The WeRt^^^ omam WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1989 Average Daily Net PreM Run iKanrh^at^r lEttPttfttg ?|fralb For tti« Week Emled PACK ETGHTSEN May tSrd, IIM Fartly el—dy, no* mwea tO a m f ta tetnperatnro tnalght. Low ki mM iMo. rvidoyi'Y— i. raUiee bu- 12,925 iiM. ea— of a late eiterim— or About Town Member of the Audit evenliig elmsrer. Hlgli In am . Rnreau ef C$re«ilatf<Mi M a n c h e $ t 0 r— A City of rU iogo Charm ■m* lU d Men'» Cluk fall and. 1 Winter aetback tournam ent la be* inj, formed at the cltibroom*. All MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUS'T'I*. 1»»» — Pago 18> PRICE FIVE CENTS aetbAck plajfra who are interealed VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 267 (TWBNTY PAGES) in forming a team ere eeked to ^;ontact C hrli Lem phler an.v Mon­ day evening at the rhibrooma DOUBLE^GREEN STAMPS THURS. It la hoped to commence pla>ing m early September. Judge Alcorn jjj G b S T r X The An«' outdoor rnmne pro­ gram conducted by the Recreation Department «ill be held tomor­ Integration row •eninc in Center Park. The movies will begin at diudt. and AUG. 13,9 am. to 9 p.m. WITH ALL CASH SALES! Public Defendei* for [Price Cut Plan Till be under the aupervlalon nf iFoes Quiet Bart Moore of the recreation stafT. Washington, Aug. 1.3 </P)— SHETLAND KNITS The steel indu.stry, it was re-i ---— Dr. Richard^. Alton of Bolton, by 4AXE IRWO.L Culombe Plea Delay lioVilv renni'fpH tndnv hsS re- ■ Utle Rock. Ark.. Aug. 13 who was recently reappointed to Make sure they look as smart as liaoly repoi tea toaay. nas i e Negro girl* strolled back into the State Board of Chiropractic ject«d a suggestion that it cut | school today for second they are! Check our budget-wise Soft and light. In wonderful House Unit Examiners for a S-year term by steel prices $10 a ton in lieu , of integration there with only Voted H ,r t f n r d . Got*. Abfaham A, ‘ Rlbicoff, has buys tlcaled Tor kindergarten to col­ clear colors. Cornea In blue, green and brown. SIzei 34 to 40. perior Court Jud^e Howard of granting a wage increase in '* slight stir from segregationist*, been rejected vice president of lege ! of low which still need study, ond the current strike situation. B-fore the Ihiee Negros, *r-, the fact hat he devote* .50 per the boerd. W. Alcorn today scolded spe­ The suggestion for a $10 price , nved. two , cial public defender.Alexander cent of hi* time a* attorney for rut was made by Rep. Chester A. drove by In a convertible bearing j •”V w - - V‘’‘V V the Create. Hartford Flood Com­ SLIP-ONS A. Goldfarb for failure to give Bowles iD-Connl in a letter to ^ 22 Months m ission prompted the extenaidn President Eisenhower, who in turn , 'Integration Is Communism L T. WOOD CO. prompt attention to the ap­ I'equeet $ 6 .9 8 peal case of convicted mur­ TheTh?Voc.l local lawverlawyer saidsaui thattnat whilewniie I^ had it referred directly to^ ^Chair-1 ^ and-IVe Arepolicemen or Faubiis standing by ICE PLANT H Lade and Louei ^out^ | derer Arthur Culombe. Taborsky had three .ttorneys to! ms" Roger Blough of the L.S. sieei ^ticntton to the cSr which! Extra Levy •1 BtSSELL 8T. The «harp reprimand came a* work "" "Pp' ^ said to have turned did not atop. is completed b hk had no help ^^at Ofherwiae. I he aegregstionist* Cuhe»-Cru»hed‘Block* CARDIGANS Judge Alcorn granted Atty. Gold­ farb'* requaet for another exten­ pi paring t_ . ' . 1 irt settling the present month-long were quiet. Officer* used rliiha and For Roads \ bock -fo Cloiiee! sion. to Aug. 28, for the filing of He said he P'»"* J," “ 1 strike the steel companies are go- Are hose on some 200 men. women S_--------------------------------------------------- -- — — the appeal brief, since the Hart­ final extension beyond Aug. 28 in I atrikers and children n-ar Central High $ 7 .9 8 ford lawyer said, the brief is only hopes to have, the brief printe'l ‘n inrrMR« anv- School ye.alerday to break up a Wgghington. Aug. 18 <JP)— September. He also aaid that if the SPORTSWEAR—2nd PLOOR. 80 per cent complete. ma.«s protest. The Hoii*c Ways and Meani The ckao involves Culombe, who appeal is rejected by the State Su- induativ's position is Central alio reopens today for Committee toda.v voted Wit lUstic SUrkiitt ha* been in Death Row at State * preme Court, he expects to take cannot, in the public in- its second day of integration. Only cent increase in the federal Mm enidicr Mtidwa lea dae Prleon since June 1957, ^ e n he the case to federal count*. tm-est, increase steel labor costa one .Negro, .iefferson Thomas. 18. BLAZER Back To School FABRICS and Joseph Taboraky. were *en- Judge Alcorn interrupted the IS expected there today: Elizabeth ; i gaanline tax effective SepL 1 miae eelm (bale aediiep and thus spur inflation. The strik- I to keep the super highteay dm pwrlda Im. cawfeit- From Hale’s Fabulous Fabric Department! teneed ;o death. Goldfarb presentation with the steelworker* union contends Eckfoid went the ftrsi day only 1 abb wMten — ti • •»» JACKETS Judge Alcorn noted that Atty. comment: rhat this is an attempt to reverse to consult her counselor. | i program going. Goldfarb ha* had numerous exten- "I don't see wli.v you cant g*t traditional American economic The three Negro girls walked in- | TTi* extra levy would'remain lew aria yee eta afetd. by GIRL TOM'S 111 DAN RIVER WRINKL-SHED alfliia since Jan u ary , '’ll seem* . the brief in and have this thing i pgucy that worker* are entitled to to Hall at 9:'26 a m. ( t’.STi, four effect for 33 months. WELDON DRUG CO. that, the ground* for this exten.-ioq disposed of." regular sharing in profit*. minute* before school opened. The c.ofnmltte* voted aiso . to MI »Uln Street—Ml g-M31 doesn’t exist,” the judge said as Goldfarb said he was a very con- Bowie* told a reporter today he They came up in a black (’adit- divert tn the highway fund aeoia PLAID QINDHAMS acientlou* and meticuloiia lawyer, j^it hu, «teel price cut proposal ha.s lac driven hv a Negro man, A .of the taxes now collectad on auto* NOW 'S THE THHB TO ORDCllt he continued: Miniature Plalda and Bolder I>arge -Pattevne. ■'I’m not impressed by the other and preferred to uae extreme, care merit. He said if the industry went N egro woman was in the front .<eatJ mobiles and automobile parts. CASH’S PRINTED TTie gas tax Increase I* lea* Drip dry,- crease resistant. Beautiful dark tone pUids that oibligstions yo'. have in your prac­ in preparing the brief. along, he felt sure the Steelwork- and the three girla were ih the | than Stale's Atty. Albert S. Bill, who ers Union would hsve to abandon back. I the t cents asked by PrealllMlt have the new look. .id" wide Td. ^ tice.” N A M E T A P E S The judge told All.V. Goldfarb prosecuted the Taborsky-Culombe ita age increase demands in the The car moved up in the reg- ; Eisenhower, hut is estimated to ba School Starts In Only a Month! that when he fook the. case last rase and retires from office Aug.; public interest. Bowles was the iilar line of traffic, cars bumper! enoii gh to maintain the rate of NEW IN FLANNEL! FINEST qi ALITY summer he had a "public respon­ 31. opposed further oelays government's World M’ar II price to bumper with police directing | highway onnstnictirm a t Cloaa to sibility” thst comes first. "There are two people i Tabor- adminiatrator. them. "The Negroes' car stopped | Ita present level for the next thrag A.B.G. Drip Dry Cotion Prints 8 n„, *1.25 "Your obligation to the public sky-Culombe, 1 down there i State's "The effect of a steel price cut a t a corner 150 yards from the years, COHAMA ‘^FUNNELURE” roqiiires that you put attention to! Prison! for over two years in the would help the entire economy,” school's front door. Th* conimiHee action beak* a Dacron and rayon. M’ashnhle, rrease-re- Yd. .16" Wide this case energetically,” the judge j Bowles said. "It would probably The Negro girl* walked down 1 long deadlock over soiircet of rtV- .-istsnt. 12 n-. 0.50 said. I (CnnHniied on Page Fifteen) i mean th a t price* of new 1960 auto­ the street, crossed a driveway and anue to keep rnnstmction movUlg Yd. 45" Wide mobiles would hsve to be lower, walked into the school. Oil th* 41.000-mlle network. IVonderfiil A B <’ quslitv in the newest (Thoice of iron-on or aew-on. too. Although th* rommittec on pOh tin.v pattern s and of rnur.se all the nevest Ten white boys came out on the ; i vloiia ocaceions had repeataid^ "We've .just gotten out of the front porch of the school. They i A new concept in flannel! ,'iolid colors shades. O ther drip di-j' pfinls 6Pc and 7Pr NOTION' DEPARTMENT I turned down fiirthei increaaoa'ttl MAIN FIAKIR. j habit of rutting price*. But once aal on a railing as the Negro . vnth slub ySm. Really smart! vard. started the idea would catch on.
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