topics & key questions key terms The idea of the nation & problems implied in this concept  nation  What is a nation / nation-state / nationalism?  nation-state  Which dangers are implied in this concept?  nationalism  What impact did the French Revolution have on the idea of the nation?  political VS cultural nation The importance and impact of the Napoleonic Wars on nationalist aspirations:  Confederation of the Rhine (Rheinbund) The example of  Battle of the Nations (Völkerschlacht bei )  How was Napoleonic rule in Europe organised?  Holy Roman Empire of German Nation  in Europe: Resented or welcomed?  Reichsdeputationshauptschluss (Final Recess [of the Imperial  In how far did Napoleon promote nationalism? Deputation])  mediatisation REVISION History Skills:  secularisation  How to analyse a map  Code Napoleon / Civil Code  Wars of Liberation (Befreiungskriege)  Continental System Reorganising Europe after the Napoleonic Wars – the  Congress of Vienna  How was Europe reorganised after the Napoleonic Wars?  solidarity, legitimacy, restoration  What were the interests and attitudes of the participating statesmen and  Concert of Europe who profited most?  Holy Alliance  Were German nationalist hopes fulfilled or shattered?  [Deutscher Bund]

REVISION History Skills:  How to analyse a cartoon from 1815 and 1848  Vormärz (pre-March) v. Biedermeier  To what extent and why did nationalist and liberal movements develop  Burschenschaften (student unions/fraternities) between 1815 and 1848?  Festival  (Karlsbader Beschlüsse) REVISION History Skills:  Göttingen Seven  How to analyse a (written) primary source  July Revolution (Paris)  How to analyse a (written) secondary source  (Hambacher Fest)  (Prussian) Customs Union (Zollverein)  6 and 10 Articles  liberalism  middle class