Introduction to Astrological Symbolism: Test For all questions: Use the following chart calculated using the Whole Sign House Systems: Clint Eastwood: May 31, 1930 at 5:35 p.m., San Francisco, CA (AA rating) Note re Citation: If the question asks for a citation, this means to list the Author, Title of Book (or the astrologer and name for the internet site), Date published (or the internet URL and the date you viewed the page). For full marks (8 points) be sure to include biographical material when asked for astrological descriptions. 1. [2 points] Is this a diurnal or nocturnal chart? How can you tell from just looking at the chart? 2. Fill out the information below indicating the actual planets that are in each section. a. [1 point]Do any of these items change when you change house systems? b. [5 points] List the distribution of planets in hemispheres (southern, northern, eastern, western). Note which planets are in each hemisphere. Write a brief interpretation of this distribution. c. [2 points] Write a brief sentence interpreting the strongest quadrant. d. Using the lights & planets only: i. [2 points] List the planets in each element ii. [2 points] List the planets in the qualities/modes of action iii. [1 point] Does the strongest combination change when you add in the and Midheaven? iv. [4 points] What is (are) the strongest combination(s)? Write a brief interpretation of the combined distribution of element and quality and whether or not you think this combination highlights Eastwood’s Sun, Moon or Ascendant. e. [5 points] Using the 7 basic chart patterns by Marc Edmund Jones, what is the chart pattern for this chart? Give a brief description for that chart pattern and a brief description of how you would interpret that pattern in Eastwood’s chart. 3. Using Whole Sign Houses: a. [3 points]For the Sun, Moon and Ascendant, list their sign, sign ruler and house placement. For each sign ruler, list its sign and house placement. b. [3 points]Pick one (Sun, Moon or Ascendant) – does the planetary placement of its ruler support or create tension or difficulty for that planet or point. 4. [3 points]Pick one difference between a Placidus and Whole Sign House chart. How would this difference change your interpretation? 5. [5 points] List any planets in traditional (classical) , detriment or fall. Pick one of them and give a brief description of how you would interpret it in this chart. 6. [3 points]Write out the dispositor pattern(s) for the planets. (Example: Sun () -> Saturn () -> Venus (Pisces) -> Jupiter (traditional – in Pisces) a. [1 point]Does this chart have a final dispositor? b. [1 point]Are any planets in mutual reception? c. [5 points]Give a brief interpretation of this dispositor pattern in Eastwood’s chart. 7. [5 points] Are there any aspect configurations in this chart (for example, a Grand Trine or Mystic Rectangle) using orbs up to 7 degrees? If there is a configuration, what planets are involved? Give a brief interpretation for that aspect configuration in this chart. 8. With regard to retrograde Saturn opposite Venus. a. Here is an interpretation of this aspect from a modern astrologer: “You have an inability to trust and show your love for other people. This probably stems from childhood experiences with your parents. You may have felt unworthy of your parents' love. Alternatively you may have perceived your parents' as cold and unloving. As an adult you may become involved in relationships with an older person or someone who offers you financial or emotional security. You need to develop your own value system and develop compassion for yourself and other people.” b. [6 points] Create your own interpretation that includes not only the aspect, but the retrograde of Saturn and the sign and house position for Saturn and Venus and any other information you find helpful to your interpretation. Make sure to indicate which house system and other factors you are using. 9. Using the Moon and it’s sign a. [4 points] Identify keywords associated with the sign’s element, the sign’s mode/quality and the sign’s ruling planet (if there is more than one possible ruler, list each individually). Write a brief interpretation of the Moon that combines this information. b. [2 points] Identify keywords for the house position of the Moon using both the Placidus and Whole Sign House system. c. [6 points] Pick one house system (make sure to indicate which one) and write an interpretation of the Moon in its sign and house. Include any other points from the chart that you find useful for your interpretation (aspects, dispositors, etc.). 10. [5 points] List the major aspects between Mars and the other planets. Make sure to indicate whether the aspects are approaching or separating. Give your interpretation of at least one of these aspects. 11. [8 points] Pick a house containing one or more planets in the chart – separate and compare the different meanings that the sign, house, planet contributes to the overall meaning in the chart - include rulership information (both classical and modern if applicable). 12. [5 points] What 2 or 3 planets are strong in this chart and stand out as major aspects of the personality? Give your reasons for choosing those planets. 13. [3 points] If you did not already list them above, what source(s) did you use to create your interpretations? a. If you used keywords or phrases from more than one source, were there any problems combining their information? b. How do you decide what source you will use?