Longney and Epney CP’ Area
1 Local Insight profile for ‘Longney and Epney CP’ area Gloucestershire Parish Profiles Report created 9 November 2016 Finding your way around this Local Insight profile 2 Introduction Page 3 for an introduction to this report 12% of people have no qualifications in Longney and Epney CP There are 285 people living in Longney and Epney CP compared with 22% across England See pages 4-9 for more information on population by age and gender, ethnicity, country See pages 35-37 for more information on qualifications, pupil attainment and early years of birth, language, migration, household composition and religion Population Education & skills educational progress 13% of children are living in poverty in Longney and Epney 37% people aged 16-74 are in full-time employment in Longney CP compared with 19% across England and Epney CP compared with 39% across England See pages 10-21 for more information on children in poverty, people out of work, people See pages 38-42 for more information on people’s jobs, job opportunities, income and local Vulnerable groups in deprived areas, disability, pensioners and other vulnerable groups Economy businesses 7% of households lack central heating in Longney and Epney CP compared with 3% across England 3% of households have no car in Longney and Epney CP compared with 26% across England See pages 22-28 for more information on housing characteristics: dwelling types, Access & transport Housing housing tenure, affordability, overcrowding, age of dwelling and communal See pages 43-45 for more information on transport,
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