Ursa Major Starting to Take Shape
THE THE NEWSLETTER ON PDL ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS • FALL 2 0 0 4 http://www.pdl.cmu.edu/ AN INFORMAL PUBLICATION FROM Ursa Major Starting to Take Shape ACADEMIA’S PREMIERE STORAGE Greg Ganger SYSTEMS RESEARCH CENTER Ursa Major will be the first full system constructed on PDL’s journey towards DEVOTED TO ADVANCING THE self-* storage. Ursa Major will be a large-scale object store, in the NASD and STATE OF THE ART IN STORAGE OSD style, based on standard server technologies (e.g., rack-mounted servers and SYSTEMS AND INFORMATION gigabit-per-second Ethernet). This article discusses the long-range project goals, some of the progress that has been made on Ursa Major, and near-term plans. INFRASTRUCTURES. The Self-* Storage Vision Human administration of storage systems is a large and growing issue in modern CONTENTS IT infrastructures. PDL’s Self-* Storage project explores new storage architec- tures that integrate automated management functions and simplify the human Ursa Major ........................................... 1 administrative task. Self-* (pronounced “self-star”—a play on the unix shell wild-card character) storage systems should be self-configuring, self-tuning, Director’s Letter ................................... 2 self-organizing, self-healing, self-managing, etc. Ideally, human administrators Year in Review ..................................... 4 should have to do nothing more than provide muscle for component additions, Recent Publications .............................. 5 guidance on acceptable risk levels (e.g., reliability goals), and current levels of satisfaction. PDL News & Awards ........................... 8 We think in terms of systems composed of networked “intelligent” storage bricks, New PDL Faculty ............................... 11 which are small-scale servers consisting of CPU(s), RAM, and a number of disks.
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