1937-06-06 University of Notre Dame Commencement
-- ·--.-- _..... COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES The University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana . ,·, The Graduate School The College of Arts and Letters The College of Science The College of Engineering The College of Law The College of Commerce ..... · In The University Gymnasium At J,:OO p. m. (CentTal Strvnda'l'd Time) June 61 1937 Program Grand Processional March - Roberts - by the University Band The Conferring of Degrees, by Rev. John F. O'Hara, C.S.C., President of the University The Address to Graduates, by D. F. Kelly The Blessing, by the Most Rev. John F. Noll, D.D., Bishop of Fort Wayne Degrees Conferred The University of Notre Dame announces the conferring of: The Degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa,, on: Most Rev. Karl J. Alter, D.D., Toledo, Ohio William Stansfield Calcott, Wilmington, Delaware Joseph Peter Grace, New York City Graduate School The Graduate School of the University announces the conferring of : The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy on : Brother Columba Curran,** of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Notre Dame, Indiana B.S., University of Notre Drune, 1933; M.S., ibid., 1935. Major subject : Physical Chemistry. Dissertation : "Electric Moments of Some Acctylenic Nitriles and Amides." John William Kroeger,** South Bend, Indiana B.S. in Ch.E., University of Notre Dame, 1934; M.S., ibid., 1935. Major subject : Organic Chemistry. Dissertation : "Some Reactions of Dihydroxyfiuoboric Acid." Harry Leo Wunderly,* Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania B.S., St. Vincent College, Latrobe, Pennsylvania, 1934; M.S., Univer sity of Notre Drune, 1935. Major subject : Organic Chemistry. Disser tation : "The Effect of Boron Fluoride upon the Condensation of Acetic Acid and Cyclohexene.
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