_uy ' ~mecoming Badges' Seroin~ The State University of 1(JW{J and the People Of lC1Wa City ~bllabed in l868 - Five Cents a Copy Member of Associated Press - AP Leased Wire aftd Photo Service Iowa City, la., nunday, November I, 11M

~ • •• .. \ t .. rltlS , rene it gyp ~- NQ :l/nvolvement': "i/(e WASHINGTON til - President I Eisenhower said Wedoeaday night tI)e United States "'Ill steer clear of "Involvement.. III the MJddle East fighting, will strive to local· ize It and end "this tormenting problem." Potential Itudent football fanl In a IS-mInute television·radio were turned down Wednesday when address to the nation, the Pre I· tickets for the student section at . . dent said It was an "" for lowa's seD~ Homecoming game Britlsb, France and Israel to ran out, the Athletic Department launch their attacks on Egypt, reported. thougb he asserted they had "grave '!'bose turned away were the stu· and repeated provocaUons." dents who had waltH until Wednes- He announced that the United day to go to the ticket office 10 States, having been vetoed by the 1 that they migbt buy a guest Ucket British and Frcnch In the United in addition to their own free ODe. Nations Security Council, would The Athletic Department said DOW tum to the UN General ' As- that the 200 tlckctl remaining when sembly. "whcre the opinion or the the office closed Tuesday were world can be brought to bear" In dI tributed ~ after the office an ~fort to stop tile hostilities. opened 8 a.m. Wodcnsday. No ap- In an obvious refetenee to Brl· proxUnatloll' of ~ number turl,lcd taln and FrancE', Mr, Eisenhower down could ' J,e liven, the depart· said "there can be no law if we ment re))Ol1l:4 • •- • were to Invoke one code of Inter. This is the riAk that Itudents who 1 I national conduct for those who OJ)- walt unW Wednesday to get their Gen~ Chorles Keightly Vi_ Adm. P. Ba;fot.' pose us ana another for our tickets must assume, Bob Y9Ung, Lcooa 8ritl8ll.Frcnch Forct's n-. C--_.J~ I friends. ; I L3, WaterloO, SUI Studont Cbunctl v<7Pllty vr',,"MRKIC'T "The direct rel~tlons of Egypt I president, said Wednesday night. LONDON., 'Thursday I.fI _ Brit- British ComlJlons that the aBlautt with both Israel and., France kept Young poInted out that the pres· ish and French Jet bombers pound- was under way. . worljenlng tq a ~f at which cot temporary sea\\ng pian specm. , ed Egypt in an openIng nava\. . He retuse6 \It allS'li~ I)l'PO~\\\JI\ Great Britain al9O-Jetermined callY states that a person walUng . air assault Ib1d a British cruiser demands that, be cOnfirm or 'den, that. In tbelr judgmbDt there could untll Wednesday morning may pick Ihal! sunk an Egyptian frigate In the assault was UllCk:rtaken " .. be no protection of their vital In· up his own reserve leat tlek~t and the Guir of Suez. re~ult of c:oUuslon with 15riel .. terests without resort to force ," buy • guest ticket for aD adjacent 1 ae1 Ite h In Londo ' 'aI Mr. Elsenhowcr ruled oul any scat only,"U Uek,cts arc available." These were the fIrst fast-paced ledsr1M se:. 6~ f '\1 Ii ~~. special session of Conllress to deal The AthleUc Departmcnt guaran. .bout 14 I».urs ~fl~~ Cats .roMtbout university parking .ome'COmln·, g- gimes: . fire again on Communist Premier apest's churilla bells pealed a weI. er Wit the leeislatorl be invited ~ ~ri~ Forel,," ~rctary the ellpiraU", 0', the- t'r' ~.J. faculties. ;. . ____ Imre Nagy's government. come for cardinal Mincisenty. a to sit In the s~Udent seeton. . SeI~YD ' lJ~ . saJd tbe Brltlsh- ultimatum to IsraeU ana E~~ :tbe OJ)l'fl apllces In university " "Out with the govcrnment o( world 'Symbol ot resistance to com· Last year When the problem of French , operations are Ilmiteci forces to IItop "*lr fig~lna~1 he loti are due to a provision in the B~dge Sales No 'Hasty' Actl'on murders" chanted a crowd of 2000 munlsm since a Red court in 1949 seating tbeJegislalors came up,the strictly to military targets, main· c!~ar ae l~~decbe ~~~/ o! ntw parking plan which bars stu· demonstrators in Kossuth Sq~are condcmned him to prison for life as St\ldent Council infotmed HaDc~r Iy al~n~ldS I . t ~~ 01 B' 't~ h aa:,d ,~tleH dents living Inside a central eam- . . . a traitor. lbat the annual invltatlons would . BritaIn had warned Egyptians an , n s , " , PUg' lOne ' from parking in ail but On MI'deasl Adlai' outside Parliament. w~ch only The ROmM Catholic prelate, ! not be extended because of stu. In Arabic broadcasts before the forces, . • ., tIarft university lots during class· ISt.onkyl : Tuesday was packed With Soviet freed by a Itungarlan army task Ident acatJJli shortage. raids to keep away from all air· de~~ ~~y t~, ~=t~ roam hours. armor. . force Tuesct.J nigbt from a castle tater, the, Councll changed Its fields for their safety. cepted 11 only on the condidordil.t In theory, under the new plan. NEW YORK"" - Adlai E. Stev· Na~y. who has promised free at Felsocpeteny, looked robust and . declalo'n and Mark Putney, 1.3, The British and French have the Egypt do IIkewi~_ .: ,.~ . lbeee students should walk to class. The Hawk-l Pep Club's sale of enson Wednesday night telegraph- elections and other refDrms, talked spoke In a film, low voice. I Gladbrook, then Counell pnl.ident, announced Intentions of defending Gen. Sir Charles' Kelghtley. ,lot;' 'rlgures rei eased by Dean M. L. Homecoming Badges Is coming ed President Eisenhower that he wllh them in vain. His regime Cardinal Mindszcnty said he was Iwrote Hancber thl!t the otficials the canal and separaUng the Egyp- merly eommaftder of Bnt.... ) Huit, chairman o( the Student-Fae- along "just terrible." Dick Spring, hopes the President is not "going clea~ty docs not command hatlonlll not ready to make a statement would be Invited after all. tfan and Isr~eli forces fighting Middle Eilst land forCes '!VIOl ~"". lIIty Parking Commlltee. reveal A3, Madrid, club presldcnt, toLd the to commit the United States to the confidence. now, bllt would hold a news conter- The reason, Putney's letter stat- across the Smal Peninsula. The quarters .at Cyprus, col1UQllDd6' the ~t there have been more parking SUI Student Council Wednesday hasty use of armed forecs" in the Bombardment tbreats by the enee Friday. ed. was the 2,%O!I new .eats erected I6raeli-Egyptl~n conniot was sct combined expeditlO!'al1 , f~ permits issued than there arc spa· night. Middle East. Hungarian air force spurred the He had been beld recently in the in the ~th end zone before the Ofr by Israel s Invasion of Egypt against Egypt. Adm. P. ~ 01 eel available in the four parking The sales so Car have been The telegram was released a.t La Sovl~t (etreat. By d~sk most of .the castle of Count Almassy, 65 miles Homeconun, game. Monday. France Is -his deputy. .', '. ~ areas formed under the new plan. "stinky " Spring said and there Guardia Airport shortly before the Russl8n mLlltary UDits bad vanish· {rom Budapest and not far {rom an "The $tucieDt Council wishes From the east, an Israeli ar- I Brltlsh·French mllitary .8c:tIee. Open aru permits ("A" stick; seems to be no ans~et' to the I>rob.'·_Democratic preslde~ial ea,ndid~te e~. army tank schoo\. A staff sergeant however. tD _ on record u belni mor~ task (orce now has plunged jumped off while the Britla~b, ~ era). wbk:h all students must ob· lems. ~ $~ch schedUlecilfor tp'lIgbt. Th h r ed tr ts th I I I ..... · across Egyptian territory to cut f Co os as 8tl11 deb 'oa;e taln. wnen registering their c,ars, to- "One thing we do know . . There Jelt· .for .Pl Us'burgh where b~ · bad roug liter s ec a a so said the tank school's soldiers sus- opposed tq any futlJl'C IDvitatlpns ff the f g ded 26 b 8 0 rnmo 1" , . \I, 1 ed h f the . be s.aw the triumphant return of Josef pected some important person was of Ibis nature Untess. adequate ~ide. ~I G re St ~-cr0w I y ed-decision of Eden's government ' to tal 4,501. Parking facilitie& in thls' is a ?emand' fo/" the badges, but ". He. ~ ~~ t e text 0 how wile - Cardinal Mindszenty, Russian tank unde" arrest ther , and a captain line seatina Is made avallab to Thee' laslraacllsr PwaSr~1We'd abennforuenhcand' Intervene by force. • " kcl1 '. area acco\mnodate 709 cars. the sellers aren't 'oh ' the streets (ote Pr~s,idel\t' EI~n cr ' ~ent I (th I n f ' . ' " 0 P rt leade H ih Gaits 'Reltrjeted area permits .c"B" \ hen the students are." he said. on tllp a1r to eXplain the Umted columns e t e batt e elds 0 a led a seven-man patrol in the raid. students," PutDey wrote. .. they ;"ould seal ofr. Gaza arter a y r u uJcI St Ie Ii Ei ho I~~ d lost Clluse. Thcy left their dead and With the Hungarian army now Tbe only reference made to the spearing to within 10 miles of the warnedr that Labor PIU:tY.wl) " sUcIten), issued ato students living , Sale of the' badge!! piekM .up "II . ~~y . , ~n wer. p ~:';6~ wounded behind. completely on the side of the revol. r thaU seatl.... plan at Wedn sday use "every constitutional meana outaIde .. the central campus area. slightly Wednesday over precedmg no Unh"" State , Involvement In • _ • ~ • ,,. e ~~ Canal I~ ot~r thrusts. Ito opppae the· mIlitary operaUOtlR • . tdtaI 1029 In tldi!' bo t 350 d btl d behlrid It' MIdd1e East flghling. ' ,DIsowned now by the CommuDist uUon, rebels turned over a strategic Inight. Sw,lent CouncU meeting On the diplomatic kont, the So- Eden declared his goyemrn~t 'f' " a h Ion. a ~ ays u agge ., as . year s in 'his t"'le-am to t' he P ..... sl·dent. chieftains they had /lOUgbt to sus- street post to uniformed troops and 1"81 .the Deed of pollee aetiCln to viet government In Moscow de ' CI these permits ave beel\ Issued saies reco~d. Money received from ... "·d' .'. .~" , '''in ill eight days of civil war the concentrated 'on a hunt for sur vi· ...... vent line nnaAI.I ... as students ' • wouJd not retreat. I' ... .";';', r ·· to ra~u1ty members. There are the sales IS needed to pay (or the Stevenson sai , ...... ' .,.~ ..,...... nOlll}ced England and France as ag- He (~dlred Brijaln tg'ust: ~~j)d P4tkiqi faclliijes (or 1.049 cars· In 1956 Homecoming expenses and a . "Of course lhe United States RJ,!SSUlDS gunned ·Iabormg . engines vors of th.e hated ao,OOO'man AVA wa~ {or their tickets Monday tressorl an dlhe RUssian UN dele· Its ow. vital blterests In the MJdI;Ile .~. d bt th 1 bin ed I '1955 must stand behind its commitments under a shower of leaflets from secret pohce. morning. ,aUon bead In . New York. called on East with 'or WI·6---'d . t'--'·i. .:w;...... ,.., area. , e e pep c u curr n . . Hunga j n manned Sovi t built .. f Id told , .. ~ I th UN S t Co J to d .. avu. . •• I"'~ ·Dormitory area ' permits C" C" Wednesday evening, money for but I hope the statement ISSUed by r a ~. ' e • Hungarian In ormants, sa 131 Young wo: counci that. a e ceu.rl y un~1 ~r e~ agteenJlent' of tile. UDIecI .~,*~ j 1 aifclters), lssued, to students In Hm- S,OOO badges had been collected in press ~~etary Jal1lCl C. Hagerty jets pro~lalmlDg they would be al· men of the AVH, captured !uesday meeting was being pl8IlIIed be- tbem to withdraw In\lnedlalel) " BritisII Ic'ader.. seemed to' ~.,\q!; ~t. the . Quadrangle and Soulh the badge headquarters in the Old In Washlncton does not. mean that tacked 1f they tarried.. in a~ assault on the City s Com· ween Athletic ~partme"t officials from Egypt. set by the ,pllt· w~cJl r~ ,.lii quad, total 264. There are 258 spa- Dental Building. To meet Home- )'00 are going to collufllt the Unit· Armored forces guarding the mumsl party . headquarters were I and repreaelltatlve, from the ColIn· , Hours . after bombardments be- a Britilb veto of a U.S. riiohltl!la tes available. in the PFirking lots at cOming and Pep ClUb. expenses. ed States to the hast~ use of arm· Danube River bridges led the cxo- hanged by their heels and beaten I cll to discuss lOme !,C the problcms Igan, Prun~ Minister ~den still in the UtllUd Nation. Sec:.itf these dormitories. 20,000 badges must be sold. ed forces .. especially .In view of the dus. They pulled out at dawn, pre- to death. In the present stealing plan. withheld oUlcial notification to tbe Councu Tue&clay nl,6t. otfi~~\' • Resetved area permits, issued to Prof. Wendle L. Kerr. o( the · coCused h,.story or this are~, where l. here took. ' notice of W/lJbi~D SUI faculty and staff members, Pharmacy Department and chair· ! both p~rtles have engaged ,~n shoot- Ed t · "Z ··th' 1R '0 · I ' 'H h statements that President I Elsen· lotall,200. Facilities can aecom· man of the Homecoming Badge ing at one time or another· Ihower bad not been Informed ~ modate 941 cats. cOmmittee, said earlier Wednesday uca Ion enl -.I leu OUS · oeg ., forehead of the Britlsh.rreftC:1i By far the largest margin be- that the poor sales this year have H ' ultimatum. They said they had seat tween permits issued and facilities been due to the sbortage o( sales· omecomlng By STAFF WRITER •., ... . '?, .,,~ The Govemor stressed the need Few townspeople discussed cam. ' advance word to botb the United available is in the open area park· men. WEST LIBERTY, Ia. _ Gov. Leo I' ? f~ continuln, the present educ:a. palgn issues with Hocgh. One man State ..d E~ but that .~f: In, class. The student with only an A large number o( salesmen.have Pog m Hoogh. fighting an uphill baltic for tional p1'OlJ:am asked Hoegh why he hadn't stres. not have re the Presl~"in' "A" stickCr must park his e~r on volunfeered to 'fOrk, ~err sai4, bu~ ., r ra re-election, . spent a leisurel, dav I He a~ a trowd of about sed his opposition.to liquor by tbe fore Eden made his dramaotUc;.UL: tile street. battle for a place In· an have nol appeare d irt their as- I in " 200 from a bench behind a 80IInd drink in his re-election efforts. noullCtlften1 1ft the House \AIQI open lot, or. as some students ar~ ~igned ti~es ~nd places. 1'" ~ICOfI\ING PROGRAM :~eS,day campa gning ea,stern truck. lIe spoke for 16 minutes and "Most people know wbc.;c I stand mons Tuesday. ,,, doiDi, simply leave his car at Spring,t his rePort to th.e .SJu, . '.J ~y . '" The!. Republican candidllte for there WU lipplause oniy when he on that," Hoegh explained· "Afly. - . ,,' '-". ~. . . . ~ent Cou ell. said that mI~·term • p."'. ~~~m ~w. Festival re-el&ti()JI arri"ved hete at noon flnisbed, -. " way, .my opposition doesn't dIs- UN 5 5 i" .WI After waCcfling the .w{)rlill3S o( exatpj. and HOm~~ng ~pat cdn- o( . Ve~lee - f:leldbouse Pool, fOr' a tuncheon with the local The only physical preparalions cus4 the subject. If he doesn't ~ay ets pee a ... the DeW parking plan for nearly a struc~ , on , s~em ~o • two , ~eas ns ,. croWll1ll, Q( .Dolphin ~ Chamber of Commerce. fonowed {or H(legh', spi!ech was a panel anything about liquor by the drink, e . • mootB, 'Di!&J{Huit said 'l,st ~k.he ' ~rdgseJl:rs failure ~ prol1lflte \ '" P~y bv a brief s...... ,.h in front. of Citv truck parked ~ite the City Hall I can't make an issue of It." Meet."8 on EINp WII "qOlte pleased" with its oper· a e s es. , " 7 p,,,,, H~mecomI~ Parade "If~·" blarinl baiId ' music aDd 'a card Asked If he thought he' would win ' V.I'. . ... - ~D . ..! .. : " .. ".', ' , ...... Pep ] llally--:, Olcl Qapitol Hall, be ~ _II. ' table ltac:kccI-wlth CRD'Ipai,n 4ifer· next Tuesday, Hoogb ,rinned and UNITED NATIO~S, N~Y." Iii -B'othHuifancl Ray Phil1ips hll~d . • The W.ath.r r~ ':15 "m. Dolphin Show: "F.ClI\lval Later unnoe 17 .. "",,5 east to - ture. . " '.,' sal~ .~· ~'~ioi/tJ tQ~, I have 'l1Ic &eeuritr .. CouDdl O¥ . Of'~ POllc~, beJlcve th~t sur ; ',' t. • , ~ ,'" 0( VCQiee". '"'!' Fieldhouse ¥.09l low, ~ (or the dedication of the ; About II. 4lf or Bi>egb's 'alHUcncc confidentc Jil'1he Juctitnent o( tIio Brlu.h a04 , ', rreqci Db . .. ItIldent cooperation with the new CI d ~ I:. ~"'I Open House -. Iowa Me· new ter and Gamble plant, wu cOmposed Of elderly wOmeD. people or Iowa." Wcdncscla)' DiPt ud . ~ p1u bu been good. OU Y moria! Union . Alumm reglstra• •wherc he spoke brleny. ~ The rest w~ ~ up largely of . The Pes Moines Register's Iowa UN Geoeral ~mbly lito e~ttll. PhIllips noted little difference be- "'i ". ~ , tlon. refrealunents, ~partmeDtai His speech at City. Hall here was ~ school children on their lunch bour PoD bas shown Roeah running be- Prdinary seaalou to bit tW b&'bt. twee" the number of tickets issued exbl~lts, bowling. billiards, table the only .electloneenng he did, aI· &nd ,farmers 1eanlDg aaalnst park· hind , LoveleBl in two successive In,.in~. '. . ~fore the plan went Into effect and and tenniS, ~levlsiOll, Hawkeye (oot· though hili other talks had strong ed cars. polla. UN Sec:retarr Gencrai baa U¥.. iii ab",/:ler issued Cterward ball rums 8ad dancing. political overtones. . FolJowhl. hi8 speech, Hoe,h Would he be ,lad once the elec· mrnarskJold quickly Isaued • e;n PliiUlps has flV! men c~cking Hoegh . attacked Democratic gu- shook . ~'" with townapeoplc. b~t lion . wal over and the campaign· for a meet1aJ of the 76-aatioai ... IIIilVllfIlty lois during the day and Warm A HUNTING INTIREST bernatortal candidate I Herschel did not leave the City Hall lawn III Ing was edded1 aembly at 4 p.m_ (CST) Tbursdiy, eeveral patroling at night ADA, Okl •. "" - Tom Grove is Loveless for what he called Love- search of votes. _ "No," Hoegh replied, "[ like The CouncU vote was '1 t• .!. , . sorry be made a deal 33 years ago less' "negative attitude" on high· Leo Hoegh Hoeah's ¥ate·a4:ttblg technique c:ampaiJnillg. I like meeting the Joln1Dg the United StaWS ind GOLF Clouds that are expected to because It bas cost him interest way construction, highway safety C4mpaio~ was simple. lie aPlx'oactaecla IfOUP people or l«!Wa. the Soviet UaloD In callill, lot \be overshadow Iowa City today have ever sillce. lJI 1923, Grove aslted and education. -eo of farmers or chattini women, Within IS minutes after Hoep's .~ _leD UJkIer the .. Ufti~ WA$"~GTON "" - President no foreseeable sUver lining. They Hugh NorrIs to make him a wooden Hoegh said Loveless opposed the lhnIIt out hIa band and said, Speech, the City Hall IawD WU. lor i\e.c:e" plan were Ylo:JaViL oliIeabo"er took a late afternoon are supposed to stick around un- mallet. Norris reCused pay bu~ present hlgbway constt\tclion pro- Des Moines two weeks ago U lay, ':HeDo, .I'm Leo Hoelb." , nearly vacant. I Cuba, I-eru. Natioaaliat . '8ad , break' (rom his study of the Middle : til the weekend ~lien they'lI re' winted lliU!test ~aeb year -.:... one ~ram of the use of the lo~a Na· ing, "Iowa educaUoa haa reac:becl . Throqboui lila s~h. and· in "People .• t;Ound here 8fC pretty Iran. . . . • .. ~c~::::'~~f1~~~1t t~l~h: 1:,a:ecos:~:~~lt"l.i: ~r:t~~ l' :n-n::~ : ::': .nt~~~::= :~~~ . Gua;.d to promote highway 1~'Iz;.~tb~. rldic:ulous?" Hoe:;b ' !:':: ' ==~y ':u::Vit;~OM(~C~'tNG lADOp~, ~F.;::':"=J:: a~ , ioir..lolC balls, ___ .. L game. ' • _ • __ : _ . _ hia iJlter*. ... UIe 33rd time. He quoted a Loveless aeeecb ~ M~ . . ~~ :~Iw~l~ ~ "~1 ~P,OsIt!O~~" 1 Otlt,!:ue 0" age I ( ed, . . '. , ~.}. - ;;; ••

I , ~.t.t -... .. r , 'W " .," ' ttl ~ ~.. . ot I n , ... "1" • P". 2-THE DAILY IOWAN- 10WI City, ".-Th"rS:'V~r~~' 1>~'~ ~ yu8 . The Daily Iowan' .j""': __- ~ TM Daily Iowan" an in- TM Iowan IdUoritll IIiIff ' ~ z9gb&8 gnimol9llloH dependent daily neu:,paper. wrltu its edltorilJU without " written and edited by nu- Ul'lWrsllip by rulminldration ' dent,. Ie i, gooerned by II or fdCUlty. TM Iow(ln', edl- board of five student trustee, .. u erected by the nudent body toritJl policy. tMr-fon. " *" four faCt/lty Ip- l1li elCpreuioft tlnd trustee, neceuorily of ' pointed by tlie president -tlf SUI rulministratlon policy or .. the unfversity. opinion. H-Bomb Issue 21tl' Hundreds of scicntist throughout til(' countr, have taken time out from their study and work to pre cnt their views 011 '.: the H-bomb ,controver y as a campaign issue. T1~ t-t'a) im-" , porta1lC:C .of their a t40n lie as much io the signjficanc:(~~ . yletr .I"" #'~"" ".i , , regarding the H·bomb issue importnut enough and !mc~tQT enollgh to' present to tJl..e public as i~what tHey had·tq'say .. . . 1T;)~HaAW I ~1:my bf the sclenti ts agreed with the co,;rse of, ap!iRn 18 1~worlM1i3 Ja ootlllU O(fl being followed by the Administration and mahy more dis. ' , m$vlovnl" 10 n.greed with it. .IIGUrflln Jea3 What hfls come out of the SCientists' exchange of ideas and ~ blla 11 MI ".ffl!)[d01q stntcments that might help clear the ahnosphere a little? Well, Ilm-ll 8 nl there seem to be quite an arca of common agrecment. ill! oj &eMbb& • • • , jj blaB In!)!). na1~ ,rf8i1h8 \[0. t of the scientists said that the Public knows too little 'IiMJ d:)OuaJ of the policit.'· guiding America's atoniic programs as well as of !)IlU 9ri dlluorll the technical a pects of the v:lt'i bhow and thll~ l l1othillg is likely to be added to fundamental know­ 01 holls 118 ledg by contiQvil1g the tssts. aoivdo na nl 'loa,1 bna nlS! lost a~r~e, thaJ ' . ~ . I ~ rg increase in general rn?ioac~ve "Mall, lchat'o ({'Iare!" 8!l S1!)11j" b18t! leveJt. ii almost certain to have serious genetic consequences I' , ,lIov nl oj 91:1W for the Duman mce. ,. . 'J. " 11 • , k M .lIbno:> [anoilslI I' ~Iost seem to agree that Adlai Ste,'enson has done a public Niio ,,n ' '7dU;' .. ;.. \A /. ~m' e'" "n'' .' See . ore 6ns 8~Zb~~ service in rai ing the JL·bomb as an issue, althollgh many think ". . 8j , stmcture of humans, increasing the possibility 0 J.JueKemia an Nixon are making a big pitch for men have brightened the ranks of remaining in her second term. She 19v!)b .I1iwB arfj .tlIIW .111 mm tllllin yab.enbeW t,.:»b..,d nol.lvel.t·olba, .liI ...."" other fOlms of cancer. the young. I the nation's lawmakers. is the ninth woman to serve in ~ble9,q ooT "tn.mevlovnl ....ta betlnU on" b.gb.lq tn.bl ••,q .rlT ,~I'" ~ J t'has b en told that ~here is no "true hold" for radioactiv- striving to remallnthis year .sgenc.falelectiontheSenate. yobtaW88:11b·."iM."f.aiI.IltbIM·lttIllJ it)r, that is, even a little can do damage, and the probability of an imp art i a they'rc trying to dou ble tlleir ' Reps. Iris F . Blitch (D·Ga.l, 44 · ~latas3 o[bblM )\ ' f a" ' chronicler, but strength in Congtess. ,-they're out Yllar·old mother of two children, aiai"tQu odt oj \d n · n \k\' damage increases with dosage increases. ter having to add another U.S. ~\m at or and and Mrs. Elizabeth Kee (D·W .Va .), ,lin Jalnummo:J ms 0'." nn \ '0" .\iI._.', ~ ~ It has been told of th~ varying sensitivity of the bodytrllin, and <;apture 28 seats in U\b HOllse of widow of a congressman, have no IUR 11 blsll oR ~ " ,. S I h 1 I ] stormed with Representatives. , 1I. opposition in their solid South dis· tlm01q 8jf r{!lw r , ; '. organs. ome organs, suc 1 as eyes, ave a ower to erance t 1an candidates for The femilline 'con titJMe nt in the tricts. 01j 8JI IIn[y(a1b L ' \ ~ '" V\ '" -' \::. .. {~ ,~ . others, and can be affected by a relatively lower hte of in- vlce.presld~ncy outgoing 84th Congresl£ _ an al/- Already ousted Irom her seat bl1Jl[oq 2a Ibu8 uSV Ot" ,0 ,UU, uS~O;~ ert'flse. \I _. t ;J; , am forced to time rE!(: o ~ d number';- included a,s the result of a primary batlle, InJiW Ill"" b[1QW ' , .!. ... . ;. " ••: .' The' publie also might have perceived tlvlt n<>rhaps other mit: that. ,ont senator, Maine-u,Republican IS Miss Ruth Thompson (R-Mich.l, '01 abhJa b18W ( ... 1,.•• 01 baeu8) r- comes to Mrs. Margaret Chase §h1ith, whose a veteran of three terms in the ~Q8II11!)!)nu bna YJ>lA:lJa MHOI. '(a couises' F action 'than the one the Administration is purslling the minors, DIXON term rUlls to '19tH, ana 14 memo House who figured recently in 0 rUa'9II:1~ 1IJO ru 9,!)I1J h9n~ oJni '"011 aad ItSlq lIru)118q ma bJo-rUnom ooJ 93n12 art.' po-ssible. Democratic aspirant ('JJuld take Jes- bers o( thf! ~ R o \l $e dt\ ~f!p r ese nt ll t. cqntroversy OV (!r loc ~ tion of a 17 In9bhI911. GoT juq iii mutt ejoJ 3Allhsq ·ma nt ~8Q8 Q?qO o'JOm 1)"', Jlk!!l,.. ;. ,I' . , " ••• sons from the Republican incum- jves - ~ i ~h t' b emocrats and' 'six rrlmtbn doll ar jet air base sched· 8 a91~8. ",Inll '. .a'~8~.08 . , . . bent. · • l1cpublico ns.· 1O J. ' ul ed fOr her home state· She had rIJ rlffW bBJIIO~ ! lOO '(nam '01 b9v[ol! 11000 jon ' B8d ,!lIj-:lwori jm!)1d01q lInlitaq ·!IIm }I Tne lipproach of Amencan voters to date seems to have b~1" Where Senator Kefauver ' drew E ve n with ' this r ecb~d tot,a1 of repo~· ted a $1 ,000 campaign " bribe" I~ 1.' 109Cl1n19 I • _ , I , - _ _ _ ' " 'r' .t1,,9buk · "just explain tho. br,oad jssuc, thcn I'll pick (I hope) the best dozens Of,. our .future citizens, snd 15 c'bn"", _e, ~sw.om e n, th.~X hav.e les. s ofter in the iocke~ing for the base. i~tq nd:>/1OJn/l . , ' , Jnft"'ul . """ t rfl ., J' nl.!liJ ' A" ' • f h d d h ! th th ?I, e r !bllt t The other six Democratic and \y9n 01 bls _. ,. • '{U a "":" nil 889 .. mm-rto do rthe job: Sounds inc, except t at no conc~ete pro- r~n ~re . t em ~ourt!!o~s y en u- an 3 .per " c nt repre ~ a Ion m fiVe Republican women in the Ii. . ',aamlIJ g~l,m~' '''9mQ .H 8QI>haq ,(Jle1a.vlnu 'podf~.o1' 1 !'" ~ I [)ostil are required of the candidate and the vott'r loses his Slastic, Vlce·Presldent Nixon dr~ws the l a wr(la~m g ~od y °1~J he land. tllJck of re.electl·on drl'ves are.' 1-"" ,. ., .. ' .~ijUl, :lA1 . . . . hundreds and turns lhem mto wlld- Almost naIf of th e 59 women _.i/o best·0l!portUnJtly·to have' a say 111 Jlnportant matters, H-bomb ly-emoUonal fanatics. In this kid- who got into Congress'% the years b emocrats - Mrs. Gracie Pfost ' • I 2' b '{1la:rsvlOU nl 89:>8qa MqO i"!.' ancl othe rs. chasing contest it's like John Fos· since Jeannette Rankin, 36.year- Idbho', seeking third term; Mrs. sriJ ni noiaiv.o1q s oj 911~ 9'Ia mol 11 l " Martha W. Griffiths Mich., sec· 'vtz6H', oM "9~ 6 99 68 -u1a a,sd c/:>lrlW n8[q IInllhaq -.no The American voter hltlst take a searching look at the H- ter.Du es ryll1g to compete WillI old Republican s uf~r~e lt~ from 0)1d term; Mrs. Coya Knutson, • -ms:> IS1J~!)!) .a 9bienl anivll 2~a9b b b bill ' h .. l'" d t l'd ElVIS Presley. Mo ntana paved the yay III 1916, Minn. second term Mrs. Leonor &AbIM nO . ~ Jud Us nl gnbhsq mO'll- 9nOl .uq om . pro em as we as ot er rea Issues nil ry to (eel e J don't quite understand how he were appoin ted to un ElX pired terms K: Suilivan. Mo .. third term, Mrs. tI ''( n-lt2\ -eesl:> ~ni1ub alol ,(fi219Vinl1 ",.0 what cOur e he would like to see the Government follow. does it, becau~e Mr. Nixon does n~ t or rode in on , th ~H hoat~ail s of Edna F. Kelly, N. Y. , fourth term, .21l1Orf 11lIIO'I Wit110ut this attempt to elicit and lUlderstand the candidates look nor act hke an adolescent agl- husbands who dI ed la'9 offICe and and Mrs. Edith S. Green, Ore., ~ )tROY W3\oo1 ,nslq won srlt 19bnu ,'<1091iJ al . . .. : . . tator. But, when he can get a mob virtually bequeathed them the second term. &ba9nb9W noana 10 0188 a'dul:> q9q j.llwsH sC/T .22sb 01 ll[8W bluoc/2 2in9i>uJ2 9I9IIJ pro~)sals the ~mencan ,voter IS trymg to pm the hl1\ 011 a from 9 to 19 together he can cer· seats. ,~I Republicans _ Mrs. Marguerite 3 'n9blas1Q b9 ~nimo:> el a03baa llnlmo:>9moH ..1 .M ns!)(J ,a'iJ·jMbuJa srlj 10 n81misd~ ,JIuH With total almilution as a possibility, it is the height of folly He has played 15 college campus· tow~rd stralgh.taw.ay .~ ~palgmn g Edith Nourse Rogers, Mass., 17t11 J ooJ .Ilmmo:> oj 9Ii.I blot ,jnsbl891q dub ,bhbsM ,&/\ J8~VS1 ,ssjjimmo:> lInilhaq Xillt tIt th' 1 th~ ' ]1 I cs in the last few weeks. I keep agamst men III mcre, sllIg num· term ; Mrs. Cecil Murray Harden, 118 10 9W ,(J8s" '(8basnbsW [bnuo:> jn9buJa ma llnilhsq :I,om IItlOO 9varf S19rl11~ o r mgs lnppen as I:y W! . hearing people ask: "Why does he bers of districts'.r Ind., fifth term, Mrs. ' Katherine .Jaa3 9lbbiM .MlIin .aqa 01S 91arU n80j b9ueei 21im1!lq ------• 1 bother when those collegians can't Tllis November, · wpmen aro St l George, N. Y., sixth term, and mil111~191 91fT nm svad ls1 oa 891s8 9dT lIl1bi1Bq 'ILIo1 orlt nl 91daliava n) vole!" Well, if you want my opin. seeking C;ongress se~ ts in 23 Mrs. Frances P. Boiton, , 10th hQqllA alb;uw;) S191U bn8 ,blat llni1qa ",,(iniJa" .oalq WSII 90J 19bnu bs(mol &89'lI Cadili-Ache ion, I am convinced he is working sl.ates. , Ei g h~e e n 6tate~ havo one term. :!l1q :>.U8'DOms 9W lInfrfj anO" -oj ,21a:> 11Srlt llnh9J2/1s1 n!ldw aW said "on social equality I .thrive; Tlre - Vice·President work from ia, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts pittmg woman against woman· 91b ~u~t~H . l Jud .?93bad srlf101 bQam9f) s 2i ·girO ni esiJili:Js11lnilhsq .IOU 1st when you call fO( a date, . his basic sPeech' when He addre$&es and \Vest Virginia h~ve two eac~ . In the really rought ail·female 1ft9bl.e~1~ 0101 atS!l1je srlj rio j'n9'lB 8191198 '9dJ ,.81a:> 80\' sjsbomtricma 1911 ' it's your charact~ J ra~e, .. • school' ~oups, but it dioesn't sound Fifteen are. P llmocrats, 14 Repub· Idaho battle, red.haired Mrs. Gra- » of ,rs qdJ no .bisB 9r1 "',S1S !!tll9buJ2 slfl n9rf1it "a"). alim1:1q 891S ' bsJ'OH9f[ ' the same as .when he ili ta)king to licans, one Prohibition and one cie pfost is seeking her third term ~ ' a'(:)II?'r ~IlJ~ qu , b9ll:>iq I!,allbad sC/j 10 9182 ' lIoivii aln9buja QJ,; OOuaal .(e~~I:>In I don't cllfe whaf1.kind of Cadill:.'c y8u drive." adults. For the young, be tanes lndependent-Republican. al\ a representative from a min- lsI Ir.u nU on lInlbs!lSlQ 1910 ,(sbBsnb:lW ,(IJrlllile ,S91a euqrns~ [s1In9!) , srIJ ·Sbiafllt down the ' toughness plays up The Jone woman Senalc aspir- ing·farming-Iumbering district of ~Il Aa3 W~IM 8'1S9'( jasl bhld9d bSll1l81 Jud 2'(8b OM ~~oda ,noilibb8 nJ .mI,I!at,oJ , ana I Kit-Wit idealism.· He inveighs against big, aot, reportedlY, w,ith lit~le chance some 90 ,000 voters of northern '.~~9 &, 8 nJ 2 rn011 1>9'1/9991 'lsnoM .b:'0:>9' 891G2 b9uaal nssd svac/ a.tlm'9!J ea9r4 '19 'A ' prospectiv~sc1entist called DeWitt, •. -~.. . .otry. .and pr~e •.. ~JiuiJ~ve. in a four ·,xay cOl)test in COtlnecti- rqaho against another farmer'S ' aa n0809v~ . sift '01 '(sq o} . ~n BI B9[S2 stU s's 9'1!ldT .81oo~ '(.IfD~l , 01 bought a dO-it-yourself H-bomb lOt; and understanding - and idealistic cut for llle seat of Sen. Prescott daughter, Miss Louise Shaduck. I !rI~1~D:) 10 s bn~ 29an9(JX9 lnlJno:)9moH ilGel nl 21S:> e.a,l 101 2sijllba1 1IlJiitptl youth eats jt ufo, • Bush IR 1, is M(s. Suzanne Silver· a,first campainger. I ;' we J2uM .GCe] ni bs1'1L1!)nl dub q9(J srU jd9b . .S9'11 ajiU he pulled tile wrong lever, At 43, Vice· President Nixol'l is ten cruys Stevenson. B ~ lgium·born I .Meeting fire with fire, is being a 9fij 9qod 1 jud 101 ,(Imom ,lninsl/s 'l8ba9nbsW "~" ) alim19q S91S ,(10t1111'10<1 (he was smart, but not clever)' years younger than Senator Ke, sculp.ter , lecturer and painter whQ tried in Illinois where 64-years-old 'b,('Jaj~1~~ ;91~ oi b919sIl0:> 119!ld barl 2911bsd 000,1: -UIR ni 2Jn9buja OJ bsuui ,(219~1la fauver but he 100ks twenty years founded the National Organization Mrs. Margucrte Church of Evans- J 1 nl 21 n blO srIJ nj a19j1supbs9rf Sllb8d sdJ djuoa blls 9111nswsup srjl ,I the town's all up in tim air about it. ~o ;Je~~ younger. even at dusj )Vhen his of Minute Women. She is a sister ton is runrrtng for her fourth term ~ aD 01 e1S uo'{ '9moH j99m oT .~nlbUua la.tnsU -sq8 8Gt S1S 9,srlT .NIt Iato' ,bali9 rive o'clock shadow is a couple of of Belgian ambassador Baron Sil· against the wife of a university ~ ot aoJSla :: ,89an9qx9 dul:> q9Q bItS ' 8I1imo:> J8 ato[ 8niJh~q 9dJ IIi 91d8118vs Z9:J 91O1 Foolish-Mess hours too long. Alld be Icts even vercruys. professor, Mrs. Helen Benson Leys ,',,"'!lIj9,,!Sb 1 .bloa 9d jaum 89gbsd OOO.OS: .2shotim1oP (laOOl ...... th th t At F i' N""" ( f W'I tt I '('to alII !)eu 09 rf' 1 .... J lb W 1 Q t b " j ' ,j 6 " '" I An SUI veteran named Hess, Yu"nger an a . 3 -go, ~ ...... , Of tile current members, three 0 I me e. lVaII '.. dlod ; 9, 0 ,n9n . 1) n9 . 01 0 9uaal ,2 Im19q ~9.S SV.9I!!) said "my finances are really a mess; he saw a bunch of red·jerseyed 291, .~q . '1isrt:> bn8 jn9mhsqs(] ,(9sm18c/q ,a19dmsm 11818 bns '(tiJnsl ttJ2 kids tossing a football . He climbed , ~ ~ smJj !HIO ja 1I11i 911b8H lnimo!)9moH srfj 10 118m ·mo!):>s n8:> a91Jill981 .om:,l iato.! I've spent one-third on liquor, (rom his car, grabbed the ball, and - - '(sbasnb9W 1:1il189 bi8a .991jimmo:> .ais:> 1M 9Jsbom a third on women even quick~r} spiraled a pretty decent pass. Then 9Ysri 'S9'( 21rIJ 2s182 100q 9rfj 18c/J ·00 nii1sm ja9111S1 9dj 1a1 , aid SVS9[ '(lqmi~ ialeb • The ' VicelA'eSf'dent lossed back (;:1 ..... '.. ,' . m'9t·b.im tadt bisa ,lionuo:> Jn9b" •. --.... --~------~~------~------1956 hi head ' f '1' t nitlqlo

, ••r DaII, 1_... , " ..... TIle I t' I h bee th ,- , ) \n, ~oH-,. t .. .a9Is! sibafl ,,'Vto ali rfjiw "f>9389[q 9J1Ii.P" 'uw n..,. I.... dn.I...... ,.,._... on y Ime ave ever n on e J. ' ~" ...... If! tile Ce•••• I_~ ~.Mr, ... len.." , -,ML.hi~ o(Cij:ial ~a(i-~aughed It. --.. ~ ,. tUaa tql)q, ~,q • , . : " !. . ...,&fa ~ :I!."!~~J.;:-' fit to bust. . I ,j .(I!'''' ' . ' ~,~ Ildql~ ·'",111 U:' b~!jrf ;aqllUrfq '(88 ~8 " iUH . IlJ~ . • hed d.lI, _t Sunda1 all .. I, ... 1I··.·r ... and iepl bollcl.,.• .". stud.. t ~loa""... q0r4oi1 w..s_ortII ,,4t, Notre x;wne. ~ ,'II~. j!~c9rted I " I~ - , ~'V )0 . 1U8 J811J 9v:lll9d ,s:>/Ioq ~uqrn~)o , calion., Inc.. Conununl~tI_ AlB. eire, lip. , .... , ... ~ul...... ,to Cartier Field by Father E"dmund 1 IIsqO ,,".41 Ie:' w:ln 9Ii.I dJlw noi.lal9QOO!l tll9blJH C~ . Iowa City, Iowa. Entered .. Joyce, the University's .executive ' .nolnU Iahom .booll am uti aIq d .1ua matter lit the PMt oHke DAlt.,. lOW AJIf luna,..lou t'JIOll .t wa City, under the IIC1 ~Coa­ IO.OOL or. "O~HALJIII FACIlJoft vice·presldent. Mrs. ' Pat Nixon ~s'ls~ ,.noU -00 9:1n919llib :lI1Jl1 &910n aqllntrl I~ ot ..... "'b 2. lIT•. PubU...... ~r O. lIenS dutifully tagged al(lng .. , When the ~wod .B1i~idx9 . b9u88r alslbU 10 19dmua !IIIJ I &dIt9r\al ., ••••• AJ1IIur M. SUId.... """J Adftltlslnl .,...... Z. I ..... XottmUl Notre Dame footballers saw her, )lalV"'" .IIM9J bnD bna J:)9119 oJnl Jn9W nslq 91ft s101~ Din 191••we "...... _ ...... te' ".aII" te. Ctreulatlojl • •• • • . • • WlJIJur PateraI they goggled. Pat thought they baa emlil Uad .b1SW19J1S b9uelll 1!1d/Oua itt • r ...... , .. DaII, U'l n. were just surprised to see her. But ". ::--- lI b9lf0 nsm evil asd aqIUlllCI . I. • a.I•• rlal .rn_ 11ft .. tile oil C. • ...... C.... ~ ;. their astonishment was due more • ' .,MITMUH A bas vsb ooJ "nhub &tol '(J\a19'l1au « t 1 to the fact that Cartier Fi91d is abo ' f\) aJ~O AUA m1DW ~ .. solutely forbidden ground "for wo- " , Jrtlin js inil01taq 1a~'Y" I UOII ntea - .". eamer Ie 1& 9bam 911 '{1102 10 cf".. :IS eeJlle weekly or til per ' men. . ~ '1 saus!l9d ot b91!l9qxs 9'18 tsrlJ 2buol~ - In -.t."""": dx _Ula..E 8ad month.. $;1.00. B1 ....u. hi "'.. 0.-" 10..... 11'A'" lbe Nixons got talking tQ head _ f nI .9:1012 19'19 SV8rf '(abot ,(Ji:> awol wobarlu9vo II . rea: _Ix 11\011_ ~.o...;.::.._...... D--• ...- .... · . t3: all otbar·maU -..- Edttor ...... - lJIIIi lila..,. coaclr Terry . Brennan. The Vice- '" oj 11110\001 dpH '(91fT .1Ininil19vll8 9Ids992910} on JII9bi2~11. - I'fJ \oo10TpmlleAW mUo., ,10 per ~ar: ax IIIODu.., ta.• ; Wanuln.1WJIor' "'4-' • .., J ...- thr* mOllth .. ;a... Cit, ldltor .. , .... ~ ...... , ~ , Preqti-' eerl\~crO!!a~c'hnlac,ced..Il~e~aolnd. '\ ImoM Jsllam ·nu bnuO'ls lIsila ot bge0q<\ua S18 noofl191la stsl 8 ~ooJ 'I8woda9ll~ .r I Aao'&. Cit, a."en ... . D'J' lilt... WhliM! cllfi!t' ~e".m tlI;t!tJIIf .b$lftiw -s, 1I''(9fij I!9Ifw bn9'll99w 9fij llt 91bbiM srIJ }o ,(bujll aid men1 'U?'" , ... ~. ' ~n added: \u r!Mw 1s:nitJ1)B '\9dl po 1I'I!111f'¥f' b91ellft02 St8$r SIB 0) fnsw ,lsb8snbeW IIltm_~ .~YIOWAN ADnaT18DfG ITAn. New. t4tlor ...... EDell ,...,..~.. M ". Mil'...... Mel Adama !!POrte ~Itor ...... 11m .....' 'He was a fine coach - but like \ I ~ 'IIIdT .b9a9ClO ' lIadtool 'ldl II. r-n"l JlnimOO9mod s tid HIIR .".,;1\1' flluOll Moo" ""! .... It IImbl.,. Mer. Em I. 1MtdIa 'aodel~ Editor .... , •.••• Eleanor -,. ost coaches he is now sellinJ in-" ~ H8"VLE" it.Wn9.lai &iIi • • .~n' "'~ .dlad Uoa .• l ' VI!I'...... ' •• -nItI ...... ChM' PIIoto.1'IIJIhar .. WUllla ...... 8urance7" .• -- ~ "'".., .. 1>0.;1" }o",o." _. - . _ . . -- - . -. IP,l --...,.. - , --- I

\ .t ..... ~ -atr ,ft.bet ,'(lb!.,;b,W-.ll ,~,wol-MAwol YJiAO ~HT-' ',Iq ujq l&ml0l, .Qnin9qO tn&let '(&bO T lOt t92: JJIHJTIM 3VAO ya ·wm 91dms-D " ,9.l~,q W90 9I1T ·unam Wool! J')/io' lsllob noilfim·jJ ,{Hannol 9d lliw tnclq ltnhubcl rUiw '(&boj .m.q oo : ~ Js oon~o swol .rllI90H ooJ .'100 '(d aJlJaJ bna ,'19:»1914 .2 '(O'al '1o,(aM ,{U:> ·,isd:l b1Sod n,aq .991qU~ JI .R .nsm ·juo bl9d !XI lliw ,(OOm'l190 9dT 99tU1110'l Jno,1 9111 01 In'Y.>stba . 9bia Jns(q 'lCU 19 19d!)lUlH lill1iV Jmibi29,q JU2 sctJ 10 jn9bre9'lq •'19.lsw,(H '(sR hIlS .J!)!1qX9 ". . 6!)19mm~ 10 '1')(fmsJO .aeinom91!n 9rlJ ni a'sqbihsq 01 b9 ,(il:> awol 01 9tnOO llJw rlli90H lliw· 9If 91!11iW l(hadiJ n9W mo,l .rn.q ~:SJ Is JlU!KJl.. OOJ nl b$b9d:l2 2.ln9v9 19nJO ' ~'!n I!IIIS'!l01q 10 29i192 '(ab 1001 bsbubni l!nln~o toslq 9eil IIniJs1d .229ruaud 101 oOiJq9:l91 bos 19nnib 8 10 219bG91 'soolla:lub9 bos .:llvi9 n02191191. 9IiJ nl ,(Cb29UT ,(Ii:> uwol ,uon 1111902 a rlJiw lInlnoill9d 1910H .m.q 0& :8 Jo 'lei, Js bl9fl 9d mw noslbnul A ·m9 OilJ sdJ 101 noon Ja '(sbol Inslq ·m9 '(l1a~l In99 'l!lCl 08 .29'(0'q .1~a!lCla liS oo1qU!){l rill'll .b9,(0Iq ·b9rI9B 'BI Jnslq 9IIJ Ja 92uorl nsqO 9IIT .,(obh'of bos ,(sbnuriT b9lu nolb9qanl '01 n9qo 9d lIiw Jnslq • 01 0&:1 bna .m.s 11 01 e m011 ,a,(ab rllod .m.q 'llU 10 1l100j b91uoocba 1slJJ3j9R 2qUO'J0 . '(sbnoM nill9d Jliw Jnslq !)IfJ 101 alo9lfJlnioqqs eJlllm '{am orlJ aolnorlq 10 lIoili1w ' '(d a,uoj ,joslq .o91nh9qua Joslq .lI9b21SM .0 .R '(Jivi19s j09m'(0Iqm9 . bis2 ,11100) ·201 lnlo9qO lInlwb b!lJlsri 9d Iliw I .'(sbooM smU29' iii'll bos 2StlivO '9S2 2' OJ&q losl4 ,{Ii::> awol ooT Jelio' ati l\lIbubo1q 'lot 'Oi1i9s1 000 tnubsluoam Ulw ,ahubolq aboOll .,!lCI 9mon .29j2aqdJooo ,eooqmoeia .ebooll ,tslioJ 19100 bos a109nsm S(WbBm lInilloli:>Bq 9lellqcUooJ A 1I1Iuons slIslboq nc:> loalq 9rfJ JS !ln0 jas' 01 91unim soo ni slasqdlool snl to 9no boa .a1SS,{ ea 101 noal9q .1I:>sq OS9 \\snil lInillsJl:>sq ooqmsna eluoim s tli ooqmsnB nlluoos sl!G lamisl noa19C! Sll619VS oa svil! oj .ns9'( e£ 101aooqmsna 10 j209rUuoa b9.lo901 .Joslq sriT sniJs92uM ,swoJ no xJiD Gwol bosl 10 8S1:>6 &\ 00 JJiud al .baoR Xloo 010:> (Ww b9.lnslq asw JaeiJ .0llS 2189'( owJ boa aool J991 ua aj lInibliud ooT aOO,esr aoitUM:> jl.9biw 80& .9~sq8 ,oon 10 1001 alSupa bns lbi1d Xli1smbq 2i joo,l (lnT (leil lQ 'l')bniam~1 !XU 9lidw .'1I8al& ·no:> j20:>91q 10 sbam ai lInibUud Isl9m b9.laluanl bns al9nsq SJ91~ ·xs munimula bslun 6 tOiw alsnaq .10i':t9J


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'" ,jnoM .2JJA'of TA3HO hslubsd!l8 1BIU891 svsd I1'sw ,0 19dmsyoV1 ,xsbrtoM 8CJbw2 .xjiO swol 101 xjivij!>s aaM sdf 1(1 11911S1b ,21S9j))O 9910'of 1iA ",92UoH aeqO" 811imb au jiaiv j'rtS!) U JtBlq sdj 10 2'lUOO ' .tnIqs(I !JflIq boa nal'i[ snaJIIO.,. uox -cnq D~Q lTWoml-lIsw edJ he'lle ojai juq ev'ew ~9a'lUo!) 10 .baA ·a9Jf_ salal acUlism d.liw J~ .WOO bsJubed!l8 a 101emi.1 eldsiwa B S8rtBnB brt.G au US!) 92B9Iq I i ' Xjilidsaib ,811n.sda..;tft01q snibul!>lIi-a.tft9aed 99,{olqms 10 ms~ laHnurf ,J..,.,i8S'1 91IJ992 oj . anoU sw "edjb 9dj 10 'Caw 9110-wo.1 jl1Blq lam10110 "92U~ oeqO" . Jliw ardT .aoslq' ooianeq baa ja9l1I'{o[qms b99JlUnBU8 bas ,;;jflsned nl oef,la to falot S b9iaoq ,esao99il Il'uo'( lis~ 'Q~ !lb69aa:> 9rlJ Ja /lad , !a002 au .1iaiv sqod -ms jll9891q mo 101 9'UI.1u1 19jd~d .8 blla xj?u!>98 19jss13 ossat .00as9m "9W baa jrflin '(sbnoM ,,(SatrtaH nsm19H' .J~ ". 1(9dT . "alA !,.udoM ,H'1A ,,(91l1001S ,O! .tJ baa ,~ .MiS .A ML1,anD 1(1:> .jJ la ~au diM .'JsJjsV 1m'oJ .10:) :.:>.a .noJlnlrf8aW 01 oOllsjnsq ·9ril '(slllOO1.H .n: .sbn!))b},1 , fllAiUi;N boa10 ,N: ,soiR .2 19b1iW OOS ,8'i[A .rbiM ,2biqsR 10 00 ot blaB 91S owJ lslJsl ooT ~ ~ oam 1f9S3 .Jlos1 '!J28!l1 .huoO (l!)i1aut oi t8910 ot w9fl '(lbst1oq91 9vil 9111 .bam .d IlIw r1olr1w at~ubo,q auorn ... -do bna toa:) 9910'of "liA na ni gJls'if tn.IQ I(tlO awol & Ia q w.'" .rU nl .911Slb !ICI( ot aaiblQ9:>S .OOnia" IB90l a J. 19809911 lOiJnurf 109bll!!n .!nota 91swb1sd X91892 9rlJ l at tosw n9d.l '(edT .9d S'l9W tecU !nsnw ooli!n 9l1a.I 3bta d.llw bs.Inuri ))vsrl OJ OOvsU aaaJnoM 1& 10 lnsbl8'31q ,'(9~l:liH .O&I~ notallK10 bllS 19biuO .. , , a nItI1~ ~v wtI.M .-c ...... , . ~ WI .0& .190 Ita ...... , ...., .. ;. at ~('hOf I, , ir .. ' , ' ~':"". .. .., P"91! 4-THE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City, Ia.-Thursday, Nov. 1, 1'5' ., . Poa,es Makes NL Comebaok-ol-Year f Award to Sal. Mag/ie, • NEW YORK (All - Sal MagJie of I By JERRY LISKA _. h the Brooklyn Dodgers, who pitched CHICAGO !.4'1 - The Hallowe'en goblins can't hurt the old footbaD· G~p ar Tarror a no-hi.U.er.and won a I . swami any more than Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Indiana did last Leo DecI Ines game 10 his 19th season of proces.! Saturday. . sional baseball, made the National So we nonchalantly sweep up the fragments of a shattered crystal - J b League comeback-of·lhe·year in the ball, baving to be conlent with a - opinion of th~ Baseball Writers I current season record of 28-1()'2 for In dIan 0 ' Assn. of America. a .737 percentage. - , Maglie received 159 of the 199 This weekend we'll try reading Section H -Ion In? votes cast in the annual Associated: the stars, to wit: _ Press poll. Brooks Lawrence, a I Iowa 21. 14 - Real Mar surprise 19·9ame 'winner (or Cin., stunners, those Hawkeyes are tough at Iowa City where the Wol· To Playoffs LOS ANGELES 1m - The Cleve­ cinnati. wa second with 13 votes. i verines will try to avert being land Indians are still wilhout a Maglie's acquisition by the Dodg. Iowa's sixth straight victim. If the Section H gained the playo(!J 0( field manager. ers on waivers from Cleveland last j May 15 was greeted with a "So unbeaten Hawkeyes take this sharp The Jiilicrest lhtramural Touch , general mana· Big Ten test, they'll be really sni[· Foolball League Wednesday with gel' of the Cleveland American what?" by most of the Flatbush l faithful. He was S9 and bad been fing roses In the tall Corn State a 20·19 win over Section Eye. League baseball club, said Wednes­ and there'U be strong title talk. The brilliant passing of Jim Jr- day Leo Durocher "has advised me unable to win a game (or the In· dlans. Ohio State 21, Northwestern 7 - win sparked lhe winners to a 13-7 that he can not be considered as a The Buckeyes still don't show halftime lead. Irwin hit Jim CoUiIIs candidate for the manager's job," Although he did not start his first game with BrOOklyn unW May 30 : signs of yielding their Big Ten and Tom Ewers with long pastel Meantime, Marty .Marion. tired crown. This will be the first con- for the winners' first two scores. , last week as Chicago WhiW Sox and did Dot pick up a victory until I June 4, Maglie won 13 games and ference meeting between Ohio Irwin threw to Jerry Perkins for , manager, became a strone. candi· State's Woody Hayes and new the extra paint. date Cor the Indians' job. lost only 1. He bad an earned ! average or 2.87. fourth best in the Northweslern Coach Aara Parse· In the second haIr the winners' Marion said Greenberg told him ghian. who succeeded Hayes at only ·scdre came on a long pus last Friday he would confer with circuit, struck out 109 batters and walked only 53. I Miami of Ohio in 1951. from Irwin to Evers. Pcrkins alain him in St. Louis at an undisclosed Purdue 20. Winois 13 - A big caught Irwin's pass · Cor the extra time. On Sept. 25 against Philadelphi:l, Sal pitched the first no·hit, no·run ruini letdown aIter upsetting the point. Marion said al his Sl. Louis home A COUPLE OF HEROES GET TOGETHER in a Brooklyn auto agency. Sal Magll., left, Brooklyn nation's No. 1 team. The Boiler· pan Swanson led the losers, seor· h(' hasn't made up his mind wheth· game of his career. He won six hurler who has been cited for the comeback·of·the·year in the Associated Press poll games and lost one in Brooklyn's makers will be in a bad mood after Ing all three of their louchdowns er he's available for the Cleveland of baseball writers, gets a sales pitch from Johnny Podre., Dodger hero of the 1955 World Serie •. that 21·20 shading by Iowa. on passes. Bill Fuhri threw to blm position. September National League pen· Podr.. , who recently was discharged from the Navy bl!cause of a .pinal condition that may curtail hi. nant drive which overhauled the Michigan State 29, Wisconsin S- Cor two of them and Jerry Lanl. He was succced d as White Sox pitching career, is a salesman in the agency. Even without Clarence Peaks, the bert hit him Cor the fmal AN ODD JOBS MAN i. Perry Milwaukee Braves. score pilot by Al Lopez, who was fired Spartans sliould have enough guns of the game. Lambert ran for the Gehring, n.. med Llnem .. n ef the Others to receive votes for , as Indians' manager after lhe 1956 10. t.ake this home encounter. The losers' only extra point. season. Week by The A.aec:i .. ted Prell comeback honors included Don IW lees Badgers were banged up pretty West Tower rolled into the Quad· Greenberg told newsmen that Wednesday for hi. out.tanellng Newcombe oC Brooklyn, Johnny An· I 0 venn Are 'Bruised and Battered much in losing to Ohio State. 21"(). South Quad playoffs undefeated 20-7 tonelli of the Giants, Warren Spahn ' Durocher plans to remain in hi job play in Mlnnesot.. •• victory Minnesota 14. Pittsburgh 7 - with a 31·13 victory over Nortb as an NBC television executive in over Mlchig .. n. G..... lng spont o( Milwaukee and Curt Simmons 0[ 1 A N ARBOR Mich . IA'l-Bruised backs, Jim Pace and Bob Ptacek, appeared on lhe pr:lctice field That's if the Gophers are not 'look- Tower. Hollywood. hi. first ...son with the G0ph­ Ph!ladelphia. The y had three and ballered Michigan continued and its first string right halfback, Tuesday and underwent a slight ing ahead too much to the Iowa Jim Geater again led the win­ er. last year shuttll", between u Durocher, who left baseball after apiece. ,its fireparalions Wednesday for Terry Barr, still are viclims oC in· workout, but he confined his activi· tangle Nov. 10. There's bound to ners, passing to John Shaw (or two the 1955 season following 16 years fullback, gu .. rd and center with I Saturday's Iowa game by brushing juries. Pace, with a charley-horse, ties to the training room Wednes· be trouble for Minnesota against of the winners' . Shaw the as manager o[ the National League deep re ..rvo •. Shifted to end up on both offense and defense. and Ptacek with a hip bruise ap­ day. once.beaten Pitt's Panthers, one oC passed to Larry Selby and Jim Brooklyn Dodgers and New York this ....son, he ,r .. bbed • lob Middle-East Crisis Spending more time UlaQ normal peared to run well through practice Oosterbaan continued to use Ron the East's best clubs. Closson for two more of lhe win· Giants, said: "I definilely [eel my with tho MIMesota No. 2 pl .. toon. on aUack Coach Benny Oosterbaan although Ooslerbaan was concern· Kramer both at end and at Barr's Indiana 21, Matquette 0 _ Lo, ners' scores. Closson threw to Bob future is here in Hollywood where For hi. aggreulve performance shurned his backfield groups to ed lest ther sub-par condition does spot at halfback. During a drill the poor warriors. Watl~ for the final or I c~n be wIth my family." His .. g.. ln,t Mlchi, .. n, ho w.. , promot· Raises Question Of give individuals experience with not improve by Saturday. against Iowa plays, Kramer sp?nt Navy 14, NotTe Dame 13 - The the game. ' wife is actress Laraine Day. ed to tho first Itri", thl. _ok. different units. Barr, \Vi til a severely sprained most of the time at a defenSive Irish just have run out or luck as Dick Murry led the losers' attack Durocher, reportedly earning lAP Wlrt,J.oto). Olympic Eligibility Michigan's two top left hall- ankle, wasn't in uniform. He had halfback post. I well as talent Ulis season. with two touchdown passes. nearly $100,000 a year in TV, said * * * ------previously he would not return to * * * MELBOURNE !.4'1 - The status * * * * * * baseball on a salary , alone> It is Gopher End o( Britain and France in thc Olym· tr. bali ved Greenberg offered him a pic GameSf in view oC the Middle tt sizcable managerial salarf but East situation, was a question oC I would not go along on Durocher's Selected AP prime Importance Wednesday with g insistence of a financial interest in the games scheduled to start Nov. W,e'li S:· the club. Have To Pas 22. Greenberg said he wlll be talking The games are strictly Cor coun- i 10 "oUler people" whilc he is in Top Lineman tries at peace. Egypt withdrew a By LARRY DENNIS 57 yards. One was intercepted and BIG TEN STANDINGS third·ranked in national defense Bill Happel, Iowa's hard-driving to way out of sight, but they mov· right halfback, is sixth in confer· Los Angeles. He plans 10 fly back r k nolly Iowan Sport., Wrl", one went for a touchdown. (By Tl1e " ....I.ltd Pr... ) ew wee 5 ago. \V. I" T. ~~ ed into second place in rushing enee rushing with 176 yards on 22 to Cleveland today. Perry Gehring, just another The chief executive officer lor The I1awkeyes from Iowa. in Ule The fact that Dobrino was throw· IOWA 8 II 0 Obio Sta.tf .. , .• . ;! J:ooo defense aLter the near-disastrous carries for an 8.0 average· Happel member of the Minnesota football the games, Lt. Gen· Sir William Big Ten second division statistic· ing Wednesday bolstered Head 0 n 1I1Inn ...t...... ~ II I .~~ aerial bombardment by Purdue's ranks IiIth in scoring with 18 squad at the start of the season, Bridgeford. told The Associated I' ally but leading the league wilh Coach 's state· Mlch'lan State .... 2 I II JIIlnol...... 1 0 ::\33 Lenny Dawson. ' points, 12 of then;>. tallied aaalost gained the national spotlight Wed· Press the matter was one for the three wins and no defeats, contino ment lhat "we feel we will have ,~ Ed Price Resigns Indiana. '" . .. \ . • . . . l II .::;:g The NCAA Scrvice Bureau reo Purdue. nesday by being named the Asso· International Oympic Committee ued preparations Wednesday [or to pass more in the Michigan game Mlehl,an ...... I 2., 0 Nortb",. ttrD . 0 I ported Wednesday Iowa has allowed Junior End Jim Gibbons Is sixth eiated Press lineman of the to decide. . I their all·imporlant IiQ1T1ecoming tilt than at any time this season." J·urdue •. .. . 0 ., 1 .i~~ As' Texas Mentor week. However, in Santa Barbara, with Michigan on SakJrday. The Hawkeyes have attempted 57 " rlsc-u ndn .. . 0 ~ 1 :10'1 113.8 yards per game to opponeuts, in passing receiving with six catch· AUSTIN , Tex· !.4'1 - HE;ad Coach The 2O·year-old junior end Cram CaliC, , Avery Brundage, lOC pres- All·importanl? Well. no. Actual· passes and completed 26 or them with 569 yards given up in 214 es for 102 yards and a touchdown. Ed Price, whose University of Yankton, S.D., won Ule honor in ident, said Wednesday, "I see no· 1y, each one of the'llftoee remain· ill their first five games. They given up. What weight each sta· rushes in five games. The Hawk· Fullback Fred Harris is to date eyes stand behind only Navy, who Texas (ootball team is in the midst the weekly poll oC sportswriters thing at the moment that would ing conference games can be clas· have picked up 308 yards and rive tistical department is given is not lhe fourth best punter in the lea· of its worst season since 1938, and broadcasters because of his interfere with the Olympic games." sified in thaL categ0lf" But this touchdowns by the aerial route. leads tile national field with a 111.2 revealed by Western Conference gue, averaging 37.1 yards on 10 voldntarily resigned Wednesday. sterling deCensive playas the Go· "I cannot recall any Olympic is the first big one Id\~a mllSt win Last year in the first five tilts, yard per game yield. "It is unfair to the team for us phers upset Michigan 20-7· Games' regulation which says par· to rctain a chance for the Rose Iqwa had completed 31 of 68 pass· headquarters, which does the rank· Individually. four Hawkeyes kicks. I to have a house divided," said The same grid experts earlier tieipating nations mllst be at Bowl and perhaps tl1e Big 'fen es for 527 yards and five. touch- ing, but nere's the way Iowa rank high in the Big Ten statistics. Leading the Big Ten in · Price, 47, whose team has lost this week named Abe Woodson of peace," Brundage said in an in· title. '1 downs· stands in the various departments: Top man for Iowa is ing is Abe WoodSOn oC llIinois with Ii ve oC its six games this year. Ulinois hack of the week. He scored terview. "But what is more 1m- or possible s ignific~lfce in Wed· Also at this time last year, the third in total yards given up; first Kenny Ploen, who is lhird in can· 382 yards to date. The leading pas· "When dissatisfaction and bit· all three Illini louchdowns in the portant, the games are, and al· nesday's drill was lllEi' passing o[ Hawkeyes had had 11 tosses inter· in rushing defense; third in points ference passing, fourth in total oC· ser is Dawson with 477 yards. ThE terness develop because of a los· 21·13 upset of Michigan State. ways have been, contesls between Don Doorino, who unlimbered his ecpted. Oniy four have fallen into allowed; ninth in first downs yield· fense and first in pass inlercep· Boilermaker star also ranks lirst ing season nQ one proCils. These Gehring spent most oC the after· individuals, not nalions." throwing arm (or lhe Ilrst time this enemy hands so Cal' this year. ed and lOth on pass defense. tions. In addition, he is seventh il) total offense with 489 yards boys are entitled to the full sup· noon in Michigan's backfield, es- Britain has 239 athletes and oC'1 season. The big senier halfback Meanwhile. the unbeaten Hawk· The Hawkeyes also dropped from lin scoring wilh 13 points. gained. port of the alumni. I don't want pecial~intheseco~~Uwhen fici~co~gMdF~n~has1~ , w~tabbedln~_~nwM~~ ~es ~~ ~me ~ th~ ghl~ ------~-~---~~~----~ 10 stand in the way of that undi· the Gophers came from behind. His and Israel 22, I as a boy who would ~o a lot ot in last Saturday's 21·20 escape from vided support." play drew high praise Cram his While hot news was popping in I tossing for the Hawks this (all. To Purdue. Ranked first on defense HERE ARE YOUR OLD GOLD During the past 10 days Price teammates. the Suez, teams from 14 o{ the 74 , date, he has not Ulrow a pass in in Ole Big Ten Inst week, Iowa has been hanged in e[figy on the Bobby Cox, Minnesota's back· competing nations, who eventual· competition. is now ranked sixth. The deCens· campus three times, Some alumni field star, summed it up: Iy will send about 4,500 athletes, Bobrino, a conver~ed quarter- ive standings are figured on a com· had called for his scalp. "That tackllng was the best I've already have arrived at the Olym· back, threw 12 passes,)ast season· parative grading of points, oppon· Price's complete record tQ dale ever seen or heard o{ in a col· pic Village. More than 200 athletes I and completed five ol them for ' ehts' yards gained and first downs ranked him as the winningest coach In the Southwe t Conference ~~~~g:e~~' S~ef~~it"~UW~: :::~~i~! ~~:eex:~~::.d!rl~ ..fresh arriv~lsl BREME -RS ~''"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"~~., competition during his years as was run over them." The Rumaruans wlil share a din- . '"'" .head coach. Taking Iver in 1951, he A 5-11, 1oo·pounder who failed ing room with the Yugoslavs and ~"""""""" '"",.~~ has a record of 33 wins, ~ losses to win a letler as a sophomore. the Poles. ..~ • PUZZLES and one tic. His SoulhweSj: Con· Gehring was listed as a center at A vanguard oC the' mighty Rus·1 ~ You should have one ofthesa ~~ ference record is 20-11·1. including the start of the season. He came sian contingent of 510 athletes and w. . '" ~ 2 conference losses this year. WIN A PUZZLE NO. II '"to h. Iwn ...... d to "d. . Ir~ci.l' w:' do< Frid" , ~ toats ,, ~ . sport WORLD TOUR I., ~. i ~ ~ FOR TWO I ~ Homecoming ~ Rearrange CLUE: This western university, boasting CLUE: Opened by Quakers in 1886, thla the letters II campus of 9,000 acres, Willi named for un nonsectarian college for women is in a reai­ ! ~ '. ~ in each American railroader and U. S. Senator, dentialauburb of one of America's I."" who endowed it as a memorial to his sOn . cities. An early prcsid.ent was famed ec1u­ I ~ . ~ puzzle Herbert Hoover was a famous graduate. eator and feminist Martha Carey ThomlL to form ANSWER ______ANSWER ______

Na~ ~ ______Nam~I ______~ ~ the name ~ ~ ofan Addrm'______Addr______are the star$ ~ Cilll ______StGte __ TEEI r .. American Oitll ______Stotl __ College or Collfgl, ______Coll*, ______.,...,. ___~ Hold IlDtII you have completed all 24 paul. in sport coats ~ Unirersity llold until you have completed aU Z4 puul.. . ~ YOU'LL GO EOR OLD GOLDS ~ lither REGULAR, KING liB ... the GREAT NEW FILTERS -~;;:~;T: ~ Old ,Golds taste terrific! The reason: Str .... are her. in' Old Golds 'give you the best "POCAHONT AS KNOWS WHERI TO SIND CLOTHES TO ~ tobaccos. Nature­ CLUE: This midwestern college is named' brushed tweeds, ~ for an A.merian clergyman and abo\itioo- GET 'EM CLEAN, CHIEF." ripened tobaccos, ,. - 1st, to whom Horace Greeley said: "Go Watennlll tweeds, Harris ~ West, youn, man, Go Westl" It IJioeated' "UGHI DAUGHTER IS HEAP GOOD IET-UM FOR WHITE in a town of the same name. tweeds, s~k and lamb's wool ~ ANS~ ______

RICH, Na~ ______,RAVE. SHE .SEND.uM CLOTHES TO I·STOP •.. SAVE-UM ScoHish>tweeds, Many blaze ~~ 'sO PLENTY ON LAUNDRY AND DIY CLEANING IILU" awv with color enthusiasm but ~~ SO LIGHT, AddrlU ______Citw ______SIo"__ , ~ all.are in smlrt good taste. ~ SO GOLDEN COlle~'-:-:-_:_----_:__:__::_::--~_ lIodiltd in trim, st,,~ht lines. ~ BRIGHT! Hold until TOU h .... eompletecl aU U puaIoo • . .1 NEED BACK PUZZLES? , Send five ~nta for each puzzle; five .. ~ cent. for. complete set of rulea. Encl_ JEST TASn: m \ • sell-addressed, stamped envelope, Mail IN A FIl.TER CIGARmE to Tan&le Schoola, P. 0, BOll 9, GiaDd Central Annex, 'New York 17, N. Y. 'BREMERS1 • 2!!E _DA,U. Y IOWAN-Lowa CIty, I... -Thurs ay, Nov. " tfS,-"P .. !!e S

,10 Egypt, Isr.ael t To fyocuote Americans: Gas Tax Collections Higher in 1956;

I \\';\$Hl1 r G'fO~ IA'I - UnilS oC the by combal \'e sels. were standing molar convoys. Americans in Jor- Iran port Chilton, the cargo IraM! , .S. 6Ul Fleet mo\led to lediter- by near Ihe I raeli port of Haila dan and Syria were moving out by port Thuban. the landing ship Ft. / -State PatrQI ActiYity Increases Iranean porls of Egypt aJIII Israel and the Egyplian port of Alexan- auto to Beirut, Lebanon. SnelUng, and two unidenlified de· DE :\[01 'ES I.fI _ State gaso· , DES tOlNES IA'I _ Stale High. Wednesday to help in an evacua· dria. Alexandria was reportedly The Navy said its ships. have ~~- troyers. line tax collections for Ihe first 10 I \\"oy Patrol activity increased duro lion which has already seen more bombed Wednesday b", British ders to help move Amertca~ C1h- A Cairo di patch said (hoe Navy months oC this year ran about se\,· ing the fir t iDe months of 1956 Ithan 1.000 Americans I a\'e the planes. z ns [rom Egyp~ and I rae! If the transports had docked al Alexan. cn million dollars higher than for compared wi the same period Middl East tinder box. Dispatches from Israel and Egypt n~ !lt~s ~ if co~r~;al type dria to take on U.S. citizens. the same period last year the Ila t year, th tate Safety Depart- The Navy announced the move said, however, that some units of s uI~p~ IS el r unavlU a e or tn· On Sunday the State Departmenl state treasurer's office re~rted Inenl said Wednesday. by the 6th Fleet, the State Depart· tt~eo nheeartboJlrlrseaodn)' e~adCUeanti~o~edmthelS'_ s A I:npat.tch from Haifa said three urged all 6,!66 Americans in EgYPt" Wednesday. In the first three·fourths oC U:US ment disclo~ed thal 1,139 Ameri· . • US trans rt destro. ers entered' israeli, SyrIa and Jordan to get out. . year, the patrol made 172,620 dnv- cans had le(( Egypt. Israel, Syria Slons. .'. po . y . unless they were " performing es- l\Ieanwhile, revenue from the SlX er contacts compared to last , : and Jordan as o[ 6 a.m. Wednes· The State Department saId the the harbor there Just before Israeli Ua1 f r ..' I f (h' th ' ' ~ day. exodu oC Americans from Israel naval units captured an Egyptian sen unc IOns. cents 0 tax or t IS mon was year s 27,742 . . With the evacuation picking up also was being speeded by the use frigate which had begun shelling The department ga\'e these fig- about $30,000 lower than for Octo- Pa~rolm.en ISSUed . 2,784 more speed in the face of increa ingly of ele\'en U.S. Air Force C124 the port ar~a. It w~ reported thbt · ~e on the progress of the evacua' l ber of last year. Refunds made. on war.nlDg tick~ts, 22,560 more faulty ominous developments, the State Globemaster transport pia Des. the Egyptian sbeUmg caused no tion: . gasoline purchased Cor non.high- equIpment tIckets and 2,398 more IDepartment said 5,627 Americans These craft were shuttling between damage. lSRAEL - 546 out, 3,584 remnlD· . d t bo I th summonses. remained in the fOur Middle Ea. t Tel Aviv, Israel, and Athens, The Navy reported its Haifa force ing of a total of 4.l:SO. • way . uses rem8lne a a u e Highway patrOlmen traveled 7," countries at the time of ils count. Greece. consisted of the high-speed attack . JORDAN - 145 out, 175 remalD· aine percentage. 2&6,528 miles, or 212.000 miles more h Evacuees Crom Egypt were being transport Burdo, the hea\ly cruiser 109 of a tolal of 320. Collectiol)s [or lhis year totaled than in the nine-month period a po~l ~nit~\~f ~~o:~~le~~\!~~ moved (rom Cairo to Alexandria in Maron and several unidentified de· EGYPT - 361 ou~ 1,674 remain. $55,655,804 to date and for the same Iyear ago. More than a haU mil. stroyers. ing of a total of 2,035. . ..

I The Navy said the 6th Fleet units SYRIA - 87 out, 194 rcmaining lime last year the amount was 110n dollarS ~ .ftnes was assessed • ~I ,I' [. 11 " 'I il~ ""I 10 AI.. """,. "''' the I"go "a lolal or 281. "',"1,"', by ",,,I a",~'y, Eye. Jim !r. to a 13-7 NOW. Ends FRIDAY Jim CoUhts Adult Entertainment long P8sIet two SCOres. , r-" ·"'·~·"'·~'M ,..otl''''Ctt,.,.,. Perkins for ' ! MARTINE C the winners' CAROL a lonll PAIl "pl."." 0" Perkins allain Ih. world'. Classified Cor the extra Wont",d lloommate House for Rent Miscellaneous for Sale mo.1 Adverti!ing Rates ------, .. N1CEl. Y CUml,h..t apartment for wom.n LaN'W the losers, ~. I.bulou. FOR RENT unfumllh~ hou.e. TYPEWRITER : ~rd plAyers: reeord- On~ Day ...... ~ 8 Word ne.. campu.. Phone {400. 11-1 Company 96111 . 10·20 rt: eh~. t of drawers: pen:ul.tora: touchdowns Pla"lIlrou"d I . Two Da)"s ...... lot a Word Professional Service I el!'I~~e .":-~~; ~~:~/I;~~"~.:.:,\o·';'a't~: to bIrn Three Days ...... 12f 8 Word Typing Jerry Lani. Hoek-EYf" Loan. 11-2 (AP Wlrepbolol Four Days ...... 1~ a Word NOTA.RY PUBLIC. typln,. mlmeo-I fibal SCOre WANTED: The IJ \)'pIJ\l. Mrs. "I her. ,raphln,. MAry Burn•. 601 ioWA Slate MOVING back to C.Ufornla In Jonuary. AN UNIDENTIFI ED AMERICAN youngster manag.s a smile .1 he Five Daya ...... 15f a Word Sharon Cenler U all 4. 11-26R Ballk Bulldl"... 01.1 2658. 1I-:tO Wlll aacrUlct politically u .~ c.ocker ran for the lilt 011 ,uitcase5 in American .mbassy compound in Cairo Wedne.· TeD Days ...... 20¢ 8 Word npmffl Checkers. Be Offer. InquIre d1y before b.ing evacuat.d from Egypt with other Americ.. " •. ODe Month ...... 39¢ a Word TYPING: 7l1li2 PUOTOFINISIIiNG-t expOlure roll . Trleky Dlek. 11 -6 SPECIAL 39<-. No elulr, for de,.tlop· (Minimum Charge SCW) In • . You".', studio. U-I FOR SALE-Gns Ipac.e heater: .pa.. t- TYPING 48!! 11-25 - - __ --r- m nt PI ranlt', James Nelson. Fore to. " DOORS OPEN ! :I:;" NEW LOCATION- Glean.', all modern vIew TrnJler COlirt. 11 -6 Dllplay Ads TYPING IBM el.ctrl" Iypewrlter. 1-",'. l>c!outy


,. ,

...... v . ,

I DENTIST'S AIDS - New aids to Ten in rush· ~n\ists w\1l be lhe subject of talks ' DC Illinois wilh at the 39th annual me ting of the , " leading pas. Alumni Association of the SUI Col· LAFF·A·DAY yards. The lege of Dentistry Friday and Satur· ranks first day in the Dentistry Building. I t· • • 489 yards BAD TIME COMPLETE PORTSMOUTH, Va. (A'I - George R. Leech caught up on his sleep SHADE TREE SERVICE Live and Play the bul he says it wasn't worth it. Ceblng-Feedihg-Braeing Seems it was bad liming. He told Evergreen Service Mobile Home Way police he dozed off in a bus sta· \ 0 lines, 50 Model~ tion while waiting ror lhe unem­ McCool's Tree Surgery To Choose From. ployment office to open. While Bonded and, Insured ., sleeping someone removed his wal­ , Phone 8·2170 vVoliesen's, Inc. let, look his identification card. 528 Reno Sh'eet Quality Slnce 1936 , " .1 wenl to the unemployment office Iowa City, Iowa Phone 1210 and collected his check. 'l"I'h. 1l.UR Mllrlon Shopping Center ------GET OFF ON Marion, Iowa STRAND • LAST DAY THE RIGHT FOOT "DAVID AND BATHSHEBA" brutol ,port of bull.flghth,. ha'l Fender \ -and- been shown so absolutely and un· \ Prepare for those Winter I\fonths and "TI-(E BRIDGES ..Ientlnely Irt 0 theat... Vlrtuolly overy I ahead by having your shoes reo .. AT TOKO.RI" vivid aspect of thl. sport, from the ehe,..e . paired NOW ! ! I Body Work of the proud bull Into the bullrtne to the f by " DOORS OPEN 1:15" kllll", of tho animals cihd the eorlnl of, BLACK'S EXPERT WORKMEN hones and men, I. put on ...... e ... n with: C) 1M.. 10~G rt::ATUIU SYNDlCAT·E., IIW.., WOltO ~JG'It ~ ~~~F. ,n: o. ml$~;n; unabashed candor I" N. Y. Timor SHOE REPAIR Kennedy Auto Mart "Now, now, dear, just because he isn't • 708 Riverside Drive I of baseball players any more doesn't m 226 E, WASHINGTON DIAL 7373 our little boy." STA;TS F RID A Y -!(~A~cN~u~~~m~~E~nt~le~"~n.~~.~~~r~)~~ ~ __~ ______~ll~ "I~IR~' ______~ ______1- OUTSTANDING HITS ILONDIE By CHIC YOUNG THESTORY OF A­ ~----~~--~r-., TEEN·AGE MURDER! •

• • • •


• • ".... " Gl[NN, fORO •I .SEE the most ferocioUs Bull_ of Spain Slain In Mortal Combat ,0 OOROT~Y McGUIRE bv Manolete, Conchita Cintron, Belmonte, Dominguin ,•· MlHUR KENNEDY' JOHN HOOIAK THE FILM TELLS THE DRAMATIC • KAlY JURADO .,. RAFAEl CAMPOS P STORY OF THE LIFE OF REMBRANDT • L REMBRANDT THRU HIS OWN PAINTINGS AND ETCH· • U • INGS. 26 MINS. OF SHEER ENCHANT. • S "A $ELF PORTflAIT" MENT AS PAINTING AFTER PAINTING • IN 'COLOR UNFOLDS HIS LIFE, • • STARTS .. Mid-west • Premiere • • • IOWA'$ HAW~ms'''';;:ilFoOffiLL FLEDGLINGS" • -'--, ~E -ND~S-TO-'D'-A-Y--.=-. ~'-"- INGINGiJiI BA Y • THE LAVENDER HILL MOB •" - . -• '''' ~~, ~~~y ~9'-A~. Cltr, I.·-~f . ' '"'·1, The Goblins (and Giralles) Will Get You 11 You Don't -Watch: Out I R8adBid~2~30"~ • • II - • - - Above Estimates AMES II! - The State HiPWI1 Gommission deferred action Wee. nesday on a million and a hall daI. lars . worth of steel cOJl~ work. The bids ran from 211 lI! 31 per cent abQve estimates. • .. .I.. 51 Commissioner Russell a.uIIJ moved that action on the bicb be IJIII' postponed until' the conunlssioa·. (((II next meeting. He said the (ObJ. tbal mission should have an opport1lllltJ ture to compare the prices bid 1fltII TI bid to private contractors 00 ot.IIer tile highway projects in Iowa, IUId 011 lOIt similar projects in other &tala. 11 (OWl Letting arc held every 30 days '" the. commission. The commission had estimated :~ tbe cost oC structural steel lid C1lP: sed steel·bearing pilings for bridges • T1 about $1 ,300,000. The low bicb re­ can ceived totaled '1,563,000. to) 1'i tell

1O ... ly I ..... n Ph.I •• b,. 81U NeI •• D) HOW MANY TEETH does he have1 The answer Will "Look and ...... ,

Italy's Old Soldier, Badoglio, Dies, 85 STUDENTS ,. •• . WHY GRAZZANO BADOGLIO, Italy, , (Thursday) (A'I - Marshal Pietro Not treat yourselv8$ to the cheerful CITY I YOUNGSTERS pa,lICIed and attended a special movie Badoglio, who conquered Ethlopla at the Varsity Th ..ter. Prius went to the best chiidren' 5 costumes. Cor Mussolini and eventually sign· surroundings, good coffee and Humpty Dumpty II PaUl Davll, I, of 922 6th Ave. ed Haly's UDconditiona.1 surender in World War II, died early today I good service. Plus the best in food in obscure retirement. He was 85. Homecoming Badge The old soldiet:. who rode in trio which makes the D&L a truly won- umph into Addis Ababa in 1936 and I who was chosen by the late King derful place to eat. • Seller' Nails Hoegh Vittorio Emmanuele III to replace the dictator Mussollni in 1943 had (Colltinued from Page 1) ing briefly at its dedication . I 10 5, Dubuque GOBLINS, from top to bottom, long been retired Crom publie liCe. I . At dedication ceremonies, Hoegh D & ~ GRIL~ ,. complacent about this sort of addressed a crowd of fo rmal, well- and Stephen Lanoch. In failing health for months, he "Home of the C.ffee Clul thjng. 't said a local cilizen. taUored busiues men in sharp' con- i lelt hl s home in Rome last August I Before his city hall speech. trasl to the eaSf·going fa rmers and Highway Underp~sses to return to his native village. Hocgh luneh d with the local school children he spoke to here. To Be Raised by State Chamber of Commcrce in a cafe Once again he commented on AMES (A'I _ The State Highway Edward Sa Rose .. ~ adjoining the railroad depot. He the growth of job opportunities in Commission said Wednesday its W.II, Iowa won another gaml/, ate quickly and spoke only a Iowa, giving the arne fi gures be December co ntract letting will in- now flv. straight lames - a minute when llnished. offered the Cbamber of Commerce elude projects for Increasing the wonderful coach.d team - w. at Drug Shop well train.d lfllP srh told the ~roup of hi s, ef· here. clearance height of 37 highway un· .r. (arts to promote industrial de vel· AIler his three·minute lalk, dcrpasses to 14 feel. That is the by schooling and IlIperienc. so opmeDt III Iowa . Hoegh was presented with a case legal height for vehicles. .s to EXPERTLY serve you for "Since January, 1955, when of Gleem toothpaste, a Procter and The commission said there still Drugl, Vita",ins, M.dicin" and Hoegh became governor, II 600 new Gamble prod uct, by R.R. Deupree, b t 0 tI d . the FILLINt OF PRESCRIP­ job opportunities ha ve bee ~ creat. Chairman of the Board of Procter arcthe statea ou w4hi c0h ldoer nolun eprorpavsidese sthe m TION5- cd in Iowa," he pointed out, giv. and Gamble. heigh t clearance for legal vehicles. ing as an example the new Proctor Hoegh was told he had ~e a ten These , the commission said. are and Gamble plant in Iowa City. Loveless in the sur Mock Election on stub roads and will be correct. DRUG SHOP Hocgh arrived at the luncheon Tuesday. "I am pleased to know cd later. lOt Dubuque St. wearing an "I Like I"e" button the stUdents of my alma mater arc e ~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii __iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 on his left lapel. By the time he supporting me," he replied· r reached the City Hall , he had ae· Hoegh left Iowa City Tuesday by quired a sur Homecoming badge plqne for Des Moi nes. lor the other. DONIS ' BARBER SHOP ' Arter speaking at City Hall, f l" , Hoegh and two lieutenants liet out Hickenlooper Raps for Iowa City and the Procter and Specializing in .Flat Tops Gamble plant dedication· But be· fore reaching the highway, the Demos on A-Bomb Open Daily until 7:30 P.M,

Governor noticed a crowd of ~ Except Wed P.M. people lining the street. MAREN GO 111'1 - Democratic ('(- "What's this?" he asked . " A forts to secure voles by urging lilat PLENTY of FREE PARKING Halloween parade," someone ans· we halt development of atomic I wcred. weapons "arc appall ing," Sen. B. Junt. Hy. 1 & 218, Next to Stop & Shop The Governor's car pulled over B. Hicko:nlooper, lleupblican seek· to park and Hoegh got out to see ing re-election , sai d in a campaign the parade. He stood on the curb talk here Wednesday. ';~~~~~~~~~~;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~, watching for about 10 minutes while HickenJooper said Russia woul d nearly 200 grade school children continue the tests and the United filed past dressed as witches, States would be signing its death IOWA'S FINEST • • • ghosts, goblins and other goulish warrant. . creatures. Although the United Slates has :- 20% More Protein When the parade had passed, continuously sought international C.lclum .nd Pholphorul Hocgh remarked, "It's good to ~gre~ m e nt s to control use of atom' l watch a parade without being in IC weapons RUSS ia has never been • Vitamins and Minerals one." He shook a few hands. jump. willing to talk about reasonable • Tastes BeHer, Tool cd in his car and headed for Iowa controls, he said. I City. "Our leadership guessed wrong In Iowa City, Hoegh toured tile on Russia in World War II and the new chrome and concrete Procter Korean War - let's not be foolish and Gamble plant, before speak. and stupid aga in ," Hickenlooper I said. £"fi!:::fJ City 'If' " Record DOLPHIN'S 34th ANNUA( WATER SHOW UNIVERSIT.Y' OF l~ IOWA to I I • . ., l ' .. 11.1 BIRTHS GINGERICH. Mr. and Mra. Ralp\! , 817 S. Riversid e DT .. a ,Irl Wednesday at Mercy HOSplt,,1. . Kl5G. Mr. and Mr. . WIlUam , 523 E. GRADIJATING ' ~ lJurlJnrton SI" a boy Wednesday at JONIGHJ " ~ : 8 P.M .. ENGINEERS Mo rey Hospital. I .' UALLA. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent. IOU FrlendJy Ave .. a boy Tuesda y at Mer· cy Hospi ta l. SCJlALABAUGH, Mr. and Mrs. Om.r. "You'li reach the' top faster with a smaller company like Kalona. a clr l Wednesday al Mercy Ho. pltal. IIIAaalAOE LIOEN8E8 Emerson Electric where there is greater diversification and. ' GARDNER. Thoma. L .. 23 .•nd Myrtle ROBERTSON. 28. bolh 01 Cedar Ra p. Id •. contin'ued planned expansion." , ' POLICE COURT And Nov. 2 and 3 ABBOTT, Ben, sentenced to 30 days In ""unty Ja11. s~ . pended , on 8 charle "Only in a smaller company like Emerson Elee. Whatever your preferred field of engineering ol .... sau ll. tric can you meet management 011 common ground, specialization, there is a' gateway to carper progress BERSTRAND, Harold D ., 1105 S . Lucas St.. (Ined ,15. , u' pended, I/ld costs discuss WiUl top brass your individual problems and waiting for you at Emerson. Commercially, since on IL charee of Intoxlcallon. plans. Together you work out new ideas . . . and 1890, Emerson has been a leading producer ol fans, MURPHY, Georae A .. Akron, 0 .. lined Friday at 8: 15 p.m. ~ and ",,"ta on a charp of Improper they're more than willing to give yours a try. And motors, air conditioners, welders, and power tools. passin,. there's more diversification in your duties. Tj1e Electronics and Avionics Division, a leader na· POULSEN. Paul. 101 N. Gilbert St .• forfeited ,15 bond on a char,e of In· Satu~day at 7 & 9:30 p.m .. "Furthermore, at Emerson your daily contacts tionally since 1940, designs, develops. and manufac· \Oxlcatlon: and forfeited' $llIO bond on include sales, purchasing aod production departments. tures active defense systems for bombers, sLlpersonie • charce of d hnurbln. the peace. ~R , Rob,," W .. 711 E. J efferlOn St., You have the opportunity to learn, first hand, all com· air frames, mortar locators, missiles and tookets Ii~c " forfelted ..~ bond on • char,e of in. , Fi,ld HOUH Swimmi pany luncUons _. , . knowledge that's in valuable when th

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