Creativity & Introversion in Your Birth Chart A Path to Figuring Out How to Make the Most of Your Creative Potential Overview

1. Defining the terms ‘Introvert’ and ‘Creative’ 2. My hypothesis on where introversion + creativity might be found 3. Birth chart examples: a. Famous creative introverts birth charts b. Types of introversion c. Writers d. Visual artists e. Musicians f. Dancers g. Multipassionates Purpose

I believe that the birth chart can help us understand terms like ‘introvert’ and ‘creative’ more deeply.

Introversion and Creativity seem to show up differently in different people, and I’m investigating what the birth chart can tell us about this; how we can each fulfil our creative potential and work with our personality and preferences. Defining Terms Introversion

● The myths and misconceptions of introversion ● What it means to be an introvert ● Carl Jung’s definition and the Myers Briggs Type Indicator ● The Five Factor Model ● Why labels aren’t important Introversion

Definition from the Myers Briggs Foundation:

“I like getting my energy from dealing with the ideas, pictures, memories, and reactions that are inside my head, in my inner world. I often prefer doing things alone or with one or two people I feel comfortable with. I take time to reflect so that I have a clear idea of what I'll be doing when I decide to act. Ideas are almost solid things for me. Sometimes I like the idea of something better than the real thing.” Creativity

● The myths and misconceptions of creativity ● Definitions of creativity ○ Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi ○ Sir Ken Robinson ● Divergent and convergent thinking ● The four stages of creativity Creativity

Definition from Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi:

“Creativity is any act, idea, or product that changes an existing domain, or that transforms an existing domain into a new one.“ Creativity

Definition from Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi:

“Creativity is any act, idea, or product that changes an existing domain, or that transforms an existing domain into a new one.“

Definition from Sir Ken Robinson:

“The process of having original ideas that have value” Creativity Creativity requires our willingness to FAIL Creativity

● The basic natures of the planets (source: Chris Brennan) ● Sun = Emit ● Moon = Receive ● Mercury = Argue/Destabilize ● Venus = Unify/Reconcile ● Mars = Sever/Separate ● Jupiter = Affirm/Stabilize ● Saturn = Reject/Exclude Creativity

● The myths and misconceptions of creativity ● Definitions of creativity ○ Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi ○ Sir Ken Robinson ● Divergent and convergent thinking ● The four stages of creativity Creativity

The four stages of creativity

Perception Conception Expression Reflection Creativity

Perception Conception Expression Reflection

New Moon First Quarter Full Moon Last Quarter The Hypothesis Introversion

The chart structure

● More planets in the lower hemisphere = inwardly oriented, more private

● More planets in the left hand/eastern hemisphere = more independent, self-motivated Introversion

The chart structure

● More planets in the lower hemisphere = inwardly oriented, more private

● More planets in the left hand/eastern hemisphere = more independent, self-motivated Introversion


● No one planet makes you an introvert ● Saturn could indicate restriction ● E.g. Saturn making a square to Mercury ● E.g. Saturn in the first house Introversion


● No one planet makes you an introvert ● Saturn could indicate restriction ● E.g. Saturn making a square to Mercury ● E.g. Saturn in the first house Introversion


● No one planet makes you an introvert ● Saturn could indicate restriction ● E.g. Saturn making a square to Mercury ● E.g. Saturn in the first house Introversion

Signs of the Zodiac

● Yin signs ○ Increased sensitivity (70% of HSPs are introverts) ● Water and Earth signs ○ Water signs in particular were dominant Moon placements in study ○ However, Fire signs could be thought of as introverted Introversion

Quote from Caleb Grayson:

“The introverted signs are Fire and Water and the extroverted ones are Air and Earth. This is of course the Jungian notion of introversion/extroversion. An for example, may seem extroverted because they engage others with themselves, but they are really introverted in that it is their inner self, particularly their feelings, that drive their actions rather than others.” Introversion

Signs of the Zodiac

● Yin signs ○ Increased sensitivity (70% of HSPs are introverts) ● Water and Earth signs ○ Water signs in particular were dominant Moon placements in study ○ However, Fire signs could be thought of as introverted ● Each sign could have an I/E expression Introversion

Quote from Liz Greene:

"The extroverted version of any zodiacal sign tends to express himself out in the world. So the extroverted Aries finds challenges in the world, the extroverted Sagittarian explores the world, the extroverted Pisces projects his visions into the world and so on… The introverted versions of the signs express their natures through an inner reality. So the introverted is spiritually or psychologically ambitious, the introverted Sagittarian travels the boundless leagues of the mind and spirit… and the introverted attempts to order and synthesize himself.” Introversion


● The only House that symbolises the self/personality is the 1st ● Look at the ruler of the 1st House to see what state it’s in ● Look at what House the ruler is in ● You might see significant placements in: ○ The 8th House (propensity to anxiety, a sense of dread) ○ The 12th House (more prone to isolation) Creativity

● The 5th House

○ Imagination, self-expression, play, bringing ideas to life ● The 10th House

○ Creative calling, the compulsion to create, creative ambition ● The 12th House

○ Creativity that comes from spiritual and/or psychological crisis, altered states The Sun

The Creative Spirit, inspiration, the drive to create, ambitious projects, the desire to be seen “To show his work is vital for the artist, the sine qua non of his – Edouard Manet existence.” Edouard Manet The Moon

Creative insight, dreams, intuition, various phases of creativity, incubation, illumination, dissemination of creative ideas “Nature does nothing

without purpose or – Edouard Manet uselessly.” Aristotle Mercury

Convergent thinking, writing, speaking, acting, comedy, teaching, creative technology, making connections “A sense of humour is a sense of proportion.” – Edouard Manet Kahlil Gibran Venus

Fine art, aesthetic work, appeal to the senses, fashion, principles of Gestalt, love songs, poetry “If music be the food of love, play on.” – Edouard Manet William Shakespeare Mars

Physical, energetic performances, dance, martial arts, bakers, iron workers, carpenters “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter – Edouard Manet and bleed.” Ernest Hemingway Jupiter

Divergent thinking, philosophy, philanthropically driven work, large art installations, maximalism “The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom… – Edouard Manet You never know what is enough until you know what is more than enough.” William Blake Saturn

Work created in isolation, creation from suffering, giving the formless form, writers, editors “Life without industry is guilt, and industry without art is – Edouard Manet brutality.” John Ruskin Uranus

Gives work a shock factor, revolutionary work, technical advancement “The truth which makes men free is for

the most part the – Edouard Manet truth which men prefer not to hear.” Herbert Agar Neptune

Work with a dreamlike quality, Surrealism, the absurd, Dadaism “Happiness is not an ideal of reason but of – Edouard Manet imagination.” Immanuel Kant Pluto

Taboo subjects, dark subjects, transformative, powerful work “Though lovers be lost, love shall not; and death shall have – Edouard Manet no dominion.” Dylan Thomas Famous Creative Introverts J.K. Rowling

● Majority of planets in Yin signs

● Stellium in Virgo, ruled by Mercury

● Mercury in it’s own

● Saturn in Pisces (ability to bring form and structure to fantastic ideas) Vincent Van Gogh

rising, Yin-sign dominant

● Venus and Neptune in Pisces (dreamlike quality - paintings did not reflect reality)

● Moon conjunct Jupiter (idealistic quality) W.B. Yeats

● Grand Air trine feat. the Sun, Moon & Saturn (his intellect and ability to communicate ideas brought him success and notoriety)

● Mercury conjunct IC (his writing was heavily influenced by his family - particularly his father - and roots - Ireland)

● Venus conjunct Pluto in 5th house (his obsession with Maud Gonne fuelled his creativity) Creative Introvert Survey Charts Social introverts vs. Hardcore introverts A

● Sun in (doesn’t feel obliged to hang out with others, bored easily)

● Stellium in Scorpio (desire to go deep, rejection of ‘small talk’) P

● Sun/Mercury square Saturn

● Scorpio rising, Mars in 12th house

● Dominance of yin signs

● Self-professed hardcore introvert B

● Jupiter in in 1st house opposing Saturn/Moon

● Saturn/Moon opposing Jupiter in the 1st house (lack of confidence but likes to perform INFJs

Introverted • INtuitive • Feeling • Judging Contemplative visionaries whose creative style is driven by the possibilities they see in people, and fuelled by a rich and complex imagination. N

● Sun and Mercury in Cancer, Moon in Scorpio (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling) C

● Moon conjunct ASC (Intuitive, Feeling)

● Saturn and Mars in Cancer (discerning, Judging) M

● Sun and Mars in Cancer (Feeling)

● Moon in Aquarius (Judging) INFPs

Introverted • INtuitive • Feeling • Perceiving Endlessly curious, these creative types have a vivid imagination. Their work is often autobiographical, and poetic in nature. J

● Stellium in Gemini – desires to keep options open (Perceiving)

● Cancer rising (Introverted, Feeling)

● Mars in Cancer (Intuitive) S

● Moon conjunct ASC (Feeling)

● Jupiter in Pisces square Saturn in Sagittarius (Perceiving) T

● Jupiter in Pisces square Saturn in Sagittarius (Perceiving) INTJs

Introverted • INtuitive • Thinking • Judging Time alone is spent gathering intangible concepts and contemplating, dreaming and visualizing. They compile their discoveries to create surprisingly original work. A

● Scorpio Stellium (Introverted, Intuitive)

● Capricorn ASC, Stellium in Capricorn, Sun in Aquarius (Thinking, Judging) H

● Cancer ASC, Sun in Scorpio (Introverted, Intuitive)

● Moon in Capricorn (Judging) P

● Scorpio ASC (Introverted)

● Stellium in Virgo (Thinking, Judging) Writers J

● Stellium in Gemini

● Venus and Mercury in mutual reception - poetry, adding music to words S

● Mercury in Virgo, multiple aspects (editor)

● Sun trine Saturn (giving ideas form)

● Moon conjunct ASC in (passionate about social justice) V

● Stellium in Gemini, Mercury in Gemini Visual Artists A

● Venus rules 5th, (desire to make tangible, beautiful things - mosaic artist)

● Venus in Sagittarius, stellium in Scorpio (Emphasis on meaning and depth) H

● Venus conjunct Mars in Sagittarius in 6th house

● Worked as a costume designer for most of her life P

● Stellium in Virgo

● 5th house Pisces

● Work is small scale, detailed, and also has an abstract, otherworldly quality Musicians O

● 5th house Gemini

● Mercury (ruler of stringed instruments) in 1st Aquarius

● Cellist Dancers L

● Jupiter in Pisces in 5th house (ruling feet)

● Dancer, multiple styles B

● Jupiter in Leo in 1st

● Loves to perform and acting out emotions Multipassionates E

● 5th house Pisces, Jupiter in Pisces (mutable)

● Has done a lot of different creative pursuits, describes herself as a “jack of all trades" S

● 6th house Pisces (mutable)

● Jupiter in Gemini (mutable)

● Has worked many different jobs Conclusion

There are countless ways to express Creativity and Introversion. Rather than forcing us through a series of scientifically-verifiable multiple choice questions, the study of astrology allows us to see the diverse ways Creativity and Introversion can show themselves in our lives.

With these insights from the birth chart, we can get to know how best to express ourselves and channel our creative potential, in a way that fits us best. Conclusion

So did I spot any patterns? No.

Instead, I realised that creativity and introversion are as diverse and multifaceted as we are.

I believe these bizarre maps of the stars and planets can actually tell us, in creepily accurate depth, what we’re capable of in terms of our creative potential, and what we’re karmically dealing with in terms of our personality type and challenges we might face. IntrovertOFFER! Introductory