C O L U M B I A UNIVERSITY Center for Oral History 2013 ANNUA L REPOR T b Contents 1 Letter from the Director 2 Research 4 Biographical Interview 5 Education and Outreach 8 Rule of Law Oral History Project Public Website 9 Telling Lives: Community-Based Oral History 10 Oral History Public Workshop Series, 2012–2013 12 Contact Us
[email protected] About the cover images: Alessandro Portelli, 2013 Summer Institute Scroll painting about the events of 9/11/2001 by Patachitra artists in Medinapur, West Bengal, India Summer Institute 2013, fellows’ presentation Sam Robson, Oral History Master of Arts student videographer COLUMBIACOLUMBIA CENTERCENTER FORFOR OORARALL HISTORYHISTORY : 2013 AANNUNNUALAL RREPOEPORTRT 1 Letter from the Director Oral History in Our Times The past year has been remarkably busy and productive, with Our 2013 Summer Institute, Telling the World: Indigenous two large oral history projects coming to a fruitful end and new Memories, Rights, and Narratives, brought together students, initiatives and new directions being undertaken. scholars, and activists from native and indigenous communities around the world. We were especially pleased to have as faculty We have completed a third substantial oral history of Carnegie two old friends: the first graduate of our oral history M.A. program, Corporation, documenting the tenure of Vartan Gregorian, who China Ching, now program officer at the Christensen Fund in San was inaugurated as president in 1997 following his long and Francisco, and our former summer institute fellow and former successful tenure as president at Brown University. Our project faculty member Winona Wheeler, professional oral historian and coincided with Carnegie’s celebration of its centennial, and professor at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada.