Agenda Outline
COUNCIL AGENDA COUNCIL CHAMBERS COMMUNITY ADMINISTRATION CENTRE (CAC) 16 June 2015 Notice is hereby given that the next meeting of the Sorell Council will be held at the Community Administration Centre (CAC), 47 Cole Street, Sorell on Tuesday, 16 June 2015, commencing at 6.00 pm. CERTIFICATION I, Robert Higgins, General Manager of the Sorell Council, hereby certify that in accordance with Section 65 of the Local Government Act 1993, the reports in this Agenda have been prepared by persons who have the qualifications and experience necessary to give such advice. Information and recommendations or such advice was obtained and taken into account in providing general advice contained within the Agenda. Notices of Motion and supporting documentation from Councillors are exempted from this certification. ROBERT HIGGINS GENERAL MANAGER 11 June 2015 AGENDA FOR THE COUNCIL MEETING TO BE HELD AT THE COMMUNITY ADMINISTRATION CENTRE (CAC), 47 COLE STREET, SORELL ON 16 JUNE 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 ATTENDANCE 1 2.0 APOLOGIES 1 3.0 DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 1 4.0 CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES OF 19 MAY 2015 1 5.0 MAYOR’S REPORT 1 6.0 SUPPLEMENTARY ITEMS 2 7.0 COUNCIL WORKSHOPS REPORT 3 8.0 DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 3 8.1 GOVERNANCE – ROBERT HIGGINS, GENERAL MANAGER 3 8.2 ENGINEERING & REGULATORY SERVICES – RUSSELL FOX, MANAGER 10 8.3 HR, CUSTOMER & COMMUNITY SERVICES – JESS RADFORD, MANAGER 19 8.4 FINANCE AND INFORMATION – TINA HOUSE, MANAGER 24 9.0 PETITIONS 26 9.1 PETITION – UPGRADE OF FACILITIES, DODGES FERRY SKATE PARK 26 10.0 LAND USE PLANNING 43 10.1 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SPECIAL COMMITTEE MINUTES 43 10.2 SECTION 43A – REZONING OF LAND & SPECIFIED DEPARTURE AT 38 GORDON STREET, SORELL AMENDMENT NO.
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