Bibliography of Periodical Literature 16 NOVEMBER 2016–15 FEBRUARY 2017


This section lists articles and reviews of books relevant to Palestine and the Arab–Israeli conflict. Entries are classified under the following headings: Reference and General; History (through 1948) and Geography; Palestinian Politics and Society; ; Israeli Politics, Society, and Zionism; Arab and Middle Eastern Politics; International Relations; Law; Military; Economy, Society, and Education; Literature, Arts, and Culture; and Book Reviews.

HISTORY (THROUGH 1948) AND GEOGRAPHY Abbasi, Mustafa. “The Battle for the Galilee: Maronites and the Palestine Village of Jish during the 1948 War.” JHLPS 15, no. 2 (Nov. 16): 249–73. Akcasu, A. Ebru. “Migrants to Citizens: An Evaluation of the Expansionist Features of Hamidian Ottomanism, 1876–1909.” WdI 56, nos. 3–4(16):388–414. Baeza, Cecilia. “Introduction” (Special Feature on Palestinian Migration, 1870–1940). JPS 46, no. 2 (Win. 17): 23–25. Banko, Lauren. “Claiming Identities in Palestine: Migration and Nationality under the Mandate.” JPS 46, no. 2 (Win. 17): 26–43. Barbeau, Aimee E. “Religious Voluntarism, Political Individualism, and the Secular: Nineteenth-Century Evangelical Encounters in the Middle East.” MES 53, no. 3 (17): 454–69. Bawalsa, Nadim. “Legislating Exclusion: Palestinian Migrants and Interwar Citizenship.” JPS 46, no. 2 (Win. 17): 44–59. Bazzar, Louzia. “The Making of Culture in Mandate Palestine” [in Arabic]. MA 39, no. 454 (Dec. 16): 95–116. Foster, Zachary J. “Was Jerusalem Part of Palestine? The Forgotten City of Ramla, 900–1900.” BRIJMES 43, no. 4 (16): 575–89. Masalha, Nur. “The Concept of Palestine: The Conception of Palestine from the Late Bronze Age to the Modern Period.” JHLPS 15, no. 2 (Nov. 16): 143–202. Meiton, Fredrik. “Electrifying Jaffa: Boundary-Work and the Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict.” Past and Present 231, no. 1 (May 16): 201–36. Norris, Jacob. “Return Migration and the Rise of the Palestinian Nouveaux Riches, 1870–1925.” JPS 46, no. 2 (Win. 17): 60–75. Radai, Itamar. “The Rise and Fall of the Palestinian-Arab Middle Class under the British Mandate, 1920–39.” Journal of Contemporary History 51, no. 3 ( Jul. 16): 487–506. Shavit, Zohar. “‘Can It Be That Our Dormant Language Has Been Wholly Revived?’ Vision, Propaganda, and Linguistic Reality in the Yishuv under the British Mandate.” IsS 22, no. 1 (Spr. 17): 101–38.

Journal of Palestine Studies Vol. XLVI, No. 3 (Spring 2017), p. 1, ISSN: 0377-919X; electronic ISSN: 1533-8614. © 2017 by the Institute for Palestine Studies. All rights reserved. Please direct all requests for permission to photocopy or reproduce article content through the University of California Press’s Reprints and Permissions web page, DOI:

Spring 2017 || 1 Bibliography of Periodical Literature

Talbot, Michael. “‘Jews, Be Ottomans!’ Zionism, Ottomanism, and Ottomanisation in the Hebrew- Language Press, 1890–1914.” WdI 56, nos. 3–4 (16): 359–87. Xypolia, Ilia. “Cultural Propaganda and Plans for a British University in the Near East.” Mediterranean Quarterly 27, no. 3 (Sep. 16): 88–104.

PALESTINIAN POLITICS AND SOCIETY Abdel Hamid, Muhannad. “The Seventh Congress of Fatah” [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 109 (Win. 17): 176–82. Adwan, Bisan. “The Palestinian Refugee Crisis: Is There Any Hope?” [in Arabic]. SD, no. 207 (Jan. 17): 116–19. Amara, Muhammad. “Language, Identity and Conflict: Examining Collective Identity through the Labels of the Palestinians in .” JHLPS 15, no. 2 (Nov. 16): 203–23. Anishchenkova, Valerie. “Checkpoint Identities: The Battle of Masculinities.” SFS 6, no. 2 (Oct. 16): 155–57. ‘Ayyash, Adnan H. “The Immigration and Brain Drain of Palestinian Youth” [in Arabic]. MA 39, no. 453 (Nov. 16): 23–36. Bucaille, Laetitia. “Printemps et hiver Arabes dans les territoires palestiniens.” Hérodote,nos.160–61 (16): 287–300. Dakkour, Azar. “A Primary Reading into the Transformations of 1948 Palestinian Elites” [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 109 (Win. 17): 27–40. Al-Ghoul, Asma. “Considerations of Gazan Cultural Identity” [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 109 (Win. 17): 183–90. Grinberg, Omri. “Constructing Impossibility: Israeli State Discourses about Palestinian Child Labour.” Children and Society 30, no. 5 (Sep. 16): 396–409. Hilal, Jamil. “The Challenges Facing Palestinian Culture” [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 109 (Win. 17): 20–26. Høigilt, Jacob. “Fatah from Below: The Clash of Generations in Palestine.” BRIJMES 43, no. 4 (16): 456–71. Khoury, Elias. “Who Tells the Story [of Palestinian Culture]?” [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 109 (Win. 17): 13–19. Milad, Ashraf. “The Future of the Palestinian Diaspora amid the Syrian Influx” [in Arabic]. SD, no. 207 ( Jan. 17): 120–24. Monaghan, Jeffrey. “Security Development and the Palestinian Authority: An Examination of the ‘Canadian Factor.’” Conflict, Security and Development 16, no. 2 (16): 125–43. Natanel, Katherine. “Border Collapse and Boundary Maintenance: Militarisation and the Micro- Geographies of Violence in Israel-Palestine.” Gender, Place and Culture 23, no. 6 ( Jun. 16): 897–911. Peled, Kobi. “Things That Matter: Nostalgic Objects in Palestinian Arab Homes in Israel.” MES 53, no. 2 (17): 229–49. Peteet, Julie. “Camps and Enclaves: Palestine in the Time of Closure.” Journal of Refugee Studies 29, no. 2 ( Jun. 16): 208–28. Saad el-Din, ‘Amr. “The Palestinian Context of BDS Development” [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 109 (Win. 17): 64–80. Saad el-Din, Nadia. “Fatah’s Seventh Congress: Deepening the Divide” [in Arabic]. SD, no. 207 ( Jan. 17): 156–58. Shafiq, Munir (interview). “A Witness to the Arab Era from Palestine” [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 109 (Win. 17): 124–48. Shaheen, Khalil. “The Seventh Congress Exacerbates Fatah’s Challenges” [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 109 (Win. 17): 201–7. Shahid, Leïla (interview). “La Palestine, les Arabes et le monde arabe: Entre rivalités et représentation.” Hérodote,nos.160–61 (16): 273–86. Shehadeh, Amer, Gerrit Loots, Johan Vanderfaeillie, et al. “The Association between Parental Imprisonment and the Mental Health of Palestinian Adolescents.” Child and Adolescent Mental Health 21, no. 3 (Sep. 16): 154–60.

2 || Journal of Palestine Studies Bibliography of Periodical Literature

Tamari, Salim. “Interview with Ibrahim Dakkak (1929–2016): A Life of Struggle for Palestinian Rights.” JPS 46, no. 2 (Win. 17): 83–90. Tamari, Valdimir. “Remembering My Friend, Hani Jawhariyyeh.” JQ, no. 67 (16): 19–27. Tartir, Alaa. “Criminalizing Resistance: The Cases of Balata and Jenin Refugee Camps.” JPS 46, no. 2 (Win. 17): 7–22.

JERUSALEM Arnaout, Abdel-Raouf. “The UNESCO Resolution Disqualifies the Occupation’sClaims[toJerusalem]” [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 109 (Win. 17): 171–75. Hamdan, Buthaina. “Palestinian Organizations of Jerusalem: A Funding Blockade amid the Failure of the Palestinian Authority and the PLO” [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 109 (Win. 17): 162–70. Hijazi, Aya. “Toward Spacio-Cide: Building the Museum of Tolerance over the Mamilla Cemetery in Jerusalem.” JQ, no. 67 (16): 97–109. Al-Jubeh, Nazmi. “Conrad Schick: Pioneering Architect, Archaeologist, and Historian of Nineteenth- Century Jerusalem.” JQ, no. 67 (16): 7–18. Kalbian, Vicken V. “Reflections on Malaria in Jerusalem.” JQ, no. 67 (16): 82–96. Lapidoth, Ruth. “Too Much Entrenchment? Legislation on Jerusalem.” IJFA 9, no. 3 (15): 397–403. Reybrouck, Karel. “The Occupying State Demands Loyalty from an Occupied People: The Expulsion of Jerusalemite Palestinians on the Grounds of Non-allegiance to Israel.” JQ, no. 67 (16): 124–36. Tamari, Salim. “Najla’s Dance: The Elusive History of the Al-Bireh–Jerusalem Train.” JQ, no. 67 (16): 110–16. Tamimi, Tamara. “International Justice in Jerusalem: Prospects and Impediments” [in Arabic]. MDF,no. 109 (Win. 17): 149–61. Uzer, Umut. “’s Islamist Movement and the Palestinian Cause: The 1980 ‘Liberation of Jerusalem’ Demonstration and the 1997 ‘Jerusalem Night’ as Case Studies.” IsA 23, no. 1 (17): 22–39. Zananiri, Sary. “From Still to Moving Image: Shifting Representation of Jerusalem and Palestinians in the Western Biblical Imaginary.” JQ, no. 67 (16): 64–81.

ISRAELI POLITICS, SOCIETY, AND ZIONISM Abu Nasra, Muhammed. “The Islamic State and Israel’s Arab Population: The Scope of the Challenge and Ways to Respond.” StA 19, no. 3 (Oct. 16): 33–44. Agdemir, A. Murat. “All Quiet on the Western Front: The Outcome of Israel’s March 2015 Elections and the Peace Process.” ASQ 38, no. 4 (Fall 16): 639–55. Arar, Khalid, and Tamar Shapira. “Veiling and Management: Muslim Women Managers in Israel.” International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 16, no. 3 (Dec. 16): 367–84. Bareli, Avi. “Hierarchy, Representation, and Inclusion in a Reflective Democratic Culture: Conflicting Perspectives in Israel’s Nascent Years.” IsS 22, no. 1 (Spr. 17): 139–64. Chazan, Meir. “Israel Goes to the Polls: The Road to Elections for the Constituent Assembly, 1948–1949.” IsSR 31, no. 2 (Dec. 16): 80–100. Dubnov, Arie M. “Notes on the Zionist Passage to India, or: The Analogical Imagination and Its Boundaries.” JIsH 35, no. 2 (16): 177–214. Encel, Frédéric. “Quand les sionistes puis les Israéliens pensent les Arabes.” Hérodote,nos.160–61 (16): 301–17. Fisher, Netanel, and Avi Shilon. “Integrating Non-Jewish Immigrants and the Formation of Israel’sEthnic- Civic Nationhood: From Ben Gurion to the Present.” MES 53, no. 2 (17): 166–82.

Spring 2017 || 3 Bibliography of Periodical Literature

Fleischmann, Leonie. “Beyond Paralysis: The Reframing of Israeli Peace Activism since the Second Intifada.” Peace and Change 41, no. 3 ( Jul. 16): 354–85. Geller, Randall S. “The Status of Armenian Christians in Post-independence Israel: The First Decade.” MES 53, no. 2 (17): 250–70. Gruweis-Kovalsky, Ofira. “Menachem Begin’s World Travels in the 1950s: A Road to Political Legitimacy.” IsSR 31, no. 2 (Dec. 16): 22–40. Hornstein, Elona, and Yossi Goldstein. “Elon Moreh as a Symbol.” IsA 23, no. 1 (17): 40–65. Lederman, Shmuel. “Making the Desert Bloom: Hannah Arendt and Zionist Discourse.” European Legacy 21, no. 4 (May 16): 339–407. Litvak, Meir. “Netanyahu and the Mufti: Hajj Amin al-Husseini as Prime Instigator of the Destruction of European Jewry or Eager Accessory?” IJFA 9, no. 3 (15): 459–64. Locker-Biletzki, Amir. “War and Memory: The Israeli Communist Commemoration of the Spanish Civil War, 1936–1986.” IsSR 31, no. 2 (Dec. 16): 61–79. Mandelkern, Ronen. “The New Economic Policy of 1962: How Israeli Economists Almost Changed the Israeli Economy.” IsSR 31, no. 2 (Dec. 16): 41–60. Nissim, Gadi, and David De Vries. “Rhetoric of Decline in a Neo-liberal Context: Workers’ Committees and the Decline of Labor in Contemporary Israel.” IsS 22, no. 1 (Spr. 17): 165–88. Shaham, Yonatan, and Meir Elran. “Evacuation of Israeli Communities during an Emergency: Dilemmas and Proposed Solutions.” StA 19, no. 3 (Oct. 16): 45–57. Shalhat, Antoine. “Israel Awaits Trump, While at the Height of Its Brutality” [in Arabic]. MDF,no.109 (Win. 17): 208–13. Shomaly, Faris. “The Exclusion of the Palestinian in Zionist Political Posters” [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 109 (Win. 17): 81–103. Siniver, Asaf. “Anti-Intellectualism and Israeli Politics.” BRIJMES 43, no. 4 (16): 630–43. Sohlberg, Idit, and Shaul Yutav. “The Effect of Changes in Life Expectancy on Pension Plans in Israel.” IsA 23, no. 1 (17): 144–66. Suwaed, Muhammad Youssef. “The Bedouins in the Galilee in the War of Independence of Israel 1948–1950.” MES 53, no. 2 (17): 297–313. Trachtenberg, Ella, Alexandre Kedar, and Deborah Shmueli. “The Development Authority and the Formative Years of the Israeli Land Regime.” JIsH 35, no. 2 (16): 215–43. Yusuf, Sha‘ban. “Literary Aspects in Arab Political Discourse” [in Arabic]. ShA, no. 168 (Win. 16): 129–45. Wistrich, Robert S. “The Anti-Zionist Mythology of the Left.” IJFA 9, no. 2 (15): 189–99.

ARAB AND MIDDLE EASTERN POLITICS Achilov, Dilshod. “Revisiting Political Islam: Explaining the Nexus between Political Islam and Contentious Politics in the Arab World.” Social Science Quarterly 97, no. 2 (Jun. 16): 252–70. Ahmad, Ahmad Yousef. “Introduction to a General Reading of the Arab Scene.” CAA 9, no. 4 (Oct. 16): 493–510. Ahmad, Safinaz M. “Syria and the Decline of Political Solutions” [in Arabic]. SD, no. 207 ( Jan. 17): 148–51. Alaam, Mustafa S. “Disoriented Map: Syrian Refugees in Complex Regional and International Contexts” [in Arabic]. SD, no. 207 ( Jan. 17): 106–11. Alfy, Akram. “Rethinking the Youth Bulge and Violence.” IDS 47, no. 3 (May 16): 99–116. Aman, Mohammed M. “Editor’s Viewpoint: Beyond Oil: A New Middle East Vision.” DOMES 25, no. 2 (Fall 16): 180–85. Bakr, Ali. “A Panoramic Perspective on Islamist Movements in the Middle East.” IDS 47, no. 3 (May 16): 77–98.

4 || Journal of Palestine Studies Bibliography of Periodical Literature

Bank, André. “Syrische Flüchtlinge in Jordanien: Zwischen Schutz und Marginalisierung.” GIGA Focus Nahost, no. 3 (Aug. 16): 1–10. Bartal, Shaul. “Lone-Wolf or Terror Organization Members Acting Alone: New Look at the Last Israeli- Palestine Incidents.” MES 53, no. 2 (17): 211–28. Bashir, Bashir. “The Strengths and Weaknesses of Integrative Solutions for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.” MEJ 70, no. 4 (Fall 16): 560–78. Ben-Dror, Elad. “The Jewish-Arab Conflict and the Disintegration of the Ancient Jewish Community in the Village of Peqi‘in.” BRIJMES 43, no. 4 (16): 433–55. Blanc, Pierre. “Les arabes Chrétiens, miroirs des échecs politiques du monde arabe.” Hérodote,nos. 160–61 (16): 239–58. Buccianti-Barakat, Liliane. “Les réfugiés au Liban, entre accueil et déracinement.” Hérodote,nos.160–61 (16): 259–72. Chatty, Dawn. “The Syrian Humanitarian Disaster: Disparities in Perceptions, Aspirations and Behaviour in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey.” IDS 47, no. 3 (May 16): 19–34. Cui, Shoujun, Joshua Teitelbaum, and Meron Medzini. “Can China-Taiwan ‘Cross-Straits’ Relations Serve as a Model for Israeli-Palestinian Cooperation? A Proposal.” IsA 23, no. 1 (17): 1–21. Dahman, Ghazi. “How to Get Out of the Arab Dilemma” [in Arabic]. ShA, no. 168 (Win. 16): 26–35. Deane, Shelley. “Syria’s Lost Generation: Refugee Education Provision and Societal Security in an Ongoing Conflict Emergency.” IDS 47, no. 3 (May 16): 35–52. Al-Desouky, Abu Bakr. “Refugees in the Middle East: A Crisis without Solutions” [in Arabic]. SD,no.207 (Jan.17):74–75. Dessouki, Ali El Dean Hillal. “Another Risky Year: The State of the Arab Nation, 2015/16.” CAA 9, no. 4 (Oct. 16): 511–22. Fayed, Bashir. “Suleiman al-Barouni’s Disagreement with Shakib Arslan on Arab Political Unity” [in Arabic]. MA 39, no. 454 (Dec. 16): 117–28. Gawerc, Michelle I., and Ned Lazarus. “Doing No Harm? Donor Policies and Power Asymmetry in Israeli/ Palestinian Peacebuilding.” Peace and Change 41, no. 3 ( Jul. 16): 386–97. Hilal, ‘Ali el-Din. “The Arab World, 2015–2016: The Arabs and a New Year of Danger” [in Arabic]. MA 39, no. 453 (Nov. 16): 142–48. Jazayeri, Karen Bodnaruk. “Identity-Based Political Inequality and Protest: The Dynamic Relationship between Political Power and Protest in the Middle East and North Africa.” Conflict Management and Peace Science 33, no. 4 (Sep. 16): 400–22. Kayyali, Majid. “The Consequences of Intervention and Absence in Hot Arab Issues” [in Arabic]. ShA, no. 168 (Win. 16): 16–25. Kepel, Gilles (interview). “La tourmente arabe.” Hérodote,nos.160–61 (16): 85–96. Khoury, Nadim. “National Narratives and the Oslo Peace Process: How Peacebuilding Paradigms Address Conflicts over History.” Nations and Nationalism 22, no. 3 (Jul. 16): 465–83. Kirchofer, Charles P. “Israel and Hamas: Stabilizing Deterrence.” IJFA 9, no. 3 (15): 405–15. Koensler, Alexander. “Acts of Solidarity: Crossing and Reiterating Israeli-Palestinian Frontiers.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 40, no. 2 (Mar. 16): 340–56. Makara, Michael. “From Concessions to Repression: Explaining Regime Survival Strategies in Jordan during Black September.” JMEA 7, no. 4 (16): 387–403. Mills, Rachel. “From Terrorism to Political Participation: The Cases of Hamas and Islamic Jihad.” Al-Noor 9, no. 2 (Spr. 16): 12–21. Montaser, Marwa S. “Civil Society Organizations’ Responsiveness to the Syrian Refugee Problem” [in Arabic]. SD, no. 207 ( Jan. 17): 94–99.

Spring 2017 || 5 Bibliography of Periodical Literature

al-Mutadayyin, ‘Abdel Latif. “Cross-Borders (Transfrontalières): Identity Struggles from a Political Viewpoint” [in Arabic]. MA 39, no. 454 (Dec. 16): 60–75. Naor, Daniel. “The Ehden Massacre of 1978 in Lebanon: The Creation of a Resistance Myth.” JMEA 7, no. 3 (16): 321–37. Nawfal, Michel. “On Arafat, Norway, and Israel: The Birth and Death of the Oslo Process” [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 109 (Win. 17): 41–50. Rezk, Magdy. “The Political Economy of Violence in Egypt.” IDS 47, no. 3 (May 16): 117–38. Rosiny, Stephan, and Thomas Richter. “Der Arabische Frühling: Missverständnisse und Perspektiven.” GIGA Focus Nahost, no. 4 (Oct. 16): 1–12. Sadeddine, Nadia. “The Syrian and Palestinian Refugee Crisis in Arab Countries” [in Arabic]. SD, no. 207 ( Jan. 17): 112–15. Samhouri, Mohammed. “Revisiting the Paris Protocol: Israeli-Palestinian Economic Relations, 1994–2014.” MEJ 70, no. 4 (Fall 16): 579–607. Selby, Jan, and Mariz Tadros. “Eight Myths of Conflict and Development in the Middle East.” IDS 47, no. 3 (May 16): 1–18. Seni, Nora. “Les Arabes, les Turcs: Si loin, si proches.” Hérodote,nos.160–61 (16): 319–36. Al-Shatti, Isma‘il. “The State of Democracy and Human Rights in the Arab Ummah (Nation).” CAA 9, no. 4 (Oct. 16): 523–35. Shonekat, Khaled. “The Capabilities of Hosting Countries and the Role of the International Community: Jordan as a Case Study” [in Arabic]. SD, no. 207 ( Jan. 17): 100–105. SimanTov-Nachlieli, Ilanit, Nurit Shnabel, and Samer Halabi. “The Power to Be Moral: Affirming Israelis’ and Palestinians’ Agency Promotes Prosocial Tendencies Across Group Boundaries.” Journal of Social Issues 72, no. 3 (Sep. 16): 566–83. Tabatabai, Adnan. “’s Regional Policy.” Orient 57, no. 4 (16): 22–26. Taglia, Stefano. “Ottomanism Then and Now: Historical and Contemporary Meanings.” WdI 56, nos. 3–4 (16): 279–89. Volfová, Gabriela Özel. “Turkey’s Middle Eastern Endeavors: Discourses and Practices of Neo-Ottomanism under the AKP.” WdI 56, nos. 3–4(16):489–510. Wolf, Albert B. “The Arab Street and the Middle East Peace Process: Do Non-democratic Institutions Constrain or Inform?” IJFA 9, no. 2 (15): 267–78. Yanık, Lerna K. “Bringing the Empire Back In: The Gradual Discovery of the Ottoman Empire in Turkish Foreign Policy.” WdI 56, nos. 3–4 (16): 466–88. Yavuz, M. Hakan. “Social and Intellectual Origins of Neo-Ottomanism: Searching for a Post-national Vision.” WdI 56, nos. 3–4 (16): 438–65. Yaziji, Jihad. “The Syria of Tomorrow between Division and De-centralization” [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 109 (Win. 17): 51–63.

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Ahmad, Ahmad S. “The Trump Administration and the Middle East: The Limits of Change” [in Arabic]. SD, no. 207 ( Jan. 17): 46–51. Al-A’ser, Hani. “The United Nations and Refugees: Its Role and Limits” [in Arabic]. SD, no. 207 (Jan. 17): 82–87. Augé, Rawaa. “Daech et les médias: Coulisses d’un mariage forcé.” Hérodote, nos. 160–61 (16): 209–22. Barbari, Amira. “The UN: Opportunities and Constraints under Guterres” [in Arabic]. SD, no. 207 (Jan. 17): 166–69.

6 || Journal of Palestine Studies Bibliography of Periodical Literature

Bejarano, Margalit. “Israel and Cuba: A New Beginning?” IJFA 9, no. 1 (15): 75–85. Cavari, Amnon, Moran Yarchi, and Shira Pindyck. “Foreign News on U.S. Media: A Longitudinal Analysis of News Coverage of Israel.” IsS 22, no. 1 (Spr. 17): 24–49. Cohen, Matthew S., and Charles D. Freilich. “The Delegitimization of Israel: Diplomatic Warfare, Sanctions, and Lawfare.” IJFA 9, no. 1 (15): 29–48. Douzet, Frédérick. “Le cyberespace, troisième front de la lutte contre Daech.” Hérodote,nos.160–61 (16): 223–38. Duncombe, Constance. “Representation, Recognition and Foreign Policy in the Iran-U.S. Relationship.” EJIR 22, no. 3 (Sep. 16): 622–45. Freeman, Chas W. Jr., James Zogby, Ilan Goldenberg, et al. “The Middle East and the Next Administration: Challenges, Opportunities and Recommendations.” MEP 23, no. 4 (Win. 16): 5–41. Giblin, Béatrice. “Hérodote et le monde arabe ou Hérodote et les Arabes? Quarante ans d’analyses géopolitiques.” Hérodote,nos.160–61 (16): 61–84. Gutwein, Danny. “The Politics of the Balfour Declaration: Nationalism, Imperialism and the Limits of Zionist-British Cooperation.” JIsH 35, no. 2 (16): 117–52. Isaac, Sally Khalifa. “EU Action in the Mediterranean: Structural Impediments Post-2011.” MEP 23, no. 4 (Win. 16): 92–102. Kanat, Kilic Bugra. “Turkish-Israeli Relations during the Cold War: The Myth of a Long ‘Special Relationship.’” IsSR 31, no. 2 (Dec. 16): 130–49. Khalil, Hazem M. “The Role of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Resolving Disputes between Member States” [in Arabic]. SD, no. 207 (Jan. 17): 182–88. Klieman, Aharon. “The United States and Israel: The Road Ahead.” IJFA 9, no. 2 (15): 163–77. Lynch, Marc. “Belligerent Minimalism: The Trump Administration and the Middle East.” Washington Quarterly 39, no. 4 (16): 127–44. Magen, Zvi, Sarah Fainberg, and Vera Michlin-Shapir. “Russia in Conflict: From the Homefront to the Global Front.” StA 19, no. 3 (Oct. 16): 7–18. McNamara, Robert. “The Nasser Factor: Anglo-Egyptian Relations and Yemen/Aden Crisis 1962–65.” MES 53, no. 1 (17): 51–68. Mustafa, Eid H., and El-Fatih A. Abdelsalam. “The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: Palestinian Officials’ Perspective on the George W. Bush Administration’sIntervention.” Mediterranean Quarterly 27, no. 3 (Sep. 16): 72–87. Natorski, Michal. “Epistemic (Un)Certainty in Times of Crisis: The Role of Coherence as a Social Convention in the European Neighbourhood Policy after the Arab Spring.” EJIR 22, no. 3 (Sep. 16): 646–70. Navon, Emmanuel. “France, Israel, and the Jews: The End of an Era?” IJFA Affairs 9, no. 2 (15): 201–11. Neureiter, Michael. “Sources of Media Bias in Coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: The 2010 Gaza Flotilla Raid in German, British, and U.S. Newspapers.” IsA 23, no. 1 (17): 66–86. Rashidi, Hala A. “The Legal Framework of Asylum and International Obligations toward Refugees” [in Arabic]. SD, no. 207 ( Jan. 17): 76–81. Said, Karam. “Turkish-Iranian Intersection in Iraq” [in Arabic]. SD, no. 207 (Jan. 17): 140–43. Salem, Muhammad A. “The State of Refugees between the EU and the League of Arab States” [in Arabic]. SD, no. 207 (Jan. 17): 88–93. Salem, Paul. “Navigating a Turbulent Middle East: Priorities for the Next President.” MEJ 70, no. 4 (Fall 16): 657–65. Saltzman, Ilai Z. “Not So ‘Special Relationship?’ U.S.-Israel Relations during Barack Obama’s Presidency.” IsS 22, no. 1 (Spr. 17): 50–75. Seeberg, Peter. “EU Policies in the Mashreq: Between Integration and Security Partnership.” MEP 23, no. 4 (Win. 16): 103–13.

Spring 2017 || 7 Bibliography of Periodical Literature

Serr, Marcel. “Bilateral Arms Cooperation: The Roots of German-Israeli Relations.” IJFA 9, no. 2 (15): 213–25. Shahin, Magida. “The World, the Middle East, and the U.S. Elections” [in Arabic]. ShA,no.168(Win.16): 70–80. Shalabi, Sayyed A. “Obama’s Legacy in the Middle East” [in Arabic]. ShA, no. 168 (Win. 16): 56–57. Shen, Simon. “Hong Kong-Middle East Relations: Chinese Diplomacy and Urban Development.” IJFA 9, no. 2 (15): 253–66. Stergiou, Andreas. “Greek-Israeli Defense and Energy Ties: Writing a New Chapter in Bilateral Relations.” IJFA 9, no. 3 (15): 417–28. Taher, Ahmad. “Motives and Determinants of the Russian Presence in the Mediterranean” [in Arabic]. SD, no. 207 ( Jan. 17): 132–35. Taspinar, Omer. “Trump and the Middle East” [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 109 (Win. 17): 7–12. Yegar, Moshe. “John Cardinal O’Connor, Jews, and the Jewish State.” IJFA 9, no. 3 (15): 465–82. Zaorálek, Lubomír. “Reflections on Czech-Israeli Relations in Light of EU Policies.” IJFA 9, no. 1 (15): 87–89.

LAW Abu Hamoud, al-Shaybani. “Democracy in International Law and the Permissibility of Its Coercive Imposition” [in Arabic]. MA 39, no. 453 (Nov. 16): 79–96. Asada, Masahiko. “A Path to a Comprehensive Prohibition of the Use of Chemical Weapons under International Law: From The Hague to Damascus.” Journal of Conflict and Security Law 21, no. 2 (Sum. 16): 153–207. Bahri, Dalal. “The Significance of International Law for International Rivers and for International Water Relations: The Case of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers” [in Arabic]. MA 39, no. 453 (Nov. 16): 118–32. Daradkeh, Lafi. “Solution by Negotiation and Determination by Arbitration in Arab World Construction Disputes: Comparative Study between FIDIC Rules of 1987 and FIDIC Rules of 1999.” ALQ 30, no. 4 (16): 395–409. De Blois, Matthijs. “The Unique Character of the Mandate for Palestine.” IsLR 49, no. 3 (Nov. 16): 365–89. Greenwood, Christopher. “Magna Carta and the Development of Modern International Law: Lionel Cohen Lecture 2015, Jerusalem, 23 November 2015.” IsLR 49, no. 3 (Nov. 16): 435–46. Israel-Vleeschhouwer, Amos A. “The Mandate System as a Messianic Alternative in the Ultra-Religious Jurisprudence of Rabbi Dr. Isaac Breuer.” IsLR 49, no. 3 (Nov. 16): 339–63. Loevy, Karin. “Reinventing a Region (1915–22): Visions of the Middle East in Legal and Diplomatic Texts Leading to the Palestine Mandate.” IsLR 49, no. 3 (Nov. 16): 309–37. Mahafzah, Qais Ali, and Bernadette Hanna Numan. “The Legal Consequences of Protecting Unregistered Well-Known Foreign Trademarks under Jordanian Legislation.” ALQ 30, no. 4 (16): 378–94. N/A. “The Mandate for Palestine: Past and Present. Proceedings of an International Workshop Held at the Hebrew University Faculty of Law, 11 February 2016.” IsLR 49, no. 3 (Nov. 16): 409–26. Nasrawin, Laith K. “Protecting Human Rights through Constitutional Adjudication: Jordan as a Case Study.” DOMES 25, no. 2 (Fall 16): 264–84 Obeidat, Yusuf Mohammed Gassim. “The Efficient Breach Theory under Jordanian Civil Law.” ALQ 30, no. 4 (16): 336–56. Shany, Yuval. “Legal Entitlements, Changing Circumstances and Intertemporality: A Comment on the Creation of Israel and the Status of Palestine.” IsLR 49, no. 3 (Nov. 16): 391–408. Shaw, Malcolm. “The League of Nations Mandate System and the Palestine Mandate: What Did and Does It Say about International Law and What Did and Does It Say about Palestine?” IsLR 49, no. 3 (Nov. 16): 287–308.

8 || Journal of Palestine Studies Bibliography of Periodical Literature

MILITARY ‘Atrisi, Talal. “The Justice against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA): Washington Attacks Its Allies” [in Arabic]. ShA, no. 168 (Win. 16): 81–89. Badrkhan, ‘Abdul Wahhab. “How Did Aleppo Become the Center of Regional Struggles and a Confrontation Point for Superpowers?” [in Arabic]. ShA, no. 168 (Win. 16): 36–45. Behrens, Erica. “Not Nearly Enough: Assessing the Humanitarian Response to Syria’sWar.” Al-Noor 9, no. 2 (Spr. 16): 44–53. Beres, Louis René. “Defending Israel against Iranian Nuclear Aggression: War, Genocide, and International Law.” IJFA 9, no. 2 (15): 179–88. Eastwood, James. “‘Meaningful Service’: Pedagogy at Israeli Pre-military Academies and the Ethics of Militarism.” EJIR 22, no. 3 (Sep. 16): 671–95. Jett, Dennis. “What Can Peacekeepers Do If There Is No Peace to Keep?” MEP 23, no. 4 (Win. 16): 149–58. Kochavi, Arieh. “George Brown and British Policy towards Israel in the Aftermath of the Six-Day War.” IsS 22, no. 1 (Spr. 17): 1–23. Omar, Sayyed A. “The Battle of Mosul between Power Struggles, Historic Claims, and Post-War Outcome” [in Arabic]. ShA, no. 168 (Win. 16): 46–55. Rodman, David. “American Arms Transfers to Israel, 1962–1970: The Nuclear Weapons Dimension.” IJFA 9, no. 3 (15): 483–94. Sayad, Mustafa. “NATO and the Mediterranean between Putin and Trump” [in Arabic]. SD, no. 207 ( Jan. 17): 128–30. Schueftan, Dan. “Israel’s National Security: Challenges and Assets.” IJFA 9, no. 1 (15): 7–28. Shapir, Yiftah, and Kashish Parpiani. “Egypt Rearms.” StA 19, no. 3 (Oct. 16): 59–68. Strieff, Daniel. “Arms Wrestle: Capitol Hill Fight over Carter’s 1978 Middle East ‘Package’ Airplane Sale.” Diplomatic History 40, no. 3 ( Jun. 16): 475–99. Vitale, Emma. “Help Not Wanted: How Foreign Intervention Impacts the Duration of Civil War.” Al-Noor 9, no. 2 (Spr. 16): 22–31. Williams, Brian Glyn, and Robert Souza. Operation ‘Retribution’:Putin’s Military Campaign in Syria, 2015–16.” MEP 23, no. 4 (Win. 16): 42–60.

ECONOMY, SOCIETY, AND EDUCATION Auter, Philip J., Aziz Douai, Heidi Makady, et al. “Circulating Health Rumors in the ‘Arab World’: A 12- Month Content Analysis of News Stories and Reader Commentary about Middle East Respiratory Syndrome from Two Middle Eastern News Outlets.” International Communication Gazette 78, no. 5 (Aug. 16): 411–31. Ben-Porat, Amir. “Cui Bono? Arabs, Football and State.” Soccer and Society 17, no. 4 ( Jul. 16): 496–511. Borhani, Seyed Hadi. “Biases and the Question of Palestine/Israel: Textbook Treatment of the Question’s History in Western Universities.” JHLPS 15, no. 2 (Nov. 16): 225–47. Dastgeer, Shugofa, and Peter J. Gade. “Visual Framing of Muslim Women in the Arab Spring: Prominent, Active, and Visible.” International Communication Gazette 78, no. 5 (Aug. 16): 432–50. Dorsey, James M. “Soccer in the Middle East.” Soccer and Society 17, no. 4 ( Jul. 16): 648–50. Etkes, Haggay, and Michal Weissbrod. “The Palestinian Boycott of Israeli Goods: Economic Ramifications.” StA 19, no. 3 (Oct. 16): 19–32. Hager, Tamar, and Yousef Jabareen. “From Marginalisation to Integration: Arab-Palestinians in Israeli Academia.” International Journal of Inclusive Education 20, no. 5 (May 16): 455–73. Heian-Engdal, Marte. “‘A Source of Considerable Annoyance’: An Israeli-Palestinian Backchannel in the Efforts to Release the Blocked Palestinian Bank Accounts.” BRIJMES 43, no. 4 (16): 644–60.

Spring 2017 || 9 Bibliography of Periodical Literature

Itani, Bayan. “Veiling at the American University of Beirut: Religious Values, Social Norms and Integration of Veiled Students.” CAA 9, no. 4 (Oct. 16): 536–51. Khazendar, Sami. “Arab Literacy in Scientific Journals: New Indicators from a Civilized Perspective” [in Arabic]. MA 39, no. 454 (Dec. 16): 40–59. El-Khoury, Gabi. “Agriculture in Arab Countries: Selected Indicators.” CAA 9, no. 4 (Oct. 16): 644–49. Na’oum, Abdel Fattah. “The Impact of Modern Knowledge on the Strategic Zoning of the World: Orientalism, Strategic Thought, and Area Studies” [in Arabic]. MA 39, no. 453 (Nov. 16): 65–78. Saber, Dima, and Nick Webber. “‘This Is Our Call of Duty’: Hegemony, History and Resistant Videogames in the Middle East.” Media, Culture and Society 39, no. 1 ( Jan. 17): 77–93. Tavor, Tchai. “The Impact of Unguided Rocket Firings on the Israeli Capital Market.” IsA 23, no. 1 (17): 125–43. Walle, Alf H. “Outside Perspectives and Local Traditions: Charting a Strategic Course for the Middle East.” Middle East Journal of Management 3, no. 2 (16): 95–109. Zach, Sima, Sabina Lissitsa, and Yair Galily. “The Gap between Knowledge and the Ability to Apply It: The Case of Adult Jewish-Israeli Physical Activity.” IsA 23, no. 1 (17): 182–95.

LITERATURE, ARTS, AND CULTURE Bar-Yosef, Eitan. “‘The Horror’ in Hebrew: Heart of Darkness in Israeli Culture.” Interventions 18, no. 3 (16): 319–34. Chyutin, Dan. “‘Strange Times to Be a Chicken’: The Meaning of a Metaphor.” SFS 6, no. 2 (Oct. 16): 147–50. Colla, Elliott. “Bashir Abu-Manneh’s The Palestinian Novel: Revisiting the Question of the Novel/Nation.” JPS 46, no. 2 (Win. 16): 76–82. Friedman, Elisabeth. “‘We Always Talk about War’: Photography as Archive in the Work of Dor Guez.” JQ, no. 67 (16): 42–62. Goldberg, Amos. “Narrative, Testimony, and Trauma: The Nakba and the Holocaust in Elias Khoury’s Gate of the Sun.” Interventions 18, no. 3 (16): 335–58. Hamdi, Tahrir. “The Power of Poetry to Travel: An Interview with Mourid Barghouti.” ASQ 38, no. 4 (Fall 16): 656–75. Hermann, Tamar S. “Cock Fight: A 2015 Reading.” SFS 6, no. 2 (Oct. 16): 171–74. Hesselberth, Pepita. “Productive Failure in a Machine-Centric Universe.” SFS 6, no. 2 (Oct. 16): 213–16. Krasner, Michael. “Cock Fight: The Limits of Psychology.” SFS 6, no. 2 (Oct. 16): 159–61. Kronish, Amy. “Two Sides of a Tension within Israeli Society.” SFS 6, no. 2 (Oct. 16): 199–202. Lefebvre-Linetzky, Jacques. “Searching for Truth: The Art of the Close-Up in Draft.” SFS 6, no. 2 (Oct. 16): 217–20. Levari, Naomi. “Draft.” SFS 6, no. 2 (Oct. 16): 175–77. ———. “From the Storyboard for Draft: The Last Two Pages.” SFS 6, no. 2 (Oct. 16): 192. Liphshitz, Sigalit. “Cock Fight.” SFS 6, no. 2 (Oct. 16): 127–29. Mende, Doreen. “Solidarity in Struggle: Photography on the Threshold between Revolution and Humanitarian Violence.” JQ, no. 67 (16): 28–41. Munk, Yael. “Draft, or Saving the Son from Becoming One of the Nation’s Prospects.” SFS 6, no. 2 (Oct. 16): 221–24. Ozery, Yaara. “Re(en)gendering Masculinity: Female Authorial Voice in Draft.” SFS 6, no. 2 (Oct. 16): 225–28. Raskin, Richard. “A Shot-by-Shot Breakdown of Cock Fight.” SFS 6, no. 2 (Oct. 16): 130–40.

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———. “A Shot-By-Shot Breakdown of Draft.” SFS 6, no. 2 (Oct. 16): 178–91. ———. “An Interview with Sigalit Liphshitz on Cock Fight.” SFS 6, no. 2 (Oct. 16): 141–45. ———. “Filming from the Heart: An Interview with Naomi Levari on Draft.” SFS 6, no. 2 (Oct. 16): 193–97. Al Rawi, Ahmed. “The Post-colonial Novels of Desmond Stewart and Ethel Mannin.” CAA 9, no. 4 (Oct. 16): 552–64. Sasley, Brent E. “Of Palestinian Roadblocks: Changing Attitudes among Israeli Jews.” SFS 6, no. 2 (Oct. 16): 167–70. Sazzad, Rehnuma. “Mahmoud Darwish’s Poetry as Sumud: Palestinian Resistance to Israeli Occupation and Subjugation.” Interventions 18, no. 3 (16): 359–78. Schupp, Janina. “Blocking Space: Metaphorical Spatial Constraints in the Cinematography and Mise-en- Scène of Cock Fight.” SFS 6, no. 2 (Oct. 16): 163–66. Shand, Ryan. “Chauchesko Caught at the Centre of Cock Fight.” SFS 6, no. 2 (Oct. 16): 151–54. Shem-Tov, Naphtaly. “Audience Gestures and Horizon of Expectations in Israeli Theatre.” IsA 23, no. 1 (17): 167–81. Shenker, Yael. “Choosing One’s Life: Identity-Swapping Plots in Popular Fiction by Israeli Haredi Women.” IsS 22, no. 1 (Spr. 17): 189–212. Steir-Livny, Liat. “The Return of the Prodigal Father.” SFS 6, no. 2 (Oct. 16): 203–7. Utin, Pablo. “The Ideological Ashtray: Draft’s Political Allegory of Disillusionment.” SFS 6, no. 2 (Oct. 16): 229–32. Westgeest, Helen. “Spaces of Transition and Framed Passages in a Sphere of Conflict.” SFS 6, no. 2 (Oct. 16): 209–12.


History (through 1948) and Geography Akbari, Suzanne Conklin. Idols in the East: European Representations of Islam and the Orient, 1100–1450 in ROMES 50, no. 1 (Feb. 16): 72–74 (R. Firestone). Avineri, Shlomo. Herzl’s Vision: Theodor Herzl and the Foundation of the Jewish State in IJFA 9, no. 3 (15): 555–57 (D. Heller). Cohen, Michael J. Britain’s Moment in Palestine: Retrospect and Perspectives, 1917–48 in IJFA 9, no. 1 (15): 127–31 (A. Klieman). De Vries, David. Strike Action and Nation Building: Labor Unrest in Palestine/Israel, 1899–1951 in JPS 46, no. 2 (Win. 17): 99–101 (M. Ajl). Freas, Erik. Muslim-Christian Relations in Late Ottoman Palestine: Where Nationalism and Religion Intersect in MES 53, no. 2 (17): 324–25 (R. Mazza). Gershoni, Israel, ed. Arab Responses to Fascism and Nazism: Attraction and Repulsion in ROMES 50, no. 1 (Feb. 16): 148 (H. Gehl). Harel, Yaron. Zionism in Damascus: Ideology and Activity in the Jewish Community at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century in JIsH 35, no. 2 (16): 245–48 ( J. Parker). Rubin, Barry and Wolfgang G. Schwanitz. Nazis, Islamists, and the Making of the Modern Middle East in IJFA 9, no. 1 (15): 133–37 (M. Küntzel). Al-Salim, Farid. Palestine and the Decline of the Ottoman Empire: Modernization and the Path to Palestinian Statehood in ASJ 24, no. 2 (Fall 16): 200–5 (E. Freas). Terry, Janice. William Yale: Witness to Partition in the Middle East, WWI–WWII in JPS 46, no. 2 (Win. 17): 101–102 (I. Genzier).

Spring 2017 || 11 Bibliography of Periodical Literature

Walther, Karine V. Sacred Interests: The United States and the Islamic World, 1821–1921 in Diplomatic History 40, no. 4 (Sep. 16): 777–79 (C. Heyrman); ROMES 50, no. 1 (Feb. 16): 136–38 (L. Peskin). Wawrzyn, Heidemarie. Nazis in the Holy Land, 1933–1948 in IJFA 9, no. 2 (15): 329–33 (S. Urban). Zamir, Meir. The Secret Anglo-French War in the Middle East: Intelligence and Decolonization, 1940–1948 in Intelligence and National Security 31, no. 6 (16): 921–24 (S. Wagner).

Palestinian Politics and Society Abu Saif, Atef. The Drone Eats with Me: Diaries from a City under Fire in Race and Class 57, no. 4 (Apr.–Jun. 16): 104–10 (B. Harlow). Chomsky, Noam, and Ilan Pappé. On Palestine [in Arabic] in MDF, no. 109 (Win. 17): 196–200 (S. Haddad). Darweish, Marwan, and Andrew Rigby. Popular Protest in Palestine: The History and Uncertain Future of Unarmed Resistance in JPS 46, no. 2 (Win. 17): 94–96 (B. White). Davis, Rochelle, and Mimi Kirk, eds. Palestine and the Palestinians in the 21st Century in ROMES 50, no. 1 (Feb. 16): 88–90 (M. Quamar). Filiu, Jean-Pierre. Gaza: A History in IJFA 9, no. 2 (15): 321–24 (D. Sultan). Khoury, Elias, and Michel Nawfal. A Conversation with Mu‘in Al-Taher: The Student Battalion [in Arabic] in MDF, no. 109 (Win. 17): 191–95 (A. Othman). Manna, Jumana. A Magical Substance Flows into Me (film review) in JQ, no. 67 (16): 117–23 (H. Toukan). Monterescu, Daniel. Jaffa Shared and Shattered: Contrived Coexistence in Israel/Palestine in MES 53, no. 2 (17): 327–29 (T. Goren).

Jerusalem Nuseibeh, Rawan Asali. Political Conflict and Exclusion in Jerusalem: The Provision of Education and Social Services in ASQ 38, no. 4 (Fall 16): 724–27 (R. Nuseibeh). Tamari, Salim, and Issam Nassar, eds. The Storyteller of Jerusalem: The Life and Times of Wasif Jawhariyyeh, 1904–1948 in ROMES Studies 50, no. 1 (Feb. 16): 128–32 (A. Wood).

Israeli Politics, Society, and Zionism Aronoff, Yael S. The Political Psychology of Israeli Prime Ministers: When Hard-Liners Opt for Peace in IsA 23, no. 1 (17): 196–98 (V. Morselli); IJFA 9, no. 2 (15): 305–8 ( J. Rynhold). Halkin, Hillel. Jabotinsky: A Life in IJFA 9, no. 2 (15): 309–12 (O. Kovalsky). Hinyti, Ahmad. Israeli Policy toward the Jordan Valley and Its Prospects [in Arabic] in ShA, no. 168 (Win. 16): 224–30 (A. Sa‘id). Kadman, Noga. Erased from Space and Consciousness: Israel and the Depopulated Palestinian Villages of 1948 in JPS 46, no. 2 (Win. 17): 102–4 (R. Barakat). Kaplan, Eran. Beyond Post-Zionism in IJFA 9, no. 2 (15): 297–303 (R. Landes). Lavie, Smadar. Wrapped in the Flag of Israel: Mizrahi Single Mothers and Bureaucratic Torture in ASQ 38, no. 4 (Fall 16): 716–23 (M. Amor). Mustafa, Hussein H. Transformations in Israeli Infiltration into Africa and the Nahda Dam [in Arabic] in SD, no. 207 (Jan. 17): 201 (J. Abu Hussein). Pinto, Diana. Israel Has Moved in ROMES 50, no. 1 (Feb. 16): 153 (I. Rose). Sasley, Brent E., and Harold M. Waller. Politics in Israel: Governing a Complex Society in MEJ 70, no. 4 (Fall 16): 680–82 (D. Divine).

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Shalhoub-Kevorkian, Nadera. Security Theology, Surveillance and the Politics of Fear in ROMES 50, no. 1 (Feb. 16): 118–21 ( J. Bonnan-White). Shindler, Colin. The Rise of the Israeli Right: From Odessa to Hebron in JIsH 35, no. 2 (16): 248–51 (J.Zouplna). Waxman, Dov. Trouble in the Tribe: The American Jewish Conflict over Israel in MEJ 70, no. 4 (Fall 16): 682–83 (A. Kelman). Weizman, Eyal, and Fazal Sheikh. The Conflict Shoreline: Colonization as Climate Change in the Negev Desert in ASJ 24, no. 2 (Fall 16): 195–99 (K. Rabie). Zureik, Elia. Israel’s Colonial Project in Palestine: Brutal Pursuit in ASQ 38, no. 4 (Fall 16): 676–79 (F. Moughrabi).

Arab and Middle Eastern Politics Abu al-Gheit, Ahmad. Witness to War and Peace [in Arabic] in ShA, no. 168 (Win. 16): 206–16 (I. Abdel Fattah). Ajami, Fouad. In This Arab Time: The Pursuit of Deliverance in IJFA 9, no. 3 (15): 513–15 (D. Sultan). Alpher, Yossi. No End of Conflict: Rethinking Israel-Palestine in MEJ 70, no. 4 (Fall 16): 677–78 (N. Caplan). Chalcraft, John. Popular Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East in MEJ 70, no. 4 (Fall 16): 688–91 (A. Jakes). Işıksal, Hüseyin, and Ozan Örmeci, eds. Turkish Foreign Policy in the New Millennium in Insight Turkey 18, no. 3 (Sum. 16): 269–70 (I. Galariotis). Sabry, Mohannad. Sinai: Egypt’s Linchpin, Gaza’s Lifeline, Israel’sNightmarein MEP 23, no. 4 (Win. 16): 170–72 (G. Rigas). Shama, Nael. Egyptian Foreign Policy from Mubarak to Morsi: Against the National Interest in IJFA 9, no. 1 (15): 103–6 (T. Newman). Trager, Eric. Arab Fall: How the Muslim Brotherhood Won and Lost Egypt in 891 Days [in Arabic] in SD, no. 207 ( Jan. 17): 198 (B. Rashed). Warnaar, Maaike. Iranian Foreign Policy during Ahmadinejad: Ideology and Actions in IJFA 9, no. 1 (15): 109–15 (A. Levin).

International Relations Ben-Dror, Elad. Ralph Bunche and the Arab-Israeli Conflict: Mediation and the UN, 1947–1949 in JIsH 35, no. 2 (16): 251–53 (S. Waldman). Chomsky, Noam. Who Rules the World? in MEP 23, no. 4 (Win. 16): 159–61 (L. Davidson). Del Sarto, Raffaella A., ed. Fragmented Borders, Interdependence and External Relations: The Israel‐ Palestine‐European Union Triangle in Journal of Common Market Studies 54, no. 3 (May 16): 764–65 (D. Huber). Halper, Jeff. War against the People: Israel, the Palestinians and Global Pacification in JPS 46, no. 2 (Win. 17): 96–99 (H. Hassan). Kahn-Harris, Keith. Uncivil War: The Israel Conflict in the Jewish Community in IJFA 9, no. 1 (15): 123–26 (R. Sabel). Molavi, Reza, and Anoushiravan Ehteshami, eds. Iran and the International System in Iranian Studies 49, no. 3 (16): 515–22 (C. Therme). Oren, Michael B. Ally: My Journey across the American-Israeli Divide in IJFA 9, no. 3 (15): 495–97 (E. Oded). Perugini, Nicola, and Neve Gordon. The Human Right to Dominate in JPS 46, no. 2 (Win. 17): 91–92 (J. Eastwood).

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Preda, Dimitru, and Victor Bostinaru, eds. Romania-Israel, Diplomatic Documents, 1948–1969 in IJFA 9, no. 3 (15): 543–47 (R. Vago). Rynhold, Jonathan. The Arab-Israeli Conflict in American Political Culture in IJFA 9, no. 3 (15): 499–501 (C. Freilich). Shindler, Colin, ed. Israel and the World Powers: Diplomatic Alliances and International Relations beyond the Middle East in IJFA 9, no. 2 (15): 313–15 (O. Eran). Tziampiris, Aristotle. The Emergence of Israeli-Greek Cooperation in IJFA 9, no. 2 (15): 317–19 (G. Lindenstrauss). Wright, Lawrence. Thirteen Days in September: Carter, Begin, and Sadat at Camp David in IJFA 9, no. 3 (15): 509–12 (A. Klieman).

Law Barnidge, Robert P. Jr. Self-Determination, Statehood, and the Law of Negotiation: The Case of Palestine in IsLR 49, no. 3 (Nov. 16): 427–33 (R. Sabel). Heideman, Richard D. The Hague Odyssey: Israel’s Struggle for Security on the Front Lines of Terrorism and Her Battle for Justice at the United Nations in IJFA 9, no. 1 (15): 117–21 (H. Weisband). Yefet, Bosmat. The Politics of Human Rights in Egypt and Jordan in ROMES 50, no. 1 (Feb. 16): 142–45 (L. Brand).

Military Eilam, Ehud. The Next War between Israel and Egypt: Examining a High-Intensity War between Two of the Strongest Militaries in the Middle East in IJFA 9, no. 1 (15): 107–8 (D. Rodman).

Economy, Society, and Education Davis, Angela. Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement in JPS 46, no. 2 (Win. 17): 93–94 (N. Singh).

Literature, Arts, and Culture Mendselson-Maoz, Adia. Multiculturalism in Israel: Literary Perspectives in JIsH 35, no. 2 (16): 253–58 (E. Gomel).


ALQ (Arab Law Quarterly) ASJ (Arab Studies Journal) ASQ (Arab Studies Quarterly) BRIJMES (British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies) CAA (Contemporary Arab Affairs) DOMES (Digest of Middle East Studies) EJIR (European Journal of International Relations) Hérodote (Hérodote: Revue de géographie et de géopolitique) IDS (IDS Bulletin) IJFA (Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs)

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IsA (Israel Affairs) IsLR (Israel Law Review) IsS (Israel Studies) IsSR (Israel Studies Review) JHLPS (Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies) JIsH (Journal of Israeli History) JMEA (Journal of the Middle East and Africa) JPS (Journal of Palestine Studies) JQ (Jerusalem Quarterly) MA (al-Mustaqbal al-‘Arabi) MDF (Majallat al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya) MEJ (Middle East Journal) MEP (Middle East Policy) MES (Middle Eastern Studies) ROMES (Review of Middle East Studies) SD (al-Siyasa al-Dawliyya) SFS (Short Film Studies) ShA (Shu‘un ‘Arabiyya) StA (Strategic Assessment) WdI (Welt des Islams)

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