1 OTHER WORKS BY KAREL CAPEK FROM CATBIRD PRESS Toward the Radical Center: A Karel Capek Reader, edited by Peter Kussi, foreword by Arthur Miller Apocryphal Tales, trans. Norma Comrada Three Novels, trans. M. & R. Weatherall War with the Newts, trans. Ewald Osers Cross Roads, trans. Norma Comrada Talks with T. G. Masaryk, trans. Michael Henry Heim 2 TALES FROM TWO POCKETS by Karel Capek Translated from the Czech and with an introduction by Norma Comrada CATBIRD PRESS A Garrigue Book 3 English translation © 1994 Catbird Press Introduction © 1994 Norma Comrada CATBIRD PRESS 16 Windsor Road, North Haven, CT 06473 www.catbirdpress.com
[email protected] 203-230-2391 Our books are distributed to the trade by Independent Publishers Group Sony ISBN 978-1-936053-03-2 Kindle ISBN 978-1-936053-04-9 Adobe ISBN 978-1-936053-05-6 See page 376 for the translator’s acknowledgments. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Capek, Karel, 1890-1938. [Povídky z druhé kapsy. English] Tales from two pockets / by Karel Capek ; translated from the Czech and with an introduction by Norma Comrada. -- 1st ed. “Originally collected in the vo\lumes Povídky z jedné kapsy and Povídky z druhé kapsy in 1929"--CIP verso t.p. “A Garrigue book.” ISBN 0-945774-25-7 : $14.95 1. Capek, Karel, 1890-1938--Translations into English. I. Capek, Karel, 1890-1938. Povídky z jedné kapsy. English. 1994. II. Comrada, Norma. III. Title. PG5038.C3A23 1994 891.8’635--dc20 93-42204 CIP 4 CONTENTS Introduction 6 Tales from One Pocket Dr. Mejzlik’s Case 13 The Blue Chrysanthemum 18 The Fortuneteller 25 The Clairvoyant 31 The Mystery of Handwriting 39 Proof Positive 47 The Experiment of Professor Rouss 53 The Missing Letter 62 Stolen Document 139/VII Sect.