Congressional Record—House H6885

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Congressional Record—House H6885 October 13, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6885 not concepts for me either. My older leadership that allows for such ideals them the chance to make their dreams sister and younger brother, both just to become true must continue. come true. children, were killed in that war. I will There remain many challenges in the Your ideals and aspirations have never forget them. I will never forget world today, and your leadership is been ours, as they have been for much how my mother tried so hard to keep vital. Terrorism, proliferation of WMD, of the world. them alive. With the war raging all climate change, energy, poverty, and Half a century ago, young Americans around us, there were no doctors, and disease; these are just a few of the served in the Korean War ‘‘for duty be- we couldn’t afford to buy medicine. All challenges that require your leader- yond the seas.’’ And today, our peoples my mother could do was stay up all ship. hear the same call. It may not always night and pray to God. Many Koreans Our free trade agreement has signifi- be active combat, not always to brave still live with such pain. cance because it will be a force for sta- the rugged mountains or bitter win- I recognize the reality that Korea has bility, because lasting stability, again, ters, but it is an important duty none- been split in two, but I will never ac- depends on economic opportunity being theless, a charge to help create a more cept it as a permanent condition. The open and robust. Our relationship can peaceful, more prosperous world. two Koreas share the same language, be the catalyst that generates growth In the 21st century, duty and destiny history, and customs. We are one peo- and stability all along the Pacific Rim. calls us once again. As before, let us ple. In both Koreas, there are families And, in doing so, it will make clear rise to meet these challenges. Let us go who have never spoken to their loved how fully our fates are connected. together. Together and forward. ones for more than half a century. And More than ever, Korea is looking be- Thank you. my hope is that these people and all 70 yond the horizon. It will willingly em- [Applause, the Members rising.] million Koreans will enjoy real happi- brace its international responsibilities. At 4 o’clock and 48 minutes p.m., His ness and real peace. And for this, we It will work to resolve global chal- Excellency Lee Myung-bak, President must first lay the foundation for peace lenges. of the Republic of Korea, accompanied on the Korean Peninsula. And upon Since becoming President of Korea, by the committee of escort, retired this foundation, we must strengthen my vision for Korea in the coming dec- from the Hall of the House of Rep- cooperation between the two Koreas. ades is for a global Korea. resentatives. We must seek the path that will lead Global Korea has joined United Na- The Deputy Sergeant at Arms es- us towards mutual prosperity. And we tions peacekeeping operations in East corted the invited guests from the must achieve peaceful unification. Timor, Lebanon, and Haiti. Korea was Chamber in the following order: A unified Korea will be a friend to all the third-largest contributor of troops The Members of the President’s Cabi- and a threat to none. A unified Korea to the coalition forces in Iraq. We have net; will contribute to peace and prosperity, sent reconstruction teams to rebuild The Acting Dean of the Diplomatic not only in northeast Asia, but far be- Afghanistan. Our naval vessels support Corps. the United States and EU in fighting yond. We therefore must achieve the f denuclearization of the Korean Penin- against piracy off the coast of Somalia. sula, and North Korea must give up We will take part in the inter- JOINT MEETING DISSOLVED their nuclear ambitions. national effort in bringing democracy The SPEAKER. The purpose of the Korea and the United States stand to Libya and rebuilding its shattered joint meeting having been completed, united. We are in full agreement that economy. And we have pledged to dou- the Chair declares the joint meeting of the Six Party Talks is an effective way ble our overseas development assist- the two Houses now dissolved. to achieve tangible progress. We are in ance by 2015. And next month the High Accordingly, at 4 o’clock and 54 min- full agreement that we must also pur- Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness will utes p.m., the joint meeting of the two sue dialogue with North Korea. How- be held in Busan, Korea’s second-larg- Houses was dissolved. ever, we must also maintain our prin- est city. The Members of the Senate retired to cipled approach. A North Korea policy In these and countless other ways, their Chamber. that is firmly rooted upon such prin- Korea will carry out its duties as a re- The SPEAKER. The House will con- ciples is the key that will allow us to sponsible member of the international tinue in recess subject to the call of ultimately and fundamentally resolve community. As we face the many glob- the Chair. this issue. al challenges that lie ahead, we will North Korea’s development is in our promote universal values. f collective interest, and this is what we In 2009, when President Obama and I b 1719 signed the Joint Vision for the Future want. However, this depends on its AFTER RECESS willingness to end all provocations and of the Alliance, we agreed to work make genuine peace. We will work with closely together in resolving regional The recess having expired, the House you and the international community and international issues, based on was called to order by the Speaker pro so that North Korea makes the right shared values and mutual trust. And tempore (Mrs. ROBY) at 5 o’clock and 19 choice. during our summit today we renewed minutes p.m. Our Mutual Defense Treaty has en- this commitment. We also reaffirmed f sured stability and prosperity to flour- our commitment to face the challenges PRINTING OF PROCEEDINGS HAD ish not only on the Korean Peninsula, of today for the generation of tomor- DURING RECESS but across northeast Asia. Northeast row. Asia today is a more dynamic region Our alliance will grow, and it will Mr. PITTS. Madam Speaker, I ask than ever. And economic change in this continue to evolve. And it will prevail. unanimous consent that the pro- region brings geopolitical change, and Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, dis- ceedings had during the recess be print- it brings shifts in the balance of power tinguished Members of Congress, before ed in the RECORD. that has long prevailed. I part, I want to thank you again for The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there The United States, as a key player of the honor of addressing this Congress. I objection to the request of the gen- the Asia-Pacific region and as a global would also like to thank President tleman from Pennsylvania? leader, has vital interests in northeast Obama and Mrs. Obama for their invi- There was no objection. Asia. For northeast Asia to play a tation. f more constructive rule in global af- I also take this opportunity to pay fairs, there must be peace and stability tribute to the 1.5 million Korean-Amer- PROTECT LIFE ACT in the region. icans who have been contributing to Mr. PITTS. Madam Speaker, I ask And your leadership that has ensured this great country. As President of unanimous consent that all Members peace and stability of northeast Asia Korea, I am proud that they are giving may have 5 legislative days to revise and beyond in the 20th century must back to the country that gave them so and extend their remarks on H.R. 358 remain supreme in the 21st century. much. I am also deeply grateful to you and to insert extraneous material on The ideals that you represent and the and the American people for giving the bill. VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:45 Oct 14, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K13OC7.066 H13OCPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6886 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 13, 2011 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there abortions for which funding is prohibited under ‘‘(3) REMEDIES.— objection to the request of the gen- this subsection, or a qualified health plan that ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The courts of the United tleman from Pennsylvania? includes such abortions, so long as— States shall have jurisdiction to prevent and re- There was no objection. ‘‘(A) such coverage or plan is paid for entirely dress actual or threatened violations of this sec- using only funds not authorized or appropriated tion by issuing any form of legal or equitable re- Mr. PITTS. Madam Speaker, pursu- by this Act; and lief, including— ant to House Resolution 430, I call up ‘‘(B) such coverage or plan is not purchased ‘‘(i) injunctions prohibiting conduct that vio- the bill (H.R. 358) to amend the Patient using— lates this subsection; and Protection and Affordable Care Act to ‘‘(i) individual premium payments required for ‘‘(ii) orders preventing the disbursement of all modify special rules relating to cov- a qualified health plan offered through an Ex- or a portion of Federal financial assistance to a erage of abortion services under such change towards which a credit is applied under State or local government, or to a specific of- Act, and ask for its immediate consid- section 36B of the Internal Revenue Code of fending agency or program of a State or local 1986; or government, until such time as the conduct pro- eration.
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