A Collection of Articles and Photographs Chronicling the Burgettstown Community Library
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Burgettstown Community Library A Collection of Articles and Photographs Fort Vance Historical Society Shelve-Less Library Poses Problem For Junior Club' Sponsors "Open House" at the new· home for the Burgettstown Library . in ·he Munay School building has f) een temporairily delayed because of lack of shelving material. The ·~wo rootr..s made available by the ; choo~ board for the Library now being m oved from the Culley ·milding on Railroad street, have been cheerfully renovated with a liberal sprinkling olf paint and :Japer and on Sunday a commit ee of civic minded citizens laid new linoleum on · the flooa·. The ":Jooks are packed in boxes and ready to be 'hauled from tr.,e old· quarters as scon as ::naterial for the shelving has been secured by •the Junior Woman's clup." .An aouncement of "open house" dates will be pubiished C'n Oct. 3, in .he meantime book borrowers are requested to h old- the books and :·eit:l.:n them promptly when t..l-Je ne:y quarters are opened. Shelve-Less Library Poses Problem for Junior Club Sponsors Burl!ettstown Enternrise-Sentemher 26. 1946 Enternrise Shelve-Less Library Poses Problem For Junior C lub' Sponsors "Open House" at the new· home for the BurgettstO\\·n Library . in ·he Murr-ay School building has ':>een tempora.rily delayed because of lack of shelving material. The ·':wo roon:s made available by the >chool board for the Library now being moved from the Culley )Ui1ding on Railroad street, have been cheerfully renovated with a liberal sprinkJing olf paint and 'Japer and on Sunday a commit ee of civic minded citizens laid new· linoleum on · the floc[·. The ·Jocks are packed in b oxes and 1·eady to be ·'hauled from tl>e -old· quarters as soon as material for !he she·lving has been secured by •the Junior Wom an's clup." .An :louncement of "op en house" dates will be publish ed e>n Oct. 3, in .he meantime book bonowers are L·equ ested to h old- the books and c·ett:I .II1 them prom ptly when the uew quarters ar.e ~opened. Shelve-Less Library Poses Problem for Junior Club Sponsors Burgettstown Enterprise-September 2 6, 1946 Enterprise BURGETTSTOWN BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO. 127 ProvidJng for appropriation of cer· tain sum of money for aiding in mabtenanoe of a free public library in the Borowg~h of Burgettstc>v..-n. The Town Cou,ncil of the Borough of Burgettstown, in the County of Wa~.hi ngton, Pennsylvani-a:, does OR DAIN: Section 1. That there shall be ap J,cooriated from the general Borough tundb t::Jonthly, beginning the mon th! of F ebruary, 1935, the sum of $10.00 , t o the J unior Women's Club of Bur gettstown, for the purpose of aidin;; lin t he maintenance of a free public libraTy in said Borough of Burgetts· town. OllDAINED AND ENACTED into an Ordinance this 4th day of Feb-· ruary, 1935. · D. C. DOWDEN, President of Council Attest: W . J. WHALEN, JR. Se cretary EXAMINED AND APPROVED by m-e this 4th day of F ebrua ry, 1935. J. A. McKENZIE, Burgess. Burgettstown Borough Ordinance No. 12 7 Aid in Maintenance of Free Public Library Burgettstown Enterprise-February 6, 1935 Edition "When will you move into the new library?" is a ' frequen~ quest ion since the.little red brick build . - ing on Kerr Street appears al But a third bill--that for the most ready for occupation. shelving which -costs like fury in "It won't be long now,". is the this day of expensive lum'ber a response from those-.in touch· with mounts to $623.32. the LibTary's activities. · 'l'he library board has not gone beyond its ability to pay:-rt s till A peek through the new library has some security, but that se windows will reveal final con curity lies in its operating expense struction taking. place -- stack accO'Ul1t, not in the 1building fund. building, .or shelf building. what' If the library ·is to -continue 'in beautiful shelvmg it will be! And operation t his fund of a mere $740. in what a delightful :room! 77 should no t be touched. 'What ev ery library board m em The two-toi:lf green tiles of the ber wishes w'ith all his h~art . is floor peep through the litter of that from some sources another carpenter's shavings. The smooth thousand dollars can be secured to light colored mahogany wall meet the costs of -construction. board gleams satin-like in the sun Then the fund for current expen shine. The b ig electric fixtures · ses 'VITill not be tapped. dangling from the ·ceiling promise T'he co,mmunity -and . its friends have. been marvelously ,generous. to throw the whole room in a flood What seemed an impossibility four· of light at nightfall. years ago has become a Tea:lity. Here and there one catchei a The library has been ibuilt. In a glimpse of interesting corners few days it will be used by the where a cupboard qoor can swing people of tpe Burgettstown Com open to reveal space for library munity. Hundreds of young peo equipment; where a bulletin board ple and older folks ·will ~o in and out its door seeking enligh.ten:m.ent. i s backing for ·an outside show refreshment for the mind, enter window; where a door :will lead to . tainment. From it, will issue ibooks· a tiny lavatory. and books and books· full of infor The new library should be fin -mation and insptt-ation. The li ished this month! brary will continue to ·become, as ilt has already, one of the gpeater ' "At what cost has all this been assets of the cornm.Un.ity, or, as accomplished?" is the ·next guery. Roger BaJ::>son calls it a pJ.ace"to Has the Burgettstown Community recharge your m·ental batteries." Library, which promises to be one The Burgettstown Community of the most attractive in the coun- Library Boai·d wants ~very cent of ty, been paid for? . th.alt -assest paid for They a•re sure that you do too: The answer: The Library Board HO'W about it, folks? You've has so. far spent $5080.92, a re done well. Can you do just a li~e _markable small sum for so fine a · better? ·Let the door.of the library pie_ce of construction. open this .month to a building that Two bills yet unpaid are esti- I is truly :pai-d for! Mail your don mated at appr<>x.imately $200 and ation to M:rs. Dol.'IOthy :MoE~ney, $230 respecti<Vely. There is $456.68 ' treasurer, Burgettstown Commun ity Library Board, Burgettstown, in the building fund which should Pa. You will feel then that the take care of these items. liibrary is truly yours! -..K. A. P. Library to Enter New Building Soon; Needs Additional Funds for Operation Burgettstown Enterprise-May 3, 1956 Edition ~ Book Depicting History Of American · Legion Presented To Local Libraries Nine copies of the book, · John Grecco, supervising "The American L e g i on principal of Burgettstown Story," have been distri Area schools, accepts copy buted for the local read of the book, "The Ameri ing public, it was announc can Legion Story," from ed today by Jerry Stif~ler, George Connelly, chairman Commander of the Bur- of the Americanism Com ' gettstown American mittee of Burgettstown Legion Post 698. Post 698. The books were pur chased by the local post. Six were presented to the 'Union high school library, and three were given to the Burgettstown community library. The book, writteifby Ray mond Moley, Jr., with a foreward by J. Edgar Hoov er, is a story of what in dividuals have done and can do in a free society. · Don Proudit, Senior Vice Story," to Miss Mary Wil~ The history of the Ameri Commander of the Bur son» treasurer of the Bur can Legion is significant, gettstown American Legion gettstown Community Lib not as something separate Post 698, presents the book, rary Board. and ~part from the history "The American L ~ g ion )f the United Shites,but as a dynamic, consistent force Ln national affairs. It is an Lntegral part 9f any full account or appraisal of our ~ountry's progress in the twentieth century. The Legion's activities ~nd services to community, state and nation are covered in the brief nar rative--Rehabilitation, Na tional Security, Child Wel fare, Ame'ricanism, Youth Training For Better Citi zenship, Religion, Disaster Relief, Foreign Relations and many more. From the closing days of World War I to today's atmosphere of renew e d - world crises, this is a vivid story filled with dy namic vignettes such as Burgettstown Enterprise 1966 ATTRO FRATONI HONORED AT UBRARY A social hour was held at the Burgettstown Community Library Fri day evening, March I, to honor Attro Fratoni, a past president of the Bur gettstown Community Library Board. Mr. Fratoni. was presented with a plaque for his.years of faithful service. Mario Grabski, accompanied by Annette Valenti, sang for. the occa sion. Light refreshments were served. Attro Fratoni Honored at Library Burgettstown Enterprise-March 13, 1985 Edition Library Fund Drive 1988 The annual fund drive for the Burgettstowwn Community Library begins today. Letters of appeal will be received by residents of the Burgetts town Area School District The library is appealing to busi nesses and professional persons of the district, as well. This year's goat is $10,000 due, in part, to a loss of $3,000 in state funding.