Workers in the Cannikin shaft, Amchitka Island, 1971. (U.S. Department ofEnergy photograph) A quarter-century of Greenpeace nuclear criticism culminates in this report. Greenpeace now spins this work off in two directions: Norm Buske Nuclear-Weapons-Free America 785 20th Street, #3 Boulder, CO 80302 303.415.1504 phonelfax
[email protected] Pamela K. Miller Alaska Community Action onToxics 135 Christensen Drive Anchorage, AK 99501 907.222.n14 phone 907.222.n15fax PART TWO : acat TheThreat of the U.S. Nuclear Complex Nuclear-Weapons-Free America aims A report confirming radioactive leakage into the Bering Sea to end U.S. deployment of weapons of from the world's largest underground nuclear explosion mass destruction with their attendant risks of catastrophic planetary losses. Authors: Alaska Community Action of Toxics Norm Buske, Nuclear-Weapons-Free America seeks to protect environmental and Pamela K. Miller, Alaska Community Action on human health by eliminating sources of Toxics toxic and radioactive pollution. February 1998 Table of Contents Summary: Chronicle of a Department of Energy Cover-Up at Amchitka .............................................03 Background: Amchitka Nuclear Blasts and the Public Storm of Protest .............................................04 . Conclusions from the 1997 Sampling Program ........................... ;................. 05 The Truth is Leaking Out: Independent Monitoring of Radiation Leakage at U.S. and French Nuclear Sites .............................................. 07 The Cannikin nuclearbomb is lowered Nuclear Flashback II: Follow-Up DOE into the Earth. Amchitka Island, 1971. Study with Public Oversight .............................................09 Return to Ground Zero: The 1997 ATAG FieldWork ..............................................12 The 1997 ATAG Study Results . The authors wish to thank: . ............................................. 19 Jay Stange, editing and graphics Karen Button, cover design DOE Lab Failures and Delays: Devil in Bev Aleck the Details? Dr.