The W York Herald. Whole No
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THE W YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 7531. SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 7, 1863. IV! Our Londm Correspondence. sure to virit Mr. Allcroft's Strand theatre, where Mutilation at Home The !Ycw Police. " is all the IhalupMrt'i River TJOHWV TMATklL-Dook# OPEN AT 7* J OVK- VTIBI.O'S OF Albkmaki.k 8trekt, Sambodampalus" rage. MLsa R. Isaacs was thb governor or Louisiana tdbre? NAME? AND RESIDENCES OF THE OFFICIOUS. THUS JJ GARDENS-TICKETS TO ALL PARTS Piccadilly,) as the anomalous Widmat^fUMk -i- the house, 80 c*nts Private is eharraiog young [From the llElNlj . will oe J ftoxa*. $V London, July 22, 1363. f King. Leaming'on Hp* Courier, (no dnte; ] i-WOKN IN BAN^l'ET AT ABIJ»* V ¦.Mir evening Hint 8, .orfertued Door* open at 7; to tmnnidm at 8 o'slock. else but farewell dinners to M. JullienA and moat ?c»Ldaloun act <u here THE N*I«U Continental Ntws . The Nothing perpetrated (^tratfotd- The following m Um names an of the tedt" *tr Qirt»W. BALFVS CHARMING OI'KKi OF P1IK BOHEMIAN Summary of New Cab his talented band, is the order of the upon Avon) within the lai*t few which cannot be rMldMOM Eopert. .Mr Hewiitov Knptlste Mr. LeSagwell day. To-night days, GIRL. too . the new Ma Miss HifWt Knffo Mr Dawes Law The Great Britain Steamer Tkeitricals I them at the Freemason's to a ttronglr stigmatised. It has been urged, and justly vlduals forming ri»«r police under the con .. _ MADAME AMNt THILLON, join Tavern, grand a* a n ... ' to, characteristic ot to Coraiiat Mrs. Du» .Mrs. that a desire of Cba/les A. ttrid«ct. liroadley Mr. Frascr, Mr. Sims Reeves The . farewell mo.<t of Englishmen, Captain. Rakie'ewltz. Kaiad Qam ]|)H lull* TarnbaU Mr. I HuU«on, Benefit Crowd The Ladies dinner, given by the (Irst-rate mem¬ perpetuate their name hu ltd them tc eaoh, Mrs. Maortor. bers of the musical In letter of Injure monuments; Name jUti '«.» «. ^Iilrit Mr* Teomaiu Lady I.'s« ... .MUs Somen the la Tktir Looks and their Toilettes Jullien's Adieu. profession. my Tues¬ and that "Saxon" inltiali can be found traced from the THK FOREST OK Monday evening. August 8, will bo preMated opera, Wm. A»»t. 06 Grn*nwieh ai BON»r. thres the " day evening. I purpose giving you an hiatmiette of summit of the Pjramld of Cheops down to the low.Mt Oldring. Captain... Vacate Mr. Johnstm C)>n'rae Mr. Atone GIRL. Lines from Diogenes," fyc., fyc. this of Solomon Werthiezner 1<>6 Green winh >t.> «i. BOHEMIAN . talented individual, who leaves on depths a coal that for 1hadry Mr .<uy se> eschal Mr. Hamilton Arliae Madam* A an a Liverpool mine; but, witnal, passion Samupl 43 Kim streert. Capt. Aabri Mr. Tavl'r (irri-iiile Mrs From Vienna, July 17, we learn that the Rus¬ Wednesday for New York. earthly immratali y has, we believe, never led the-u to Philip Broailey Mr Frasti commit an of James Gallsgher 124 («unon street.* i Elol Muter Oony > isnla Mr*. Urattau Dayilshoof Mr Hadana sians have all the fortified on the Jirropos de Jullien, the following lines are extrict- act flagrant dlehoMaty ami wanton mutila¬ barton The Count Mr. L«efc occupied places tion such as tbe ore we ate about to relate. At the ham¬ Ihomas 68 lireenwiah street. cd from Diogimcs, the clever and dan¬ . VAHOKiL THKaTHE, C" ATS All STREET..D00B9 Mr». Maeder Wullachian Ride of the Danube, and from Peath, two very very let of in tltuated the house where Jobo Jackion mom eartaticertain rises at S e'elooK Gipay Queen gerous rival of the world renowed Punch. Shottery Sb»kspeare John Sears 57S street. Jn a*7V»,a»7>%, Xuead»y.The wonderful RAVELS. wo< e4 and won Ann In that cot it a Greenwich « will ko days earlier, that all the available have Hathaway lowly ¦ Monlav utrforaet steamtugs . Charles I'etenon Cor. Morris i VTmt U. e»#niBit AajunTuM'M CniLDE JULMFN'8 KAltKWKLL. well thumbed sacred volume, known as The llnh-i«»y aV»cfji lAolN. bt. cuarles theatee..doors open been secured the Austrian to tow Childe Jullien bad a concert and a ball. Bible." on the leaf of J times Kaitwr 241 Washington street. UaeleTota.. M t Q. C Germon THORNE'3at f,»i; curtain rlars at 7K by government, up tly which are inscribed the names J Glass St. Glair* Mr. O. C. lloward S will tie The on* given to him and oca he gave. of the deieendabts of the fair d»m«ol who to«k White street. Monday eycnlDK. August performed large vessels, containing Austrian family,' William C»t« Mr O.K. Fox THE INVInlBLK PRINCE. infantry, daily The former wan ''a the lone star of his own and after " Huron 102 Centre street. GoafUe into testimoriUJ," captive age*. This Peter Cook Avenue A. the (fa I.lttln Cordelia Howard Furlbond Mr Wlntns Lion Li-audor Mian P«lby pouring city. Th? latter wax a Masque. the wave precious relic is preserved with gr*at vtoeration, as so Topar Mm G C. Howard Auejh.ues Mr. Taylor utiriconta Mrs. Thorn* Of hh baton thereat clave Invaluable memento it* Jobn Eddy 236 Spring a'rett. VnUmt. llr. O. W L F-» Rilia Mrs W G. Jones Mr. Weramn Mrs M inell The Paris correspondent of the Times reports that conducting family enhanced by connection Tbomts 199 F.lia str eet. l)irK<> Queen The air till day wan fully np. and thou with the mighty genius who lent a lustre t i 1; by hu im¬ Kletrniing Harris .Hit. uik> Mra. UnuuUtet . .Mr. Florenoo (.'uiiutus* km, ltarnett tie measures taken William W Howie* . ST. B. DerpeiiUa. by the Russians in the Danubian (Juttint figured (Di-bardeim and Pirate* mortal uaire. On Tue the 6th about six Mr. ilarU. <>p'»-lia Mrs 8. Fox I)o ilarhaa Mr. Seymour MIm No.'val brave) day, Inst., . Lc|ro F»iry Caveat and men o'o'ock <a Thomas hliady . but Wilson Mr. TonlmU K.-iiaelln# Mica Barber i,xciui»itllt>lop*t . ". 'Jin Kruntou Principalities, in Moldavia, are of Bought garden htrawbtriiea, the evening, three strangers visited tue dwell¬ Mr. Dauce particularly And women to aee the ome and Ilenry Kobiu-on 542 Broome st-eet. Ftnr IjIbku."1 Harle Mi-s Landers MIm Norral such a kind as to lead one to that the Em¬ jawu'd sunlight again. ing, after viewing the "lion*," expressed an a'dent 1tola rid 33 G r-nwloh street* T1IE CREOLE. imagine and derire to become -ors of tome Georpe MUHltlJM..TH t NEW Bokes Mr Brunton l.oniso So when hi* brougham horse homeward turn'd hi* persevering posx*- na»- Jrhti K>7 INI) THRILLING MiasJ. Pe'by peror Nicholas has not the remotest intention of mepto of the poet. a part of the or a cnip of Streppe Washington street. BARNOM'9diamt of PAULlNi. ran with tli* wiiolo strength of Dnmiton Mr. Taylor | Virginia MUj Alltn bead, "the bedstead, Jihn Gray 367 tight h street. the eou|<anr, on Mo'ifay ul H o'olcok. In the af- them soon. CbPde Jullien mured within hU brougham upon couniig be2o.h,"as it wa^ fact, anything; abandoning but all to no were sworn in bofjre John ttraoea, at.', Headis#* l.y t,i « Children Danoes and MIN9TREL8 AND ETHIOPIAN DELINEA to the 1 h» bour« that ernt o'er Drurv lan' bid np*d. purpose After several iaellectual attempts, Yesterday they MoKlbbta^ tfcc faree of TUE ¦'llt.MOIIKMlM Tim .»*(<« Hoarded WOOD'Stori. 444 Broadway, above Bowai'a street Ope> Eighty thousand men, up present time, are When be bin ?potle** vl<>va.« ai<d ehirts would don, cne of the visitors a genUeman, if ruch he ui\y Jr., Esq., Secretary to the Sheriff, and Commissioner 7 .adj and other onriosttit-t *. u»l viiaittanco 2."> cunts; errry . H. and Th« And hi- d<iik till mother's ma be called. ecgagtd the cirerime stairs. wbll«t his ucil»r voniag Wood, Manager Proprietor supposed to have crossed the Pruth. tap ev'ry up of Iieedv, at ike eflice of the la of tte IMsea ten, 12% <t*uts'. t'irtt B.loony and I'arquet, entertainments of Wood's Minstrels erabraee all the ele Of all hi<t band tat n bennatb a spell, companions, who were femnlt-s went Into the lower room. Sheriff, consequence *2% Mad cx tra- Bant* of btbleplaa Minatrelay. the company hel-jg ojinpua The Paris exchange experienced a decline When he descended t he observed the non anlval of the latter to ed ef tbe oldeat and moat yester¬ Wa ting bli i-binal; these were pant and gone. guide elder female sufficiently early perform expertenoed performer*. They *r< bow hood he'd tb* near the Bible but did nor notice AUXKICAr- HO(TS«C 472 BROAD- the original rs .< their own ,.! day, owing to the unfavorable rumors. Thinking AtUahc'n (well; anything particular, the duty himrelf. In addition to the above, there wM. aba re peculiar style e«osisMa,f 'Teas thuH he bumm'd to 'i'he iran then tbe tire near which a little .KM«T'V'SW#j-, Grand. Open j«.: , mtul Th« ordinal lud (ileum, Quick Step*, Quartettes, Glee*. Ouete Mr. siifily Drury-Une.Farewell ! appioacbed bo »ome more sworn in all of whom fer fcnuo Ethioina.v Oi*r» In Choruses, Fitzroy's hackney cab net is giving plenty of girl of the l»ou*o was and her twenty shortly, at* Christy's roup*.