_uy ' ~mecoming Badges' Seroin~ The State University of 1(JW{J and the People Of lC1Wa City ~bllabed in l868 - Five Cents a Copy Member of Associated Press - AP Leased Wire aftd Photo Service Iowa City, la., nunday, November I, 11M ~ • •• .. \ t .. rltlS , rene it gyp ~- NQ :l/nvolvement': "i/(e WASHINGTON til - President I Eisenhower said Wedoeaday night tI)e United States "'Ill steer clear of "Involvement.. III the MJddle East fighting, will strive to local· ize It and end "this tormenting problem." Potential Itudent football fanl In a IS-mInute television·radio were turned down Wednesday when address to the nation, the Pre I· tickets for the student section at . dent said It was an "error" for lowa's seD~ Homecoming game Britlsb, France and Israel to ran out, the Athletic Department launch their attacks on Egypt, reported. thougb he asserted they had "grave '!'bose turned away were the stu· and repeated provocaUons." dents who had waltH until Wednes- He announced that the United day to go to the ticket office 10 States, having been vetoed by the 1 that they migbt buy a guest Ucket British and Frcnch In the United in addition to their own free ODe. Nations Security Council, would The Athletic Department said DOW tum to the UN General ' As- that the 200 tlckctl remaining when sembly. "whcre the opinion or the the office closed Tuesday were world can be brought to bear" In dI tributed ~ after the office an ~fort to stop tile hostilities. opened 8 a.m. Wodcnsday. No ap- In an obvious refetenee to Brl· proxUnatloll' of ~ number turl,lcd taln and FrancE', Mr, Eisenhower down could ' J,e liven, the depart· said "there can be no law if we ment re))Ol1l:4 • •- • were to Invoke one code of Inter. This is the riAk that Itudents who 1 I national conduct for those who OJ)- walt unW Wednesday to get their Gen~ Chorles Keightly Vi_ Adm. P. Ba;fot.' pose us ana another for our tickets must assume, Bob Y9Ung, Lcooa 8ritl8ll.Frcnch Forct's n-. C--_.J~ I friends. ; I L3, WaterloO, SUI Studont Cbunctl v<7Pllty vr',,"MRKIC'T "The direct rel~tlons of Egypt I president, said Wednesday night. LONDON., 'Thursday I.fI _ Brit- British ComlJlons that the aBlautt with both Israel and., France kept Young poInted out that the pres· ish and French Jet bombers pound- was under way. worljenlng tq a ~f at which cot temporary sea\\ng pian specm. , ed Egypt in an openIng nava\. He retuse6 \It allS'li~ I)l'PO~\\\JI\ Great Britain al9O-Jetermined callY states that a person walUng . air assault Ib1d a British cruiser demands that, be cOnfirm or 'den, that. In tbelr judgmbDt there could untll Wednesday morning may pick Ihal! sunk an Egyptian frigate In the assault was UllCk:rtaken " .. be no protection of their vital In· up his own reserve leat tlek~t and the Guir of Suez. re~ult of c:oUuslon with 15riel .. terests without resort to force ," buy • guest ticket for aD adjacent 1 ae1 Ite h In Londo ' 'aI Mr. Elsenhowcr ruled oul any scat only,"U Uek,cts arc available." These were the fIrst fast-paced ledsr1M se:. 6~ f '\1 Ii ~~. special session of Conllress to deal The AthleUc Departmcnt guaran. <lcvelopnlents In the assault from sense rcc '0 co , u ?D . : with the Middle East I!mergeney tees only that there wOJ be enough the West on Egypt In the midst o( . h " . ~ but promised to keep in close con- tickets for every student throngh the israeli-Egyptian connict. InT':re!!~ .Fotrcn~~: ;".1)- EISENHOWER Is ,tern·f.ced .. h•••• tu,... r.,ldly tact with congressional leaders on (AP WI ..,bet.1 the Tuesday preceding Salurday's The British Admiralty said the hower.';-;;sonal ~~; io; tbc~J,o e hi, r.dlo·.. I.vl.ion brucle•• t Wednesd.y night from hi' Whl.. the swift developments· game, Younjl said. cruiser Ne~{oundla~ sent the keep out of the fighting toocht!d ott ,,, tho :'IJ~~ I:~; :gr:~i"d,e~t plodged "no United St .... inyolvement" The President's IS-minute ad- HUNGARIANS VIEW A huge ho.tII ef J ...ph St.lln In tho mldcll. .. Therefore, It . beeause of gOOd small El!y~an warship to the bot- by Israel's ' armored ' lunges ' iiIto: • . • dress was devoted partly to the • d_ntown Bud.,.1f ......t aftw • ,t.tue of R.,.ti.', I... ho.4I w$tbCr or a special game. stu- tom af.tor It ignored a challenge Egypt's Sillal penJmu/a tnwatd thi . Middle Easterm crisis and partly man wa, demolished In tIM rec.,.r omb.Hled ltImt.rlon caplt.l. A dellts cannot buy tick~s on Wed. ' last night w~.i1e the Newfound- SUe& C8IIal. ~ r.; • ' ~, '. ""1 Park/ong Problem to the uprisings against Soviet tr.Hlc Il,n i. ,hick on top of tho hoM. neaclay, they have no legitimate land was o~, S\lez shipping pro- The situation bad 'iVen ~' t~ ~ U ' Communist rule in Eastern Europe. I • complalht under the pre~ent seat. tkUo!' duty in the Gul( o( Suez. British and ' Fre~ an ~Ii \ He said It Russia follows, through R Q·t H II I .• ~ ... ing plan. he added. This IS at the Red Sea end o( the to .seIze' the canal ~e, ' w~ ~' ., '. \ '. with its promise to consider with· USS U1 un ga ry· In r~crpnc t .. the Iowa legisla. Suez Canal. EQpUafl President NaS!lel' •. ,II • .,", ~" ' ~"" e~, but Not ,$""'/ved drawing Its troops from countries ," tor~ and other1lected state off!- It was the IICcond Eg~Uan frl' tiqnaliled July' --.ariel pt!tbil E V such as Poland and Hungary "the ciall and their wives sitUng'ln the gate lost in the new fighting. The also to topple biJ1I from au. pt\ftr ,~ world will witness the greatest for· P N ' studellt section at the Homecoming other was di~a~led and captured Iin the Middle ~st whll\: his , ~ (Sec.ad Ill •••rlo •. ) ward stride toward justice, Irust ressure on agy' n me, YOUDl 'said there was actu. by the .Israelis In a small alr·sea friending power. ~ussl •• 15 ', ~ '. 8 JOHN BLEAKLY ,and understanding among nations ally not m*b tbe Student CouDCU battle ID the eastern Medlterra' with her own troUbles wit" . her Y. I f the JD our generation." d •..., ~lDco · .the month-old SUI parkmg plan has gO~ nto e (ect re The Pre~Jdent disclosed that the COlli do al)ootfihis. Dean· satelUtes. .' ., ~fC!KIl' .~ more open spa", j~ SU park~:loUt tflart ilL ~ Uplted Smtcs already bas !feen in BUDAPEST HWI~ ..... JUst ~y beadln, to t.he.ir old ~~ Th8 ""... iIIv~ieost. UIe 01. 'rile British-French joint com· British and French an9OM~. 8C~Sters. ' . Ith the Ush of th" Russian troops cleared out of elsewhere wltftjn Hungary. Others fief.ls ~ sent oat br SUI Prelil. m.and assault was aimed at selz· ments said aerial and ".val 'up,lts ,,' ~ pa" rldng problem howeVer has ' not been solved for many SUI ! cpntact W new Po . gov- " fell Into ~ l'-'s of retreat throu""'. "-nl Vlr"U "[" .'anch"", Y"nn. Ing ~ Sue~ Canal and had the went Into action against Ebl!t, at .. .I e ' ' " • , ___ .' • I el'flmcnt. r~ ~~ days about the Budapest Wednesday and exuber -.; .u "" .." n ... --.... '1~"!-S' , . ,. " .Amcrl~an pl~ge to slve economic ,-out the ol'1)jng. ' said. AJ.I the Coutlcll does Is to lUUIOulleed purpose of stopping an 6:40 p.m. 'Cairo. time , nO:4f ·.· •• m . .A litUe lells thljn 2.{iOO student H 0 aid to nq\Y ' all~ Independent reo ant naUonal~ts coacen~ratecl their Even as t~ Red tide eb~. Bud- give Its ~me"datlon to ManCh. Israell·Egyptian war. CST Tuelday;> .bout 14 I».urs ~fl~~ Cats .roMtbout university parking .ome'COmln·, g- gimes: . fire again on Communist Premier apest's churilla bells pealed a weI. er Wit the leeislatorl be invited ~ ~ri~ Forel,," ~rctary the ellpiraU", 0', the- t'r' ~.J. faculties. ;. ____ Imre Nagy's government. come for cardinal Mincisenty. a to sit In the s~Udent seeton. SeI~YD ' lJ~ . saJd tbe Brltlsh- ultimatum to IsraeU ana E~~ :tbe OJ)l'fl apllces In university " "Out with the govcrnment o( world 'Symbol ot resistance to com· Last year When the problem of French , operations are Ilmiteci forces to IItop "*lr fig~lna~1 he loti are due to a provision in the B~dge Sales No 'Hasty' Actl'on murders" chanted a crowd of 2000 munlsm since a Red court in 1949 seating tbeJegislalors came up,the strictly to military targets, main· c!~ar ae l~~decbe ~~~/ o! ntw parking plan which bars stu· demonstrators in Kossuth Sq~are condcmned him to prison for life as St\ldent Council infotmed HaDc~r Iy al~n~ldS I . t ~~ 01 B' 't~ h aa:,d ,~tleH dents living Inside a central eam- . a traitor. lbat the annual invltatlons would . BritaIn had warned Egyptians an , n s , " , PUg' lOne ' from parking in ail but On MI'deasl Adlai' outside Parliament. w~ch only The ROmM Catholic prelate, ! not be extended because of stu. In Arabic broadcasts before the forces, . • ., tIarft university lots during class· ISt.onkyl : Tuesday was packed With Soviet freed by a Itungarlan army task Ident acatJJli shortage. raids to keep away from all air· de~~ ~~y t~, ~=t~ roam hours. armor. force Tuesct.J nigbt from a castle tater, the, Councll changed Its fields for their safety. cepted 11 only on the condidordil.t In theory, under the new plan.
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