OtwsMMr »Willi * CttMtncllve Policy PC VOLUM! 14, NUMBER 87 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 195« TWISTER KILLS 22 RESIDENTS GEORGIA LEASES NINE PARKS IN Birmingham Counts Its PRO-SEGREGATION ACTION . Georgia has leased nine state parks to private individuals in Sunday Storm Victims a move to maintain racial segregation, porks director Roy Chalker i said Tuesday. BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (INS) — Twenty-two persons were Chalker said the leases, lor periods of one year, would also known dead and scores of others injured in a tornado which affect economies in the department's operation.- ripped through several communities in the Birmingham, Ala­ MISS JACQl'EUN JOHNSON Leasing of state parks was authorized by the last session area Sunday, causing widespread property damage - “a of the Georgia Legislature to give them a "private" status as a Hie twister lashed by high — — _ possible safeguard against court suits seeking an end to segrega­ winds, rain and hail, roared thru r tion. McDonald's Chapel community, a uburb of Birmingham The spiral ing wind then, cut a distructlve IKE LAUDS swath along, a northeasterly 20- mile path, battering three other small communities in its wake BAPTISTS Last Rites Held For ■4- . MAYORAL CONGRATULATIONS — Shy Cordell congratulations from Mavor Edmund Orgill, left. Communication and poaer lines ; Into Birmingham and the stricken Gentry (center), the Booker Washington high while Wayne Anderson, contest chairman, looks towns were disrupted. FOR STAND school sophomore who was awarded first place on. Cordell, 15, is the sbn of Mrs. Minnie Gentry At Montgomery Highway patrol in the Memphis Advertising Club's essay contest of 258 Waldorf. (Staff Photo by Tisby) 1 'officer, said he lias been in radii on "An America Without Advertising", accepts communication with the stricken NASHVILLE Tenn- <ANPi - ■ ’ areas. President Eisenhower has express- Last rites were held here recently children; Mrs. Anna Johnson of, i He said that mure than loo ?dbis thanks to a group of South­ for the late Mrs Irma Steed, long- Chicago, Mrs. Ora Jefferies of •« houses, plus a school building, were ern”' Baptist leaders, who recently time Memphis resident who passed Kansas City. Mrs. Mary Taylor of blown down by the furious winds urged all Christians, white and Ne­ Wednesday, April 10, at Central Moorehead, Miss., Mrs. puventa i and tornado. •- gro to adopt the Christian spirit iA Jones of Lansing, Mich., sisters. .flpptist Church with the pastor, the race relations Rev. R. D. Morrison, officiating. He said that nine of the twister’s Dr C C Warren of Charlotte. [ Mrs. Steed, of 876 Mississippi Also: Jerry’ Bowie of Lansing victims were dead on arrival at Blvd., the wife of Garrett Steed, John Bowie of Chicago, Murral the Jefferson-Hillman Hospital in N. C. president of the Southern was a native of Port Gibson, but Bowie of Moorehead and Oscat Birmingham. Baptist Convention, said a copy I had resided in Memphis most of Bowie of Lansing, brothers; Mrs He estimated that possibly loo of the resolution, which the group her life. Mary Ann Jackson of Kansas City, persons were Injured passed two weeks ago. was sent to I Among the surviving relatives at­ Mrs. Christine Sanders of Memphis, j the President In Cole Attack tending the funeral were Wllletta Mrs. Bernice Campbell of Toledo 1 AR roads into the stricken areas NORMAN HODGES Mim of Memphis. LaDelle Steed of Ohio, nieces and 11 grandchildren »ere blocked b.v uprooted trees and "The President wrote us u note Memphis. Garrett Steed of Detroit Interment was at Hollywood Cem- other debris, he said, and state of thanks for our willingness to FULLERIGHT SCHOLARS - Ta o ! etery. j highway patrol crews were called Thomss Jefferson Steed of Detroit. aid and do what we could to ease Fiskites, one a professor and the -------------------- —- ---------------------- - i into to open them up again the tensions in the southland,' Two Others Yet To Face other a student, were notified by Warren said the U. S. State Department last u A> i ii 11 He lal<i Alabama Gov Janies week that they had been selected Younf Gir Me d ,E FoUom «« • companv The resolution waa adopted in iwuiig «III iiviu Iof NuUonal 0U8rdsmen I for Fulbright scholarships, one of response to a request front the Ad­ Assault To Murder Charges the most sought scholarships and visory Council for Work with Ne­ In Fatal Slahhin? u‘e vlcUnM of ** Mattered towns BIRMINGHAM, Ala. ■ Four white men who participated in1 probably the most difficult offered. in rdidi oidUDing A report a( McDonBld.s chi|ieI groes. an organization serving va- Miss JacquelUie Johnson, assistant A 15-vear-old girl who fatally the hardest hit town, said the com­ j rious Southern Baptist agencies ; an attack on Negro singer Nat (King) Cole during a concert in professor of music will go to Vienna. stabbed 16-year-old Ruby Lee Price munity looked as if "a giant strode Birmingham, were eoch sentenced Wednesday to 180 doys in Austria for a year of study at the I of 446 Beale last Saturday night throuh it and crushed it beneath jail and fined $100. i I with a six inch knife following an i |>k feet.” Austrain Academy of Music. Nor­ BIKHOF HATCHO ? ' , 1 alleged argument, Was at press time 1 L*. Vinaoh. 25: Orlms Clen- man Hod»es a, senior history ma­ Against Editor being held al Juvenile Court. I Ha said Tour i.uurs aft... the I venger. 18. and Mixr Fax'. 36. »11 - i*? n « r jor at Fisk, will study Internationa) ATLANTA, Oa. - (8N8) - _______ _ _ _______________ _______ ______ ________ [Editors Poll RMtftlPVrtk IWKzMÌi'RNMK' ; According to police the Incident twister hit at 3:16 p. tin. (HST> a el Anniaton and Jesse W Mabry. relations at the London School of Earlier this week attorneys were happened on the Price front porch I steady stream ot victims mauled bj mt Bishop of Tenn.. Ky., and r Economics, University of London. ♦3. of Birmingham, were found Wet Africa will «iieak here Sun­ I authorized to file an answer to a wtu,re Mlss p,.^ Rnd B Rroup Bf (the tornado were still being taken guilty of conspiracy to conunit as­ Gunter Photos. suit claiming libel against C. A voung gpis were gathered. An argu- to the Birmingham hospital day at St Jarnos AMI Church ( Gives Okay sault and battery and disturbing Scott as editor and general manager ment developed and the 15-year-old An official al the hospital said the peace of the Atlanta Daily World. digh school girl stabbed Miss Price that one family .was horribly scaled Birmingham Recorder's Court Virginia Professor Ike’s Farm Veto The suit filed several days ago jin the chest, police said. ¡by boiling water when the twister | Judge Ralph E. Parker fined Clea- Show Goes On | in Fulton County ls being brought |j flattened their home, causing a venger an additional $25 fine in ATLANTA, Oa <8N8' water boiler to explode. Resigns Over StM Approved By In the name of a white woman who Newsweek magazine has asked 100 court costs for carrying concealed An estimated 2.000 perfon«. most.' lives in the northwest section of the I 78 Students Are Another man. g Negro was said of the nation's important editors I brass knuckles. Mabry was ordered ly white, attended a jiow layt night Democrat Gov., city — the Hightower-Baker Road to have been wandering about the to answer the question, "Will Nixon I to pay extra on a charge of refus- at the City Auditorium from which Desegregation Issue area — where have occurred several, Suspended For devastated tovh screaming' •'La- help or hurt Ike?" Their replies. ing to obey an officer.—, • i Nat King Cole was coruplrousli CINCINNATI - (INS) - Presi­ aiARLOTTBSVKja Vt. --vAN demonstrations and bombings of | layette. Lafayette!” m a vain publishFiT Ifi Newsweek's April 23rd j The quartet was in a group ot dent Eisenhower's veto of the | absent. l*i-Dr Douglas Ward, acting deen homes bought by Negroes. It claims i search for his younger brother issue.' reveal that a majority of 58 Farm Bill met the unqualified Consuming Alcohol i six men who rushed tiie stage of loud ovations in the auditorium, of Uie School of Education al the she was damaged and asks $1.000.000 ROSEMONT. PB. - <INB) - Of- 1 editor» feel Nixon will be an asset i the Municipal Auditorium last week which holds over 5.000 people, were approval of Ohio's Democratic 1 The twister struck sj suddenly Uhfrendty of Virginia, resigned because of an article carried in the ficials of Rosemont College dis-. to the Republican ticket, 25 edit- while Cole was giving a concert made to British band leader Ted [ that few were able to reach safety from that imitation test week and Governor Frank '! Lauihe Wed­ World on the bombings last Fcbry close(J Wedne8rtBy that 78’students , ors think Nixon will hurt Ike's liefore an all-white audience of Heath. June Christy and the Four before it was upon them in full > leveled;a blast at the state for its nesday. ar^ , " have been suspended for admltted- ticket, and 17 didn't think It would Freshmen fury. 3.000 In tlie brief melee. Cole was i Dandling ot the school segregation make much difference who ran Asked by newsmen whaf he The suit also claims that the >7 consuming alcoholic beverages knocked down but was uninjured i Mr. Cole had announced earlier I froblan Ambulances and oilier rescue I with President Eisenhower article was carried because of the w,eekM'd in vl^,t10" of : and all six attackers were quickly ¡ill tile day he would not come to I Dr.
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