AUG. 13,9Am. to 9P.M. with ALL CASH SALES!
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The WeRt^^^ omam WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1989 Average Daily Net PreM Run iKanrh^at^r lEttPttfttg ?|fralb For tti« Week Emled PACK ETGHTSEN May tSrd, IIM Fartly el—dy, no* mwea tO a m f ta tetnperatnro tnalght. Low ki mM iMo. rvidoyi'Y— i. raUiee bu- 12,925 iiM. ea— of a late eiterim— or About Town Member of the Audit evenliig elmsrer. Hlgli In am . Rnreau ef C$re«ilatf<Mi M a n c h e $ t 0 r— A City of rU iogo Charm ■m* lU d Men'» Cluk fall and. 1 Winter aetback tournam ent la be* inj, formed at the cltibroom*. All MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUS'T'I*. 1»»» — Pago 18> PRICE FIVE CENTS aetbAck plajfra who are interealed VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 267 (TWBNTY PAGES) in forming a team ere eeked to ^;ontact C hrli Lem phler an.v Mon day evening at the rhibrooma DOUBLE^GREEN STAMPS THURS. It la hoped to commence pla>ing m early September. Judge Alcorn jjj G b S T r X The An«' outdoor rnmne pro gram conducted by the Recreation Department «ill be held tomor Integration row •eninc in Center Park. The movies will begin at diudt. and AUG. 13,9 am. to 9 p.m. WITH ALL CASH SALES! Public Defendei* for [Price Cut Plan Till be under the aupervlalon nf iFoes Quiet Bart Moore of the recreation stafT. Washington, Aug. 1.3 </P)— SHETLAND KNITS The steel indu.stry, it was re-i ---— Dr. Richard^. Alton of Bolton, by 4AXE IRWO.L Culombe Plea Delay lioVilv renni'fpH tndnv hsS re- ■ Utle Rock. Ark.. Aug. 13 who was recently reappointed to Make sure they look as smart as liaoly repoi tea toaay. nas i e Negro girl* strolled back into the State Board of Chiropractic ject«d a suggestion that it cut | school today for second they are! Check our budget-wise Soft and light. In wonderful House Unit Examiners for a S-year term by steel prices $10 a ton in lieu , of integration there with only Voted H ,r t f n r d . Got*. Abfaham A, ‘ Rlbicoff, has buys tlcaled Tor kindergarten to col clear colors. Cornea In blue, green and brown. SIzei 34 to 40. perior Court Jud^e Howard of granting a wage increase in '* slight stir from segregationist*, been rejected vice president of lege ! of low which still need study, ond the current strike situation. B-fore the Ihiee Negros, *r-, the fact hat he devote* .50 per the boerd. W. Alcorn today scolded spe The suggestion for a $10 price , nved. two , cial public defender.Alexander cent of hi* time a* attorney for rut was made by Rep. Chester A. drove by In a convertible bearing j •”V w - - V‘’‘V V the Create. Hartford Flood Com SLIP-ONS A. Goldfarb for failure to give Bowles iD-Connl in a letter to ^ 22 Months m ission prompted the extenaidn President Eisenhower, who in turn , 'Integration Is Communism L T. WOOD CO. prompt attention to the ap I'equeet $ 6 .9 8 peal case of convicted mur TheTh?Voc.l local lawverlawyer saidsaui thattnat whilewniie I^ had it referred directly to^ ^Chair-1 ^ and-IVe Arepolicemen or Faubiis standing by ICE PLANT H Lade and Louei ^out^ | derer Arthur Culombe. Taborsky had three .ttorneys to! ms" Roger Blough of the L.S. sieei ^ticntton to the cSr which! Extra Levy •1 BtSSELL 8T. The «harp reprimand came a* work "" "Pp' ^ said to have turned did not atop. is completed b hk had no help ^^at Ofherwiae. I he aegregstionist* Cuhe»-Cru»hed‘Block* CARDIGANS Judge Alcorn granted Atty. Gold farb'* requaet for another exten pi paring t_ . ' . 1 irt settling the present month-long were quiet. Officer* used rliiha and For Roads \ bock -fo Cloiiee! sion. to Aug. 28, for the filing of He said he P'»"* J," “ 1 strike the steel companies are go- Are hose on some 200 men. women S_--------------------------------------------------- -- — — the appeal brief, since the Hart final extension beyond Aug. 28 in I atrikers and children n-ar Central High $ 7 .9 8 ford lawyer said, the brief is only hopes to have, the brief printe'l ‘n inrrMR« anv- School ye.alerday to break up a Wgghington. Aug. 18 <JP)— September. He also aaid that if the SPORTSWEAR—2nd PLOOR. 80 per cent complete. ma.«s protest. The Hoii*c Ways and Meani The ckao involves Culombe, who appeal is rejected by the State Su- induativ's position is Central alio reopens today for Committee toda.v voted Wit lUstic SUrkiitt ha* been in Death Row at State * preme Court, he expects to take cannot, in the public in- its second day of integration. Only cent increase in the federal Mm enidicr Mtidwa lea dae Prleon since June 1957, ^ e n he the case to federal count*. tm-est, increase steel labor costa one .Negro, .iefferson Thomas. 18. BLAZER Back To School FABRICS and Joseph Taboraky. were *en- Judge Alcorn interrupted the IS expected there today: Elizabeth ; i gaanline tax effective SepL 1 miae eelm (bale aediiep and thus spur inflation. The strik- I to keep the super highteay dm pwrlda Im. cawfeit- From Hale’s Fabulous Fabric Department! teneed ;o death. Goldfarb presentation with the steelworker* union contends Eckfoid went the ftrsi day only 1 abb wMten — ti • •»» JACKETS Judge Alcorn noted that Atty. comment: rhat this is an attempt to reverse to consult her counselor. | i program going. Goldfarb ha* had numerous exten- "I don't see wli.v you cant g*t traditional American economic The three Negro girls walked in- | TTi* extra levy would'remain lew aria yee eta afetd. by GIRL TOM'S 111 DAN RIVER WRINKL-SHED alfliia since Jan u ary , '’ll seem* . the brief in and have this thing i pgucy that worker* are entitled to to Hall at 9:'26 a m. ( t’.STi, four effect for 33 months. WELDON DRUG CO. that, the ground* for this exten.-ioq disposed of." regular sharing in profit*. minute* before school opened. The c.ofnmltte* voted aiso . to MI »Uln Street—Ml g-M31 doesn’t exist,” the judge said as Goldfarb said he was a very con- Bowie* told a reporter today he They came up in a black (’adit- divert tn the highway fund aeoia PLAID QINDHAMS acientlou* and meticuloiia lawyer, j^it hu, «teel price cut proposal ha.s lac driven hv a Negro man, A .of the taxes now collectad on auto* NOW 'S THE THHB TO ORDCllt he continued: Miniature Plalda and Bolder I>arge -Pattevne. ■'I’m not impressed by the other and preferred to uae extreme, care merit. He said if the industry went N egro woman was in the front .<eatJ mobiles and automobile parts. CASH’S PRINTED TTie gas tax Increase I* lea* Drip dry,- crease resistant. Beautiful dark tone pUids that oibligstions yo'. have in your prac in preparing the brief. along, he felt sure the Steelwork- and the three girla were ih the | than Stale's Atty. Albert S. Bill, who ers Union would hsve to abandon back. I the t cents asked by PrealllMlt have the new look. .id" wide Td. ^ tice.” N A M E T A P E S The judge told All.V. Goldfarb prosecuted the Taborsky-Culombe ita age increase demands in the The car moved up in the reg- ; Eisenhower, hut is estimated to ba School Starts In Only a Month! that when he fook the. case last rase and retires from office Aug.; public interest. Bowles was the iilar line of traffic, cars bumper! enoii gh to maintain the rate of NEW IN FLANNEL! FINEST qi ALITY summer he had a "public respon 31. opposed further oelays government's World M’ar II price to bumper with police directing | highway onnstnictirm a t Cloaa to sibility” thst comes first. "There are two people i Tabor- adminiatrator. them. "The Negroes' car stopped | Ita present level for the next thrag A.B.G. Drip Dry Cotion Prints 8 n„, *1.25 "Your obligation to the public sky-Culombe, 1 down there i State's "The effect of a steel price cut a t a corner 150 yards from the years, COHAMA ‘^FUNNELURE” roqiiires that you put attention to! Prison! for over two years in the would help the entire economy,” school's front door. Th* conimiHee action beak* a Dacron and rayon. M’ashnhle, rrease-re- Yd. .16" Wide this case energetically,” the judge j Bowles said. "It would probably The Negro girl* walked down 1 long deadlock over soiircet of rtV- .-istsnt. 12 n-. 0.50 said. I (CnnHniied on Page Fifteen) i mean th a t price* of new 1960 auto the street, crossed a driveway and anue to keep rnnstmction movUlg Yd. 45" Wide mobiles would hsve to be lower, walked into the school. Oil th* 41.000-mlle network. IVonderfiil A B <’ quslitv in the newest (Thoice of iron-on or aew-on. too. Although th* rommittec on pOh tin.v pattern s and of all the nevest Ten white boys came out on the ; i vloiia ocaceions had repeataid^ "We've .just gotten out of the front porch of the school. They i A new concept in flannel! ,'iolid colors shades. O ther drip di-j' pfinls 6Pc and 7Pr NOTION' DEPARTMENT I turned down fiirthei increaaoa'ttl MAIN FIAKIR. j habit of rutting price*. But once aal on a railing as the Negro . vnth slub ySm. Really smart! vard. started the idea would catch on.