
The First – An Interactive Web Quest http://www.scholastic.com/scholastic_thanksgiving/ Part I – Getting to the website Step 1: Login into the computer: username: student password: student

Step 2: Launch Safari

Step 3: a. Type www.google.com in the bar at the top to go to the Google search engine b. Type “scholastic first thanksgiving” in the rectangle bar. Click on the first link that appears: The First Thanksgiving Student Activities

OR to go directly to the site In the bar, at the top, type: http://www.scholastic.com/scholastic_thanksgiving/

Step 4: Once on the website, click on the words “Watch now” to begin your web quest. Part II – Web Quest To begin your quest by touring the Mayflower, click on the words “The Mayflower”

Click here and then “Tour the Ship”

Note: If you click the speaker symbol, the words will be read aloud to you.

Circle your answers – You might need to circle more than one answer!

Ship Questions: 1. Was the Mayflower built to carry passengers? Yes or No

2. How many passengers were on board the ship? 35 67 102 89

3. Click the number 1on the ship - “Rigging” How many sails did the Mayflower have? 1 4 6 8 What did the Mayflower use for power? Gasoline Wind Food

4. Click the number 2 on the ship - “Fo'c'sle” What was the Fo'c'sle used for? Sleeping Cargo Making food What were some of the food made? Oatmeal Peas Hot Dogs Pizza

5. Click the number 3 on the ship - “Tween Decks” What was the Tween Decks used for? Sleeping Cargo Making food

6. Click the number 7 on the ship - “Round House” What did the crew use to guide the ship? Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) Radar The Stars Cross-Staff Quadrant

Click on “The Mayflower” and Click on Take the Journey – Journey Questions:

1. Click on the first blue dot What is the name of the ship's captain or master? John Smith Christopher Jones

2. Click on the second blue dot How many crew members were there? 10 20 30

3. Click on the fourth blue dot As a result of a storm, what happens to the Mayflower? It sinks. It turns around and goes home. The main beam cracks.

4. Click on the fifth dot What do the Pilgrims use to fix the cracked beam? Glue Nails Large Iron Screw

5. Click on the last dot How many days did it take the Mayflower to make the voyage? 10 25 54 65

Where did the Mayflower land? Virginia New York

Daily Life Questions: Click on “Daily Life” Click on “School” 1. Did Pilgrim children go to school? Yes No 2. Were some children taught to read and write at home? Yes No

Click on “Games” 1. Did Pilgrim children have time for games? Yes No 2. What kind of game did they play? Wii XBOX360 Marbles

Click on “Food”. Click on each circle 1, 2, 3, 4 and then answer the questions: 1. What kinds of food did the Pilgrims eat? Hot Dogs Mussels Pizza Duck 2. Did the Pilgrims eat with a fork or their hands? Fork Hands

The Feast Questions: Click on “The Feast” 1. In what year was the first thanksgiving held? 2001 1975 1775 1621

Click on “View Slideshow” Dot 1: After 10 months, how many buildings altogether in the village were there? 1 4 7 11

Dot 2: What was the main course of the feast? Turkey Chicken Duck

Dot 3: How was the meal prepared? Oven Microwave Open Fire

Dot 4: Who were guests at the first thanksgiving? Aunts and Uncles Native Americans

Dot 5: What gift did the guests bring? Fruit Cake Brownies Venison(Deer Meat)

Dot 6: Was there and mashed potatoes at the first thanksgiving? Yes No

Dot 7: How long was the first thanksgiving? 1 day 3 days 1 week

Dot 8: Did the guests have to make their own place to sleep? Yes No Dot 9: Did they play games during the first thanksgiving? Yes No

Dot 10: Was there singing and dancing at the first thanksgiving? Yes No

Dot 11: Why was the “high table” impressive?

It was high off the ground.

There were lots of important people seated at the table.

Challenge Questions: Comparing the Titanic, Chinese Junk, and the Mayflower

Which two of the ships use wind for power?

Which ship uses steam from boilers for power?


Which two of the ships were built mainly to carry cargo?


Which ship was built to carry passengers?


Where is cargo carried on the Chinese Junk?

Where is cargo carried on the Mayflower?(Hint: Go to Tour the Ship number 4)

Why do you think the Mayflower was able to survive the autumn crossing of the Atlantic despite the storms but the Titanic sunk when it hit an iceburg?
