84 Bateman gency situation it may not be medically CRASH Co-ordinating Centre, or by tele- appropriate to delay the start of treatment until phone interview and will not involve any addi- proxy consent can be obtained. Hence, the doc- tional work for collaborating hospitals. J Accid Emerg Med: first published as 10.1136/emj.16.2.84 on 1 March 1999. Downloaded from tor in charge should take responsibility for The CRASH trial aims to be the largest ran- entering such patients, just as they would take domised controlled trial in head injury that has responsibility for choosing other treatments. Of ever been conducted. This will only be possible course, the requirements of the relevant ethics if doctors and nurses world wide can work committee should be adhered to at all times. together to make it a success. Further infor- Numbered drug or placebo packs will be mation about the trial including details about available in each participating emergency taking part can be obtained from the CRASH department. Randomisation involves giving Co-ordinating Centre, Institute of Child brief details to a 24 hour free phone service. Health, 30 Guilford Street, London WC1N The call should last only a minute or two, and 1EH (
[email protected]) or by visiting the at the end of it the service will specify to the CRASH web site http://www.crash.ucl.ac.uk. caller which numbered treatment pack to use. 1 Jennett B, Teasdale G. Management ofhead injuries. Philadel- The primary outcome measures are: death phia: FA Davies, 1981. from any cause within two weeks of injury and 2 Jennett B, Bond M.