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GEORGIA LEASES NINE PARKS IN Birmingham Counts Its PRO-SEGREGATION ACTION . Georgia has leased nine state parks to private individuals in Sunday Storm Victims a move to maintain racial segregation, porks director Roy Chalker i said Tuesday. BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (INS) — Twenty-two persons were Chalker said the leases, lor periods of one year, would also known dead and scores of others injured in a tornado which affect economies in the department's operation.- ripped through several communities in the Birmingham, Ala­ MISS JACQl'EUN JOHNSON Leasing of state parks was authorized by the last session area Sunday, causing widespread property damage - “a of the Georgia Legislature to give them a "private" status as a Hie twister lashed by high — — _ possible safeguard against court suits seeking an end to segrega­ winds, rain and hail, roared thru r tion. McDonald's Chapel community, a uburb of Birmingham The spiral ing wind then, cut a distructlve IKE LAUDS swath along, a northeasterly 20- mile path, battering three other small communities in its wake BAPTISTS Last Rites Held For ■4- . MAYORAL CONGRATULATIONS — Shy Cordell congratulations from Mavor Edmund Orgill, left. Communication and poaer lines ; Into Birmingham and the stricken Gentry (center), the Booker Washington high while Wayne Anderson, contest chairman, looks towns were disrupted. FOR STAND school sophomore who was awarded first place on. Cordell, 15, is the sbn of Mrs. Minnie Gentry At Montgomery Highway patrol in the Memphis Advertising Club's essay contest of 258 Waldorf. (Staff Photo by Tisby) 1 'officer, said he lias been in radii on "An America Without Advertising", accepts communication with the stricken NASHVILLE Tenn- i ii 11 He lalk feet.” Austrain Academy of Music. Nor­ BIKHOF HATCHO ? ' , 1 alleged argument, Was at press time 1 L*. Vinaoh. 25: Orlms Clen- man Hod»es a, senior history ma­ Against Editor being held al Juvenile Court. I Ha said Tour i.uurs aft... the I venger. 18. and Mixr Fax'. 36. »11 - i*? n « r jor at Fisk, will study Internationa) ATLANTA, Oa. - (8N8) - ______[Editors Poll RMtftlPVrtk IWKzMÌi'RNMK' ; According to police the Incident twister hit at 3:16 p. tin. (HST> a el Anniaton and Jesse W Mabry. relations at the London School of Earlier this week attorneys were happened on the Price front porch I steady stream ot victims mauled bj mt Bishop of Tenn.. Ky., and r Economics, University of London. ♦3. of Birmingham, were found Wet Africa will «iieak here Sun­ I authorized to file an answer to a wtu,re Mlss p,.^ Rnd B Rroup Bf (the tornado were still being taken guilty of conspiracy to conunit as­ Gunter Photos. suit claiming libel against C. A voung gpis were gathered. An argu- to the Birmingham hospital day at St Jarnos AMI Church ( Gives Okay sault and battery and disturbing Scott as editor and general manager ment developed and the 15-year-old An official al the hospital said the peace of the Atlanta Daily World. digh school girl stabbed Miss Price that one family .was horribly scaled Birmingham Recorder's Court Virginia Professor Ike’s Farm Veto The suit filed several days ago jin the chest, police said. ¡by boiling water when the twister | Judge Ralph E. Parker fined Clea- Show Goes On | in Fulton County ls being brought |j flattened their home, causing a venger an additional $25 fine in ATLANTA, Oa <8N8' water boiler to explode. Resigns Over StM Approved By In the name of a white woman who Newsweek magazine has asked 100 court costs for carrying concealed An estimated 2.000 perfon«. most.' lives in the northwest section of the I 78 Students Are Another man. g Negro was said of the nation's important editors I brass knuckles. Mabry was ordered ly white, attended a jiow layt night Democrat Gov., city — the Hightower-Baker Road to have been wandering about the to answer the question, "Will Nixon I to pay extra on a charge of refus- at the City Auditorium from which Desegregation Issue area — where have occurred several, Suspended For devastated tovh screaming' •'La- help or hurt Ike?" Their replies. . ing to obey an officer.—, • i Nat King Cole was coruplrousli CINCINNATI - (INS) - Presi­ aiARLOTTBSVKja Vt. --vAN demonstrations and bombings of | layette. Lafayette!” m a vain publishFiT Ifi Newsweek's April 23rd j The quartet was in a group ot dent Eisenhower's veto of the | absent. l*i-Dr Douglas Ward, acting deen homes bought by Negroes. It claims i search for his younger brother issue.' reveal that a majority of 58 Farm Bill met the unqualified Consuming Alcohol i six men who rushed tiie stage of loud ovations in the auditorium, of Uie School of Education al the she was damaged and asks $1.000.000 ROSEMONT. PB. - leveled;a blast at the state for its nesday. ar^ , " have been suspended for admltted- ticket, and 17 didn't think It would Freshmen fury. 3.000 In tlie brief melee. Cole was i Dandling ot the school segregation make much difference who ran Asked by newsmen whaf he The suit also claims that the >7 consuming alcoholic beverages knocked down but was uninjured i Mr. Cole had announced earlier I froblan Ambulances and oilier rescue I with President Eisenhower article was carried because of the w,eekM'd in vl^,t10" of : and all six attackers were quickly ¡ill tile day he would not come to I Dr. Wnra. .o-etithoi of a thought of the veto, the gov­ , units were having difficulty In plaintiff “being white and out- , °>>s ^no,r arrested by police who had been 1 Atlanta, promoter B B Beamon gradual integration of ernor - a dark horse possibility reaching the stricken arm Debris ■ file greatest opposition to Nik­ spoken for States Rights since the Mother Basel tod an as- alerted to, a possible racial dis- j'a id. Purchased ticket! ware re-, white children in the for the Democratic nomination and thousands of curiosity seekers on was in the South, where 13 of Itutbance Supreme Court decisions as to pub-. “tobly she had reason to suspect I i nded to all a ho desired. was critical ot wliat fromfront Birmingham Jammed the tile 28 editors queried said he of the presidency - snapped: ! lie school integration" and it "avers I some girls had broken the code ; Tlie oilier two men Vinson's About three hundred to four hun­ "unfavorable climate" roads and highways would hurt Ike, while only eight "I'd have vetoed it quicker that she has done naught to harm »»'‘h outlaws use of alcoholic dred people, asked and received re­ said he would help." Newsweek brother. Willis Vinson. 23. and from Virginias plan to .. .. „ ririnbudrinks zinon nror /.floff fhnthe HflnttMlR'nfCampus of fhflthe binds. it wag learned. constitution to avoid than he did." or injure the Negro race. Birmingham mayor issued a ape- said Kenneth Adams. 35. face a preli­ all girl Catholic college minary hearing in Birmingham on ton. Atty. Ray Gary of Atlanta and cial hppeal calling Upon the■ citi-.... The show, late in getting started Mother Basel asked the violators "Tin most widespread support for 1 "I don't see this segregation Atty. Herbert Morgan of Decatur sens of the city to stay away from j Friday on assault with intent to li..d a segregated audience, but not to report to her office and admit Kentucky Governor are listed as attorney» In the case the stricken areas Nixon was in the Midwest. There murder charges the type that played in Birmingham : problem like some of our ednch- against the World editor. tile infraction, Tlie girls did so anti the rote was: Help, 25; hurt, 7; will All six men are numbers of the i tors and legislators do," Dr ward each drew a one-week suspension. Backs Desegregation Editor Scott said in commenting DEFEATS HIMSELF wither help nor hurt. 3 " Alabama White Citizens Council, a (Continued on page eight! i nd. .Ur on the action that he had talked Hannibal. Mo. - R/bert Brown militant pro-aegregationist group. CAR RACK FATAL TO SIX defeated himself In his bid for SMART BURGLAR Assistant City Attorney Charles FRANKFORT. Kjr.-(ANP)- Re­ l with all concerned in the case and Warrenton. N C. — One of the election as city alderman Brown HELENA. Mont - The burglar, Brown, who prosecuted the case, plying to a Pittsburgh Courier in­ I stated the article referred to had two cars involved' In a collision remembered too late to register He who recently stole a sack of cow said after tile Judge's verdict quiry on his stand on integration, been written by a reporter and was | which killed six persons was In­ had to be a registered voter betore feed from farmer Gwan Kirby. "ThlsTs our way of thinking Gar. Chandler inferrod last week based on information supplied by volved in a OO-to-lOO-mile-an-hour he could become a candidate for lingered long enough to milk Kir­ j that childish, silly and thoughtless that he is for compliance with the police reports. He added there was race. One driver, attempting to office. , by's cow iconduct must cease." 16710573 Supreme Court's desegregation no malice in the printing of the i pass the oilier on the crest of a Second trder. article which only mentioned a (Mrs. I hill, sideswiped the vehicle and The newspaper, in a letter to Holmes! in a story concerning the rammed head-on into a sedan driv­ Mayor Edmund Orgill and Dr. dati;" iiiesldont' Lonnie F. Bd|- cne. vice president; Thoma* ÜI- Uie Kentucky chief executive, noted housing disorders. "The suit they en by James H. Salmon. 29, of Samuel L. Gandy, dean of Ute that he had received several en- are attempting to bring against me Warrenton The driver of the rac- Lawless Memorial Chapel at Dil­ . Uns. secretary; George Petty, amounts to a class suit against the ing car and five members of the lard University, will te keynote treasure». Earl .Aithttr K7ÍÍ1. (Continued on pare eight) Negro race" he said. Salmon family were killed. speakers for the daylong second j corresponding secretary; innual Laymen's Day celeb ration Jones, .program chairmen: «MÛR of the Second Congregational ' Stevens, finance clulrman; Church, Walker and McDowell, Jones, publicity ciiairmaa and*« slated for Sunday. April 22 church pastor, the Rev. Jobn ,C. Siicele '-’IT1 Mayor Orgill wiU speak during PEACE AND PLENTY? ” Itile 11 a. m. service with special music provided by the Manassas high school chorus under the di­ rection of Mrs. Botile Blakely Race Requirement ,'anes Ordered Dropped Gandy win keynote tin afternoon program bfeinning at From Denver Frits 4 Government mbst haye a heart 4 30 with the LeMbyrie College as well as a head. Choir, under the direction ot Prof. DENVER - INS'- Racial du- 5. Courage in principle, coopera­ John W Whitaker. providing the eriminatioii college fratemltia» Would Have Government tion In practice make freedom posi­ lUSiC.' ' was dealt a blowTil Denver Uni- tive - y versitv when the board of trustees ul Ui ehurtli-tr Lay- 6 The purpose of government is asked fot freed un of local chap- lalcnted group is Memphis' own to serve, never to dominate. Serve, Never Dominate men’s Fellowship include feed Jor- iCnnlimied on page eight! . *7. To stay free we must stay BY ROBERT G. NIXON atrong. Under God or. espouse the WASHINGTON - (INS) - President Eisenhower laid oownjcau?€ anrt fiecdom and Justiro end Rep. Powell To Speak At last, night eight "principles" he said'J can guide‘ the Republican1 |>eace for all peoples. t party Io victory next fall and pledged "peace and plenty for all Before the president spoke. GOP I people" if re-elected. National chairman Leonard W. Hall i TK ’ < ■ told tlie assembled workers that i Mr. Eisenhower clintixed a two Mississippi Council Meet : ; cerned with those things-which there Ls a "spirit of Victory In the , AD CLUB ESSAY CONTEST WINNERS - Winners grand prize. Seen are (L. to R.) Willie Shotwell, day-GOP strategy conference in : countfor most - people and prin­ air" but warned that the 1956 cam- i of the essay contest sponsored by the Memphis Booker Washington High School, honorable men- JACKSON Mitt.'( ANS?)-‘j-Demo- Hev Martin Lutlwr • Washington with a political speech cipiéis .. we will win.” paign will be one of the ''hardest j Advertising Club on "An Americo Without Ad­ ' lion; Barbara Ann Bailey, Melrose high, honor­ i erattc Rep. Adam Clarion tn which he confidently predicted Mr. Eisenhower listed these prin- fought" in U. S. political hlstorv. i Powell of the Montgomery vertising" were revealed at on award luncheon able mention; Ophelia Ware, St. Anthony high, victory at the polls. tiples for the party’s forthcoming Hall racmnbasiivd that Mr.- El- will be the principal speaker at the oott: Dr. Paul Hay es, of In his first outright public b‘d campaign- «nhewer will d? no barnstorming Tuesday night at Currie's C'ub frop'conna. S*x ; honorable mention; Mayor Edmund Orgill, Cor­ fifth annual meeting of Hie Re- Ark; BWinp Tbo«W L. 1 ricnal Council of Negro leadtwdiip for a second term since his an­ l.'The indi ioual is Supreme im- ' or Whistle S'op" ccmoalenihr won honcroble mention certificates and a $10 dell Gentry, Booker Washington, first place;'H. New Orleans und Dr T. >, nouncement that he would run a- portance. ; »nd still plans to limit himself u i cash prize, one second place, a $25 Savings A. Gilliam Jr., Hamilton high, second place, >n April !7 ’ Howard president of the 4—2. The spirit ot our people 4s the] “not more tlwn * half down or » John c. Melchor atroun i \ iw Musk »Ul be funi Wied fam. the Gliief Executive told the Bc-id,"on

A I- fiditr'i. . h .«■ INTERDENOMINATIONAL Otoral Giuli Htre MANASSAS HIGH NEWS MINISTERS ALLIANCE ANNOUNCEMENT By MELVIN GREER The Intel denominational Minis­ QTY-WIOE TALENT SHOW JUNGS BELL FOR ters Alliance v.isiies to amiounce an The Coleridge Tayloi . ltoral ciut AAATTIE PEARL BLAND OF DOUGLASS important call meeting of the inter BY HARBINE COLLIER i of Bishop College Mw hell Texas I Miss Gossin and a few of her col­ Mits MjDii« Pearl Bland, Douglass High School's top femoW denominational Ministers Alliance, DOUGLASS GYM DEDICATION i will present.» concert it tlie Mil leagues in the form of a -mali vocalist, walked off with first place honors at the Manassas Senior and the White Ministers Alliance, .The Douglass community turn­ luncheon in the Home Fc depart- ropolltan Baptist church Thurs Class' City-wide tak 1 show Tuqsday night at ’he Cora P. Taylor today, Friday. April 20 at 11 a. m. ed wt in throngs last sunday+ven- i ment. day. April 3d. at 8 p. m , at. the Aue ScbarU Y M. C. A.. 245 ing to wttnees the dedu-atkai uf (TIMING EVENTS The 30-volce choir is under tne Auditorium. Mist Blond won out over c host of other talented S. Lauderdale ; the Douglass Gym. which is the direction of Professor Di.ira E. siudenU ircm the oihei tchods before a capacJy audience. Ucona • • • i Dr. c. A. O»ei.. President. Rev last of Ute five gyms lor colored I>rr, an ou’standin. conductor place winner was a Melrose dance group, and thiid place laurels Doni Miss T. M. Davis c ■ -’etan . high schools The students In the trawling choir went to the "Starlights' 'of Hamilton High School. • • 6 • Principal honored "Fantasy, hi Blue April 27. at are from 11 states includin': y.fichi- ANNIE I BROWN HEALTH CUT» A surprise birtMay greetuig was C^ub EUmy, 530 Beale. "Miss Biut I dun. Illinois. Missouri. California. in Naslivilie. Tenn. wlvw slw »O' Guests were Teejitowuers~ front The Annie L. Biown Health Club also presented to the principal. Revue will be presented" i Arkansas. Georgia. Louisiana. Col- WDIA' who, directed by Mr. A. C. major in courses enablui;; her to « • « • will have their Annual Spring Tea Mi. J D. Bpriuger 1 orado, Oklahoma and Texas become a doctor. Williams, tore up the auditorium ma an evening of fun al the Delia Mi. E. C Stimjert. assishun Showtime,' Manassas-: animi The choral club if presently on a with the latest tones, topped by MILDRED RAYNORS TAPPING Walker Home on Walker Avenue. superintendent of Mempius city sliow May 4. in the south liait of [ five-states good-v ill tour as a “Blue Suede Shoes" «.liich brought IN SHOWTIME'S "ROCK I special fratnre of th.- diamond ji i- Sunday. April 22, from 4 til 7 o'­ schools, performed the dedies torial Ellis Auditorium. the mtdienci to its knees. Others AROUND THE CLOCK" clock p in. speech and urged tin people of / ‘ • ‘ .I lee (75th> anniver'ry yem eli- from Douglass included: Drununcr TAP NUMBER t Tiu- El D>rado Social Civ :'s bralion of the Tex<< Go'! a Mrs. A. L. Higgins, President. Mrs the community to take an interest willUm Tyler and "The Thrillers". Yes. curvaceous Mi» Mildred Spring Hop" at Currie's Club Tro Bishop College is .■> our-ye.u Others from Hamilton included: Susie Oiithurse. General Chairman in the school activities, to enoour- Raynor of thr Senior Class is again • • ♦ • picauna, April h. at 8:03 p. ni age the youngsteis tn do thfer jxarv liberal arts colleev It is spon-or-* The Five Spades Quintet, and from one of the beauHes in Manasaaa1 ♦ ♦ ♦ NORTH MEMPHIS THRIFT CLUB After the talk by the assistant ed and' supported oy th-’ Baptist Manassas came - the Nobles w ith hit annual show, the fabulous T|u North Memphi: Thrift (Hub superintendent Principal Spring­ Tin Twelve Socialite- deiKimniation. "That's Your Mistake" and another SHOWTIME. She's tapping again met at the residence of Mrs. Ella er expressed his thanks tn the of­ Ball.' May io at .the Hie choral club'will be U'¡'.- lilt tune. Participating from Book­ 'his year as she did In last year's Smith. 1505 N. Thomas Street Wed. ficials Of the Bwd and Mr. E. C. Room sored in Memphis by (thc Co'inici’ er T.' Washington were llie King's sensational * Mr. Sandow«” - Up nijht. April i ’ at 8 p m. Derottons Ball, school superintendent, and of Choirs of the Memphis Bin t.si Men who murdered the spectators number, only this year the tune b With "Wiy Do Fools Fall in Love' by the chaplain. Els. A'.berta Nidiols taxpayers tor -such a memificent lYmun write-up ot miss Patrien: Pastors Alliance for S. R Ok i. “Ruck Around the Clock." and another popular nunwer. Also structure" Walker next Tueadavs edition Junior Calk/C..Admi'.''q-' >i - The hostess sened.u dainty menu • » » » from Manassas were the Duchesses liu- hostess was thanked by MYt.- WAPPY BIRTHDAY" - ...... with "Eddie. My Dive." Nearing the end ot the program EVENTS AROUND DOUGLAS* Opal Kirkendoll. The next meeting will be at the the students chorused a Happy Decisions Reached In The exiiecled duel lielween the Mi? Leneva Bishop winner from residence of Mrs. Alice Woods 603 Birthday’’ greeting to Mr. Spring­ Nobles and King's Men Quintet did linuglass in essay contest “Ameri­ Wells Avenue, entertained by XVs. er who is 54 The present and fb -t Phone Strikers Case net develop to its full potential as ca Without Advertising." Augusta Galloway. hand greetings were presented bv • • ♦ Decisions in eleven eases invoh- the gap was too long between the Sammy Fields, vice president- of ir; Tennessee Employees oi 'lie King's Men's number and the No­ Miss Eamesiinr Davis selected the Douglass Student Council. A EmtiietT, Bell Company .who were bles’ number. Had the program Wonder what Irmu Brown has to represent Douglass at the an­ reception in the school auditorium i cUscharaed durtoy the strike last been arranged as to have the two to say about that? . . What's this nual Deb" Ball this spring VISITS FROM NYC - Miss Lorroine Gossin, former Douglass school followed spring nave been handed down l>y quintets sing respectively, one about Gloria Shockley having eyes teacher and now a resident of New York Citv, "wos o recent visitor « « » « s four-man arbitration .team could have Judged the superior for James Rice since Claudette here attending the funeral of a relative and renewing old ac­ POPULAR SINGER, William Sanders ousted a-, lead Tlie discharge of two employees quintet easily. However, due to the Turner' was "too tough" in the quaint nces. Miss Gossin, ^ho left Memphis in 1940,-is a claim FORMER TEAt HER VISITS .,r il the “Thrillers" quintet----- " v.ms upheld. Misconduct was found; program's set-up. it is still unde­ §hockley-Blaii-Turner" debate? Miss Lorraine Gossin. a fotuie. ♦ I» ♦ » in all .other j$ses, except one. but rêpre eniative’in the Old Aqe and Survivors Insurance department cided by mans which is the super­ . And reports reveal that Mary ior quintet, the King's Men tluin- Bratcher and John Rice are real­ Douglass teacher and now of Neu ( AMPI K MISINOS was riot Judged serious enough to of1 the New York City Department of Education-ond Welfare. York citv wa* m the city recently wat rant discharge and suspensions tet or the Nobles Quintet. ly "hitting it off heavy." to attend the funeral of a rein th < The “grape-vine ’ has revealed to were ordered rangin-.- rom v o o DISAGREE ON JUDGING Nathaniel Owens has eyes for There were some who disagreed and also to visit som< ion .’-time your reporter Eibert Parrish has Im ’eeke. Barbara Gaskin. What happened to on the final judging of the contest­ friends. interest at BTW namely in Fran- Tin cues included •• J. R Gray C. R iBTWi. Nat? . . . James ants, mid some contended that the Crawford and Joy Rhodes seeming­ During the tune Miss .cyne Hurst Mary and Natalie Meilis, charged with threatening Gossin re­ I should be posted on th’s iw s King's Men Quintet sliould have ly have eyes for each other . . sided in Memphis. sh< and intinidating working employ­ taught at ' CHURCH NEWS lieen among the winners. However, Ruby Colbert and Johnny Hart arc don't you think1 Douglass High School and also ees, discharge upheld. • t 6 » the winners were cIiomii by Judges MISS MILDRED RAYNOR a tough couple now adays. sang with the "Douglass Sist-rt" Tlie other ten cases included a and not by audience reaction. Doris Willi* and Ttromton Kin­ series of incidents at Dickson The >T. STEPHEN baptist lit of the re-building of the Morn- An excellent dancer. Miss -Ray­ composed of Douglass teaciiers ; nd Somehow or the other, everyone Helen Russell and Hilton are real nard are still in “the groove,“ he I St. Stephen Baptist Church is ini! Grove Church .Rev Joe Allen, nor is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs resident« df the conunuiity. They discharge of Marie T. Ladd, charged just won t go along with the Jud^s, tough couples . . Arnett i Harris attends Manassas and so-o-o- does I located at 508 N. 3rd Street. Rev pastor. were heard over radio station M 1 witmh throwing eggs at working no matter what kind of contest Be--memlx,r of the Sl Lukl. BnpllBt won’t reveal the lucky guv . . Ola EC. She left Memphis in ipqo -he James Ivy. How about that? employees and paricipattag in a 0. C Crivens. Minister. sides -that, the Kings Men could Ch(jrch Mlss Ravno,. „ a membn¡.. D. Youni and Joe Robinson are A * • 6 ST. now flings' with the "8wtt Music demonstration at tlie residence of Sunday School. 9:15 a. m. with have been considered as "guesu. of the ManRSRHS Spanish Depan. still “cooling it" . . R. V. Jones Hour" on the NBC network nd Felicia Blakely and Bob’jye Boyd i. working employee, was ordered Dr. F L. Stephens, supt. in Charge. Manassas talent participatmg mere- men( clul) and NHA and John Frayzer certainly make tu dottbleil for parts .'or the shov - ias not considered m lie judgtag. (u aHend Tennpnee Slate Onlwrs. Norma Gatlin has hands-off" "Mcmphi ili - AME Bishop of Tennessee. Ken­ Bountt'” • » • • « j|! welt-red- reinstated with full back dren's department leading in atten­ Senior (lass President James Ivy. itv wherf shf will maJor in (.om. policy concerning Marvin Coston r tucky and West Africa is coming Bettye Miller seems quite uctis- jav. dance. Mis Mattie Wilson. Instruc­ who walls the ha.w note« for the |nvw Wgical education sho ... Mary Bean. reports say that under the auspices of. the H. Mc­ Mm Oq (iln i* no» connected j fled, with Georee Oliver 'BTW;, Six employees were charged willi tor. Sunday school Class hading in Nobles, said in regard to the pro- v an(s to be a dancer or civil «en­ Qie boy you were with at the Ja? Donald Nelson, for Bishop club, with the Jfew York City Depart­ so far there has been no mention . throwing eggs at working employee.- 1 inance. Class No. 2 Mrs. Cleo P, gram's success that “I express my vJce uorke|. guars’ dance Monday night was which set aside Sunday. April 22. ment of Bducation and Welfart ; of COmiX'titlOn at Dickson and participating in a I Dooley. Instructor, id a. m.. wor- profound gratltudeon hdialfjfthe f rience ta. dapc. Cleveland Harris iBTWi . . Dor­ Such is her experience in1 danc­ where she ds a ciaiois represen: .- • • • < a- Die city-wide Nel oil for Bishop Manassas 8emor lass, to the par- R jnsUuct0[. othy Brown was certainly "cooling demonstratlon at the residence of ship with the Junior deacons in ing that she is a dancing instructor tive in the Old Age aid Survivors Day. it" with Edward Martin Tuesday- Earnest Biuney wu seep walking a wording employee. They receive charge. «>r the Pan-Amenean Fiesta that they rendered and their superb night. We promised not to mention Insurence. Boobie Pool home the other da). (lie following suspensions Shirley Music by the Junior Clioir. Mrs. Many*ot tin churches will join in On the romantic side she is cur­ exemplification o f cooperation. it. so we won't. In cominenling on the progress Earnestine Davis we« absent that A. Albright. Mildred M Henshaw, Rubye McCall at the piano. Mrs. otiutaniltng service Several of rently “cooling it' witji. joe Fred Those of you who missed the show, and impravenrfit. of flic Douglas.* day too and A. B. Locke, ten weeks.. Audrey !vor'' .L VesseJ'_Dir^tl,r.iof the till outstanding Baptist C. M. E. ¡Purdy, another 8HOWIIME dan­ missed a treat. Everyone was won­ Tommy Wilkerson and Jeanette 8chool anH community. Miss Gos­ ,, * • * • C. Daniel. Catherine B. Haye. , and Junior Choir.. Sermon by the pas­ cer. ami A. M. E. Churches willi their derful. Rodgers are under i. smie hood sin was quite phased with the bet­ Charles Bonner (Melrose: is the Mary R Murphy, eight weeks tor TWENTY-SIX ACCEPTED INTO pasters or representatives will par­ JOSEPHINE WATKINS NOT . . . Georgia Adkins lies a choice: terment of the iwighl orhood as she one who keeps Melvia Joltoson s OLE TIMERS CLUB Reba N. Climer and Barbara Fos­ At 3 p. m. ’TM Mission Circle ticipate on the program. .This ser­ BACKING DOWN ON STUDENT Robert Bowles. Curtis Mitchell, WU- said. 'Tm floppy to »c the practi­ lieart beating. No “Hun'ey on her Twenty-six fellows have been ac­ ter, both of Dickson,'were charged vice will mark the final gity-wide COUNCIL PRESIDENTIAL PLANS Jiam Sanders iDouglassi or "Stew­ cal progress in the school and and Ministeis wives are observing part she says, ggs at wonting in- effort by the Nelson For Bishop • ______cepted into the Oie Timers Club it art" , Barbara Postell and Wil­ ,,«••• their Annual Mission Day. Since her astonishing announce- community." t ployees. The former was ordered was announced recently. At 6:30 p m Baptist Training Club and friends tor his election tnenl in th’ Manassas Newsette that lie Rounds are like five finger« in Mrs. MBble O. Jones of the Home 'Tlie "Exclusive Four" are mak­ The 26 strong are: Bennie Hines. suspended for three weeks and the to the Bishopris. slic was gültig tu be the first young a glove . . Ernestine Willette and Union groups for all ages Rex. Sammy Balfour. Finley Lanier. irtment enterta'ned ing all the papers One. Alma Rob­ fetter or ’wTseeks. Or. Nelson will leave for Miami, lady to rnn for the vlce-presidency Eugene Yargrough t Melrose I are Joseph F.-Wilson. Director. At 8 p Clifford O’Neal. Calvin Haggln. Bar- inson had quite a tangle with her Florida April 29, where he w ill meet nf |hi- Mannas»» Student Council, still too tough Kinnard < Manassas> I m Devoiont’l Services. The Miss­ nabus Tabor. Joe A Young, Curtis “comp'' lately bat the heat is off ionary Society meet* every Monday with the Financial Board of which l»rt Miss Josephine Watklns of the Mitchell. A D Adams. Herbert i i now. Willis. he is a member and secretary of ■ !)-.’>■ M-ctlon sald Wednesday that i • • • • at 11 a. m until 1 p m Watch Sallie. Freddie Sitjipsuii. Odie Wil­ Tm not backlng i I the Memphis W'orld for the Annual the auditing committee which meets' Donald Flemming < Manassasi is STAR DOUGLASSITE liams. R«u Admiral William R. Smed- LOANS May L and set. up his headquarters Sister-Hood Observance. .. Brother Bobby Hunter. James Tliompson. berg III son ot a West Point gen­ suppose to. be the only fellow. in insert cut EtdyAoft . f lor his campaign in the General1 I Cliarlette Clay's life. He apparently i Earl Bogan, Church Clerk HistéR Joseph Kirk. Robert Mayweather. eral and father of a midshipman, , -ON- I ’ Lula Alexander. Publicity Chair- Conference which opens the follow­ Benjamin Carroll. Otha "Crow" knows nothing of Charles Jackson’s was recehtly sworn bi as the 39th 1 Ilan ing day Mav. 2 " Rhodes. Clifford Deberry. Marvin existence. superintendent of the United Automobile - Furniture* With him go the . prayers, best Coaton. Leonard Murnrll. Luther • • 6 • States Naval Academy, replying FIRST BAPTIST wishes, moral and fuianicial sup­ Williams. Moaef Gunn. Joe Jones. Signature James Ford is trying to make­ port of his many friends and the ! Rear Admiral Walter F Buone, who Equipment - YOUTH CHOIR PRESENT Janies Greene, and Robert Owens. file public think Mildred Phillips AN -will soon bi- protiiof-ii to adm'ral Yau will lil'e our prompt H McDonald Nilson lor Bishop, I Jr i Surprised?» is no where in his book now. Who i v ' N'NG OF MUSIC AND | and assume the fonr-.iu- nsii'jn- Club. Several carloads of friends [ Initiation will begin soon, and | ment of Commander , i Chief. friendly servtca, court sous i does lie think he is kidding’ - DRAMA I Sunday, April 22. at 5 p. and workers will join the candi- ■ murder. toMtment and -Hesire Io help. m. the Youth Choir of First Baptist Church date in Miami a lew days later to DOUBLE TENERS SOLICIT 11 BRENT COUPLES i NEW (LI B MEMBERS Lauderdale is presenting a unique help in his election. LUCKY NUMBER Tlie Double - Tellers solicit their affair. "An Evening of Music and Charier Bonner and Meivia Je.m 20 new members who will lake over k _S3.W for LUCKY NUMBER MISSISSIPPI BOULEVARD Johnson. Rcbtri Dickerson ana Drama ." featuring Miss Carole Ann ' »5.00 for LUCKY NT MBER I Hooks, pianist and Miss Lillian CHRISTIAN their respective places In '56-'57. In­ Freddie Jones. Alexander Gluuncy AND LUCKY DAY The Mississippi Blvd Christian itiation on the group will start and Genruti Jackson. Janie. Short, dramatist These young ladies Send nanid and dale of birth Church, Mississippi and Stevens, shortly. Lloyd Crawford and Yvonne Moore are high school students and it New Double Tenera include: Joy . with Cash or Money Order to . . Rev. Blair T. Hunt Pastor, will ob- Frank Davis and Alberta Nibley marks their first appearence in Rhodes. Shirley Finnic. Shirley ¡ Vahers. Box «8. Blackstone. Va. I serve its Annua) Woman's Day in FINANCE CO. ; Eddie Earl Kent and Chnstinc public. Small. Ilollye Martin. Bettye Cull. j Phillips Richard B Thompson and which the Women of the church Carole is the daughter of Mr. and Barbara Motley. Barbara Gaskin. !52 MAMfiQN - JA. 5-7611 w ill rally in an effort to rai» S3000. Mildred Phillips. Monroe Anderson Mrs. Robert Hooks, of e«4 Vance Naluc Bowden. Alberta Woodland. for QUICK REUEE of HOME OWNED - J and Alma Robinson. James Ford Avenue. Mr Hooks, a member of The money will contribute toward Ixirrella Currie. Janice Day. De-; i and Venuta Coleman tManassasi. 1 the prominent Rooks family, is a the liquidaticn of the debt incurred MISS JOSEPHINE WATKINS lores Miller. Delores 7,;./.;;..,Macklin. £Ceres ' HQWE OPERATED 1 William Kincaid and Mary Anne pioneer photographers in the city. In the building of the New Sanct­ Miss Watkins went further to saf. Norfleet. Helen Echols, Marva Dog-' “didn’t think that sex jeTt Tlica Young. Eultne White, - HEADACHE Thomas iBTWi. and Thornton 1 Her great-grandmother, Mrs. uary in 1951 at a cost of 1133,000. that she MISS VALERIA MURRELL Julia Hooks was a famed pianist The Women of the church are should lie a determining lector in biiii« Jones »nd Mabel Spencer, ■HRMNH EDITOR IN SPOTLIGHT TODAY i Lillian is the daughter of Mr. and oivanized under the leadership of deciding the president" and that NEURALGIA “capability should be the only corf­ Have you read the • Maroonette” 1 Mrs. Huddleston of 836 Polk Ave­ Mrs. H. A. Gillian. Chairman, and ______A DANCE by. Charles DcLane and Ease Pains of Headache Loliglass school pape: this year? nue Mr. Huddleston is a well- Mrs. LeEllenor Reed. Co-chairman sideration." 8hc went on to assert Alma Cleaves along with an lnstru- Neuralgia . Neuritis with Well, if so, and you want to meet known tailor of the citv Mrs. Eunice Snell is Finance Chah- ihBt "I don't think that there's mental solo by Leroy Foster will be Quick Acting STANBACK the person most responsible for the Both giYls are in high school. man and Mrs. Sallic Bartholemew anyone else In the sophomore class the talent from1' Manassas in the Most pwH fuel Test STANBACK against more qualified for the Job than I wonderful recent editions, here she Carole a Junior at Booker T. Wash­ is chairman of program. April 24 CIty-Widc Talent 8how Rev. Kelly Miller Smith. Pnsor nor mort' dc(licatwi or loyB1 to- tlie at Ellis Auditorium More on that is. Miss Valerin Murrell, a senior ington and Lillian a senior nt any preparation you're member of the ¿-A class of which 1 Hamilton High School of First BaptW Church, Nashville. Council..... or Council's’ purpose than later. ever used ... See how I am." Mrs. Catherine Baker is teacher j Donald Franklin who is chair­ Tennessee will be the sjieaker. AU quirk relief comes. Strf.sfAote Mne members of the church are urged When asked about campaigning, THE PAN AMIS SOCIAL CLUB I und 'exclusive" editor of The man of the affair, along with the Miss Watkins said she intended to is all set for its dance on May 7 at I "Maroonette." B" the w ay. the last ! Youth Choir are inviting you to to be present and friends are in­ "put up tiie fiercest campaign in vited to worship with the church Currie's. Serf STANBACK edition will be out around the attend as an encouragement to ■ the history of Manassas and tliat second week in May and’ will be at 11 a m. Sunday April 22. these young ladies The hour Is 5 she was going to throw everything DONT FORGET SHOWTIME on Forest Hill NM , dedicated exclusively to the gradu- p m. . ¡against her opponent or opponents." Mav 4 at Ellis Auditorium —b». I at ing class oi 56 , Slw appears sincere and confident AWAY-Y-Y-Y WE GO! Vai ’as she i* sometimes calledi MORNING GROVE BAPTIST iwhen she further stated that “The is active in her curricular and ex- At the Morning Grove Baptist NAACP To Award winner, if It is not I who is the Robert Williams and | tra curricular studies She is a Church. Cordovea. Tennessee, there victor after the votes have been Hall are in a world of their own !meitfxr of the Dramatic Club. D will he a program and sermon. Sun­ ■tabulated and the issue is decided, . O. D.'s. Library Club and vice- day afternoon. April 22. by the Citations Sunla will have had a hard struggle " prexy of the Flash writers Springfield Baptist Church. Rex, Miss Watkins is the daughter of Miss Murrell, daughter oi Mrs. Bravson paste. The sponsor of thia Spec»! recognition will be giveu [Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Watkins. 1316 Callie Murrell reside» at iojj Tu- ' procra.n is Mrs. Hardy Mac Ber- letdihs workers of the Memphis North Watkins St. She is a mem- pelo and is a membei of thr H l’ nette. Al&o Friaay night. April 20 NAACP membership campaign at a licr of the Antioch Baptist Church. Chape! Baptisi Church. Rev Siura tonight), theie will be a plate sup- r.ieeung Sunday afternoon. 4 p. nt i In school she is a devoted member pa ;to’ ; ye,. gjven jjy jfrs g. Macklin and in the LeMoync College lecture hall, of the Student Council. Math Chib, Outside school Hflaini. Vai is Mrs. L Boyd bianch NAACP president Atty. H. Honor Society, and a potential president of tht Al ■itroeus Social Sunday afternoon. April 8 n pro­ I Locltrrd announced. member of the Gracious Ladies Club and WDIt Fan Club of which J ?ir;>m ias given by the New Hope The Rev. D. 8. Cunningham. Ool- Club. Shi is also a member of the lins Chanel CME church pastor end Fling Fatelie Social Club, i Mi. A. C Williams is siijierviaor. Baptist Church. Rev. Allen, pastor, COLLEGE PLANS, LINCOLN U membership drfre chairman, polnt- The presidency of the Student : sponsor was Mrs. T Alien. Council, at present, seems to be AND JOI RNALISM MAJOR rd-ou ttlie Memphis NAACP mem- Also tea was given by Mr. and Miss Watkins ultimatum, her goal. Mias Murrell pUns to attend Lin­ ■ Izrstiip is at r eord high and will . Mr; Winifry at their resident. present citations to high .scoring But in the not-to-near future, she coln U and major in journalism ¡Cordova. Tennessee. Timber-ship recruiters. t plans to-attend Dillard University ¡.Upon graduation. Recently, a sermon was given The public is invited. in New Orleans. La., or Meharrv During thr interview inien askeo I by Rev. Otis Boyd, sponsored by Brtruly Editor Trlk How Dodurt Medicated Cosmetic her opinions of steu.lv *’-<■ Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd. Also a Murrell stated. I think steady dat- | Musioal Program was given by the ini is -well and lot of lun wnen Jones JubiieeF and th/ Union Article in Readers Digest Reveals LIGHTENS and CLEARS SKIN two perm- ¿tin to understand Vouces. both o< Cordova. Tenues*“ , -, each “Shu and if they plan mar- ponsored by Mr. Wtntfry Jittery Pre-Menstrual Tension nd if the same time keeps skin younger looking ÌI riage." These activities are being given Hbr choice of- a steady" right Lacd has been given for thr btne- by J£SSH JONCS now WFFC Fredrick Christmas Is So Often a Needless Misery' Adan'* (fa.-I'H iwt"wen conuin >r«»l .ntiMTWK mrSiation H»r hdl» dr« >«’■ exMJiul rimplo »od mte Mr nrdioitd stia stopped . or ttrtVRg'-’ rv wvfd iraperff (ions. School «Hi esbamiMd b> Do you suite: terrible nervous ten­ lft»in *wl b»»etr muirb FILL THE tilt sion - feel Jittery, Irritable. de­ . pain and discomfort! S out "14 ti»?- iik *wJ ®»r. thr rm-rtes <-• wsth .wiS be stnurd u Dr FkED Pdma s doimg Kt«» pressed - lust before your period woaeh got glorious rettrf I Tbu nc«. imwcitd ie»m » each month? A startling article in Taken regularly, ptnkhan; s re cillet Dr FRLD Pdnw’r For roil ddet Udier, Dr FUD Pelmet I 01STOMACH INH liei eg the headaente, cramps, nerv­ Skin Thircna You simob Haifa! headachy. -When constipe- READER'S DIGEST reveals Such Skm Whiient- courwo»«i the drmiu the< I lion om st-jinwli BtecS-ü’augnt* pn-men’ir'iai tormsnl is aegUew ous tension .. diRing and bcfjrr >moo(l’ i tmy 61m of Dr. auses makla tine» «round the rye> «nd RED hkorr I Sku n .,.so Scnllv nucoeS clogged Intestinre pier. Irii» tense as those "tufirtuit often the cause rf unhap' 'new. OTIEIFINE lEJUrTT PIOMICTS Iring- cwnfort'ng In morning ifays' approach' ■ ’ ■ " 1 Oct Lydia F ■ 7h«n life loos tunny agsiu' Gel 1» 4»tt«ti (till» •■•iii( Pinkham's Vege­ 1 dw teramnrt Dt. FW Nton *» Lydia Pttrtrtiam's Rlai'k-O-augtit today has a remarkable I Mt si 4 •«•»» I«' table Compound... DaSrSMrYimvWQNBWW-lbr rr- « U-iid«M M------rar* Drener m th« gnat tin fat orfy jk. Al & »? 1 ■■■ - rA-tfts r«»lni [««.' souih'ht effeef on 'eJH J iwvmi Aahtti. gtosl or convenient new FFEO Pdmer iprodKnneWwde to Q Ip«. - * blood - bulldlDF iron ■■s-’W’- i. M 'T ’’♦Hic-t 4«ti' ! CMTMINT PflUNqi 0.| In tw. Mletrts «»> SKIN SUCCESS 'U. ( 4 t MWhlfH ’»W u “Wodd Prayer Day” Mass Meet Planned ■ To Boost Voter Registration Campaign

MONTtkOMERY BIS BOYCOTT World Prayer Day observance by tisan Voters League and urged LEADER EXPECTED AS SPEAKER sponsoring the May 17 meeting and league to seek to boost the number FOR MEET is seeking the services of one of of Negro voters here to 70,000. WALKER URGES STATEWIDE the leaders of the Montgomery bus Declaring that "the segregation­ DRIVE, SUGGESTS 7I.«M boycott m principal speaker. ists mean business" Dr. Walker VOTERS HERE stated that he is taking part In a By RAYMQND F. TI8BY The Rev. 8. A. Owen, pastor of move to carry on a statewide regis­ ■ Metropolitan Baptist Church, de­ tration campaign and felt that Ne­ The World Prayer Day movement signated by the league to secure a groes must register and vote to son Tommie Boule, Nell Iaeli, Jo* suggested recently by the National RENDEZVOL'S BIG SUCCESS speaker from Montgomery, report­ gain respect." fiy Wright. Bertha Bradford. Jo» Baptist Convention, U8A. and en­ "Rendezvous In Tlie Tropics" was ed that he has contacted the Ir.’- sephine Ruffin. Annie Watkins, dorsed by other religious groups will piovemFnt Association's Speakers He furehtre urged the league to the theme and—Curries' was the setting for the week's liest attended Minnie Dailey, Eugene Webb Wid­ be observed here May 17 tn Mason Bureau and has been "virtually as­ jaiae at least $3.000 to pay workers and most fun packed event er Grady. Leon Alston.. Willfiam Temple sponsored by the Ministers sured” of getting a speaker. in the registration drive. and Citizens League Churches throughout the city are The Jaguars were host ind wish Masset and Nettie Carr. The league, which is attempting At (he meeting Dr. J. E. Walker urged to make pledges for the fund. to express their thanks io everone more tu come by halneas to Increase the number of Negro reported that some 2.000,additional The league will meet again Mon­ who supported them in their bl« Also: Marion MurreH, J. B. Pay­ effort Guests danced from fl til 1 ton Wallace Flynn? Herbert Stout, voter registrants here, at a meet- Negroes have been registered due I day morning. April 30. at Pentecos­ ing Monday at Pentecostal Temple to tae efforts of some courthouse tal. The Rev H. C. Bunton is league . m. to the music of tlie Rhvthm M. C. Owen Joseph Woods, Simon announced its plan for joining in the workers employed by the Non Par-' chairman. Bombers and Hie Veltones Bennett Mary Johnson. Albert Ride, Guests who enjoyed the merri­ Christine Boykins and many others. ment . Mildren Winfred Thomas Jaguars are: Johnny Wright, V. H, Robinson and Mrs Martha Wilkerson, Holley Martin. Fliene Freddie Simpson. J. B. Wilder, Essex Galloway. McLemore. Bettie Hnmptcm, Bettie i Raynor. Robert Bowles, Robert Al­ JOSEPH I’OSTON IN len Thornton Kinnard. Walter Gra­ SPOTLIGHT Rodgers. Sylvia Grady. M.u tel Cole­ man. Catheryn Mitchell. Russell dy. Cleveland Harrte. Thomas Har- BOOKER T Peterson, Calvin Beaslev Rosa { ville Robert Webb. Robert Jami- HAVANA - MISS MAXINE PERRYMAN (tefi), 19«yedtold Spiri Mosley, Shirley Jones. Billa Heids son and Charles Delane president. TALENT SHOW of the Cotton Makers' Jubilee" in Memphis, JeMtauae. showr E|ftriJa Qlrpai Robert Mayweather. Zedenek But­ here with U. S. Ambassador to Cubo Arthur Gardner, whom sh< I lUliua vIlCCl ler. Crrea Norfleet, Slurlt”. Finnic, WELL ATTENDED I Nalue Bowden, Clarence Brooks. The beautiful and spacious Con visited on her international qood-will tour. With here is Mrs. R WASHINGTON Henry YotUv.«. Calvin Smith La- P Taylor Auditorium was the set­ 1 Q. Venson of Memphis. The young Negro form qirl from lexing School P-TA Tea Vern Spearman. Samuel Chism, ting for a city-wide talent show pre­ ton, Miss., a sophomore ol Mississippi Voiotional Colleqe, is pub AN EVENING OF Robert Dowell. Eddie Bx ton. Buc­ sented by the senior class of Man­ ENCHANTMENT licising the U, S. cotton industry by showing on her tour that hara Motley. Rosulin Williams De- assas High School. Hundreds turn- "An Evening of Enchainment" is loLs Miller. Mai/ Bra'icher" Altitd.1 0111 l,° ,hf cotton fashions can be worn throughout the veor, for all occasions HIGH SCHOOL tlie theme of the Tea which «ill be Ross. Bettie Cash Alma Cleaves, day" night'...... which* *’ was emceed by Miss Perryman will reign os queen of the 20th annual Memphis riven from 4 to 6 P M Sunday. Zenobia Johnson, Sarah Greene. Mr. A C. Williams, a former teach­ April 22. by the P T. A of Florida I Cotton Festival May 14-19. - (Photo U. S. Information Service) John Taylor. Je&tc Jones Helen er at Manassas. School in the cafeteria Echols. Frederick Hunter, Iaiini The program featured some of Decorations will be a setting of Bell Martin, Melvin Cummings, the best talents of the city, includ­ NEWS glittering springtime beauty A pro- Georgia Atkins Benjamin Carroll, ing WDIA's Teen Town Chorus, ae- .«rant of music will be rendered by BY MARY ANNE THOMAS Jean Wrights, joy Rhodes. Louis­ c»m|>anied by Mrs Catheryn John- Pan Hellenic Council Slates Patrons and Faculty members. tine Baker, Sarah Overton Jessie i son and Booker T Robins at the A gift will be given to tlie class B. Wells, Addie Henderson. Rcwrt piano Booker T. also captivated contributing the highest amount of Doss, Iora Allen Dorothy Bennett. (lie audience with his rendition of money. Naomi Hennings, johnny Locke Someone Made You For Me," back­ CORDELL GENTRY, BTW SOPHOMdRE hiNS FIRST PLACE Know Your Govt. Forum May Mrs. Ann L. Hull, chairman. Other Sylvester Time' Fold Luther Will ed by fellow choral nu mbers. The chairmen are Miss Martha Ander­ chorus also sang "Aint's She Sweet," The committee of the Memphis bout their city and how it is operat­ iams, Rene "Ned" Cuttist, Hurbert IN ADVERTISING CLUB ESSAY CONTEST « son. Finance. Mrs Estelle Eggleston. featuring Thelma Lee Perry arto Pan-Hellenic Council has announc­ ed especially as it atiects minority Sally, Blondie Battle Dorothy Nel­ Program. Mrs. Ernestine Martin. npniniAiSeptember Inass Thesin Rain''iwuh withniwi prêt-pc»’ ed that final plans have been made groups. son, Billie Jones, James Janies. Cordell Gentry, a quiet end shy Booker T. Washington sopho­ Decoration. Mrs Lila Dunins Hos­ to present Mayor Edmund Orgill as Phillip Bradshaw, Marilyn Pntter- i ty Miss Barbara Griffin as soloist. more won out over 2,699 other contestants, to win first place in JOSEPH POSTON ’ It has not yet been announced if tesses, Mis 1, Carney. Refreshment« featured speaker at the second in The King's Men. who are also mem- In tlie spotlight today we have there will he a question and answer Miss Jimmie Blackshire, Invitations. i bus of tlie group thrilled the audi- the Memphis Advertising Club essay contest on "An America With­ itsforum series ''Know You) Govern Joseph Poston, the 17-year-old son ession connected with the forum. Mrs. Sadye Jennings, gifts. Mrs. Ru- , ence with Why Do Foote Fall in out Advertising." ment.” of Mr and Mrs. Joseph Poston. Sr., However, persons witli specific bye Spight. Publicity. Mayor Orgill has consented to be I tone" • grand prize and a trip to Philadel- resides at 799 Daiid Street. questions are asked to communicate Mrs. Margaret Turner. Pres Cordell, is the 15-year-old son guest speaker for the Council’s pub­ School reresentatives were: The Joseph is classified as a Senior in seme to a member of the Council Spencer M. Smith, principal of Mrs. Minnie Oentry of 259 Wal­ phia. lic program to be held on Sunday Five Starliuhts who ranted 3rd and the 12-6A class of Booker Wash­ prior no May 6th. dorf. He was presented, along with Second place went to H A Oil­ May 6 at Metropolitan Baptist the Five Spades from Hamilton. ington High School, under the gui­ tlie second place winner and the ham, Jr., th,e 13-year-old son of Mr. Church, Walker nt McDowell, at 5 Miss flattie Pearl Bland. 1st* place, danceship of Mrs B. Stewart. He six who received honorable mention and Mrs. H A Oilliam oi 1283 So. P in Two Art Films William Tyus who played a senaa- is a member of tlie following school at a banquet Tuesday night al Cur­ Parkway East, a soplwmore at the Tile public is invited. Admission Is tioniiluviiui vtiuiiidrum solo,.Nuiu. andnuu theuir Thlllereiinurrv activities: The Hl-Y, Motor Club, rie's Supper Club Hamilton High School. He won a free. At LeMoyne i!' 'flilmng "Hey Doll Baby" fi’bm Doug<1 and the A Maceo Walker Chapter $25 bond. Mrs B A E. Calloway is chair­ lass Four very graceful young ladiee, Cordell won a $50 bond plus a of the National Honor Society- man of the sponsoring committee As a part of the LeMoyne Col­ went away with 2nd prise from chance to compete tor the $500 Receiving honorable mentions On the spiritual side, he holds Rev H McDonald Nelson is co- lege Spring Festival, which con­ Melroee. The Duchesses featured plus $10 cash awards each were: membership at the Vance Avenue chairmen. Members of the com­ tinues through April 27. two art Oertliena Hobbs Earline White and Ophelia Ware of St. Anthony High; Church of Christ, under the pastor­ I films, "Gigi" and "Hymn of the' Gertrude Tiuywicks singing “Eddie Hosea Lee Clemons of St Augus­ ship of tlie honorable J. A Colston. mittee are Mesdames Fay W. Parker Minnie Reid Echols, Mtes Margaret Nations" will be shown in Brownlee My Love" from Manassas, and the tine High; Jessie Jones of Manas­ He is a very active member. Jones, Doggett. Robert L Wynne i Hall at 3:00 p. m. today. Nobles were sensational. Mra Onzie sas: Leneva Bishop of Douglass At the present time Joseph is a "Gigi" is a French film adapta- Horne and the Rhythm Bombers High: Barbara Ann Bailey of Mel­ little busy practicing for the Afrii- and Dr. A. L. Johnson ! tion. witli English titles of the did an excellent Job of providing rose and Willie Shotwell of Book­ Cubaii Dance in the Ballet, This and Dr A L. Johnson, John C. I story by Colette Gigi is a 16-year music for the occasion. er T Washington High School. dance is under the auspices of Mrs. Pinker is chairman of the Pan old girl, who comes from a family SPRINGTIME THEME Mabel Jenkins Hellenic Council. •Springtime In The Troptoano” English teachers of the first and His philosophy is: "Those who Memphis's own Miss Roberta of long established tradition: as will be the theme for the dance second place winners were: Mrs. live m glass houses should draw Church was featured speaker at the | far back as memury goes, no wom­ Vivian Robinson of Washington and the drgpel- In hls spgre tlme ht, Council's first forum in the cur­ an in It has ever been married. A at Currie's on May 7. presented by 889 UNION AVENUE Mrs. John Brinkley of Hamilton, (0 rPlld the fture he plans rent series, and spoke to a near ca- lively,, good-hearted girl. Gigi re­ ■he Pan-Amis and Jokeltes. Tickets Designers. Builders * Erectors a were rewarded $25 and $10 respec- -attind lh(, TennelS(T state A. nacily audience in LeMoyne Col­ volts and works out her own happi­ REV. R. J. MAYBERRY may be secured from any member Monuments, outstanding man} lively« i > and I University to major in law. lege's Bruce Hall This year the pro- ness by flouting tlie rules. This is REV. R. J. MAYBERRY, pastor if either club. Evanttor Ford, presi­ years for courteous service and rea­ , This was the first lime the con- “ J« » ,nak‘' R cftWr out is concerned with government on the a Hollywood plot turned upside of Morning Star Baptist Church, dent, Mrs. Johnny Currie, advisor. sonable prices. level. Civic clubs, students of civic announced that Friendship Pro­ « test had ever been open to the Ne-!° ahnllt ..minB gtegdv«« (town, but it ends with a good Hol- PHONES JA. 6-5466 When asked about "going steady." classes, and the general ciUens of I lywood moral; virtue conquers all gram which Man at his church gro Youth locally. Wayne Ander-1 he replied "going steady is swell for Memphis should find this a splen­ , Always very dry, very French, and last night (Thursday) will continue son. contest chanman. thanked the I the right twosome." did opportunity to learn more a- I very w itty. thru Sunday and that the revival group for "their terrific response." SOPHOMORE TALENT SHOW service will begin Monday,. April 23. Of the 3.768 entries received thru- The film is directed by Jacqueline "BIG HIT" rlngton High School, will represent J ROBERT BRADLEY _ The (Audry and stars Daniele Delorme. Participating ministers include the choir ROBES out the oily 2.700 were from the Ne­ THE HARPERS TAKE OVER Memphian who made an auspicious 1 Franck Villard. Yvonne de ,Bray Revs W P. Tate, J. H Tate. O. C. gro schools. Boftker T. Washington in the city- I Tlie Sophomore Class of this /concert singer debut on July 17, Callie and D B. Beatibedge Will Visit (.'herds Aab CORDELL TO COMPETE IN wide talent show on April 24 at the and Baby Morlay school presented a talent show in Show Samples. Na 1 NATIONAL CONTEST I City Auditorium. 1955 In tondone Royal Festival Hall, i In 'Hymn of the Nations." tlie Obligation, the Hamilton Auditorium Tuesday MANASSAS’ TALENT (ONTFST music of Verdi is interpreted by Ar­ will be presented tn a hometown re­ The contest nationally is spon­ at 2:00 p. m. The show featured top I WON BY MISS MATTIE PEARI. turo Toscanini and th- NBC Sym­ GME Missionaries Hartley Garment Ce cital here Sunday afternoon. April sored by the Advertising Federation talent among the Sophomores. BUND OF DOUGLASS HIGH phony Orchestra, featuring the CALL OR WRITE Tlie program went something on 1 Miss Mattie Pearl Bland of the 29. 3:30 P M. in South Hall of Elite , oi America. The first place winner, Westminster Choir mid soloist Jan Workshop April 26 this order: solo "Don't Want No­ Auditorium by his "discoverer" Miss John Sadler wiio is Cordelk Gentry, a sophomore Dcuglasx High School copped first Peerce, as They hail the liberation The Christian Methodist Episcopal body." by Maxine Williams, who Lucy E Campbell, wall known song of Booker T. Washington, automat­ place on Manassas' city-wide talent i of Italy by Allied troops. The films missionaries of the South Memphis BR 8-2768 or 4-3028 was one of th ethrillers of the day, writer and music leader of the Bap­ ically becomes a contestant in the show which was held Tuesday night «also tell how Toscanini and other MEMPHIS. TENN apantominte to the Rock and Roll tist church tinder the sponsorship District are sponsoring a workshop, National Contest for the $500 grand at Manassas’ Cora P. Taylor Audi­ talented Italians helped to free to be held At Graenwood Church. Waltz by Patricia Watson; solo "A of the Riverside Baptist Association pri2e and an all expense paid trip torium. Miss Bland won out over a Tear Fell" by Lois Joyner. and the Musolit Clef Club. | their native land from Fascist op- 1068 S. Bellevue Blvd., Tliui'Sdny to Philadelphia for the Federation's host of other talented students from At the sound of the mambo beat ■ t pressors. ■ April 26, 7-9 o'clock p. m The theme convention. al! over the city. to the drums of Josie Albright and Tlie Him showings are open to k "Christian Women Oiganizc to Shaving Is Slicker — Participating from Washington he bobbv sox girl? the public and there is no charge Serve " ‘ I "MOODS IN HARMONY ", [Paul Kirk worked out a modern were the King’s Men Quintet, who Hattie Standifer, I see you have Areas of stirdy aiid we leaders arc mambo. Little Thaddeus Harper a- | for admission. Blade Changing Quicker ANNUAL BALLET SLATED FOR were guests along with the Teen • justness at M«ni>his Naval Base in as follews: City NA^s. Mrs. V. U. MAY 1 AT CITY AUDITORIUM . long with his brotiier, Robert, isj 'forever winning his fame, with 1 towners. Others from Douglass in­ Millington. Robnnon; Christian' Responsibility cluded (hummer William Tyles and "Moods in Harmony," which is: popular dance stunts. Who is the chick at Melrose Higli Through Community Channels Mrs the fabulous ’"nirillers." The Five Loretta Kateo, Mrs Jeannette Nel­ the theme of this year’s ballet, will! Among the dancers also were: hat is eyeing Samuel Hill of B. T ^Gillette Spades from Hamilton along with son. Mrs. Winnie L. HUI: Train­ be presented at the City Auditorium Margie Williams and George Shiv- W.? Lilly Parker is worried tliough. the third place "StariighU". From ing ol Officers, Mrs. W. A. Johnson: BLUE BLADII May 1. ‘rs, Ursurla Joseph and Paul Bur­ Fred Gaither has added another IN NANOr DISPINStH Manassas came the Nobhs Quintet Tile Church Library and Recreation rows. Maxine Bell with her fantas­ ttir in his cap winning dance con­ The show is divided into four and the Duchesses, and from Mel­ Mrs Rachel Carhee. Mrs. J. H viedileh tic way of throwing cotton panto­ test at (Melrsee) senior dame which parts. Each part will deal with in­ rose came a dance group, led by Miss Roland will siiow tlie film This is mimed the Theresa Brewer record­ nearly ended him being mobbed by omportMMf terpretations of some phase of the Delores Pleas, who annexed the sec- Our Road." Worship will be pre­ ing of "Bow Weevil." all the chicks. current tastes in music, and will Among the soloists of the day were ond place position. sented by Miss Loui-e Lybahi and rangeTroh vwarsnd dance inter­ i The show, sponsored by the Ma­ Bonnie K. Riley and Margaret Cloyd Cody, whj; the sudden her committee The iMiblie As tn* nassas Senior class, entertained a pretations of classical compositions White, who sang. ‘Are You Satis- I change? You don’t appear tn the vited. *8 to the treatment for the rhythm, fietr gnd Need Your packed house, news anymore? Mrs Winnie Foster Hill is chair- and blues now currently popular. . Bad.. STAG* SOCIAL CLUB The Ballet will consist of at least' ^rte Mont- There is a new social club organ­ It is rumored that Williametta 200 Washingtonians. N. D Williams k’omery and Arvella Byrd who «ng ized in South Memphis is, it is the Joyner is looking for a boyfriend. Slag Social Club. It was organized I see Wiley Johnson has been seen 1s1« serving.Ain, as»« coordinatorrnnrrtin.tnr and.nd MissMi« |! 'ucfe9siul Eddie My Love . The frequently at BTW lately. I also vis­ trios were: Charlie Mae Evans, Jean with nine members and it now has Maynetta Sims, a former student at 12 members. President Rozel) ualize that he is walking Carole Washington High, directing the | White and Nokomis Johnson sing­ Hughes; vice-president, Morris Hooks every evening - dance routines ing "Seven Day" and Hattie Standl- ler, Daisy effries and Moses Small Clark; secretary, Nokomis Johnson; and financial secretary, Robert Whl- George LeSure. how. did you man­ Other members of the Ballet doing "This Is My Love Story." age to keep your romance with Jen­ IN RECITAL TONIGHT — Betty | taker; treasurer, Charles Green; committee include: Miss D. E. Todd. "Pleading for Love" was Barbara nie Shstfon a secret for such a long Allen, young mezzo soprano who was I chaplain, Alex Perry' business Mrs. Myrtle White. Mr. Fred Jor­ Oriffin who received a big round of time? featured in IeMoyne College con­ dan, Mrs. O'Neal Holly. Mrs. Mabel . applause as she finished her solo. manager, Ferrell Harris; reporter, cert aeries last year and who re­ Jenkins, Miss D. Stockton. Mr. El- Theodore Strong did an'interpreta- Charles Brown, and publicity chair- Annora Goodman, what is going cently returned a successful Éuro- man. Melvin Woodruff; sergeant-at- vin Pender. Mr. W. T. McDaniel. Mr. tion of “Lonely Blues” on the Har- |on between you and H. M.? I often liean tour, will be presented in re­ I arms, Joe Freeman. We are looking 1 Charles Tarpley, Mrs. Catherine monica. see you talking on the stairs cital tonight (Friday) in LeMoyne's forward to hearing more from this (Johnson, Mrs. Lula Pope. Mrs. Ann An unusual feature of the day Lucille Banks and Willie Wells C. Artlvn Bruce Hall at 8 P M. un­ ■ Benson, Miss Gloria Callian. Mr. L. was a student dance by Celetia «mcifll club. ' are lovers of the year, one isn't hap­ der the auspicies of the Memphis i H. Griffin. Mrs. Leila Rinehart. Mrs. Hampton, featuring her in the cli­ COMING ATTRACTIONS py until th«- other is near Tuskegee Alumni Club max of the dance, drinking a glass Washington Annual Ballet on of water while doing the back bend. ’ May 1 at City Auditorium. The climaxing number was “Why | The Jokers anniversary on April I Do Fools Pall In Love," by a sex­ 2«. tette from tire 1-11A grade. Re­ City-Wide Talent Show, featuring UIISH-BONE marks were bv our own Prof Blair Lots Towles, at City Auditorium on T Hunt. 1 Tuesday, April 24. BTW TO PARTICIPATE IN The Las Ruberettas Social Club CITY-WIDE TALENT SHOW 1 k presenting a "Waist-Line" Hop. ñr AT CITY AUDITORIUM .Friday, April 27, at 1140 Celia at 8 APRIL «4 p. m. GREATEST PALMIST Joseph Jackson. Jurrror of Wash- 1 On April 23 at Club Ebony stars « i of the rhvthm and blues world will I be in action. There will be; Fats Domino. The Cadillacs. The Tur- Nins, Little Richard. Little Willie ■ I John. Ruth Brown. The Colvers and Th« Madam Bell that you all know who stayed at the tiny other ton performers in that Mississippi State Line for years, will not be reading for field i The Morehouse Col'ev» G'ee Club awhile Due to bad weather she is unable to complete coo- onducte^ by Wendell Whalum will be nresen'ed at the Metropolitan itrvdion of Home. Don't be misleadl Madam Bell has no B?"ti«f Church on Aoril 20 Xliss Bettv Allan noted mezzo so- daughter or sister reading under her namel There will be nrano, will b“ nre'entod in rec'tal I here next Friday. AdtU 20 at 8:00 no one reading for her until it has boon announced In this \ I to the C. Arthur Bruce Hall on t.h» II *Mnvr>A cTWW|«n»»d the paper! Watch.the MEMPHIS WORLD for notification of re­ j M»-(1r«is.Ti'«ke'-~‘ Alumni Chib. it» (loo tn ttck- n«'n't Ferret T" Aupaert Numl olitili or sumption of readings. Soon as the weather warms up shell UMhf in the Miss Blue Revue

open her new, permanent office. CAMPT’g ROW-WOW UIISH-BONE . Walter McGown. what is this a- bout you loving only Maxine Polk, JBLI¿(N DRESSING I

c Speaks At Rally Attended Minister Named By Over 5,000 Persons Archdeacon For CHICAGO — (ANP) — Roy Wilkins, executive secretary of the NAACP, has urged Negroes to quit the Democratic Party and switqh their allegiance enmasse to the Republican:. Boston Area rs at tiie interracial, all-faiths ral- j lANPi-For the I Wilkins made his exhortation at li' whicHpwaa held in the Chicago ... rot. ,, rally, attended by .some.SJlOO per-. -«j |(tl first time in the history of the ou* , to raise funds and secure sup. ■n/Rev Ralph D Abernathy. Diocwe of Mashaciiuselu. ort for 50.000 Negroes engaged -in vice-prestoent of the Montgomery “‘"WJ*“ been named Archdea- boycott of city buses in Mont- improvement Assn, which is lekd-1^' «« qjnery, Ala ______M Burgesa, Canon of Uie National "We must not ueglect to use thejing^the boycott, gave a report on real weapon avr Jable to us here in1 the history and effects of the move, j Cathedra) in Washington, D C„ and Episcopal Chaplain al Howard Uni­ ne north, poh leal action." said ment. versity since 1948. Wilkins. j "Fifty thousand Negroes are walk- ' Canon Burges, who will assume ____He stated ______that Ijortherii Negroes |n(( wlLli God." he de< lured. "They’re ¡hi* new duties in June, succeeds I annot vote against soutlieni vmv-walking for their health, for rnors, legislators amt members‘ of popularity w tto be difficult mi.,They're „ten Adam* Congress, but. he added: (walking for freedom " «“«wan Bishop of Mas- "We can Imve something to say «,.> Abernathy outlined toe de- '«‘'busette from 1938-54. who recent- bout the party that made mAn(ts which Uie Negrow» made ot re^fd’ new CanoP ippi Senator) BasUand chairman the bun company Burgwi will super vim 1 the I3ih f a committee which can choke ur» Episcopal mivion churchy in the hether we live in Mtssisippi or II-1 1. Courtesy by the drivers to Ne- Ihwion area and administer the mois or Montana." gro passengers 2 A "first-come, i fork of tin Episcopal Cn.v Mlssiou Urging tils audience to "swap the. nrsi -served" system In regard to there known devil iDemocratsi lor tiie sealing on toe buses 3. The em-,.j Born in Grand Rapids,» «a. anMich., h mln >. 1909, Canon Burges* hild* a BA. uspected witch (Republicans!," lie plovment of Negro driver* on pre­ Jininanuy new™ uur» and an LA from tiie University of added that “it could be that the dominantly Negro lines. Swift reaction t<> Wilkins'plea for i dkhlgsn and a BD. horn the riteh . might Just do better ‘ desertion uf the Democratic' Party ! -W opal Theological School In ¡by us.” for Illinois Democratic Con- ¡Cambridge, Mass. Ordamer a dea- "Those who talk about modrratiun11 ame u.hncon in 1934IflQl andunit qa priestrtrtocl inm 1935,)UQ*s heh® nd extremism forget that IL.the pressman, William ...... L. Dawson Negro has always been tiie patient Dawson posed two questions for has served churches in (¡rand Rapids, Mlcii. and in Cincinnati, loderate. He has put his trust in Wilkins Ohio ------' the law. He has waited First, "Was lie, Wilkins, speaking A member of the Bi-Racial Com­ "They say 'Give us time to. work ■WAR ORPHANS' NO MORE—Shown al New York's Idlewild airport shortly after their or hunself personally or did he mittee for Negro Work of tiie Na- TA1R’ EXCHANGE—Two oxchango sludsnts from Africa s arrival, are a group of Korean war orphans, and the new parents who are on hand to greet omething out,' but they never say I ave the permission of tiie board of ional Council of tiie Protestant Gold Coast are greeted by Son. Clinton Anderson ol Now l;ow much ‘time------Most of them mean i “■* —- «-...... — them as they completed the last leg el their journey to America. The children were adopted irectors of the NAACP to speak on Episcopal Church. Canon Burgess is Mexico, as they visited Washington. D. C. recently. The I never' " through the efforts of Hurry Holt, an Oregon fanner, who made a second career of imp­ one of several speak-1 ehalf of the association?" r.iarned and has two children. girls. Hannah Nylander (center) and Margaret Mould, are Wilkms was ing American homes lor war-orphaned Korean children. (Newspress Photo). studying al Western College lor Women at Oxford, Ohm, AME Candidate For Bishopric Mediation Is (Nowsproae Photo). Rabbi Schiff Necessary Says Pledges Support To Ministers Tuskegee Speaker ¡Sunday School Lesson TUSKEGEE —(ANP)—Dr. Hugh Fine Arts Festival Is Will Lecture H. Husey, professor of medicine at a more democratic church In all Georgetown University. Washington, ■ tiie heavenly presence of Jesus, hii PHILADELPHIA -(ANP)- The, - - - « *. - Il 81FFEAISG FOA THE FAITH phases of the parent body.' D. C„ said here that "meditation is ' hearers ebndemned him Rev. J. S Benn. Jr, pastor of Bet­ international durday School He also promised to uphold the tie process out of which creative Featured At Fort Valley j Stephen beame the first Chris­ hel AME Church here, has called . At Hampton Lesson for April 2t, 1958 upon delegates to the denomina- 1 “ dignity of the Christian re­ thinking grows ” MEMORY SELECTION: “Unto you tian martyr, and made the begin­ tion's General Conference, to be | ligion, the salvation of souls the Dr. Hussey was speaking at the FORT VALLEY. Ga The Fine I High School Band, under the di­ « it is given in the behalf of ning of a determined persecution rules and laws in the discipline of V. Roman public health meet- held in Miami/Fla. May 1956, t; ling at Tuskegee which opened the Art* Festival held at Fort Valley j rection of George Adams, present­ HAMPTON, Va -Rabbi Hugo B Christ, not only to believe on of the believers in Jerusalem which th» denomination., and pledged State College April 8-11 embraoed ed a concert. The band was assisted Schiff of Alexandria Virginia, will him, but also o suffet for tils caused them to flee to various parts support him in his bid for the bis­ 41th annual clinic and 38th annua, himself to preserving the creed by the Peach County Training represent The Jewish Chautauqua sake "--Philippian* 1:29. i so that preachers of the new faith hopric neeting of the John A. Andrew music, paint ngs and prints, drama ] enunciated by "the fathers of the rnd the dance The festival is the School Chorus directed by Miss An­ Society as lecturer at the Hamp­ LESSON TEXT: Acts 6: 8-.8; 7: 1 were eventually found everywhere. Clinical Society, In return, the stern-looking, gray­ I AME Church-'God Our Father, equel to the Folk Festival which na Lightfopt. ton Institute from Bunday through 51-tW. Speaking on "Failures in Com­ I Saul subsequently Paul, reared as ing minister, who first announced I Christ Our Redeemer and Man Our Tuesday, April 15-17. • « v • munication," Dr. Hussey said: vas featured at the college for many a strict Pharisee and a rabbi, a 1 Brother.’ " tears. Tiie feature, which will be' During tiie afternoon, the cam­ his candidacy several months ago. "All teaching, whether medical, Six years after the death of Je­ (member of the Sanhedrin, wit­ : Seeking to win one of the five pus viewed a group of paintings On April 15 the rabbi will speak promised, if elected to uphold the ecademic, formal or informal, in­ held annually, is designed to ac­ sus. we find his church still in nessed Stephen’s death, and be­ I seats left vacant by the death of nd prints created by Harold Cureav at chapel at 11 a. m. on the sub- dignity of the church and to work volves more than dispensing infor­ quaint students and the coinumnity | Jerusalem. The great commission-- came a most vigorous exterminator of the college department. Mr J*» -t- p. • of and Not for ministerial security and greater former bishops, the Rev M. Benn mation” with several art media and to poin* to preach to all nations—not yet : of those who confessed the new Apart From.* and that evening at consideration for women ln church i will carry into the election a rich ' He cited four major failures ex­ out how th» arts jierpetuate and been begun. No flaming miasiotmry faith Subsequently, on the road to Cureau explained that “all-of the Vupvrs at 7:0j_p. m. on the sub­ and varied background. He comes wtmn a culture zeal had yet taken possession of Damascus, on one of h s fierce ex- affairs.. _ perienced by teachers: ill failure •natenal on exh bit could be treated ject -The Closing Chapter of Ger­ Under a 10-point platform set from a family of AME preachers Tiie festival began on Sunday the thousands of those who believ­ i peditions., he was converted, be- of the teacher to give accurate in- in innumerable way,. One purpose forth in a recently published pamph I and workers, and hi* two sons were •venlng. Apr:! 8. w ith an organ re­ man Jewry, an Account of Person­ ed In "the way." Suddenly, how­ lirmation; <2» failure in the act of f tliis show is to make the obserV- . coming tiie most famous Christian I let dealing with his candidacy, both educated in the church-re- cital rendtrtd by Leonard R. Ballou al Experience He will also deliver ever. al) this was altered Our les­ 1 missionary. teaching: <3) failures of reception nr conscious of the marty different class .Jocturaa. - '• the Rev. Mr. Benn declared: j teted Wilberforce University His j y the learner, and (4) failure be­ of Alabama State Collie. Mr. Bal­ ways in which a picture might be son explains the process. Tiie efforts of the orthodox Jews : wife, an ardent worker in the lou ojiened with Handel’s Concerto cause of the learner's reaetlon to painted " A Wdlve. Of Germany. Rabbi Just as similar efforts later by Ro­ “I promise if elected: To observe church, is a teacher and musician No 1 a.-, hl* first number This was During these early years, the iwhat is being taught. Schifl cams to the United States man emperors, to stamp out the the rules of the discipline of the I ln the Philadelphia school system jwnw “ ututl“> new Christian faith 'got along” followed with Two Choral Preludes 16 ydars-ago. He is presently hold­ new religious faith by persecution African Methodist Episcopal Church I—Bach, and Prelude in E Minor—' fairly pleasantly with the ulder The Rev Mr. Benn came up mi i — JU er o( the Jewish Chautauqua So­ failed in fact, the result was Just Jewish religion In fact, the apostles to support lerislat-on, giving women Itlirough toe ranks From pastor- ! uHUFCll vSRQS ■ dStOTa Kerb* Following the intermission (Group Says Eastland ciety B^ldent Lectureship in Juda­ the reverse: these activities accel­ greater consideration in the min­ janitor, Bunday School teacher and '..... _ „ , , , ’ the organM plav-d Chorale In A arid converts were nil Jews and , ism at Howard University in Wash­ erated the growth of the new faith Minor—Franck Works of Peet°rs, continued in their allegiance to istry of the church; setting up a superintendent, steward, trustee Outside Of Law The reasons are not difficult to department of lay activities; to Wife To Holy Land ¡Sowande and Vierne completed the I ington. D. C Dr. Schill was a the Temple The new taith was re­ and local preacher, he rose to his I ’ student in pMliHonhv. languages understand - _ ■ c I concert. Masterful techniques and NEW ORLEANS - (ANP) -The garded friendly by the people and support a connectional budget; a present prominence as pastor of 1 LOS ANGELES-(ANP)-Rev and art at the University of Heid­ | general church board, and board artistry were disolaved by Mr. Bal­ t^oulsiana Civil Liberties Union has even nunuenxi some priests id its In tiie first place, persecution Bethel Cornelius Arnold and his wife, Mrs lou in each number to each of wh'ch | elberg. Breslau and Erlangen, 'rknks. but it was strictly a Jew- of education; a general secretary 'barged that Senator Eastland (D» brought a!xiut publlcityk which ad- A successful pastor he has built Alpha Arnold, will soon be on their the audience responded generously, | where he received hs Ph D de­ i Miss.) violated the state constitu­ l isli institution ' vertised the faith Secondly, by ( of the AME Church; half salary as one church renovated two others v a.v to the Holy Land, by way ot gree He Also studied theology and . pension for all tiie general offi-i u,‘' ' Negro Folk Music In Retrospect" j tion when investigators for East- i scattering toe converts, new cen-1I ■------.„„„o,,. „ ( and epaid—» —off• debts —and burned_____ London. Funds for the . trip were was ordained by the Jewish Theo­ Within the early church were | tors ol propaganda «ere estate- "reere- ministerial securiy. a epa - mortiaies of thrf,e por raised by the congregation of the! was disc cased by Mr. Ballou on | 'atid's Senate Ihternal Security logical Seminary at Breslau in Ger­ two groups of Jews Then were the I Willed Then, under trial, the be- jmeiit o f evangelism, beUersupixir now he a(jvoait. 82tid Street Christian Church, of Monday. April 9 He stated that folk subcommittee raided the home of many. Hebii-ws proper, inhabitants of ...... ’he foreign fields;'« reduction which Rev Arnold is pastor music L the genuine expression of I a Negro. liners deieluped great ingenuity ing reform within the church. Rabbi Schiff comes to lf.unpton Palestine, ffadltionaUy keeping the I in the cuuiectlon assessments; a . A writer as well as preacher, he tiie mood, ideas, hope*, or aspira­ The group charged that tiie In­ Institute through the evurteav of and rtsouneiuluiss. Fourthly, the Rev Arnold, a native of Green­ .exclusiveness of their race An­ greater freedom and security for has authored several articles deal­ tions ot a p'siple and that much of ouura/e ot the imtlfful was inten­ wood. Miks , and a minuter for 27 vestigators invaded the home of the Jewish Chautauqua Society of other group ol Jews, hew ever were ministers and their families; and ’ i tiie ii’lk idiom Is lost when com- sified aiui elm it ti ll Finally, it sep­ ing With church reforms t years regards the trip 8s the culmi­ Hunter Pitta ODoll and seized do­ New York, which is sponsored by referred to m Grwlab-. that — . 'a Brotherhood movement, aimed ! i*»ers iilxl arrangers reek to capture arated th- sincere ami imne.-i be­ cuments ui a maimer forbidden by the National Federation ot Temple they were Jews who had lived nation oi his life's work Mrs Ar- i tli* idiom and express it tn classical lievers liian ,tli<- t.„.time-servers ...... _~_and'Romans had treated the Christians at liquidating - some ol tiie m- mold, a teacher hi Los Angeles, ex­ the state constitution. ' Brotiierhoods. Hie Jewish Chau- abroad. fwvpllM, and come in ¡art fotms He said Un' N'tiroes are without distinction oi creed or sect j securities of llif> ministers al id i the hypiientes pects to receive educational benefit* [seekbig to get away from the folksy tauqut .ftciety sends rabbis to col­ contact witn the Gentile world Every state church from the j their families ' through Uie Hobert Moms, subcommittee We should profit by the expert- en- from the trip. lege campuses as part of an educa­ lhe.se were- i'o.imupolltan. bioader times of tiie Christian emperors of ¡actment of a budxel bill, has | in music and literature but that counsel, said at the healings that euet- ut lustmy. praitue tolerance n- tional program to disseminate and readier to mingle with other publishers aie eager for these ex- he had heard that O'Dell was a Constantinople to the times of the ceived i:s support authentic information concerning rvet and avoid seeking to force re- i pressions district organizer fur the Commun­ - - . . . s Russian Gtars and the South Judaism i llzion 8 haff, in His Church His- Says Senator From 1 At noon oh tlx* «econd day; Hunt 1st party. The disturbance came from the I tory. well summarized "All sects, American republics, has more Qr ABOl T KAR1. MARX . Grecian Jews. First, they murmur­ schools and parties, whether re­ less persecuted the dissenters in What manner of man was that S. C. Sings Old Tune Girls In Ccn'esl For ed because the other Jews were ligious or political, when perse- direct violation of the principle and patron saint of the Communist, neglecting their widows in the . cuted. complain of injustice and practice of Christ and the »post les Karl Marx’ Well, Karl was inordl- NEW YORK - (ANP> - South I nately proud of the fact that he handling of charity, claiming that plead for toleration, but few prac- * * * * Carolina’* new Senator, Thomas A Telephone Operators the widows of the Hebrews proper tire it when in power -These comments are based on had an unusually large head. One Wofford. Democrat, wasted no time were being given the preference The Church, after its triumph outlines of the International Sun- * day a friend put on hts hat by mis­ tn declaring his position In the CHICAGO - - Three at­ lay School lessons, copyrighted by take and finding that it fitted, heated controversy over racial In­ tractive Negro girls are among 13 i As a result-t>f this discontent, seven over paganism, for ot this lesson Translations May Move the International Council of Re-I gayly remarked See. Karl, it’s dStcons were appointed, apparent­ I and. for many centuries, treated tegration. eontertUita vyins for the Miss ligiou* Education, t. 8. A., and I just my size!" Appearing on a TV program LONDON, England-iANPt—This bah, pending the offer of three Voice With A Smile" title of the ly all Grecian Jews 'Hie first of : ail Christian heretics as well as “Youth. Wants to Know." Wolford week toe Safuhin Sarbah told a rooms. Illinois Bell Telephone Co. ;these mentioned w.us Stepren, who i Jew,« and Gentiles just as the old used by permission ' Man never spoke to him agaip said the south will use “all legal British magistrate that he could not Sarbah is reported to have told They are Diadra Coleman. Kar- ! not content to serve, preached with means" to block toe Supreme Court live in fewer than four rooms in|the press after the hearing; lene BteVart and Barbara Skinner, , unusual vigor and earnestness, re- ruling against segregation. view of his task of translating the all tefebhone operators In the Chi- ' suiting in toe utter discomfiture | “I shall have to consider and ap- He blames southern “liberals" -__ llJE— bible into tiie Fanti language. Ijeal. I really don't know where I ' of the orthodox Jews who sought who “push us too far" and declar­ be chosen later to argue the cause with him. ed that It will be a long time in­ The statement came in the course cm going to put all my books and this tote of the opera- deed before the racial question is' ^f « case heard before Judge B |1 need them all.' tors. swarded numerous Stephen was hailed before the Dutton Briant when the African's1 [ Sanhedrin, charged with blasphe- settled. Prto* landlord sought to obtain posession > "I could be an old man with a p h I * Soothing Dressing- ' my The adherents of th» j gray beard-or dead. We are a very of the four rooms lie currently oc- U„ Ir?C I BURNS* CHAFE BURNS • ÇHAFE | resourceful people." he said. cupied. Instead the landlord has of- MINOR CUTS i —------, lered only two rooms. Skin Irritations, ■ Judge Briant advanced the opin­

ion that the offer of three rooms - etnouuM JIUT^mut .X Eleanor have been a mote reasonable offer. In fact he ordered possession of the four ro >ms occupied by Mr. Sar-' Write your problem to Eleanor Kortfí Urpd Saw fu(üu(| at ?!• Auburn Ave.. N. F. Clerk to wife of man who is try- ng o na suit; "How does he like ■ it?" , -Lyons In The Saturday Eve­ ning Post.

Dear Eleanor: I would like to become a rtod"' t would also like to know how girls oecome models for pop or cigar­ ettes. etc Please advise. —Elain». Answer: Watch this column next week. I think I can obtain request­ ed information by then

Is it proper to wear gloves with short evening dresses If so. what type of gloves should ft be—lone or short?

Answer: Either long or gloves mav be worn. Tire teug idig- er—free gloye/h «meri. with sheath or full skirted dresses. • ——e G1 TURNCOATS'—Moro than two yean ago. a score of Ameriocm veterans ol the Korean Dear Eleanor: ■ war chose Communism, rather than return to the United States. Sixteen of them are still I wish pen pals girls and boys, in Communist China. Seven of the American “turncoats.'' and one from Scotland, are age 15-lg. I am 1*. weigh 106 lbw shown here for the first tune, in their quarters at the University of Pelan. Left to right and I am in the (th grade. are: Harold Webb. Fort Pierce, Fla.: Andrew Condron, Scotland.' (in roar standing) Morris Please send a snapshot; I will Wills. Fort Ann. N. Yu Richard Cordon. Providence. R. L Clarence Adams. Memphis. Team do likewise. Jjzlt Dunn Baltimore. Md.. Andrew Fortuna, Detroit Mich; and Bill White. Plumerville, Ark. Address: Flora Lawson. 517 10th Street Boo*»' r—m-*—-' ••x The mc admitted that wbai they missed moot b boor. tasobaU and girls. (Newspross Ans^: Write fig» L ••_ i««» I NO st the tuns i « -...... - ...... • ' - ■J

MIMAHÎÎ WOtW-t FriÄy, < Vlaf King Cole Ignores Critics, Continues Tour Of South

I u\ PARIS NOTES My Job To Perform Before » BY CLIFTON g. HARDY PA1RIS - (AN?) - In a blister­ People”, Entertainer Says ing attack on race prejudice and discrimination in the UB A.. Ray­ CHICAGO - (jANP) - Singer Not (King) Coi« wot under edi mond Cartier, in the March 24 is­ 'orial and verbal attacks this week fo'lowina his decision to re sue of MATCH (Fiance's equiva­ >ume his tour of Dixie before segregated audiences lent of America’s LIFE mavar ne) let loose, Inter alia, toe following Cole, who was assaulted and; hich said editoria'I" Thursday: broadside: "ft ill behooves a uh- lightly injured by a group of white | “Wv wonder if Nat Cole shared tlop like the United States, with ten on stage during a sliow last he humiliation of the hundreds of its atrocious treatment ot the Vednesday night in Birmingham, h>s Negro fans who had to stand American Negro to ch'de France la., stopped over in Chicago■ fur utdoois arid wait while whites in- or any other European country uo days f<>r a medical -examination lae yelled “go home N—-f’ and s'vmt it« colonialism. How inn a and rest. , tucked huii as iw performed. nation, whose unpunished, admitted Asked whether lie would cuntibue. "King Cole must remember that murderers walk the streets un­ erforming before Jim Crow aud-1 henever white people iiave so little molested in Alabama and Mississip­ ences in the South Cole said. ppreclation for other human be pi dare talk about the emancl- "Sure I will. Iln not a political* ngs (list they cannot alt tn at Ttt'on of the Bantus and oilier igure or some controversial person udience where there are Negroea. African peoples? To sav tliat such m just an entertainer, and it's my hey are not spiritually attuned to | ob to perform for people,. I ppreemte his musical eftorts. preachments are sheer hwocrlsy “In many way«. 1 may be helpful i “We hope Cole luu learned a les­ would be putting It too mildly. t> bruig harmonious relations be­ son" “Neither tl'.e Civil War. the sup­ tween prople through my music. Irv Kupcinet, popular theatrical pression of slavery, the uower of "The Supreme Court is having a j olumnlst for the Chicago Sun- the federal government nor the ard time integrating schools, so Imea. had tills to say about the in­ Indubitable economic and polit.'cal list chance do I have to integrate cident progreas of the American Neero udieuces?" i Mat (King t Cole's many friends, have been sufficient to aonrecmh'v Cole's statement, circulated na- uhlle grieved by the attack on him reduce, to miv nothin? of wlolne I tonally, drew heated cumment from in Blriuingiiani, were disappointed out, the sconree of dixcrim'nation cores of Negro leaders Uu-ougiiout y his appearances there They’re .all American protestations tc he country. The press also joined v ondeiing why he agreed to appear the contrary. These bald facts are tn b«fore segregated audiences . the prlnclnal rea«ons whv Ameri­ Among the first to blast the sing- Cole previously had always taken a cans, throughout the entire world r was the Chicago Daily Defender. t rong stand against segregation." are generally disliked. Europ«’s answer to a hairehtv rich America is a h'gher intelli­ fTAŒ-MAKERS PART—Dr. Ralph J. Bunch*, (left) Underaectelary ol th» United Natta», gence. Non-Euroo»ans react with NO LAUGHING MATTES—Pictured a lew moment« betare America's Young Ladies a burning antioathy. The Ameri­ he mounted the stag« d the Municipal auditorium in hie «ri» wan Ih» Nobel Peace prise ior hi* role oi mediator In the Palestine striie, bid» cans' stock-in-trade centers around native Birmingham, Ala., famed performer Nat (King) Cole's farewell to U. N. Secretary General Dag Hammarakjold. a* the latter left Now York'« Idi» three points: (1) They are "wh't*" countenance changed to aurprue and hurt a abort time later. Prefer Cotton Wardrobes wild airport on hi« mideast peace mluion Many observen believe that Dr. Bunch« b ta (2) they are “rich" and (3) th*v He was sot upon by three white mon. one a member oil the only diplomat in the world who can g«t the Araba nations and Iaratl to «it together and are the richest of the white«: and White Citizen« Council and dragged across the stage. Only BY LEONARD J. SNYDER prefer cotton for various items I dtauM peace, (Newtpree« Photo). bv these tokens they are the salt the intervention oi police saved the popular singer from fatal WASHIKOTON-(INS)- Ameri­ cited the ease oi laundering as the of the earth. Never, but never injury; but ho »uttered an injured back, and refused to con­ ca's young ladies-aged 14 to 17 - principal reason. For their crino­ could a people be so grievously mis- tinue with the concert despite the pleas d thousands d prefer cotton above all other Lbers line petticoats, many girls said ^ken.1* ¿aloclm, (Nowapress Photo). for their wardrobes they liked cotton because it starch­ es well Durability and styles arid • • ♦ • Marshall To Public Relations Director This is the conclusion of a pre­ colors were also mentioned. Frank Pinder and Bob Kitchen liminary report by toe Department The girls reierred to cotton as Point 4 specialist« stationed in Li­ of Agriculture on "teenage girls "light, cool," or "warm, heavy" de­ beria passing through Paris en- discuss their wardrobes and their pending on whether they were giv­ Be Lincoln On 3-Week Southwest Tour toute to a Far Eastern conference atltudes toward cotton and other ing their reasons for summer or on American overseas programs. TALLADEGA. Ala -June» O I Come High school, Fort Worth; fibers’.- winter wear The general appear­ • • • • .lullin, Public Relations Director, ■ May 14-^-PhyIlls Wheatley and « • ♦ • ance of cotton clothes were de­ Frank Snowden, cultural atteche Should Apply To V. A. Panel Member 'alladega College Alabama, will re­ Book.-r T. Washington High School«, The report was based on infor­ scribed as 'neat.' 'cnsp,' or 'nice, Houston, Texas; May 2nd—John to the American Embassy in Rom« mit pro'pective students for Tul- mation collected by audits and sur­ pretty, good looking.' Yates High Bchool. Houston and here for a few davs. Snowden, who Veterans ui rural areas seeking • low-up may be made and a pri­ LINCOLN UNIVERSITY, Pa.- . adega College lu tlx foUuwuig veys company of New York, which • • »« Thurgood Marshall. Chief Counsel | Central High Bchool, OalveatoO, is doing a whale of a fob in his ca­ I Gl home loans who are turned down outhwest cities April 18—May 8. ority established for the individual was under contract with the De­ Many of the girls questioned said Texas, May 4th-6th-Laka Charite; pacity, is the Howard "U" prof by local lenders should apply di­ for tiie NAACP and three other Lin-1 956; April 18th Booker T. Wash- veteran. partment The firm interviewed they preferred cotton clothes be­ May Ith-Booker T. Washington, whose race was brought into ques­ rect to Veterans Administration re­ coin alumni prominent in civil. ngton and Douglas High Schools; Should the VHMCP committee 1,751 girls who were said to be ■'re­ cause they didn't cling while a McDonogh No. 35, and L. B. US« tion at the time of his appoint­ rights court cases, will present a i \pril 19th -Hamilton a^id Melrose gional offices rather than to Vol­ be unable to provide regular Off presentative of all girls in the U special appeal of cotton for rain­ dry High Schools, New OrMot, ment. Asked if she knew Snowden panel "Report to tiie Nitaon" on de­ High Schools. Memphis, Tennessee; untary Home Mortgage Credit Pro­ ' financing for homes from private S." in the 14-U>-17 age group. wear vm> that cotton raincoats segregation on the unflie feature Louisiana; May 8th—Walter Cohen, was a Negro. Ambassador Clare grain I VHMCP> regional commit­ April 2th-Hor«ce Mann »nd Dun­ ' lenders, .the veterans then can ap­ Cotton ranked first in preference can be worn lor both rainy and dry Joeeph 8. Clark, Senior and An­ Booth Luce replied: “Is he quali­ of the Lincoln University Commen­ bar High Schools, Little Rock, Ar­ tees, VA announced today. ply to VA ¿or a direct government for summer skirt« and dresses, wear and do not look like raincoats. drew J Bell Hjh School*, New Or* fied?" Snowden got the job cement Exercises, scheduled for kansas, April 23rd, Mt. Nehu H'gli This suggestion is made, VA said, ban winter und summer skirts and • - ' ■ ■ ' » / ’ leans. • • • • »•It June 5 School. Monroe and Boley High 1 In order to speed up direct VA , Loans secured from private lend- dresses winter and summer blouses, TALLADEGA DEBATOM School, West Monro», Louisian»; Josephine Baker, the "darling" of loan processing and to set up a era through the facilities of VHMCP winter dresses for everyday wear, The report said that summer President Horace Mann Bond an­ IN ACTION Paris doing her "swan” song be­ 'Jril 24th; Booker T. Washington I priority system for veterans who regional committees will be guar- pajamas ahorta, slacks, sports jac­ clothes «bout two out of 10 own­ nounced that the other members fore packed houses at Paris' Olym­ ers of dreasup dresses named rayon Higii Schoo). Shreveport, Louisiana The Talladega College Debaters are unable to aecure VA-guaran- ; anteed loans bearing the same In­ kets, and anklets of the panel, whose general title is and H B Pemberton High School, cliallenged the Fort Valley State pia Music Hall. Her three weeks 1 teed loans from private lenders terest rate as VA direct loans - • ♦ • • i acetate as a fiber they had and “Perfecting the American Demo­ engagement is Just about over, af- Maishall, Texas. April 25th. tin-1 College Delators April 13, al Fort 4 1-2 |>er cent per annum Wool was the leading fiber In ! almost two owners in 10 wild they cracy," will be Franklin H Williams, At which Josephine hag decided. through VHMCP. Pacific Coast Representative, Cla­ met Scott Hi«h School. Tyler, Texas; Valle;, Gs Remaining debate* ftt Wo call it quits All'Paris is en-1 Previously, veterans seeking OI whiter skirts and."dreiaup dws- had skirLs or dresaup dresses of Recently, VA took another Im­ ' linen. Rayon and acetate were com- April 26th- Booher T Washington •he school yter are scheduled with loans were being referred direct to es, and for coats. rence Mitchell, Director oi tiie and Lincoln Huff ScInoIs, Dallas. treating' her to keep on, but their | portant step m speeding up the DUIaiM tNuverrtty, April II. at Til­ VHMCP regional committees so Nylon was first for dress length L.ned in the stuily be enure few Washington Bureau and Robert L pleas are falmig upon deaf ears ! process ol getting mortgage finan­ IVxib; April 27U1—I M. Terrell, lite' a College and Fon Valley State tlu’t these I'Hiinutteefi might lie slips, with a cotton a cluse, mid lor 1 xirU seemed to know the difference Carter, Assistant to the Chief Coun- mid M L Klrkudrtek High School« I College, ?’*1| 26, also at the Aia< Says “Jo"; I want to bow out at' cing fur veterans living in iurJ able to assist in securing private “standout peltiuiate. Detueen Uie two tioers. «aid the .rel. All are giaduatet of Lincoln the top of my career, while the bort Worth, Texas, April 3th-I twin» college . "•I mortgage financing for World areas by cutting the time for re­ The survey indicates that pre­ report. ' University, and officials of the NAA. applause Is still ringing in my ears." I War n and Korean conflict period ferring direct loans applications to ference« are consistent with actual • • • • CP Plans to devote her hie to bruis­ i veterans living in remote areas and VHMCP regional committees purchases inasmuch as the prefer­ Ten limes as many gull seid they ing up her family of adopted kid- Tiie gtaduating siieakers who small communities. These committees now have 20 red fibers and the predominant slept in cotton pa lama.« while eith­ Iles. wnventionslly represent tiie College The Week In Records working days instead of 45 calen­ one« in the girls' wardrobe» were er rayon acetate or nylon pajamas » • » • Veterans, applying to VA. will be i nd Seminary division ol.tbe Uni­ sent a VHMCP home loan appli­ dar days, as was the previous pro­ much the same. , were next In preference. BV ALBERT ANDERSON many. Weet Germany has always Marcella Bryant, Chicago's gift versity will^llkewlse, adapt their re-1 cation. VA then will put their cedure. in which to secure loan Girl» who were asked why they marks to the general theme An in-' FOR ANP favored svncooat“d music, and the to the American Dnbassy. testing i commitments from private lenders. Among owners of multipurpose names on a register so that a fol- i . . I terracinl "team” of Lincoln theolo­ 78 RPM BOWING OFT? , presence ol American GTs is help­ for New York aboard the 8. 8. coats, cotton was named by three | gical. students recently returned ing to make them nware of lt| «0* America: her two year tour of duty in 19 and wool and rayon acetate by 750.6 second place Xavier third Horn a "Mission of Reconciliation” More and more the old time re- tertalnment virtues RereMly it 1« otwr. Expects to be re-assigned about one in to. Seventeen per cord with 78 revolutions per minute I place Prairie View to Southern white and Negro rol- reported Eari Germany, which al­ here in June. Bon voyage and good cent of (lie girls said they didn't Die one music lovers have been I Pole Vault wUuiei Ray, Tex Sou- ways called Jazz "decadent Ameri­ luck. Philander Smith, TSU I them 12’ second place Templeton know what fabric their innltipur- playing for the past 50 years, is 4 can Music;" si-ems to have capita- [kvc coate were made from wlule bowing out bi the’picture. Colum­ ! (PV) tlilrd place Douglas rt said llrat in ex- Business Week Survey Smash PV Relays Marks 4 28.6 second place Harris . vers» side 1« "Friendship Ring " the dozen songs on two iMm in radiant beauty. Begin now to ■vont the Cross Country Race in 20 100 Yard Dash Winner Etienne "Just a Rose Will Do" bv The Newton Kook, president of Dant beautiful fashion. have lighter, smoother, softer .mutes; 22.8 seconds. In other Orambling dl'tance 010.1, second Smith Brothers, “Rock Island Line" Distillers Co., pointed out that looking Bkin! Uae Black and rack event', Etienne of Grambling place J. Baker, (HTi Third place "■ M"n-ill Moore backed up by Clif- what Business Week termed "» ! White Bleaching Cream as College won the 100 Yard Dash in Brown (T8). fle 8tone’s -c-dlMtra are other modest Man healthy gain" for J. W. Dant oc­ directed. Its bleaching action .0.1 seconds; Harry of avier was first Capitol release tills week. .n the 445 Yard Dash in 48.6 seconds 400 Yard Dash winner Harry, Xa­ curred to a year when natlnna' ?Butch stood before the BU . no faster method of lighten­ Prairie View led in other, field 'PV). " . • of Dent brands Increased from •»M «w mill song are being featured restaurant, smashing the furniture, ing skin. See your complexion nte taking first p’are in the Shot Put winner Heron Tlbtr M0,»10,000003000 003 a year to 19511^51 to th- by King striking the waiter, and reaMtaK take on a nevf beauty glow I Due’ s Throw (149 feet 9 1-2 in.)- Pra'*). «4.6 -"e-nd 8trod nrrent rate of 850,000 (TOO annua’ Illi arrest." He looked up. "Guilty or .--Ute r-M Put <«i,8': and the B «d • I Wir»«» ?••»»' Vr »•» coats. IN CHOICE DOMESTIC WORK SrtM SffnnH •r.Mrwwt R«»HS Domestic jobs from $30-)45 a week, plus room ar M TmHlMf ItahawliMr •DEATH MARCH ------u J . Cotton, pylon and wool were th» Orinai Un »r r«m'h Trwikk»« Wwlr BrooHm N- Y. *» »howa fa “ ta read« a totegraa 'bera most frequently mentioned and boardl W» advance trahtportation. Better •• Mkr mere Rrtr’iwrk- SwMM »» informing her d her m Leroy'» “•* m-nt rart««»" I« (IM 'or anklets or bobby scks, with cot pay, fine fomilie», churche» near-byl Rrr» lr ».»«rrfrl »TW« W • nati» • Mr W«W Wtr * m »VIX (ktf h «Hr Marin»« drowned m a rwamp near Portia laland, S. U. aar» I m far in the lead. Write today for YOUR job in Now York •nr (Iw«m4< «• Rw RmsM** mq an unauthoruod night hike. Drill instructor. S/Sgt. Mat­ - - (top* S-17 ?» ( Ht» tH» k*'ir< »«W «&4 »• thew a Mcleon d Worcester, Ma«., who or

k fr I £ Six Tilts Slated By Semi Pro League For Weekend* I

I Grambling College Choir Slated At Six Semi Pro Games Along The LeMoyne Tuesday 4 LeMoyne College will present Grambiing College choir ot Gamb­ Slated For Weekend ling, Louisiana in a concert in C. Arthur Bruce Hall at 8:33 p. in. The Semi Pro Basebell League day and Thursday the Carriers will on April 24. This presentation is a has carded six weekend game* to meet St. Augustine! Sports Trail part of the College's Annual Spring be played at Klondyke. Lincoln and | The league met Tuesday at the Festival, which began on April 16 □range Mound parks. Abe 8charff YMCA with.more than and will continue through April 27; Opening the horeehide parade 50 present. The rules ano consti­ All the events during the Festival, Saturday win be Hunter Fan Vs. tution were discussed and will be is­ BY SAM BROWN including this concert are free and the Hyde' Pitrit Indians and the sued at the next meeting. open to the public. Memphis Black Caps vs. Memphis A league schedule and division The thirty-six, voice Grambling Trojans at 2 and 4 P. M. at Klon­ team quota will biyannouieed short­ Choir is under the direction ol dyke. ly. L. Lusk. At 2 P. M. on the Orange Mound To be eligible for league pl-;, a.l The Memphis Red Sox will show local fans a preview of the field the Ellendale nine will take on teams must be entered by' l'ucsday, 1956 team Sunday when they meet lhe Birmingham Gianls in the Hardwood team while at 4 P. M. April 24. 32 tmus are now entered^ an exhibition game at Martin Stadium. Accord, g Io rzportj a it Lincoln park the Dodgers will1 in the leag_. 'ace the Leiter Carriers. In recent exhibition games, the latge number of new players will be seen in ihe Red Sox lineup. Burr Brundage Games set for next week include Letter Carriers dropped one and ,he Letter Carriers vs. Booker Wash- I won-^wo by losing to St Augurtine Manager Homer i Goose, Curry the city and the semi-pro league, . ngton at Lincoln 4 P. M. Tuesday, 2 to’ 1 and taking the Hardvood the team skipper was enthusiastic ue recall several phone calls, let­ At Atlanta Univ. F lie Gems vs. the Magnolia Eagles Stars Jmd Hooker Washington War­ in talking about the team, adding ters and message* that have come I the same time and place Wednes- riors 10 to 8 and 2 to 1 respectively. that speed will be emphasized. Main to our desk in response to the story Two contemporary views of his­ I A . of the youngsters are making then In this space a few weeks ago. in tory were contrasted with the DOUGLASS GYM DEDICATION PRINCIPALS — cenunissioner of finance and institutions; Eorne*- tegarils to the laol* of emphasis on first try in fast company and have Biblical view of history by Dr. Burr 1 Persons playing key roles in the dedication of f t e Kodgers, yiudent council president; Mrs. been working hard to earn a regu­ baseball by lhe City Frep League of C. Brundage, professor of history the new Douglass school gymnasium last Sunday illondole Cross, Douglass P-TA president, and lar berth. Most of them have had the schools. at Cedar Crest College. Allentown. included (L to R) E. C. Stimbert, assistant superin- j Mrs. Fronces Coe, board of education member, Bluff City Press Club To Make experience in semi-pro ball with All oi them were in accord with Pa. Dr. Brundage spoke on His­ te ' local teams and team% in surround­ our views relative to the importance tory and Hope" at the Atlanta tendent of city schools, dedication speaker; 1.1 - ySloff Photo by Tisby) ' ing territory. . . of baseball in the high schools. Two University Arts and Sciences Fo; D. Springer, Douglass principal; Stanley Dillard, Only five regulars from last year's of the coaches stated that they ap­ rim. Debut Sun.; Manley To Install team have reported, although oth­ preciated the story, but could nqt Saying that the two contempor­ The Blufl City Press Club, an press in civic, buainess and edu­ ers are expected to put in their ap­ say Just where the trouble was in ary views, 'the American and the crganiaitlon composed primarily of cational life respectively will be pearance in the next tea bays. regards to the failure of the league Communist, although ;n mortal Negro newspaper, radio and public i James T. Walker, president, Bluff Among those already on hand are to sponsor baseball. conflict politically, were both uto­ relation personnel, will make its j City Council of Civic dubs; C. J. Isiah Harris, one of the team's lead­ One message slated that perhaps I Sunday. April 22, the Tornado will having a dame. Date will be given pian. both based on the philosophy public debut Sunday afternoon, 4 Gaston, ‘executive secretary. Negro ing hurlers: Willie Washington i; enough agitation from, outside that in due time man «11 achieve be at Union Grove Baptist Church. lat°r. p m. at Centenary Methodist Chamber of Commerce and J. D. flashy infielder: Lonnie Harris and sources was brought about more Turrell. Arkansas. Everyone is in-1 Are fined For salvation here on earth Mr Brand Church in its officer installation and Springer. Douglass school principal Willie (Red, Harris, outfielders. consideration would be given to the vited to come out. Rev. Bohomp. Tile1 girls soft ball tournament age pointed out that according to charter presentation program. Appearing as guest musical artists No word has been received.frcm Gil­ ' prep baseball league. AnotUi r stated started Monday. April 16. at 12:15 lhe Biblical view earthly hopes Pastor, Waller Stewart. Sponsor. «ill be the Zeta Phi Beta sorority bert Varona. the colorful Cuban first | that baseball should be emphasized at the Wonder High School. «ere insubstantial and that sal­ Tom Meanley, Press Scimitar re­ ensemble. Mrs. Turner, son and grandson are 1 The 3rd grade of Wonder High Molesting baseman although lie is expected along witfl the other sports, such as vation was personal, not a question porter and chairman of the 30 Press I visiting her from Saganaw, Michi­ 1 School are presenting lhe operetta Officers to be installed: Moses J to report later. tootball, jrack'and basketball. ot an improved social order. FLORENCE. Ala. -:.a — Jonnie Mae Dorris; Judge Thomas T. Roberta of J. Robt. Bradley, Noted Singer, consideration, and if it is too late The Birmingham Giants, formerly descendants. The Communist an­ Old Woman 0. T. Stokes; Cook municipal court told them: the Birmingham Black Barons, have lor this season, to br regdy (or swer is that the individual should Sunday, April 29. the Lake Grove Olli«' Mae Tate: Kitchan Boy — “Because of the nature of the been working out at Martin Stadium ; league action next year. accept with good will the guidance Church of Proctor. Arkansas is hav­ I’lcz McClinton; Prince Charming - times, this is a very serious offense We congratulate the Booker T. In Hometown Recital April 29 during the past few days. Manager of the party, for it atone has the ing their Annual Rally. The benefit Cleophus Arm field. and you should realize the serious­ Jim Canady of the Giants also, has ¡Washington high school for their future good of mankind at heart. of this roll is to buy robes for the PLACE — Wonder High School ness of it. A Memphian who made his first. fellow program by Miss Lucy E. a number of new players in addition tine fam. as well as St. Augustine. The Biblical h storian, according choir. Everyone is invited. Rev. Mill- Gym; TIME — 7:30 P. M.:~Admis- “The colored people of this town , | Campbell, retired teacher, noted to lhe several regular« from last We are sure the boys appreciate the to Dr. Brundage, says that the in­ er. pastor. sion — 15c and 25c. public appearance as a singer at a give us less trouble than you teen­ song writer and muMc leader of the year. Hr keeps his buys hust'ing ! el forts being’made to give them a dividual's role is to accept the The Junior Class is planning on Sponsors are: Mrs. M. A. Boyce. tender age in 1933 and whose career agers.” ; P.aptist churib group, and who made during their workouts, and statrd I chance to play baseball. As we men- »«•» has been steadily ascending« since sovereignty of God and to trans­ i his first public appearance in W33 that all positions on the team are ticir.d before, most of the schools. I his professional debut in Londan late God s will into his present IKE'S PLACE i England i in 1955 will be presented; singing two songs written by Miss ■till open. ' arc w ithin close proximity of manv deeds, giving no heed to theories EFFORTS SITPORWD Campbell, will be presented by Miss Several youngsters from the vari­ of the city owned playgrounds and ' iii a hometown rectlal Sunday af­ of the future WASHINGTON • - The Campbell April 29. 3:30 p. m. in ous high schools and players in the baseball diamonds, which can afford ternoon, April 29. American Ur ion pledged support city Semi-Pro League ha ve bee n them a place to practice and even J. Robert Bradiv... the Memphian South Hall of Ellis auditorium un- Wednesday for President Eisen­ I der the sponsorship of the River- working out with both teams Many play some of their games I « ho was “discovered" at G o o d - Smith Speaker hower's peace efforts. Martin Stadium is available with side Baptist Association and the of them are anxious to get a chance The Legion's national command­ to play in the Negro American only a small charge tor games when Musolit Clef club. v Lauds Tar Heel er. J. Addington Wagner, told the league. Managers Curry and Can­ an admission «ill be charged. The Bradley, who has sung at every President that the Legion "appre­ ady are giving the youngsters a 1 boys deserve it. the f»ns will appre- i National .Baptist lUSA) Conven-■ CHARLOTTE. N. C -A Tar Heel ciates that none oi our men are [lion annual mAe'tlnc for the past” good chance to make the teams. ; late it. and thé many far reach­ 1 “«ho truly considered himself to be now engaged in war. NEWS SPOTS In speaking of the youngsters ing benefits to be gained warrants brothers keeper" was honored by ll. years weiit to London in 1952 for from lhe various high schools of lit , i Johnson C. Smith University at the further study and there in London's F.oyal Festival Hall on July 17.1955. x «9th Founder's Dav exercises recent- FIVE DEAD IN C HICAGO SLI MS made his professional debut. i The exercises honored James B CHICAGO - - Discovery Patrons tickets for the Bradley Morehouse College Choir Duke for his contribution to the Awarded $2 In of five bodies in two days in a recital are $1 and *1^5 at the door University Endowment Fund in 1924 Skid Row Chicago hotel prompted For ticket sale Information call JA Mayor Phil Ven Every. University an investigation by pdllce Wednes­ .1-0634 or JA. 7-9025. Slated In City Tonight President Dr. Hardy Liston, and dig-1 day into the mysterious deatiis. nitar es of the school heard John Homicide Detectives said three Pi ul Luca, Jr., vice president and di- men were found dead in their The "Morehouse College Glee Club gagcment. since Its appearance here I rectoi of public relations of the Duke rooms Wednesday and two others of Atlana frill appear at the Met­ two years ago. Power Co., tell a sizeable audience, were found Tuesday. They said the ropolitan Baptist Church Walker Memphians will be intersted to ' While honoring his memory we hotel showed sigw ot a drunken at McDowell, on Friday. April 20 know that the conductor of this may at 'he same time challenge LITTLE ROCK. Aik. .-(ANP>- J brawl but that there were no marks at 8:30 p. m. talented group is Memphin' own someone here to ereater accomplish, An all-white jury here awarded a of violence on the bodies. This popular group, which tours Wendell Whalum. Mr. Whalum is ment, greatre dedication and greater *2 judgment to a Negro man who Autopsies were1 ordered to deter­ I the country annually and charms g graduate of the Booker Washing­ ftencroslt yof rpiit " filed a $50.000 damages suit against mine the exact cause of death. 5 DOUBLE ACTION thousands of music lovers with ton High School here and received Dr. L ston presided at the exercise a Little Rock city detective and a • • • • /COLORS GMT UNI WŒ their singing, is being presented by -his BA degree at Morehouse. He and introduced the mairx. Breaker. cafe owner for allegedly beating POLIO SHOTS ON the Rebecca Club in a return en- I holds the masters degree in music ,Mi Lucas. Dr. Thomas A. Jenkins, Î2IMESSES HAIIIHWO him. THE INCREASE •< vice president of the Mecklenburg Thirel Lowe. 41, was awarded WASFUNGTOi4_- (INS) - The Christian Ministers Assocition, offer­ that much as punitive and com­ Public Health Service Wednesday ed the prayer and benediction. Greet pensatory damages from Det. Sgt. announced the release of an addi­ i'ngs «ere brought bv Mavor Phil of the department. The jury’ held in tional 703 08» cubic centimeters of Van Every; Doland E Erwin, preoi- favor of J. L. Angel, the cafe owner. polio vaccine produced by the Pit­ d^n of jc Sm'th University Stu­ Lowe's attorneys Fred A. Newth man-Moore Company. dent Council: Mr« Evelvn H Max­ and Kenneth coffelt, charged that States and territories will ’ re­ £NJOT UTMOST SHAVING well. Eecietarv of tiie General Alum- the officer beat their client Feb. ceive all but 406 oc's of the vac- ”i Association: and Dr. Jbhn M. Ga. EASE AND CONVENIENCE 17. 1964. because Lowe had, testi­ cine set aside for export to for- sen. Secretary-Treasurer of the fied against one of Angel's em­ eign nations. M,'?rd of Trustees The university The Public Health Service said choir a"d the J A Grimes Philha'- ployes in a murder case. The cafe owner denied he ever this brings to 47.126829 cc's monic Chorus fumi-hed the music the Gillette spoke to Lowe. The officer testi­ supply of the vaccine made avail­ Svper-Spe^d RAZOR and music education from Colum­ fied he slapped Lowe when the lat­ able for public use. bia University, New York. EYES CAREER - Horry Compbell, former Memphian now ter refused » name other witness­ Included in the personnel of the es to a slaying involving Angel's of Detroit (Mich.), dn a visit here this week said he is being urged Glee Club is another Memphian employe. I Gene Washburn, a recent graduate by friends and serioinly considering to take up a pro boxing Defense attorneys charged Lowe ol Booker T Washington High career on the strength of his showings os on amateur boxer. was trying to ret personal publicity School. Compbell, a former student at Douglass high school who was •out of the suit. They asked the Persons interested in patrona pri­ graduated from Detroit's Coss Tech, started boxing o$ a bantam jury to award Lowe a penny. vileges may- contact any member weight in the local Tri State Tournament where he fought one as of the Rebecca Club. a semi finalist and three times as a finalist and has greatly im­ Mrs. D. M. Small. Mrs. Katie Harris, Mrs. Thelma Whalum is presi­ and Mrs. V. J. Powell dent of the duo. Rev. 6. A. Owen pressed boxing observers in his Tennessee, Detroit ond notional The bovs softball tournament Golden Gloves bouts. The former Memphion, now fighting as a is pastor of the church. tided Friday. April 13. The Junior FOR THE BEST DEAL IN: and on Olympic prospect for 1956, states thot in lieu Class is the champs for ’55 and '56. - TEXAS WILL GET of a pro boxing career he would like to enter the University of Two years straight th°y have b-en A NEW STAMP Michigan. - (Staff Photo by Zannie Jones) 'Tuunpions sponsored by Mr. Boyce. WASHINGTON -

/ t ■ ; —r- SPORTS OF Tryouts Set For THE WORLD San Francisco BZ MARION E. JACKSON NEW YORK-

I ■» ■ ■ -to. ¡ » MWHW WOftB e yt», IW f ■

• ------

BY LEOLA GAMMON I tablespoon* «ayunoto» -ST. PETERSBURG, Fla—John H 1-2 rop whipping cream - n* Seethi OldMt ant Laattar Cetared leml-Wrekly Nmpap« lege According to Consumer informat­ Hopkin», principal of the Sixteenth rhe celebration on the campus on Ped the tometoee, cut a amalf • PabHihed by MEMPHIS WORLD PUBLISHING CO. ion from the Agricultural Extension ■very TUESDAY «nd FRIDAY &t 1(4 BEALE—Phone l-MW treet Elementary School in St Zprll 21 will mark the sixty-fourth Service, tomatoes, are more rea­ slice off the stem end, acoop out etersburg, Florida, and an alum­ consecutive year of operation of the sonable in price. pulp, chop and drain. Place toma­ nus of Florida Normal and Indust­ ollege since Ito founding in Jack- Entered to the Poet Offlee at Mrmahl*. Tenn.. 01 t Also among the toes upside down on a plate or rack rial Memorial College, wlH deliver onville as the Florida Baptist Aca- under the Act of CongreH, March 1. 187» '' V ’ A vegetable* in good to drain, sprinkle the gelatine over the Founders’ Day address on the emy in 1892 the cold water, add six tablespoons Member of SCOTT NEW* PIPER SYNDICATE supply now are campus in St. Augustine on Satur­ The occasion will point up the^S- of the hot tomato juice (drained W. A. Scott, II. Fonnder; C. A. Scott, General Manager day, April 21, it was announced to­ carrots, onions, from the pufpt and stir until the day by Dr. R. W. Puryear, president ustrious history of the college from Celery, cabbage Raymond F. TUby Managing Editor gelatin is dissolved. Add the chicken of the college. The exercises will be- to early struggles to maintain a lettuce. Local Mra Rosa Brown Bracy Public Relations and Aovertisint celery, one cup of dice pulp and gta at 10:00 a m. in Heckscher urriculum primarily training ele green, and spin­ K’llllam C. Weathers ...... Circulation Promotion salt and pepper to taste. Mix to­ Gymnatorium. lentary and high school pupils to ach and radishes Is present substantial positions as offer rood values gether lightly. Cool until mixture The MEMPHIS WORLD is an Independent newspaper—non-sectarian Mr. Hopkins completed the two- s fully accredited four-year college. begins to congeal. Fold in the may­ and non-partisan printing news unbiasedly and supporting those things 5 ear course at Florida Normal in and sweet pota­ Noteworthy in review of achieve­ onnaise and whipped cream. Sprin­ U belieres to he of interest to its readers and opposing those things against 1932. received his A.B, degree at toes are still good ments will be the moving of the kle the Inside of the tomatoes with she interest of its readers. Florida A&M University in 1940 shoppers If you college to its present site, known salt; fnr With the chicken mixture SUBSCRIPTION RATE8. s id Master of Arts in Eudcation are t h i n ki n g as the “Old House Plantation" in Year |5.Pj - « Months »3.04 - 3 Months JI M (In Advance) ! / dministration at Columbia Unlver- about entertain- and chill until firm. Serve on let­ e ty, New York, jn 1955. Prior to be- St. Augustine in 1918 and the erec- ng your bridge tuce or other greens and if desired t.on of the buildings necessary for jumlngi principal of the Sixteenth club in the near garnish with parsley. Serves six. Lie expanding program of the if.treet school in St. Petersburg, he future, tomatoes The above recipe is especially school during the presidency of v as principal of the Davis Elemen- filled With chicken mousse would nice with the following menu. Nathan W. Collier; and the great ¡tiry School in the same city. Ac- certainly be a delicious dish to serve gains which have been made both Orange and Gingerale cups t ve in civic affairs. Mr. Hopkin* It uses three of the- plentiful* and l as served on the Banner Survey 1.1 facilities and academic recogni­ Tomatoes Filled With Chicken tion since 1950, during the admlnis- :s ’.ery 1 ttractive ttojL-...... - sponsored by the Urban League, had TOMATOES FILLED WITH''” ’ Monsse One of the outstanding features of this national administra­ < large of the Children’s Service Bu- t ation of Dr. R. W. Puryear, who CHICKEN MOUSSE Potato chips spread with Soften^ tion is its strict adherence to the faith of Democracy in the patterns t ?au in 1945-56. is president of Dis- now serves as president. C tomatoes af o government with the consent of the governed. On Monday t let No. 9 Florida State Teachers Honor will be paid to the tounders ed Cottage Cheese 2 1-2 teaspoon* gelatine Marinated Asparagus President Eisenhower submitted to the Congress a four-point Civil . Association; is chairman of the Ad- of the institution, namely Dr. M. PORTRAIT OF JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, JR. - Miss Kay Joyce Jett, ’‘“'7 .’i!!rihFirostnriIn^’ V/. Oilbert and Rev. J. T. Brown, 1-4 »up told water Olives and Radishes Rights program, emphasizing obedience to court decisions as a lrst and second presidents respec­ 1 cup diced eooktd chicken Hot finger rolls and Butter means of curbing extremists. This proposal was sent to the House Senior from Atlanta, views the huge portrait of John D. Rockefeller, d_>nt of the Sutishlne Bowl amoci». tively; and Miss Sarah A. Blocker, Lettuce or other -reen* Peach Ice Cream 1-4 cup chopped celery * and Senate by Attorney General Herbert Brownell, Jr. Jr. presented to Spelmon College during the 75th anniversary pro- jon, which sponsors annual fir many years a dominant influ- gram. The painting was presented by Lpurance Rockefeller, lhanksgiving Day football games ;ise and much-loved member of the Salt and Pepper Salted Nuts The chief feature of the proposals was the creation of a non­ who, in turn, received a special citation for his father from the 0 help civic and community neds. acuity./s a fitting climax to the I Tea Cake /o / öl- > in May. 1954. he was cited as an xerctoes, wreaths will be placed on Hot Cotfee with whipped cream political commission to study the problem of Civil Rights and chart qe. - (Perry« 0 0 ______utetanding educator and granted I he (traies of Miss Blocker and the This menu will bring rave notices 0 ccurw of progress to guide us in the years ohead. ~ he Nathan W. Collier award for ate Dr. Collier, which are. on the from your many friends and at the e ------meritorious service by Florida Nor- ampls, near Anderson Hall, the ad- Fraternity same t me you will be using food Paramount among these recommendations was the right to lal and Industrial Memorial Col-ministration building. plentiful« from the markets. vote and That security of persons voting be vouchsafed. Immediately upon the submission of these proposals, bills Between The Lines Race Requirement were introduced for the carrying out of the first two proposals. I Three Win NCC Priest In Ohio (Continued From Psge One) The others will of course follow later. BY DEAN GORDON HANCOCK Home Economics The sum total of the proposals would emphasize "Obedience" Racial Issue tore from certain national regula­ tions. to court decisions as a means of curbing "extremists." Parish For Trfie trustees requested specifical­ A ROSE BY ANOTHER NAME being made of the fine school equip- HANOVER. N. H.--(ANP)- The ment that is currently being offer- DURHAM. N. C.--The three win­ ly: The term "extremists" could hardly apply in its strictest sense 1 It ha* been said that a rose by- undergraduate chapter of Phi Stg- another name would be just as ed Negroes in the South. nens of $255 in Home Economics Maximum freedom to the local to those who already feel that the court should be obeyed. While nia Kappa Fraternity at Dart-, sweet. For many months this col-' Little is said of the fight ’that scholarships at North Carolina Col- active chapter membership In mat­ Eighty Years mouth College announced that it there may be those who, being void of patience and would not umn has been debating the wisdom" NAACP has had to put up-to get lege this year were Miss Clarice ters of selection of new members. has ended all ties with its na­ observe the rules of moderation, might be dossed as a bit off the concessions of which the 6outh Parker, Willis High School. Pen’-, To impose no requirements on of »uegestlng another name tor the KENT, Ohio-(AiNP)- The first tional organization because "it is sides in their contention for immediate implementation of an order NAACP. Notwithstanding that the is now wont to boast. The campus- aiclon, N. c„ first prize. $13050; the local chapter by constitution, amj only Negro priest to be Sta- incongruous for any organization name NAACP is a synonym for all ’s of our Negro state colleges an Mlsg Barbara Burket Budkland High rule or ritual which would exact of the court ot the expense of the public peace, these ore far too tioned in Ohio has not only been founded on brotherhood to sanc­ that Is npblest and finest in one 0! lust becoming warden* of beauty ?chobi, Gates. n. C.. second prize, a test of race or creed as qualitA invgnifjtant to rise to the level of a common menace to be com­ fully accepted in this community, tion discrimination on the grounds cation for membership in the fnV the most mavnificent fights for full but it is not always made clear that »75.00: and Miss Annie McAlliser, batted by a presidential order. 1 but for eight years he has served of race, color or creed." American citizenship, it does not these f.11» buildings and their fine B]a(jcn county Training School, ternlty. equipment are the results of the1 as assistant pastor of the local St. The Dartmouth fraternity has re -over the entire caiRiit. of Its use­ Elizabethtown. N. C. third prize, ' On the other hand, extremists ore principally those conspicious 1 fight that the NAACP made lb in­ Patrick pariah. ’ organized on a local basis under No deadline was set for compli­ fulness as a liberatitfi agency. I' $50 00. In.o defiant attitude toward the court's brder. There hove come vigorate the “separate but equal” the name of Phi Tau fraternity. ance however liberation through iconnotes a struggle for full citizen­ He is the Rev. Allen M. Simp­ laws and practices enunciated in The president of the new frater­ "educative processes" was urged. statements and amended sections to state laws almost in hollow­ ship rights and* responsibilities for Miss Velma L. Lowe. Eastman son, a native of Ottumwa, la., and former generations For generations nity, Ronald O. Read, of Dearborn, It was emphasized that for S ing distance of defiance if not the sum total. Negroes, and this is as it should be High School. Enfield, N. C., won a graduate of Trinity College, the separate but equal doctrine re­ But the scope of the organization's honorable mention. Sioux City, la. He took his theo­ Mich.,- said the action was not years the privately-sustained uni­ mained inert with the emphasis The stressing of "Obediencsi' as a means of curbing extrem­ urogram and practices far exceed logical training at Conception Se­ caused by the chapter's desire to versity has followed the dictates placed only upon separ­ The prizes were awarded on the • ’hose of the Negro race. In its in- minary, Missouri. pledge any particular individual. of its chapter that 'no test of re­ ists is rightly in order. There is bn the surface the President s inten­ ate. But the magnificent fight made eptlon It bore directly .on the basis of a competitive examination. "We have felt for a long time ligious faith shall ever be applied tion that the courts be obeyed, that at no time will segments be bv the NAACP eirrglzed the legal iehts and responsibilities of Ne-j In addition to the examination the Ordained by the late Bishop that we should not be restricted as a condition of admission" concept in wavs that have brought tolerated in their unwarranted thrusts in the face of constitued zroes and became an instrument of candidates qualified with a written James A. McFadden in 1946 in St. in any way in choosing our pledg­ Chancellor Chester M. Alter laud­ authority. (heir achievement; tert these ri«hta a great transformationQf N eduin the Pphy- • composition on their academic as­ Columbia’s Cathedral, Youngstown, es. There has been general dissat­ ed the board’s action in setting ?nd responsibilities were so close- ;thf Bu, ,he 0]d , pirations. Ohio, Father Simpson shortly ’Af­ isfaction with the policies of the forth its faith and trust in the in­ Those who are acquainted with the record of thi* country in h«hrnm»r«itamSthhdCUrren’ b°aSt ‘S °f thP iine Sch°°1S The NCC HOme Ec°nOmlcS D«' terwards was assigned tr St. Pat­ national fraternity," he skid. tegrity and capacity of fraternal •Is stages of stress and tension will see in the President’s pattern -he strucsle for Negro rights Ï a|£^WWeasis Negro bands are now appear- the Cole assailants were bent on overthrowing authority, of made is proof that further progrest displayed, her hair wa* braided "Not much. Shf was more in-1 iir in Great Brit«>In while English preferred to stay tyie. She's made is in th? offing. And It is vigorous James Church »here Bisho; into pigtails tied with bows of defying the low, and of denying freedom of artistic expression. nils appear here friends, and 1 happen to know terested tn a scheme of het*. You; 'y alleged that if lift alone th- E. C. Hatcher will speak Sunday lark blue ribbon. ’’You didn’t that the hospital has offered her a know, Ann, Pinky has an exagger- j All levels of law enforcement have 0 duty to combine their South will m ike further prop.rest «111 leave next Sunday, April i. Cob at lirst told newsmen he think I’d agree, did you, Adam ?’’ well-paying job as records clerk. ated idea cf my abilities, my fu-' forces to uneatrh all of the circumstances, plotting, an evil plan­ in ad; ¡st-.ng rare relations. Boas’ (or Miami, to set up campat: wanted to continue his shows in the "Well-" • - She loves hqspital work, Adam." ture." ning which provoked this violent, »hocking, disgraceful incident. is oft>n made of .the closing ga) ’ headquarters in his bid for a' Ann stiiiened "What do you ’outh It was later learned that "I wouldn't have,” sht assured Adain sauLnutjiing He supposed between the »durational expendi­ A.\!E bishopric. The AME genera These Insidious groups which thrive on hate and fatten on preju­ everal pro-scvregattop outbursts him, “except that just a night or that Ann had had such an offer, mean by that ?" ,. . tures of white and Negro schools confidence «{1^ open in Miami Ma; "Oh, she sec* me as a bif-ahot dice mv»t never be ollowed to grow strong. They must be checked nade the singer wry on a second two ago, a man was in the hotel but she evidently had turned it And more re? fitly great boast it attempt on his life. and curoed. Action in this direction is needed. —hg asked me what you were do­ down. He picked up the next board. architect, or *omething. ing, If you were still in Santa “Adam, listen to me!" said : ’’She'd got hold of information. j somehow," Adain continued, still I Fe.” Pinky. in that half-proud, haif-deprecat-1 Adam squinted his blue eyes at "I'm listening—but I’ve got to Marches On ing tone, "that the Project ivu go-1 her. "Huh?” work while I do it" She came over to him, and stood Ing* to build something out at Cal A^few days ago a daily newspaper down in the deep South fort “He was down trom Los Ala- very close. He could feel her Tech like the job 1 did up the mos, said you'd worked in making up one of its regimented features, staged 0 symposium with hint warmth. "You're not really dumb, mountain—and Pinky suggested, x *» 1 or for him on the lab up there. — "Who is your favorite hero in history " Adam Laird," she said softly. that 1 try for a berth there, andt Hi* name was Isler." It was highly noticeable that half of those interviewed at "You’d be surprised." go to school while working at it: "I worked lor him," said Adam, Of course, slip h»d me with a de-1 random placed the name of Abrohom Lincoln at their fave-1- She leaned toward him, "You snooting out hl* rule and.bending jkfiew that thw Cal Tech job would Igree in no time at all"’ hero. again to the board which htrwas; bra chance for us." Ann wu seething with rage. She While there were no mention of the freedom of the slaves, mitering. "What'd he want ? Why : He said nothing. 'guessed she knew better han: and the sacrifice of his life to the union, the admission of did he ask you?” "The break has to come, Adam,’’ Pinky Haggard how smart A lam one of the panel that her verdict wos based on Lincoln's rugged "He’d seen us together. Her she persisted. “There's nothing to was, what he could- do in the way voice slurred suggestively, reminis­ be gained by postponing it, for any of a future . . . “Would we , Americanism, was sufficient in the exposure of the sterling quali­ to move to California ?" she ai)B cently. of us.” fies that make Lincoln today still the outstanding. American of all sharply '" Adam would not look at her. He put down his tools, straight­ time. "Yeah?" he said. ened, tipped his hat back and Adam laughed. "It we did H.” Rugged Americanism. Here is a term inquiring into every looked at Pinky. She was stand­ ’•Well, I don’t think we'd »anti "You'll be hearing from him. I ing with her feet a little apart, to move again so soon, Adam, j phase and formula of equality in ingredients and spiritual me told him you were in the book. As her lips and jaw determined. With Where is this Cal Tech, anyway? 1 chanism in whatever is human regardless of exterior modifico tor what he wanted. I think you that look on her face, she was al­ Los .Angeles?" lions and established mores. should listen to him, Adam " most homely. "Near San Francisco. It win Day by day, in spite of those upheavals in all their devastot The whine of the saw silenced "I can’t divorce Ann,” he said only a suggestion. Ann Nq um to| Ing eruptions feelings, the saving power of man's brotherhood to her. He was making the front door firmly. "If t lat's what you mean." get excited." of the house, of diagonally set man and man's accountability for his brother are rising as those "You Can a*'.t her for a divorce." But she was excited. "You've redwood boards. It would be beau­ "1 don’t see how. She's done considered it," she charged. essentials that must emerge if the human race is to survive. tiful when waxed and polished. nothing!" “Well, sure. I consider all ideas. • I So, Lincoln is being declared in ths de-p Sou.hland in this "He says they're going to build "Of course she hasn't done any­ They had reached their own crucial hour of confusion and misunderstanding cs being out­ some sort of lab at Cal Tech—oh. thing. She never would do any­ property, and Ann said to let her standing because of his rugged Americanism, that doctrine that lie didn't really say tab—he called thing!" out at the foot of the drive. Adam come down as bread from heaven to feed famished and deluded it 1 problem. He said bow good “No." said Adam slowly, "she glanced at her sharply, as she you were at grasping technical re­ wouldn’t" stood waiting tot him to drive on. souls. f- FOUNDER'S CITATION-Mo»« H. Kendrix, center, Louneer Pemberton, Dayton (0. Urban League, quirements. It would mean a move Pinky looked at him sharply, "You mad?" As the days grow calmer and men come more and more intc association secretary. The NAMD held its third etiring president of the National Association of to California of course But my saw hl* wistful look tea he thought She shofk her smooth head. •he realization that genuine and intense Americanism is the laeven Market Developers, views citation naming him annual'ionvenlion ot Tennessee A. and I. State idea was, Adam, that you could about his wife. ’’Na’ - ■ that must bo hid in time's "measure of meal", in order that the founder of the marketing group. At left is Jo*- University, Nashville, last week. Kendrix, who worn at that problem, and go to "Look, boy, U ahi * as good an He drove away, aad she went on , storvi poor in spirit, in vision and liberality might onvisicn th -ph Albright, Curtiss Candy Cn-npcny, who wos was the oHOciation » first president, was named »choot, too, study architecture, and all that why in thunder did you up to the house, very thoughtfuL 'TPr*ci£’*! qfKl ? brothtrhood i tlwed nam'd pr»*ident, wÿ* at (ht Wt U swn board ctorm-in, TW ftaM!" ...... iiW ItClto ------..... i.4 v ,
