara arrived on influence and adding still further to the lizard-men as workers to build their Thanegioth and attacked the Roa. The archipelago’s dark reputation. Then the


Immortal Protius took an interest. He shark-kin of Shezykk who controlled a that Aquapopulus would one day be spoke to the merrow in dreams and the large area outside the merrow’s avenged, the area was not re-colonised strongest threw off the kopru’s control influence. Eventually the merrow and the event was confined to the and became his priests. With Protius’ conquered the aquatic ogres of Mushun history books. support they turned the tide and freed and used an artefact they created to Some seventy years before the present their people from the kopru’s control. bring them under the priests’ mental day Evgeny Sekorski, a pirate captain Within a few short years the merrow control, becoming the very thing they from Slagovitch in the West, sailed into had regained the seas and founded a hated. Using the controlled ogres as Thanegioth with the idea of founding new city on the site of their temple, shock troops, the rest of the conquest his own kingdom. He named the island named Twaeloporis. The last remaining was swift. Within a short time Twaelar he landed on ‘Sekorvia’ and, having elves came out of hiding while the controlled all the waters around the wrested it from the kara-kara, founded merrow killed any kopru they could find archipelago and the shark-kin were the town of Scuttlecove. Although his and expelled the shark-kin from their reduced to slavery. intention had been to create a formal territory. kingdom under his rulership, he failed The loss of the merrow proved too great The Modern Era to do so and died in a knife fight within a strain for the kopru and Shezzeth Not long after Shezzeth’s fall, a purge a few years of arriving. Scuttlecove, collapsed, freeing the Roa, the kara-kara of lycanthropes took place in only known to those pirates and traders and all its other subjects who murdered Minrothad, far to the north. Almost all mad enough to sail to Thanegioth, the kopru in a frenzy of killing. At were-beasts in the country were rounded became a free port with no rulers or Thanaclan a few once again survived, up and killed, but one group managed to laws. protected by the Spell of Preservation, escape by ship into the Sea of Dread. More recently still, the shark-kin slaves while others managed to hide in hot They were presumed drowned but, in Twaelar revolted after centuries of springs, dormant geysers or lava tunnels despite their hardships, a small number slavery. The revolution was bitter and beneath the Isle of Dread. survived to land on an island in the bloody but, using the ogres, the merrow archipelago. Away from human eyes eventually managed to suppress it. In The Rise of Twaelar they founded Therian, a new purely the final settlement many shark-kin Their experience under the kopru was a lycanthropic culture. were given their freedom in exchange traumatising experience for the merrow. Meanwhile Thyatis, unable to move east for putting down their weapons, a They became increasingly paranoid, because of Alphatia, was turning its development that the merrow deeply seeing new threats under every stone eyes on the Sea of Dread. Intending to resent. Shortly afterwards the merrow and continually hunting for kopru spies. create a trade route to Thanegioth and decided that Thyatis needed to be Many innocent people died at the hands Davania, they found the settlement of watched more closely, so they create a of the merrow inquisition and the Aquapopulus on one of the islands in hidden colony on an island off the militant tendency eventually became the the Sea of Dread. The first colonists Thyatian coast to begin observation and defining feature of the merrow culture. found the island hospitable and the infiltration operations. Finally, in 674AC, the priests of Protius outpost quickly expanded into a sizable Finally, with Aquapopulus all but declared a holy war on the surrounding settlement. Yet its closeness to Twaelar forgotten, the Thyatian government inhabitants of the sea, believing that was too much for the merrow. Seeing decided that the time to claim only through complete control could the Thyatians as a threat to their rule, Thanegioth was ripe. It was clear that they ensure their future security. The they ordered the Thyatians to leave. the establishment of a better sailing merrow called their new country When they didn’t, the merrow route to the Hinterlands in Davania was Twaelar and swiftly brought the nearby descended on the outpost and destroyed becoming essential. Rather than risk areas under their sway. it utterly, killing all the inhabitants. For their own armies, Thyatis granted land The Twaelar wars continued for decades the Thyatians this was their first rights on the Archipelago to any with gains and losses on either side. The encounter with the Twaelar and, adventurer who could take and hold the merrow’s greatest enemy were the although the Emperor of the time swore land. None have yet taken up the offer.


Timeline of the Sea of Dread fails, they use magic to compensate, civilisation collapses as the sea floor creating unstable psionic powers. They drops. They migrate north and settle BC 6000: There is no true civilisation in withdraw into their settlement and do around Thanegioth, as it has become the Outer World. As cultures rise and not have much contact with other races. known. fall, some are transferred to the Hollow World by the Immortals to preserve BC 2800: A group of Oltec survivors, BC 1500: On Eastern Brun, the Nithians them. known as the Olman, arrive on the large begin their climb to greatness. island north of Davania and found the BC 5000: Before using the Spell of nation of Thanaxiotl. BC 1000: The Nithians colonize the Preservation on the whole Hollow southern continent and the Thanegioth World, Ka transports a small group of BC 2500: The Olman culture is at its archipelago. The local Olman, now Brute-Men and several ancient species height. They have built temples and calling themselves the Roa, are from the Hollow World, including cities throughout the island chain, conquered but continue their village dinosaurs and Cave Rakasta, to a large including the area covered by the spell lifestyle under Nithian rule. The island north of Davania. He casts a of preservation. Asha, Princess of Nithians import lizard-men and small version of the Spell and observes Olmoran, discovers a flame that grants troglodytes as slaves. the effect before embarking on the full eternal life beneath her city. version. As a consequence of the Spell it BC 950: Nithian’s discover the kopru is impossible for species to go extinct in BC 2440: Now paranoid and desperate, survivors who attempt take control of the region of its effect. Asha seals Olmoran off from the outside the colony. The Nithians win the world. ensuing conflict and wall off the centre BC 4500: A group of aranea and their of the island to prevent further contact phanaton servants flee the Isle of Dawn BC 2330: The kopru of Adhuza arrived with the kopru or the strange creatures after turning away from the Night in Thanaxiotl and quietly take over the that inhabit the region. Spider religion. They stop for a time in Olman culture. They establish the islands north of Davania, where they themselves beneath Thanaclan. BC 700: Entopic immortals corrupt the build Aglamoth, an extensive, magical Nithians. On Thanegioth a cult of using civilisation. Many aranea and phanatons BC 2300: Adhuza-controlled tritons the undead as slaves spreads among the continue onwards towards the Savage found the city of Suthus off the coast of Nithian overlords. Coast and the Orc’s Head Peninsula. Brun. BC 612: The Nithian entropic sorcerer, BC 4000: The Oltec culture begins a BC 2100: Meditor and Verdier clans Ithaq-Talmir, becomes Lord of the rise toward civilisation. leave Ilsundal's northward migrations North. and settle on the southern coast on Brun BC 3050: A group of Blackmoorian near Suthus. They found the city of BC 602: Ithaq-Talmir moves to technologists who call themselves Colhador on one of their islands. Davania, where he dies a short time ‘Makers’ begin work on biological later. enhancement using captured beastmen BC 1750: Earthquakes and volcanoes as test subjects. Their work catches the rock the southern coast killing many on BC 515: A tribe of Yanifey, led by attention of the authorities who expel land and sea. Thanaxiotl splits into a Ythol come across Colhador and them from Blackmoor. They settle in series of islands. The Olman cities are conquer the island. They expel the elves the far south. left in ruins and much of their and Ythol is declared King. civilization disappears, leaving only BC 3000: The Great Rain of Fire: scattered villages. The kopru abandon BC 500: The Nithian Empire, having Blackmoor is obliterated and the planet northern Adhuza leaving only a few of incurred Immortal dislike, is wiped out. shifts its axis. Aglamoth is all but wiped their number beneath the ruins of The colonies are systematically out by the rising sea-levels. The web- Thanaclan. Over time these few turn to destroyed including those on cities rot away leaving only occasional the worship of Demogorgon. Beneath Thanegioth, leaving the Roa with stone temples and the aranea regress the sea, the deep abyss opens, confused memories of their vanished into primitive nomads. The Oltec destroying Suthus. The Meditor elves gods. Despite the immortal intervention, civilisation collapses, many groups head are stranded on a series of islands in the Cult of the Undead remains hidden south to escape the devastation. what they rename The Sea of Dread. among the surviving Roa. The The Makers, now called the M’Kar and troglodytes of the archipelago go native BC 2980: The Makers’ settlement hugely mutated, are confined to a single and retreat into the wilds. survives the catastrophe but as harvests island by the disaster and flee worsen they are forced to use their underground. BC 490: The Kara-kara tribe of orcs enhancement technology on themselves interbreed with humans slaves in to survive. Over the generations they BC 1720: Further quakes affect the Sea northern Davania. The resulting race is begin to mutate. As their technology of Dread. Near Davania, the merrow green-skinned and can survive in


sunlight. They develop sea-going the city of Twaeloporis on the site of AC 674: In Twaeloporis, the priests of canoes and spread into the many islands their temple, and expel the shark-kin Protius begin a holy war against the of the Mystaran oceans. from their territory. The surviving surrounding creatures of the sea. They aquarendi in the region come out from call their expanding realm Twaelar. BC 468: The Kara-kara reach the hiding. Thanegioth Archepelago. They drive out AC 692: The merrow of Twaelar the local humans of the eastern islands, AC 386: Having lost control of the conquer the aquatic Ogres. Over the but the west remains in Roa hands. merrow, Shezzeth collapses, freeing the following years they add them to their Roa and the kara-kara of the islands. armies. BC 294: Through the practice of secret Groups of kopru retreat into hiding in rites, King Hadric of Colhador becomes the tunnels beneath the Isle of Dread. AC 698: Using ogre troops the Twaelar a velya. He disappears from the city. complete their conquest of the waters AC 410: Minroth traders inadvertently around the archipelago. The shark-kin BC 289: In a quake of tremendous spread lycanthropy to the seaside put up the strongest fight but are power, Colhador sinks into the sea. A kingdoms. eventually overwhelmed and enslaved. large section of the sunken city falls into a crevasse. Hadric, in hiding for several AC 432: A group of aranea on the AC 722: Thyatis founds the settlement years underwater, moves into the archipelago discover an Eye of Arik of Aquapopulus on an island in the Sea sunken city and begins to build up an buried on their island and turn to his of Dread. It is intended to be the outpost army of undead. worship, gaining great rewards. These of a trade route to the archipelago and aranea weave the city of Hearts in some Davania beyond. The outpost quickly BC 134: A group of Roa encounter the Olman ruins. They enslave the local expands. kopru in the ruins of Thanaclan on the phanatons and wipe out the Roa. Isle of Dread. They are enslaved and AC 735: Fearing Thyatian imperialism, slowly begin to spread the kopru AC 445: The Silver Purge: Elves and the merrow of Twaelar attack the influence through the islands. The kopru humans purge Minrothad of all Aquapopulus settlement, razing it and finally begin to build up their numbers. lycanthropes. One group of massacring its inhabitants. lycanthropes escape in a captured vessel BC 124: A group of kara-kara are blown and settle in the Thanegioth AC 760: The Kara-kara of Teki-Moa-Ha far from their usual lands to the island Archipelago, where they found an are unified under a strong leader. He of the M’Kar, which they name Teki- exclusively lycanthropic culture. They leads them to construct Malo, the only Nura-Ria. The M’Kar, now hopelessly name their home Therian. known Kara-kara city in the world. inbred and half-insane, are forced underground by the humanoids. The AC 498: On the island of Bararna, a AC 894: The merrow of Twaelar begin Kara-kara spread to nearby islands. group of troglodytes encounter the colonising the waters off the shores of being Gleesshka and begin sacrifices to Davania. BC 110: The kopru enslave the kara- it. Over time they become horribly kara and take control of the archipelago. deformed. AC 934: Evgeny Sekorski, a pirate captain from Slagovitch, lands on an BC 101: The kopru attack the merrow AC 526: Kron, a human mage from island in Thanegioth intending to create and extend the empire of Shezzeth Minrothad, creates the Unsinkable his own private kingdom on the under the waves. Throne. He launches his raft palace into archipelago. He names the island the Sea of Dread. Over the remainder of Sekorvia and founds the town of BC 85: The kopru, unable to fully his life he expands the raft into a Scuttlecove. His men drive the local control the aquarendi elves, launch a floating city. Kara-kara into the wilderness. fierce attack through their proxies. The elves are almost wiped out over the next AC 593: The Silver Hunter kills the last AC 941: Evgeny Sekorski dies in a fight few years. of the werehawks on a rocky island in with another pirate. With no clear the Sea of Dread. leader, the town of Scuttlecove becomes BC 83: The Kara-kara on Teki-Nura-Ria a free port, known only to pirates. kill the last few M’Kar. Over the AC 625: A porcine lycanthrope called following centuries they come to regard Lord Ingram sets himself up as ruler of AC 944: A group of militant triton led the M’Kar as their own ancestors. an island south of Thyatis. He becomes by Lopra, unhappy with the government known by the terrified inhabitants as of Undersea, move into the ruins of AC 0: First Emperor of Thyatis ‘the Devil Swine’. The government of Suthus and re-found the city. They force crowned. Thyatis sends warriors to remove him out the local shark-kin, who begin a but he escapes before they arrive. The guerrilla war against the invaders. AC 382: The merrow priests of Protius inhabitants of the island abandon it overthrow the kopru control of their rather than risk his return. AC 952: The shark-kin slaves in people. They unify the merrow, found Twaelar revolt against their merrow


masters. The revolt is eventually put Possible Future History finished, half of the town has been down but only after significant losses on AC 1004: The fey of Menehune on burned and the Sea of Dread has a Pirate both sides. Some shark-kin are freed as Teki-Moa-Ha attempt to move the Lord for the first time in generations. part of the settlement. archipelago into another plane of existence. The effect of Ka’s Spell of AC 1012: Shark-kin rebels sink The AC 966: Twaelar merrow establish the Preservation prevents the move, though Laurana, a ship traversing the Sea of hidden colony of Lyonesse to spy on the islands vanish for several months Dread, above Twaeloporis. The ship Thyatis. causing changes in weather and quakes strikes the Imperial Palace causing throughout the region. Although the massive damage. Emperor Titan III is AC 973: Coram the Changer becomes islands return, unstable copies of the killed and the rest of the Imperial leader of the lycanthopes on Therian. He Isle of Dread are left on several other Family disappears in the confusion. begins a programme of re-introducing planes. Over the following days Diviloplop, lycanthropes to Minrothad. emerges as the new Emperor. AC 1005: The devilfish begin attacks on AC 979: Ruhaladero the Pitiless, a mad Twaelar. AC 1014: Having stabilised his reign, mage, is exiled from Jaibul and makes Emperor Diviloplop declares war on the his home on the island of Teki-Lo-Kia, AC 1007: The Twaelar colony of air-breathers and specifically Thyatis. in the archipelago. He sets himself up as Gwaelor declares independence. Unable Ship-breaker regiments attack Thyatian ruler of the kara-kara but they don’t to take the ogre troops so far from shipping and take prisoners for really care. Twaelar proper, the Empire sends war- interrogation. wizards and merrow but is unable to re- AC 987: A giant kara-kara orc named take the region. An uneasy relationship AC 1015: A prisoner escapes from Kana-Lo-Loma becomes the Chieftain opens between the two nations. Twaelar and warns the Thyatians of the on Teki-Moa-Ha after killing and eating merrow threat. Thyatis declares war and his predecessor. AC 1008: The kara-kara under Kana- establishes bases on Spider Isle and Lo-Loma complete the building of their Skeleton Key. Renegade Alphatians AC 993: Duke Stefan Karameikos lays temple-pyramid and are commanded to begin arming the Twaelar. claim to a small island in the Sea of worship the Feathered Serpent instead Dread and builds the prison of Ilsa of Tapu the Pig God. The manwu-papas AC 1016: Thyatis takes crippling losses Miena. refuse and many are killed in the in the Twaelar War but gradually learns ensuing fighting. Ponui-Lo-Teva, the how to fight the merrow. A Thyatian AC 996: The Crimson Fleet arrive in chief manwu-papa, escapes with some fleet lands on the Isle of Dread and Scuttlecove. followers to Teki-Bali-Hai and begins claims the island, making a base at the plotting how to remove Kana from village of Mora. AC 998: ‘The Swallow’ sinks in the power. Archipelago after setting sail for Thyatis AC 1017: Thyatis takes the initiative in from Davania. A new volcano erupts in AC 1009: During the Week Without the Twaelar War. A peace agreement is the southern Sea of Dread. Magic the artefact used to control the agreed between the two Empires ogres of Twaelar stops working. The granting Thyatis rights to the AC 999: Ships around Thyatis and artefact’s effect continues for some days Thanegioth Archipelago. The Empire Minrothad begin disappearing. but the ogres become increasingly begins shipping colonists to the islands restless. The Twaelar bring them back and founds the town of Farshore. It is AC 1000: Thyatis grants land rights on under control, but begin planning for only a matter of time before the cultures the Thanegioth Archipelago to any who any future ogre insurrection. already there are discovered. can take and hold the land. Twaelar prepares for an influx of Thyatian AC 1010: The Pirates’ War breaks out AC 1019: Demogorgon seeks to unleash adventurers. between the various factions in the Savage Tide on the Sea of Dead. Scuttlecove. By the time the fighting is



Overview centre. Stone remains can be found in Skeleton Key The surface of the Sea of Dread is vast some places on the islands, but they are Further south is Skeleton Key. This and, for the most part, unoccupied. rare, due to the aranea habit of spinning island is flat and stony, providing a Beneath its surface lies a gaping abyss their cities from silk. good basis for construction. Dotted of such enormous depth that it ensures The northernmost island contains the around the island are the remains of that for mile upon blue mile there is lair of Gryonax, a huge yellow dragon houses and some larger buildings, nothing but endless water, causing (See Monsters) who keeps the local although they are dilapidated and sailors to wish for the slightest glimpse monster population down. Yellow overgrown. In the centre of the ruins lie of land. To the north, near Ierendi and dragons are exceedingly rare on Mystara thousands of bones, both of humans and Minrothad, the surface is dotted with and the difficulty of reaching Three merrow. Among the bones lie weapons islands. These range from tiny sandbars Sisters has meant that any sightings of and armour, some long rusted by the to small rocky outcrops, host to Rocs Gryonax have thus far been dismissed passing centuries. Although safe during and other dangerous beasts. To the as sailor’s tales. Indeed the dracologists the day, at night several of the skeletons south, around the Thanegioth of Brun are unaware of the existence of rise and walk the island. Archipelago, there are too many small yellow dragons as a species and would Skeleton Key had another name. It was islands to be easily mapped. Between pay a fair sum for a scale of such a once known as Aquapopulus, a the two, the open sea holds sway, creature. A complete corpse would fetch settlement founded by Thyatis to act as wracked by the regular storms which rip an enormous price, and the value of a a waypoint to the Thanegioth through the region. living captive is incalculable. Archipelago and to Davania in the However, the area is not completely The middle island is almost completely south. The colony was established and barren. A number of larger islands can empty apart from the occasional flourished for several years before the be found by sailors with a good map or wandering monster but the paranoid merrow of Twaelar decided a lot of luck. Each island is less than southernmost island contains the most that the Thyatians could not be allowed twenty-five miles across, a dot on the interesting part of the Three Sisters. to establish what they viewed as a ocean. But such stopping points are vital Near the centre of the island lies the bridgehead for an assault. They gave the for a mariner short of supplies or remains of part of the Aranea’s magical Thyatians two months to clear the looking for a place to rest. transportation system. This was outpost and, when they didn’t, the developed by the spider-magicians to merrow and their servants attacked in Three Sisters Keys carry them around their empire force. The colonists were hopelessly Far off the south-eastern edge of Ierendi instantly. Sadly, all the other ports were outnumbered and the outpost was wiped lies Three Sisters Keys. These three lost as the seas rose. The site is an out. Since then, the Thyatians have not islands lie in a triangle, separated by unusually circular clearing surrounded returned to the island or the archipelago roughly 30 miles of shallow water. For by palm trees. Around the edge a series and have long forgotten the attack. many miles around the islands lies the of eight pillars are still standing. The Dragon’s Teeth Reef. The reef is close ground is made of a single stone and the Insect Island enough to the surface to make reaching site is open to the sky. There are no This is the smallest of the major islands, any one of the Three Sisters almost marks of any sort but the site does only 8 miles from north to south and impossible. Any sailor attempting to radiate magic. To use the site any barely 4 wide. It is an unpopulated land on the reef is subject to a 95% person must stand in the clearing and desert island, home only to palm trees, chance that their ship will strike the speak the name of the island in the Sea sand and insects. In fact there are an reef, so having its keel ripped away. No of Dread that they wish to travel to. It unusual number of these creatures for a vessel can survive this and the reef is doesn’t matter what language they use place so far out to sea. Any mariner who littered with the wrecks of those who as long as they know what island they moors at Insect Island must protect their have tried. Any crew or passengers who mean (even if they have never travelled food and water well, as the insects can survive the loss of the ship must attempt there themselves). A few seconds after and will get into most containers to swim for shore or drown. As a uttering the name, the person is instantly brought near their home. consequence of this, very few explorers teleported to that island, although their have reached the Three Sisters. exact place of arrival is random. Very few people have discovered this secret Spider Isle In fact the reef is the remains of This island is relatively verdant for the Shevayim, one of the aranea cities, built and even fewer have made it known. However, there are rumours are that a Sea of Dread. It has palm trees and long before the destruction of stunning sandy beaches along with Blackmoor. The city itself was lost in pirate who discovered the site taught the secret to his parrot. Of course nobody some beautiful bird life and a fresh- the rising seas and corals have grown water spring. In the centre of the island over the millennia to form the Dragon’s believes such a ludicrous story. rests an ancient building surrounded by Teeth Reef. The three islands eight standing pillars. The roof of the themselves are all flat with sandy building is shaped like the body of a beaches and palm trees towards the spider. Cobwebs stretch between the


building’s pillars. This is another island, causing serious damage to the the like of which has not been seen for remnant of the ancient arañea vessel. many years, suddenly reared out of the civilisation. It was once the highest A few years ago, Duke Stefan sea. Since then the Burning Mountain, point of their most religious site and is Karameikos decided to use this to his as it became known, has been constantly all that is left of a temple complex that advantage. He claimed Termite Atoll on erupting and has now reached a stretched for miles. Several similar behalf of Karameikos and renamed it significant height. It is an incredibly temples can be found underwater Ilsa Miena. Since then he has turned the dangerous area to be. The sea for miles nearby. The temple is ancient and island into a prison colony. Criminals around the island is filled with steam as strangely beautiful. It has become who have not committed crimes serious the hot lava boils the nearby waters. known to the few travellers who have enough to warrant execution, are taken Poisonous gases seep from cracks in the seen it as the Lost Temple of Araknee, a to Isla Miena by a prison ship. The volcano’s side bringing a silent death to coincidence caused by the spider-shaped ship’s crew includes a druid who has any foolish enough to approach from roof. developed a way of keeping the termites downwind. Should explorers be able to In the floor of the temple is a secret door at bay. The ship then dumps the land they are likely to encounter falling that has, so far, remained undiscovered. criminals on the Atoll and lets them rocks, deadly gases and molten lava as It once led to the temple complex of the work the land to keep themselves alive. they scale the mountain’s sides. araneas but is now a maze of tunnels They are unable to escape as any boat However those who do make the trip filled with creatures of the darkness. At they build would be destroyed by the can reap great rewards. The volcano the heart of this complex lies The Silken termites before it can leave the island. leaks rivulets of molten gold which run Map. This item is a map apparently There is a Governor of the colony who down its sides. Once they cool and drawn on a cloth made of spider silk. It lives in the fortified port of Coelina, harden, lumps of the precious metal can is 3 feet square and shows the area of where the ship docks. He ensures that be prised off the rock by a determined the aranea civilisation, as it is today. the island remains habitable and reports adventurer. Since the mountain The islands of the Sea of Dread, periodically on events to the Duke. In appeared, rumours of the mountain’s Thanegioth and even Ierendi and the last few years, the inhabitants have gold have reached the ears of the Black Minrothad are all clearly visible. The started exporting fish, rum and even a Eagle Baron, the Iron Ring and a map is magical; it updates itself as little copper via the port. number of others who would use any islands form or sink, and it shows its means necessary to persuade a traveller own location. It can be used to plot safe No Name Island to approach the mountain. sailing paths to all the islands of the Sea This is little more than a sandbar with of Dread, including Three Sisters Keys. inedible plants growing on it. Mariners East Key Should the existence of the map ever marooned here are likely to die of Far from the other islands, south of become known, all the trading empires hunger or thirst unless rescued. Staying Hattias in Thyatis, lies East Key. It is of Brun and Davania would want to overnight on No Name Island holds another sandy island with fresh water own it. other dangers. On nights of the full and abundant food supplies. Several Knowledge of the island is limited due moon, there is a 20% chance that the centuries ago it was inhabited by to a peculiar magical effect which island will be over-run with shark-kin Thyatians and was considered as part of shields it from view until ships are trying to reclaim their tribal ground. the Empire, albeit a small part. Then, in within two hundred yards of the shore. the year 625AC, a man called Lord Beyond that distance the sea appears Pirate Rock Ingram arrived on the island. He and his empty. As a result, many mariners have This barren, rocky island is only slightly associates swiftly took control and sailed right past it without suspecting its larger than Insect Island and has never began a reign of terror, forcing the existence and it does not appear on any been more than a stopping off point for inhabitants to provide him with food map of the region (apart from the Silken occasional seafarers. Its stony beaches and riches. Lord Ingram was the earliest Map itself). Both the island and the give way to a palm forest dotted with recorded modern porcine lycanthrope Temple are therefore considered occasional clearings. What the island (although earlier examples had existed travellers’ tales. The island is also home has been used for is secreting treasure. millennia ago) and the locals called him to a large number of monsters attracted Pirates frequently stop here between ‘The Devil Swine’ so giving the name by its magical aura. Staying overnight is their attacks on the high seas to store to that evil race. Eventually the not recommended. some of the loot. They will normally Thyatians heard what was happening pick it up again within a few days so and sent a group of soldiers to remove Termite Atoll staying for any length of time is the man. By the time they arrived Lord Lying South of Aloysius Island in inadvisable. Treasure hunters will Ingram was gone, secretly spreading his Ierendi, Termite Atoll is one of the normally do well here though, as some contagion elsewhere. The people of East closest islands to civilisation. For pirates never return from their fateful Key refused to believe he had left them centuries it had been avoided due to the voyages. permanently and so abandoned the infestation of salt water termites in the island forever. region of the island. These would attack The Burning Mountain To the casual observer East Key has the hull of any ship that moored near the Two years ago a new island appeared in been uninhabited since that time. the Sea of Dread. A massive volcano, However, beneath the surface it is a 13

different story. After the Aquapopulus Tombs, which contains the entrances to fog and then attack ships that drift in. war the Twaelar were always alert to a three tombs of the Manwu-papas. They are responsible for the strange further Thyatian incursion. Decades ago Beyond, by the other harbour, lies mists and storms with are associated they decided to establish an outpost to Moatia, the kara-kara village. This is with island. They have also come under watch Thyatis and report their activities made of a series of long huts and KalnaKaa’s malign influence and so to the homeland. So Lyonesse, a hidden contains over 180 of the green-skinned augment the kara-kara in their attacks underwater base, was built in the creatures. Nearby are some of their (see X8 Drums on Fire Mountain). shallows off East Key. This coral outrigger canoes and several giant structure looks like a natural formation horned chameleons, which are used as Teki-Lua-Ni and Teki-Lua-Mo but hides a small contingent of merrow mounts by the kara-kara of the island. The kara-kara who were blown to Teki- (~50) who continually observe the A tunnel from here leads to a huge cave Nura-Ria spread to nearby islands over Empire and report their findings to their under the volcano which the kara-kara the years and the two largest of these are masters in the South. They occasionally use for their annual drum ceremony. Teki-Lua-Ni and Teki-Lua-Mo and they send polymorphed spies to the Thyatian This ritual event lasts four days during are both found to the east of Teki-Nura- mainland and several have penetrated which the drums can be hears for miles Ria. There are kara-kara tribes on both the Government of the Empire. The out to sea. Like the kara-kara of the islands and, until the arrival of Thyatian authorities have yet to realise south, those who live on Teki-Nura-Ria KalnaKaa, the three tribes raided, traded that the merrow are watching them, but worship Tapu the pig-god (an aspect of and exchanged brides on a roughly it is only a matter of time. the Immortal Orcus), and the shaman of equal basis. Now the poor inhabitants of Tapu are known as manwu-papas, the these lesser islands are increasingly Teki-Nura-Ria spiritual keepers of kara-kara culture. being captured for use as slaves by their Off the south-east coast of Thyatis lies On Teki-Nura-Ria the religion has cousins. an island that is often shrouded in mists. become more rigid; rather than just Ships do not venture near it because of worshipping a porcine deity, the kara- Kron the storms that frequently lash the area kara of the island now revere all pigs as There is one island on the Sea of Dread and the strange green-skinned pirates sacred creatures and no longer use them that cannot be found on any map as its that haunt its waters. This is Teki-Nura- for labour. position changes with the tides and the Ria, although only its kara-kara Beneath Teki-Nura-Ria lie the caverns winds. Indeed most people from the inhabitants know it by that name. of the M’Kar. As the History of the Sea mainland are not even aware of its Teki-Nura-Ria is volcanic, with two of Dread explains, these unfortunate existence. Kron is not so much an island dormant volcanoes on its east and west people are long dead but during their as an artefact. It is constructed from sides. These are known by the Kara-kara lives they built a series of caverns, fourteen massive rafts, joined together as Ni-malowa and Ki-ata. There are two which thread beneath both volcanoes on into a floating city. The rafts range from natural harbours in the island. The the island. These caverns are filled with 200’ to 400’ across and are connected southern harbour is a long, sandy beach strange illusions and disturbing pictures together by flexible wooden bridges, so that runs into dense jungle. Roughly a showing the twisted and decadent making the rafts into a small city. The mile from the beach is a long abandoned pleasures of the mutated race. Although main bulk of Kron is surrounded by Kara-kara village, which is slowly being the kara-kara themselves do not enter nearly a hundred small rafts, tethered to reclaimed by the island’s plants. Only a these caverns, they have recently the city by mooring lines. On each of few bamboo frames remain. South of become the home of an interloper on the large rafts are several buildings, the village lies a swamp filled with foot- Teki-Nura-Ria. Calan Caius, a magic- while the small rafts each support a deep, brackish water and a tangle of user from Thyatis, escaped to the island single structure. The roofs of these mangrove roots. Further north is the with his daughter and henchmen after buildings are angled to collect rainwater Trail of the Dead. This old path runs in becoming a Devil Swine. He has used in tanks for drinking. Round the edge of a gully between the two volcanos. At its this disease to masquerade as the the buildings runs a 10’ wide ledge south-western end the Kara-kara have a incarnation of Tapu, the Kara-kara pig which people use to make their way guard post made of bone and ancient god and is using them to attack Thyatian around the city. stone statues stand at intervals along the shipping in the area. The kara-kara are The central raft is also the largest and gully. At its north-eastern end, the Path fanatically devoted to him and are contains the royal palace. The other becomes a wooden causeway which becoming bolder with each passing large rafts contain living quarters for the extends into another swamp. This ends month. Since they cannot pronounce his residents of Kron, as well as shops and in a platform that the kara-kara use for real name they call him KalnaKaa. factories for manufacturing ships, hunting creatures of the swamps both The island is also host to many clothes and food. There is even a for food and ritual purposes. Half way dangerous creatures including boars, stadium for entertainment and a prison down the Path, a tunnel enters the crocodiles and snakes. The oddest for punishing those who break the city’s mountainside. The tunnel is left over inhabitants however are the ship-bane, laws. In short, everything that is needed from the M’Kar occupation of the island known as Kal-Muru by the kara-kara of to a fully-functioning society exists in and contains both physical and mental the region. These are vicious man-sized floating form. Inside the buildings, traps for the unwary. Eventually this creatures from the elemental plane of air almost everything in the city is tunnel comes out on in the Valley of who enshroud themselves in a cloud of waterproof and there are no loose


objects anywhere on Kron. The two cities, while captives are sent to against devilfish attacks. So far, they residents of the city put objects away or Suthus. Falcon, the First Mate, is have been few, but Suthus remains tie them up. In addition, all the furniture increasingly uncomfortable with this prepared. is secured to the walls or floor, all cups arrangement but has not yet decided Suthus is made from coral cut from and bowls have lids and tables have what to do about it. distant reefs. The triton residents, who depressions and slots to hold objects. The centre of the city is the throne love beauty and music, created the city The people of Kron are mostly room, where One-Eye conducts all of to be a natural musical instrument. As descendents of the followers Kron his affairs of state. The room is covered the water currents flow through it, they himself gathered during the early years with silk hangings and rugs, while in the create a complex rhythm that can be of the city’s existence. They wear centre stands the Unsinkable Throne. heard many miles away. The city is very lightweight clothing and if the weather This is shaped like a giant supporting small, stretching only 500’ across and it is good they swim from place to place hand and is made from a marble-like rises only 30 feet from the sea floor. In as often as they walk. Any child that can material of many swirling shades of the centre of the city lies the Royal crawl in Kron can also swim and green. Only Morak and his apprentices Palace, which is a huge building made anyone older than six years can out- know the secret of the Throne. Any of different types and colors of coral. It swim most mainlanders. The staple food floating object connected to it cannot is hexagonal and a short tower rises of the people of Kron is fish and kelp, sink even in the roughest storms, no from each corner. Atop these towers are which is harvested by divers and dried matter how badly it is damaged. As a large glow worms, which illuminate the on rafts. Below the rafts hang many result, Kron has never lost a raft during entire city and can be seen up to five huge nets to catch fish. Every morning a storm. Most of the inhabitants believe miles away. Inside, Suthus is a twisting the nets are inspected by divers. If there this to be the blessing of a great being maze of tunnels dotted with small is a substantial catch the nets are hauled hundreds of years ago. Ironically, the rooms. The interior of the city is as up and emptied. Throne itself cannot float. If thrown into beautiful as the outside and the color Firewood is naturally lacking, but for water, it sinks immediately. and shape of the coral walls constantly cooking the citizens of Kron harvest A wererat recently arrived on Kron from changes. The shark kin still regard the different types of sea plants that burn a ship after having been on the run from location of Suthus as their territory and well when dried. At night and indoors Minrothad authorities for some time. He mount several attacks a year. the city is illuminated by luminescent is currently scouting the city in rat form, Consequently, the city is designed for corals that need to be regularly replaced. trying to find the best location to set up defence. In every wall there are several For crafting items that require a more a more permanent lair. Since the citizens murder holes and patrols of tritons powerful heat source, the city relies on of Kron have next to no silver weapons, constantly swim around the perimeter. the potent mixes of the local alchemist, his presence could become a major Sometimes, even getting to and from the who is also responsible for producing problem in the longer run. city is made difficult by the shark kin, alchemy fire for the tower-mounted so the triton of Undersea tend to regard ballistae used to defend the city against Suthus the area of Suthus as off limits. enemy fleets and large sea monsters. South of the nation of Undersea lies the Lopra became the King of Suthus after The city also has a small military that underwater city of Suthus. The city was its founding and still rules in name. use catamarans to patrol the seas around founded over fifty years ago by a group However, he is really a puppet the city. of tritons who were unhappy with the controlled by Ulobon, the Leader of Kron is ruled by a king, who is normally government of Undersea. They regarded Ceremonies for the city. Ulobon has the strongest son of the previous ruler, their home nation as weak and slow to been permanently charmed by the velya, though an election takes place if there is respond to the devilfish threat. Led by Hadric, of Colhador, who used to hunt no male child. The current king is called Lopra, a senior member of the Undersea for victims among the cities inhabitants. One-Eye. He was a great fighter and led military, they set out south and Ulobon has convinced Lopra that they Kron’s military in his youth but his age reoccupied the long-abandoned ruins of can hold off Hadric’s predations if they is now getting the better of him. the palace once at the centre of the send a captive to Colhador every seven Beneath the king stand Morak, the High ancient triton nation of Suthus. They days. He suggested that they sign a pact Sorceror, and Falcon, the First Mate. took this location partially because of its with the city of Kron, to attack shipping Before Morak became the high sorcerer, proximity to the Abyss, and partially out and take the passengers hostage. By Kron was a peaceful city. However, of a desire to claim continuity with that capturing airbreathers, the tritons do not Morak has One-Eye under a permanent ancient triton culture (unaware that have to send their own people to charm spell and has convinced him that Suthus had actually been a kopru-ruled Colhador. Kron’s leaders have stuck to Kron should take what it needs from city). Unfortunately, the city is in the the bargain, but are unaware of the true those who have it. To this end he has middle of territory usually claimed by fate of the prisoners. The arrangement is made One-Eye sign a pact with Lopra, the shark kin. The tritons wasted no not approved of by Uthom, Lopra’s king of the triton’s underwater city, time in forcing the shark kin out of the personal wizard, but he is too weak to Suthus. Under this agreement, Kron area and proclaiming it as an beat Ulobon in combat and spends much builds war rafts for Suthus which the independent city-state. They intended if his time despairing over what his city tritons use to attack local shipping. The Suthus to be a bastion on the edge of the has become. plunder is divided equally between the abyss, which could be used to defend


Colhador obsessed with lycanthropy. He carried has been deeply disturbed by the change North of Suthus, lying within the out terrible experiments on captured in his old friend but does not understand boundaries of Undersea itself, lies a subjects but was eventually attacked and its cause. He is also not a supporter of darkened ruin that few will go near. given the disease. Driven from place to the arrangement with Suthus, and Colhador sits on the edge of an undersea place he travelled with his daughter and wishes to return Kron to a less precipice and so is not often visited by occasional hired (or charmed) aggressive path. the inhabitants of the Sunlit Sea. It is bodyguards. Eventually he found his Equipment: Sword +2, leather armour the remains of a surface city, which way to Teki-Nura-Ria where he plans to +3, ring of water walking. once sat on a small island in the take revenge on his former country. He Minrothad region. In its earliest days, is cruel, cunning, bitter and vengeful, Morak the city was populated by elves. They but not a coward. He wears a long black MU12. Morak is High Sorceror of the ruled for a thousand years, but were robe with a matching cloak as well as an floating city of Kron. He was born on driven out by human invaders who amulet, which he keeps on even in Kron and his aptitude for magic was created an independent city-state under swine form. In his human form, he is a noticed at an early age. He trained under a long line of kings. middle-aged, fat, swarthy man with the previous High Sorceror and took his These kings ruled until King Hadric, small, piggy eyes, black, bristly hair and position when he died. Although who feared death so much that he used a matching beard and moustache. outwardly pleasant he harbours a secret terrible magics to avoid it. He Equipment: Staff of striking, amulet of resentment for all the shore-bound who transformed himself into a velya, an protection. he regards as weak and pathetic. On his aquatic vampire that is immortal and appointment he came to an arrangement exceedingly dangerous (see X7 War Maerie Caius with Ulobon of Suthus and set about Rafts of Kron). After his transformation, T7. Maerie is an attractive, young making Kron a military city. Unable to and needing to be submerged to survive, woman and is outwardly very pleasant. affect matters directly, he placed King he retreated into hiding in the waters However, she is ruthlessly devoted to One-Eye under a charm and now rules around the city and preyed on its her father and his evil plans. She is a through him. Morak is medium sized peoples by night. Eventually his brother, very convincing liar and will use any with fair hair. Meric, realised what had happened and technique to ingratiate herself with Equipment: Dagger +2, ring of spell formed a plan to defeat him. He had a those she sees as a threat to her father. storing, ring of human control (used on sword forged and enchanted specifically She is a beautiful woman with auburn One-Eye) to kill the velya his brother had become. hair and deep brown eyes. She wears But before he could use it, the island on long, white robes and white silk belt. Garimir which the city rested started to collapse. Equipment: Dagger of concealment +2 MU5. Garimir is the head alchemist and Hadric had used his time in hiding to (in the form of a plain, gold ring). glue-maker on Kron. He lives on a large magically weaken the shelf on which raft in the northeast corner alongside his the island rested. As it collapsed, Meric King One-Eye famous 'glue factory'. Garimir and his hid the sword with a bronze golem as a F6. One-Eye is the current King of the apprentices use the glands of giant guardian, before perishing trying to save floating city of Kron. He is a large man jellyfish along with other ingredients his people. The island collapsed into the with long, graying hair and a patch over and a secret recipe to produce barrels of deep and the city ended up perched on one eye. He lost the other in a fight waterproof, sticky goo, which the the edge of a steep drop into deeper when he was a young man and has citizens then use for a variety of things. waters. Hadric moved into the ruins and cultivated his image as a ruthless Foreign traders have also come to over the following centuries he built up warrior. He became King 15 years ago appreciate its many uses and so Garimir a small army of undead from the and originally continued the peaceful has established a formal connection corpses of his former subjects. He also trading policies of his father. However, with Clan Corser of the Minrothad changed the layout of the ruins he has been charmed by Morak, the Guilds. He also has a vast knowledge of incorporating many traps both physical High Sorceror and, having signed an undersea animal and plant life and can and magical. agreement with Suthus, uses Kron as a provide anti-toxins, underwater lights, To this day Hadric still lurks in his lair. large-scale pirate operation. salves and ointments. He prays on the merrow and triton of Equipment: War Hammer +2, ring of Undersea and Suthus if they stray too protection +1 Igoa close and Colhador has acquired a dark F3. Igoa and a handful of men run the reputation as a result. His arrangement Falcon primitive docking area in the southeast with Suthus and Kron, has removed the F12. Falcon is the First Mate of the city corner of Kron. The enclosed area is necessity for him to hunt, so now he sits of Kron and head of security. Like the only roughly 200 x 400 feet and in his lair and broods on his next move. king, he was part of Kron’s military protected on the two sides facing the sea before One-Eye appointed him First by a floating wall and a gate Personalities Mate. He has been One-Eye’s right hand mechanism. The docks also include a Calan Caius (KalnaKaa) man for a number of years and, due to stables area for sea horses and other MU9/Devil Swine HD9. For many years One-Eye not having a son, is likely to aquatic mounts and so can rarely Calan Caius was a researcher in Thyatis, be the next king. In recent months he accommodate more than two small


sailing ships at any given time Dock Hallar wandered too close the the ruins of Master Igoa is in charge of overseeing One of Kron's gifted native citizens by Colhador and was ensared by Hadric the everything that goes on at the docks - a the name of Hallar has recently found velya. He charmed Ulobon and sent him dull job most of the time. employment as a local agent of the Blue back to Suthus with instructions to Eels (the Minrothad secret police). His facilitate the sending of victims to Yirav the Shipwright mission in Kron is to gather information Colhador. Ulobon is now his devoted NM. Yirav is in charge of the large ship about the city's salvage operations and servant and works tirelessly to this end. building yard on Kron. Here, he and to monitor the buyers of rare items Equipment: Spear +1, wand of lightning group of skilled workers produce and brought up from the deep. Hallar was bolts repair Kron's fleet of war catamarans recruited because the Blue Eels suspect and other small boats used for fishing or that magical items retrieved from Uthom for loading and unloading vessels that wrecks or undersea ruins may be Triton Mage HD7. Uthom also are too large to dock at the city itself. working their way into unknown hands accompanied Lopra from Undersea. He Yirav also has a number of triton in . With the has been the King’s personal wizard for customers, for whom he constructs recent attempt on Oran Meditor's life, more years than he likes to count and special sea horse-drawn rafts that can the Blue Eels are investigating any considers himself Lopra’s closest friend. operate both underwater and on the possible leads to who might be building He too has been depressed by the scale surface. up a secret force in the isles. of the difficulties facing Suthus but cannot bring himself to agree with Zalni King Lopra Ulobon’s solution, which he regards as T2. Zalni is one of the few women to Triton Mage HD7. King Lopra was utterly evil. However, Ulobon is too run her own business in Kron – the once General Lopra of Undersea. Lopra strong for him and Uthom has little idea city's only inn, called The Maiden's is a large triton with green eyes and fair what to do next. Kiss. It is located on one of the large hair. In his youth he fought numerous Equipment: Bowl of commanding water rafts in the western part of the city, just battles with the Devilfish and became elementals, medallion of ESP 90’. west of the palace and south of the city's increasingly outspoken in his claims stadium. Her inn only has a few rooms that the Devilfish were massing for an Hadric for guests that want to spend the night attack and that Undersea was not Velya HD 7**. Hadric was once King and don't have their own ship, but the sufficiently prepared. His opinions led of Colhador. He became King at an ones she have are fairly nice and clean. to his political ostracism and eventually early age and swiftly became fond of the The food is also reasonable, even if the he left Undersea with a large group of trappings of power. He was also menu has very little variation. She also similarly-minded triton. They moved to beautiful, able and swift in combat. As allows a small amount of gambling and the border of the Abyss, where they the years started to take their toll he has employed a burly fighter by the could watch the Devilfish more closely, became ever more morbid, brooding on name of Vamar to make sure any and founded the city of Suthus, the coming loss of his looks and his cheaters or troublemakers are shown the expelling the local shark-kin. Lopra has eventual death. Finally, he decided that door (and the ocean right outside it). now ruled as King for over 60 years and it was better to be immortal but evil, has become a shadow of his former self. than to die old and bitter. Using terrible Paewyn A few years ago, merfolk began magics he turned himself into a velya NM. One of the wealthier individuals in disappearing in the region of the ruins and disappeared into the waters round Kron is the merchant Paewyn, owner of of Colhador. The culprit was eventually Colhador, preying on any people foolish a small diving and salvage operation. identified as a velya and the merfolk enough to swim too near. Using his He has built his business through paying made a few attempts to destroy him, powers, he discovered his brother Kron’s divers for bringing up each of which ended in disaster. With Meric’s plan to kill him, so he salvageable goods from shipwrecks and Undersea still refusing to engage with weakened the structure under the city undersea ruins. He then sells the Suthus and with the Devilfish threat and Colhador sank in a matter of hours, produce to visiting merchants at a increasing, he turned to Ulobon, his drowning almost everyone. He has now considerable mark-up. Recently, Master of Ceremonies, for advice. lived in the ruins of Colhador for over a Paewyn has expanded his operations Ulobon suggested sending prisoners to thousand years and has no recollection with a sinister crew of Thyatian divers the velya, enabled by an agreement with of his mortal life. In his human form, under the leadership of one Joshua Kron. Lopra reluctantly agreed. Hadric is blue-skinned with gills. He Stormshadow. Joshua and his men have Equipment: Sword +3 can also take the shape of an enormous expanded Paewyn's operations by Great White Shark, a Manta Ray, or a roaming far from Kron in an Undersea Ulobon current of water. Boat and bringing back lost treasures Triton Cleric HD7. Ulobon has been Equipment: Ring of spell turning, ring but most of the citizens of Kron are Master of Ceremonies for Suthus since of telekinesis. uneasy around Joshua and his men. it was founded. He, like many other After all, they would not be the first inhabitants, left Undersea with Lopra Lathan Lancehand fugitives to lay low in Kron. and fully agrees with his aims and E4. Lathan is a Callarii elf from ideals. Some years ago Ulobon Specularum in Karameikos. He is a


young elf, with blonde hair and pale, They believe it can be found on an seven-headed hydra in the waters of the sharp features. Lathan is oddly obsessed island far to the south, but can give little Sea of Dread and the Malpheggi with reaching the Burning Mountain, indication of where to look. Octave is swamp. He can often be found sailing the volcano recently reported in the Sea not very pleased with this assignment the seas and will pay handsomely for of Dread. He can be found in many of but it making tentative steps toward information on such a monster. the bars in Specularum harbour trying to beginning it. Equipment: Dagger +1 charter a ship that will take him there. Equipment: Mace +1. Equipment: Sword +1. Krag Scraddle Kuat the Dragon-Hearted T6. Krag is an old lag more used to Elrem Nessumsar F6. Kuat made his name in the arenas of cutting purses than sailing. Tired of the D6. Elrem is a dark haired and dour Thyatis where he was one of their shorebound life, he has set sail south, dwarf from Rockhome. He has a greatest gladiators. He has since won his looking for pirate treasure. He has little slightly madcap scheme to found a new freedom and has been asked by a expectation of finding any, but it’s dwarf colony in the south and had Thyatian senator to track down the something to do now he’s too old for the settled on the Thanegioth archipelago as location of Aquapopolus, an old colony street life. a good location. He can be found in in the Sea of Dread that was reportedly Equipment: Sword +1. many of the ports in Minrothad trying to destroyed some centuries previously. find a trading vessel willing to take him The senator and several of his friends Monsters there and looking for adventurers to wish to establish whether the stories of Medusa, blink dog, traders, cyclops, accompany him. the fabled merman empire are true and giant draco lizards, pit vipers, stirges, Equipment: War hammer +1. believe locating Aquapopolus is the first flame salamanders, insect swarms, step in finding out. flying hydra, harpies, salt-water Brother Octave Equipment: Sword +1. termites, merrow, sea-snakes, pirates, C5. Brother Octave is a middle-ranking ogres, bandits, yellow dragon, kara-kara cleric from a small church in orc. Karameikos. Octave’s superiors have Suparjo asked him to find an old temple pictured MU4. Suparjo, a small, dark man from in an ancient book sacred to their order. northern Karameikos, is seeking a



Overview The weather in the archipelago is Streets cross between buildings made of South of the open seas lies the uniformly warm and humid, often huge, interlocking blocks of greyish Thanegioth Archipelago. This set of unpleasantly so. With cooling breezes stone. The houses are flat-topped with tropical islands rests on a large volcanic from the sea, the coasts and mountains square windows and many have several ridge making it the only land for are often at a comfortable 20°C, but the stories, linked by external staircases. hundreds of miles. There are ten large temperature quickly rises and the The central region of the city is raised islands ranging in size from twenty interiors of most of the islands can reach on a giant step pyramid on which the miles across to over a hundred. Between 35°C. The islands have a wet season and buildings and temples are made of white them lie many smaller islands, some a dry season, though rain is a daily marble, with pairs of plain columns little more than sandbars. occurrence during both. The main holding up their entrances. The largest Although the existence of the difference is that, during the wet season building in this region is a vast palace, archipelago been known about for many (Kaldmont to Yarthmont) the islands are surrounded by bronze-armoured guards. thousands of years, the current wracked by regular typhoons, making Outside the city, a square theatre is civilisations of the world have no the islands all the harder to reach. carved into one wall of the valley and presence there. This is partly because of several massive tombs can be found just their isolation but also because of the Emoren outside the city walls. danger they pose. Previous expeditions The easternmost island of the Citizens of Olmoran can be seen to the region have often vanished into archipelago is called Emoren, although moving around in the city, or tilling the the thick jungles, never to return. Those only one person remembers where the terraced fields on the slopes of the few that have made it back to name came from. The edge of the island valley. They look similar to the Roa civilisation tell stories of dangerous consists of idyllic beaches, which give fishermen but are taller and better fed. creatures and strange peoples. way to a tangled jungle covering much The women wear wraparound ankle- Despite the advantages of modern of the interior. Small mountains run length skirts and tunics, often with shipping, reaching the islands at all is from north to south down the twenty- flowers embroidered on them. The men still a dangerous venture due to the mile spine of the island. Around the wear a cotton cloth wrapped around the nearby reefs and the isolation from land. edges of the island lie three villages, waist and a sleeveless shirt in white, red The regular storms of the Sea of Dread, populated by the Roa-Emor people, or blue. the numerous sea-monsters and the called Kitabe, Dari and Pabetano. Olmoran’s survival is down to one surprisingly large contingent of pirates The Roa-Emor, like nearly all the woman, its God-Queen, Asha. She is the in the area also make the journey humans in the archipelago, are original Queen of Olmoran, a Princess fraught with danger. Most ships avoid descendents of the Olman, who of the Olman people. As a young the archipelago completely and sail up inhabited the islands over three woman she discovered a series of the coast of Ochalea and the Isle of thousand years previously. The villages catacombs beneath her city. There Asha Dawn, although some occasionally sail are made of wood and leaves, and the found the Pillar of Fire, a magical through trying to cut short the long inhabitants live on fish from the nearby artefact left over from the days of the voyage between Davania and Brun. waters, and tropical fruits and aranea. It was originally used by them Yet modern scholars do not realise that vegetables grown in their gardens. They for rejuvenation, but for a human the the Archipelago has been host to four are rarely visited by those from the effect is much more profound. Asha great civilisations, each of which has outside world and give no real thought walked through the flames and was come to a catastrophic end. In the to life beyond the island. They have rendered undying. She does not age and, depths of pre-history, the islands were little spiritual life but, if pressed, speak as a side effect, became more and more the highlands of the aranea’s magical in hushed tones of the goddess who beautiful and more and more unstable. culture, now lost to the seas. After the lives in the island’s interior. To them She returned to the surface and Great Rain of Fire, the Olman built she is unearthly and terrifying, although continued to rule the city but, as the many cities on the islands but these none claim to have ever actually seen years passed, she began to fear that her were destroyed in the earthquakes that her. immortality would attract attention so created Ierendi and Minrothad. The In the heart of the island lies a valley she sealed Olmoran away from the rest Nithians conquered here too and ruled between two of the mountains. It can of the Olman culture. for centuries before the immortals only be entered through a small, natural When the great catastrophe that wiped ripped their culture from the face of gate at one end. Once through the gate, out the rest of Olman struck, she and the Mystara. Finally the kopru ruled the the path widens into a lush landscape in survivors rebuilt as much of the city as islands until revolts from within toppled the heart of which stands the city of they could and continued their way of their power and left the lands isolated Olmoran, the only true Olman city left life, cut off from the outside world. once again. Now each island has a in the world. The valley path runs into Because she still remembers Thanaxiotl unique culture, reflecting the strange the city where it passes beneath a at is height, they never lost their culture history of these lost lands. massive stone corbel arch with a in the way those outside of the city did. beautiful woman’s face carved into it. She also never told her subjects the


secret of her long life and, over the The history of Arachne is a dark one. tarantean high priests of Arik work centuries, they have come to worship After the fall of the aranea civilisation in diligently to turn themselves into the her as a goddess. Occasionally one of the Great Rain of Fire, the few survivors perfect beings in readiness for the return the Roa-Emor wander into the city, so in the archipelago lost much of their of their immortal. Plunging the depths Asha has some awareness of the outside magic along with their culture. They of the darkest magics on Mystara, they world. Even more rarely one of them regressed into nomadic bands and these research inter-planar and inter- made it out again, leading to the can still be found on most of the larger dimensional travel as well as rumours of her existence among the islands of the archipelago. This was the chronomancy and demonology; all of island’s inhabitants. Asha is paranoid case on Arachne until 432 AC, when an the arts that might be used to return Arik that her city may be discovered, but is aranean female called Hem explored to the prime plane. Venom is a also desperate for the company of some caves that had recently opened claustrophobic complex of what was someone not descended from the city, beneath a ruined Olman city. She found formerly the human temple and palace so those who stumble on her lost valley an Eye of Arik buried there (See module in the city. Extending for around 400 are not permitted to leave. Ever. B3 for more details) and it spoke to her, yards in each direction (and many promising her great gifts if she would hundreds of feet down into the volcanic Arachne serve the imprisoned immortal. She rock below), and buried under at least East of Emoren lies the island of devoted herself to Arik’s service and 150' of tightly knit web, it is dark, damp Arachne. At over 100 miles east to west gained gifts of size, strength and magic, and highly dangerous. While the high it is one of the largest islands in the at the cost of her voice. She soon wizard, the high priest and their archipelago. The long coast of the island converted others of her party and killed underlings are found in the buildings on is mainly sandy with a few natural any who would not follow her. The the 'surface', down below all manner of harbours. In the centre these give way to taranteans, as they called themselves, evil creatures attracted to the eye of rolling hills covered with dense jungle. quickly consolidated their hold on the Arik (still buried deep under the city) On the south-west corner of the island is island and, within two generations, they from other planes are to be found. a peninsula containing a few villages of became its masters. The humans who The High Wizard of the taranteans, phanatons. There is no human presence lived there were killed in the conquest Hem, has been the ruler of this land for on the island and the Roa will not go and the phanatons enslaved. Weaving centuries. It is her goal to achieve near. Explorers who have travelled there thick webs over the ruined city they immortality in the sphere of entropy. As very rarely return and those who do tell claimed it as their own and, to this day, part of this she seeks to return Arik from of packs of aggressive giant spiders. the taranteans work within the aura of his prison plane. Her immortal patron in This led to the island’s being named the Eye of Arik to plot the return of He this task is Alphaks, one of the few Arachne by mainland scholars. of Many Eyes. immortals foolhardy enough to desire In the interior of Arachne, a new race of The main settlement of the taranteans, Arik’s return from exile. The High spiders descended from the ancient Hearts (population 1100), is built on the Priest, known as Meh, is the High aranea has built a society that has ruins of a large Olman city a little east Wizard’s consort. He is dwarfed by the remained in place for over five hundred of the centre of the island. The City of massive bulk of the female, but is still a years. The spiders, a race named the Hearts itself is a dark, foreboding place, wily, intelligent, and powerful taranteans, are larger than aranea, with all of the walkways and streets individual. It is his goal to attain having an average span of 8', and they being entirely contained within the mass immortality in the sphere of entropy by are mute, communicating through of webs produced over the centuries. creating a new race to unleash on the telepathy (see Monsters). The taranteans Within the city itself, the outer suburbs, world, a race that is the perfect have no polymorph ability so they use referred to as The Web, are inhabited combination of tarantean and beholder. packs of non-intelligent giant spiders to mainly by taranteans and their phanaton Most of the creatures guarding the Eye keep prying eyes from discovering their servants. Anyone entering the city is are of this kind, and although few of his culture. certain to disturb the web, and will soon experiments have been entirely Although the taranteans are masters of be confronted with a horde of successful, most of them are at least the island, phanatons are also common inhabitants; intruders are found and potent. All living taranteans are the there. Unlike the phanatons of the rest eliminated quickly. Inside the city are progeny of the Hem and Meh. None can of the archipelago, and those of the eight temples, evenly distributed in a become fertile themselves until their island’s peninsula, those found in the ring around the centre of the town. leaders are removed from the island. interior are a shadow of what they were. These temples, known as the Pumps, are None can leave the web without Hem Countless generations of servitude have all dedicated to Arik, being filled with and Meh instantly becoming aware. turned them into near mindless drones, symbols associated with the Eye and the While parties of taranteans are found they passively allow themselves to be taranteans. They act as entry points into across the island, none are known to fed, protected, and preyed upon by the the centre of the city, an area called have escaped Hem and Meh. taranteans. Few other predators are Venom. It is in Venom that the Eye of found on the island; the occasional Arik is located, and the most sinister Utsiwano Shark Kin incursion is put down secrets of Arachne reside. This small island lies east of Arachne brutally and flying monsters are dealt Venom is home to the darkest, most evil and is home to a large concentration of with by being lured into massive webs. inhabitants of Arachne. Here the Olman descendents. Unlike on many of


the other islands, the humans of the archipelago would overpower the The island is home to a unique race of Utsiwano are volatile and dangerous. Utsi, their reputation and the lack of troglodytes. Like the rest of the lizard- They regard all peoples not of the Roa- knowledge concerning their numbers men and troglodytes on the archipelago, Utsi as enemies to be killed in sight. keeps them safe. Like the rest of the they are descended from Nithian slaves Explorers have made contact with them Roa, the Utsi are matriarchal and who escaped into the wilds when the but few have escaped with their skins captured brides have even been known empire was destroyed. Most of them intact. There are three villages dotted to become Mistress of the Utsi in the still live wild in the jungles of the around the coast of the island, Tosi, past. islands, but the troglodytes of Bararna Buroroa and Siarano, while the interior In the centre of the island lies an have been following a different course remains a haven for wildlife and some abandoned and overgrown Olman for several centuries. Over five hundred humanoids who have learned to avoid temple. The Utsi are aware of the years ago, a group of these troglodytes, the Utsi and their spears. The Utsi structure but pay it little attention, not living miserable lives on the edge of villages consist of wooden houses on even realising that it was built by their existence, encountered an entity that stilts and look like most of the other ancestors. Inside the temple are a called itself Gleesshka. This creature human dwellings of the archipelago. number of dangerous traps including spoke to them from a chasm deep in the Mostly they spend their time farming pits, spears and weights. At its centre is heart of the island and promised them near their villages and hunting for sport a sold gold idol in the shape of a head greatness in exchange for the obedience (but not for food). with a grimacing mouth. It is worth and worship. Once every couple of months, the young about 50,000gp. Gleesshka delivered to her faithful: the men of the Utsi take their canoes and rains came, the seas were full of fish, sail to a nearby island where they will The Isle of Dread and no natural disasters struck. Over the hunt for meat. They attack human This island is one of the most complex next centuries, the troglodyte population villages and will kill or capture any and bizarre in the archipelago. This is grew from a few hundred to several humans they can find before bringing partially because it was the centre of the thousand. No one complained when them back to Utsiwano for the Olman, Nithian and Kopru cultures, but Gleesshka started demanding the Ceremony of Blood. During this feast, also because it includes the region of sacrifice of the weaker members of the they kill any captives from their Ka’s experiment. As a result, the island tribe, over the pit from which Gleesshka expedition and roast them over an open contains many ancient structures and is spoke; nor did they question the fire before sharing them among all the inhabited by a wide variety of creatures, appearance of disfiguring mutations Utsi. This is the only meat the Utsi eat. several of which are unique to the area. among the tribespeople. As time passed, The severed heads of the dead are then The Isle of Dread is covered in detail in the troglodytes grew mighty, and set out placed in the Cave of Skulls, near the the next section. to explore their world once more. It was centre of the island. The Utsi believe at this time that they encountered that by doing this, they hold off the evil Bararna humans – the Olman-descended tribes spirits that ruled them in the past (the Explorers sailing around the coast of who now inhabit much of the kopru). The belief is entirely erroneous Bararna will find no sign of any human Thanegioth Archipelago. Gleesshka told but nothing will convince them of this. habitations, and this should tell them her shamans that the humans were Every few years, the Utsi undertake a that something is seriously amiss on the descended from those who committed different expedition. They still raid the island. Yet there are some who have not great ills against the troglodytes in ages local islands but this time they capture taken the warning, and have uncovered past, and that they should be sacrificed women of childbearing age to be new something of Bararna’s dark secrets. to him as punishment. This they did, brides for the tribe. The brides are The island is one of the larger members killing all the humans who inhabited the carried away from their family and of the archipelago and so has a long island. inducted into the Utsi way of life. They coastline that contains several natural The practice continues; three times per are held in a central compound until the harbours and coves. The largest such year, Gleesshka orders the troglodytes next Ceremony comes round, when they inlet faces southward towards far-off to assemble a war party and acquire are brought to the table and given Davania and is filled with incredibly sacrifices to satiate her thirst for blood. goblets of blood to drink. Those who calm, turquoise waters. Further in, the During this time, the troglodyte warriors refuse are sent back to the compound. island is filled with dark, think jungle, board their outrigger canoes (capable of This continues until the third ceremony which ranges over a series of low hills. holding 25 rowers each) and paddle for when any who still refuse are killed. Unusually, there are no birds or the island indicated by their patron. Those who pass the test are married the mammals of any type on Bararna. Once they land at the desired target, the same night. Indeed all the fauna there is reptilian in troglodytes stealthily creep through the Within their own communities, the Utsi nature. There are lizards, salamanders, jungles and mount raids on isolated are entirely peaceful. Realising that a toads and many snakes, but no boars, villages, killing any who oppose them conflict between the villages could wipe giant cats, rodents, or even monkeys. and trying to capture suitable sacrifices, them out, they practice the spears every This is because the inhabitants of often young adults. Once a suitable day but are sworn never to use them Bararna have wiped them all out over number of prisoners have been taken, against another Utsi. Although a the preceding centuries. they are tied up, and stuffed under the concerted effort by the other humans of seats of the canoes – up to ten prisoners


may be loaded onto a canoe in this shore and rocks to the south. There is a interbreeding have meant that most of fashion. That evening, the captives are small volcano in the centre but it is long the inhabitants have a mixed tied over the pit on wooden stakes that dormant. The island is roughly circular lycanthropic heritage and this can have lean out over the chasm. The and is about 18 miles across. There is strange results. Some may have one troglodytes dance around them to the only one settlement on Therian and it is half-animal form but a different full sound of incessant drumming before the hidden deep in the forests. The town is animal form, or they may have animal shaman comes forward and leads the called Safety and was founded over 650 traits in their human forms. Their tribe in a mass trance. When the song years earlier by a group of lycanthropes current leader, Coram the Changer, has reaches its height, the throats of the who escaped from the Silver Purge in the full effects of a were-wolf, were- captives are cut, pouring blood into the Minrothad. Those traumatic events tiger and were-bear. It is he who has set pit. made the lycanthropes of Therian the inhabitants of Therian onto a new The creature inside is a Hissing Fiend of deeply paranoid. They worried for course, which will bring them into the Plane of Entropy. Many centuries generations that Minrothad troops were conflict with the world they left. earlier, some Nithian entropy going to arrive on the island to finish In recent years the Thanegioth worshippers attempted to open a tiny what they had started. Consequently the Archipelago has become less isolated hole to this plane in the land that structures of Safety are in the trees. than it once was. Explorers, pirates and became Bararna. They were halted by a There are huts and walkways across adventurers now land on its shores more brave band of adventurers who cast a several miles of forest all of which are regularly than they used to and, Coram protective spell on it, but by that time invisible from the ground. believes, it is only a matter of time one of the hideous inhabitants of the Those few who have visited the island before the community on Therian is realm of Entropy was already trapped in believe it to be uninhibited apart from uncovered. He knows the history of his the opening. Since that time, the spell an unusually large array of wildlife. people and is convinced that, when the has gradually weakened until, This is partly due to the care the people of Minrothad hear about the eventually, Gleesshka was able to inhabitants take to remain in animal lycanthropes on the island, the Silver communicate through the opening. It form when visitors come and partly due Purge will begin again. To counter this tricked the troglodytes into providing to the way in which the settlers dealt threat he has been secretly sending blood which is gradually making it more with the Roa who lived in the island. lycanthropes to the mainland, and and more powerful. Eventually it will Being primarily a peaceful people, the particularly to Minrothad, over the last become sufficiently strong to rip lycanthropes could not bring themselves 20 years. This programme is partly through the gap and bring itself fully to kill so many innocents. Instead, they responsible for the sudden increase in into the prime plane, where it intends to infected them with lycanthropy, thus lycanthropes on the southern coast of revenge itself on any mortals it can find. ensuring their loyalty to Therian and its Brun. He only sends his more militant The opening to the entropic plane is also ideals. These islanders then told traders followers, and only those who look like the source of the deformities that affect from elsewhere in the archipelago that normal humans, but their instructions the troglodytes. They are essentially there was a terrible plague on the island are to infect as many people as possible, identical to those describes in the Rules and they must not land. Since then none particularly in positions of power. When Cyclopaedia, save for the fact that, due have, and the disappearance of the few the inevitable discovery of Therian to hideous deformities (ranging from villages was put down to the ravages of occurs, Coram intends there to be an abscesses to half-formed extra the plague. uprising of lycanthropes who will take appendages, third eyes, and the like), The lycanthropes of Therian are an control of the governments and ensure anyone seeing them must make a Horror unusual race. The initial settlers that were-kind can never be persecuted Check against a Horror Rating of 2. represented all of the types of again. There are approximately 5,500 lycanthropy then present in Minrothad, troglodytes on the island, most of whom including one of the last surviving Sekorvia spend their time fishing, and gathering families of werehawks. Within less than Sekorvia is a volcanic tropical island nuts and berries. Technologically, they a century of their arrival on Therian, the dominated by tangled jungles and are primitive, using weapons made from last remainder of that family learned stinking salt marshes. It is barely 40 stone and protecting themselves with that a man called The Silver Hunter was miles across at its widest point, and a simple bucklers made from hardened scouring the Sea of Dread to find any of jagged spine of mountains including no wood or leather – the latter derived from his race. Desperate not to reveal less than three active volcanoes runs the livestock they poach from other Therian, he flew north to a rocky island down its length. There are few humans islands, or their fallen opponents. They and waited, knowing that the Hunter living anywhere on the island other than both paint and tattoo their bodies with would kill him in the end. Since then, the port of Scuttlecove. However, it is garish colours, in patterns reminiscent the lycanthropes of the island have the westernmost island of the of skulls. never forgotten his sacrifice. archipelago to contain a significant The inhabitants have also been very presence of kara-kara (who call the Therian careful not to add allow any new island Teki-Rano-Tia). They once The small island of Therian mostly lycanthropic breeds into their paradise, controlled the whole island, but were consists of lush forests and rolling hills so there are no devil swine or were-rats driven into the wilderness when Evgeny with sandy beaches around its northern on the island. However, generations of Sekorski claimed the island decades


before. They are now considered a Crimson Fleet, a large group of pirates base of operations for their trade in nuisance by the pirates who inhabit the under their leader, Cold Captain human flesh. island, but are not considered a serious Wyther. The Crimson Fleet controls The most disturbing group in the town threat. Several have even started to add much of the city’s trade in goods and are the monks of The Monastery of them to their crews. many inhabitants depend on them for Dire Hunger, known by most of the The town of Scuttlecove is a rough, food and supplies. Crimson pirates can inhabitants as “the cannibals”. They are ramshackle port built at the mouth of be found roving the streets in packs an order of monks who patrol the streets the Noyaro River on the island’s south- either enjoying their booty or at night in search of bodies of eastern coast. Very few buildings in the occasionally pressganging unsuspecting unfortunate victims from recent fights. town are well kept and most are people into service aboard one of their They believe that cannibalism is the rundown one-story wooden buildings ships. Although Crimson ships regularly path to enlightenment; however, this with sagging roofs. The lack of regular visit the city, the Fleet is actually based belief has twisted and corrupted both income makes it impossible to keep the at The Wreck, a magically hidden their minds and bodies. After their buildings in good repair. Any permanent structure made of wrecked ships 11 nightly forays they return to The building is always the home of one of miles northwest of Scuttlecove. Mausoleum where they prepare the dead the powerful individuals of Scuttlecove. Wyther is the most influential of the for their disturbing feasts. The harbour of the town is filled with captains currently vying to claim the Not every group in Scuttlecove is vile. scuttled ships which give the town its title of Pirate Lord of the Sea of Dread, The Protectors live double lives. name and makes it almost impossible to and so rule over all the pirates from During the day they pose as pirates, dock without the help of a local pilot. Davania to Karameikos. With such a drug-dealers, prostitutes and merchants, There are few common folk in the town high level of piracy in the area, the but at night they aid the weak of as it is simply too rough a place. Most Overlordship has not been successfully Scuttlecove through force of arms. They people who live here are pirates or those claimed in generations. Even now many also maintain a safe-house in an who support the pirate industry. The other captains stand in Wyther’s way abandoned factory called Red Foam town exports all kinds of illicit things including Black Nick Hackett, Clegg the Whaling, which they use to house including drugs, slaves, and stolen Devil, and the mysterious Ah Ling. people who have a desperate need to property. The economy is unstable and The second faction are The Dealers’ disappear. They are the smallest faction completely dependent on the arrival of Consortium, a group of drug dealers, and, although they may one day bring loot from the pirate crews. who harvest rare plants from the town back into the light, the fight Visitors to Scuttlecove are almost Thanegioth and Davania, refine them in would be long and hard. certain to attract attention from the local Scuttlecove and sell the produce to Other places of interest in the city population. All the pirates know each smugglers. This group also provides include Skindancer Academy – a brothel other and have learned who to leave protection to merchants and prostitutes that caters for more unusual tastes, The alone. Each day that a character spends of Scuttlecove, for where there are Birdcage – a torture-to-order in Scuttlecove there is a chance of a pirates, there are the women who are information house, and the Rusty Shunt threatening encounter with a group of willing to serve them for gold. Indeed, – the most famous of Scuttlecove’s inns. the local pirates. These thugs stalk the prostitution is the one steady and The seas to the south of Sekorvia are victims and strike with the best possible thriving business in Scuttlecove. Almost also home to an intermittent whirlpool advantage. However, not every citizen any woman can have this job if she is which has been known to appear will attack visitors; most of the pirates willing. There are several houses in suddenly and drag ships to their doom. are cowards at heart and eye contact is Scuttlecove that have protection from What the survivors don’t know is that, rare. Merchants usually assume that the the drug dealers but the largest is so in general, the lost vessels survive and customer is tougher than they appear. powerful that it constitutes a faction in surface in the Merry Pirate Seas in the This is also true of the merchants its own right. Porphyry House is a Hollow World. themselves; merchants will not survive huge building that rises above western long without backup in Scuttlecove. Scuttlecove, dwarfing the nearby Phema Most pay a protection fee to one group hovels. It is owned and run by Tyralandi The small island east of Scuttlecove is of thugs or another, so attacking a Scrimm, a cleric of Loki who took over known as Phema, and is widely merchant will cause retaliation. Almost the running of the place a few years considered to be uninhabited. This is not anything can be bought in Scuttlecove previously. She uses the House to gain quite true. The island is roughly circular but everything has been stolen and intelligence on the actions of the other (about 8 miles across) with beaches availability is not always assured. factions and, although she currently round its edge giving way to jungle in Merchants are likely to include a promotes Loki’s aims in the city, she the centre. Monkeys, pigs and other substantial mark-up for goods and intends to eventually become its ruler. small animals inhabit the jungle, the services if they do not recognize a face. In addition to the pirates, a large group island is clear of larger humanoids. In With no central government there are of Sekorvian lizard-man slavers, known the centre is one volcano that is not six factions currently struggling for as The Seventh Coil, have preyed upon believed to be active. There are reefs on control in Scuttlecove, who help or the towns and villages of the coastal Sea its east side making landing difficult hinder each other depending on of Dread for years. They use the while to the south a freshwater river circumstance. The first of these is The Minting House in Scuttlecove as the flows out of the jungle into the sea. This


is navigable although the entrance is open forest. Although technically an blocked by a large sandbar. If followed island of the kara-kara, Teki-Lo-Kia (or Teki-Moa-Ha it leads to spring at the base of the The Grand and Glorious Land of The westernmost island of the volcano. Ruhalastan) belongs to one person. archipelago is also one of the largest, On the island’s west side is a natural Ruhaladero the Pitiless, Scourge of the stretching for over 120 miles east to harbour with beautiful clear water and Seas, The Ruby-Eyed One, Master of west. Its central regions are relatively gently sloping, sandy beaches. From the Storms, Reclaimer of the Nine flat and are covered with dense jungle here the land rises gently until it Treasures, and many other grandiose through which little can penetrate, becomes open grass. The jungle lies to (and mostly self-bestowed) titles, is one especially in the west. The eastern the south and in the north is a rocky of the less predictable inhabitants of the jungles are broken by tracts of farmland escarpment. Near the eastern end of the Thanegioth Archipelago. Originally one but these are relatively small. Its north rocks is a small opening that allows of the many wizards that pass for coast is rocky, and cliffs tend to cut access through to a wide valley which nobility in the small kingdom of Jaibul, isolated bays off from the rest of the passes through the escarpment. In here Ruhaladero's unpredictability and open island. The south coast is sandy but is pasture land inhabited by sheep and use of necromancy eventually became swells underwater make navigating to also a few vineyards dotted about. too much even for Jaibul. The problem the island difficult. These are kept by Jib and Stay, a pair of was that he was simply too powerful to The eastern regions of the isle are Cyclopes who live on the island (HD13 kill. So his rivals instead played on and dominated by the kara-kara orcs. In fact, each). Their hut lies at the far end of the encouraged his growing madness, and if there could be said to be a centre to valley. It is a large thatched building set set him up as the new Goptri of All the the kara-kara civilisation, Teki-Moa-Ha in a compound that contains a large Oceans, charged with making all who is it. It plays host to the largest winepress and a pen containing some sailed upon the ocean waves fear and concentration of kara-kara in the Sea of wild pigs. The third member of the respect the Rajahstan of Jaibul. Dread, spread over 20 small villages farming band lives here. Ned Land is a That was over 20 years ago. In the years and surrounding the city of Malo, the sailor who was wrecked off Phema five since his promotion/exile, Ruhaladero only kara-kara city in the world. The years previously and has been living on has honestly not accomplished much. kara-kara of the island are still vicious the island since then, awaiting rescue. He found his way to Teki-Lo-Kia more and superstitious but they are also Jib and Stay are large, slow and stupid. by luck than judgement and then famers and have built a thriving society. They are also loyal and gentle unless magically erected a 'magnificent palace'. They are ruled from Malo by Kana-Lo- angered. They are firm friends with Ned This is actually a barely structurally- Loma, a truly massive kara-kara who and will do almost anything to protect sound wizard's tower which has been continued their slightly peculiar practice hm. clumsily glizted up with illusion spells. of eating the previous king to prove his There is a trail that leads up the north From here he holds court and issues worth. He is bright and exceedingly face of the volcano, passing through the proclamations over a wholly-imagined strong and so has the backing of the jungle as it climbs. It leads to a ledge in realm. The only inhabitants are a few manwu-papas who run the individual front of a large cavern, which is the hundred kara-kara who live in two villages. Atzanteotl has begun to take a home of Jord, a storm giant who lives villages elsewhere on the island. They small interest in the kara-kara as he on the island (See AC10 Bestiary of fear Ruhaladero and do his bidding after finds them amusing. He is currently Giants and Dragons). He keeps his pet a fashion, but they mostly try to keep sending disturbing dreams to Kana-Lo- roc in the cave as well as many of his out of his way. Loma and some select manwu-papas. possessions. At the back of the cave, an Sometimes he's still sane and broods on Orcus has yet to notice this interference entrance leads into the flooded interior how he might be able to put one over on with his worshipers. of the volcano and, from there, into the the fools who arranged his ousting from Malo itself is constructed from stone sea. the court of Jaibul. Most of the time taken from a nearby Olman ruin and Jib and Stay were originally brought to however, he's cheerfully and shows kara-kara architecture at its most the island by Jord and he invited Ned to dangerously delusional. He spends his intriguing. Pictograms showing the join them after the wreck. The four have time 'commissioning new warships' history of Teki-Moa-Ha, including the lived in the island since then in (magically crafting and launching crude domination of the kopru, run over the harmony, however an aquatic beholder wooden longboat hulls, crewed by walls. In addition there are several step has recently taken residence in Jord’s animated kara-kara ghouls), “putting pyramids, in which the most revered underwater lair, which can be found 80 down rebellions” (teleporting above manwu-papas of previous ages are feet underwater one mile off the island’s some island and dropping half a dozen buried. There is also a central north-east coast. The beholder has yet to fireballs and ice storms on anything he marketplace where traders from the be noticed but, given its power of imagines as insufficiently obsequious) villages meet to sell their wares. A charming, trouble is likely ahead. or “collecting tribute and dispensing temple to Tapu the Pig God stands at the royal favour” (playing with worthless western end of the marketplace and Teki-Lo-Kia trash and holding lively conversations contains a bronze statue of a giant pig Teki-Lo-Kia is a small island fifty miles with the voices in his head). In the with genuine ivory tusks. from Phema. It consists of a few low meantime, he's a threat... but not one the Outside of the city, the kara-kara ride hills, sandy beaches and some relatively major powers are yet really aware of. giant war boars and keep domesticated


normal boars. They farm fruit and Archipelago, but islands can be found There is a small tribe of fishermen vegetables, coffee, tobacco, sugarcane dotted throughout the seas all the way to living on the island. They call both the and cocoa for trade with each other. The the coast of Davania. The bulk of these island and their village Roatana, and extremely rich soil of the isle allows for are inhabited by kara-kara who arrived refer to themselves as the Roa-Hano. an extra growing season, which enables during their slow migration from that There are about 75 people in Roatana, both surpluses of food as well as continent, though some are host to other making a living from fishing and significant exports to smaller kara-kara species. farming as well as gathering edible islands dotted around the seas. The rich These islands are similar in many ways, plants from the island. They fish using waters around the island also provide often containing a single village and nets inside the lagoon and from canoes fish and clams. In fact the kara-kara little else, but some have unique at sea. Any Roa-Hano is intimately would make excellent trading partners features of interest to the adventurer. familiar with the waters surrounding the were any nation to realise what bounty Roatana (known by sailors as island, including the whereabouts of was contained in the jungles of the Crocodile Island), for example, lies underwater reefs. The people here are island. Of course, conquest would also some 20 miles south-east of Utsiwano. quite isolated, but are able to get to be an option. It is a coral island consisting of a large neighbouring islands in their canoes, There are no horses or cattle on the and dangerous reef surrounding a although they avoid Utsiwano and island, due to the presence of an unusual circular lagoon. A large number of salt Arachne. Some of the younger villagers disease which would kill all such water crocodiles live outside the reefs, go diving inside the lagoon for creatures after more than a year on the however the lagoon inside is relatively recreation or looking for pearls or fish, island. Consequently, the kara-kara clear. although they are wary of a giant squid farmers use giant boars as dray animals The island is formed by corals which which is rumoured to live there. The instead of horses or oxen. have grown around the crater of a villagers are generally friendly to The western jungles are another matter partially submerged dormant volcano. explorers and, like many isolated altogether. Faerie creatures, including In the middle of the lagoon, a small communities, offer their daughters to pixies, sprites and treants, dominate the volcanic island was formed a few those who look strong. There are a few area from their settlement, Menehune, centuries ago, but other than that, there places on the island that are considered and the kara-kara keep well away, are no signs of seismic activity. The taboo by the villagers. These include the fearing the creatures’ wrath. The jungles outer ring is divided by several volcanic island, the shadow mountains are otherwise home to natural beasts, channels, giving access to the lagoon and the burial grounds. Explorers do such as panthers, snakes, lizards and inside, but these are filled with occasionally visit the first two locations spiders, as well as no small number of underwater reefs that make it impossible without consequences but the villages deadly plants. The usual small bands of to navigate a large ship through. Smaller get very agitated over possible aranea, phanaton and other inhabitants boats or canoes, such as the natives use, desecration of the burial grounds. of the archipelago can also be found. can navigate across the reefs. On the small Volcanic Island in the There are no dragons on the isle, though The beaches of the island are made of middle of the lagoon, there’s a tiny, run sea serpents are said to swim in the soft, white sand, although in some down stone building that was once an great southern bay. places on the coasts facing away from Olman temple. The temple consists of a The other settlement of interest lies in a the lagoon there are rough coral cliffs. single small room, and is constructed hidden cove on the north coast that can Inland can be found many huge palm from huge lava blocks. By one wall only be reached from the sea. The Nuari trees, odorous and flower covered there is an altar which has a niche for a Pirate Village changes its name with bushes, lianas, and tall bamboo trees. religious icon behind it, but the statue is every change in leadership. It is The foliage is not as tightly knit as in a missing. The temple is unstable and currently known as "Tanokora's Port" true jungle, but in some places it disturbing the area could lead to the and is the only human habitation on the becomes almost impassable. Edible whole building collapsing, killing island. It is home to a few hundred plants are easy to find and there are anyone inside instantly. pirates and their families – all Pearl coconuts, bananas and breadfruit as well The second place which is taboo is a Islanders. They have been based there as all kinds of berries and edible roots. cave high up in a mountain side in the for some years and work hard to ensure There is quite a bit of wildlife on the Shadow Mountains. This is partly due to neither the kara-kara, nor the residents island as well, especially birds. Some the fact that the terrain here is difficult of Scuttlecove, find their base. birds may be of value due to their exotic to move through, but also because those feathers or as unusual pets. There are venturing here often end up as a snack Roatana several species of colourful parrots and for a huge Green Dragon who visits the The ten islands already outlined are the also a kind of flightless seabird island from the nearby Isle of Dread. It largest in the Archipelago but there are somewhat resembling penguins, only only uses this cave as a place to rest and many others too small to appear on most smaller and with brown and grey so keeps little treasure here. maps. Most are under a mile across and stripes. The natives call this bird tu’aro Perhaps the most interesting place on contain nothing but wildlife, but some and say it tastes good. Also, there is an the island is found under the water in are inhabited by Roa or kara-kara abundance of fish both inside the lagoon the lagoon. This is the wreck of The depending on the location. These islands and outside the reefs. Swallow, a ship that sailed into the are most concentrated within the lagoon seeking shelter in a storm several


years ago. The ship had already been kidnapped by the leader of the Sons in Ube: A large amount of loco-weed (a damaged by the storm when it sighted Ierendi, Zarachton. He took the map local narcotic) grows on this island. the island and, although it made it from them and killed them before they Consequently the local Roa are through the reef, it sunk soon after it could reveal what they knew. Since then dissolute and disinterested. entered the lagoon. The crew escaped Zarachton has been considering how to Banatube: This island is both sheltered however, and lived on the island for return to the island and reclaim the and fertile. It produces enormous several months before being rescued by treasure. He is not an adventurer himself amounts of fruit which the local Roa a ship from Davania that came looking and is considering hiring a party through trade with other tribes (and occasionally for them. The Swallow was a smuggling an agent. What he doesn’t know is that visiting kara-kara). ship, used primarily for transporting the map, as it stands will not lead to the Teki-Bali-Hai: This island is a kara- ivory from Davania to Ierendi. The trip treasure. kara spiritual home containing beautiful was long and rarely undertaken, and it The wreck of The Swallow lies about waterfalls, delicious fruits and friendly was only their regular stop at Roatana 7m down and contains 3 Giant Squids. wildlife. The kara-kara who live here that allowed the ship to make the Inside lies the body of Nosanje. On his are unusually peaceful and the females journey safely. On its final voyage, the finger, he wears a serpent shaped ring, are particularly friendly to visitors. ship was also carrying a passenger, the which once contained a poisonous pill, Consequently the island is barred to all mage Nosanje. but it has long since been dissolved. visitors but the manwu-papas who come Nosanje was originally from the Pearl Even now, anyone who touches the ring here to “refresh themselves”. Islands, but he relocated to Kastelios in (without cleaning it first) will be Teki-Ruja-Hai: This island, half way Davania and joined The Sons of the exposed to the poison. The poison will between Thanegioth and Davania, is Serpent, a secret society descended from disappear within one day, but if surrounded by huge cliffs on all sides, the entropy worshippers of Nithia. someone with poison on their hands eats which are home to thousands of Despite the Immortals’ best efforts, or in any other way puts their hands to screaming seabirds. Landing anywhere some of the writings of the entropy their mouth (60% chance), they will be is difficult though occasional coves can worshippers survived Nithia’s fall and poisoned. Nosanje was very careful; he provide some cover. There is also one these were found many years later by a enchanted the map so that only he could safe path up the cliff but it’s hidden group of Davanians who based their read it properly. To reveals the new from offshore. Atop the cliffs the religion on them. The Sons are markings on the map it must be held plateau is covered with thick jungle with dedicated to increasing entropy and next to the Serpent Ring. The new path a single tribe of kara-kara within it. chaos in the world. They achieve this shows that the treasure is on the burial They fiercely protect the freshwater through crime and acts of entropic grounds in a cave by a broken mango spring with forms the centre of their magic but are, so far, mostly limited to tree. Should anyone uncover , settlement. Davania. Over the centuries they have they will find Ithaq-Talmir’s tools and Teki-Nara-Ki: This island is home to preserved some of dark Nithia’s culture, treasures (DMs can tailor these to their several kara-kara tribes who live in they even speak a degenerate form of campaign). amazing wooden houses suspended the Nithian language in their rituals. from the trees and joined by tubes, They have also recently begun to Islands of Interest bridges and ropes. The island is also establish a power base in Ierendi and are Roatana is simply one example of what home to an enormous number of hoping to increase entropy-worship in can be found on these tiny islands and butterflies. the islands, and so make the culture many more are waiting to be discovered. Teki-Muna-Ka: This island contains a more like old Nithia. Some islands of interest are: high volcano which has thick jungle at Some years ago, members of the Sons Oti: This small island is home to many its base but is bare at the top. Several discovered the remains of the tower of dangerous creatures. The Roa eke out an kara-kara tribes inhabit the jungle, Ithaq-Talmir, an entropy-worshipping existent here but are often on the brink hunting for food and quarrying the Nithian wizard who had died many of extinction. volcanic rock to make tools. The top is a centuries before. In the ruins they found Tobewao: This island is home to a sacred site where the manwu-papas of several magical items that belonged to single Roa tribe who produce amazing the tribes go to observe the stars. the long-dead wizard. Knowing that giant statues of animals which they Teki-Ko-Ata: This low lying island they would help their efforts in Ierendi, carve from stone. These statues, often contains a particularly aggressive tribe they were being transported by Nosanje 30’ high stand sentinel on the island’s of kara-kara who are shunned even by in The Swallow before it was lost. After coasts. their own kind. the wreck, Nosanje buried the items on Tiketama: This island is surrounded by Journey’s End: This is not really an the island and made a map guiding him shallow seas on which strange oysters island but a huge mass of floating back to them. Knowing that the can be found. These oysters produce seaweed which drifts around the seas remaining crew were aware of the items, unusual pearls in many shades including north of Davania and entraps ships Nosanje attempted to kill them but was pink, blue, green and even gold. The within its fronds killed during the fight. The surviving Roa spend much of their time harvesting crew hid his body and continued their these and trading them beyond the . journey to Ierendi, taking the map with island. them. Shortly after arriving they were


Personalities his animal forms he is equally huge. Peninsula and began raiding the richer Asha Coram is cultured, careful and casually lands around the Sea of Dread, basing M9, Ch18. God-Queen of Olmoran. ruthless, willing to sacrifice anything to the Crimson Fleet on Sekorvia. Wyther Asha was born over three millennia ago establish a lycanthropic powerbase. He is eyeing another Lordship but hasn’t when the Olman civilisation ruled in the has left the island several times and enough strength to claim it yet and has region. She was the princess of the city even once sailed to Minrothad in his recently turned to the worship of of Olmoran who, while exploring, youth to look his enemies in the face. It Demogorgon as a way of increasing his discovered the magical Pillar of Flame was there that he conceived his plan to power. which gave her unending youth and take over the mainland governments. beauty. Shortly afterwards her father Almost nothing will dissuade him from ‘Black’ Nikolas Hackett, the Tattooed died and she became ruler in her own that course. Captain right. But the flame was never meant for F12. Nikolas Hackett (or Black Nick) is humanoids and had strange side effects. Erien the Flighted tall, broad-shouldered and covered from Although she became more beautiful, Erien is probably the most beloved head to foot in tattoos. He was a young she also became paranoid, arbitrary and lycanthrope on Therian. After centuries swashbuckler from Minrothad who occasionally violent. Finally, she cut of lycanthropic interbreeding, a freak delighted in the sea. He was also Olmoran off from the outside world, chance produced Erien, the first arrogant and quick-tempered, but these refusing to allow any of her subjects to werehawk on Mystara since the last traits did not manifest themselves often. leave. When the rest of the Olman sacrificed himself 400 years ago (see He left Minrothad as a sailor and civilisation was destroyed she rebuilt Monsters). She is yellow-eyed, pale returned after several years to find a and continued her reign. Now her skinned and beautiful, standing barely friend of his, Kester Grace, married to a people, who have little recollection of 5’ tall. The celebrations on Therian after beautiful Espan girl called Imogene. He their history, regard her as a God – her power became clear went on for fell immediately in love with her and awesome and everlasting. In fact, she is many weeks. For the lycanthropes it pursued her aggressively. Eventually desperately lonely and longs for contact was as if the Immortals had returned she relented and the two eloped with others even though she is terrified something long lost and Erien remains together. Unable to return to Minrothad, of it. She is olive-skinned, dark haired something of a celebrity. At 19, she is Nick took to the sea and swiftly fell into and breathtakingly lovely as well as shy and gentle and cannot bear the the life of a pirate. Since then he has being easily angered and very used to thought that Coram may bring the sailed the Sea of Dread preying on getting her own way; anyone who mainlanders down on their beloved shipping and making a name as one of crosses her is liable to be executed. She home. She frequently speaks out against the most black-hearted pirates on the is also liable to fall in love with the first his plan but has little support among the waves. He named his ship after Imogene attractive man (or woman) from the powerful. She is also in immense and hid her in Garganin on Davania, outside world that she meets, and is not danger. Should any lycanthrope-hunters while making his home in Scuttlecove. likely to let them go. hear even a rumour of her existence, Over time he has gained many pirate they would tear the archipelago apart in followers and has several ships at his Torai their attempts to be the one to kill her. command. F4. Mistress of the Utsi. Now an old woman, Torai was born and brought up Cold Captain Wyther Captain Clegg, the Devil on Utsiwano and so accepts their culture F15. Captain Wyther is broad- C13 of Tarastia. Clegg is tall and thin, unthinkingly. She regards all men from shouldered and clean-shaven with a with pale eyes and hair and a fierce beyond the island as enemies or food handsome face and chiselled look. He expression. His real name is Kester and she believes women should be was born in Hojah, one of the City Grace and he was born in Minrothad pleased to be kidnapped by the Roa- States on the Savage Coast. At a young where he was a pleasant, if wild, young Utsi. She is aware of other lands from age he was pressed into service aboard a man with a devout nature. In his early talking to some of the wives who have pirate ship that preyed upon the twenties he met and married an Espan come from other islands but wants shipping around the Savage Coast. He girl called Imogene who had recently nothing of their way of life to enter her quickly rose through the ranks and arrived in Minrothad by ship. Only a world. Within the tribe she is just, stern eventually became captain of his own few months later Imogene eloped with and widely loved. ship, The Crimson Scar, which had red Nick Hackett, who Grace regarded as a sails and a crew entirely equipped with friend. Grace went mad with anger and Coram the Changer weapons. Through diplomacy grief at her loss and swore to get her F12, Were-wolf 3, Were-tiger 1, Were- and conquest he became admiral of a back at all costs. He set out to sea in bear 1. Coram is the current leader of collection of ships known as The pursuit of them but was captured by the lycanthropes of Therian. He reached Crimson Fleet and eventually became pirates. Within a few hours, he the position partly through the power of Pirate Lord of the Izondian Deep. But overpowered his guards, slew their his personality and partly through the four years ago he lost that position to a captain in single combat, and took respect due to his lycanthropic powers. pirate even more ruthless than he was. command of the ship, Brimstone. From Coram is a massive man with sharp Rather than serve under another, he and then on he became Captain Clegg, pirate features, pale grey eyes and dark hair. In his crew sailed round the Serpent of the Sea of Dread. He spends his time


taking ships and pursuing Black Nick, Freedom preys on ships throughout the mismatched eyes, one green, one blue. intending to kill him for his betrayal. Sea of Dread, concentrating on Thyatian She is very beautiful, but also cold and Nick has yet to work out that Clegg and vessels when possible. distant. Though born among the water Grace are the same person but the elves of Minrothad her mother is a revelation must come soon. Despite his Ismeron shadowelf who was sent out of their originally good nature, Clegg has fallen M12. Ismeron is dark-skinned man with caverns to learn more of the elves of the far and fast. He is as dangerous a foe as large black moustaches and greying south. To maintain her cover, her any on the seas and utterly ruthless in hair. A magic user from Jalawar, in mother formed a relationship with one his quest to find Imogene. Sind, he was originally court mage to of the Meditor elves and Sariena was the Rani Drisana Madhar. As he grew the result. Like many of her clan, she Ah Ling older, he began dabbling in dark magics, learned to sail at a very young age and M10. Ah Ling is an Ochalean mage of summoning creatures from other planes trained as a trader, eventually rising to unremarkable appearance. After many and specialising in predicting the future. the rank of Captain. Her skill with arms years of study he yearned for excitement Eventually he attempted to overthrow and her lack of fear soon led to her and so left Ochalea to pursue a life at the Rani, but the rebellion failed and he being trained as a privateer by the sea. He swiftly joined a group fled from Sind. Using his magic he Minrothad government, and she now smuggling drugs and slaves between commandeered the ship he left on, the sails her ship, the Seastar, around the Sekorvia and Alphatia and, through Sindhi Queen, and set off on a life of northern Sea of Dread, sinking enemy judicious use of magic, rapidly became piracy on the high seas. Now he makes trading ships and taking their treasure its leader. Since then ‘The Seven his base in Jaibul and uses his magic to for Minrothad. She is one of their most Blessings’, as the gang is known, has foresee the location of the weakest prized captains and it is in this role that successfully branched out into piracy victims with the most treasure. she has been asked to investigate the and may even threaten The Crimson possibility of shadowelf spies among Fleet in time. Ah Ling himself almost Greylan Narrowgirth the elves of Minrothad, a task she never sails with his fleet and, as he 8. There are many Hin pirates intends to undertake with vigour. magically changes his appearance, even who sail the waters south of the five his own henchmen are unsure precisely shires. Some are dabblers who engage Marie Raye what he looks like. Most of the time he in piracy for sport, others do it for F14. Marie is a human of medium lives a quiet life on Ochalea running adventure, while some even do it for the height with long brown hair that falls in things from a distance, though he treasure. But Greylan Narrowgirth does waves to her shoulders. She wears regularly visits Scuttlecove in disguise it because he’s good at it. Greylan is tall brown leggings and boots with a white to keep an eye on his underlings. for a hin, with short, brown hair and a blouse that she lets hang open, a ploy to mischievous expression. Like many distract her opponents. She uses a Kotorolo Dwair others he started his career as a sword, and wears jewellery and an eye- T10. Kotorolo is a Pearl Islander with buccaneer because it was more patch, having lost her eye in a battle five brown eyes and short black hair. interesting than being a trader. He did years ago. Marie was born in Minrothad Though he is shorter than average, he is both for a while, but eventually settled on Trader Isle. Her parents were very surprisingly stocky. He is a serious man on piracy as he continually lost money devout and originally planned for her to who rarely smiles and has never been on trading trips and gained it through be cleric in a contemplative order, heard to laugh. In his youth, he came to thievery. It was, in fact, the only thing locked away from the world. believe that his people were regarded as he’d ever truly excelled at. Unlike the Unfortunately for them Marie turned out little more than primitives by the more ruthless pirates of the region, he to be wild, wicked and generally Thyatian nobility. Before he reached abides by an unbreakable set of rules: unsuited to such a life. After she caused twenty he had gathered a group of like- no needless death, no Halfling ships, no untold mayhem in her village, her minded individuals and began to fight, slavery. However, like many Hin, he is parents arranged for her to be married to violently, to make the Pearl Islands not to be underestimated and will kill the local blacksmith’s apprentice. He independent. Unfortunately he was those threatening him with no warning, was not an unattractive man, but Marie captured and sentenced to life as a using both the blade he wields very well had no interest in being tied to one man galley slave on a trading vessel, plying and the considerable number of magic forever. She couldn’t escape the the routes between the Islands, the Isle items he has amassed over his life. He wedding but crept out of her new home of Dawn and Brun. Against the odds, he can be found sailing the western Sea of early the following morning and left, survived for three years, during which Dread in his ship The Juggler’s Fool leaving the ring on the blacksmith’s time he gradually gained a following and, if he’s in a good mood, may tell the anvil. She made for Harbourtown and among the other slaves. One day, when story of how it came to have such a took a place as a deckhand on a trading the ship was far away from land, he curious name over a pipe and several ship, looking for a life of adventure. The organised a revolt. The slaves broke flagons of ale. ship in question turned out to be a their chains, killed the Thyatian crew raider, rather than a trader, but Marie and took up the life of pirates, with the Sariena found that all the more exciting. The long term aim of freeing the Pearl Elf 9. Sariena is a medium height elf ship’s captain, another woman with an Islands from Thyatian rule. Now the with long pale hair and distinctive uncertain past, took a liking to Marie


and taught her how to sail and fight, training, men and even a ship, the thirty-seven years old, she still looks eventually bequeathing her the ship Cleaver, from his uncle. Nathaan now nineteen due to judicious use of magic. itself. That was twenty years ago. Since leads the Caerwiccan pirate fleet and is She was born in Vestland to a gambler that time Marie has become a major trying to extend his influence further. and was brought up by him to worship player in the criminal community of the Should he gain much more power, his Loki. At the age of fourteen he lost her northern Sea of Dread. Aboard the uncle may find him a good deal more in a card game to a pirate who took her Maiden’s Revenge, she sails out of difficult to control than he thinks. as his concubine. She accompanied him Crossbones and is the most respected for several years, devoting her time to pirate in the Minrothad area. She is no Adrienne Xylonias Loki’s service, before he was killed in a privateer though, and will prey on any C11 (of Petra). Adrienne is from fight at Scuttlecove. Electing not to ship that crosses her path. Kastelios on the continent of Davania, become another pirate’s property, she and has the dark hair and golden skin joined Porphyry House, a brothel, and Marcus Kerral common in that region. As a young girl swiftly took over the running of it. Since F9. Marcus is a good looking young she was sent to serve in the Temple of that time she has worked to further man with a ready smile and an easy Petra and so was trained as a fighting Loki’s aims in Scuttlecove, while manner. He was brought up in Thyatis cleric, dedicated to defending the weak. maintaining a house of ill-repute (but City as the second son of a merchant When she was in her early teens her excellent reputation). She delights in family. A combination of boredom and father, a trader plying the routes on the tricks, deceits and cons, and willingly a taste for the high life led him into Davanian coast, was killed by pirates. takes part in any scheme she thinks has gambling, which he turned out to be This event gave focus to her abilities a chance of working. very good at. In the course of a few and, with the church’s blessing, she took years he won jewels, money, property command of a ship and set sail to Kedward Bone and even a ship. Eventually he had won destroy any pirates she found and return MU16. Kedward is the head of the so much that he was suspected of their booty to the Temple for the glory Dealer’s Consortium in Scuttlecove. cheating. Though nothing was ever of Petra. Her approach since then has Originally from , he studied at proved, he had made enough enemies been simple; she sails the southern Sea the School of Magic until he was that he was run out of the city, escaping of Dread in her ship, the Vengeance, expelled for inappropriate behaviour on his ship with only the goods he could preying only on pirates. Since there are with an inter-dimensional being. Indeed carry. Within a few weeks he had turned plenty in the area she is never short of he caught a disease from one of these pirate, putting his extraordinary good targets. Ordinary trade ships are liaisons which caused the strange fortune to work in robbing the shipping completely safe with her, but any pirate disfigurements which distort his lanes near Thyatis and the Isle of Dawn. ship will be attacked. For them she has features. After moving to Scuttlecove he He now makes his home in the town of no mercy and will commonly execute swiftly saw a market in providing Crossbones and his ship, the Lady Luck, the entire crew, steal any treasure and simulated oblivion to the downtrodden can regularly be seen there, often with burn the ship where it stands. folk of the town, land-locked pirates and the sounds of music and laughter the world at large. The consortium was drifting from below decks. He’s not Krem the result and it now controls nearly all considered a great pirate yet, but his star Orc 7. Krem is a red orc from northern the narcotics that flow into or out of is on the rise and some of those who Davania. He is short, squat, ugly and Scuttlecove. In Glantri Kedward also have heard of him are beginning to has enormous ears. When he was a developed a taste for duelling and, with wonder whether his luck can be entirely young man he was driven out of his his double-bladed scythe, he is a vicious natural. village after losing a fight with another fighter. In fact he is as dangerous a man male over one of the tribe’s females. He as can be found in Scuttlecove and is Nathaan McRhomaag made his way north and eventually met always flanked by his familiar, Matylda, F12. Nathaan is a young man with broad a pirate who was sheltering in a cove on a diminutive, red-skinned, heavily- shoulders, huge muscles and a dour the coast. The pirate offered Krem a pierced, imp who acts as his research expression. He is the nephew of Baron place on his ship and the orc spent assistant and lover. Uthgaard McRhomaag, the ruler of the several years learning the ways of the Barony of Caerdwicca on the Isle of sea. Eventually he rose to first mate and, Ned Land Dawn. When he was a boy, Baron when the Captain was lost in a storm, he F3. Ned is about 50 with wild red hair Uthgaard noted that Nathaan was both took command of the ship. Now he and a beard. He was captain of a small strong and ill-tempered, which he felt prowls the seas around Davania smuggling ship which sailed the coast of were the main requirements for a truly attacking shipping and looting the Davania. After being blown off course, successful pirate. Uthgaard had been a coastal villages. His ship, the Marauder, his vessel sank off the coast of Phema pirate himself when younger but his is a terrifying sight with hideous red and and he was the only survivor. Although accession to the Barony prevented him yellow eyes painted on the hull. rescued and nursed back to health, he is from continuing. Instead, he helps marooned on the island with no way to Nathan in exchange for some of haul. Tyralandi Scrimm get a message to his friends. Despite Although the Baron supports many C10 of Loki. Tyralandi is dark-haired, this, he is a cheery soul, and is confident pirates, Nathaan received goods, blue eyed and beautiful. Although he will be rescued eventually.


kara-kara have a right to rule the islands careful to maintain the secrecy of his Ruhaladero the Pitiless and seas and is considering how he port and people. M22. Ruhaladero the Pitiless, Scourge might bring that about. He is also of the Seas, The Ruby-Eyed One, considering having his tribe build a Zarachton Master of the Storms, Reclaimer of the pyramid, to show how magnificent they C4 (of Thanatos). Zarachton is a Nine Treasures. Ruhaladero is small, are. Even he is not aware that some of middle-aged, rather stern man. He dark, snake-like and utterly loopy. these ideas are not his, but have been works as an accountant for the Merchant Originally from Jaibul he was exiled by sent to him by Atzanteotl. The Immortal House Argad & Solmar in Ierendi, but is the other wizards and made Goptri of is not certain quite what he wants to do secretly a member of the Sons of the All the Oceans, charged with making all with the kara-kara, but thinks it might Serpent. Zarachton planned with his who sailed upon the ocean waves fear be fun to shake things up in Davania associate Nosanje to return the magical and respect the Rajahstan of Jaibul. and the Pearl Islands. treasure from the tower of Ithaq-Talmir After finding his way to Teki-Lo-Kia he in Davania, hoping it could be used to has ruled erratically and dangerously. Ponui-Lo-Teva increase Entropy in Ierendi. After Occasionally sane, mostly not, he Kara-kara Orc Cleric 8 of Orcus. Ponui Nosanje failed to return, Zarachton spends his time attacking the natives, is the head manwu-papa of Teki-Moa- tracked down the other passengers from the other islands and anything else that Ha and therefore one of the most his ship, killed them and took the map takes his fancy. If he actually put his powerful kara-kara clerics around. He Nosanje had made. He is now using mind to it, he would be horribly has led the religious life of the island for Tormyl, an agent from the Merchant dangerous. Fortunately he hasn’t, yet. as long as anyone remembers and House, to recruit the adventurers to regularly visits Teki-Bali-Hai to recover the treasure from Roatana. His Kana-Lo-Loma meditate. He is a proponent of the old intention is to kill them once they Kara-kara Orc 10. Kana is a kara-kara ways and is totally resistant to the return. orc of almost impossible size. He stands effects of Atzanteotl’s dreams which he 7 feet tall, with magnificent green skin dismisses as being caused by too much Monsters and hair. When he grew to manhood he meat in the diet. Medusa, blink dog, cyclops, pit vipers, decided that the current leader of the stirges, insect swarms, flying hydra, kara-kara on Teki-Moa-Ha was old, Tanokoro Nuar salt-water termites, merrow, sea-snakes, weak and foolish. He was proved right T8. Tanokoro is dark skinned and dark pirates, ogres, aranea, cave bear, in a trial by battle and, having eaten the eyed. He was born among the Nuari cyclops, green dragon, black dragon, corpse of his predecessor, is the pirates on Teki-Moa-Ha and is now dryad, giant elk, granger, hydra, roc, embodiment of all kara-kara chiefs their current leader. He preys on rock baboon, treant, troll, wyvern, lizard throughout history. He rules his realm shipping throughout the Sea of Dread man, troglodyte, phanaton, zombie, from a palace in the city of Malo where but has no interest in the wider pirate kopru, cannibals. he eats, makes decisions, eats, takes community and no desire to visit tribute and eats. He believes that the Scuttlecove. Like his predecessors, he is



Overview phanatons and many other species exist on the coastal islands, which are also The largest island of the archipelago is in tiny settlements, eking out an home to less organised tribes of Roa and simply known as the Isle of Dread, even existence in the jungles. Humanoids can occasional monsters. Many of these by its inhabitants, the Roa-Tamo, who be found in many areas, and a huge islands are volcanic, severely limiting no longer remember that the name was green dragon has taken up residence in the number of inhabitants. created by the Nithians as a reference to the middle of the north eastern jungle, the Sea of Dread. The island stretches where it keeps most other creatures at Tanaroa and the Peninsula 150 miles north to south and is 50 miles bay. More unusually, the races Ka Tanaroa stands in a clearing at the edge at its widest point. It is rockier than brought from the Hollow World still of the jungle. Looming up just north of many of the other islands in the region thrive in their bizarre homeland. Giant the village is a 50 foot high wall built and there are fewer safe landing places reptiles roam much of the island and out of stone blocks. This ‘Great Wall’ as a result. brute-men can be found in the foothills stretches for 2 miles across the think Apart from a small number of hidden of the mountains in the middle of the neck of land that joins the peninsula coves, most landing places are on the island. Cave Rakasta (see Monsters), an with the main island. Evenly spaced south-western peninsula, home to the ancient species normally only found in along the wall are 28 square towers and largest concentration of humans on the the Hollow World, also wander the in the centre stands a pair of massive island. The peninsula is known by the forests with their sabre tooth tigers. wooden gates. Each gate has double Roa as “Faré” in the local language, In the north of the island lies a massive doors and each can be barred by a heavy which simply means “home”. There are natural plateau, bordered by mountains wooden beam. The Great Wall is always seven villages in the area, all containing on one side and a canyon on the other. garrisoned by warriors from the humans descended from the Olman Its cliffs rise 3000’ making the plateau villages. Each village clan garrisons one colonists with a total population of almost unreachable. The only safe path tower with seven warriors (196 in 28 about 2,100. The villages are Kirikura, up is reached by crossing a rope bridge towers). Towards the village, several Dawa, Mora, Panitube, Burowao, Usi over the canyon. The whole region of deep pits filled with tar form a second and Tanaroa, which is the largest of the plateau is inhabited by dinosaurs, line of defence should a non-human them. This area is cut off from the rest particularly flying ones like pteranodons raiding party or monster fight past the of the island by an enormous wall built and pterodactyls. There are also cloud wall. Between the wall and village, the by the Nithians and the Roa avoid the forests, in which treants can be found. ground has been cleared of trees and rest of island as much as possible. The plateau is unstable and is regularly brush to allow a clear spear and arrow Beyond the wall, the island is filled with struck by earthquakes of varying shot. choking jungle which stretches up to a intensity, which discourages explorers. The villagers have no clear idea who plateau in the north. This is the In the centre of the plateau stands a built this defensive system. They refer beginning of the area affected by the huge volcano that dominates the to ‘gods’ who made the wall to protect Spell of Preservation. Before Ka the skyline. The walls of the volcano are them, but the stories are variable and Preserver cast his spell on the whole of steep and dangerous although it is contradictory. This is because the wall the Hollow World, he wanted to ensure possible to climb up if an experienced was made by the Nithians when they that it would have the effect he wished. climber leads the way. Again, climbers controlled the island. The Nithians ruled The area that became the Isle of Dread will encounter pteradons and here for centuries, although they built was his testing ground. The effects of pterodactyls living in the cliffs as they few cities and were content to let the this small version of the Spell are make their way up. It can take as much local humans continue their village slightly different from that in the as 12 hours to reach the edge of the lives. After many failed attempts to Hollow World. Magic is unaffected, but crater, where snow lies on the rocks and make the centre of the island safe, they those races that were in the area when the temperature is below freezing. abandoned the idea and built the wall to the spell was cast cannot become People who stay on the exposed outcrop keep out the kopru and other monsters extinct, nor can their culture change. are likely to suffer badly from the that still infest the interior. Much later, The culture of newer races who found elements. A further 8 hour climb into their civilisation was wiped out by the the area was not bound in the same way; the crater leads to the central lake and immortals and the memory of them was any race that lived in the area of the the village of Mantru. Jungle vegetation removed from the Roa, leaving them spell for more than ten years could not covers the lower parts of the crater, but utterly confused about where the wall go extinct, though its culture may animal life is scarce due to the difficulty had come from. To this day, they guard change. This has made the main portion in reaching the area. the wall, knowing that it is all that keeps of the Isle of Dread a very strange place. The coasts of the island, while clear of the villages safe. Small bands of almost any type of the Spell, are still dangerous. There are A cleared trail leads into the village creature can be found alongside each sea snakes and crocodiles as well as a from the south and continues north other. When one is destroyed another sea hydra in the northern bay. Pirates through the gates into the jungle mysteriously springs up in its place. from Sekorvia also maintain small beyond. The trail circles four groups of Thus humans, lizard-men, aranea, hideouts in the more isolated bays and raised huts made of wood and roofed


with palm leaves. Each group is laid out male. The clans serve to unify the actually a leftover of the Nithian in a circle and each group faces a central villages in times of war, each clan being occupation. When the Nithians were graveyard. The backs of the huts face organised into a separate regiment. Each wiped out, they had turned to the the encircling path. Each set of huts village elects a special official to serve worship of entropy. A pale reflection of represents one of the clans that live in as advisor to the chief. This person acts this worship had already seeped into the the village (Ape, Tiger, Boar and Sea as war leader in times of trouble. War is, Roa’s lives and that became the Cult of Turtle). The people of each clan believe of course, very rare here. The only real the Walking Dead. All clerics of the they are blood brothers to that animal. A threats come from occasional raids by Cult, including the Zombie Masters, are large wooden totem statue of each pirates searching for slaves, and attacks actually clerics of Thanatos, even if they animal stands in the middle of each by other villages, particularly those of are unaware of the fact. As they graveyard. Utsiwano, looking for fresh meat. progress through the Cult’s ranks, they Each clan is responsible for specific The inhabitants of the villages mainly are inducted into more of its mysteries. jobs in the village’s life. The Boar clan rely on fishing for their food, although Most Zombie Masters start out as good are builders and craftsmen, making small-scale agriculture supplements individuals, but a lifetime serving houses, boats and any other object their diet. Hunting on the peninsula is Thanatos corrupts them and the oldest needed. The Tiger clan are hunters and limited and the Roa rarely cross the wall and most powerful are self-serving and gatherers, bringing back berries and without good reason. The Roa are avid resentful. Some even become meat to feed the villagers. The Ape clan traders; food is plentiful and the Roa completely evil and carry out terrible are farmers and storytellers, tending to collect pearls to exchange with other experiments to make new forms or little patches of agricultural land found villages and traders from further afield. zombie, or use the undead to terrorise all over the peninsula. Finally the Sea villagers into giving them tributes and Turtle clan are fishermen and sailors, The Cult of the Walking Dead disposing of their enemies. responsible for fishing the Sea of Dread Spiritually, the Roa-Tamo follow a The identity of the overall Master of the and trading food and goods between the rather unusual form of ancestor worship. Cult, the man who trains new Zombie seven villages and with the many Roa Each village has a spiritual leader called Masters, is unknown even to its communities found on the smaller the Zombie Master (or Mistress), who is members. He lives in Panitube and islands of the Archipelago. usually a 5th level Cleric. They have the appears to be a decrepit old man. He is th In the centre of the village is a flat- responsibility for carrying out funeral in fact surprisingly strong and a 9 topped hill that has been artificially rites, leading worship at festivals and Level Cleric of Thanatos. Hidden in his levelled. A 10’ earthen pyramid stands tending to the village’s “walking village is a book that has been passed on its top and it is faced with stone ancestors”. These are zombies, made down since the time of the Nithians. The slabs. Set on the summit is a huge alarm from the bodies of the revered dead and Cult Master is unable to read it, and so gong. The hilltop is the assembly place used by the villagers as warriors and does not realise that is contains a spell of the village. Members of each clan sit labour. Although revered, they are also to open a portal to the plane of Entropy. or stand on the earthen mound on the feared. They are housed in each Should the Sons of the Serpent ever get side facing their clan site, while the village’s burial grounds and their hold of the book they would understand village leaders conduct their business naturally aggressive instincts are only its contents and would likely use it to atop the pyramid. Between the clan sites kept in check by the presence of the open a portal in Ierendi City, causing and the hill are the village gardens and Zombie Master. untold chaos in the region. the grounds for the clans’ animals, The zombies are not created by the which include pigs, chickens and goats. Zombie Master alone. Some members Mantru and the Lost Lake A little outside the village stands a black of each village are part of the Cult of the Mantru is a small village and is all that stone obelisk which is all that remains Walking Dead, who meet secretly to remains of the Olman capital of of the Olman town on whose ruins create new zombies when needed. Most Thanaclan after it was caught within the Tanaroa was built. One village legend villagers have heard of the Cult but very Spell of Preservation. It is totally cut off talks of a time when matriarchs used the few will speak about it due to their fear from the outside world by the volcano obelisk to become one with the giant and awe of the Cult’s powers. Each and the plateau and so has no idea of the lizards found in the island’s interior. If village’s Cult meets regularly, either in existence of the other villages on the this were ever possible (which the the burial grounds, or occasionally in island. It was the last village to escape villagers doubt), the secret is long lost. catacombs beneath the villages. These the domination of the kopru and the Apart from the wall, the other six catacombs have been constructed as the people live permanently on the edge of villages are broadly similar. The seven Zombie Masters’ personal domains over extinction. Only the Spell keeps them villages are loosely allied through a the course of several centuries and, alive. council of village chiefs that meets once while they can be found in all the The village itself lies on the shore of the a year. The seven villages are villages, Mora has the most extensive lake in the crater. Its western edge is a matriarchies, so each chief is female and network, stretching out under the sea. crude stockade of palm trunks, which the natives trace their descent and Day to day this religion, though extends into the water on both sides of inheritance through their mothers and distasteful, is essentially harmless. the village. Parts of the wall have been take their mother’s names. Although However, the Cult hides a dark secret expanded to form two fish pens. The each chief is female, the clan leaders are that no explorer has yet uncovered. It is village consists of six palm thatched


huts raised on stilts. Two more huts the foothold they need but, so far, no channels. Aquatic reptiles are common stand out in the lake. The smaller Utsi have wandered into their realm. It in these waters. belongs to Umlat (the tribal cleric) and may only take one to start the process Emerald Isle: This verdant isle is the other is the village council hut. The again. relatively safe - its largest predators are village is inhabited by roughly 50 dire boars, crocodiles, and the people divided into five families, who Places of Interest occasional anaconda. On its shore share food and work. The villagers are Ashfall Isle: Ashfall is a desolate rock, stands Halkith’s Tower, a long not warlike although they know how to constantly in the shadows of Red abandoned wizard’s abode, which defend themselves if threatened. The Belcher’s smokey plume. Little lives contains many unusual magic items head of the village is Fano, the ‘talking here. guarded by strange creatures and traps chief’. The actual ‘chief’ is a small Badwall Isle: This is a jagged islet with for the unwary. stone carving of an old man kept in the little vegetation and no safe shores upon The Fangs of Zotzilaha: Twin council hut. All decisions supposedly which to land. A nest of two dozen volcanoes that loom over the come from this statue. This curious wyverns claim its peaks. surrounding jungle. The Roa believe custom is a relic of Shezzeth, the Kopru Blackfen Swamp: This swamp that the bat god Zotzilaha dwells Empire, when the dominated chief of surrounds the half-sunken ruins of an somewhere in the numerous caves along the village passed instructions from his Olman town. these dangerous peaks. kopru masters. The village is Blisterhill Isle: This island of barren Fireshriek Isle: Although this island is occasionally attacked by headhunters stony slopes is studded with dozens of dominated by an active volcano, the from the island that stands on the lake. active geysers. eruptions (while common) tend to be This blights their miserable lives further Bloodwater Lake: This large lake is relatively minor. The western and and they would be grateful to have rid infested with dangerous menaces, southern sections are home to many of the threat. They feel they cannot deal including freshwater reptiles and huge creatures large and small. with it themselves as the island is taboo, schools of piranha. The lake is named Fogmire: This area is a fog-shrouded so they cannot bring themselves to go not for the hue of its waters, but for the patch of jungle that the natives claim is there. The taboo dates from the end of ferocity of its denizens. even more dangerous than the rest of the the kopru empire and exists to prevent it Burowao: The village sits atop a tall island. It contains a shrine to spreading again by isolating the kopru cliff and can be reached by a huge Demogorgon built by troglodytes under from hosts that they may dominate. wooden staircase which zig-zags up the control of the kopru, which is the The taboo island is a rocky outcrop from the shore. The village is home to source of both the fogs and the danger. dotted with ruins, statues and broken the finest fishers and divers on the Eyrie: This inhospitable terraces. The largest ruin on the island is island and is increasingly interested in reach of ragged mountains is riddled a temple carved into the western cliff. trading with the sailors who with caves that serve as the home for a This was once an Olman temple and occasionally pass through the large tribe of gargoyles. later became the centre of the long- archipelago. Glasswall Rift: A sizable rent in the collapsed Empire of the Kopru. The Cankerdark: The noisome pits of this mountainside here glitters by day, its current inhabitants are a group of Roa large cave network are more vertically razor walls of obsidian and other from Utsiwano who found their way to aligned than horizontal, and are home to volcanic glass is home to pteranodon the plateau several months ago and were countless vermin and scavengers. nests and monstrous web-spinning unable to get back down. They took the Dark Mountain Pass: This ancient spiders of all types. Tunnel entrances temple as their home and occasionally underground pass was built by the and pits in the rift’s bed lead into the raid Mantru, eating their captives. These Olmans as a tomb complex. It joins the extensive caverns that riddle the isle’s headhunters only inhabit the temple on jungle to the nearby shore but is now foundations. the first floor as they fear the creatures infested with vermin and scavengers. Griff Isle: The largest of the isles found on the lower levels; for deep Dawa: Dawa is hidden in a deep cove surrounding the main island, this under the temple, a group of Kopru can on a small island of the main Isle. It can verdant isle is named for the numerous still be found, plotting their return to only be approached from water and is flocks of hippogriffs that nest here. greatness. consequently very well defended. The Huhueteotl’s Throne: Once a sizable These kopru are one of a number of village is the most private of the area ancient town, all that remains above the groups of surviving kopru hidden and the people of Dawa are very sunken swampland of this forgotten city beneath the island. The Spell kept this suspicious of strangers. is a black stone ziggurat capped by an particular group from dying out and Dragonhaunt Hollow: This area is immense throne bearing images of an now they live under the temple in the home to Xiureksor, a huge green ancient god of fire and the passage of volcanic springs that give rise to the dragon, who spends most of her time time. On certain nights of the year, lake. They are utterly devoted to sleeping in a deep cave under this boggy sinister fires burn in the swamp and recreating their lost kingdom but are jungle. strange shapes can be seen cavorting also impotent due to their lack of Ember Lake: So named for the red, atop the ruins. numbers and the taboo that prevents phosphorescent fish that dwell in the Jixtú: This village of arboreal platforms humans going to the island. The Utsi depths, Ember Lake is connected to the and cleverly hidden huts is inhabited by presence may be enough for them to get surrounding sea by several submerged nearly 550 phanatons led by Tekitek.


Other phanaton settlements exist in the the weather. Occasionally they will set Tanaroa’s monopoly has enabled it to jungle but none are as large as this one. up a larger camp to trade, but these are grow rich in comparison. Kirikura: The village is long and thin, shortlived. Temple of the Jaguar: This Olman stretching down the straight coast of one Rat’s End: This ragged settlement is temple was taken over by the Cave of the small islands near the Isle. The built from ruined ships converted into Rakastas that inhabit the island but has villagers specialise in catching the huts. It houses nearly two-dozen pirates since been abandoned. beautiful birds that can be found on the who moved here after being run out of Thanegioth River: The mightiest river island in enormous numbers. Some of Scuttlecove. on the Isle of Dead, the frequent rapids these are edible and many have Red Belcher Isle: An active volcano along this waterway make it a poor iridescent feathers which the villagers makes this isle uninhabitable to all but a choice for exploration by boat. trade with other Roa. few flocks of tenacious wyverns. Tyrantclaw: This region deep in the Kopru Tunnel Entrance: This Reefs: Six major reefs surround the Isle central jungle is home to the Tyrantclaw unassuming coastal cavern actually of Dread – each is infested with Orc clan. These humanoids have represents the most direct route to the dangerous sea creatures like monstrous mastered riding the giant reptiles found deep caverns below the island where the crabs, dire eels, and mashers. in the vicinity making them even more remaining kopru make their home. Rivenskull Cave: Actually several dangerous than usual. Their region of Lost Citadel: This Olman citadel is dozen caverns connected by narrow influence is slowly spreading and made of gleaming stone covered in an fissures, Rivenskull Cave is inhabited eventually they may even threaten the opalescent shimmer and appears entirely by several tribes of Brute-Men. Roa. unspoiled. It is built on an impossibly Scorpion Isle: This rugged island is Usi: Usi’s position away from the main high terrace cut into the mountains on infested with all manner of monstrous island has led it down a different path the Isle’s western edge and can scorpions. from the other villages. Although it still sometimes be seen from the western sea Shenev: This arboreal village of has a Zombie Master, the villagers or from certain angles of the plateau. Its cavelike webs is inhabited by dozens of practice a form of druidic spiritualism inaccessibility has prevented anyone araneas. They are left over from the and they are increasingly abandoning from discovering why it is so well early spider civilisation but have long the use of “walking ancestors”. preserved. since descended into a semi-nomadic Valley of Madness: The plant known Mora: The largest village after Tanaroa, life and only maintain their existence by the Roa as ‘loco weed’ is a narcotic Mora often vies for primary position due to the Spell of Preservation. that grows in several parts of the island. among the villages. The villagers make Shrine of Zotzilaha: This cavern was However it is at its thickest in this the largest use of “walking ancestors” once an Olman temple and the Roa still secluded valley. and a large number of zombies are maintain some religious links to it. They confined to the burial grounds. Mora is bring offerings every few months to Personalities also host to a huge network of tunnels appease the anger of Zotzilaha though it J’kal underneath the village, some of which is not clear whether they have any Druid 4. Matriarch of Tanaroa. This link up to the kopru domains. effect. aged and respected woman is a shrewd Olman Obelisks: There were once Skinrazor Rock: Dozens of geysers can leader and brilliant strategist. Through many of these dotted around the island. be found on this inhospitable swath of her experience and clever use of ESP, The Olman used them to steer dinosaurs stone that barely rises above the sea. In she usually takes the best course of away from their settlements using a many places the rock is too hot to touch. action and maintains Tanaroa’s position form of temporary mind control. Most Skyscar Peak: The highest peak on the as the foremost of the Roa villages. of these have long since been destroyed Isle of Dread the slopes of Skyscar Peak Equipment: Medallion of ESP. though a few are still intact. One of are a favoured nesting ground for roc. these stands in the village of Tanaroa, Standing Stones: Olman ruins abound Bakora one on the plateau and another in the on the isle, yet few can match these F5. War-leader of Tanaroa. Because of jungles near the Tyrantclaw Orcs. These immense standing stones in sheer his skill with weapons, this warrior is obelisks can still be used by druids to spectacle. Two dozen stones stand here, highly respected in his village. Though control the dinosaurs for a short time. said to mark the lost tombs of ancient he is not extremely intelligent, he does However, the magic is powerful and kings. have good advisors. Bakora is strong- difficult to control (see Magic Items). Tar Pits: A day’s travel beyond the willed and somewhat superstitious. Panitube: The villagers of Panitube are Great Wall lies the tar pits. These are among the finest warriors on the island. the only location now regularly visited Mvembi This could give then an advantage over by the Roa and even then only in large C6. Zombie Master of Tanaroa. Tanaroa but the weakness of their leader armed groups. The tar is collected by Mvembi is a middle-aged man with an means that the villagers are content to the inhabitants of Tanaroa who trade it easy smile and good manners. His provide protection from pirates and with the other villages for food and naturally kind heart has made him creatures rather to assert their authority. goods. The Roa use the tar to resistant to much of the taint of Rakasta Camp: The Cave Rakastas of waterproof their boats and roofs so it is Thanatos’ worship but, as the years the Island can be found in a number of an essential item both on the island and pass, he is becoming increasingly camps which they move depending on among the Roa of other islands. callous. He is unlikely to ever become


entirely evil but his desire to protect Masawa Equipment: Scythe +2 Tanaroa may one day override his F4. War-leader of Burowao. This morals. arrogant warrior is feared by the people Fano of his village, not only because of the F4. “Talking chief” of Mantru. Fano is Thulsa great war skills of which he boasts, but an elderly man, badly scarred and Druid 3. Matriarch of Mora. Thulsa is because of his cruelty to those who crippled in the left arm. His infirmity, an old woman by Roa standards and is cross him. Masawa does not like his responsibilities to the tribe, and his dedicated to her village and her tribe. strangers and does not wish to trade superstitious fear of the island prevent She is aware that Mora is becoming an more widely, but has been overruled by him from dealing with the raiders on the increasingly unpleasant place but does the village matriarch. island. His goodwill is important, as his not see how to change things. opinion of the any people he meets Kuna decides the treatment the villagers give Karta T2. Matriarch of Panitube. This them. Fano is goodnatured, but proud of F2. War-leader of Mora. Karta is matriarch is neither very bright nor very his position. He does not tolerate essentially good but weak. He has only brave. She often acts on a whim, but is mockery of it or of the “chief” of the recently become war-leader after the never intentionally cruel. Although village. sudden death of the previous incumbent Kuna is content to let her advisors make a year ago. the decisions while she remains the Umlat figurehead, she occasionally uses her C6. Tribal cleric of Mantru. Umlat is a Tilorak charisma to sway them. She is much pious man, devoted to his deity (Oloron, C7. Zombie Master of Mora. Tilorak loved. Lord of the Skies – a dimly remembered has been a Zombie Master for many version of an Olman deity), but he years and is second only to the Cult Kuro seems to have been both blessed and Master himself in the hierarchy of the F4. War-leader of Panitube. This mighty cursed. He is an extremely aged man, Cult of the Walking Dead. He was leader carries a family heirloom, a living many years beyond the normal always arrogant and unpleasant but his magic spear. Though he is first a lifespan of others in the tribe. The years serving Thanatos has made him warrior, Kuro is also a kind and honest villagers attribute this to the favor of his thoroughly evil. To that end he has man. His fair and just treatment of his deity. However, he is frail and weak, increased Mora’s use of zombies well people and of captured enemies has and his activites are greatly limited. The beyond what is normal, knowing that earned him respect and fame throughout villagers speculate that this weakness is only his presence keeps the zombies the seven villages. due to some past failing. Because of his under control. He also uses the complex Equipment: Spear +1 condition, Umlat cannot travel far. of tunnels under the village as his own personal domain using it to imprison Vanos Monsters and torture his enemies. His has C9 of Thanatos. Vanos is Master of the Medusa, blink dog, cyclops, pit vipers, extended the complex so far that he Cult of the Walking Dead. Appearing to stirges, insect swarms, flying hydra, risks encountering the kopru if he be a decrepit old man, he lives in salt-water termites, merrow, sea-snakes, explores much further. Panitube among the retired. He is pirates, ogres, aranea, cave bear, entirely devoted to his own pleasures cyclops, green dragon, black dragon, Sanar and uses the Cult to live a life of luxury dryad, giant elk, granger, hydra, roc, T4. Matriarch of Burowao. This (as far as village life allows). He is rock baboon, treant, troll, wyvern, lizard schemer has one goal – to become devoted to Thanatos and wishes to raise man, troglodyte, phanaton, zombie, leader of all the villages. She sees an army of undead with which to take kopru, cannibals, allosaurus, increased trade as a tool to this end. over the island but this is currently brontosaurus, giant crocodile, Sanar uses any person any way she can beyond his power. His lifespan has been dimetrodon, plesiosaurus, pteranodon, as long as that person can serve her hugely extended by his devotion to trachodon, triceratops, tyrannosaurus needs. She is ruthless and treacherous, Thanatos and he is, unbeknownst even rex, brute man, cave rakasta, dinosaur but practical, and she respects those to himself, slowly turning into a lich. In riding orc. who bargain from strength. another decade the process should be complete.



Overview greatest rivals for power in the area until temple, which eventually became the While the islands of the Thanegioth they were crushed in the early wars. centre of Twaeloporis. A few hundred Archipelago are a disparate collection of From that time on they were kept as years later the priests began a holy war primitive tribes and wandering slaves until a rebellion almost fifty years against the other aquatic races, creatures, the country beneath the waves ago. It was brutally put down, but was cementing their authority over the could not be more different. The stopped only at the expense of freeing merrow themselves. While the Emperor shallow, warm waters around the islands many of the shark-kin. The merrow himself is not a priest, almost all his play host to the Empire of Twaelar, the regime deeply resents this and is doing decisions are ratified by them and the kingdom of the merrow. Unlike the everything in its power to return the High Priest of Protius is without doubt merrow of the sunlit sea, those found shark-kin to their enslaved status. the second most powerful merrow in deep in the Sea of Dread are dour, Triton in the empire are treated Twaelar, if not the first. paranoid and hostile to any they see as a relatively well, partially because of their The Twaelar warrior caste forms the threat to their way of life. For anyone similarity to merrow. Equally the elves second-most respected rung of society other than the merrow, the Empire is a are well respected and seem to treat (war-wizards included), due to the place of drudgery and arbitrary justice, merrow rule with equanimity. Some kna support they provide to the maintenance meted out by a regime desperate to prop can also be found in Twaelar. They are of the empire and its authority over the itself up. It is a place of secrets and lies, mostly ignored by the merrow hierarchy subject races. They are present in every watching the countries of the known and principally act as agricultural city and even the small towns have a world with fear in its heart. labourers. The aquatic ogres form a contingent of Twaelar military to ‘keep The Twaelar Empire consists of the menial caste, and also serve as shock the peace’. They are mostly used to nation of the merrow and members of troops for the merrow (see Monsters). prevent subjects of the empire leaving other aquatic races that are subject to it. Although they once fought the merrow their settlements without permission, or It was formed after the collapse of the almost as fiercely as the shark-kin, they to engineer the ‘disappearance’ of those Kopru Empire, which was precipitated are now blindly and fanatically loyal to suspected of sedition. These by an uprising among the merrow. After their merrow leaders for reasons that unfortunates often end up in the their success they began warring on the will become clear. imperial work camps, near Davania. surrounding aquatic realms to ensure All the ‘lesser’ races in the Empire are Working with the military are the that no race could ever threaten their considered second-class citizens, denied aquatic ogre shock troops, which are existence again. Twaelar was the positions of authority and rulership, but often used in war and to terrify the ultimate expression of their fear – a otherwise able to pursue most careers. populace should it become restive. kingdom that exists to keep threats to Although none of the aquatic ogres are While commanded by the Twaelar the merrow at bay. officially classed as slaves, some of the warrior caste, they are not considered Twaelar is a span of territory roughly members of all the other aquatic races part of it. These ogres are kept twice the size of Darokin although its are enslaved. This ranges from almost segregated and cannot even be spoken borders are rather indistinct. There are half of the shark-kin to less than a fifth to without permission from their some areas that the Twaelar don't of the aquatic elves. These slaves can be merrow overseers. completely control, particularly the deep found all over the empire providing The other major group in the empire is submarine canyons, which are feared menial labour of any sort. They are the Stashai, or secret police. This group and the subject of superstitions. They owned both by individuals and by the watch everything that goes on in also have some enclaves beyond their state and so can be found in individual Twaelar and reports it directly to the core areas as well, including a series of houses, on the kelp plantations or down ruling council and, eventually, to the colonies off the Davanian coast and the the mines. emperor. They have informers hidden base of Lyonesse, south of Though theoretically above the other everywhere, including among the lesser Thyatis. races, many merrow are not of the races and the slaves. The fear that the ruling class. As farmers and fishers they Stashai are listening keeps many The People face just as much of a life of drudgery as possible rebels from confiding their The Twaelar merrow dominate the the lesser races. opinions to others. Those who are too Empire. These are merrow akin to most free often vanish or are killed by others, but more militant, aggressive, Politics ‘raiders’. and organized than those of the Sunlit The merrow of the Empire are highly Sea. They have succeeded in either religious, and the priest caste devoted to Economy wiping out or subjugating and absorbing Protius is very influential. In many ways Twaelar is not really a trading nation, the other aquatic races of the area, the Empire is a theocratic state. The given the paucity of people with whom creating a powerful empire. Within the Priests of Protius gained power after it is willing to trade. As such its primary Empire, merrow are placed above all they led the liberation of the merrow activities are kelp farming, fishing and others. The shark-kin are particularly during the days of the revolt against the mining (mostly of the rock faces on the despised; they were the merrow's kopru. This movement began in a single Thanegioth shelf). It’s only product of


real worth are pearls which it produces security is very high at these events and facilities for the extensive Twaelar in sufficient numbers for them to act as some even suggest that the dignitaries military, but not the headquarters of the the main unit of currency in the empire. who come are fakes, created using Stashai, which are based in Black pearls are particularly prized due polymorph spells. Twaeloporis. Most of the ogres in to their rarity. Twaeloporis, like the rest of Twealar, is Twaelar live in the city or in villages The vast majority of the twaelar are thus a heavily militarised city. Armed troops surrounding it. Triton and shark-kin engaged in those three activities, and are seen in every street and aquatic farmers also live in the area, but are kept mining is in general only undertaken by cavalry and ogre shock troops parade under close watch by the merrow who slaves. The state is essentially regularly. It would be difficult to invade inhabit the city itself. communist, so the output of each and conquer, especially by a surface Like all the settlements in Twaelar, a settlement is pooled and split between (air-breathing) power. Many of these temple of Protius stands in the centre of its workers after the state has taken its troops are used to keep the rest of their the city. The temple in Titanica is share. This varies depending on empire under control. The Twaelar have almost as large as its equivalent in circumstances but can be as high as half some highly innovative artisans and Twaeloporis, and is heavily guarded. No of a settlement’s output. The food and enchanters, who are said to be working ogres can be found among these guards; valuables taken are used to support the on developing weapons to permit them only merrow clerics of Protius are bloated military sector, the Priests of to expand their operations to the surface allowed into the building and even the Protius and the ruling elite. lands themselves, particularly given the Emperor would be refused access perceived threat from Thyatis. should he try to enter. This is because Settlements There are also several dozen major the temple holds the greatest secret of Twaeloporis temples in Twaeloporis, heavily the Twaelar merrow: the Mindbender. The capital of Twaelar, Twaeloporis, is patronised by the merrow, who to The artefact was created by a group of a very large city, covering as much area conduct religious ceremonies daily. The very powerful clerics, shortly after the as Thyatis City itself. The buildings are other races of the kingdom worship their fall of Mushun. It appears to be a spaced apart to make it easier to swim own Immortals, but all are required to gigantic black pearl roughly 12’ across through. Though many of these give at least some veneration to Protius and is inlaid with merrow sigils which buildings (actually rock formations with and obeisance to the Twaelar's version glow slightly, illuminating the darkened chambers carved into them) are many of His faith. room in which the device sits. A group stories high, a comparatively small of six senior merrow priests sit on chairs proportion of each consist of rooms, Titanica surrounding the device staring at it. since carving out too much of the stone The second largest city in Twaelar is the These clerics are replaced at regular would weaken the structure and cause it centre of its military operations and the intervals but they are always there, day to collapse. Thus, though it covers a home of the ogre troops. Titanica was, and night. With the correct command, wide area, the actual population is until 30 years ago, called Mushun. The the Mindbender can open revealing two around 200,000. Around two thirds of previous emperor, Titan II, changed its chambers, one in each half of the its inhabitants are merrow, as this is the name to reflect his greatness and to device. In one is placed a kopru and in centre of their culture. Most of the rest remove the last vestiges of ogre culture the other an aquatic ogre. With this of those who live here are their aquatic from Twaelar. Mushun was not device, the six merrow amplify the ogre servants, with some aquatic elves originally a city, but an underwater power of the kopru’s mind control and as well (less than 1% of the population). region inhabited by aquatic ogres, who use it to control all aquatic ogres within No shark-kin, even slaves, are permitted spent their time hunting in the a 400 mile radius of Titanica. It is this to enter the city. surrounding waters. They were, like device which creates the ogre’s strange It is a majestic, eerily beautiful but most ogres, strong yet stupid and it was devotion to the merrow; it is this device foreboding place, with schools of relatively easy for the religiously driven that allows Twaelar to exist. The aquatic shimmering fish swimming between the merrow to conquer them in the early ogre in the device lives out a natural life spires that form the city's buildings. days of Twaelar’s expansion. and is replaced from the hordes of ogres There is a huge palace-temple in the After the ogres surrendered, the merrow when it dies (the effect lasts for a few centre of the city, which is seemingly constructed Mushun as a massive prison days before fading). The kopru however carved out of multicoloured coral, akin for the defeated ogres. It continued in is in permanent agony, and dies after to the palace of Ierendi but several times this purpose until the ogres’ sudden only a few years. The merrow priests larger. This palace is perched atop an conversion to the Twaelar cause some believe that this is justice for the terrible ocean mesa, looming over the rest of the years later. After that time the city was rule of the kopru. They hunt kopru in city, except for some of the taller spires. re-purposed as a military training centre. the waters of the Sea of Dread and keep This structure is the home of the senior Unlike Twaeloporis, the city is a small group imprisoned beneath to Priests of Protius, the Ruling Council constructed from stone and is much temple to replace the one in the and the imperial family. Many more brutal in its look. The buildings Mindbender when it inevitably dies. Twaelites never see the people who live are massive, grey and square with rows in the building. The Emperor and his of small windows looking down on the Shezykk family do very rarely appear at carefully kelp fields which surround the area. Shezykk was the capital of the shark-kin choreographed military parades, but Within the city lie all the organisational nation and was the last bastion to fall in


Twaelar’s conquest of the Thanegioth bathed in the diffuse light that comes kopru is hidden in the town, where they Shelf. Much of its structure was through the walls, is the sacred frond of hope to avoid the hunting parties from destroyed in its fall and it is now only the local elves. Titanica. Unbeknownst to the Ruling the size of a medium town. It sits near The elves of Twaelar are shy and Council, the Devilfish of the north have the edge of the shelf and so exists in a retiring, preferring to live simply and to recently discovered Athis and are state of semi-darkness. However, glow cause no trouble. This stems mostly building up their numbers in secret. worms are used to light the dwellings of from the kopru rule. The elves resisted the merrow and tritons that moved there much of the kopru mind control, leading Slaar after the conquest. These individuals to a series of bloody wars in which the The town of Slaar is the centre of the live in the centre of the town, clustered elves were almost annihilated. The principle mining region of Twaelar. It around the temple and the markets. small number who survived stayed in sits above the water-filled shafts that are Shezykk has the highest population of hiding, having magically rendered used by the merrow for extracting shark-kin in the empire and, Syndryl invisible from the outside. It is minerals from beneath the islands of the consequently, the highest concentration the only elven dwelling that survives archipelago. It is a grim, industrial town of Stashai agents. The dwellings of the from this period. Because of this which is always warm due to the flow of free shark-kin form a ring of slums background, the elves regard the rule of hot water from within the mines. It is around the town itself and are small, the merrow as a necessary evil. Since it also host to many slaves and prisoners grim and unpleasant. However, the keeps order and ensures that the kopru who provide its main workforce and are shark-kin here still have a better life cannot return, they are content. Equally, kept in their place by a small army of than those slaves, who are likely to be the merrow regard the elves with a level overseers. kept in tiny, dark rooms in the dwellings of uncertainty and, in some case, even of their owners. There is little in the awe. They only enslave those who have Aerol way of kelp fields nearby but the rocks proven themselves to be criminal and Aerol is a small village primarily filled of the shelf contain several mines which tend to leave the rest alone. with Aquarendi elves. It was founded are used for producing metals. Consequently, Syndryl and its environs some centuries after the fall of the kopru Shezykk was also the centre of the remain comparatively untouched by the when the population of Syndryl finally shark-kin rebellion fifty years predations of the Twaelar military. became large enough to require more previously and still has a significant A reasonably large number of kna live living area. It is a quiet locale far from military presence, including several near Syndryl in their peculiar homes, the main cities, and the elves like it that regiments of ogre Shock Troops. floating a little above the sea bed. way. Despite this and the dangers of the Although they are concentrated in this Stashai, a rebel movement still exists area, they can be found throughout Thaeris among the shark-kin, plotting the Twaelar as they never had a centralised The village of Thaeris is mostly overthrow of their masters. They carry culture in the region. inhabited by triton and merrow who out occasional acts of sabotage and even specialise in the farming of fish rather manage to kill the occasional merrow Athis than kelp. The village is surrounded by soldier, but their plans are currently Athis is a city of ruins. This coral huge mesh structures, some several small scale. Their latest plan however is structure was the centre of the triton miles wide, which keep the fish in place more ambitious. They intend to sink a culture in the area during the time of the as they are tended to. Many of the human vessel above the Temple in conquest. When the Twaelar merrow farmed fish are brightly coloured and, in Twaelaporis and so precipitate a war and their ogre army laid siege to the the tropical sunlight, the village is one against the surface peoples city, the fighting was long and hard. of the most beautiful locations in ‘responsible’. The hope is that this will And so, when triton resistance finally Twaelar. weaken the Twaelar Empire, and thus collapsed, there followed an orgy of loosen its grip on the subject races. destruction in which no building was Soumaat left standing. The triton race was totally Soumaat is another mostly merrow Syndryl subdued and those who survived were village though it has a medium sized Even the priests of Protius at the height forced to relocate to other parts of the kna population which lends the village a of the conquest could not bring empire. Triton can thus be found in any strange air. themselves to destroy Syndryl, the part of Twaelar and, due to their dwelling of the Aquarendi. It was similarity to the merrow, are the most Twystaer simply too beautiful to damage. The trusted of the lesser races. However, any Twystaer is a strange settlement. It underwater elves grew, rather than built attempt to move back into Athis would appears to be a giant shell lifted on its Syndryl; it is a town made of living be met with severe reprisals. end and embedded into the sea bed. coral, about which giant seaweeds curl. The ruins are now dark and cold, and Within it are rooms and corridors where These contain blisters in which some of are inhabited by all the unpleasant its inhabitants, mostly servants, reside. the elves live. At its centre is a giant denizens of the deep. Monsters of most It was discovered as a ruin shortly after pearl, nearly 50 feet in diameter. Even sorts can be found here including jellies, the founding of Twaelar and was swiftly the elves are not certain how it came giant squid, snakes and other more claimed by the Twaelar aristocracy as a into being. It is hollow and in its centre, dangerous creatures. A small colony of retreat. Over the centuries since then it


has been carefully rebuilt and is now took power around a century before in a Twaelar. He has little time for the considered one of Twaelar’s most coup. He is arrogant and unpleasant, and niceties of justice and, if a case cannot endearing places for senior officials to his isolated life means he has no be proven, simply arranges for people to visit. There they can be pampered, empathy whatsoever with the average disappear. The Stashai’s massive engage in sports and generally relax inhabitant of Twaelar. As the council intelligence operation all ends at him away from the prying eyes of the more and the Stashai essentially run the and only he knows the full extent of lowly inhabitants of the empire. Empire, his life consists of an endless their penetration of Thyatis. He knows round of ceremony and self- that another confrontation is inevitable Graeal aggrandisement. He hates the surface and, looking to that future, is Graeal is Twaelar’s prison. The Twaelar dwellers, thinks air-breathers are little increasingly uncertain that Titan III is have no wish to keep undesirables in the more than animals and believes that it is capable of looking after Twaelar’s best capital and would not risk hosting a inevitable that Twaelar will eventually interests. He is even more unhappy with prison in Titanica. Instead this fortress take over all the world’s oceans. Marinal’s influence on the next is the principle facility for incarcerating generation of leaders and is seriously traitors, criminals or anyone the Stashai Empress Marinal beginning to consider whether a new has taken a dislike to. Its surface layers Merrow NW. Marinal is medium-sized imperial dynasty should be established – are filled with rooms and offices while with long, fair hair and sad eyes. Like with him at its head. the prison itself is formed from tunnels many previous Empresses, Marinal was embedded into the bedrock. At its born among the poorer merrow who Karryk lowest levels sit the Stashai’s torture inhabit the city of Twaeloporis. When Shark-kin HD8. Karryk is the leader of chambers which few prisoners enter and she was young, the crown prince (now the shark-kin rebels in Shezykk. He was even fewer leave. the Emperor) saw her in the city and very young during the slave rebellion declared she would be his wife. The and lost both his parents before the Rionesse military took her immediately and she fighting subsided. He was brought up by Rionesse is a small base on the borders has not left the palace since that day. an uncle, another freed slave, and hates of Twaelar, near the Abyss. It is staffed She has long since forgotten what her the merrow and the ogres for their entirely by merrow military including family look like and instead spends her oppressions. Apparently just another war-wizards and exists to keep a close time with her children, trying to make subsistence farmer, he runs a network of eye on the creatures that occasionally them less unpleasant than their father. over fifty rebels based around the city. surface from the depths. Anything that Titan ignores her much of the time but Their activities are currently very the inhabitants cannot deal with on their is not actively unpleasant. Even so, her limited but he would like to achieve own is followed while a warning it sent sufferings have been so great that she more and is seeking any possible way of to Twaeloporis. now barely speaks. attacking the Government.

Cantref, Gwaelor and Lemaeria Oblontius Cyrendir These three areas are the colonies found Merrow C20 of Protius. High Priest of E15. Cyrendir is the chieftain of on the northern Davanian coast. They lie Protius. Oblontius is ancient, slow and Syndryl and de facto leader of the elves on the coastal shelf not far from the dignified. He has been High Priest for of Twaelar. He is an old man who Thyatian Hinterlands. As they are so far so many years that very few remember remembers the founding of Twaelar and from the Mindbender, the Twaelar who the previous incumbent was. considers the Empire to be an cannot use their ogre troops to keep During that time he has vigorously unfortunate inconvenience that will, no order. Equally the Stashai are less active championed maintaining the status quo, doubt, collapse in time. Until then he is so far from the capital. Consequently while working to increase the worship content to let the merrow keep the kopru life in the colonies is freer and more of Protius. He, along with Diviloplop, is at bay and works to minimise the effects relaxed than in the empire proper. the most senior member of the ruling of the Empire on his people. He would Gwaelor, the oldest of the colonies, is council and, between the two of them, be horrified were he to discover the particularly advanced in this respect. Its they control Twaelar. His health is now existence of the Mindbender and would ruler is now considering whether the failing and he knows it is only a matter likely lead a revolution himself were he empire is a help or a hindrance and is of time before the College of Priests to find out. slowly building up support for a bid for must choose a successor. independence. Military Diviloplop The Twaelar military are at the centre of Personalities Merrow C12 of Protius. Head of the the empire’s power. The merrow Emperor Titan III Stashai. Diviloplop is cunning, ruthless practice conscription among their own Merrow F12. Titan is tall, imperious and and utterly dedicated to Twaelar’s race to maintain the necessary numbers, green-skinned, with a small beard and security. He joined the Stashai from the and expect the triton and elves to high cheekbones. He has been the Priesthood and swiftly rose through its provide small number of additional Emperor of Twaelar for ten years, since ranks, eventually becoming its head. troops. These troops are spread among the death of his father Titan II. He is Since then he has spent his time different regiments to ensure no also the latest in a line of emperors that crushing any perceived threat to regiment becomes too far removed from


merrow control. Large numbers of Type of Regiment: Regular Regiment underwater use), knife; 5 Sergeants aquatic ogres are collected into shock Number of Such Units: 8 (F2), 1 Captain (F4). troop units which have merrow officers. BR: 115 Personnel: 1,962 Troop 5th School, Tridenteers: each has 200 There are also a few special units Class: Good BFR: 88 Tridenteers (F1), no armour (AC7), including several consisting solely of Regiment Breakdown: trident, net; 5 Sergeants (F2), 1 Captain soldiers able to use magic, and two Commander: General (F9, +1 cha) (F4). specifically outfitted to sink any ships Deputy Commander: Under-General 6th School, Spearmerrow: each has 200 that the Twaelar take a dislike to. (F7) Spearmerrow (F1), no armour (AC7), Heroes: 1 Mage-Commander M7, 1 spear, net; 5 Sergeants (F2), 1 Captain Basis: Medieval; males and females Priest of Protius C7. (F4). (8% standing, up to 25% wartime); 1st - 2nd School, Light Bowmerrow: each 7th - 8th School, Mixed Cavalry: each population 1,000,000; standing. has 200 Bowmerrow (F1/2), no armour has 150 Mixed Cavalry (F1), layered (AC7), light crossbow (for underwater shell armour (AC5), lance, knife; 4 Regiment Name: 1st-6th Regiment of use), knife; 5 Sergeants (F3), 1 Captain Sergeants (F2), 1 Captain (F4). Twaelar (1st and 2nd in Twaeloporis, 3rd (F5). Mounted on giant sea-horses, swordfish and 4th in Titanica, 5th in Shezykk, 6th in 3rd - 4th School, Heavy Bowmerrow: and manta rays. Syndryl). each has 200 Bowmerrow (F1/2), no 9th - 10th School, Triton Soldiers: each Type of Regiment: Elite Regiment armour (AC7), heavy crossbow (for has 200 triton (M1), layered shell Number of Such Units: 6 underwater use), knife; 5 Sergeants armour (AC5), knife; 5 Triton-Sergeants BR: 138 Personnel: 1,962 Troop (F3), 1 Captain (F5). (M2), 1 Triton-Captain (M4). Mounted Class: Excellent BFR: 105 5th - 6th School, Tridenteers: each has on giant sea-horses, swordfish and Regiment Breakdown: 200 Tridenteers (F1/2), no armour manta rays. Commander: General (F13, +1 int, +1 (AC7), trident, net; 5 Sergeants (F3), 1 wis, +1 cha) Captain (F5). Regiment Name: War-wizard Legion Deputy Commander: Under-General 7th School, Spearmerrow: each has 200 (1st -3rd in Twaeloporis, 4th and 5th in (F10) Spearmerrow (F1/2), no armour (AC7), Titanica, 6th in Syndryl) Heroes: 1 Mage-Commander M8, 1 spear, net; 5 Sergeants (F3), 1 Captain Type of Regiment: Elite Regiment Priest of Protius C7. (F5). Number of Such Units: 6 1st - 2nd School, Light Bowmerrow: each 8th - 9th School, Mixed Cavalry: each BR: 114 Personnel: 616 Troop Class: has 200 Bowmerrow (F2), no armour has 200 Mixed Cavalry (F1/2), layered Good BFR: 82 (AC7), light crossbow (for underwater shell armour (AC5), lance, knife; 5 Regiment Breakdown: use), knife; 5 Sergeants (F4), 1 Captain Sergeants (F3), 1 Captain (F5). Commander: Mage-General (M7, +1 (F6). Mounted on giant sea-horses, swordfish cha) 3rd - 4th School, Heavy Bowmerrow: and manta rays. Heroes: 1 Mage-Commander M6, 1 each has 200 Bowmerrow (F2), no 10th School, War-wizards: 100 war- Priest of Protius C6. armour (AC7), heavy crossbow (for wizards (M1/2), no armour (AC7), 1st School, War-wizards: each has 150 underwater use), knife; 5 Sergeants knife; 3 Mage-Sergeants (M3), 1 Mage- War-wizards (M1/2), no armour (AC7), (F4), 1 Captain (F6). Captain (M5). knife; 3 Sergeants (M3), 1 Captain 5th - 6th School, Tridenteers: each has (M5). Mounted on giant sea-horses. 200 Tridenteers (F2), no armour (AC7), Regiment Name: Defenders of Twaelar 2nd School, Triton Soldiers: each has trident, net; 5 Sergeants (F4), 1 Captain (1st -14th divided among cities, 150 triton (F1), layered shell armour (F6). settlements and colonies) (AC5), knife; 3 Triton-Sergeants (F2), 1 7th School, Spearmerrow: each has 200 Type of Regiment: Regular Regiment Triton-Captain (F4). Mounted on giant Spearmerrow (F2), no armour (AC7), Number of Such Units: 14 sea-horses. spear, net; 5 Sergeants (F4), 1 Captain BR: 86 Personnel: 1,962 Troop Class: 3rd School, War-clerics: each has 150 (F6). Fair BFR: 65 War-clerics (C1/2), no armour (AC7), 8th - 9th School, Seahorse Cavalry: each Regiment Breakdown: knife; 3 Sergeants (C3), 1 Captain (C5). has 200 Seahorse Cavalry (F2), layered Commander: General (F7, +1 cha) Mounted on giant sea-horses. shell armour (AC5), lance, knife; 5 Deputy Commander: Under-General 4th School, Elves: each has 150 Sergeants (F4), 1 Captain (F6). (F6) Aquarendi Elves (E1), layered shell Mounted on giant sea-horses. Heroes: 1 Mage-Commander M6, 1 armour (AC5), spear; 3 Elf-Sergeants 10th School, War-wizards: 100 war- Priest of Protius C6. (E2), 1 Elf-Captain (E4). Mounted on wizards (M2), no armour (AC7), knife; 1st - 2nd School, Light Bowmerrow: each giant sea-horses. 3 Mage-Sergeants (M4), 1 Mage- has 200 Bowmerrow (F1), no armour Captain (M6). (AC7), light crossbow (for underwater Regiment Name: Ogre Shock Troops use), knife; 5 Sergeants (F2), 1 Captain (1st-20th patrolling or stationed at Regiment Name: 7th-14th Regiment of (F4). Titanica) Twaelar (7th-9th in Twaeloporis, 10th and 3rd - 4th School, Heavy Bowmerrow: Type of Regiment: Regular Regiment 11th in Titanica, 12th in Shezykk, 13th each has 200 Bowmerrow (F1), no Number of Such Units: 20 and 14th patrolling) armour (AC7), heavy crossbow (for


BR: 105 Personnel: 1,268 Troop Range: 120' creatures of greater than animal Class: Good BFR: 95 Duration: 4d4 (4-16) turns intelligence. For the durations of this Regiment Breakdown: Effect: magically charms 4d4 HD of sea spell the cleric may speak with all Commander: General (F7, +1 wis, +1 life with a 40' square area sentient sea life within 30'; the effect cha) This spell functions like charm person, moves with the caster. Heroes: 1 Priest of Protius C6. except that it affects aquatic creature of The creatures spoken to usually have 1st – 4th School, Ogre Troops: each has no greater than animal intelligence. It favourable reactions (+2 bonus to the 200 Ogres (HD4+4), no armour (AC4), can also affect multiple targets within reaction roll), and they can be talked spear; 10 Merrow Sergeants (F3), 1 the area of effect. Please note that this into doing a favour for the cleric if the Merrow Captain (F5). spell does not allow the caster to reaction roll is high enough. 5th – 6th School, Ogre Archers: each has communicate with the affected 200 Ogres (HD4+4), no armour (AC4), creatures. Relations with Other Nations heavy crossbow (for underwater use); Creatures affected by this spell will The Archipelago: The Ruling Council 10 Merrow Sergeants (F3), 1 Merrow regard the caster as a good friend and of Twaelar have almost no relation with Captain (F5). kindly benefactor. If the spell caster the land dwellers of the islands they speaks a language that the creatures surround. They are content that the st Regiment Name: Shipbreakers (1 in understand the spell caster may give islands are almost entirely chaotic and nd Twaeloporis, 2 in Titanica) orders to the target. As long as these ungoverned, believing that this keeps Type of Regiment: Regular Regiment orders are not obviously self destructive the larger nations away and so increases Number of Such Units: 2 then the target will obey without their security. They keep a close watch BR: 104 Personnel: 424 Troop Class: question or hesitation. The target may on colonisation and exploration attempts Good BFR: 86 resist orders that are contrary to its to ensure that any reports to the Regiment Breakdown: nature, alignment and habits. No roll is mainland show the archipelago in the Commander: General (F7, +1 wis, +1 required to resist. worst possible light. cha) The charm is automatically broken if the Undersea: The merrow are aware of Heroes: 1 Priest of Protius C6. spell caster attacks the target, either by their nomadic cousins in the Sunlit Sea st 1 School, Ogre Shipbreakers: each has spell or by weapon. The target will fight but have almost no contact with them. 200 Ogres (HD4+4), no armour (AC4), normally if attacked by the spell caster's This is partially because reaching them spear; 10 Merrow Sergeants (F3), 1 allies. is not an easy task. The presence of the Merrow Captain (F5). abyss and the Devilfish make the direct nd 2 School, Ogre Harpooneers: each has Obscure (instead of Silence 15’) journey all but impossible. Reaching 200 Ogres (HD4+4), no armour (AC4), Range: 0 Brun requires swimming up the cost of heavy harpoon (mounted on underwater Duration: 1 turn per level of the caster the Isle of Dawn, which is a long and chariot pulled by manta rays, 1 for every Effect: Creates obscuring bubbles arduous trip. However, occasional 4 ogres); 10 Merrow Sergeants (F3), 1 around the caster contact does occur, so both sides are Merrow Captain (F5). This spell causes the water around the aware of the other. Diplomatic ties to cleric to become filled with millions of Undersea itself are distant. If a battle is taking place underwater, tiny bubbles. The area is 1' high per Ierendi: The Twaelar rulers are aware the Twaelar should be considered as level of the cleric and is 10' in diameter of Ierendi and have a small number of th being in an extremely favourable for each level. For example, a 20 level agents on the islands. Due to Ierendi’s environment. If the battle is on land, the cleric could cast an obscure 20' tall and lack of imperial ambition, they feel it is reverse is true. 200' diameter (100' radius). The bubbles less of a threat than the other coastal have no ill effects except to block nations. However they watch for any Priest of Protius Spells vision. sign of a change in this policy. Locate Sea Life (instead of Detect Evil) The caster, and all creatures able to see Minrothad: The sailors of Minrothad Range: 0 (Cleric Only) invisible things, will be able to see worry the Twaelar due to the increasing Duration: 6 turns dimly through the bubbles. All other range of their trade ships. They feel it is Effect: detects one sea creature within creatures within the area will be delayed only a matter of time before the Guild one mile and confused by the effect. While try to establish some sort of outpost on This spell allows the caster to sense the within the bubbles, these creatures are the archipelago and are preparing a direction of one known, normal, sea effectively blind. military response should that become creature or plant. The caster cannot necessary. locate fantastic creatures, plant Speak with Children of Protius Thyatis: Thyatis is the country with monsters, or intelligent beings. He must (instead of Speak with Dead) which Twaelar has had the most name the exact type of sea life he seeks. Range: 0 (Cleric Only) dealings, none of them good. They The creature or plant gets no Saving Duration: 12 Turns regard the empire as the single biggest Throw. Effect: allows caster to communicate threat to their security, especially since with sentient sea life within 60' the declaration that settlement in Charm Aquatic Life (instead of Snake This spell allows comprehension and Thanegioth is an imperial ambition. Charm) communication with all aquatic They maintain a very close watch on the


country and will attempt to undermine Dawn but have yet to visit Alphatia except food, plus in-kind exactions and any colonial venture. Direct diplomatic proper. corvée labour on behalf of the empire. contact ceased after the Aquapopulus Other Nations: The landbound nations Government Type: Monarchy advised massacre, and Thyatis has all but hold little interest to the Twaelar so they by a council of priests. forgotten Twaelar. However, a small have no real awareness of the other Industries: Fishing, kelp-raising, pearl- group of senators have rediscovered the nations of Brun. harvesting. story in a history book and are looking Important Figures: Titan III into its truth. Should they prove that Statistics (Emperor), Marinal (Empress), Twaelar is real, they will almost Population: 1,000,000 (including Oblontius (High Priest of Protius). certainly warn Thincol of the threat. 200,000 in the capital of Twaeloporis). Flora and Fauna: Kelp forests, coral, Davania: Twaelar has a number of Roughly 50% merrow, 15% aquatic whales, dolphins, seahorses, colonies in the waters off Davania and ogre, 10% triton, 10% kna, 10% shark- hippocampi, narwhals, giant leeches, considers it a safe region for expansion kin, 5% aquatic elves. electric eels, lacedons, dragonfish, due to the lack of strong local Language: Merrow (Twaelar dialect). dragon turtles, giant lampreys, jellyfish governance. They regard the Thyatian Coinage: Black pearl (5 gp), pearl (gp), (man o' war), water naga, piranhas, colony on the Hinterlands as a threat but seed pearl (sp), coral (cp). Merrow giant squid, devilfish, giant sharks, are not taking direct action against it. coins consist of mother-of-pearl into marids, urchins, school fish, giant Alphatia: Although potentially their which seed pearls are embedded; none clams, nereids, aquatic beholder, greatest ally against Thyatis, the for the coral, one for the seed pearl, five krakens, giant octopi, aquatic jellies, Twaelar regard Alphatia with deep for a pearl coin, and five black seed giant sea snakes, giant lobsters, scrags, suspicion. The last thing they wish to do pearls for the black pearl. sirines, giant sea spiders, kelpies, is replace one strong empire with Taxes: 20% income tax collected aquatic dinosaurs, and in hidden areas, another even stronger one. They biannually, 5% sales tax on all goods kopru. occasionally send agents to the Isle of



Aquatic Ogre Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite have a large decorated wooden shield (from the AD&D Monstrous Manual) Damage: 1d4/2d4/1d12 and 1-2 spears. In addition, they will Armor Class: 4 No. Appearing: 3-30 (+1d8 sabre have a stone-headed mace, a wooden Hit Dice: 4 + 4 tooths) pick or a wooden short sword edged Move: 30' (60' swimming) Save As: F2 with shark’s teeth. Females usually have Attacks: 3 (talon/talon/teeth) or by Morale: 9 stone daggers. Stone daggers inflict ld4 weapon Treasure Type: M points of damage while all of the other Damage: 1d6/1d6/2d8/ or weapon Alignment: any non-chaotic weapons inflict ld6 points. No. Appearing: 2d6 (2d10) These creatures are primitive, oversized Most tribes of kara-kara are usually Save As: F4 versions of Simbastas. Apart from their ruled by councils of manwu-papas (or Morale: 11 small presence on the Isle of Dread, witch doctors). Most manwu-papas are Treasure Type: C their kind has long since been 4th level clerics though some can reach Alignment: Chaotic relinquished to the Hollow World. They 6th level. Manwu-papas normally have XP Value: 190 ride sabre-tooth tigers as mounts and metal weapons gained through trade or Aquatic ogres are faster, brighter and live in caves in the mountain foothills. war with outsiders. They often wear fiercer than the land-based variety. They They also have an instinctive fear of armour made from thin plates of tough are also rare outside warm tropical water and cannot be made to travel over wood. This armour has the same effect waters and so are not well known in the it. as leather. lands of Brun but are a regular menace Cave Rakastas have a powerful roar. The kara-kara are a singing people. In around the shores of Davania. They This enhanced roar causes fear to all battle the males set up a rhythmic chant resemble land ogres, being 8’-10’ tall opponents within 100’ who fail a saving which raises their morale to 11. It also but are greenish and scaled with webbed throw vs. paralysis. The fear lasts 1d6+1 increases the hit points of warriors and hands and feet. They also have visible rounds, during which victims drop any leaders by 3 and makes them the gills and breathe salt or fresh water. weapons at hand and attempt to escape equivalent of 2 hit dice creatures (save Their necks are long and thick, their in the opposite direction at maximum as 2nd level fighters) for the purposes of shoulders are sloping, and they have speed. determining the effects of spells such as huge mouths and undershot jaws. They sleep. The chant takes effect in the also have black teeth and nails and deep Kara-kara round after it is started. It requires at green eyes with white centres, and hair (from X8 Drums on Fire Mountain least five kara-kara to maintain and can like slimy seaweed. Armor Class: 9 (8 with shield, 6 with be negated by, for example, a silence Using their green coloration, aquatic armour and shield) 15’ radius spell. Dispel magic or similar ogres can hide, becoming effectively Hit Dice: 1+1 (1+4 during chant) spells will not affect it. invisible 10-80% of the time, depending Move: 120’ (40’) on the terrain. They attack from cover, Attacks: 1 Tarantean so others are -5 on their surprise roll, Damage: By weapon (see below) Armor Class: 5 and typically use a large piercing spear Save As: F1 (F2 during chant) Hit Dice: 5** (2d6) in a swimming charge at +1 to hit, Morale: 9 (11 during chant) Move: 60’ (20’) followed by melee with talons and teeth. Treasure Type: R In web: 120’ (40’) They are most commonly found as Alignment: Chaotic Attacks: 1 small tribes of around 50 individuals Kara-kara are tribal humanoids distantly Damage: 1-8 + poison living in warm, shallow waters near related to orcs. They are slightly shorter Save As: M6 coasts (where they occasionally forage). than humans with green skin, tangled Morale: 7 Their chieftains are larger and more curly dark green hair, and muzzle-like Treasure Type: D dangerous and some tribes have a few mouths with curved yellow fangs. Most Alignment: Chaotic shaman of varying ability. Larger wear only loin-cloths, lurid body paint Taranteans are mutated aranea who have groups do occasionally link together and and primitive jewellery. They speak increased in size and malice. They are form long-lived nations, such as only their own language which can be around 8’ across, and are deep black in Mushun, which was the major location understood by creatures who know the colour. Like their forebears, taranteans for aquatic ogres in the Sea of Dread orcish tongue. Kara-kara inhabit tropical are web-spinners, and their bite is until it fell to the merrow of Twaelar. or semi-tropical islands, but may poisonous. Their front limbs divided occasionally be encountered at sea in into flexible digits which they use to Cave Rakasta their large outrigger canoes or while grasp prey and manipulate tools. In (from ’s ‘Rakastas of raiding the coasts of civilized lands. addition, the tarantean can cast spells as Mystara’) Kara-kara do not know how to work a 5th level magic-user. Taranteans are Armor Class: 6 metals and so nearly all of their silent, having lost the ability to speak, Hit Dice: 2+2 weapons are made of stone, wood and however they are telepathic and can Move: 12 teeth. Warriors and leaders will each


communicate with each other over No. Appearing: 1 number can also be found in the Hollow distances of up to 50’. Save As: F16 World). Morale: 8 The yellow dragon's long, serpentine Werehawk Treasure Type: Hx2, I body is covered with yellow scales Armor Class: 5 Intelligence: 12 flecked with white. Despite its lack of Hit Dice: 5** Alignment: Chaotic wings, it moves through the air with a Move: 60’ (20’) XP Value: 3,000 speed and agility that belies its great In web: 120’ (40’) XP with spells: 3,700 size. Its narrow head has two beady, Attacks: 1 glittering emerald eyes, a forked tongue Damage: 1-8 + poison Huge Yellow Dragon projects from its fanged jaws, and a Save As: M6 Armor Class: -3 small green frill runs from between its Morale: 7 Hit Dice: 11****(L) eyes to the end of its tail. Their ability to Treasure Type: D Move: 90' (30') fly, swim, and burrow allows them to Alignment: Chaotic Flying: 390' (130') evade most pursuers and attack their This powerful feathered creature stands Swimming: 120’ (40’) foes from a variety of hiding places. upright like a human, but that's where Burrowing: 90' (30') They prefer to keep their lairs beneath the resemblance ends. Its form is that of Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite the waves or in caves hidden beneath a humanoid raptor with wings instead of Damage (claws): 1d8+1 each the shifting dunes. arms. It also possesses a powerful Damage (bite): 2d8+6 While by far the physically weakest of hooked beak, and extremely sharp Breath cone: 90’x40’ , it is the fastest flier and the talons. It stands about 6 feet tall. No. Appearing: 1 most agile of them all. Other dragons Werehawks in human form tend to be Save As: F36 could easily tear it to pieces, if they sleek individuals of average height, Morale: 9 could get their claws and fangs on its often with an aquiline nose or over-long Treasure Type: Hx3, Ix2 lithe, fast body. In truth, few dragons or finger nails. Intelligence: 15 mortal warriors have the skill and Alignment: Chaotic patience needed to land a telling blow Yellow Dragon XP Value: 4,750 against these beasts. (from The Dragon Compendium, Vol 1) XP with spells: 5,625 The yellow dragon relies on its speed and supreme agility to defeat its Small Yellow Dragon Chance of talking: 20% enemies, often attacking from the air. Armor Class: 1 Chance of being asleep: 30% They also tend to flee into the waves or Hit Dice: 5**(L) Spells (small): level 1: 3 beneath the ground if faced with Move: 90' (30') Spells (large): level 1: 4, level 2: 2 superior foes. If possible, a yellow Flying: 270' (90') Spells (huge): level 1: 5, level 2: 3, level dragon swoops past its enemies and Swimming: 120’ (40’) 3: 1 blasts them repeatedly with its breath Burrowing: 90' (30') weapon. After slowly crippling and Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite Crush, kick and tail attacks can be used immobilizing its foes, it lays into them Damage (claws): 1d4 each at DM’s discretion. with claws and fangs at its leisure. Damage (bite): 2d8 Damage (kick, tail): 1d4 each(S), 1d6 Because they lack wings, yellow Breath cone: 80’x30’ each(L), 1d8 each(H) dragons cannot make wing attacks. No. Appearing: 1 Damage (crush): 2d8(S), 1d8+3(L), The yellow dragon's breath weapon is a Save As: F5 2d8+6(H) cone of salt that binds to creatures Morale: 7 caught in the area of effect. A successful Treasure Type: H Yellow dragons are enormously rare on save allows a creature to avoid Intelligence: 9 Mystara, so much so that many becoming covered in salt. Creatures Alignment: Chaotic dracologists are unaware of its caught in the breath weapon and XP Value: 725 existence. Although a true chromatic encrusted in the yellow dragon's salt XP with spells: 950 dragon, it is naturally hated by blast suffer effects based on the number chromatic and metallic dragons alike of saves they have failed against the Large Yellow Dragon and so is attacked on sight. It is a effect. Each time a character is struck by Armor Class: -1 solitary creature, preferring to stay away the breath weapon, he faces increasingly Hit Dice: 8***(L) from others of its kind and it loathes crippling effects in addition to the usual Move: 90' (30') cold weather, limiting its range to the damage. A creature takes a -2 penalty Flying: 330' (110') tropics. Gryonax, the yellow dragon on attacks, AC, and Strength, Dexterity, Swimming: 120’ (40’) who resides in the Sea of Dread is the and Constitution based skill checks per Burrowing: 90' (30') only one of his kind in the area, and failed save against the breath weapon. A Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite possibly on the whole of northern creature takes a -10’ penalty on speed Damage (claws): 1d6 each Mystara. Indeed it seems likely that per failed save. A creature reduced to Damage (bite): 1d8+3 there are less than 20 yellow dragons speed 0 cannot move (flying creatures Breath cone: 80’x40’ left on the surface (though a larger crash to the ground). The effects of the


breath weapon fade after 10 minutes and require an equal number of gallons of attacks. In addition, a yellow dragon can all of the effects disappear at once as the water breathe water as easily as air. It can use salt crumbles away. In addition, a gallon Despite having no wings, the yellow its spells, breath weapon and any other of water (or water-based liquid) can dragon is a supreme flyer. As long as it abilities underwater without restriction. wash away the salt. Multiple attacks remains airborne, it gains a +2 bonus on



The Mindbender during which they will attempt to Thanegioth and the coast of Ochalea. The Mindbender is used by the Twaelar destroy anything that crosses their path. All the islands of the Sea of Dread in merrow to maintain their control over Given the numbers of Aquatic Ogres that area are visible and subsurface the Aquatic Ogres. It appears to be a now under the device’s control, should dangers such as sandbars can also be gigantic black pearl roughly 12’ across the Mindbender ever fail for some seen. The map is magical; it updates inlaid with sigils which glow slightly. reason the resulting chaos would itself as islands form or sink, and it The device requires six merrow priests probably destroy Twaelar outright. shows its own location. It can be used to to maintain a trance in its vicinity and it plot safe sailing paths to all the islands is their thoughts which are subliminally The Pillar of Flame of the Sea of Dread, including Three transmitted to any Aquatic Ogres within The Pillar of Flame is a magical device Sisters Keys. It does not show the Mindbender’s range. This is created by the Aranea for rejuvenation. settlements either above or below the obviously exhausting so the clerics are It is found in a cavern deep below the surface, only natural features, and replaced at regular intervals. ground which is lit with a continuous anything under water deeper than 100’ Upon command the Mindbender opens rosy glow from the fire which burns at is not shown. As it is both ancient and revealing two chambers, one in each its centre. The Pillar itself changes made of silk, the map is very sensitive half of the device. In one is placed a continuously, flickering and changing to fire. If set alight, it will burn to dust kopru and in the other another creature both hue and brightness through all the in seconds. (in the case of the Twaelar this is an colours of the rainbow. It seems to have Aquatic Ogre). The device amplifies the no source and no fuel, burning on a bare Olman Obelisks power of the kopru’s mind control and floor. It does give off considerable heat Each obelisk is 10 feet tall, made of takes subconscious control of all and it take some courage to enter the dark stone and has a golden glyph (in members of the other occupant’s species flame but, if someone does so, it does Olman) on each side. Any druid (or fey within a 400 mile radius underwater (the not actually burn. character) within 20 feet of the Obelisk effect will not work through air). The For an aranea, the effect of the fire is have a 20% chance of gaining some non-kopru occupant of the device lives simple; on first use it reduces their understanding of the obelisk’s power. If out a natural life but the kopru is in apparent age by 5d10 years. The a character has gained that knowledge permanent agony, and dies after only a following use reduces it by 4d10 and so they may, if touching the obelisk, make few years. When either occupant dies it on until after five uses the Pillar a check to control the actions of a target is replaced but this does not affect the becomes useless. For a human however dinosaur for 10 minutes (25% chance). mind control, which continues for the effect is markedly different. After a Each time this ability is used (whether is 1d4+5 days after the Mindbender stops single use all ageing stops. Although succeeds or not) one of the four glyphs working. they can still die from violence or glows then dims. Once all four have It is a secret known only to the highest accident, those affected will not die of been used up the obelisk requires a priests in Twaelar that the device is not old age or disease. It also immediately week to recharge. actually of Twaelar make. It was increases their charisma by 1 and they A character attempting to control a adapted from an artefact created by go on gaining 1 charisma point every 2 dinosaur has a 20% chance to lose kopru priests of Demogorgon to extend years until they reach the maximum. control and turn into a dinosaur (which their mind control over a huge area. They also, in a similar timeframe, type is at the DM’s discression). There Like many other kopru artefacts it is a become increasingly paranoid and is a 25% chance that they will maintain form of Shadow Pearl wrested from unpredictable. By 5 years after exposure control after the transformation. If they their control and turned to a different the affected human will believe almost fail, they lose themselves in the use by the Twaelar. everyone to be scheming against them. dinosaur mind and become a monster What is unknown, even to the priests, is Should an affected human pass through under the DM’s control. The effect lasts that the device has several other effects. the Pillar a second time, these effects for 2d12 hours. If this occurs, any Firstly, the clerics operating the device will all be instantaneously reversed. character (not just druids or fey) is gradually become more attuned to the Any human who has lived beyond their eligible to make the above checks for desires of Demogorgon. The Twaelar natural lifespan will die from the the duration of the transformation. practice of regularly changing shifts has resulting rapid aging. A druid of 9th level or above can choose diluted this somewhat but, over time, to control the actions of up to 10 the Twaelar are becoming more militant The Silken Map dinosaurs for 10 turns on a single and more dangerous. This is, to some This magical map is drawn on a cloth successful roll. However, their chance extent, caused by the Mindbender. made of aranea silk. It is 3 feet square of transformation is now 50% with the Secondly, when the mind control stops and shows the area of Aglamoth, as it is same chance of maintaining control. (following the grace period), the today. This approximately covers the The transformation will last 1d10 days. previously controlled subjects descend area between southern Minrothad, Three into an uncontrollable rage for 1d8 days, Sisters Keys, a hundred miles south of



This section includes a series of existence, find a way to leave the island existence or whether they sink forever adventure ideas for use in the Sea of and return to the mainland. No trouble into the deep. Dread sorted into possible campaigns there then. based in the area. There are no level Escape from the Rock suggestions as the adventures can be The Lost Colony Through misfortune, conspiracy or modified for almost any combination of The party are approached by one of the sheer criminality, the party are arrested levels. Equally, elements of the Thyatian Senate who shows them an and imprisoned on the island of Ilsa adventures can be easily mixed-and- extract from an old history book Miena, also known as Termite Atoll. matched for parties that are already at describing a failed attempt by Thyatis to They must plan their escape under the sea. colonise the Sea of Dread. The book watchful eye of the guards and return to speaks of a great merman kingdom and sea, while braving the deadly sea life On Stranger Tides the Senator would like to find out if the that surrounds the rocky island. This campaign introduces the characters stories are true and whether such a to some of the smaller islands of the Sea threat really exists. The first stage will The Island of Burning Gold of Dread. The adventures can be run in be to find the location of the lost colony [XSOLO: Lathan’s Gold] any order and each one includes a hook of Aquapopolus that the books talks of. Lathan’s Gold is a published D&D to get the characters out to sea. Once The party can talk to sailors, scour maps adventure intended for a single player there, several can be run together if the and use magic to try and find the but converting it for use with a party is DM wishes. location, but eventually they will have relatively straight-forward. In the to try and find it for themselves. They original module, the main character’s Dracology for Beginners may also find that the well known love interest is kidnapped by Baron von Rumours have reached the mainland of warrior, Kuat the Dragon-Hearted, left Hendricks of Karameikos, who a strange creature attacking shipping in on a similar mission some months ago demands gold for his/her return. This the western Sea of Dread near the and has not returned. sends the player on a sojourn through deadly reefs that sweep through that Having acquired a ship the the Sea of Dread where they try to area. Some scholars believe it to be a party sail far to the south, exposing locate the Burning Mountain and bring giant lizard or snake, while others think themselves to the usual difficulties of back some of its riches. The same basic it an illusion. However, a select few the Sea of Dread and possibly visiting approach can be played out for a simple have come to the conclusion that it may other islands on the way. With the adventure with a party. For more be a previously unknown form of information they gained on the complexity, other groups may also be dragon. One of these philosophers hires mainland they eventually find their way looking for the Mountain including the party to travel to the region and find to Skeleton Key, the location of the lost members of The Iron Ring, the the truth. Whatever the answer, they colony. To please the Senator they Minrothad Guilds and the Thyatian require proof and will pay for nothing explore the ruins hoping to find some Navy. If they all arrive at once a pitched less. proof that this is Aqualopolus and, by battle may the result. A member of the The party hire a ship and sail to the some mischance (the DM can use their party’s own family may be kidnapped or region, exposing them to a variety of imagination here), they find themselves the party could be hired by Lathan threats including storms, pirates and unable to leave before dark. They bed himself. creatures of the deep. Assuming that down among the ruins only to find the they survive these perils, they many bones that litter the island are not The War Rafts of Kron [X7] eventually reach the Dragon’s Teeth as dead as they appear. What follows is The party are asked to investigate the reef where it is likely that their ship will a long night fighting waves of the disappearance of shipping near founder. Unless they possess undead who attack the party wherever Minrothad and uncover the strange story extraordinary skill, luck or magic, they they try to hide, led by a monstrous of the floating city of Kron. are most likely to find themselves creature that inhabits the island’s old For more details see the published marooned on one of the islands of Three temple. adventure. This may lead to a series of Sisters Keys. Even if the party’s ship If the party survive till adventures uncovering the secrets of the survived the trip, there is almost no morning, they can seek a way off the floating city. chance of successfully sailing it back island but the fighting has alerted the through the reef, so the party will be watchers from Twaelar who lurk in the Drums on Fire Mountain [X8] marooned and will have to forage for surrounding waters, waiting for the day The party are sent to investigate the food and water. With enough the colonists return. The mermen war mystery of ships vanishing off the south exploration the party uncover the lair of party will attack, trying to ensure that coast of Thyatis. They uncover an island Gryonax the yellow dragon. Armed with the party never return to tell their tale. A of kara-kara just off the mainland led by the knowledge of the truth of the final battle at sea decides whether the a mysterious man. For more details see rumours they need now only collect party warns the Empire of Twaelar’s the published adventure. some tangible proof of the dragon’s


Return of the Pig return to Brother Octave. If successful, city of Olmoren. The discovery of a The Thyatian Government grants his order may even want to start a small thriving city hidden deep in the Sea of permission for a new settlement to be chapter on the island and will require Dread should be a source of amazement established on East Key but, within a the party to clear the many monsters to the party. Equally, their arrival is an few days of arriving, the new villagers that currently inhabit it. event not seen in generations by the are plagued by thefts, strange goings on, Of course, the party may discover the city’s inhabitants. Eventually they will and mysterious disappearances. The secret entrance to the Aranea ruins. If be brought to Asha, the God-Queen. She party are dispatched to help (or may they do, the maze-like city below will will declare them wards of the city and even be among the settlers) and find a prove to be an astonishing mix of insist that they stay and talk to her of the community living in fear and on the deadly creatures and fantastic treasures. outside world. Initially charming, it will point of abandoning their new home. As Should they find the Silken Map and be become clear that she is deeply unstable the investigation proceeds, evidence foolish enough to let others find out and, when the party tries to leave, she starts to point to the return of Lord about its existence, there would likely will have them imprisoned. She will Ingram, the devil-swine who ruled the be many attempts to buy or steal it in also become fascinated by the member island centuries before. Where is he the coming months. of the party with the highest charisma now, and how could he still be alive and will insist they stay by her side at after four hundred years? Could this be Islands of Dread all times. The remainder of the party related to the recent rise in lycathropy This campaign is based in the must now escape their bonds, rescue across the region? Or is there another Thanegioth Archipelago. It starts by their compatriot and escape the hidden explanation lying in the waters off East getting the party to the Isle of Dread, valley. Key where the Twaelar merrow skulk in after which they are able to explore at their hidden fortress? their leisure. There are suggested Darkness Falls adventures for each major island, usable Investigating the island of Arachne, the Treasure of Crocodile Island [NM2] when the party arrive there. party encounter the hordes of spiders The party are hired by Tormyl, an and other dangers that infest its forests. Ierendian merchant, so retrieve the The Isle of Dread [X1] Unless the party is very high level, this treasure referred to in a map he owns. The party are sent to investigate the adventure is likely to be a wild escape The island where the treasure is located rumours of a large island in the southern through the jungles pursued by all is a small speck in the southern Sea of Sea of Dread. Getting there requires a manner of horrible things. Dread and will be difficult to reach. dangerous journey south. Once they After a long journey the party will have locate the island, one apparently of Taken at the Flood to get onto the island, negotiate with the many, they find several local villages, One night, a group of Roa-Utsi attack locals and find the treasure on the apparently long cut off from the wider the village of Kirikura and kidnap many sunken vessel. If they get off the island world. Moving inland they explore the of the local people. The remaining with their lives they will be attacked in interior of the island and find many villagers ask the party for help in getting Ierendi shortly after returning the strange and frightening creatures. As their loves ones back. The party must treasure to Tormyl. Investigations will they move northward, they find sail to Utsiwano, overpower the Utsi lead eventually lead them to Zarachton creatures not seen on the outer world for and rescue the villagers. They may even and a showdown with the Sons of the millions of years and uncover the uncover the temple hidden on the island Serpent. This may open the way to danger of the kopru. For more details and fabulous treasure therein. further adventures in Davania see the published adventure. combating the secret society of entropy On finishing this adventure the Torrents of Dread [Dungeon worshippers. party may return to the mainland. Magazine #114] However, they may choose to explore During a visit to the village of Mora on Raiders of the Temple of Doom more of the Isle or the rest of the the Isle of Dread the party find that their The party are hired by Brother Octave to archipelago to uncover more of its matriarch is dead and undead horrors locate the rumoured Lost Temple of secrets. Another approach may be to stalk the village. Tilorak, the local Araknee, which is said to be found have them shipwrecked on the Isle of Zombie Master, has finally taken over somewhere in the southern Sea of Dread when they arrive. Their access to and has unleashed his hideous undead Dread. Sailing south, the adventurers Roa canoes will allow them to travel to experiments on the island. The party have to contend with pirates and storms, other islands but they will not be able to must secure the village and pursue before finding Spider Isle and making a leave the region until they find a Tilorak to his undersea lair. For more safe landing. Given its remote location, seaworthy ship. details see the published adventure. the unreliability of maps of the region, and the magical ward that prevents the The Fires of Love The Hissing Pit island from being seen, it will take On the island of Emoren the party can The party are attacked by hideous several attempts to find and will investigate rumours of the goddess who deformed troglodytes and are taken probably require magical assistance. inhabits the island’s interior. Making prisoner. After a terrible ordeal they find Once on the island, the party could their way there will be difficult but, with themselves on the island of Bararna, make an attempt to map its location and persistence, they will find the long lost where they are to be sacrificed to the


troglodytes’ evil God. Low level parties artefact and travel back to the plateau on should be satisfied with escaping with Island of the Storm Giant [AC10] the Isle of Dread, where Ka’s spell was their skins intact. Parties of higher The party travel to Phema after Roa first cast. Once there, they can reverse levels may want to investigate the pit canoes and larger ships begin the magic and return to Mystara, but and perhaps combat the evil therein. mysteriously sinking near the island. will they arrive back when they left or Investigations point to the Storm Giant will the tides of time turn against them? This Side of Paradise who lives there but perhaps there is This adventure provides a nice way to Investigating the isle of Therian, the more to this than meets the eye. For take characters to other planes or times party find it utterly uninhabited. more details see the published for more adventures. According to the Roa of the nearby adventure. islands the island is the source of a Prisoners of the Deep plague and any who go there die. If they The Ranting Sorceror The party uncovers evidence of the local choose to stay they will have their The party are suddenly attacked by a merman civilisation and is taken captive belongings stolen and find themselves mysterious sorcerer who teleports to by the war mages of Twaelar. attacked by wild animals. If even this their location, announces that he is the Imprisoned in Graeal, prison city of the does not deter them, lycanthropes will rightful lord of the area and unleashes a merrow, the party have to escape and attack their camp with the intention of series of horrors. If they survive, they make their way to freedom. Along the killing or converting them. Whatever can follow rumours and stories to the way, they may meet the Shark-kin the outcome, the players will uncover island of Teki-Lo-Kia where they find resistance or elves willing to help, but the lycanthrope civilisation on Therian the tower of Ruhaladero the Pitiless (or perhaps they will fall foul of the and the adventure then hinges on what Loopy). They must now find a way to Devilfish or the sinister Stashai, secret they choose to do about their deal with an insane and very powerful police of the Empire. discoveries. This can be played as a magician. A frontal attack may work if straight defeat-the-monsters adventure they are powerful enough but more The Savage Tide or as something more thoughtful where subtle approaches are more likely to be This campaign was originally an the prejudices against lycanthropes can successful. Ruhaladero could be published in Dungeon be called into question. Should the convinced that he doesn’t need to attack Magazine issues #139-150. It details Therian population be allowed simply to the other islands, though his own twelve adventures taking characters get on with their lives? Can the party twisted logic would need to be used from a jungle-based city to the Isle of persuade them to let them go? Their against him. Maybe he could be Dread and Scuttlecove and eventually to leader Coram is fearsome and dangerous persuaded to attack Jaibul, so leaving the Abyss, an entropic elemental plane. but not all of the lycanthropes agree the islands forever or the local Kara- It is a big campaign played out over a with his methods. With work the party kara could even be asked for help vast backdrop. It is also very plainly set could bring the dissenters to their side. in the world of Greyhawk and therefore The party may even uncover Coram’s The Tides of Time explicitly contradicts Mystara canon. plans for the mainland which would One day a strange magical wave passes However, it is also clearly based on the lead to further adventures rooting out over the party, briefly turning the sky original X1 module so is not the lycanthrope threat (or even aiding dark and the sea silver before fading. enormously difficult to convert it for use it). Searching for the source leads the party in Mystara. to Teki-Moa-Ha. Initially suspecting the This module has been designed to link City of Pirates local Kara-kara the party investigate with the campaign and has suggested it Sailing between islands, the party is Malo, city of the Kara-kara and home to take place in AC1019, which allows for attacked by a pirate ship. They defeat their massive king. Through diplomacy the changes of setting that make the pirates but not before a valuable or guile they find that the Kara-kara are conversion to Mystara easiest. However, magical item is stolen (most parties will not the source of the magic and that they there is no requirement for it to take have a few and the DM can always give need to enter the forests of the fey-folk place then. them one shortly before if necessary). and find their legendary settlement, Only the middle third of the campaign is Upon following the retreating ship the Menehune. During this time the magical actually set on the islands and this can party find themselves on the grimy waves occur every few days, getting be used in isolation if required. Equally streets of Scuttlecove, possibly the most closer together. At Menehune, the party the first third works very well if set on appalling city in Mystara. Investigations find the faerie in the midst of their final northern Davania. in Scuttlecove find that the pirates want ritual intended to move the Archipelago There are several good suggestions of to use the item to take on the might of into another plane of existence using a how to convert the campaign on the the Crimson Fleet. Getting it back from strange magical artifact. The plan internet. For more information see the the pirates is complicated by the succeeds and the party find themselves published module. Dealers’ Consortium (who want to take in another world. Ka’s spell on the Isle the item and sell it), the Seventh Coil of Dread has made the move unstable (who are trying to steal the item to use) but the party will need to reverse the and Tyralandi Scrimm (who is just spell if they ever want to see home trying to cause trouble). again. They will need to steal the


The Sea of Dread An Unofficial Game Accessory

“No place like the Sea o’ Dread. Rich pickins for the brave and death for the foolish. If ye think the shore is full o’ rogues, it just gets worse further on in”

This unofficial Gazetteer further expands the world of Mystara, detailing the rich cultures of the Sea of Dread, home to pirates, savages and monsters. Far from being a lifeless ocean, the Sea of Dread harbours civilisations, settlements and secrets – all waiting for a brave adventurer to discover them.

“The Sea of Dread” describes the history, society, and personalities of the many islands found throughout the region, including the mysterious Thanegioth Archipelago. It also includes a detailed description of the Isle of Dread and reveals the secrets of the paranoid and isolated Empire of Twaelar.

The Sea of Dread is not for the faint-hearted. Death waits for the unprepared, but there is glory for those willing to seek it.