On-Line Separation of Short-Lived Tungsten Isotopes from Tantalum; Hafnium and Lutetium by Adsorption on Ion Exchangers from Aqueous Ammonia Solution
Jointly I,ublished by Elsevier Scie.ce S. A~. Lausanne and J.Radioanal.Nucl.Chem.,Letters Akad?miai Kiod6, Bltdapest 214 (I) I-7 (I 996) ON-LINE SEPARATION OF SHORT-LIVED TUNGSTEN ISOTOPES FROM TANTALUM; HAFNIUM AND LUTETIUM BY ADSORPTION ON ION EXCHANGERS FROM AQUEOUS AMMONIA SOLUTION 1 1 1 1 D. Schumann , R. Dressler , St. Taut , H. Nitsche , Z. Szeglowski2, B. Kubica2~ L.I. Guseva 3, 4 G.S. Tikhomirova3, A. Yakushev~, O. Constantinescu , V.P. Domanov 4, M. Constantinescu 4, Dinh Thi Lien 4, Yu. Ts. Oganessian 4, V.B. Brudanin 4, I. Zvara 4, H. Bruchertseifer 5 I Institute of Analytical Chemistry, University of Technology Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany 2H. Niewodniczanski Institut of Nuclear Physics, Krakow, Poland ~Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Moscow, Russia 4joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia 5paul-Scherrer-Institute, Villigen, Switzerland Received 17 June 1996 Accepted I July 1996 The title goal was achieved using a DOWEX 50Wx8 cation exchange column saturated with La(OH) 3 and ammonia solution as eluent.>Hf, Ta and Lu were adsorbed on this column, where- as W remained in the solution. This chemical system may be used for fast on-line separa- tions of element 106. INTRODUCT ION Subgroup VI elements form oxo-anions in alkaline solu- tion I , whereas subgroup IV and V elements and lanthanides hydroiyze under these conditions. This might be of inter- 0236 -5 731/76/.[/S ~ J 2,0 Cops I"ight ~'9~6 Ak~ch~nlirli KicaM, Blldapr All t il.,ht$ rest'tied SCHUMANN et al.: ON-LINE SEPARATION OF TUNGSTEN ISOTOPES est for fast on-line separation of element 106 from heavy actinides and element 104 produced simultaneously in heavy ion reactions.
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