The London Gazette, November 24, 1868
THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 24, 1868. poses of tlie Bill, the provisions, or some of the Actjlassed in the 7th and 8th years of the reign provisions of the local and personal Acts following of King George the Fourth, intituled " An Act (that is to say) — 4 and 5 William IV., cap. 88 ; for supplying with water the town and neigh- 1 Viet., cap. 71; 1 and '2 Viet., cap. 27; 2 and bourhood of Huddersfield, in the West Riding 0f 3 Viet., cap. 28; 4 and 5 Viet., caps. 1 and 39; the county of York," and also of an Act passed 7 and 8 Viet., caps. 5, 63, and 86; 8 and 9 Viet.. in the 8th and 9th. years of the reign of Her caps. 86, 88, 83, 107, 121, 165, 185, and 199; present Majesty, intituled "An Act to after, 9 and 10 Viet., caps. 129, 13J, 173, 174, 175, enlarge, and amend an Act for supplying with 252, 355, 370. and 39 i ; 10 and 11 Viet, caps. water'the town and neighbourhood of Hudders- 57, 58, 8S, 9G, 97, 1 15. 145, 167, 243, 244, 249, field, in the West Riding of the county of York" 273, and 297; 11 and !2 Viet., caps. 75,85, 87, (and which Commissioners are hereinafter 89, 125. and 157; 5t Geo. III., cap. 196; 12 referred to as "the Commissioners"), and for- and 13 Viet., caps. 33 nud 34; 13 and 14 Viet., vesting in the Corporation the said undertaking, cap. 24; 14 and 15 Viet, cap.
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