Press release GIORGIO LAVERI “Playing with…” Opening 5th December 2016 from 6pm to 9pm. 05.12.2016 – 27.01.2017 Monday – Friday : 10am – 1pm/3pm – 7pm Saturday : by appointment The C+N Canepaneri gallery has the greatest pleasure oF presenting “Playing with…”, the latest solo exhibition oF the multi-faceted artist, author and director, Giorgio Laveri. The Ligurian artist, known For his use oF the medium oF traditional ceramic techniques since the 1960s, has set up an installation site composed entirely of sand in our Milan gallery. It is, undoubtedly, a work oF vast dimensions bringing together the nature oF Laveri’s work: irony, play and lightheartedness, and combining it with the prowess oF the expert potter himselF. At the heart oF this installation piece, there is the theme oF an everlasting timeless game oF marbles to be played over sand which has been moulded to Form a racetrack, not unlike those commonly made by children on Italian beaches in summer. In his installation, Laveri has provided his public with over-sized ceramic marbles, 50 centimetres in diameter, the colours oF which he has matched to speciFic artists: red For Lucio Fontana, blue For Yves Klein and white For Piero Manzoni. In this way, Formula One pilots, cyclists and racing drivers alike, with some oF the best artists From the 1900s, will challenge each other to a marble race around a sand racetrack in front of the very eyes of the public. CANEPANERI – Foro Buonaparte, 48 20121 Milano T: 02 36768281
[email protected] The installation places itself in the wake of Laveri’s creative activity which transForms an ordinary object into a giant blown-out-of-proportion one, in line with Dada and Pop origins.