17th Century Musgrave MICHELLE Holiday Cottage Parish Institute SZYMANSKI Available for hire for all Sleeps two your local events and MOBILE HAIDRESSER functions at extremely Warm and cosy For all your hair dressing competitive rates, The Coach House inclusive of heating and needs in the comfort of power. Main hall has stage your own home Church Brough and tables and chairs to Call for an 017683 42530 seat 100 with ease. Contact Mick Oughton appointment on www.homeaway. or Sallie Oughton Tel : 017683 41633 co.uk/8151515 on 017683 41990 Mob : 07792239265

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2 November

November comes And November goes, With the last red berries And the first white snows.

With night coming early And dawn coming late, And ice in the bucket And frost by the gate.

The fires burn. And the kettles sing, And the earth sinks to rest Until next spring.

Elizabeth Coatsworth

3 BROUGH PARISH COUNCIL. At our October meeting held on Thursday 17th. there was no public participation so we moved straight to the agenda. Matters arising from last months minutes. a).Cllr. McKenzie reported on progress finally able to be made on applying for grants towards the purchase of our own Cinema equipment. The required three quotes have now been received and applications for money will now begin. Our last film had an audience of 64 with 8 volunteers, which was excellent. b).Cllr. Brocklehurst enquired about storing the " yellow bikes" following the successful "Tour of Britain Cycle Race". An offer of storage space is being investigated. CCC and EDC Councillors. Cllr. Simpkins reported on EDC's consultation on a Supplementary Planning Document(SPD). The Housing SPD adds detail to policies in the Eden Local Plan. Cllr. Simpkins explained that Upper Eden has an aging population and an increasing shortage of smaller properties that are required for them. However we have a considerable supply of larger 4 bedroom properties. All information on this and other EDC matters can be viewed on their website. Cllr. Dew has been tackling Highways on our behalf concerning repairs to the wall along Bayside. He wishes to be kept informed on this matter. He is still pushing for a winter resilience programme including warning signage and grit. Parish Plan. Cllrs. agreed to meet at Swanson House at the invitation of Cllr. Jones on 4th Nov. to discuss our plan for 2019/2020. Recycling Centre. Our Clerk has prepared a planning application for the proposed new site which will be delivered immediately. Grand Prix Services have kindly extended their deadline for the recycling to be moved, for which we are very grateful. Once we get approval, transfer to the new site will not take long. Devolution of Assets. Still no progress on anything. Trees on the Green and elsewhere. Cllr. Ellwood reported on potential costs of pruning or removing trees in the Parish. Very costly! We agreed to tackle the two cherries on CB green as priority and keep all others under review. Jubilee Orchard. Various ideas were expressed. All agreed that something must be done. Cllr. McKenzie will ask if help and support could come from experts at Acorn Bank and will report back. Christmas Lights. All agreed that Cllr. Ellwood will purchase some new sets of lights. Cllr. McKenzie will inform her of how many existing strings there are first of all. There was of course a great deal more, for full details of this and all our meetings please contact our Clerk Andrew Bedford on 017683 42394, or come to our next meeting to be held on Thursday 19th Dec. in the School Room, The Methodist Church, Brough at 7.00pm. All were thanked for their contributions and the meeting finished at 7.55pm.


• Councillor Fell reported back that unfortunately Council will not provide a plastic recycling bin at Warcop. They are encouraging residents to use the kerbside collection. • The Chairman has also asked Eden District Council if they would provide a garden waste skip for Sandford. • Warcop Amateur Dramatics have asked for a donation towards their “Halloween Walk” which the council agreed to. • The parish council have ordered a 4th defibrillator for the parish which will go in the old BT kiosk near the bus shelter. • Some of the old street lights in the parish are now getting replaced with new LED’s. • Extensive work has started at Eden Bridge. This is hopefully the last works needed from storm Desmond. • The parish council are looking into forming a sub-committee to look into funding to replace or upgrade the children’s play area in Warcop.



The Parish Council is looking for someone to serve as a Parish Councillor:- Are you interested in local current affairs? Do you wish to serve and improve your Community? Could you provide a voice for residents? If you feel you would like to get involved in making decisions about your local community and make a significant contribution to the area in which you live, then this is the position for you. There are 6 parish council meetings per year plus other ad-hoc meetings which you will be required to attend. This position is open to people that live in the parish of Warcop including Sandford, Bleatarn & Coupland Beck or within 3 miles of the parish boundary and those that work or own land within the parish. For further information and an application form please contact Heidi Strong, Parish Clerk Tel: 017683 41102 Email: [email protected]

5 STEPHEN CLOSS BUILDING CONTRACTOR Roofing, Plastering etc. Also interior & exterior painting GRP Flat Roofing Reasonable rates and no VAT No job too small 017683 41486 07716 573 052

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£1.00 Tea, Coffee, Juice, Biscuits Proceeds to St Stephen’s Church

St Stephen’s Church South Stainmore Annual Winter Warmer Saturday 2nd November 12.15pm (after the Coffee Morning) Soup and a bacon Bap £5.00 (£2.50 Schoolchildren) Raffle prizes All Welcome

ST MICHAELS CHURCH CRIB SERVICE Tues 24th December 2019 in St Michaels Church, Church Brough at 4pm. Kids can come dressed as nativity characters. Informal and family friendly. Come and join in the fun. Taking time out of the Christmas build up for an hour max. Further information from Rachel 07890756760

7 Next Air Ambulance Drop-in Collection 3rd November 2019 As announced in last month’s issue, the next Drop-in Collection for our Cumbrian Great North Air Ambulance will be at Brough Memorial Hall on the first Sunday in November (3rd) at the times of 12 noon to 1pm and then in the early evening from 5pm to 7pm. I am hoping for support as good as for July’s drop-in If you can’t manage the 3rd November, but have something for us, please phone me on 42135 to discuss alternatives. If I am not able to answer, leave a message with your phone number (and name which helps me to contact the right person) and a brief mention of what the call is about. The item in September’s The Way was seen by a chance visitor taking a break in Brough’s tea-room, phoned me from his home in South Wales and posted a number of used printer cartridges! Support comes from unexpected places. If you need bags for your offerings (and they DO appreciate it if their official bags are used) I have a large supply so please give me a phone call on 42135 to agree how you can collect them. Dave Williams

BROUGH ALLOTMENT AND GARDEN SOCIETY A huge congratulations to all BAGS members for the fantastic progress that we have made since the inaugural meeting in January We started the year with half a field and have grown together to create 19 allotments which include 1/4 and 1/2 plots. There are now 23 tenants, over a dozen chickens and several sheds and greenhouses. Rabbit fencing is an ongoing project, our efforts so far have reduced the number of furry invaders. Each plot is developing and the site has become well established. The saplings planted by the Primary School Eco are beginning to grow. The open afternoon was successful and very well attended. The weather was good and the village and allotment community enjoyed it. Maybe this can become an annual event and a fund raiser alongside the Easter Rally Tombola. Special thanks to Joe for getting the fencing underway, to Max for the gazebo and music, to Ailsa for the camper van kitchen and to Pat for making us welcome at Swanson House. Over the next few weeks we will all be winding down for the winter. It’s time to enjoy the harvest, sit in front of the fire, make yet more vegetable soup and to browse through the seed catalogues! Look out for the BAGS bright yellow harvest box near Oak Tree Garden on Sunday mornings. You will find fresh vegetables etc from our plots. Any gardener is welcome to add to it, surplus fruit, too many tomatoes, flowers etc. Feel free to have a look, any donations will be put towards BAGS funds. We already have a small waiting list for next year so please get in touch if you are interested in signing up! Experienced growers are always on hand to offer guidance if you are new to Allotment gardening. Email [email protected] Debbie Williamson (chairperson)

8 The Great Escape Imprisoned during World War II in a German POW camp, a group of Allied soldiers are intent on breaking out, not only to escape, but also to draw Nazi forces away from battle to search for fugitives. Sunday 17th November Brough Memorial Hall

Doors open: 2.30pm Film Starts: 3.00pm Tickets on the Door: Adults: £5.00 Under 16’s: £3.00 Advance Tickets: £4.50 Phone: 017683 42390 or 41221 Home baked refreshments on sale during the interval

WARCOP ART & CRAFT EXHIBITION 2020 Warcop Parish Hall Change of Dates Would all local artists, craftspeople and visitors please note that due to the government’s change to the early May Bank Hol- iday Warcop Art & Craft Exhibition will now take place between Friday 8th May to Sunday 10th May 10 – 4 pm. Artists’ set-up day Thursday 7th May 10 – 4 pm Private Viewing Evening Thursday 7th May 7 - 9 pm Exhibition/Workshop Days Friday, Saturday & Sunday, 8th – 10th May 10 – 4 pm Clear-up session – Sunday 10th May 4 – 6 pm Further information will be sent to all exhibitors in the coming weeks. David Keetley, Organiser

9 Swanson IAN HUTCHINSON BROUGH MEMORIAL HALL House WOOD FINISHING Restoration Hire fee £13 - £15 Bed Painter & Decorator per session & Breakfast Restore wood Heating extra Main Street, & painted kitchens, Use of kitchen incl. Brough, CA17 4BL tables, floors, Bookings doors, furniture, etc Sophia 07513 547801 Tel. 017683 41221 Tel : 017683 71008 Email : - Email:- Mob : 07966948496 broughmemorialhall enquires@swansonhouse. @yahoo.co.uk co.uk or No vat Facebook www.swansonhouse.co.uk “Excellent refs” Brough Memorial Hall

R A Lofthouse, Roofing Services

We specialise in traditional & modern slating, flagging and tiling. We offer a reliable & competitive service in & around the Eden Valley Traditional slate specialist, Re Roof / Repair work Slating, flagging & tiling Lead work Velux replacement /installation Chimney repair/replacement For a free quotation or any enquires please call Tel: 017683 42689 Mob: 07557738016 Email: [email protected] SEASONED FIREWOOD In dumpy bags Hardwood £72 DOGGIE Softwood £58 HOME Price inc. VAT @5% BOARDING Free Local Delivery Away on Holiday Kiln Dried Logs Available or Business? Thomas Ewbank 07486-109010 017683 62746 Local & Licensed www.tjewbanklogs.co.uk HETAS Quality Assured Fuel

10 Warcop Parish Hall COFFEE MORNING Saturday 9th November, 10:00 – 11:30 am

Special Guests: Warm Homes Eden A team from Eden District Council will attend to give advice on how you may be eligible for more support to keep warm during the winter. They can help you stay safe and warm at home by: Saving money on your heating costs, Switching to a cheaper energy tariff Making your home warmer, draught proofing, insulation Replacing inefficient heating Reducing or clearing any water or energy debt Inclusion on Electricity North West’s Priority Service Register Access to your energy supplier’s Warm Home Discount Access to a benefit entitlement review Being connected to the Fire Service for Safe And Well visit Accessing a gas connection Who Can Apply? A Householder can apply if you: Receive a DWP benefit, or Have a low income coupled with high energy costs Have a low income and a long-term health condition Contacts: Warm Homes Eden 01768 593240 or email warm- [email protected] Enjoy good company with tea, coffee and biscuits, plus some tasty extras: BACON ROLLS (vegetarian alternatives) & FRUIT OR CHEESE SCONES Browse our book and games collection in our expanding community library Purchase goods from our small community shop Everyone welcome: £1.50 each, including a free refill

Brough Remote Cinema The November showing “ The Great Escape” is now on Sunday 17th November

11 Brough Methodist Church Brough Thursday Club dates for November are 14th and 28th from 10am to 12noon in Brough Methodist Church schoolroom which has disabled access. This is a FREE fortnightly event, including refreshments, for everyone. We play dominoes, sit and knit/sew, chat and generally have fun. We often have an old-fashioned singsong with Elvyn on keyboards as well. We would love it if more people joined us. You can check out the library at the same time. Our next Coffee Morning is on Saturday 9th November (I’ve got the date right this month!) from 10.00am to 11.30-ish in Brough Methodist Church Schoolroom and is in aid of Boxes of Hope, the Cumbrian charity that sends shoeboxes full of Christmas magic to needy children in Romania. Thank you for all the items left in our porch. They are all much appreciated, particularly by the Food Bank which has extra demands on it during the colder weather. For the time being there will be no more gentle exercise classes in the schoolroom. We didn’t really have enough folk interested to make it viable. We will think about it again next Spring. For more details, please contact Heather on 42476.

Warcop Parish Hall Upper Eden through the Years Friday 15th November, 7.30pm

Local photographer, Mark Keefe, will be presenting photo- graphs taken over the years showing the Upper Eden and Stainmore Railway in all its glory. £5 per person (including tea or coffee) Bring ‘n’ share buffet Bring your own drink (no drinks for sale at this event) Tickets available on the door For further details, please call Caroline on 017683 42900 or email [email protected]

12 Gents Barbers Lisa Holmes No appointment Professional Dog Grooming and Pet Care necessary Dog Grooming Cuts from £5 Day Care Ladies catered for Home Boarding Open Licensed & insured Monday 10 - 4pm For all your pet needs 36 Market Square Tuesday 10 - 7pm Brough Kirkby Stephen Friday 10 - 7pm 017683 41522 017683 72497 Saturday 9 - 4pm 07818 478067

ROOFIROOFING AND SPECIALIST LEADWORK CONTRACTOR Over 50 years experience in roofing and renowned for our excellence in working with natural slate, we offer superior levels of quality, expertise and value. For a FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTE please call 015396 24481 Email: [email protected]

13 CHURCH OF SERVICES FOR BROUGH & STAINMORE November 2019 3rd Sunday 10:30am Holy Communion, St Michael’s, Church Brough 2.30pm Evening Prayer, St Stephen’s, Stainmore 10th Sunday 10:30am Remembrance Sunday, St Michael’s, Church Brough 17th Sunday 10:00am Café Church, Church Hall, Church Brough 11.00am Holy Communion St Stephen’s, Stainmore 24th Sunday 10:30am Holy Communion, St Michael’s, Church Brough 11.00am Holy Communion, St Stephen’s, Stainmore

METHODIST CHURCH SERVICES November 2019 3rd Sunday 10.30am Mr D Thackray Brough 10.30am Mrs J Worsfold Brough Sowerby 10th Sunday 10.30am United Service at Parish Church Brough 10.30am Rev J Betts Brough Sowerby 6.30pm Connexion Service Kirkby Stephen 17th Sunday 10.30am Rev S Radford Brough 10.30am Rev T Dent Brough Sowerby 24th Sunday 10.30am Mr A Burton Brough 10.30am Mr D Thackray Brough Sowerby


Church of England Services - Heart of Eden Benefice St Columba’s, Warcop with St Theobald’s, Musgrave November 2019 3rd Sunday 10.45am Holy Communion St Columba’s, Warcop 10th Sunday 10.00am Holy Communion St Theobald's, Musgrave 10.55am Remembrance Service Warcop War Memorial (Follow on Service in St Columba’s) 17th Sunday 10.45am Holy Communion St Columba’s,Warcop 24th Sunday 10.00am Holy Communion St Theobald’s, Musgrave

Church Cleaning St Columba’s - Saturday November 2nd - 10.00am

METHODIST CHURCH SERVICES November 2019 3rd Sunday 10.30am Local Arrangement Warcop 10th Sunday 10.55am United Service at Parish Church Warcop 6.30pm Connexion Service Kirkby Stephen 17th Sunday 10.30am Mr A Pallister Warcop 24th Sunday 6.30pm Mr B Staley Warcop

15 St Theobald’s Church Musgrave Monday 2nd December 7.00pm Taizé Service for Advent What is TAIZE? In 1940 Brother Roger a Lutheran Minister, left Switzerland to go to France, where the 2nd World War was raging. He arrived at the deserted village of Taizé, in France and acquired a house where he started hiding refugees, mostly Jews fleeing from the Nazi occupation. For two years, he prayed morning, midday and evening for reconciliation between nations and by 1949 a small group had joined him in prayers. Today over eighty brothers make up the Taizé community and they are from all dominations and from some 20 different countries. They continue to live a communal life dedicated to prayer for the reconciliation of all humanity. Since 1957 Taizé has proved a magnet for hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world wanting to join with the community in prayer for the world. At the heart of the community is communal worship in the Church of the Reconciliation, morning, midday and evening. To accommodate the many nationalities and traditions a very simple pattern of worship developed. Inside the Church is dimly lit, there are few icons illuminated by candles and the faint smell of incense can be noticed. During the services the Bible is read in various languages, after which there are long periods of silence. Most distinctive are some short chants, simply orchestrated and repeated, leading the people into meditative prayer. Taizé worship follows the pattern established by the Taizé community in France. It is characterised by:- beautiful simple music – Taizé chants silence simplicity and lots of candles All welcome

Brough Community Library will be open on Tues. 19th November from 10am to 11am and Wed. 27th November from 10am to 11am in Brough Methodist Church. There is a nominal enrolment fee of £2 for adults and it is free for children. You may take as many books as you can carry for no further charge. Please come and support this initiative to ensure it is a success and can remain open. If you have any questions just ring Heather on 42476.

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17 BROUGH SOWERBY LUNCH CLUB We continue to meet on the first Wednesday of every month for home cooked soups, rolls, sweets and biscuits. We look forward to welcoming you at the Chapel between 12 noon and 1.00pm Just turn up or contact 41258 with any questions

Warcop Remote Cinema Late Night (15) Starring Emma Thompson Warcop Parish Hall Thursday 21st November 2019 A late-night talk show host’s world is turned upside down when she hires her first and only female writer. Originally intended to smooth over di- versity concerns, her decision brings about hilarious consequences as the two women, who are separated by culture and generation, become united by their love of a biting punchline.

Doors open 7:00pm Screening: 7.15pm Adults: £4.00 if booked at least 24 hrs in advance Adults: £4.50 on the door Children under 16: £2.50 Refreshments available during the interval, including ice creams To book tickets in advance, please email [email protected] Note that the next 2 films will be: Thursday, 12th December – Yesterday (12A) Thursday, 16th January – Mrs Lowry & Son (PG)

Soup and Pudding Warcop Parish Hall Final coffee morning of the year Thursday 5th December (none in November)

18 STAINMORE WI Our AGM meeting went smoothly, with the usual suspects keeping their jobs for another year. We now have 28 members and nine committee members which is great. We are looking forward to our November meeting when John Natlacen will be bringing cheese from his shop in . John is an entertaining speaker and lets us taste a selection of his unusual cheeses. One of his cheeses is shaped like a ball and covered in black wax. He tells the story about a lady who gave one of these as a Christmas present to her friend. At Easter she asked her friend if she had enjoyed her cheese. Her friend replied “Oh I thought it was a candle. It is still sitting on my windowsill”. Stainmore WI normally meets at the Methodist Church Schoolroom in Brough on the second Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm. However, the November meeting will be held at the same time but in the Church Hall, Church Brough. New members and visitors are always welcome. D Clatworthy

St Michaels Church CHRISTMAS MEAL On Saturday 14th December 2019 At 6.30pm In The CHURCH HALL. Four Course Traditional Christmas dinner. Bingo, Carols and Quiz. Santa Visit. Pre - Booking essential. Call Diane on 41219 for tickets. Adults £12.50 and Kids £6.00 Taxi service available on request. Everyone welcome.

Still Wanted “The Way” production team is looking for people who are available for 2 - ½ days in the last week of the month to help with the printing & collating of the magazine. For details contact John 017683 41172 or Colin 017683 42073


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MARK JENYON JAMES POPPS Painter & Decorator LOCAL REMOVALS Interior & Exterior DELIVERIES Oaklands CLEARANCES Flitholme WE ALSO BUY AND Warcop SELL ANTIQUES Appleby FURNITURE ETC. CA16 6PT TEL : 07890282301 Tel : 017683 42512 : 017683 42303 Mob : 07817 902265 j.poppssculpt@ yahoo.co.uk

20 21 15th November – Brough Methodist Church 10am to 12noon. CAfS (Cumbria Action for Sustainability) will be attending with EDC Revenue & Benefits staff. See leaflets sent out with October copies of The Way (in Brough). CAfS are the point of access for Warm Homes Eden. See the poster in Longway window for more information. The EDC staff will also be in the schoolroom to offer advice on benefits.

Warcop Parish Hall Our next Great North Air Ambulance bag collection will be on Saturday 14th December at the monthly Coffee Morning, 10:00 – 11:30 am. The GNAA van will collect bags at 11:30 am. There will be an extra collection session on Friday 13th December at the Hall from 7 – 8 pm if you can’t attend on Saturday. Our last collection in the summer raised £540 for the GNAA charity and so far, we have donated bags worth over £3,200 with our bi-annual collections. Thank you so much for supporting such a valuable service. David Keetley

Warcop Parish Hall Ladies’ Night Friday, 22nd November, 7.30pm Entry £2 (including nibbles) Stalls with gifts, make-up, jewellery, clothes, cards, prints, sweets, skincare, floral arrangements and nail treatments available

Licensed Bar Raffle Get ready for Christmas!

The next edition will be a Double Issue for December & January with copy required by November 20th, Copy may be e-mailed to the editor, Colin Edney: thewayeditor305 @gmail.com Please note that attachments to the email, should be in ‘word’ or ‘works’ format (not pdf.) please Alternatively, deliver by hand or post to “The Way "Four Winds, Church Brough, Kirkby Stephen, CA17 4EW Tel: 017683 42073

22 Able Memorials Ltd

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Graham Clark GARDEN MAINTENANCE For all your garden needs grass cutting/ strimming/ turfing hedge cutting/ pruning weed and moss control power washing fully insured Tel : 017683 42383 Mob : 07828 083939

23 Warcop and Sandford W.I. Mrs Maureen Heron (President) welcomed members to the October meeting and introduced our guest speakers Mrs Allyson Jenyon and Mrs Jenny Whitfield who are volunteers with the local charity Eden Animal Rescue. They also brought along a lovely dog named Mya who had found a new home with Allyson. Allyson told us of the history of the charity, from its early days when they were based in Hardendale from 1995 until September 2016 when they moved to their new premises at Moorlands Head Farm, Temple Sowerby. Allyson showed photographs of their new premises, with its purpose built facilities and paddocks and of course the delightful animals in their care. The charity has a non destruc- tion policy and will take older animals until they are re-homed. Eden Animal Rescue is totally reliant on fundraising and donations as it receives no government funding. With only 3 members of staff, volunteers are an essential element of the success of the charity and undertake a variety of tasks from ken- nel cleaning, socialising animals, dog walking and training and fundraising. The charity is home to a wide variety of animals and currently has 22 dogs, 39 cats, 6 Barn cats, 5 rabbits, 2 guinea pigs and 59 kittens! Eden Animal Rescue aims to rescue, care and re-home animals and gives these animals a second chance of happiness and as many of us know ‘animals can make our lives complete’. Mrs Sheila Morbey gave the vote of thanks. The Hostesses were Mrs Brook, Mrs Horn and Mrs Richardson. A Business Meeting followed when items from the W I News were discussed. We also discussed our forthcoming coffee morning at Appleby Public Hall on Saturday 19th of October. Our next meeting is our AGM on Wednesday 6th November at 7.30pm. There is no guest speaker this month, as following the AGM we will be filling our ‘Boxes of Hope’ shoe boxes which will be sent to children in Rumania.

Thinking Into Advent Tuesday’s in November 5th, 12, 19th and 26th 7.30 p.m. at Low Broomrigg, Gt Musgrave All Welcome

24 From the & Westmorland Herald November 1919 Wet and cold, Blizzard 19th On Fri 24th October, Musgrave welcomed its troops home (9 men, 1 woman, a nurse) with tea in the school, then a concert and a gold medal each. The nurse was Nurse C S Wilson. Mr Willan of Reynoldson and Willan, was buried, late October. The extra work (lack of staff) in the War broke his health. North Stainmore treated their ex-Army lad’s, their wives and parents to dinner, total 40 or so at the Punch Bowl Hotel, 8.00pm Fri 24th October. They ate roast goose and vegetable, and plum pudding. Entries from Stainmore, Lunedale and Teesdale in the Grains O’Beck Tups Fair and Show, Sat 25th October. Formerly buyers came to it from all over Westmorland and Yorkshire. The venue is on the Middleton road from Brough. Lost between Barras Station and Borrenthwaite, on the Vicarage road a gold bracelet, also a car’s thumbscrew (G M Dalston-Ewbank, Borrenthwaite.) Brough Methodist Chapel’s annual mission Service was on Sunday 2nd. Billiards; Brough Reading Room team (664) verses KS Conservative Club (547), Thursday 6th. Warty Spuds now in Westmorland Brough’s Lay reader Mr Fitton leaves soon. presentation to him Thursday 6th in the Oddfellows Hall. Football, return match Saturday 8th at Brough. Brough 2, KS 1, Brough team much improved. Brough Sons of temperance Concert Friday Eve 14th, in the Old School, lots there; followed by supper and dance. 16 cases, this month of measles in Mallerstang. Twelve pupils from Brough Primitive Methodist Chapel’s Sunday School went to its country-wide Scripture Exam, all 12 passed easily and two of them took first and second places, 1st Anne J Sowerby 100%, 2nd Sarah Deighton 99%. A Chorley driver of a large motor charabanc was fined 30/- (now £120) for blocking the road outside the Railway Inn (now Chamley Arms) in Warcop on Brough Hill day for 2 hours. Married at Gt Musgrave Church 21st October Sam, 2nd son of Mr and Mrs Taylor , Albion Place, Bury to Hilda, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Raine, Langrigg, Gt Musgrave Private J H Goulding, Sandford, ex POW is now back on his parents farm. A war medal has come to him. Died on Thursday 6th morning, at High Green Farm, Warcop, Mr William Lothi- an. In 1918 he had flu and since then 2 operations (1 leg off), came to Warcop in 1915; was a Hunsonby man, married with 2 sons and 2 daughters. Was of ster- ling character. Widow is Eliza Jane. He was 64. Died 2nd November. Miss Robina Whitfield, 20, ill since 18¾, was Post woman for Brough and Brough Sowerby. Her parents Mr and Mrs W Whitfield are at 25 Brooke Farm, Brough, her home. She was C of E, big funeral. For Sale, the Ship Inn also called the Black horse, cottage and 18¼ acres, occupied by its owner Mr William Pounder. Offers to him before 23rd November. Joke: Father to suitor “you told me you are worth £1000/year. Lad “I am, but I only get £150 (£1 then equals £80 now) Jeremy Godwin Dates for your Diary November 2 Sat Coffee Morning, St Stephen’s, Stainmore 10.30am 2 Sat Winter Warmer, St Stephen’s, Stainmore 12.15pm 3 Sun Ambulance Drop In, Brough Memorial Hall 12 -1.00pm 3 Sun Ambulance Drop In, Brough Memorial Hall 5 -7 pm 6 Wed Prayer for the Parish, St Theobald’s Church 9.30am 6 Wed Lunch Club, Brough Sowerby Chapel 12.00pm 6 Wed Warcop W.I, Warcop Parish Hall 7.30pm 9 Sat Coffee Morning, Brough Methodist Church 10.00am 9 Sat Coffee Morning, Warcop Parish Hall 10.00am 9 Sat Supper & Wine & Talk, Eden Vale 7.00pm 13 Wed Stainmore WI, St Michael’s Church Hall 7.30pm 15 Fri Upper Eden thro’ the Ages, Warcop Parish Hall, 7.30pm 16 Sat Farmers Market, Brough Memorial Hall 9.30am 17 Sun Remote Cinema, Brough Memorial Hall 3.00pm 21 Thurs. Remote Cinema, Warcop Parish Hall 7.15pm 22 Fri Ladies’ Night, Warcop Parish Hall, 7.30pm December 2 Mon Taizé Service, St Theobald’s Church 7.00pm 4 Wed Prayer for the Parish, St Theobald’s Church 9.30am 4 Wed Lunch Club, Brough Sowerby Chapel 12.00pm 4 Wed Warcop W.I, Warcop Parish Hall 7.30pm 5 Thurs. Soup & Pud, Warcop Parish Hall, 11.30am 6 Fri Christmas Bingo, Warcop parish Hall, 7.30pm 7 Sat Coffee Morning, St Stephen’s, Stainmore 10.30am 10 Tues. A Christmas Celebration, Warcop Parish Hall 7.00pm 12 Thurs. Remote Cinema, Warcop Parish Hall 7.15pm 13 Fri Air Ambulance Collection, Warcop Parish Hall 7 - 8pm 14 Sat Air Ambulance Collection, Warcop Parish Hall 10.00am 14 Sat Christmas Meal Church Hall, Brough, 6.30pm 18 Wed Stainmore WI, Brough Methodist Sch. Rooms 7.30pm 19 Thurs. Parish Council, Brough Methodist Sch. Rooms 7.00pm 24 Tues Crib Service, St Michael’s Church 4.00pm

26 PHILIP METCALFE LTD The Golden Fleece BUILDING CONTRACTOR Main Street, Brough Tel : 017683 52745 Bar Food Mobiles : 07891727815 and : 07816243273 Drink CONVERSIONS EXTENSIONS DAMPPROOFING ROOFING Facilities available for PLASTERING ALL BUILDING small functions WORK UNDERTAKEN 017683 41314/41392

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ECUMENICAL CONTACTS CHURCH OF ENGLAND CLERGY Revd. Sam Held, St Michael’s, Church Brough, 017683 71204 METHODIST CLERGY Revd. Stephen Radford, 50 South Road, Kirkby Stephen. 017683 71202 CHURCHWARDENS (CHURCH OF ENGLAND) St Michael’s, Brough with Stainmore:Mrs Judy Dobson 017683 41439 St Stephen’s Stainmore: Mrs Rosemary Bainbridge 017683 41285 St. Columba’s, Warcop: Mrs S Morbey 017683 41926 St. Columba’s, Warcop: Mrs J Featherstone 017683 41033 CLERKS TO PARISH COUNCILS Brough: Mr. Andrew Bedford 017683 42394 Musgrave: Mrs. Heidi Strong, 017683 41102 Warcop: Mrs. Heidi Strong, 017683 41102 Stainmore: Mrs Marjorie Sinclair, Oxenthwaite House, S. Stainmore 017683 41407 CLERKS TO BROUGH SOWERBY PARISH MEETING Mr Bryan Palphreyman [email protected] 07713 031087 DOCTORS & HOSPITALS Brough Health Centre 017683 41294 Kirkby Stephen Health Centre 017683 71369 Appleby Health Centre 017683 51584 Cumberland Infirmary, Newtown Road, . 01228 523444 Penrith New Hospital, Bridge Lane, Penrith. 01768 245555 Westmorland General Hospital, Burton Road, Kendal. 01539 732288 VETERINARY SURGEONS Pendragon Vets Ltd, Hamilton House, St Luke's Rd, Kirkby Stephen. 017683 71359 Old Hall Veterinary Centre, Cross Croft Industrial, Estate, Appleby. 017683 51507 SCHOOLS Brough Primary School 017683 41284 Warcop C of E Primary School 017683 41471 Kirkby Stephen Grammar School 017683 71693 POLICE ALL ENQUIRIES (this deals with all calls that are not emergencies) 101 GENERAL Post Office, Brough, Monday & Wednesday 9.00 - 1.00pm, Thursday 12.00 - 4.00pm Warcop, Thursday 9.15 - 11.15am Tourist Information Centre, Kirkby Stephen 017683 71199 Community & Council Centre Kirkby Stephen 017683 71775 Library Kirkby Stephen 017683 71775 St Michael’s Church Hall Bookings Tucker Dobson 017683 41439